
package module
v0.0.94 Latest Latest

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Published: May 31, 2021 License: MIT Imports: 10 Imported by: 1,753



  • A strongly typed HTML templating language that compiles to Go code, and has great developer tooling.

Getting started

  • Install the templ command-line tool.
  • Create a *.templ file containing a template.
  • Run templ generate to create Go code from the template.

Current state

This is beta software, the template language may still have breaking changes. There's no guarantees of stability or correctness at the moment.

If you're keen to see Go be practical for Web projects, see "Help needed" for where the project needs your help.


The language generates Go code, some sections of the template (e.g. package, import, if, for and switch statements) are output directly as Go expressions in the generated output, while HTML elements are converted to Go code that renders their output.

  • templ generate generates Go code from *.templ files.
  • templ fmt formats template files in the current directory tree.
  • templ lsp provides a Language Server to support IDE integrations. The compile command generates a sourcemap which maps from the *.templ files to the compiled Go file. This enables the templ LSP to use the Go language gopls language server as is, providing a thin shim to do the source remapping. This is used to provide autocomplete for template variables and functions.


templ currently uses context unaware escaping, see https://github.com/a-h/templ/issues/6 for a proposal to add context-aware content escaping.


  • *.templ files are used to generate Go code to efficiently render the template at runtime.
  • Go code is generated from template files using the templ generate command, while templates can be formatted with the templ fmt command. The templ lsp command provides an LSP (Language Server Protocol) server to enable autocomplete.
  • Each {% templ ComponentName(params Params) %} section compiles into a function that creates a templ.Component.
  • templ.Component is an interface with a single function - Render(ctx context.Context, io.Writer) (err error). You can make a component entirely in Go code and interact with it via templ.
  • templ aims for correctness, simplicity, developer experience and raw performance, in that order. The goal is to make writing Go web applications more practical, achievable and desirable.
  • Provides minified HTML output only.
  • Components can be composed into layouts.

Since templ files are as close to Go as possible, they start with a package expression.

{% package templ %}
Importing packages

After the package expression, they might import other Go packages, just like Go files. There's no multi-line import statement, just a single import per line.

{% import "strings" %}

Once the package and import statements are done, we can define components using the {% templ Name(params Params) %} expression. The templ expressions are converted into Go functions when the templ generate command is executed.

{% templ AddressView(addr Address) %}
	<div>{%= addr.Address1 %}</div>
	<div>{%= addr.Address2 %}</div>
	<div>{%= addr.Address3 %}</div>
	<div>{%= addr.Address4 %}</div>
{% endtempl %}

Each templ.Component can contain HTML elements, strings, for loops, switch statements and references to other templates.

Referencing other components

Components can be referenced in the body of the template, and can pass data between then, for example, using the AddressTemplate from the PersonTemplate.

{% templ PersonTemplate(p Person) %}
	    {% for _, v := range p.Addresses %}
		    {%! AddressTemplate(v) %}
	    {% endfor %}
{% endtempl %}

It's also possible to create "higher order components" that compose other instances of templ.Component without passing data, or even knowing what the concrete type of the component will be ahead of time. So long as is implements templ.Component, it can be used.

For example, this template accepts 3 templates (header, footer, body) and renders all 3 of them in the expected order.

{% templ Layout(header, footer, body templ.Component) %}
	{%! header %}
	{%! body %}
	{%! footer %}
{% endtempl %}
Code-only components

It's possible to create a templ.Component entirely in Go code. Within templ, strings are automatically escaped to reduce the risk of cross-site-scripting attacks, but it's possible to create your own "Raw" component that bypasses this behaviour:

func Raw(s string) templ.Component {
	return templ.ComponentFunc(func(ctx context.Context, w io.Writer) (err error) {
		_, err = io.WriteString(w, s)

Then call it in a template. So long as the Raw function is in scope, you can use it.

{%! Raw("<script>alert('xss vector');</script>") %}

HTML elements look like HTML and you can write static attributes into them, just like with normal HTML. Don't worry about the spacing, the HTML will be minified when it's rendered.

<div id="address1">{%= addr.Address1 %}</div>

You can also have dynamic attributes that use template parameter, other Go variables that happen to be in scope, or call Go functions that return a string. Don't worry about HTML encoding element text and attribute values, that will be taken care of automatically.

<a href={%= p.URL %}>{%= strings.ToUpper(p.Name()) %}</a>

Text is rendered from Go expressions, which includes constant values:

{%= "this is a string" %}

Using the backtick format (single-line only):

{%= `this is also a string` %}

Calling a function that returns a string:

{%= time.Now().String() %}

Or using a string parameter, or variable that's in scope.

{%= v.s %}

What you can't do, is write text directly between elements (e.g. <div>Some text</div>, because the parser would have to become more complex to support HTML entities and the various mistakes people make when they're doing that (bare ampersands etc.). Go strings support UTF-8 which is much easier, and the escaping rules are well known by Go programmers.


Templates can contain if/else statements that follow the same pattern as Go.

{% if p.Type == "test" %}
	<span>{%= "Test user" %}</span>
{% else %}
	<span>{%= "Not test user" %}</span>
{% endif %}

Templates have the same loop behaviour as Go.

{% for _, v := range p.Addresses %}
	<li>{%= v.City %}</li>
{% endfor %}

Switch statements work in the same way as they do in Go.

{% switch p.Type %}
	{% case "test" %}
		<span>{%= "Test user" %}</span>
	{% endcase %}
	{% case "admin" %}
		<span>{%= "Admin user" %}</span>
	{% endcase %}
	{% default %}
		<span>{%= "Unknown user" %}</span>
	{% enddefault %}
{% endswitch %}

Full example

{% package templ %}

{% import "strings" %}

{% templ Layout(header, footer, body templ.Component) %}
	{%! header %}
	{%! body %}
	{%! footer %}
{% endtempl %}

{% templ AddressTemplate(addr Address) %}
	<div>{%= addr.Address1 %}</div>
	<div>{%= addr.Address2 %}</div>
	<div>{%= addr.Address3 %}</div>
	<div>{%= addr.Address4 %}</div>
{% endtempl %}

{% templ PersonTemplate(p Person) %}
		<div>{%= p.Name() %}</div>
		<a href={%= p.URL %}>{%= strings.ToUpper(p.Name()) %}</a>
			{% if p.Type == "test" %}
				<span>{%= "Test user" %}</span>
			{% else %}
				<span>{%= "Not test user" %}</span>
			{% endif %}
			{% for _, v := range p.Addresses %}
				{%! AddressTemplate(v) %}
			{% endfor %}
			{% switch p.Type %}
				{% case "test" %}
					<span>{%= "Test user" %}</span>
				{% endcase %}
				{% case "admin" %}
					<span>{%= "Admin user" %}</span>
				{% endcase %}
				{% default %}
					<span>{%= "Unknown user" %}</span>
				{% enddefault %}
			{% endswitch %}
{% endtempl %}

Will compile to Go code similar to the following (error handling removed for brevity):

// Code generated by templ DO NOT EDIT.

package templ

import "github.com/a-h/templ"
import "context"
import "io"
import "strings"

func Layout(header, footer, body templ.Component) (t templ.Component) {
	return templ.ComponentFunc(func(ctx context.Context, w io.Writer) (err error) {
		err = header.Render(ctx, w)
		err = body.Render(ctx, w)
		err = footer.Render(ctx, w)
		return err

func AddressTemplate(addr Address) (t templ.Component) {
	return templ.ComponentFunc(func(ctx context.Context, w io.Writer) (err error) {
		_, err = io.WriteString(w, "<div>")
		_, err = io.WriteString(w, templ.EscapeString(addr.Address1))
		_, err = io.WriteString(w, "</div>")
		_, err = io.WriteString(w, "<div>")
		_, err = io.WriteString(w, templ.EscapeString(addr.Address2))
		_, err = io.WriteString(w, "</div>")
		// Cut for brevity.
		return err

func PersonTemplate(p Person) (t templ.Component) {
	return templ.ComponentFunc(func(ctx context.Context, w io.Writer) (err error) {
		_, err = io.WriteString(w, "<div>")
		_, err = io.WriteString(w, "<div>")
		_, err = io.WriteString(w, templ.EscapeString(p.Name()))
		_, err = io.WriteString(w, "</div>")
		_, err = io.WriteString(w, "<a")
		_, err = io.WriteString(w, " href=")
		_, err = io.WriteString(w, "\"")
		_, err = io.WriteString(w, templ.EscapeString(p.URL))
		_, err = io.WriteString(w, "\"")
		_, err = io.WriteString(w, ">")
		_, err = io.WriteString(w, templ.EscapeString(strings.ToUpper(p.Name())))
		_, err = io.WriteString(w, "</a>")
		_, err = io.WriteString(w, "<div>")
		if p.Type == "test" {
			_, err = io.WriteString(w, "<span>")
			_, err = io.WriteString(w, templ.EscapeString("Test user"))
			_, err = io.WriteString(w, "</span>")
		} else {
			_, err = io.WriteString(w, "<span>")
			_, err = io.WriteString(w, templ.EscapeString("Not test user"))
			_, err = io.WriteString(w, "</span>")
		for _, v := range p.Addresses {
			err = AddressTemplate(v).Render(ctx, w)
		switch p.Type {
		case "test":
			_, err = io.WriteString(w, "<span>")
			_, err = io.WriteString(w, templ.EscapeString("Test user"))
			_, err = io.WriteString(w, "</span>")
		case "admin":
			_, err = io.WriteString(w, "<span>")
			_, err = io.WriteString(w, templ.EscapeString("Admin user"))
			_, err = io.WriteString(w, "</span>")
		        _, err = io.WriteString(w, "<span>")
			_, err = io.WriteString(w, templ.EscapeString("Unknown user"))
			_, err = io.WriteString(w, "</span>")
		_, err = io.WriteString(w, "</div>")
		_, err = io.WriteString(w, "</div>")
		return err

IDE Support

vim / neovim

A vim / neovim plugin is available from https://github.com/Joe-Davidson1802/templ.vim which adds syntax highlighting.

Neovim 5 supports Language Servers directly. For the moment, I'm using https://github.com/neoclide/coc.nvim to test the language server after using Joe-Davidson1802's plugin to set the language type:

  "languageserver": {
    "templ": {
      "command": "templ",
      "args": ["lsp"],
      "filetypes": ["templ"]

To add extensive debug information, you can include additional args to the LSP, like this:

  "languageserver": {
    "templ": {
      "command": "templ",
      "args": ["lsp",
        "--log", "/Users/adrian/github.com/a-h/templ/cmd/lspcmd/templ-log.txt", 
	"--goplsLog", "/Users/adrian/github.com/a-h/templ/cmd/lspcmd/gopls-log.txt",
	"--goplsRPCTrace", "true"
      "filetypes": ["templ"]


There's a VS Code extension, just make sure you've already installed templ and that it's on your path.


Local builds

To build a local version you can use the go build tool:

cd cmd
go build -o templ


Unit tests use the go test tool:

go test ./...

Release testing

This project uses https://github.com/goreleaser/goreleaser to build the command line binary and deploy it to Github. You will need to install this to test releases.

make build-snapshot

The binaries are created by me and signed by my GPG key. You can verify with my key https://adrianhesketh.com/a-h.gpg


Doesn't this look like a lot like https://github.com/valyala/quicktemplate ?

Yes, yes it does. I looked at the landscape of Go templating languages before I started writing code and my initial plan was to improve the IDE support of quicktemplate, see https://github.com/valyala/quicktemplate/issues/80

The package author didn't respond (hey, we're all busy), and looking through the code, I realised that it would be hard to modify what's there to have the concept of source mapping, mostly because there's no internal object model of the language, it reads and emits code in one go.

It's also a really feature rich project, with all sorts of formatters, and support for various languages (JSON etc.), so I borrowed some syntax ideas, but left the code. If valyala is up for it, I'd be happy to help integrate the ideas from here. I just want Go to have a templating language with great IDE support.

Hot reload

For hot reload, you can use https://github.com/cosmtrek/air

For documentation on how to use it with templ see https://adrianhesketh.com/2021/05/28/templ-hot-reload-with-air/

Help needed

The project is looking for help with:

  • Adding features to the Language Server implementation, it just does autocomplete and error reporting the moment. It needs to be able to do definition and add imports automatically.
  • Examples and testing of the tools.
  • Writing a blog post that demonstrates using the tool to build a form-based Web application.
  • Testing (including fuzzing), benchmarking and optimisation.
  • An example of a web-based UI component library would be very useful, a more advanced version of the integration test suite, thatwould be a Go web server that runs the compiled templ file along with example JSON payloads that match the expected data structure types and renders the content - a UI playground. If it could do hot-reload, amazing.
  • Low priority, but I'm thinking of developing a CSS-in-Go implementation to work in parallel. This might take the form of a pre-processor which would collect all "style" attributes of elements and automatically calculate a minimum set of CSS classes that could be created and applied to the elements - but a first pass could just be a way to define CSS classes in Go to allow the use of CSS variables.

Please get in touch if you're interested in building a feature as I don't want people to spend time on something that's already being worked on, or ends up being a waste of their time because it can't be integrated.




This section is empty.


This section is empty.


func EscapeString

func EscapeString(s string) string

EscapeString escapes HTML text within templates.


type Attribute

type Attribute interface {
	IsAttribute() bool
	String() string

type CallTemplateExpression

type CallTemplateExpression struct {
	// Expression returns a template to execute.
	Expression Expression

CallTemplateExpression can be used to create and render a template using data. {%! Other(p.First, p.Last) %} or it can be used to render a template parameter. {%! v %}

func (CallTemplateExpression) IsNode

func (cte CallTemplateExpression) IsNode() bool

func (CallTemplateExpression) Write

func (cte CallTemplateExpression) Write(w io.Writer, indent int) error

type CaseExpression

type CaseExpression struct {
	Expression Expression
	Children   []Node

{% case "Something" %} ... {% endcase %}

type Component

type Component interface {
	// Render the template.
	Render(ctx context.Context, w io.Writer) error

Component is the interface that all templates implement.

type ComponentFunc

type ComponentFunc func(ctx context.Context, w io.Writer) error

ComponentFunc converts a function that matches the Component interface's Render method into a Component.

func (ComponentFunc) Render

func (cf ComponentFunc) Render(ctx context.Context, w io.Writer) error

Render the template.

type ConstantAttribute

type ConstantAttribute struct {
	Name  string
	Value string


func (ConstantAttribute) IsAttribute

func (ca ConstantAttribute) IsAttribute() bool

func (ConstantAttribute) String

func (ca ConstantAttribute) String() string

type Element

type Element struct {
	Name       string
	Attributes []Attribute
	Children   []Node

<a .../> or <div ...>...</div>

func (Element) IsNode

func (e Element) IsNode() bool

func (Element) Write

func (e Element) Write(w io.Writer, indent int) error

type Expression

type Expression struct {
	Value string
	Range Range

Expression containing Go code.

func NewExpression

func NewExpression(value string, from, to Position) Expression

NewExpression creates a Go expression.

type ExpressionAttribute

type ExpressionAttribute struct {
	Name       string
	Expression Expression

href={%= ... }

func (ExpressionAttribute) IsAttribute

func (ea ExpressionAttribute) IsAttribute() bool

func (ExpressionAttribute) String

func (ea ExpressionAttribute) String() string

type ForExpression

type ForExpression struct {
	Expression Expression
	Children   []Node

{% for i, v := range p.Addresses %}

{% call Address(v) %}

{% endfor %}

func (ForExpression) IsNode

func (fe ForExpression) IsNode() bool

func (ForExpression) Write

func (fe ForExpression) Write(w io.Writer, indent int) error

type IfExpression

type IfExpression struct {
	Expression Expression
	Then       []Node
	Else       []Node

{% if p.Type == "test" && p.thing %} {% endif %}

func (IfExpression) IsNode

func (n IfExpression) IsNode() bool

func (IfExpression) Write

func (n IfExpression) Write(w io.Writer, indent int) error

type Import

type Import struct {
	Expression Expression

{% import "strings" %} {% import strs "strings" %}

func (Import) Write

func (imp Import) Write(w io.Writer, indent int) error

type Node

type Node interface {
	IsNode() bool
	// Write out the string.
	Write(w io.Writer, indent int) error

A Node appears within a template, e.g. an StringExpression, Element, IfExpression etc.

type Package

type Package struct {
	Expression Expression

{% package templ %}

func (Package) Write

func (p Package) Write(w io.Writer, indent int) error

type ParseError added in v0.0.89

type ParseError struct {
	Message string
	From    Position
	To      Position

ParseError details where the error occurred in the file.

func (ParseError) Error added in v0.0.89

func (pe ParseError) Error() string

type Position

type Position struct {
	Index int64
	Line  int
	Col   int

Source mapping to map from the source code of the template to the in-memory representation.

func NewPosition

func NewPosition() Position

NewPosition initialises a position.

func NewPositionFromInput

func NewPositionFromInput(pi parse.Input) Position

NewPositionFromInput creates a position from a parse input.

func NewPositionFromValues

func NewPositionFromValues(index int64, line, col int) Position

NewPositionFromValues initialises a position.

func (Position) String

func (p Position) String() string

type Range

type Range struct {
	From Position
	To   Position

Range of text within a file.

func NewRange

func NewRange(from, to Position) Range

NewRange creates a range.

type SourceExpressionTo

type SourceExpressionTo struct {
	Source Expression
	Target Range

SourceExpressionTo is a record of an expression, along with its start and end positions.

type SourceMap

type SourceMap struct {
	Items []SourceExpressionTo

func NewSourceMap

func NewSourceMap() *SourceMap

NewSourceMap creates a new lookup to map templ source code to items in the parsed template.

func (*SourceMap) Add

func (sm *SourceMap) Add(src Expression, tgt Range) (updatedFrom Position)

Add an item to the lookup.

func (*SourceMap) SourcePositionFromTarget

func (sm *SourceMap) SourcePositionFromTarget(line, col int) (src Position, mapping SourceExpressionTo, ok bool)

SourcePositionFromTarget looks the source position using the target position.

func (*SourceMap) TargetPositionFromSource

func (sm *SourceMap) TargetPositionFromSource(line, col int) (tgt Position, mapping SourceExpressionTo, ok bool)

TargetPositionFromSource looks up the target position using the source position.

type StringExpression

type StringExpression struct {
	Expression Expression

StringExpression is used within HTML elements. {%= ... %}

func (StringExpression) IsNode

func (se StringExpression) IsNode() bool

func (StringExpression) Write

func (se StringExpression) Write(w io.Writer, indent int) error

type SwitchExpression

type SwitchExpression struct {
	Expression Expression
	Cases      []CaseExpression
	Default    []Node

{% switch p.Type %}

{% case "Something" %}
{% endcase %}

{% endswitch %}

func (SwitchExpression) IsNode

func (se SwitchExpression) IsNode() bool

func (SwitchExpression) Write

func (se SwitchExpression) Write(w io.Writer, indent int) error

type Template

type Template struct {
	Name       Expression
	Parameters Expression
	Children   []Node

Template definition. {% templ Name(p Parameter) %}

{% if ... %}

{% endtempl %}

func (Template) Write

func (t Template) Write(w io.Writer, indent int) error

type TemplateFile

type TemplateFile struct {
	Package   Package
	Imports   []Import
	Templates []Template

func Parse

func Parse(fileName string) (TemplateFile, error)

func ParseString

func ParseString(template string) (TemplateFile, error)

func (TemplateFile) Write

func (tf TemplateFile) Write(w io.Writer) error

type TemplateFileParser

type TemplateFileParser struct {

func NewTemplateFileParser

func NewTemplateFileParser() TemplateFileParser

NewTemplateFileParser creates a new TemplateFileParser.

func (TemplateFileParser) Parse

type Whitespace

type Whitespace struct {
	Value string


func (Whitespace) IsNode

func (ws Whitespace) IsNode() bool

func (Whitespace) Write

func (ws Whitespace) Write(w io.Writer, indent int) error

Jump to

Keyboard shortcuts

? : This menu
/ : Search site
f or F : Jump to
y or Y : Canonical URL