
command module
v0.1.1 Latest Latest

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Published: Aug 16, 2023 License: MIT Imports: 1 Imported by: 0



post is a program for processing structured data files in bulk.

It was originally intended as an automation tool for generating LaTeX graphs from functionObject data generated by OpenFOAM® simulations, but has since evolved such that it can be used as a general structured data processor with optional graph generation support.

It's primary use is processing and formatting data spread over multiple files and/or archives. The main benefit being that the entire process is defined through one or more YAML formatted run files, hence, automating data processing pipelines is fairly simple, while no programming is necessary.

CLI usage


post [run file] [flags]
post [command]

Available Commands:

completion  Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
graphfile   Generate graph file stub(s)
help        Help about any command
runfile     Generate a run file stub


    --dry-run             check runfile syntax and exit
-h, --help                help for post
    --no-graph            don't write or generate graphs
    --no-graph-generate   don't generate graphs
    --no-graph-write      don't write graph files
    --no-output           don't output data
    --no-process          don't process data
    --only-graphs         only write and generate graphs, skip input, processing and output
    --skip strings        a list of pipeline IDs to be skipped during processing
-v, --verbose             verbose log output

Run file structure

post is controlled by a run file in YAML format file supplied as a CLI parameter. The run file consists of a list of pipelines, each defining 4 sections: input, process, output and graph. The input section defines input files and formats from which data is read; the process section defines operations which are applied to the data; the output section defines how the processed data will be output/stored; and the graph section defines how the data will be graphed.

Even though all sections are technically optional, certain sections depend on others, specifically, the process and output sections require an input section to be defined in order to work, since 'some data' is necessary for processing/output. The graph section is entirely optional and can both be omitted, defined by itself, or as part of a pipeline.

A single pipeline has the following fields:

- id:
    - type:
    - type:
  • id: the pipeline tag, used to reference the pipeline on the CLI; optional
  • input: the input section
    • type: input type; see Input for type descriptions
    • fields: field (column) names of the input data; optional
    • type_spec: input type specific configuration
  • process: the process section
    • type: process type; see Processing for type descriptions
    • type_spec: process type specific configuration
  • output: the output section
    • type: output type; see Output for type descriptions
    • type_spec: output type specific configuration
  • graph: the graph section
    • type: graph type; see Graphing for type descriptions
    • graphs: a list of graph type specific graph configurations

A simple run file example is shown below.

- input:
    type: dat
    fields: [x, y]
      file: 'xy.dat'
    - type: expression
        expression: '100*y'
        result: 'result'
    - type: csv
        file: 'output/data.csv'
    type: tex
      - name: xy.tex
        directory: output
        table_file: 'output/data.csv'
          - x:
              min: 0
              max: 1
              label: '$x$'
              min: 0
              max: 100
              label: '$100 y$'
              - x_field: x
                y_field: result
                legend_entry: 'result'

The example run file instructs post to do the following:

  1. read data from a DAT formatted file xy.dat and rename the fields (columns) to x and y
  2. evaluate the expression 100*y and store the result to a field named result
  3. output the data, now containing the fields x, y and result to a CSV formatted file output/data.csv, if the directory output does not exist, it will be created
  4. generate a graph using TeX in the output directory, using output/data.csv as the table (data) file, with x as the abscissa and result as the ordinate

For more examples see the test directory.


The following is a list of available input types and their descriptions along with their run file configuration stubs.

  • archive reads input from an archive. The archive format is inferred from the file name extension. The following archive formats are supported: TAR, TAR-GZ, TAR-BZIP2, TAR-XZ, ZIP. Note that archive input wraps one or more input types, i.e., the archive configuration only specifies how to read 'some data' from an archive, the wrapped input type reads the actual data. Another important note is that the contents of the archive are stored into memory the first time it is read, so if the same archive is used multiple times as an input source, it will be read from disk only once, each subsequent read will read directly from RAM. Hence it is beneficial to use the archive input type when the data consists of a large amount of input files, e.g., a large time-series.

      type: archive
        file:           # file path of the archive
        format_spec:    # input type configuration, e.g., a CSV input type
  • csv reads from a CSV formatted file. If the file contains a header line the header field should be set to true and the header column names will be used as the field names for the data. If no header line is present the header field must be set to false.

      type: csv
        file:           # file path of the CSV file
        header:         # determines if the CSV file has a header; default 'true'
        comment:        # character to denote comments; default '#'
        delimiter:      # character to use as the field delimiter; default ','
  • dat reads from a white-space-separated-value file. The type and amount of white space between columns is irrelevant, as are leading and trailing white spaces, as long as the number of columns (non-white space fields) is consistent in each row.

      type: dat
        file:           # file path of the DAT file
  • multiple is a wrapper for multiple input types. Data is read from each input type specified and once all inputs have been read, the data from each input is merged into a single data instance containing all fields (columns) from all inputs. The number and type of input types specified is arbitrary, but each input must yield data with the same number of rows.

      type: multiple
        format_specs:   # a list of input type configurations
  • ram reads data from an in-memory store. For the data to be read it must have been stored previously, e.g., a previous output section defines a ram output.

      type: ram
        name:           # key under which the data is stored
  • time-series reads data from a time-series of structured data files in the following format:

    ├── 0.0
    │   ├── data_0.csv
    │   ├── data_1.dat
    │   └── ...
    ├── 0.1
    │   ├── data_0.csv
    │   ├── data_1.dat
    │   └── ...
    └── ...

    where each data_*.* file contains the data in some format at the moment in time specified by the directory name. Each series dataset must be output into a different file, i.e., the data_0.csv files contain one dataset, data_1.dat another one, and so on.

      type: time-series
        file:           # file name (base only) of the time-series data files
        directory:      # path to the root directory of the time-series
        time_name:      # the time field name; default is 'time'
        format_spec:    # input type configuration, e.g., a CSV input type


The following is a list of available processor types and their descriptions along with their run file configuration stubs.

  • average-cycle mutates the data by computing the enesemble average of a cycle for all numeric fields. The ensemble average is computed as:

    Φ(ωt) = 1/N Σ ϕ[ω(t+j)T], j = 0...N-1

    where ϕ is the slice of values to be averaged, ω the angular velocity, t the time and T the period.

    The resulting data will contain the cycle average of all numeric fields and a time field (named time), containing times for each row of cycle average data, in the range (0, T]. The time field will be the last field (column), while the order of the other fields is preserved.

    Time matching can be optionally specified, as well as the match precision, by setting time_field and time_precision respectively in the configuration. This checks whether the time (step) is uniform and whether there is a mismatch between the expected time of the averaged value, as per the number of cycles defined in the configuration and the supplied data, and the read time. The read time is the one read from the field named time_field. Note that in this case the output time field will be named after time_field, i.e., the time field name will remain unchanged.

      type: average-cycle
        n_cycles:       # number of cycles to average over
        time_field:     # time field name; optional
        time_precision: # time-matching precision; optional
  • expression evaluates an arithmetic expression and appends the resulting field (column) to the data. The expression operands can be scalar values or fields (columns) present in the data, which are referenced by their names. Note that at least one of the operands must be a field present in the data.

    Each operation involving a field is applied element-wise. The following arithmetic operations are supported: + - * / **

      type: expression
        expression:     # an arithmetic expression
        result:         # field name of the resulting field
  • filter mutates the data by applying a set of row filters as defined in the configuration. The filter behaviour is described by providing the field name field to which the filter is applied, the comparison operator op and a comparison value value. Rows satisfying the comparison are kept, while others are discarded. The following comparison operators are supported: == != > >= < <=

    All defined filters are applied at the same time. The way in which they are aggregated is controlled by setting the aggregation field in the configuration, and and or aggregation modes are available. The or mode is the default if the aggregation field is unset.

      type: filter
        aggregation:    # aggregration mode; defaults to 'or'
          - field:      # field name to which the filter is applied
            op:         # filtering operation
            value:      # comparison value
  • resample mutates the data by linearly interpolating all numeric fields, such that the resulting fields have n_points values, at uniformly distributed values of the field x_field. If x_field is not set, a uniform resampling is performed, i.e., as if the values of each field were given at a uniformly distributed x, where x ∈ [0,1]. The first and last values of a field are preserved in the resampled field.

      type: resample
        n_points:       # number of resampling points
        x_field:        # field name of the independent variable; optional
  • select mutates the data by selecting fields (extracting columns) specified by fields which is a list of field names.

      type: select
        fields:         # a list of field names


The following is a list of available output types and their descriptions along with their run file configuration stubs.

  • csv writes CSV formatted data to a file. If header is set to true the file will contain a header line with the field names as the column names. Note that, if necessary, directories will be created so as to ensure that file specifies a valid path.

      type: csv
        file:           # file path of the CSV file
        header:         # determines if the CSV file has a header; default 'true'
        comment:        # character to denote comments; default '#'
        delimiter:      # character to use as the field delimiter; default ','
  • ram stores data in an in-memory store. Once data is stored, any subsequent ram input type can access the data.

      type: ram
        name:           # key under which the data is stored


Only TeX graphing, via tikz and pgfplots, is supported currently. Hence for the graph generation to work, TeX needs to be installed along with any dependent packages.

Graphing consists of two steps: generating TeX graph files from templates, and generating the graphs from TeX files. To see the default template files run:

$ post graphfile --outdir=templates

The templates can be user supplied by setting template_directory and template_main (if necessary) in the run file configuration. The templates use go template syntax, see the package documentation for more information.

A tex graph configuration stub is given below, note several fields expect raw TeX as input.

type: tex
  - name:                   # used as a basename for all graph related files
    directory:              # optional; output directory name, created if not present
    table_file:             # optional; needed if 'tables.table_file' is undefined
    template_directory:     # optional; template directory
    template_main:          # optional; root template file name
    template_delims:        # optional; go template delimiters; ['__{','}__'] by default
    tex_command:            # optional; 'pdflatex' by default
      - x:
          label:            # raw TeX
          label:            # raw TeX
        width:              # optional; raw TeX, axis width option
        height:             # optional; raw TeX, axis height option
        legend_style:       # optional; raw TeX, axis legend style option
        raw_options:        # optional; raw TeX, if defined all other options are ignored
          - x_field:
            legend_entry:   # raw TeX
            col_sep:        # optional; 'comma' by default
            table_file:     # optional; needed if 'graphs.table_file' is undefined



Post is a program for processing structured data files in bulk


Path Synopsis
TODO: the gval.Language stuff should go into a separate module.
TODO: the gval.Language stuff should go into a separate module.

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