
v0.0.0-...-3674750 Latest Latest

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Published: Feb 19, 2024 License: MIT Imports: 17 Imported by: 0




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type BroadcasterChainConfig

type BroadcasterChainConfig interface {
	IsL2() bool

type BroadcasterFeeConfig

type BroadcasterFeeConfig interface {
	MaxFeePrice() string     // logging value
	FeePriceDefault() string // logging value

type BroadcasterListenerConfig

type BroadcasterListenerConfig interface {
	FallbackPollInterval() time.Duration

type BroadcasterTransactionsConfig

type BroadcasterTransactionsConfig interface {
	MaxInFlight() uint32

type ChainClient

type ChainClient[
	CHAIN_ID types.ID,
	ADDR types.Hashable,
	SEQ types.Sequence,
] interface {
	ConfiguredChainID() CHAIN_ID
	PendingSequenceAt(ctx context.Context, addr ADDR) (SEQ, error)
	SequenceAt(ctx context.Context, addr ADDR, blockNum *big.Int) (SEQ, error)

ChainClient contains the interfaces for reading chain parameters (chain id, sequences, etc)

type ChainReceipt

type ChainReceipt[TX_HASH, BLOCK_HASH types.Hashable] interface {
	GetStatus() uint64
	GetTxHash() TX_HASH
	GetBlockNumber() *big.Int
	IsZero() bool
	IsUnmined() bool
	GetFeeUsed() uint64
	GetTransactionIndex() uint
	GetBlockHash() BLOCK_HASH

type ConfirmerChainConfig

type ConfirmerChainConfig interface {
	RPCDefaultBatchSize() uint32
	FinalityDepth() uint32

type ConfirmerDatabaseConfig

type ConfirmerDatabaseConfig interface {
	// from pg.QConfig
	DefaultQueryTimeout() time.Duration

type ConfirmerFeeConfig

type ConfirmerFeeConfig interface {
	BumpTxDepth() uint32
	LimitDefault() uint32

	// from gas.Config
	BumpThreshold() uint64
	MaxFeePrice() string // logging value
	BumpPercent() uint16

type ConfirmerTransactionsConfig

type ConfirmerTransactionsConfig interface {
	MaxInFlight() uint32
	ForwardersEnabled() bool

type ForwarderManager

type ForwarderManager[ADDR types.Hashable] interface {
	ForwarderFor(addr ADDR) (forwarder ADDR, err error)
	// Converts payload to be forwarder-friendly
	ConvertPayload(dest ADDR, origPayload []byte) ([]byte, error)

type KeyStore

type KeyStore[

	ADDR types.Hashable,

	CHAIN_ID types.ID,

	SEQ types.Sequence,
] interface {
	CheckEnabled(address ADDR, chainID CHAIN_ID) error
	EnabledAddressesForChain(chainId CHAIN_ID) ([]ADDR, error)
	SubscribeToKeyChanges() (ch chan struct{}, unsub func())

KeyStore encompasses the subset of keystore used by txmgr

type ReaperChainConfig

type ReaperChainConfig interface {
	FinalityDepth() uint32

ReaperConfig is the config subset used by the reaper

type ReaperTransactionsConfig

type ReaperTransactionsConfig interface {
	ReaperInterval() time.Duration
	ReaperThreshold() time.Duration

type ReceiptPlus

type ReceiptPlus[R any] struct {
	ID           uuid.UUID `db:"pipeline_run_id"`
	Receipt      R         `db:"receipt"`
	FailOnRevert bool      `db:"fail_on_revert"`

R is the raw unparsed transaction receipt

type ResenderChainConfig

type ResenderChainConfig interface {
	RPCDefaultBatchSize() uint32

type ResenderTransactionsConfig

type ResenderTransactionsConfig interface {
	ResendAfterThreshold() time.Duration
	MaxInFlight() uint32

type TransactionClient

type TransactionClient[
	CHAIN_ID types.ID,
	ADDR types.Hashable,
	TX_HASH types.Hashable,
	BLOCK_HASH types.Hashable,
	SEQ types.Sequence,
	FEE feetypes.Fee,
] interface {
	ChainClient[CHAIN_ID, ADDR, SEQ]

		ctx context.Context,
		attempts []TxAttempt[CHAIN_ID, ADDR, TX_HASH, BLOCK_HASH, SEQ, FEE],
		bathSize int,
		lggr logger.SugaredLogger,
	) (
		txCodes []client.SendTxReturnCode,
		txErrs []error,
		broadcastTime time.Time,
		successfulTxIDs []int64,
		err error)
		ctx context.Context,
		lggr logger.SugaredLogger,
	) (client.SendTxReturnCode, error)
		ctx context.Context,
		newTxAttempt func(seq SEQ, feeLimit uint32, fee FEE, fromAddress ADDR) (attempt TxAttempt[CHAIN_ID, ADDR, TX_HASH, BLOCK_HASH, SEQ, FEE], err error),
		seq SEQ,
		gasLimit uint32,
		fee FEE,
		fromAddress ADDR,
	) (txhash string, err error)
		ctx context.Context,
		blockNumber *big.Int,
	) (rpcErr fmt.Stringer, extractErr error)

TransactionClient contains the methods for building, simulating, broadcasting transactions

type TransactionManagerChainConfig

type TransactionManagerChainConfig interface {

type TransactionManagerFeeConfig

type TransactionManagerFeeConfig interface {

type TransactionStore

type TransactionStore[
	ADDR types.Hashable,
	CHAIN_ID types.ID,
	TX_HASH types.Hashable,
	BLOCK_HASH types.Hashable,
	SEQ types.Sequence,
	FEE feetypes.Fee,
] interface {
	CountUnconfirmedTransactions(ctx context.Context, fromAddress ADDR, chainID CHAIN_ID) (count uint32, err error)
	CountTransactionsByState(ctx context.Context, state TxState, chainID CHAIN_ID) (count uint32, err error)
	CountUnstartedTransactions(ctx context.Context, fromAddress ADDR, chainID CHAIN_ID) (count uint32, err error)
	CreateTransaction(ctx context.Context, txRequest TxRequest[ADDR, TX_HASH], chainID CHAIN_ID) (tx Tx[CHAIN_ID, ADDR, TX_HASH, BLOCK_HASH, SEQ, FEE], err error)
	DeleteInProgressAttempt(ctx context.Context, attempt TxAttempt[CHAIN_ID, ADDR, TX_HASH, BLOCK_HASH, SEQ, FEE]) error
	FindLatestSequence(ctx context.Context, fromAddress ADDR, chainId CHAIN_ID) (SEQ, error)
	FindTxsRequiringGasBump(ctx context.Context, address ADDR, blockNum, gasBumpThreshold, depth int64, chainID CHAIN_ID) (etxs []*Tx[CHAIN_ID, ADDR, TX_HASH, BLOCK_HASH, SEQ, FEE], err error)
	FindTxsRequiringResubmissionDueToInsufficientFunds(ctx context.Context, address ADDR, chainID CHAIN_ID) (etxs []*Tx[CHAIN_ID, ADDR, TX_HASH, BLOCK_HASH, SEQ, FEE], err error)
	FindTxAttemptsConfirmedMissingReceipt(ctx context.Context, chainID CHAIN_ID) (attempts []TxAttempt[CHAIN_ID, ADDR, TX_HASH, BLOCK_HASH, SEQ, FEE], err error)
	FindTxAttemptsRequiringReceiptFetch(ctx context.Context, chainID CHAIN_ID) (attempts []TxAttempt[CHAIN_ID, ADDR, TX_HASH, BLOCK_HASH, SEQ, FEE], err error)
	FindTxAttemptsRequiringResend(ctx context.Context, olderThan time.Time, maxInFlightTransactions uint32, chainID CHAIN_ID, address ADDR) (attempts []TxAttempt[CHAIN_ID, ADDR, TX_HASH, BLOCK_HASH, SEQ, FEE], err error)
	// Search for Tx using the idempotencyKey and chainID
	FindTxWithIdempotencyKey(ctx context.Context, idempotencyKey string, chainID CHAIN_ID) (tx *Tx[CHAIN_ID, ADDR, TX_HASH, BLOCK_HASH, SEQ, FEE], err error)
	// Search for Tx using the fromAddress and sequence
	FindTxWithSequence(ctx context.Context, fromAddress ADDR, seq SEQ) (etx *Tx[CHAIN_ID, ADDR, TX_HASH, BLOCK_HASH, SEQ, FEE], err error)
	FindNextUnstartedTransactionFromAddress(ctx context.Context, etx *Tx[CHAIN_ID, ADDR, TX_HASH, BLOCK_HASH, SEQ, FEE], fromAddress ADDR, chainID CHAIN_ID) error
	FindTransactionsConfirmedInBlockRange(ctx context.Context, highBlockNumber, lowBlockNumber int64, chainID CHAIN_ID) (etxs []*Tx[CHAIN_ID, ADDR, TX_HASH, BLOCK_HASH, SEQ, FEE], err error)
	FindEarliestUnconfirmedBroadcastTime(ctx context.Context, chainID CHAIN_ID) (null.Time, error)
	FindEarliestUnconfirmedTxAttemptBlock(ctx context.Context, chainID CHAIN_ID) (null.Int, error)
	GetTxInProgress(ctx context.Context, fromAddress ADDR) (etx *Tx[CHAIN_ID, ADDR, TX_HASH, BLOCK_HASH, SEQ, FEE], err error)
	GetInProgressTxAttempts(ctx context.Context, address ADDR, chainID CHAIN_ID) (attempts []TxAttempt[CHAIN_ID, ADDR, TX_HASH, BLOCK_HASH, SEQ, FEE], err error)
	GetNonFatalTransactions(ctx context.Context, chainID CHAIN_ID) (txs []*Tx[CHAIN_ID, ADDR, TX_HASH, BLOCK_HASH, SEQ, FEE], err error)
	GetTxByID(ctx context.Context, id int64) (tx *Tx[CHAIN_ID, ADDR, TX_HASH, BLOCK_HASH, SEQ, FEE], err error)
	HasInProgressTransaction(ctx context.Context, account ADDR, chainID CHAIN_ID) (exists bool, err error)
	LoadTxAttempts(ctx context.Context, etx *Tx[CHAIN_ID, ADDR, TX_HASH, BLOCK_HASH, SEQ, FEE]) error
	MarkAllConfirmedMissingReceipt(ctx context.Context, chainID CHAIN_ID) (err error)
	MarkOldTxesMissingReceiptAsErrored(ctx context.Context, blockNum int64, finalityDepth uint32, chainID CHAIN_ID) error
	PreloadTxes(ctx context.Context, attempts []TxAttempt[CHAIN_ID, ADDR, TX_HASH, BLOCK_HASH, SEQ, FEE]) error
	SaveConfirmedMissingReceiptAttempt(ctx context.Context, timeout time.Duration, attempt *TxAttempt[CHAIN_ID, ADDR, TX_HASH, BLOCK_HASH, SEQ, FEE], broadcastAt time.Time) error
	SaveInProgressAttempt(ctx context.Context, attempt *TxAttempt[CHAIN_ID, ADDR, TX_HASH, BLOCK_HASH, SEQ, FEE]) error
	SaveInsufficientFundsAttempt(ctx context.Context, timeout time.Duration, attempt *TxAttempt[CHAIN_ID, ADDR, TX_HASH, BLOCK_HASH, SEQ, FEE], broadcastAt time.Time) error
	SaveReplacementInProgressAttempt(ctx context.Context, oldAttempt TxAttempt[CHAIN_ID, ADDR, TX_HASH, BLOCK_HASH, SEQ, FEE], replacementAttempt *TxAttempt[CHAIN_ID, ADDR, TX_HASH, BLOCK_HASH, SEQ, FEE]) error
	SaveSentAttempt(ctx context.Context, timeout time.Duration, attempt *TxAttempt[CHAIN_ID, ADDR, TX_HASH, BLOCK_HASH, SEQ, FEE], broadcastAt time.Time) error
	SetBroadcastBeforeBlockNum(ctx context.Context, blockNum int64, chainID CHAIN_ID) error
	UpdateBroadcastAts(ctx context.Context, now time.Time, etxIDs []int64) error
	UpdateTxAttemptInProgressToBroadcast(ctx context.Context, etx *Tx[CHAIN_ID, ADDR, TX_HASH, BLOCK_HASH, SEQ, FEE], attempt TxAttempt[CHAIN_ID, ADDR, TX_HASH, BLOCK_HASH, SEQ, FEE], NewAttemptState TxAttemptState) error
	// Update tx to mark that its callback has been signaled
	UpdateTxCallbackCompleted(ctx context.Context, pipelineTaskRunRid uuid.UUID, chainId CHAIN_ID) error
	UpdateTxsUnconfirmed(ctx context.Context, ids []int64) error
	UpdateTxUnstartedToInProgress(ctx context.Context, etx *Tx[CHAIN_ID, ADDR, TX_HASH, BLOCK_HASH, SEQ, FEE], attempt *TxAttempt[CHAIN_ID, ADDR, TX_HASH, BLOCK_HASH, SEQ, FEE]) error
	UpdateTxFatalError(ctx context.Context, etx *Tx[CHAIN_ID, ADDR, TX_HASH, BLOCK_HASH, SEQ, FEE]) error
	UpdateTxForRebroadcast(ctx context.Context, etx Tx[CHAIN_ID, ADDR, TX_HASH, BLOCK_HASH, SEQ, FEE], etxAttempt TxAttempt[CHAIN_ID, ADDR, TX_HASH, BLOCK_HASH, SEQ, FEE]) error
	IsTxFinalized(ctx context.Context, blockHeight int64, txID int64, chainID CHAIN_ID) (finalized bool, err error)

TransactionStore contains the persistence layer methods needed to manage Txs and TxAttempts

type TransmitCheckerSpec

type TransmitCheckerSpec[ADDR types.Hashable] struct {
	// CheckerType is the type of check that should be performed. Empty indicates no check.
	CheckerType TransmitCheckerType `json:",omitempty"`

	// VRFCoordinatorAddress is the address of the VRF coordinator that should be used to perform
	// VRF transmit checks. This should be set iff CheckerType is TransmitCheckerTypeVRFV2.
	VRFCoordinatorAddress *ADDR `json:",omitempty"`

	// VRFRequestBlockNumber is the block number in which the provided VRF request has been made.
	// This should be set iff CheckerType is TransmitCheckerTypeVRFV2.
	VRFRequestBlockNumber *big.Int `json:",omitempty"`

TransmitCheckerSpec defines the check that should be performed before a transaction is submitted on chain.

type TransmitCheckerType

type TransmitCheckerType string

TransmitCheckerType describes the type of check that should be performed before a transaction is executed on-chain.

type Tx

type Tx[
	CHAIN_ID types.ID,
	ADDR types.Hashable,
	TX_HASH, BLOCK_HASH types.Hashable,
	SEQ types.Sequence,
	FEE feetypes.Fee,
] struct {
	ID             int64
	IdempotencyKey *string
	Sequence       *SEQ
	FromAddress    ADDR
	ToAddress      ADDR
	EncodedPayload []byte
	Value          big.Int
	// FeeLimit on the Tx is always the conceptual gas limit, which is not
	// necessarily the same as the on-chain encoded value (i.e. Optimism)
	FeeLimit uint32
	Error    null.String
	// BroadcastAt is updated every time an attempt for this tx is re-sent
	// In almost all cases it will be within a second or so of the actual send time.
	BroadcastAt *time.Time
	// InitialBroadcastAt is recorded once, the first ever time this tx is sent
	InitialBroadcastAt *time.Time
	CreatedAt          time.Time
	State              TxState
	TxAttempts         []TxAttempt[CHAIN_ID, ADDR, TX_HASH, BLOCK_HASH, SEQ, FEE] `json:"-"`
	// Marshalled TxMeta
	// Used for additional context around transactions which you want to log
	// at send time.
	Meta    *sqlutil.JSON
	Subject uuid.NullUUID

	PipelineTaskRunID uuid.NullUUID
	MinConfirmations  clnull.Uint32

	// TransmitChecker defines the check that should be performed before a transaction is submitted on
	// chain.
	TransmitChecker *sqlutil.JSON

	// Marks tx requiring callback
	SignalCallback bool
	// Marks tx callback as signaled
	CallbackCompleted bool


func (e *Tx[CHAIN_ID, ADDR, TX_HASH, BLOCK_HASH, SEQ, FEE]) GetChecker() (TransmitCheckerSpec[ADDR], error)

GetChecker returns an Tx's transmit checker spec in struct form, unmarshalling it from JSON first.


func (e *Tx[CHAIN_ID, ADDR, TX_HASH, BLOCK_HASH, SEQ, FEE]) GetError() error


func (e *Tx[CHAIN_ID, ADDR, TX_HASH, BLOCK_HASH, SEQ, FEE]) GetID() string

GetID allows Tx to be used as jsonapi.MarshalIdentifier


func (e *Tx[CHAIN_ID, ADDR, TX_HASH, BLOCK_HASH, SEQ, FEE]) GetLogger(lgr logger.Logger) logger.SugaredLogger

GetLogger returns a new logger with metadata fields.


func (e *Tx[CHAIN_ID, ADDR, TX_HASH, BLOCK_HASH, SEQ, FEE]) GetMeta() (*TxMeta[ADDR, TX_HASH], error)

GetMeta returns an Tx's meta in struct form, unmarshalling it from JSON first.

type TxAttempt

type TxAttempt[
	CHAIN_ID types.ID,
	ADDR types.Hashable,
	TX_HASH, BLOCK_HASH types.Hashable,
	SEQ types.Sequence,
	FEE feetypes.Fee,
] struct {
	ID    int64
	TxID  int64
	TxFee FEE
	// ChainSpecificFeeLimit on the TxAttempt is always the same as the on-chain encoded value for fee limit
	ChainSpecificFeeLimit   uint32
	SignedRawTx             []byte
	Hash                    TX_HASH
	CreatedAt               time.Time
	BroadcastBeforeBlockNum *int64
	State                   TxAttemptState
	Receipts                []ChainReceipt[TX_HASH, BLOCK_HASH] `json:"-"`
	TxType                  int

func (*TxAttempt[CHAIN_ID, ADDR, TX_HASH, BLOCK_HASH, SEQ, FEE]) String

func (a *TxAttempt[CHAIN_ID, ADDR, TX_HASH, BLOCK_HASH, SEQ, FEE]) String() string

type TxAttemptBuilder

type TxAttemptBuilder[
	CHAIN_ID types.ID,
	HEAD types.Head[BLOCK_HASH],
	ADDR types.Hashable,
	TX_HASH, BLOCK_HASH types.Hashable,
	SEQ types.Sequence,
	FEE feetypes.Fee,
] interface {
	// interfaces for running the underlying estimator
	types.HeadTrackable[HEAD, BLOCK_HASH]

	// NewTxAttempt builds a transaction using the configured transaction type and fee estimator (new estimation)
	NewTxAttempt(ctx context.Context, tx Tx[CHAIN_ID, ADDR, TX_HASH, BLOCK_HASH, SEQ, FEE], lggr logger.Logger, opts ...feetypes.Opt) (attempt TxAttempt[CHAIN_ID, ADDR, TX_HASH, BLOCK_HASH, SEQ, FEE], fee FEE, feeLimit uint32, retryable bool, err error)

	// NewTxAttemptWithType builds a transaction using the configured fee estimator (new estimation) + passed in tx type
	NewTxAttemptWithType(ctx context.Context, tx Tx[CHAIN_ID, ADDR, TX_HASH, BLOCK_HASH, SEQ, FEE], lggr logger.Logger, txType int, opts ...feetypes.Opt) (attempt TxAttempt[CHAIN_ID, ADDR, TX_HASH, BLOCK_HASH, SEQ, FEE], fee FEE, feeLimit uint32, retryable bool, err error)

	// NewBumpTxAttempt builds a transaction using the configured fee estimator (bumping) + tx type from previous attempt
	// this should only be used after an initial attempt has been broadcast and the underlying gas estimator only needs to bump the fee
	NewBumpTxAttempt(ctx context.Context, tx Tx[CHAIN_ID, ADDR, TX_HASH, BLOCK_HASH, SEQ, FEE], previousAttempt TxAttempt[CHAIN_ID, ADDR, TX_HASH, BLOCK_HASH, SEQ, FEE], priorAttempts []TxAttempt[CHAIN_ID, ADDR, TX_HASH, BLOCK_HASH, SEQ, FEE], lggr logger.Logger) (attempt TxAttempt[CHAIN_ID, ADDR, TX_HASH, BLOCK_HASH, SEQ, FEE], bumpedFee FEE, bumpedFeeLimit uint32, retryable bool, err error)

	// NewCustomTxAttempt builds a transaction using the passed in fee + tx type
	NewCustomTxAttempt(tx Tx[CHAIN_ID, ADDR, TX_HASH, BLOCK_HASH, SEQ, FEE], fee FEE, gasLimit uint32, txType int, lggr logger.Logger) (attempt TxAttempt[CHAIN_ID, ADDR, TX_HASH, BLOCK_HASH, SEQ, FEE], retryable bool, err error)

	// NewEmptyTxAttempt is used in ForceRebroadcast to create a signed tx with zero value sent to the zero address
	NewEmptyTxAttempt(seq SEQ, feeLimit uint32, fee FEE, fromAddress ADDR) (attempt TxAttempt[CHAIN_ID, ADDR, TX_HASH, BLOCK_HASH, SEQ, FEE], err error)

TxAttemptBuilder takes the base unsigned transaction + optional parameters (tx type, gas parameters) and returns a signed TxAttempt it is able to estimate fees and sign transactions

type TxAttemptState

type TxAttemptState int8
const (
	TxAttemptInProgress TxAttemptState = iota + 1

func NewTxAttemptState

func NewTxAttemptState(state string) (s TxAttemptState)

func (TxAttemptState) String

func (s TxAttemptState) String() (str string)

String returns string formatted states for logging

type TxHistoryReaper

type TxHistoryReaper[CHAIN_ID types.ID] interface {
	ReapTxHistory(ctx context.Context, minBlockNumberToKeep int64, timeThreshold time.Time, chainID CHAIN_ID) error

type TxMeta

type TxMeta[ADDR types.Hashable, TX_HASH types.Hashable] struct {
	JobID *int32 `json:"JobID,omitempty"`

	// Pipeline fields
	FailOnRevert null.Bool `json:"FailOnRevert,omitempty"`

	// VRF-only fields
	RequestID     *TX_HASH `json:"RequestID,omitempty"`
	RequestTxHash *TX_HASH `json:"RequestTxHash,omitempty"`
	// Batch variants of the above
	RequestIDs      []TX_HASH `json:"RequestIDs,omitempty"`
	RequestTxHashes []TX_HASH `json:"RequestTxHashes,omitempty"`
	// Used for the VRFv2 - max link this tx will bill
	// should it get bumped
	MaxLink *string `json:"MaxLink,omitempty"`
	// Used for the VRFv2 - the subscription ID of the
	// requester of the VRF.
	SubID *uint64 `json:"SubId,omitempty"`
	// Used for the VRFv2Plus - the uint256 subscription ID of the
	// requester of the VRF.
	GlobalSubID *string `json:"GlobalSubId,omitempty"`
	// Used for VRFv2Plus - max native token this tx will bill
	// should it get bumped
	MaxEth *string `json:"MaxEth,omitempty"`

	// Used for keepers
	UpkeepID *string `json:"UpkeepID,omitempty"`

	// Used only for forwarded txs, tracks the original destination address.
	// When this is set, it indicates tx is forwarded through To address.
	FwdrDestAddress *ADDR `json:"ForwarderDestAddress,omitempty"`

	// MessageIDs is used by CCIP for tx to executed messages correlation in logs
	MessageIDs []string `json:"MessageIDs,omitempty"`
	// SeqNumbers is used by CCIP for tx to committed sequence numbers correlation in logs
	SeqNumbers []uint64 `json:"SeqNumbers,omitempty"`

TxMeta contains fields of the transaction metadata Not all fields are guaranteed to be present

type TxRequest

type TxRequest[ADDR types.Hashable, TX_HASH types.Hashable] struct {
	// IdempotencyKey is a globally unique ID set by the caller, to prevent accidental creation of duplicated Txs during retries or crash recovery.
	// If this field is set, the TXM will first search existing Txs with this field.
	// If found, it will return the existing Tx, without creating a new one. TXM will not validate or ensure that existing Tx is same as the incoming TxRequest.
	// If not found, TXM will create a new Tx.
	// If IdempotencyKey is set to null, TXM will always create a new Tx.
	// Since IdempotencyKey has to be globally unique, consider prepending the service or component's name it is being used by
	// Such as {service}-{ID}. E.g vrf-12345
	IdempotencyKey   *string
	FromAddress      ADDR
	ToAddress        ADDR
	EncodedPayload   []byte
	Value            big.Int
	FeeLimit         uint32
	Meta             *TxMeta[ADDR, TX_HASH]
	ForwarderAddress ADDR

	// Pipeline variables - if you aren't calling this from chain tx task within
	// the pipeline, you don't need these variables
	MinConfirmations  clnull.Uint32
	PipelineTaskRunID *uuid.UUID

	Strategy TxStrategy

	// Checker defines the check that should be run before a transaction is submitted on chain.
	Checker TransmitCheckerSpec[ADDR]

	// Mark tx requiring callback
	SignalCallback bool

type TxState

type TxState string

type TxStore

type TxStore[

	ADDR types.Hashable,

	CHAIN_ID types.ID,

	TX_HASH types.Hashable,

	BLOCK_HASH types.Hashable,

	R ChainReceipt[TX_HASH, BLOCK_HASH],

	SEQ types.Sequence,

	FEE feetypes.Fee,
] interface {

	// Find confirmed txes beyond the minConfirmations param that require callback but have not yet been signaled
	FindTxesPendingCallback(ctx context.Context, blockNum int64, chainID CHAIN_ID) (receiptsPlus []ReceiptPlus[R], err error)
	// Update tx to mark that its callback has been signaled
	UpdateTxCallbackCompleted(ctx context.Context, pipelineTaskRunRid uuid.UUID, chainId CHAIN_ID) error
	SaveFetchedReceipts(ctx context.Context, receipts []R, chainID CHAIN_ID) (err error)

	// additional methods for tx store management
	CheckTxQueueCapacity(ctx context.Context, fromAddress ADDR, maxQueuedTransactions uint64, chainID CHAIN_ID) (err error)
	Abandon(ctx context.Context, id CHAIN_ID, addr ADDR) error
	// Find transactions by a field in the TxMeta blob and transaction states
	FindTxesByMetaFieldAndStates(ctx context.Context, metaField string, metaValue string, states []TxState, chainID *big.Int) (tx []*Tx[CHAIN_ID, ADDR, TX_HASH, BLOCK_HASH, SEQ, FEE], err error)
	// Find transactions with a non-null TxMeta field that was provided by transaction states
	FindTxesWithMetaFieldByStates(ctx context.Context, metaField string, states []TxState, chainID *big.Int) (tx []*Tx[CHAIN_ID, ADDR, TX_HASH, BLOCK_HASH, SEQ, FEE], err error)
	// Find transactions with a non-null TxMeta field that was provided and a receipt block number greater than or equal to the one provided
	FindTxesWithMetaFieldByReceiptBlockNum(ctx context.Context, metaField string, blockNum int64, chainID *big.Int) (tx []*Tx[CHAIN_ID, ADDR, TX_HASH, BLOCK_HASH, SEQ, FEE], err error)
	// Find transactions loaded with transaction attempts and receipts by transaction IDs and states
	FindTxesWithAttemptsAndReceiptsByIdsAndState(ctx context.Context, ids []big.Int, states []TxState, chainID *big.Int) (tx []*Tx[CHAIN_ID, ADDR, TX_HASH, BLOCK_HASH, SEQ, FEE], err error)

TxStore is a superset of all the needed persistence layer methods

type TxStrategy

type TxStrategy interface {
	// Subject will be saved txes.subject if not null
	Subject() uuid.NullUUID
	// PruneQueue is called after tx insertion
	// It accepts the service responsible for deleting
	// unstarted txs and deletion options
	PruneQueue(ctx context.Context, pruneService UnstartedTxQueuePruner) (n int64, err error)

TxStrategy controls how txes are queued and sent

type TxmClient

type TxmClient[
	CHAIN_ID types.ID,
	ADDR types.Hashable,
	TX_HASH types.Hashable,
	BLOCK_HASH types.Hashable,
	R ChainReceipt[TX_HASH, BLOCK_HASH],
	SEQ types.Sequence,
	FEE feetypes.Fee,
] interface {
	ChainClient[CHAIN_ID, ADDR, SEQ]

	// receipt fetching used by confirmer
		ctx context.Context,
		attempts []TxAttempt[CHAIN_ID, ADDR, TX_HASH, BLOCK_HASH, SEQ, FEE],
	) (txReceipt []R, txErr []error, err error)

TxmClient is a superset of all the methods needed for the txm

type UnstartedTxQueuePruner

type UnstartedTxQueuePruner interface {
	PruneUnstartedTxQueue(ctx context.Context, queueSize uint32, subject uuid.UUID) (n int64, err error)


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