
v0.0.0-...-7f3aa20 Latest Latest

This package is not in the latest version of its module.

Go to latest
Published: Nov 26, 2023 License: MIT Imports: 4 Imported by: 0




View Source
const (
	DeviceFlowPending      = 0
	DeviceFlowErrorExpired = 1
	DeviceFlowErrorDenied  = 2
	DeviceFlowComplete     = 3
View Source
const (
	AuthCodePending  = 0
	AuthCodeComplete = 1
View Source
const (
	AuthScopeNone                 = ""
	AuthScopeAll                  = "all"
	AuthScopeIdentity             = "identity"
	AuthScopeProfileEdit          = "profile:edit"
	AuthScopeProfileAppsRead      = "profile:apps:read"
	AuthScopeUsersRead            = "users:read"
	AuthScopeSubmissionRead       = "submission:read"
	AuthScopeSubmissionReadFiles  = "submission:read-files"
	AuthScopeSubmissionEdit       = "submission:edit"
	AuthScopeSubmissionUpload     = "submission:upload"
	AuthScopeFlashfreezeRead      = "flashfreeze:read"
	AuthScopeFlashfreezeReadFiles = "flashfreeze:read-files"
	AuthScopeFlashfreezeUpload    = "flashfreeze:upload"
	AuthScopeTagEdit              = "tag:edit"
	AuthScopeGameDataRead         = "game-data:read"
	AuthScopeGameDataEdit         = "game-data:edit"
	AuthScopeGameRead             = "game:read"
	AuthScopeGameEdit             = "game:edit"
	AuthScopeHashCheck            = "hash-check"


This section is empty.


This section is empty.


type AdditionalApp

type AdditionalApp struct {
	ID              string `json:"id,omitempty"`
	ApplicationPath string `json:"application_path"`
	AutoRunBefore   bool   `json:"auto_run_before"`
	LaunchCommand   string `json:"launch_command"`
	Name            string `json:"name"`
	WaitForExit     bool   `json:"wait_for_exit"`
	ParentGameID    string `json:"parent_game_id"`

type ApplyContentPatchPageData

type ApplyContentPatchPageData struct {
	SubmissionID int64
	CurationMeta *CurationMeta
	ExistingMeta *Game

type ArchiveState

type ArchiveState int8
const (
	NotArchived ArchiveState = iota

func (ArchiveState) String

func (as ArchiveState) String() string

type AuthCodeToken

type AuthCodeToken struct {
	Code        string
	UserID      int64
	RedirectUri string
	ClientID    string
	ExpiresAt   time.Time
	Scope       string
	IPAddr      string
	State       int64

type AuthScope

type AuthScope struct {
	Name        string
	Description string

type AuthTokenResponse

type AuthTokenResponse struct {
	AccessToken string `json:"access_token"`
	TokenType   string `json:"token_type"`
	ExpiresIn   int64  `json:"expires_in"`

type BasePageData

type BasePageData struct {
	Username      string
	UserID        int64
	AvatarURL     string
	UserRoles     []string
	IsDevInstance bool

type ClientApplication

type ClientApplication struct {
	UserID            int64    `json:"user_id"`
	UserRoles         []string `json:"user_roles"`
	ClientId          string   `json:"client_id"`
	Name              string   `json:"name"`
	ClientCredsScopes []string `json:"client_creds_scopes"`
	Scopes            []string `json:"scopes"`
	RedirectURIs      []string `json:"redirect_uris"`
	OwnerUID          int64    `json:"owner_uid"`

type Comment

type Comment struct {
	ID           int64
	AuthorID     int64
	SubmissionID int64
	Action       string
	Message      *string
	CreatedAt    time.Time

type CurationAdditionalApp

type CurationAdditionalApp struct {
	Heading         *string `json:"Heading"`
	ApplicationPath *string `json:"Application Path"`
	LaunchCommand   *string `json:"Launch Command"`

type CurationImage

type CurationImage struct {
	ID               int64
	SubmissionFileID int64
	Type             string
	Filename         string

type CurationMeta

type CurationMeta struct {
	SubmissionID        int64
	SubmissionFileID    int64
	GameExists          bool                     `json:"game_exists"`
	UUID                *string                  `json:"UUID"`
	ApplicationPath     *string                  `json:"Application Path"`
	Developer           *string                  `json:"Developer"`
	Extreme             *string                  `json:"Extreme"`
	GameNotes           *string                  `json:"Game Notes"`
	Languages           *string                  `json:"Languages"`
	LaunchCommand       *string                  `json:"Launch Command"`
	OriginalDescription *string                  `json:"Original Description"`
	PlayMode            *string                  `json:"Play Mode"`
	PrimaryPlatform     *string                  `json:"Primary Platform"`
	Platform            *string                  `json:"Platforms"`
	Publisher           *string                  `json:"Publisher"`
	ReleaseDate         *string                  `json:"Release Date"`
	Series              *string                  `json:"Series"`
	Source              *string                  `json:"Source"`
	Status              *string                  `json:"Status"`
	Tags                *string                  `json:"Tags"`
	TagCategories       *string                  `json:"Tag Categories"`
	Title               *string                  `json:"Title"`
	AlternateTitles     *string                  `json:"Alternate Titles"`
	Library             *string                  `json:"Library"`
	Version             *string                  `json:"Version"`
	CurationNotes       *string                  `json:"Curation Notes"`
	MountParameters     *string                  `json:"Mount Parameters"`
	Extras              *string                  `json:"Extras"`
	Message             *string                  `json:"Message"`
	AdditionalApps      []*CurationAdditionalApp `json:"Additional Applications"`

type DeleteUserSessionsRequest

type DeleteUserSessionsRequest struct {
	DiscordID int64 `schema:"discord-user-id"`

type DeletedGame

type DeletedGame struct {
	ID           string    `json:"id"`
	DateModified time.Time `json:"date_modified"`
	Reason       string    `json:"reason"`

type DeviceAuthPageData

type DeviceAuthPageData struct {
	Token  *DeviceFlowToken
	States DeviceAuthStates
	Scopes []AuthScope

type DeviceAuthStates

type DeviceAuthStates struct {
	Pending  int64
	Complete int64
	Expired  int64
	Denied   int64

type DeviceFlowPollResponse

type DeviceFlowPollResponse struct {
	Error string `json:"error,omitempty"`
	Token string `json:"access_token,omitempty"`

type DeviceFlowToken

type DeviceFlowToken struct {
	DeviceCode              string             `json:"device_code"`
	Scope                   string             `json:"-"`
	UserCode                string             `json:"user_code"`
	VerificationURI         string             `json:"verification_uri"`
	VerificationURIComplete string             `json:"verification_uri_complete"`
	ExpiresIn               int64              `json:"expires_in"`
	Interval                int64              `json:"interval"`
	ClientApplication       *ClientApplication `json:"-"`
	ExpiresAt               time.Time          `json:"-"`
	FlowState               int64              `json:"-"`
	AuthToken               map[string]string  `json:"-"` // Explictly add this to responses when suitable

type DiscordRole

type DiscordRole struct {
	ID    int64  `json:"id"`
	Name  string `json:"name"`
	Color string `json:"color"`

type DiscordUser

type DiscordUser struct {
	ID            int64  `json:"id"`
	Username      string `json:"username"`
	Avatar        string `json:"avatar"`
	Discriminator string `json:"discriminator"`
	PublicFlags   int64  `json:"public_flags"`
	Flags         int64  `json:"flags"`
	Locale        string `json:"locale"`
	MFAEnabled    bool   `json:"mfa_enabled"`

type ExtendedComment

type ExtendedComment struct {
	CommentID    int64
	AuthorID     int64
	Username     string
	AvatarURL    string
	SubmissionID int64
	Action       string
	Message      *string
	CreatedAt    time.Time

type ExtendedFlashfreezeItem

type ExtendedFlashfreezeItem struct {
	FileID            int64
	SubmitterID       int64
	SubmitterUsername string
	OriginalFilename  string
	MD5Sum            string
	SHA256Sum         string
	Size              int64
	UploadedAt        *time.Time // only for root files
	Description       *string    // only for inner files
	IsRootFile        bool
	IsDeepFile        bool
	IndexingTime      *time.Duration // only for root files
	FileCount         *int64         // only for root files
	IndexingErrors    *int64         // only for root files

type ExtendedSubmission

type ExtendedSubmission struct {
	SubmissionID                int64
	SubmissionLevel             string
	SubmitterID                 int64     // oldest file
	SubmitterUsername           string    // oldest file
	SubmitterAvatarURL          string    // oldest file
	UpdaterID                   int64     // newest file
	UpdaterUsername             string    // newest file
	UpdaterAvatarURL            string    // newest file
	FileID                      int64     // newest file
	OriginalFilename            string    // newest file
	CurrentFilename             string    // newest file
	Size                        int64     // newest file
	UploadedAt                  time.Time // oldest file
	UpdatedAt                   time.Time // newest file
	LastUploaderID              int64     // newest file
	CurationTitle               *string   // newest file
	CurationAlternateTitles     *string   // newest file
	CurationPlatform            *string   // newest file
	CurationLaunchCommand       *string   // newest file
	CurationLibrary             *string   // newest file
	CurationExtreme             *string   // newest file
	BotAction                   string
	FileCount                   uint64
	AssignedTestingUserIDs      []int64
	AssignedVerificationUserIDs []int64
	RequestedChangesUserIDs     []int64
	ApprovedUserIDs             []int64
	VerifiedUserIDs             []int64
	DistinctActions             []string
	GameExists                  bool
	IsFrozen                    bool
	ShouldAutofreeze            bool

type ExtendedSubmissionFile

type ExtendedSubmissionFile struct {
	FileID             int64
	SubmissionID       int64
	SubmitterID        int64
	SubmitterUsername  string
	SubmitterAvatarURL string
	OriginalFilename   string
	CurrentFilename    string
	Size               int64
	UploadedAt         time.Time
	MD5Sum             string
	SHA256Sum          string

type FetchGamesRequest

type FetchGamesRequest struct {
	GameIDs []string `json:"game_ids"`

type FlashfreezeFile

type FlashfreezeFile struct {
	ID               int64
	UserID           int64
	OriginalFilename string
	CurrentFilename  string
	Size             int64
	UploadedAt       time.Time
	MD5Sum           string
	SHA256Sum        string

type FlashfreezeFilter

type FlashfreezeFilter struct {
	FileIDs     []int64 `schema:"file-id"`
	SubmitterID *int64  `schema:"submitter-id"`

	NameFulltext        *string `schema:"name-fulltext"`
	DescriptionFulltext *string `schema:"description-fulltext"` // only for inner files

	NamePrefix        *string `schema:"name-prefix"`
	DescriptionPrefix *string `schema:"description-prefix"` // only for inner files

	SizeMin *int64 `schema:"size-min"`
	SizeMax *int64 `schema:"size-max"`

	SubmitterUsernamePartial *string `schema:"submitter-username-partial"`
	MD5SumPartial            *string `schema:"md5sum-partial"`
	SHA256SumPartial         *string `schema:"sha256sum-partial"`

	SearchFiles            *bool `schema:"search-files"`
	SearchFilesRecursively *bool `schema:"search-files-recursively"`

	ResultsPerPage *int64 `schema:"results-per-page"`
	Page           *int64 `schema:"page"`

func (*FlashfreezeFilter) Validate

func (ff *FlashfreezeFilter) Validate() error

type FlashpointDiscordRole

type FlashpointDiscordRole struct {
	ID    string `json:"id"`
	Name  string `json:"name"`
	Color string `json:"color"`

type FlashpointDiscordUser

type FlashpointDiscordUser struct {
	ID    string                   `json:"id"`
	Roles []*FlashpointDiscordRole `json:"roles"`
	Color string                   `json:"color"`

type Game

type Game struct {
	ID              string           `json:"id"`
	ParentGameID    *string          `json:"parent_game_id,omitempty"`
	Title           string           `json:"title"`
	AlternateTitles string           `json:"alternate_titles"`
	Series          string           `json:"series"`
	Developer       string           `json:"developer"`
	Publisher       string           `json:"publisher"`
	PrimaryPlatform string           `json:"platform_name,omitempty"`
	Platforms       []*Platform      `json:"platforms,omitempty"`
	PlatformsStr    string           `json:"platforms_str"`
	DateAdded       time.Time        `json:"date_added"`
	DateModified    time.Time        `json:"date_modified"`
	PlayMode        string           `json:"play_mode"`
	Status          string           `json:"status"`
	Notes           string           `json:"notes"`
	Tags            []*Tag           `json:"tags,omitempty"`
	TagsStr         string           `json:"tags_str"`
	Source          string           `json:"source"`
	ApplicationPath string           `json:"application_path"`
	LaunchCommand   string           `json:"launch_command"`
	ReleaseDate     string           `json:"release_date"`
	Version         string           `json:"version"`
	OriginalDesc    string           `json:"original_description"`
	Language        string           `json:"language"`
	Library         string           `json:"library"`
	AddApps         []*AdditionalApp `json:"add_apps"`
	ActiveDataID    *int             `json:"active_data_id,omitempty"`
	Data            []*GameData      `json:"data,omitempty"`
	Action          string           `json:"action"`
	Reason          string           `json:"reason"`
	ArchiveState    ArchiveState     `json:"archive_state"`
	Deleted         bool
	UserID          int64

type GameContentPatch

type GameContentPatch struct {
	Title           *string `json:"Title,omitempty"`
	AlternateTitles *string `json:"AlternateTitles,omitempty"`
	Series          *string `json:"Series,omitempty"`
	Developer       *string `json:"Developer,omitempty"`
	Publisher       *string `json:"Publisher,omitempty"`
	PlayMode        *string `json:"PlayMode,omitempty"`
	Status          *string `json:"status,omitempty"`
	Notes           *string `json:"Notes,omitempty"`
	Source          *string `json:"Source,omitempty"`
	ReleaseDate     *string `json:"ReleaseDate,omitempty"`
	Version         *string `json:"Version,omitempty"`
	OriginalDesc    *string `json:"OriginalDesc,omitempty"`
	Language        *string `json:"Language,omitempty"`
	Library         *string `json:"Library,omitempty"`

type GameCountSinceDateJSON

type GameCountSinceDateJSON struct {
	Total int `json:"total"`

type GameData

type GameData struct {
	ID              int       `json:"id,omitempty"`
	GameID          string    `json:"game_id"`
	Title           string    `json:"title"`
	DateAdded       time.Time `json:"date_added,omitempty"`
	SHA256          string    `json:"sha_256"`
	CRC32           int       `json:"crc_32"`
	Size            int64     `json:"size"`
	Parameters      *string   `json:"parameters"`
	ApplicationPath string    `json:"application_path"`
	LaunchCommand   string    `json:"launch_command"`
	Indexed         bool      `json:"indexed"`
	IndexError      bool      `json:"index_error"`

type GameDataIndex

type GameDataIndex struct {
	GameID string              `json:"game_id"`
	Date   int64               `json:"date_added"`
	Data   []GameDataIndexFile `json:"data"`

type GameDataIndexFile

type GameDataIndexFile struct {
	SHA256 string `json:"sha256"`
	SHA1   string `json:"sha1"`
	CRC32  string `json:"crc32"`
	MD5    string `json:"md5"`
	Path   string `json:"path"`
	Size   int64  `json:"size"`

type GameDataIndexPageData

type GameDataIndexPageData struct {
	Index *GameDataIndex

type GameDataPageData

type GameDataPageData struct {
	GameData *GameData

type GameDump

type GameDump struct {
	ID              string           `json:"id"`
	ParentGameID    *string          `json:"parent_game_id,omitempty"`
	Title           string           `json:"title"`
	AlternateTitles string           `json:"alternate_titles"`
	Series          string           `json:"series"`
	Developer       string           `json:"developer"`
	Publisher       string           `json:"publisher"`
	PrimaryPlatform string           `json:"platform_name,omitempty"`
	Platforms       []*Platform      `json:"platforms,omitempty"`
	PlatformsStr    string           `json:"platforms_str"`
	DateAdded       time.Time        `json:"date_added"`
	DateModified    time.Time        `json:"date_modified"`
	PlayMode        string           `json:"play_mode"`
	Status          string           `json:"status"`
	Notes           string           `json:"notes"`
	Tags            []*Tag           `json:"tags,omitempty"`
	TagsStr         string           `json:"tags_str"`
	Source          string           `json:"source"`
	ApplicationPath string           `json:"legacy_application_path"`
	LaunchCommand   string           `json:"legacy_launch_command"`
	ReleaseDate     string           `json:"release_date"`
	Version         string           `json:"version"`
	OriginalDesc    string           `json:"original_description"`
	Language        string           `json:"language"`
	Library         string           `json:"library"`
	AddApps         []*AdditionalApp `json:"add_apps"`
	ActiveDataID    *int             `json:"active_data_id,omitempty"`
	Data            []*GameData      `json:"data,omitempty"`
	Action          string           `json:"action"`
	Reason          string           `json:"reason"`
	Deleted         bool
	UserID          int64

type GamePageData

type GamePageData struct {
	Game                *Game
	GameAvatarURL       string
	GameAuthorID        int64
	GameUsername        string
	Revisions           []*RevisionInfo
	LogoUrl             string
	ScreenshotUrl       string
	ImagesCdn           string
	ValidDeleteReasons  []string
	ValidRestoreReasons []string

type GamePageResJSON

type GamePageResJSON struct {
	Games             []*Game          `json:"games"`
	AddApps           []*AdditionalApp `json:"add_apps"`
	GameData          []*GameData      `json:"game_data"`
	TagRelations      [][]string       `json:"tag_relations"`
	PlatformRelations [][]string       `json:"platform_relations"`

type GamesDeletedSinceDateJSON

type GamesDeletedSinceDateJSON struct {
	Games []*DeletedGame `json:"games"`

type IndexMatchData

type IndexMatchData struct {
	SHA256 string `json:"sha256"`
	SHA1   string `json:"sha1"`
	CRC32  string `json:"crc32"`
	MD5    string `json:"md5"`
	Path   string `json:"path"`
	Size   int64  `json:"size"`
	GameID string `json:"game_id"`
	Date   int64  `json:"date_added"`

type IndexMatchResult

type IndexMatchResult struct {
	Results []*IndexMatchResultData `json:"results"`

type IndexMatchResultData

type IndexMatchResultData struct {
	HashType string            `json:"type"`
	Hash     string            `json:"hash"`
	Matches  []*IndexMatchData `json:"data"`

type IndexedFileEntry

type IndexedFileEntry struct {
	Name             string `json:"name"`
	SizeCompressed   int64  `json:"size_compressed"`
	SizeUncompressed int64  `json:"size_uncompressed"`
	FileUtilOutput   string `json:"file_util_output"`
	SHA256           string `json:"sha256"`
	MD5              string `json:"md5"`

type IndexerResp

type IndexerResp struct {
	ArchiveFilename string              `json:"archive_filename"`
	Files           []*IndexedFileEntry `json:"files"`
	IndexingErrors  uint64              `json:"indexing_errors"`

type InvalidAddApps

type InvalidAddApps struct {

func (InvalidAddApps) Error

func (iaa InvalidAddApps) Error() string

type InvalidTagUpdate

type InvalidTagUpdate struct {

func (InvalidTagUpdate) Error

func (itu InvalidTagUpdate) Error() string

type LauncherDump

type LauncherDump struct {
	Games             LauncherDumpGames      `json:"games"`
	Tags              LauncherDumpTags       `json:"tags"`
	Platforms         LauncherDumpPlatforms  `json:"platforms"`
	TagRelations      []LauncherDumpRelation `json:"tag_relations"`
	PlatformRelations []LauncherDumpRelation `json:"platform_relations"`

type LauncherDumpGames

type LauncherDumpGames struct {
	AddApps  []AdditionalApp `json:"add_apps"`
	GameData []GameData      `json:"game_data"`
	Games    []GameDump      `json:"games"`

type LauncherDumpPlatforms

type LauncherDumpPlatforms struct {
	Aliases   []PlatformAlias                 `json:"aliases"`
	Platforms []LauncherDumpPlatformsPlatform `json:"platforms"`

type LauncherDumpPlatformsPlatform

type LauncherDumpPlatformsPlatform struct {
	ID           int64  `json:"id"`
	Description  string `json:"description"`
	PrimaryAlias string `json:"primary_alias"`

func (*LauncherDumpPlatformsPlatform) UnmarshalJSON

func (p *LauncherDumpPlatformsPlatform) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

type LauncherDumpRelation

type LauncherDumpRelation struct {
	GameID string `json:"g"`
	Value  int64  `json:"v"`

type LauncherDumpTags

type LauncherDumpTags struct {
	Categories []TagCategory         `json:"categories"`
	Aliases    []TagAlias            `json:"aliases"`
	Tags       []LauncherDumpTagsTag `json:"tags"`

type LauncherDumpTagsAliases

type LauncherDumpTagsAliases struct {
	TagID int64  `json:"tagId"`
	Name  string `json:"name"`

type LauncherDumpTagsTag

type LauncherDumpTagsTag struct {
	ID           int64  `json:"id"`
	CategoryID   int64  `json:"category_id"`
	Description  string `json:"description"`
	PrimaryAlias string `json:"primary_alias"`

func (*LauncherDumpTagsTag) UnmarshalJSON

func (t *LauncherDumpTagsTag) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

type MasterDatabaseGame

type MasterDatabaseGame struct {
	UUID                string
	Title               *string
	AlternateTitles     *string
	Series              *string
	Developer           *string
	Publisher           *string
	Platform            *string
	Extreme             *string
	PlayMode            *string
	Status              *string
	GameNotes           *string
	Source              *string
	LaunchCommand       *string
	ReleaseDate         *string
	Version             *string
	OriginalDescription *string
	Languages           *string
	Library             *string
	Tags                *string
	DateAdded           time.Time
	DateModified        time.Time

type MetadataStatsPageData

type MetadataStatsPageData struct {

type MetadataStatsPageDataBare

type MetadataStatsPageDataBare struct {
	TotalGames      int64
	TotalAnimations int64
	TotalTags       int64
	TotalPlatforms  int64
	TotalLegacy     int64

type MissingLaunchParams

type MissingLaunchParams struct {

func (MissingLaunchParams) Error

func (mlp MissingLaunchParams) Error() string

type NoGameDataFound

type NoGameDataFound struct {

func (NoGameDataFound) Error

func (ngdf NoGameDataFound) Error() string

type NotContentPatch

type NotContentPatch struct {

func (NotContentPatch) Error

func (ncp NotContentPatch) Error() string

type NotEnoughImages

type NotEnoughImages string

func (NotEnoughImages) Error

func (nei NotEnoughImages) Error() string

type Notification

type Notification struct {
	ID        int64
	Type      string
	Message   string
	CreatedAt time.Time
	SentAt    time.Time

type Platform

type Platform struct {
	ID           int64     `json:"id"`
	Name         string    `json:"name"`
	Description  string    `json:"description"`
	DateModified time.Time `json:"date_modified"`
	Aliases      *string   `json:"aliases,omitempty"`
	Action       string    `json:"action"`
	Reason       string    `json:"reason"`
	Deleted      bool
	UserID       int64 `json:"user_id"`

type PlatformAlias

type PlatformAlias struct {
	PlatformID int64  `json:"platform_id"`
	Name       string `json:"name"`

type PlatformsPageData

type PlatformsPageData struct {
	Platforms  []*Platform
	TotalCount int64

type ProfilePageData

type ProfilePageData struct {
	NotificationActions []string

type ReceiveFileResp

type ReceiveFileResp struct {
	Message string  `json:"message"`
	URL     *string `json:"url"`

type ReceiveFileTempNameResp

type ReceiveFileTempNameResp struct {
	Message  string  `json:"message"`
	TempName *string `json:"temp_name"`

type RepackError

type RepackError string

func (RepackError) Error

func (ce RepackError) Error() string

type ResumableParams

type ResumableParams struct {
	ResumableChunkNumber      int    `schema:"resumableChunkNumber"`
	ResumableChunkSize        uint64 `schema:"resumableChunkSize"`
	ResumableTotalSize        int64  `schema:"resumableTotalSize"`
	ResumableIdentifier       string `schema:"resumableIdentifier"`
	ResumableFilename         string `schema:"resumableFilename"`
	ResumableRelativePath     string `schema:"resumableRelativePath"`
	ResumableCurrentChunkSize int64  `schema:"resumableCurrentChunkSize"`
	ResumableTotalChunks      int    `schema:"resumableTotalChunks"`

type RevisionInfo

type RevisionInfo struct {
	Action    string
	Reason    string
	CreatedAt time.Time
	AvatarURL string
	AuthorID  int64
	Username  string

type SearchFlashfreezePageData

type SearchFlashfreezePageData struct {
	FlashfreezeFiles []*ExtendedFlashfreezeItem
	TotalCount       int64
	Filter           FlashfreezeFilter

type SessionInfo

type SessionInfo struct {
	ID        int64  `json:"id"`
	UID       int64  `json:"uid"`
	Scope     string `json:"scope"`
	Client    string `json:"client"`
	ExpiresAt int64  `json:"expires_at"`
	IpAddr    string `json:"ip_addr"`

type SimilarityAttributes

type SimilarityAttributes struct {
	ID                 string
	Title              *string
	LaunchCommand      *string
	TitleRatio         float64
	LaunchCommandRatio float64

type StatisticsPageData

type StatisticsPageData struct {
	SubmissionCount             int64
	SubmissionCountBotHappy     int64
	SubmissionCountBotSad       int64
	SubmissionCountApproved     int64
	SubmissionCountVerified     int64
	SubmissionCountRejected     int64
	SubmissionCountInFlashpoint int64
	UserCount                   int64
	CommentCount                int64
	FlashfreezeCount            int64
	FlashfreezeFileCount        int64
	TotalSubmissionSize         int64
	TotalFlashfreezeSize        int64

type SubmissionFile

type SubmissionFile struct {
	SubmitterID      int64
	SubmissionID     int64
	OriginalFilename string
	CurrentFilename  string
	Size             int64
	UploadedAt       time.Time
	MD5Sum           string
	SHA256Sum        string

type SubmissionStatus

type SubmissionStatus struct {
	Status       string  `json:"status"`
	Message      *string `json:"message"`
	SubmissionID *int64  `json:"submission_id"`

type SubmissionsFilesPageData

type SubmissionsFilesPageData struct {
	SubmissionFiles []*ExtendedSubmissionFile

type SubmissionsFilter

type SubmissionsFilter struct {
	SubmissionIDs                  []int64  `schema:"submission-id"`
	SubmitterID                    *int64   `schema:"submitter-id"`
	TitlePartial                   *string  `schema:"title-partial"`
	SubmitterUsernamePartial       *string  `schema:"submitter-username-partial"`
	PlatformPartial                *string  `schema:"platform-partial"`
	LibraryPartial                 *string  `schema:"library-partial"`
	OriginalFilenamePartialAny     *string  `schema:"original-filename-partial-any"`
	CurrentFilenamePartialAny      *string  `schema:"current-filename-partial-any"`
	MD5SumPartialAny               *string  `schema:"md5sum-partial-any"`
	SHA256SumPartialAny            *string  `schema:"sha256sum-partial-any"`
	BotActions                     []string `schema:"bot-action"`
	ResultsPerPage                 *int64   `schema:"results-per-page"`
	Page                           *int64   `schema:"page"`
	AssignedStatusTesting          *string  `schema:"assigned-status-testing"`
	AssignedStatusVerification     *string  `schema:"assigned-status-verification"`
	RequestedChangedStatus         *string  `schema:"requested-changes-status"`
	ApprovalsStatus                *string  `schema:"approvals-status"`
	VerificationStatus             *string  `schema:"verification-status"`
	SubmissionLevels               []string `schema:"sumbission-level"`
	AssignedStatusTestingMe        *string  `schema:"assigned-status-testing-me"`
	AssignedStatusVerificationMe   *string  `schema:"assigned-status-verification-me"`
	RequestedChangedStatusMe       *string  `schema:"requested-changes-status-me"`
	ApprovalsStatusMe              *string  `schema:"approvals-status-me"`
	VerificationStatusMe           *string  `schema:"verification-status-me"`
	AssignedStatusUserID           *int64   `schema:"assigned-status-user-id"`
	AssignedStatusTestingUser      *string  `schema:"assigned-status-testing-user"`
	AssignedStatusVerificationUser *string  `schema:"assigned-status-verification-user"`
	RequestedChangedStatusUser     *string  `schema:"requested-changes-status-user"`
	ApprovalsStatusUser            *string  `schema:"approvals-status-user"`
	VerificationStatusUser         *string  `schema:"verification-status-user"`
	IsExtreme                      *string  `schema:"is-extreme"`
	DistinctActions                []string `schema:"distinct-action"`
	DistinctActionsNot             []string `schema:"distinct-action-not"`
	LaunchCommandFuzzy             *string  `schema:"launch-command-fuzzy"`
	LastUploaderNotMe              *string  `schema:"last-uploader-not-me"`
	OrderBy                        *string  `schema:"order-by"`
	AscDesc                        *string  `schema:"asc-desc"`
	SubscribedMe                   *string  `schema:"subscribed-me"`
	IsContentChange                *string  `schema:"is-content-change"`
	ExcludeLegacy                  bool
	UpdatedByID                    *int64
	IsFrozen                       *string `schema:"is-frozen"`

func (*SubmissionsFilter) Validate

func (sf *SubmissionsFilter) Validate() error

type SubmissionsPageData

type SubmissionsPageData struct {
	Submissions  []*ExtendedSubmission
	TotalCount   int64
	Filter       SubmissionsFilter
	FilterLayout string

type Tag

type Tag struct {
	ID           int64     `json:"id"`
	Name         string    `json:"name"`
	Description  string    `json:"description"`
	DateModified time.Time `json:"date_modified"`
	Category     string    `json:"category"`
	Aliases      *string   `json:"aliases,omitempty"`
	Action       string    `json:"action"`
	Reason       string    `json:"reason"`
	Deleted      bool
	UserID       int64 `json:"user_id"`

type TagAlias

type TagAlias struct {
	TagID int64  `json:"tag_id"`
	Name  string `json:"name"`

type TagCategory

type TagCategory struct {
	ID          int64  `json:"id"`
	Name        string `json:"name"`
	Color       string `json:"color"`
	Description string `json:"description"`

type TagPageData

type TagPageData struct {
	Tag        *Tag
	Categories []*TagCategory
	Revisions  []*RevisionInfo
	GamesUsing int64

type TagsPageData

type TagsPageData struct {
	Tags       []*Tag
	Categories []*TagCategory
	TotalCount int64

type TagsPageDataJSON

type TagsPageDataJSON struct {
	Tags       []*Tag         `json:"tags"`
	Categories []*TagCategory `json:"categories"`

type UpdateNotificationSettings

type UpdateNotificationSettings struct {
	NotificationActions []string `schema:"notification-action"`

type UpdateSubscriptionSettings

type UpdateSubscriptionSettings struct {
	Subscribe bool `schema:"subscribe"`

type User

type User struct {
	ID       string `json:"id"`
	Username string `json:"username"`

type UserStatistics

type UserStatistics struct {
	UserID           int64
	Username         string
	Role             string
	LastUserActivity time.Time
	// these are actions by the user
	UserCommentedCount         int64
	UserRequestedChangesCount  int64
	UserApprovedCount          int64
	UserVerifiedCount          int64
	UserAddedToFlashpointCount int64
	UserRejectedCount          int64
	// these are action of other users on this user's submissions, and the latest state is counted (so, a verified submission is not counted as approved)
	SubmissionsCount                  int64
	SubmissionsBotHappyCount          int64
	SubmissionsBotUnhappyCount        int64
	SubmissionsRequestedChangesCount  int64
	SubmissionsApprovedCount          int64
	SubmissionsVerifiedCount          int64
	SubmissionsAddedToFlashpointCount int64
	SubmissionsRejectedCount          int64

type UserStatisticsPageData

type UserStatisticsPageData struct {
	Users []*UserStatistics

type ValidatorRepackResponse

type ValidatorRepackResponse struct {
	Error    *string                  `json:"error,omitempty"`
	FilePath *string                  `json:"path,omitempty"`
	Meta     CurationMeta             `json:"meta"`
	Images   []ValidatorResponseImage `json:"images"`

type ValidatorResponse

type ValidatorResponse struct {
	Filename         string                   `json:"filename"`
	Path             string                   `json:"path"`
	CurationErrors   []string                 `json:"curation_errors"`
	CurationWarnings []string                 `json:"curation_warnings"`
	IsExtreme        bool                     `json:"is_extreme"`
	CurationType     int                      `json:"curation_type"`
	Meta             CurationMeta             `json:"meta"`
	Images           []ValidatorResponseImage `json:"images"`

type ValidatorResponseImage

type ValidatorResponseImage struct {
	Type string `json:"type"`
	Data string `json:"data"`

type ValidatorTagResponse

type ValidatorTagResponse struct {
	Tags []Tag `json:"tags"`

type ViewSubmissionPageData

type ViewSubmissionPageData struct {
	CurationMeta         *CurationMeta
	Comments             []*ExtendedComment
	IsUserSubscribed     bool
	CurationImageIDs     []int64
	NextSubmissionID     *int64
	PreviousSubmissionID *int64
	TagList              []Tag

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