
package module
v0.0.1-alpha Latest Latest

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Published: Apr 26, 2024 License: MIT Imports: 21 Imported by: 0


alt text

TM1go: Go Library for IBM Planning Analytics TM1

TM1go is a Go library designed to interface with IBM Planning Analytics TM1, inspired by and closely mirroring the structure and functionality of the widely recognized tm1py Python library. This library serves as a bridge for Go developers, allowing them to interact with TM1 instances with the familiar paradigms and function names found in tm1py.

At its core, TM1go aims to provide a comprehensive, intuitive, and type-safe way to automate and manipulate TM1 objects and data directly from Go applications. By translating the flexible and powerful features of tm1py into Go, TM1go opens up a new realm of possibilities for TM1 automation, reporting, and integration tasks.

Key Features

  • Familiar Structure: Mimics the tm1py library’s structure, making it easy for users of tm1py to transition to using Go for their TM1-related operations.
  • Comprehensive Functionality: Covers a wide range of TM1 REST API features, including cube data manipulation, process execution, and server configuration, among others.
  • Type-Safe Interactions: Leverages Go's type system to ensure safer and more predictable interactions with the TM1 REST API.
  • Ease of Use: Simplifies the complexity of interacting with TM1's REST API, providing a straightforward and productive developer experience.
  • Whether you're building custom applications, automating TM1 processes, or integrating TM1 with other services, TM1go offers a robust and developer-friendly pathway to achieving your objectives. Join us in extending the capabilities of TM1 within the Go ecosystem.


go get


import ""
Config for TM1 v11 local
var config = tm1go.TM1ServiceConfig{
	BaseURL:  "https://localhost:8010",
	User:     "admin",
	Password: "apple",
Config for TM1 v12
var config = tm1go.TM1ServiceConfig{
    Address:  "<ibm-workspace-url>",
    IAMURL:   "<auth-url>",
    APIKey:   "<api-key>",
    Tenant:   "<tenant-id>",
    Database: "<tm1-database-name>",
    SSL:      true,
Config for TM1 v12 SAAS
var config = tm1go.TM1ServiceConfig{
	Address:  "<ibm-workspace-url>",
	APIKey:   "<api-key>",
	Tenant:   "<tenant-id>",
	Database: "<tm1-database-name>",
	SSL:      true,
Create TM1 service.
var tm1Service = tm1go.NewTM1Service(config)
Get all cubes from the service
cubes, err := tm1Service.CubeService.GetAll()
if err != nil {

Issues and Contribution

Feel free to create an issue if you find bugs.

Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.




View Source
const (
	TCPTCPKeepIdle  = 30
	TCPTCPKeepIntvl = 15
	TCPTCPKeepCnt   = 60

TCP socket options

View Source
const BeginGeneratedStatements = "#****Begin: Generated Statements***"
View Source
const DefaultConnectionPoolSize = 10
View Source
const EndGeneratedStatements = "#****End: Generated Statements****"


View Source
var Headers = map[string]string{
	"Connection":         "keep-alive",
	"User-Agent":         "TM1go",
	"Content-Type":       "application/json; odata.streaming=true; charset=utf-8",
	"Accept":             "application/json;odata.metadata=none,text/plain",
	"TM1-SessionContext": "TM1go",

Default HTTP headers


func AddGeneratedStringToCode

func AddGeneratedStringToCode(code string) string

func AddURLParameters

func AddURLParameters(baseURL string, params map[string]string) (string, error)

func CellIsUpdateable

func CellIsUpdateable(cell Cell) bool

Function to check if a cell is updateable

func ExtractCellUpdateableProperty

func ExtractCellUpdateableProperty(decimalValue int, cellProperty CellUpdateableProperty) bool

Function to extract a specific property bit from a decimal value

func ExtractDimensionHierarchyFromString

func ExtractDimensionHierarchyFromString(input string) (string, string)

ExtractDimensionHierarchyFromString extracts the dimension and hierarchy from a string in the format [dimension].[hierarchy] or dimension:hierarchy

func ExtractNamesFromContent

func ExtractNamesFromContent(content Content) []string

func ExtractNamesFromContents

func ExtractNamesFromContents(contents []Content) []string

func RandomString

func RandomString(n int) string

RandomString generates a random string of length n using a specified character set

func SliceContains

func SliceContains[T comparable](slice []T, value T) bool

SliceContains checks if a slice contains a value. It uses generics to work with any comparable type.

func UniqueStrings

func UniqueStrings(input []string) []string

UniqueStrings returns a slice of unique strings from the input slice


type ActiveConfiguration

type ActiveConfiguration struct {
	OdataContext string `json:"@odata.context"`
	ServerName   string `json:"ServerName"`
	Access       struct {
		Network struct {
			IPAddress                        interface{} `json:"IPAddress"`
			IPVersion                        string      `json:"IPVersion"`
			NetRecvBlockingWaitLimit         string      `json:"NetRecvBlockingWaitLimit"`
			NetRecvMaxClientIOWaitWithinAPIs string      `json:"NetRecvMaxClientIOWaitWithinAPIs"`
			IdleConnectionTimeOut            string      `json:"IdleConnectionTimeOut"`
			ReceiveProgressResponseTimeout   string      `json:"ReceiveProgressResponseTimeout"`
		} `json:"Network"`
		Authentication struct {
			SecurityPackageName    string `json:"SecurityPackageName"`
			ServicePrincipalName   string `json:"ServicePrincipalName"`
			IntegratedSecurityMode string `json:"IntegratedSecurityMode"`
			MaximumLoginAttempts   int    `json:"MaximumLoginAttempts"`
		} `json:"Authentication"`
		SSL struct {
			Enable                  bool        `json:"Enable"`
			CertificateID           interface{} `json:"CertificateID"`
			CertAuthority           interface{} `json:"CertAuthority"`
			CertRevocationFile      interface{} `json:"CertRevocationFile"`
			ClientExportServerKeyID interface{} `json:"ClientExportServerKeyID"`
			KeyFile                 string      `json:"KeyFile"`
			KeyStashFile            string      `json:"KeyStashFile"`
			KeyLabel                interface{} `json:"KeyLabel"`
			TLSCipherList           interface{} `json:"TLSCipherList"`
			FIPSOperationMode       string      `json:"FIPSOperationMode"`
			NISTSP800131AMODE       bool        `json:"NIST_SP800_131A_MODE"`
		} `json:"SSL"`
		CAM struct {
			CAMUseSSL                 bool          `json:"CAMUseSSL"`
			ClientURI                 interface{}   `json:"ClientURI"`
			ServerURIs                []interface{} `json:"ServerURIs"`
			PortalVariableFile        interface{}   `json:"PortalVariableFile"`
			ClientPingCAMPassport     string        `json:"ClientPingCAMPassport"`
			ServerCAMURIRetryAttempts int           `json:"ServerCAMURIRetryAttempts"`
			CreateNewCAMClients       bool          `json:"CreateNewCAMClients"`
		} `json:"CAM"`
		LDAP struct {
			Enable                  bool          `json:"Enable"`
			Host                    interface{}   `json:"Host"`
			Port                    int           `json:"Port"`
			UseServerAccount        bool          `json:"UseServerAccount"`
			VerifyCertServerName    []interface{} `json:"VerifyCertServerName"`
			VerifyServerSSLCert     bool          `json:"VerifyServerSSLCert"`
			SkipSSLCertVerification bool          `json:"SkipSSLCertVerification"`
			SkipSSLCRLVerification  bool          `json:"SkipSSLCRLVerification"`
			WellKnownUserName       interface{}   `json:"WellKnownUserName"`
			PasswordFile            interface{}   `json:"PasswordFile"`
			PasswordKeyFile         interface{}   `json:"PasswordKeyFile"`
			SearchBase              interface{}   `json:"SearchBase"`
			SearchField             string        `json:"SearchField"`
		} `json:"LDAP"`
		CAPI struct {
			Port                   int  `json:"Port"`
			ClientMessagePort      int  `json:"ClientMessagePort"`
			MessageCompression     bool `json:"MessageCompression"`
			ProgressMessage        bool `json:"ProgressMessage"`
			ClientVersionMaximum   int  `json:"ClientVersionMaximum"`
			ClientVersionMinimum   int  `json:"ClientVersionMinimum"`
			ClientVersionPrecision int  `json:"ClientVersionPrecision"`
		} `json:"CAPI"`
		HTTP struct {
			Port                     int           `json:"Port"`
			SessionTimeout           string        `json:"SessionTimeout"`
			SessionMaxRequests       int           `json:"SessionMaxRequests"`
			RequestEntityMaxSizeInKB int           `json:"RequestEntityMaxSizeInKB"`
			OriginAllowList          []interface{} `json:"OriginAllowList"`
		} `json:"HTTP"`
	} `json:"Access"`
	Administration struct {
		ServerName                   string      `json:"ServerName"`
		AdminHost                    interface{} `json:"AdminHost"`
		Language                     interface{} `json:"Language"`
		DataBaseDirectory            string      `json:"DataBaseDirectory"`
		UnicodeUpperLowerCase        bool        `json:"UnicodeUpperLowerCase"`
		MaskUserNameInServerTools    bool        `json:"MaskUserNameInServerTools"`
		AllowReadOnlyChoreReschedule bool        `json:"AllowReadOnlyChoreReschedule"`
		DisableSandboxing            bool        `json:"DisableSandboxing"`
		RunningInBackground          interface{} `json:"RunningInBackground"`
		StartupChores                interface{} `json:"StartupChores"`
		PerformanceMonitorOn         bool        `json:"PerformanceMonitorOn"`
		PerfMonActive                bool        `json:"PerfMonActive"`
		EnableSandboxDimension       bool        `json:"EnableSandboxDimension"`
		Clients                      struct {
			PasswordMinimumLength        int         `json:"PasswordMinimumLength"`
			ClientPropertiesSyncInterval string      `json:"ClientPropertiesSyncInterval"`
			RetainNonCAMGroupMembership  interface{} `json:"RetainNonCAMGroupMembership"`
		} `json:"Clients"`
		AuditLog struct {
			Enable                  bool   `json:"Enable"`
			UpdateInterval          string `json:"UpdateInterval"`
			MaxFileSizeKilobytes    int    `json:"MaxFileSizeKilobytes"`
			MaxQueryMemoryKilobytes int    `json:"MaxQueryMemoryKilobytes"`
		} `json:"AuditLog"`
		DebugLog struct {
			LoggingDirectory string `json:"LoggingDirectory"`
		} `json:"DebugLog"`
		ServerLog struct {
			Enable              bool `json:"Enable"`
			LogReleaseLineCount int  `json:"LogReleaseLineCount"`
		} `json:"ServerLog"`
		EventLog struct {
			Enable                           bool   `json:"Enable"`
			ScanFrequency                    string `json:"ScanFrequency"`
			ThresholdForThreadRunningTime    string `json:"ThresholdForThreadRunningTime"`
			ThresholdForThreadWaitingTime    string `json:"ThresholdForThreadWaitingTime"`
			ThresholdForThreadBlockingNumber int    `json:"ThresholdForThreadBlockingNumber"`
			ThresholdForPooledMemoryInMB     int    `json:"ThresholdForPooledMemoryInMB"`
		} `json:"EventLog"`
		TopLog struct {
			Enable        bool   `json:"Enable"`
			ScanMode      string `json:"ScanMode"`
			ScanFrequency string `json:"ScanFrequency"`
		} `json:"TopLog"`
		Java struct {
			ClassPath interface{} `json:"ClassPath"`
			JVMPath   interface{} `json:"JVMPath"`
			JVMArgs   interface{} `json:"JVMArgs"`
		} `json:"Java"`
		ExternalDatabase struct {
			OracleErrorForceRowStatus interface{} `json:"OracleErrorForceRowStatus"`
			SQLFetchType              interface{} `json:"SQLFetchType"`
			SQLRowsetSize             int         `json:"SQLRowsetSize"`
			ODBCLibraryPath           interface{} `json:"ODBCLibraryPath"`
			TM1ConnectorforSAP        bool        `json:"TM1ConnectorforSAP"`
			UseNewConnectorforSAP     bool        `json:"UseNewConnectorforSAP"`
			ODBCTimeoutInSeconds      int         `json:"ODBCTimeoutInSeconds"`
		} `json:"ExternalDatabase"`
		TM1Web struct {
			ExcelWebPublishEnabled bool `json:"ExcelWebPublishEnabled"`
		} `json:"TM1Web"`
		FileRetry struct {
			FileRetryCount             int      `json:"FileRetryCount"`
			FileRetryDelayMilliseconds int      `json:"FileRetryDelayMilliseconds"`
			FileRetryFileSpec          []string `json:"FileRetryFileSpec"`
		} `json:"FileRetry"`
		DownTime string `json:"DownTime"`
	} `json:"Administration"`
	Modelling struct {
		MDXSelectCalculatedMemberInputs bool `json:"MDXSelectCalculatedMemberInputs"`
		DefaultMeasuresDimension        bool `json:"DefaultMeasuresDimension"`
		UserDefinedCalculations         bool `json:"UserDefinedCalculations"`
		EnableNewHierarchyCreation      bool `json:"EnableNewHierarchyCreation"`
		Spreading                       struct {
			SpreadingPrecision          float64 `json:"SpreadingPrecision"`
			ProportionSpreadToZeroCells bool    `json:"ProportionSpreadToZeroCells"`
		} `json:"Spreading"`
		TI struct {
			CognosTM1InterfacePath interface{} `json:"CognosTM1InterfacePath"`
			UseExcelSerialDate     bool        `json:"UseExcelSerialDate"`
			MaximumTILockObjects   int         `json:"MaximumTILockObjects"`
			EnableTIDebugging      bool        `json:"EnableTIDebugging"`
		} `json:"TI"`
		Rules struct {
			AllowSeparateNandCRules                           bool `json:"AllowSeparateNandCRules"`
			AutomaticallyAddCubeDependencies                  bool `json:"AutomaticallyAddCubeDependencies"`
			RulesOverwriteCellsOnLoad                         bool `json:"RulesOverwriteCellsOnLoad"`
			ForceReevaluationOfFeedersForFedCellsOnDataChange bool `json:"ForceReevaluationOfFeedersForFedCellsOnDataChange"`
		} `json:"Rules"`
		Startup struct {
			PersistentFeeders           bool        `json:"PersistentFeeders"`
			SkipLoadingAliases          interface{} `json:"SkipLoadingAliases"`
			MaximumCubeLoadThreads      int         `json:"MaximumCubeLoadThreads"`
			LoadPrivateSubsetsOnStartup bool        `json:"LoadPrivateSubsetsOnStartup"`
		} `json:"Startup"`
		Synchronization struct {
			SyncUnitSize         int `json:"SyncUnitSize"`
			MaximumSynchAttempts int `json:"MaximumSynchAttempts"`
		} `json:"Synchronization"`
	} `json:"Modelling"`
	Performance struct {
		PrivilegeGenerationOptimization bool `json:"PrivilegeGenerationOptimization"`
		Memory                          struct {
			ApplyMaximumViewSizeToEntireTransaction bool `json:"ApplyMaximumViewSizeToEntireTransaction"`
			DisableMemoryCache                      bool `json:"DisableMemoryCache"`
			CacheFriendlyMalloc                     bool `json:"CacheFriendlyMalloc"`
			MaximumViewSizeMB                       int  `json:"MaximumViewSizeMB"`
			MaximumUserSandboxSizeMB                int  `json:"MaximumUserSandboxSizeMB"`
			MaximumMemoryForSubsetUndoKB            int  `json:"MaximumMemoryForSubsetUndoKB"`
			LockPagesInMemory                       bool `json:"LockPagesInMemory"`
		} `json:"Memory"`
		MTCubeLoad struct {
			Enabled          bool `json:"Enabled"`
			Weight           int  `json:"Weight"`
			MinFileSize      int  `json:"MinFileSize"`
			UseBookmarkFiles bool `json:"UseBookmarkFiles"`
		} `json:"MTCubeLoad"`
		MTFeeders struct {
			Enabled   bool `json:"Enabled"`
			AtStartup bool `json:"AtStartup"`
		} `json:"MTFeeders"`
		MTQ struct {
			UseAllThreads                      bool `json:"UseAllThreads"`
			NumberOfThreadsToUse               int  `json:"NumberOfThreadsToUse"`
			SingleCellConsolidation            bool `json:"SingleCellConsolidation"`
			ImmediateCheckForSplit             bool `json:"ImmediateCheckForSplit"`
			OperationProgressCheckSkipLoopSize int  `json:"OperationProgressCheckSkipLoopSize"`
			MTFeeders                          bool `json:"MTFeeders"`
			MTFeedersAtStartup                 bool `json:"MTFeedersAtStartup"`
			MTQQuery                           bool `json:"MTQQuery"`
		} `json:"MTQ"`
		Locking struct {
			SubsetElementLockBreathing            bool `json:"SubsetElementLockBreathing"`
			UseLocalCopiesForPublicDynamicSubsets bool `json:"UseLocalCopiesForPublicDynamicSubsets"`
			PullInvalidationSubsets               bool `json:"PullInvalidationSubsets"`
		} `json:"Locking"`
		ViewCalculation struct {
			MagnitudeDifferenceToBeZero         int    `json:"MagnitudeDifferenceToBeZero"`
			CheckFeedersMaximumCells            int    `json:"CheckFeedersMaximumCells"`
			CalculationThresholdForStorage      int    `json:"CalculationThresholdForStorage"`
			ViewConsolidationOptimization       bool   `json:"ViewConsolidationOptimization"`
			ViewConsolidationOptimizationMethod string `json:"ViewConsolidationOptimizationMethod"`
		} `json:"ViewCalculation"`
		Stargate struct {
			ZeroWeightOptimization          bool `json:"ZeroWeightOptimization"`
			AllRuleCalcStargateOptimization bool `json:"AllRuleCalcStargateOptimization"`
			UseStargateForRules             bool `json:"UseStargateForRules"`
		} `json:"Stargate"`
		JobQueuing struct {
			Enable          bool   `json:"Enable"`
			ThreadSleepTime string `json:"ThreadSleepTime"`
			ThreadPoolSize  int    `json:"ThreadPoolSize"`
			MaxWaitTime     string `json:"MaxWaitTime"`
		} `json:"JobQueuing"`
	} `json:"Performance"`

type Attribute

type Attribute map[string]interface{}

type AuthenticationMode

type AuthenticationMode int

AuthenticationMode is an enum for the different authentication modes

const (
	BASIC AuthenticationMode = iota + 1

Authentication modes

func (AuthenticationMode) UseV12Auth

func (mode AuthenticationMode) UseV12Auth() bool

Determines whether the authentication mode uses v12 authentication

type BatchRequest

type BatchRequest struct {
	Method    string            `json:"method"`
	URL       string            `json:"url"`
	ID        string            `json:"id"`
	Body      string            `json:"body,omitempty"`
	Headers   map[string]string `json:"headers,omitempty"`
	DependsOn []string          `json:"dependsOn,omitempty"`

type BatchResponse

type BatchResponse struct {
	ID      string            `json:"id"`
	Status  int               `json:"status"`
	Headers map[string]string `json:"headers"`
	Body    interface{}       `json:"body,omitempty"`

type BatchResponses

type BatchResponses struct {
	Responses []BatchResponse `json:"responses"`

type BatchService

type BatchService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewBatchService

func NewBatchService(rest *RestService) *BatchService

func (*BatchService) Batch

func (bs *BatchService) Batch(requests []BatchRequest) (*BatchResponses, error)

Batch - Execute a batch of requests Process body using the following example: rsp1 := tm1Go.SomeType{} bodyBytes := json.Marshal(response.Responses[i].Body) json.Unmarshal(bodyBytes, &rsp1)

type Cell

type Cell struct {
	Ordinal             int           `json:"Ordinal,omitempty"`
	Status              string        `json:"Status,omitempty"`
	Value               interface{}   `json:"Value,omitempty"`
	FormatString        string        `json:"FormatString,omitempty"`
	FormattedValue      string        `json:"FormattedValue,omitempty"`
	Updateable          int           `json:"Updateable,omitempty"`
	RuleDerived         bool          `json:"RuleDerived,omitempty"`
	Annotated           bool          `json:"Annotated,omitempty"`
	Consolidated        bool          `json:"Consolidated,omitempty"`
	NullIntersected     bool          `json:"NullIntersected,omitempty"`
	Language            int           `json:"Language,omitempty"`
	HasPicklist         bool          `json:"HasPicklist,omitempty"`
	PicklistValues      []interface{} `json:"PicklistValues,omitempty"`
	HasDrillthrough     bool          `json:"HasDrillthrough,omitempty"`
	Members             []Member      `json:"Members,omitempty"`
	DrillthroughScripts []interface{} `json:"DrillthroughScripts,omitempty"`
	Annotations         []interface{} `json:"Annotations,omitempty"`

type CellService

type CellService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Service for reading and writing TM1 cube cells

func NewCellService

func NewCellService(rest *RestService, cube *CubeService, file *FileService, process *ProcessService) *CellService

NewCellService creates a new cell service

func (*CellService) CellGet

func (cs *CellService) CellGet(params ...string) (interface{}, error)

CellGet retrieves a cell First parameter is the cube name followed by the element names

func (*CellService) CellPut

func (cs *CellService) CellPut(params ...interface{}) error

CellPut updates a cell First parameter is the value, second parameter is the cube name followed by the element names

func (*CellService) CreateCellSet

func (cs *CellService) CreateCellSet(mdx string, sandboxName string) (string, error)

CreateCellSet creates a cellset

func (*CellService) DeleteCellSet

func (cs *CellService) DeleteCellSet(cellsetID string) error

DeleteCellSet deletes a cellset

func (*CellService) ExecuteMDXViaBlob

func (cs *CellService) ExecuteMDXViaBlob(mdx string, sandboxName string) (*DataFrame, error)

Read via blob

func (*CellService) ExecuteMdxToDataframe

func (cs *CellService) ExecuteMdxToDataframe(mdx string, sandboxName string) (*DataFrame, error)

ExecuteMdxToDataframe executes an MDX query and returns the result as a dataframe

func (*CellService) ExtractCellSetCount

func (cs *CellService) ExtractCellSetCount(cellsetID string, sandboxName string) (int, error)

ExtractCellSetCount extracts the number of cells in a cellset

func (*CellService) ExtractCellsetAxesAndCube

func (cs *CellService) ExtractCellsetAxesAndCube(cellsetID string, sandboxName string) (*Cellset, error)

ExtractCellsetCells extracts cells from a cellset

func (*CellService) ExtractCellsetCellsAsync

func (cs *CellService) ExtractCellsetCellsAsync(cellsetID string, cellProperties []string, sandboxName string, maxWorkers int) ([]Cell, error)

ExtractCellsetCellsAsync extracts cells from a cellset asynchronously

func (*CellService) ExtractCellsetCellsRaw

func (cs *CellService) ExtractCellsetCellsRaw(cellsetID string, cellProperties []string, top, skip int, skipZeros, skipConsolidatedCells, skipRuleDerivedCells bool, sandboxName string) ([]Cell, error)

ExtractCellsetCells extracts cells from a cellset

func (*CellService) UpdateCellset

func (cs *CellService) UpdateCellset(cellsetID string, values []interface{}, sandboxName string) error

UpdateCellset updates values inside a cellset

func (*CellService) UpdateCellsetAsync

func (cs *CellService) UpdateCellsetAsync(cellsetID string, values []interface{}, sandboxName string, maxWorkers int) error

UpdateCellsetAsync updates values inside a cellset asynchronously

func (*CellService) UpdateCellsetFromDataframe

func (cs *CellService) UpdateCellsetFromDataframe(cubeName string, df *DataFrame, sandboxName string) error

UpdateCellsetFromDataframe updates values inside a cellset using dataframe

func (*CellService) UpdateCellsetFromDataframeViaBlob

func (cs *CellService) UpdateCellsetFromDataframeViaBlob(cubeName string, df *DataFrame, sandboxName string) error

UpdateCellsetFromDataframeViaBlob Writes data to a cube via blob. Numeric valus only.

func (*CellService) UpdateCellsetMDX

func (cs *CellService) UpdateCellsetMDX(mdx string, values []interface{}, sandboxName string) error

UpdateCellsetMDX updates values inside a cellset using MDX

type CellUpdateableProperty

type CellUpdateableProperty int
const (
	SECURITY_RESTRICTED CellUpdateableProperty = iota + 1



type Cellset

type Cellset struct {
	Cube  Cube          `json:"Cube,omitempty"`
	Cells []Cell        `json:"Cells,omitempty"`
	Axes  []CellsetAxis `json:"Axes,omitempty"`
	ID    string        `json:"ID,omitempty"`

type CellsetAxis

type CellsetAxis struct {
	Ordinal     int         `json:"Ordinal"`
	Cardinality int         `json:"Cardinality"`
	Hierarchies []Hierarchy `json:"Hierarchies"`
	Tuples      []Tuple     `json:"Tuples"`

type Configuration

type Configuration struct {
	ODataContext                                      string   `json:"@odata.context"`
	ServerName                                        string   `json:"ServerName"`
	AdminHost                                         string   `json:"AdminHost"`
	ProductVersion                                    string   `json:"ProductVersion"`
	PortNumber                                        int      `json:"PortNumber"`
	ClientMessagePortNumber                           int      `json:"ClientMessagePortNumber"`
	HTTPPortNumber                                    int      `json:"HTTPPortNumber"`
	IntegratedSecurityMode                            bool     `json:"IntegratedSecurityMode"`
	SecurityMode                                      string   `json:"SecurityMode"`
	PrincipalName                                     string   `json:"PrincipalName"`
	SecurityPackageName                               string   `json:"SecurityPackageName"`
	ClientCAMURIs                                     []string `json:"ClientCAMURIs"`
	WebCAMURI                                         string   `json:"WebCAMURI"`
	ClientPingCAMPassport                             int      `json:"ClientPingCAMPassport"`
	ServerCAMURI                                      string   `json:"ServerCAMURI"`
	AllowSeparateNandCRules                           bool     `json:"AllowSeparateNandCRules"`
	DistributedOutputDir                              string   `json:"DistributedOutputDir"`
	DisableSandboxing                                 bool     `json:"DisableSandboxing"`
	JobQueuing                                        bool     `json:"JobQueuing"`
	ForceReevaluationOfFeedersForFedCellsOnDataChange bool     `json:"ForceReevaluationOfFeedersForFedCellsOnDataChange"`
	DataBaseDirectory                                 string   `json:"DataBaseDirectory"`
	UnicodeUpperLowerCase                             bool     `json:"UnicodeUpperLowerCase"`

Configuration struct to hold the configuration settings

type ConfigurationService

type ConfigurationService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

ConfigurationService struct to hold any dependencies for configuration operations

func NewConfigurationService

func NewConfigurationService(rest *RestService) *ConfigurationService

NewConfigurationService creates a new ConfigurationService with the provided RestClient

func (*ConfigurationService) GetActive

func (cs *ConfigurationService) GetActive() (ActiveConfiguration, error)

GetActive reads effective TM1 config settings as dictionary from TM1 Server. Requires Ops Admin privilege.

func (*ConfigurationService) GetAdminHost

func (cs *ConfigurationService) GetAdminHost() (string, error)

GetAdminHost is deprecated in version 12.0.0

func (*ConfigurationService) GetAll

func (cs *ConfigurationService) GetAll() (Configuration, error)

GetAll retrieves all configuration settings, removing the @odata context entry

func (*ConfigurationService) GetDataDirectory

func (cs *ConfigurationService) GetDataDirectory() (string, error)

GetDataDirectory is deprecated in version 12.0.0

func (*ConfigurationService) GetProductVersion

func (cs *ConfigurationService) GetProductVersion() (string, error)

GetProductVersion asks the TM1 Server for its version.

func (*ConfigurationService) GetServerName

func (cs *ConfigurationService) GetServerName() (string, error)

GetServerName asks the TM1 Server for its name

func (*ConfigurationService) GetStatic

func (cs *ConfigurationService) GetStatic() (StaticConfiguration, error)

GetStatic reads TM1 config settings as dictionary from TM1 Server. Requires Ops Admin privilege.

func (*ConfigurationService) UpdateStatic

func (cs *ConfigurationService) UpdateStatic(configuration map[string]interface{}) (*http.Response, error)

UpdateStatic updates the .cfg file and triggers TM1 to re-read the file. Requires Ops Admin privilege.

type Content

type Content struct {
	OdataType        string    `json:"@odata.type,omitempty"`
	ID               string    `json:"ID,omitempty"`
	Name             string    `json:"Name,omitempty"`
	Size             int       `json:"Size,omitempty"`
	LastUpdated      string    `json:"LastUpdated,omitempty"`
	MediaContentType string    `json:"[email protected],omitempty"`
	Contents         []Content `json:"Contents,omitempty"`

type Cube

type Cube struct {
	OdataContext      string      `json:"@odata.context"`
	OdataEtag         string      `json:"@odata.etag"`
	Name              string      `json:"Name"`
	Rules             string      `json:"Rules"`
	DrillthroughRules string      `json:"DrillthroughRules"`
	LastSchemaUpdate  time.Time   `json:"LastSchemaUpdate"`
	LastDataUpdate    time.Time   `json:"LastDataUpdate"`
	Dimensions        []Dimension `json:"Dimensions"`
	Views             []View      `json:"Views"`
	PrivateViews      []View      `json:"PrivateViews"`

type CubeBody

type CubeBody struct {
	Name       string
	Rules      string
	Dimensions []string

type CubeService

type CubeService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewCubeService

func NewCubeService(rest *RestService, object *ObjectService, dimension *DimensionService) *CubeService

func (*CubeService) CheckRules

func (cs *CubeService) CheckRules(cubeName string) ([]RuleSyntaxError, error)

Check rules syntax for a TM1 cube

func (*CubeService) Create

func (cs *CubeService) Create(cube Cube) error

Create new cube in tm1

func (*CubeService) CubeSaveData

func (cs *CubeService) CubeSaveData(cubeName string) error

Serializes a cube by saving data updates

func (*CubeService) Delete

func (cs *CubeService) Delete(cubeName string) error

Delete TM1 cube

func (*CubeService) Exists

func (cs *CubeService) Exists(cube Cube) (bool, error)

Exists checks if a cube exists in TM1

func (*CubeService) Get

func (cs *CubeService) Get(cubeName string) (*Cube, error)

Get cube from tm1

func (*CubeService) GetAll

func (cs *CubeService) GetAll() ([]Cube, error)

func (*CubeService) GetAllNames

func (cs *CubeService) GetAllNames(skipControlCube bool) ([]string, error)

Get the list of all cube names in TM1

func (*CubeService) GetAllNamesWithRules

func (cs *CubeService) GetAllNamesWithRules(skipControlCube bool) ([]string, error)

func (*CubeService) GetAllNamesWithoutRules

func (cs *CubeService) GetAllNamesWithoutRules(skipControlCube bool) ([]string, error)

Get a list of cubes without rules

func (*CubeService) GetControlCubes

func (cs *CubeService) GetControlCubes() ([]Cube, error)

Get all Cubes with } prefix from TM1 Server as TM1py.Cube instances

func (*CubeService) GetDimensionNames

func (cs *CubeService) GetDimensionNames(cubeName string) ([]string, error)

Get a list of a cube dimensions names

func (*CubeService) GetLastDataUpdate

func (cs *CubeService) GetLastDataUpdate(cubeName string) (string, error)

func (*CubeService) GetMeasureDimension

func (cs *CubeService) GetMeasureDimension(cubeName string) (*Dimension, error)

func (*CubeService) GetModelCubes

func (cs *CubeService) GetModelCubes() ([]Cube, error)

Get all Cubes without } prefix from TM1 Server as TM1py.Cube instances

func (*CubeService) GetNumberOfCubes

func (cs *CubeService) GetNumberOfCubes(skipControlCube bool) (int, error)

Get number of model cubes in TM1

func (*CubeService) GetRandomIntersection

func (cs *CubeService) GetRandomIntersection(cubeName string, uniqueName bool) ([]string, error)

func (*CubeService) GetStorageDimensionOrder

func (cs *CubeService) GetStorageDimensionOrder(cubeName string) ([]string, error)

Get list of dimensions names in storage order

func (*CubeService) Load

func (cs *CubeService) Load(cubeName string) error

Load cube into memory

func (*CubeService) Lock

func (cs *CubeService) Lock(cubeName string) error

Lock cube to prevent any modification by the users

func (*CubeService) SearchForDimension

func (cs *CubeService) SearchForDimension(dimensionName string, skipControlCube bool) ([]string, error)

Get list of cubes that contain dimension name provided

func (*CubeService) SearchForDimensionSubstring

func (cs *CubeService) SearchForDimensionSubstring(substring string, skipControlCube bool) (map[string][]string, error)

Get a list of cubes which dimensions names match the substring

func (*CubeService) SearchForRuleSubstring

func (cs *CubeService) SearchForRuleSubstring(substring string, skipControlCube bool, caseInsensitive bool, spaceInsensitive bool) ([]Cube, error)

Get a list of cubes which rules contain the substring

func (*CubeService) Unload

func (cs *CubeService) Unload(cubeName string) error

Unload cube into memory

func (*CubeService) Unlock

func (cs *CubeService) Unlock(cubeName string) error

Unlock cube to prevent any modification by the users

func (*CubeService) Update

func (cs *CubeService) Update(cube Cube) error

Update existing cube in TM1

func (*CubeService) UpdateOrCreate

func (cs *CubeService) UpdateOrCreate(cube Cube) error

Update if exists else create

func (*CubeService) UpdateStorageDimensionOrder

func (cs *CubeService) UpdateStorageDimensionOrder(cubeName string, dimensions []string) (float64, error)

Update internal dimension storage order. The function returns percentage of memory saved

type DataFrame

type DataFrame struct {
	Columns map[string][]interface{}
	Headers []string

func CellSetToDataFrame

func CellSetToDataFrame(cellset *Cellset) (*DataFrame, error)

Convert cellset to dataframe

func NewDataFrame

func NewDataFrame(columns []string) *DataFrame

func NewDataFromCSV

func NewDataFromCSV(filename string) (*DataFrame, error)

NewDataFromCSV creates new dataframe from CSV file

func (*DataFrame) AddColumn

func (df *DataFrame) AddColumn(name string, values []interface{}) error

AddColumn adds a new column to the DataFrame with the provided name and values. If the number of values doesn't match the number of rows in the DataFrame, it returns an error without adding the column.

func (*DataFrame) AddRow

func (df *DataFrame) AddRow(row []interface{}) error

func (*DataFrame) ClearData

func (df *DataFrame) ClearData()

Clear data frame

func (*DataFrame) ConvertToCSVBytes

func (df *DataFrame) ConvertToCSVBytes() ([]byte, error)

ExportToCSV exports the DataFrame to a CSV and returns it as []byte

func (*DataFrame) DeleteRow

func (df *DataFrame) DeleteRow(index int) error

DeleteRow deletes the row at the specified index from the DataFrame If the index is out of range, it returns an error

func (*DataFrame) ExportToCSV

func (df *DataFrame) ExportToCSV(filename string) error

ExportToCSV exports the DataFrame to a CSV file with the given filename

func (*DataFrame) FindUniformColumnIndices

func (df *DataFrame) FindUniformColumnIndices() []int

FindUniformColumnIndices searches for uniform columns

func (*DataFrame) FindUniformColumnIndicesParallel

func (df *DataFrame) FindUniformColumnIndicesParallel() []int

FindUniformColumnIndicesParallel finds indices of uniform columns using multiple Go routines

func (*DataFrame) RowCount

func (df *DataFrame) RowCount() int

RowCount returns the number of rows in the DataFrame.

func (*DataFrame) SortByColumn

func (df *DataFrame) SortByColumn(columnName string) error

SortByColumn sorts the DataFrame based on the specified column

func (*DataFrame) SortByColumns

func (df *DataFrame) SortByColumns(columnNames []string) error

SortByColumns sorts the DataFrame based on the specified columns

func (*DataFrame) ToMDX

func (df *DataFrame) ToMDX(cubeName string) (string, error)

type Dimension

type Dimension struct {
	OdataContext           string                 `json:"@odata.context,omitempty"`
	OdataEtag              string                 `json:"@odata.etag,omitempty"`
	Name                   string                 `json:"Name,omitempty"`
	UniqueName             string                 `json:"UniqueName,omitempty"`
	AllLeavesHierarchyName string                 `json:"AllLeavesHierarchyName,omitempty"`
	Attributes             map[string]interface{} `json:"Attributes,omitempty"`
	Hierarchies            []Hierarchy            `json:"Hierarchies,omitempty"`

type DimensionService

type DimensionService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewDimensionService

func NewDimensionService(rest *RestService, object *ObjectService, hierarchy *HierarchyService) *DimensionService

NewDimensionService creates a new instance of DimensionService

func (*DimensionService) Create

func (ds *DimensionService) Create(dimension *Dimension) error

Create a new dimension

func (*DimensionService) Delete

func (ds *DimensionService) Delete(dimensionName string) error

Delete a dimension

func (*DimensionService) Exists

func (ds *DimensionService) Exists(dimensionName string) (bool, error)

Exists checks if a dimension exists

func (*DimensionService) Get

func (ds *DimensionService) Get(dimensionName string) (*Dimension, error)

Get retrieves a dimension

func (*DimensionService) GetAllNames

func (dx *DimensionService) GetAllNames() ([]string, error)

GetAllNames retrieves all dimension names

func (*DimensionService) GetNumberOfDimensions

func (ds *DimensionService) GetNumberOfDimensions(skipControlDims bool) (int, error)

GetNumberOfDimensions retrieves the number of dimensions

type Edge

type Edge struct {
	ParentName    string  `json:"ParentName"`
	ComponentName string  `json:"ComponentName"`
	Weight        float64 `json:"Weight"`

type Element

type Element struct {
	Name       string                 `json:"Name,omitempty"`
	UniqueName string                 `json:"UniqueName,omitempty"`
	Type       ElementType            `json:"Type,omitempty"`
	Level      int                    `json:"Level,omitempty"`
	Index      int                    `json:"Index,omitempty"`
	Attributes map[string]interface{} `json:"Attributes,omitempty"`
	Hierarchy  Hierarchy              `json:"Hierarchy,omitempty"`

type ElementAttribute

type ElementAttribute struct {
	Name string `json:"Name"`
	Type string `json:"Type"`

type ElementService

type ElementService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewElementService

func NewElementService(rest *RestService, object *ObjectService) *ElementService

func (*ElementService) AddEdges

func (es *ElementService) AddEdges(dimensionName string, hierarchyName string, edges []Edge) error

AddEdge adds an edge to the specified dimension and hierarchy

func (*ElementService) AddElements

func (es *ElementService) AddElements(dimensionName string, hierarchyName string, elements []Element) error

AddElements adds an element to the specified dimension and hierarchy

func (*ElementService) AttributeCubeExists

func (es *ElementService) AttributeCubeExists(dimensionName string, hierarchyName string) (bool, error)

AttributeExists checks if an attribute cube exists for the specified dimension and hierarchy

func (*ElementService) Create

func (es *ElementService) Create(dimensionName string, hierarchyName string, element *Element) error

Create creates a new element in the specified dimension and hierarchy

func (*ElementService) CreateElementAttribute

func (es *ElementService) CreateElementAttribute(dimensionName string, hierarchyName string, elementAttribute *ElementAttribute) error

CreateElementAttribute creates a new element attribute in the specified dimension and hierarchy

func (*ElementService) Delete

func (es *ElementService) Delete(dimensionName string, hierarchyName string, elementName string) error

Delete deletes an element from the specified dimension and hierarchy

func (*ElementService) DeleteElementAttribute

func (es *ElementService) DeleteElementAttribute(dimensionName string, hierarchyName string, elementAttributeName string) error

DeleteElementAttribute deletes an element attribute from the specified dimension and hierarchy

func (*ElementService) ExecuteSetMDX

func (es *ElementService) ExecuteSetMDX(params MDXExecuteParams) (*CellsetAxis, error)

ExecuteSetMDX executes an MDX query and returns the result as a CellsetAxis

func (*ElementService) Exists

func (es *ElementService) Exists(dimensionName string, hierarchyName string, elementName string) (bool, error)

Exists checks if an element exists in the specified dimension and hierarchy

func (*ElementService) Get

func (es *ElementService) Get(dimensionName string, hierarchyName string, elementName string) (*Element, error)

Get returns an element from the specified dimension and hierarchy

func (*ElementService) GetConsolidatedElementNames

func (es *ElementService) GetConsolidatedElementNames(dimensionName string, hierarchyName string) ([]string, error)

GetConsolidatedElementNames returns the names of all consolidated elements from the specified dimension and hierarchy

func (*ElementService) GetConsolidatedElements

func (es *ElementService) GetConsolidatedElements(dimensionName string, hierarchyName string) ([]Element, error)

GetConsolidatedElements returns all consolidated elements from the specified dimension and hierarchy

func (*ElementService) GetEdges

func (es *ElementService) GetEdges(dimensionName string, hierarchyName string) ([]Edge, error)

GetEdges returns all edges from the specified dimension and hierarchy

func (*ElementService) GetElementAttributes

func (es *ElementService) GetElementAttributes(dimensionName string, hierarchyName string) ([]ElementAttribute, error)

GetElementAttributes returns all element attributes from the specified dimension and hierarchy

func (*ElementService) GetElementNames

func (es *ElementService) GetElementNames(dimensionName string, hierarchyName string) ([]string, error)

GetElementNames returns the names of all elements from the specified dimension and hierarchy

func (*ElementService) GetElements

func (es *ElementService) GetElements(dimensionName string, hierarchyName string) ([]Element, error)

GetElements returns all elements from the specified dimension and hierarchy

func (*ElementService) GetLeafElementNames

func (es *ElementService) GetLeafElementNames(dimensionName string, hierarchyName string) ([]string, error)

GetLeafElementNames returns the names of all leaf elements from the specified dimension and hierarchy

func (*ElementService) GetLeafElements

func (es *ElementService) GetLeafElements(dimensionName string, hierarchyName string) ([]Element, error)

GetElement returns an element from the specified dimension and hierarchy

func (*ElementService) GetLevelNames

func (es *ElementService) GetLevelNames(dimensionName string, hierarchyName string) ([]string, error)

Getlevelnames returns the names of all levels from the specified dimension and hierarchy

func (*ElementService) GetLevelsCount

func (es *ElementService) GetLevelsCount(dimensionName string, hierarchyName string) (int, error)

GetLevelCount returns the number of levels in the specified dimension and hierarchy

func (*ElementService) GetNumberOfConsolidatedElements

func (es *ElementService) GetNumberOfConsolidatedElements(dimensionName string, hierarchyName string) (int, error)

GetNumberOfElementsByType returns the number of elements of the specified type in the specified dimension and hierarchy

func (*ElementService) GetNumberOfElements

func (es *ElementService) GetNumberOfElements(dimensionName string, hierarchyName string) (int, error)

GetElementCount returns the number of elements in the specified dimension and hierarchy

func (*ElementService) GetNumberOfLeafElements

func (es *ElementService) GetNumberOfLeafElements(dimensionName string, hierarchyName string) (int, error)

GetNumberOfLeafElements returns the number of leaf elements in the specified dimension and hierarchy

func (*ElementService) GetNumberOfNumericElements

func (es *ElementService) GetNumberOfNumericElements(dimensionName string, hierarchyName string) (int, error)

GetNumberOfConsolidatedElements returns the number of consolidated elements in the specified dimension and hierarchy

func (*ElementService) GetNumberOfStringElements

func (es *ElementService) GetNumberOfStringElements(dimensionName string, hierarchyName string) (int, error)

GetNumberOfStringElements returns the number of string elements in the specified dimension and hierarchy

func (*ElementService) GetNumericElementNames

func (es *ElementService) GetNumericElementNames(dimensionName string, hierarchyName string) ([]string, error)

GetNumericElementNames returns the names of all numeric elements from the specified dimension and hierarchy

func (*ElementService) GetNumericElements

func (es *ElementService) GetNumericElements(dimensionName string, hierarchyName string) ([]Element, error)

GetNumericElements returns all numeric elements from the specified dimension and hierarchy

func (*ElementService) GetStringElementNames

func (es *ElementService) GetStringElementNames(dimensionName string, hierarchyName string) ([]string, error)

GetStringElementNames returns the names of all string elements from the specified dimension and hierarchy

func (*ElementService) GetStringElements

func (es *ElementService) GetStringElements(dimensionName string, hierarchyName string) ([]Element, error)

GetStringElements returns all string elements from the specified dimension and hierarchy

func (*ElementService) HierarchyExists

func (es *ElementService) HierarchyExists(dimensionName string, hierarchyName string) (bool, error)

HierarchyExists checks if a hierarchy exists in the specified dimension

func (*ElementService) RemoveEdge

func (es *ElementService) RemoveEdge(dimensionName string, hierarchyName string, parentName string, componentName string) error

RemoveEdge removes an edge from the specified dimension and hierarchy

func (*ElementService) Update

func (es *ElementService) Update(dimensionName string, hierarchyName string, element *Element) error

Update updates an element in the specified dimension and hierarchy

func (*ElementService) UpdateOrCreate

func (es *ElementService) UpdateOrCreate(dimensionName string, hierarchyName string, element *Element) error

UpdateOrCreate updates or creates an element in the specified dimension and hierarchy

type ElementType

type ElementType int

Define ElementType

const (
	Numeric ElementType = iota + 1

Enum values for ElementType

func (ElementType) String

func (e ElementType) String() string

type ErrorLogFile

type ErrorLogFile struct {
	Filename string `json:"Filename,omitempty"`
	Content  string `json:"Content,omitempty"`

type ErrorResponse

type ErrorResponse struct {
	Error struct {
		Code    string `json:"code"`
		Message string `json:"message"`
	} `json:"error"`

type FileService

type FileService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewFileService

func NewFileService(rest *RestService, object *ObjectService) *FileService

func (*FileService) Create

func (fs *FileService) Create(fileName string, contentPath []string, file []byte) error

Create a new file If contentPath is empty, the file will be created in the root folder

func (*FileService) CreateCompressed

func (fs *FileService) CreateCompressed(fileName string, contentPath []string, file []byte) error

Create compresses file content and creates a new file entity

func (*FileService) Delete

func (fs *FileService) Delete(fileName string, contentPath []string) error

Delete a file

func (*FileService) Exists

func (fs *FileService) Exists(fileName string, contentPath []string) (bool, error)

Exists checks if a file exists If contentPath is empty, the file will be checked in the root folder

func (*FileService) Get

func (fs *FileService) Get(fileName string, contentPath []string) ([]byte, error)

Get retrieves a file If contentPath is empty, the file will be retrieved from the root folder

func (*FileService) GetAllNames

func (fs *FileService) GetAllNames(numberOfLevels int) ([]string, error)

GetAllNames retrieves all names

func (*FileService) Update

func (fs *FileService) Update(fileName string, contentPath []string, file []byte) error

Update a file If contentPath is empty, the file will be updated in the root folder

func (*FileService) UpdateCompressed

func (fs *FileService) UpdateCompressed(fileName string, contentPath []string, file []byte) error

UpdateCompressed compresses file content and updates a file If contentPath is empty, the file will be updated in the root folder

func (*FileService) UpdateOrCreate

func (fs *FileService) UpdateOrCreate(fileName string, contentPath []string, file []byte) error

UpdateOrCreate updates a file if it exists, otherwise creates it If contentPath is empty, the file will be updated in the root folder

type Groups

type Groups struct {
	Value []struct {
		Name string `json:"Name"`
	} `json:"value"`

type Hierarchy

type Hierarchy struct {
	Name              string                 `json:"Name"`
	UniqueName        string                 `json:"UniqueName,omitempty"`
	Elements          []Element              `json:"Elements,omitempty"`
	Edges             []Edge                 `json:"Edges,omitempty"`
	Visible           bool                   `json:"Visible,omitempty"`
	Cardinality       int                    `json:"Cardinality,omitempty"`
	Attributes        map[string]interface{} `json:"Attributes,omitempty"`
	Dimension         Dimension              `json:"Dimension,omitempty"`
	Subsets           []Subset               `json:"Subset,omitempty"`
	PrivateSubsets    []Subset               `json:"PrivateSubsets,omitempty"`
	SessionSubsets    []Subset               `json:"SessionSubsets,omitempty"`
	Members           []Member               `json:"Members,omitempty"`
	AllMember         []Member               `json:"AllMember,omitempty"`
	DefaultMember     Member                 `json:"DefaultMember,omitempty"`
	Levels            []Level                `json:"Levels,omitempty"`
	ElementAttributes []ElementAttribute     `json:"ElementAttributes,omitempty"`

type HierarchyService

type HierarchyService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewHierarchyService

func NewHierarchyService(rest *RestService, object *ObjectService) *HierarchyService

NewHierarchyService creates a new instance of HierarchyService

func (*HierarchyService) Create

func (hs *HierarchyService) Create(hierarchy *Hierarchy) error

Create creates a new hierarchy in the dimension

func (*HierarchyService) Delete

func (hs *HierarchyService) Delete(dimensionName string, hierarchyName string) error

Update updates the hierarchy in the dimension

func (*HierarchyService) Exists

func (hs *HierarchyService) Exists(dimensionName string, hierarchyName string) (bool, error)

Exists checks if the hierarchy exists in the dimension

func (*HierarchyService) Get

func (hs *HierarchyService) Get(dimensionName string, hierarchyName string) (*Hierarchy, error)

Get retrieves a hierarchy from the dimension

func (*HierarchyService) GetAllNames

func (hs *HierarchyService) GetAllNames(dimensionName string) ([]string, error)

GetAll retrieves all hierarchies from the dimension

func (*HierarchyService) GetDefaultMember

func (hs *HierarchyService) GetDefaultMember(dimensionName string, hierarchyName string) (*Member, error)

GetDefaultMember retrieves the default member in the hierarchy in the dimension

func (*HierarchyService) IsBalanced

func (hs *HierarchyService) IsBalanced(dimensionName string, hierarchyName string) (bool, error)

IsBalanced checks if the hierarchy in the dimension is balanced

func (*HierarchyService) RemoveAllEdges

func (hs *HierarchyService) RemoveAllEdges(dimensionName string, hierarchyName string) error

RemoveAllEdges removes all edges from the hierarchy in the dimension

func (*HierarchyService) UpdateDefaultMember

func (hs *HierarchyService) UpdateDefaultMember(dimensionName string, hierarchyName string, memberName string) error

UpdateDefaultMember updates the default member in the hierarchy in the dimension

func (*HierarchyService) UpdateDefaultMemberViaApi

func (hs *HierarchyService) UpdateDefaultMemberViaApi(dimensionName string, hierarchyName string, memberName string) error

UpdateDefaultMemberViaApi updates the default member in the hierarchy in the dimension

type Level

type Level struct {
	Number      int    `json:"Number"`
	Name        string `json:"Name"`
	UniqueName  string `json:"UniqueName"`
	Cardinality int    `json:"Cardinality"`
	Type        int    `json:"Type"`

type LocalizedAttribute

type LocalizedAttribute struct {
	LocaleID   string      `json:"LocaleId"`
	Attributes []Attribute `json:"Attributes"`

type MDXAxis

type MDXAxis struct {
	SuppressZeroes   bool
	IgnoreBadTuples  bool
	Tuples           []MDXTuple
	CustomExpression string

func (*MDXAxis) ToString

func (a *MDXAxis) ToString() string

type MDXBuilder

type MDXBuilder struct {
	With  []string
	Cube  string
	Axes  []MDXAxis
	Where []MDXMember

func NewMDXBuilder

func NewMDXBuilder(cube string) *MDXBuilder

func (*MDXBuilder) AddCube

func (b *MDXBuilder) AddCube(cubeName string)

func (*MDXBuilder) AddExpressionOnColumns

func (b *MDXBuilder) AddExpressionOnColumns(expression string)

func (*MDXBuilder) AddExpressionOnRows

func (b *MDXBuilder) AddExpressionOnRows(expression string)

func (*MDXBuilder) AddMemberOnColumns

func (b *MDXBuilder) AddMemberOnColumns(dimension, hierarchy, name string)

func (*MDXBuilder) AddMemberOnRows

func (b *MDXBuilder) AddMemberOnRows(dimension, hierarchy, name string)

func (*MDXBuilder) AddMemberOnWhere

func (b *MDXBuilder) AddMemberOnWhere(dimension, hierarchy, name string)

func (*MDXBuilder) AddWithStatement

func (b *MDXBuilder) AddWithStatement(member string)

func (*MDXBuilder) ToString

func (b *MDXBuilder) ToString() (string, error)

type MDXExecuteParams

type MDXExecuteParams struct {
	MDX               string
	TopRecords        *int
	MemberProperties  []string
	ParentProperties  []string
	ElementProperties []string

MDXExecuteParams is a struct for MDX query parameters

type MDXMember

type MDXMember struct {
	Dimension string
	Hierarchy string
	Name      string

func (*MDXMember) ToString

func (m *MDXMember) ToString() string

type MDXTuple

type MDXTuple struct {
	Members []MDXMember

func (*MDXTuple) ToString

func (t *MDXTuple) ToString() string

type MDXView

type MDXView struct {
	Cube Cube   `json:"Cube,omitempty"`
	Type string `json:"@odata.type"`
	Name string `json:"Name"`
	MDX  string `json:"MDX"`
	Meta struct {
		Aliases      map[string]string            `json:"Aliases"`
		ContextSets  map[string]map[string]string `json:"ContextSets"`
		ExpandAboves map[string]bool              `json:"ExpandAboves"`
	} `json:"Meta,omitempty"`

func (*MDXView) GetName

func (v *MDXView) GetName() string

func (*MDXView) GetType

func (v *MDXView) GetType() string

type Member

type Member struct {
	Name             string                 `json:"Name"`
	UniqueName       string                 `json:"UniqueName"`
	Type             string                 `json:"Type"`
	Ordinal          int                    `json:"Ordinal"`
	IsPlaceholder    bool                   `json:"IsPlaceholder"`
	Weight           int                    `json:"Weight"`
	Attributes       map[string]interface{} `json:"Attributes"`
	DisplayInfo      int                    `json:"DisplayInfo"`
	DisplayInfoAbove int                    `json:"DisplayInfoAbove"`

type NameValuePair

type NameValuePair struct {
	Name  string      `json:"Name,omitempty"`
	Value interface{} `json:"Value,omitempty"`

type NativeView

type NativeView struct {
	Type    string `json:"@odata.type,omitempty"`
	Cube    Cube   `json:"Cube,omitempty"`
	Name    string `json:"Name"`
	Columns []struct {
		Subset Subset `json:"Subset,omitempty"`
	} `json:"Columns,omitempty"`
	Rows []struct {
		Subset Subset `json:"Subset,omitempty"`
	} `json:"Rows,omitempty"`
	Titles []struct {
		Subset   Subset  `json:"Subset,omitempty"`
		Selected Element `json:"Selected,omitempty"`
	} `json:"Titles,omitempty"`
	SuppressEmptyColumns bool   `json:"SuppressEmptyColumns,omitempty"`
	SuppressEmptyRows    bool   `json:"SuppressEmptyRows,omitempty"`
	FormatString         string `json:"FormatString,omitempty"`

func (*NativeView) GetName

func (v *NativeView) GetName() string

func (*NativeView) GetType

func (v *NativeView) GetType() string

type NullableBool

type NullableBool int

Nullable bool

const (
	TRUE NullableBool = iota

type ObjectService

type ObjectService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewObjectService

func NewObjectService(rest *RestService) *ObjectService

func (*ObjectService) Exists

func (os *ObjectService) Exists(url string) (bool, error)

type Process

type Process struct {
	Name                string               `json:"Name"`                          // The name of a TurboIntegrator process.
	HasSecurityAccess   bool                 `json:"HasSecurityAccess,omitempty"`   // A Boolean that indicates whether the user security access to run this process.
	PrologProcedure     string               `json:"PrologProcedure,omitempty"`     // The code that is executed during the Prolog stage of the process.
	MetadataProcedure   string               `json:"MetadataProcedure,omitempty"`   // The code that is executed during the Metadata stage of the process.
	DataProcedure       string               `json:"DataProcedure,omitempty"`       // The code that is executed during the Data stage of the process.
	EpilogProcedure     string               `json:"EpilogProcedure,omitempty"`     // The code that is executed during the Epilog stage of the process.
	DataSource          ProcessDataSource    `json:"DataSource,omitempty"`          // The source of the data for the process. Assuming tm1.ProcessDataSource is a string for simplicity.
	Parameters          []ProcessParameter   `json:"Parameters,omitempty"`          // Parameters used by the process. Assuming Collection(tm1.ProcessParameter) is a slice of strings for simplicity.
	Variables           []ProcessVariable    `json:"Variables,omitempty"`           // Variables used by the process. Assuming Collection(tm1.ProcessVariable) is a slice of strings for simplicity.
	Attributes          Attribute            `json:"Attributes,omitempty"`          // The attributes of the process. Assuming tm1.Attributes is a string for simplicity.
	LocalizedAttributes []LocalizedAttribute `json:"LocalizedAttributes,omitempty"` // Translated string values for properties of the process.
	ErrorLogs           []ProcessErrorLog    `json:"ErrorLogs,omitempty"`           // A collection of error logs for the process.
	UIData              string               `json:"UIData,omitempty"`              // string "CubeAction=1511\fDataAction=1503\fCubeLogChanges=0\f"
	VariablesUIData     []interface{}        `json:"VariablesUIData,omitempty"`

Process represents a TurboIntegrator process that can be used to manipulate TM1 data and metadata.

func NewProcess

func NewProcess(name string) *Process

func (*Process) AddParameter

func (p *Process) AddParameter(name string, prompt string, value interface{}, parameterType string)

func (*Process) GetParameter

func (p *Process) GetParameter(name string) *ProcessParameter

func (*Process) RemoveParameter

func (p *Process) RemoveParameter(name string)

type ProcessDataSource

type ProcessDataSource struct {
	Type                    string `json:"Type,omitempty"`
	AsciiDecimalSeparator   string `json:"asciiDecimalSeparator,omitempty"`
	AsciiDelimiterChar      string `json:"asciiDelimiterChar,omitempty"`
	AsciiDelimiterType      string `json:"asciiDelimiterType,omitempty"` // "Character" or "FixedWidth"
	AsciiHeaderRecords      int    `json:"asciiHeaderRecords,omitempty"`
	AsciiQuoteCharacter     string `json:"asciiQuoteCharacter,omitempty"`
	AsciiThousandSeparator  string `json:"asciiThousandSeparator,omitempty"`
	DataSourceNameForClient string `json:"dataSourceNameForClient,omitempty"`
	DataSourceNameForServer string `json:"dataSourceNameForServer,omitempty"`
	UserName                string `json:"userName,omitempty"`
	Password                string `json:"password,omitempty"`
	Query                   string `json:"query,omitempty"`
	UsesUnicode             string `json:"usesUnicode,omitempty"`
	View                    string `json:"view,omitempty"`
	Subset                  string `json:"subset,omitempty"`

type ProcessErrorLog

type ProcessErrorLog struct {
	Timestamp time.Time `json:"Timestamp,omitempty"` // The date and time of the process error.
	Content   []byte    `json:"Content,omitempty"`   // The content of the process error.

ProcessErrorLog represents a collection of error logs for the process.

type ProcessExecuteResult

type ProcessExecuteResult struct {
	ProcessExecuteStatusCode ProcessExecuteStatusCode `json:"ProcessExecuteStatusCode"`
	ErrorLogFile             ErrorLogFile             `json:"ErrorLogFile"`

type ProcessExecuteStatusCode

type ProcessExecuteStatusCode int

ProcessExecuteStatusCode is the custom type for the enum.

const (
	// Enum values with their corresponding integer representations.
	CompletedSuccessfully ProcessExecuteStatusCode = iota

func (ProcessExecuteStatusCode) ToString

func (p ProcessExecuteStatusCode) ToString() string

ToString maps enum values to their corresponding string names.

func (*ProcessExecuteStatusCode) UnmarshalJSON

func (p *ProcessExecuteStatusCode) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaler interface.

type ProcessParameter

type ProcessParameter struct {
	Name   string      `json:"Name,omitempty"`   // The name of the parameter, cannot be null.
	Prompt string      `json:"Prompt,omitempty"` // The prompt text for the parameter.
	Value  interface{} `json:"Value,omitempty"`  // The value of the parameter, can be Edm.Double or Edm.String. Use interface{} to accommodate both types.
	Type   string      `json:"Type,omitempty"`   // The type of the process variable, cannot be null. Assuming tm1.ProcessVariableType is represented as a string.

ProcessParameter represents a parameter used by the process, which can have a value of different types.

type ProcessService

type ProcessService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewProcessService

func NewProcessService(rest *RestService, object *ObjectService) *ProcessService

func (*ProcessService) Compile

func (ps *ProcessService) Compile(processName string) ([]ProcessSyntaxError, error)

Compile process in TM1

func (*ProcessService) CompileProcess

func (ps *ProcessService) CompileProcess(process Process) ([]ProcessSyntaxError, error)

Compile unbound process

func (*ProcessService) Create

func (ps *ProcessService) Create(process *Process) error

Create process in TM1

func (*ProcessService) Delete

func (ps *ProcessService) Delete(processName string) error

Delete process from TM1

func (*ProcessService) Execute

func (ps *ProcessService) Execute(processName string, parameters map[string]interface{}, timeout time.Duration) error

Execute process

func (*ProcessService) ExecuteProcessWithReturn

func (ps *ProcessService) ExecuteProcessWithReturn(process *Process, parameters map[string]interface{}, timeout time.Duration) (*ProcessExecuteResult, error)

Execute unboud process

func (*ProcessService) ExecuteTICode

func (ps *ProcessService) ExecuteTICode(prologCode string, epilogCode string) (*ProcessExecuteResult, error)

Execute TI code

func (*ProcessService) ExecuteWithReturn

func (ps *ProcessService) ExecuteWithReturn(processName string, parameters map[string]interface{}, timeout time.Duration) (*ProcessExecuteResult, error)

Execute process with return

func (*ProcessService) Exists

func (ps *ProcessService) Exists(processName string) (bool, error)

Exists checks if the process exists in TM1

func (*ProcessService) Get

func (ps *ProcessService) Get(processName string) (*Process, error)

Get retrieves a process from TM1

func (*ProcessService) GetAll

func (ps *ProcessService) GetAll(skipControlProcesses bool) ([]Process, error)

GetAll retrieves all processes from TM1

func (*ProcessService) GetAllNames

func (ps *ProcessService) GetAllNames(skipControlProcesses bool) ([]string, error)

GetAllNames retrieves all process names from TM1

func (*ProcessService) GetErrorLogFileContent

func (ps *ProcessService) GetErrorLogFileContent(filename string) (string, error)

func (*ProcessService) GetErrorLogFilenams

func (ps *ProcessService) GetErrorLogFilenams(processName string, top int, descending bool) ([]string, error)

func (*ProcessService) GetLastMessageFromProcessErrorLog

func (ps *ProcessService) GetLastMessageFromProcessErrorLog(processName string) (string, error)

func (*ProcessService) GetProcessErrorLogs

func (ps *ProcessService) GetProcessErrorLogs(processName string) ([]ProcessErrorLog, error)

Get all ProcessErrorLog entries for a process

func (*ProcessService) SearchErrorLogFilenames

func (ps *ProcessService) SearchErrorLogFilenames(searchString string, top int, descending bool) ([]string, error)

Search error log filenames for given search string like a datestamp e.g. 20231201

func (*ProcessService) SearchStringInCode

func (ps *ProcessService) SearchStringInCode(searchString string, skipControlProcesses bool) ([]string, error)

SearchStringInCode searches for a string in the code of all processes in TM1

func (*ProcessService) Update

func (ps *ProcessService) Update(process *Process) error

Update process in TM1

type ProcessSyntaxError

type ProcessSyntaxError struct {
	Procedure  string `json:"Procedure,omitempty"`
	LineNumber int    `json:"LineNumber,omitempty"`
	Message    string `json:"Message,omitempty"`

type ProcessVariable

type ProcessVariable struct {
	Name      string `json:"Name"`                // The name of the process variable, cannot be null.
	Type      string `json:"Type"`                // The type of the process variable, cannot be null.
	Position  int    `json:"Position,omitempty"`  // The position of the variable in the data source.
	StartByte int    `json:"StartByte,omitempty"` // The starting byte position of the variable in the data source.
	EndByte   int    `json:"EndByte,omitempty"`   // The ending byte position of the variable in the data source.

type RestService

type RestService struct {
	Address                   string            // The address of the target server or service
	Port                      int               // The HTTP port number for communication
	SSL                       bool              // Indicates whether SSL/TLS encryption is enabled
	Instance                  string            // The name of the specific instance or system
	Database                  string            // The name of the database or data source
	BaseURL                   string            // The base URL for API endpoints
	AuthURL                   string            // The URL for authentication services
	User                      string            // The username or user identifier
	Password                  string            // The user's password
	DecodeB64                 bool              // Specifies if the password is base64 encoded
	Namespace                 string            // An optional namespace for access control
	CAMPassport               string            // The CAM (Cognos Access Manager) passport
	SessionID                 map[string]string // The unique session identifier
	ApplicationClientID       string            // The client ID for application integration
	ApplicationClientSecret   string            // The client secret for application integration
	APIKey                    string            // The API Key for authentication
	IAMURL                    string            // The IBM Cloud IAM (Identity and Access Management) URL
	PAURL                     string            // The URL for the Planning Analytics Engine
	Tenant                    string            // The tenant identifier
	SessionContext            string            // The name of the application context
	Verify                    bool              //
	Logging                   bool              // Specifies whether verbose HTTP logging is enabled
	Timeout                   float64           // The maximum time to wait for the first byte in seconds
	CancelAtTimeout           bool              // Indicates whether operations should be aborted on timeout
	AsyncRequestsMode         bool              // Enables a mode to avoid 60s timeouts on IBM Cloud
	TCPKeepAlive              bool              // Maintains the TCP connection continuously
	ConnectionPoolSize        int               // Size of the connection pool in a multi-threaded environment
	IntegratedLogin           bool              // Enables IntegratedSecurityMode3
	IntegratedLoginDomain     string            // The NT Domain name for integrated login
	IntegratedLoginService    string            // The Kerberos Service type for remote Service Principal Name
	IntegratedLoginHost       string            // The host name for Service Principal Name
	IntegratedLoginDelegate   bool              // Indicates whether user credentials are delegated to the server
	Impersonate               string            // The name of the user to impersonate
	ReconnectOnSessionTimeout bool              // Attempts to reconnect once if the session times out
	Proxies                   map[string]string // A dictionary of proxy settings
	MaxRetryAttempts          int               // The maximum number of times to retry a request
	Gateway                   string

	AuthMode       AuthenticationMode // The authentication mode for the connection
	VerifyCertPath string             // The path to a certificate file for verification
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

RestService is a struct that contains the configuration for a TM1 REST API connection

func NewRestClient

func NewRestClient(config TM1ServiceConfig) *RestService

Constructor for RestService

func (*RestService) DELETE

func (rs *RestService) DELETE(url string, customHeaders map[string]string, timeout time.Duration, asyncRequest *bool) (*http.Response, error)

func (*RestService) GET

func (rs *RestService) GET(url string, customHeaders map[string]string, timeout time.Duration, asyncRequest *bool) (*http.Response, error)

func (*RestService) IsDataAdmin

func (rs *RestService) IsDataAdmin() bool

isDataAdmin checks if the active user is a data admin.

func (*RestService) IsOpsAdmin

func (rs *RestService) IsOpsAdmin() bool

IsOpsAdmin checks if the active user is an operations admin.

func (*RestService) PATCH

func (rs *RestService) PATCH(url string, data string, customHeaders map[string]string, timeout time.Duration, asyncRequest *bool) (*http.Response, error)

func (*RestService) POST

func (rs *RestService) POST(url string, data string, customHeaders map[string]string, timeout time.Duration, asyncRequest *bool) (*http.Response, error)

func (*RestService) PUT

func (rs *RestService) PUT(url string, data string, customHeaders map[string]string, timeout time.Duration, asyncRequest *bool) (*http.Response, error)

type RuleSyntaxError

type RuleSyntaxError struct {
	LineNumber int    `json:"LineNumber"`
	Message    string `json:"Message"`

type Sandbox

type Sandbox struct {

type SandboxService

type SandboxService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewSandboxService

func NewSandboxService(rest *RestService) *SandboxService

type StaticConfiguration

type StaticConfiguration struct {
	OdataContext string `json:"@odata.context"`
	ServerName   string `json:"ServerName"`
	Access       struct {
		Network struct {
			IPAddress                        interface{} `json:"IPAddress"`
			IPVersion                        string      `json:"IPVersion"`
			NetRecvBlockingWaitLimit         interface{} `json:"NetRecvBlockingWaitLimit"`
			NetRecvMaxClientIOWaitWithinAPIs interface{} `json:"NetRecvMaxClientIOWaitWithinAPIs"`
			IdleConnectionTimeOut            interface{} `json:"IdleConnectionTimeOut"`
			ReceiveProgressResponseTimeout   interface{} `json:"ReceiveProgressResponseTimeout"`
		} `json:"Network"`
		Authentication struct {
			SecurityPackageName    string      `json:"SecurityPackageName"`
			ServicePrincipalName   interface{} `json:"ServicePrincipalName"`
			IntegratedSecurityMode string      `json:"IntegratedSecurityMode"`
			MaximumLoginAttempts   interface{} `json:"MaximumLoginAttempts"`
		} `json:"Authentication"`
		SSL struct {
			Enable                  bool        `json:"Enable"`
			CertificateID           interface{} `json:"CertificateID"`
			CertAuthority           interface{} `json:"CertAuthority"`
			CertRevocationFile      interface{} `json:"CertRevocationFile"`
			ClientExportServerKeyID interface{} `json:"ClientExportServerKeyID"`
			KeyFile                 interface{} `json:"KeyFile"`
			KeyStashFile            interface{} `json:"KeyStashFile"`
			KeyLabel                interface{} `json:"KeyLabel"`
			TLSCipherList           interface{} `json:"TLSCipherList"`
			FIPSOperationMode       interface{} `json:"FIPSOperationMode"`
			NISTSP800131AMODE       interface{} `json:"NIST_SP800_131A_MODE"`
		} `json:"SSL"`
		CAM struct {
			CAMUseSSL                 interface{} `json:"CAMUseSSL"`
			ClientURI                 interface{} `json:"ClientURI"`
			ServerURIs                interface{} `json:"ServerURIs"`
			PortalVariableFile        interface{} `json:"PortalVariableFile"`
			ClientPingCAMPassport     interface{} `json:"ClientPingCAMPassport"`
			ServerCAMURIRetryAttempts interface{} `json:"ServerCAMURIRetryAttempts"`
			CreateNewCAMClients       interface{} `json:"CreateNewCAMClients"`
		} `json:"CAM"`
		LDAP struct {
			Enable                  bool        `json:"Enable"`
			Host                    interface{} `json:"Host"`
			Port                    interface{} `json:"Port"`
			UseServerAccount        interface{} `json:"UseServerAccount"`
			VerifyCertServerName    interface{} `json:"VerifyCertServerName"`
			VerifyServerSSLCert     interface{} `json:"VerifyServerSSLCert"`
			SkipSSLCertVerification interface{} `json:"SkipSSLCertVerification"`
			SkipSSLCRLVerification  interface{} `json:"SkipSSLCRLVerification"`
			WellKnownUserName       interface{} `json:"WellKnownUserName"`
			PasswordFile            interface{} `json:"PasswordFile"`
			PasswordKeyFile         interface{} `json:"PasswordKeyFile"`
			SearchBase              interface{} `json:"SearchBase"`
			SearchField             interface{} `json:"SearchField"`
		} `json:"LDAP"`
		CAPI struct {
			Port                   int         `json:"Port"`
			ClientMessagePort      int         `json:"ClientMessagePort"`
			MessageCompression     interface{} `json:"MessageCompression"`
			ProgressMessage        bool        `json:"ProgressMessage"`
			ClientVersionMaximum   interface{} `json:"ClientVersionMaximum"`
			ClientVersionMinimum   interface{} `json:"ClientVersionMinimum"`
			ClientVersionPrecision interface{} `json:"ClientVersionPrecision"`
		} `json:"CAPI"`
		HTTP struct {
			Port                     int           `json:"Port"`
			SessionTimeout           interface{}   `json:"SessionTimeout"`
			SessionMaxRequests       interface{}   `json:"SessionMaxRequests"`
			RequestEntityMaxSizeInKB interface{}   `json:"RequestEntityMaxSizeInKB"`
			OriginAllowList          []interface{} `json:"OriginAllowList"`
		} `json:"HTTP"`
	} `json:"Access"`
	Administration struct {
		ServerName                   string      `json:"ServerName"`
		AdminHost                    string      `json:"AdminHost"`
		Language                     interface{} `json:"Language"`
		DataBaseDirectory            string      `json:"DataBaseDirectory"`
		UnicodeUpperLowerCase        interface{} `json:"UnicodeUpperLowerCase"`
		MaskUserNameInServerTools    interface{} `json:"MaskUserNameInServerTools"`
		AllowReadOnlyChoreReschedule interface{} `json:"AllowReadOnlyChoreReschedule"`
		DisableSandboxing            interface{} `json:"DisableSandboxing"`
		RunningInBackground          interface{} `json:"RunningInBackground"`
		StartupChores                interface{} `json:"StartupChores"`
		PerformanceMonitorOn         interface{} `json:"PerformanceMonitorOn"`
		PerfMonActive                interface{} `json:"PerfMonActive"`
		EnableSandboxDimension       interface{} `json:"EnableSandboxDimension"`
		Clients                      struct {
			PasswordMinimumLength        interface{} `json:"PasswordMinimumLength"`
			ClientPropertiesSyncInterval interface{} `json:"ClientPropertiesSyncInterval"`
			RetainNonCAMGroupMembership  interface{} `json:"RetainNonCAMGroupMembership"`
		} `json:"Clients"`
		AuditLog struct {
			Enable                  bool        `json:"Enable"`
			UpdateInterval          string      `json:"UpdateInterval"`
			MaxFileSizeKilobytes    int         `json:"MaxFileSizeKilobytes"`
			MaxQueryMemoryKilobytes interface{} `json:"MaxQueryMemoryKilobytes"`
		} `json:"AuditLog"`
		DebugLog struct {
			LoggingDirectory interface{} `json:"LoggingDirectory"`
		} `json:"DebugLog"`
		ServerLog struct {
			Enable              bool        `json:"Enable"`
			LogReleaseLineCount interface{} `json:"LogReleaseLineCount"`
		} `json:"ServerLog"`
		EventLog struct {
			Enable                           interface{} `json:"Enable"`
			ScanFrequency                    interface{} `json:"ScanFrequency"`
			ThresholdForThreadRunningTime    interface{} `json:"ThresholdForThreadRunningTime"`
			ThresholdForThreadWaitingTime    interface{} `json:"ThresholdForThreadWaitingTime"`
			ThresholdForThreadBlockingNumber interface{} `json:"ThresholdForThreadBlockingNumber"`
			ThresholdForPooledMemoryInMB     interface{} `json:"ThresholdForPooledMemoryInMB"`
		} `json:"EventLog"`
		TopLog struct {
			Enable        interface{} `json:"Enable"`
			ScanMode      interface{} `json:"ScanMode"`
			ScanFrequency interface{} `json:"ScanFrequency"`
		} `json:"TopLog"`
		Java struct {
			ClassPath interface{} `json:"ClassPath"`
			JVMPath   interface{} `json:"JVMPath"`
			JVMArgs   interface{} `json:"JVMArgs"`
		} `json:"Java"`
		ExternalDatabase struct {
			OracleErrorForceRowStatus interface{} `json:"OracleErrorForceRowStatus"`
			SQLFetchType              interface{} `json:"SQLFetchType"`
			SQLRowsetSize             interface{} `json:"SQLRowsetSize"`
			ODBCLibraryPath           interface{} `json:"ODBCLibraryPath"`
			TM1ConnectorforSAP        interface{} `json:"TM1ConnectorforSAP"`
			UseNewConnectorforSAP     interface{} `json:"UseNewConnectorforSAP"`
			ODBCTimeoutInSeconds      interface{} `json:"ODBCTimeoutInSeconds"`
		} `json:"ExternalDatabase"`
		TM1Web struct {
			ExcelWebPublishEnabled interface{} `json:"ExcelWebPublishEnabled"`
		} `json:"TM1Web"`
		FileRetry struct {
			FileRetryCount             interface{} `json:"FileRetryCount"`
			FileRetryDelayMilliseconds interface{} `json:"FileRetryDelayMilliseconds"`
			FileRetryFileSpec          interface{} `json:"FileRetryFileSpec"`
		} `json:"FileRetry"`
		DownTime string `json:"DownTime"`
	} `json:"Administration"`
	Modelling struct {
		MDXSelectCalculatedMemberInputs interface{} `json:"MDXSelectCalculatedMemberInputs"`
		DefaultMeasuresDimension        interface{} `json:"DefaultMeasuresDimension"`
		UserDefinedCalculations         interface{} `json:"UserDefinedCalculations"`
		EnableNewHierarchyCreation      bool        `json:"EnableNewHierarchyCreation"`
		Spreading                       struct {
			SpreadingPrecision          interface{} `json:"SpreadingPrecision"`
			ProportionSpreadToZeroCells interface{} `json:"ProportionSpreadToZeroCells"`
		} `json:"Spreading"`
		TI struct {
			CognosTM1InterfacePath interface{} `json:"CognosTM1InterfacePath"`
			UseExcelSerialDate     interface{} `json:"UseExcelSerialDate"`
			MaximumTILockObjects   interface{} `json:"MaximumTILockObjects"`
			EnableTIDebugging      bool        `json:"EnableTIDebugging"`
		} `json:"TI"`
		Rules struct {
			AllowSeparateNandCRules                           bool        `json:"AllowSeparateNandCRules"`
			AutomaticallyAddCubeDependencies                  interface{} `json:"AutomaticallyAddCubeDependencies"`
			RulesOverwriteCellsOnLoad                         interface{} `json:"RulesOverwriteCellsOnLoad"`
			ForceReevaluationOfFeedersForFedCellsOnDataChange bool        `json:"ForceReevaluationOfFeedersForFedCellsOnDataChange"`
		} `json:"Rules"`
		Startup struct {
			PersistentFeeders           bool        `json:"PersistentFeeders"`
			SkipLoadingAliases          interface{} `json:"SkipLoadingAliases"`
			MaximumCubeLoadThreads      interface{} `json:"MaximumCubeLoadThreads"`
			LoadPrivateSubsetsOnStartup interface{} `json:"LoadPrivateSubsetsOnStartup"`
		} `json:"Startup"`
		Synchronization struct {
			SyncUnitSize         interface{} `json:"SyncUnitSize"`
			MaximumSynchAttempts interface{} `json:"MaximumSynchAttempts"`
		} `json:"Synchronization"`
	} `json:"Modelling"`
	Performance struct {
		PrivilegeGenerationOptimization interface{} `json:"PrivilegeGenerationOptimization"`
		Memory                          struct {
			ApplyMaximumViewSizeToEntireTransaction interface{} `json:"ApplyMaximumViewSizeToEntireTransaction"`
			DisableMemoryCache                      interface{} `json:"DisableMemoryCache"`
			CacheFriendlyMalloc                     interface{} `json:"CacheFriendlyMalloc"`
			MaximumViewSizeMB                       interface{} `json:"MaximumViewSizeMB"`
			MaximumUserSandboxSizeMB                interface{} `json:"MaximumUserSandboxSizeMB"`
			MaximumMemoryForSubsetUndoKB            interface{} `json:"MaximumMemoryForSubsetUndoKB"`
			LockPagesInMemory                       interface{} `json:"LockPagesInMemory"`
		} `json:"Memory"`
		MTCubeLoad struct {
			Enabled          interface{} `json:"Enabled"`
			Weight           interface{} `json:"Weight"`
			MinFileSize      interface{} `json:"MinFileSize"`
			UseBookmarkFiles interface{} `json:"UseBookmarkFiles"`
		} `json:"MTCubeLoad"`
		MTFeeders struct {
			Enabled   interface{} `json:"Enabled"`
			AtStartup interface{} `json:"AtStartup"`
		} `json:"MTFeeders"`
		MTQ struct {
			UseAllThreads                      interface{} `json:"UseAllThreads"`
			NumberOfThreadsToUse               interface{} `json:"NumberOfThreadsToUse"`
			SingleCellConsolidation            interface{} `json:"SingleCellConsolidation"`
			ImmediateCheckForSplit             interface{} `json:"ImmediateCheckForSplit"`
			OperationProgressCheckSkipLoopSize interface{} `json:"OperationProgressCheckSkipLoopSize"`
			MTFeeders                          interface{} `json:"MTFeeders"`
			MTFeedersAtStartup                 interface{} `json:"MTFeedersAtStartup"`
			MTQQuery                           interface{} `json:"MTQQuery"`
		} `json:"MTQ"`
		Locking struct {
			SubsetElementLockBreathing            interface{} `json:"SubsetElementLockBreathing"`
			UseLocalCopiesForPublicDynamicSubsets interface{} `json:"UseLocalCopiesForPublicDynamicSubsets"`
			PullInvalidationSubsets               interface{} `json:"PullInvalidationSubsets"`
		} `json:"Locking"`
		ViewCalculation struct {
			MagnitudeDifferenceToBeZero         interface{} `json:"MagnitudeDifferenceToBeZero"`
			CheckFeedersMaximumCells            interface{} `json:"CheckFeedersMaximumCells"`
			CalculationThresholdForStorage      interface{} `json:"CalculationThresholdForStorage"`
			ViewConsolidationOptimization       interface{} `json:"ViewConsolidationOptimization"`
			ViewConsolidationOptimizationMethod interface{} `json:"ViewConsolidationOptimizationMethod"`
		} `json:"ViewCalculation"`
		Stargate struct {
			ZeroWeightOptimization          interface{} `json:"ZeroWeightOptimization"`
			AllRuleCalcStargateOptimization interface{} `json:"AllRuleCalcStargateOptimization"`
			UseStargateForRules             interface{} `json:"UseStargateForRules"`
		} `json:"Stargate"`
		JobQueuing struct {
			Enable          interface{} `json:"Enable"`
			ThreadSleepTime interface{} `json:"ThreadSleepTime"`
			ThreadPoolSize  interface{} `json:"ThreadPoolSize"`
			MaxWaitTime     interface{} `json:"MaxWaitTime"`
		} `json:"JobQueuing"`
	} `json:"Performance"`

type Subset

type Subset struct {
	Name        string                 `json:"Name,omitempty"`
	UniqueName  string                 `json:"UniqueName,omitempty"`
	Expression  string                 `json:"Expression,omitempty"`
	Attributes  map[string]interface{} `json:"Attributes,omitempty"`
	Alias       string                 `json:"Alias,omitempty"`
	Hierarchy   Hierarchy              `json:"Hierarchy,omitempty"`
	Elements    []Element              `json:"Elements,omitempty"`
	ExpandAbove bool                   `json:"ExpandAbove,omitempty"`

type SubsetService

type SubsetService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewSubsetService

func NewSubsetService(rest *RestService) *SubsetService

type TM1Service

type TM1Service struct {
	ConfigurationService *ConfigurationService
	CubeService          *CubeService
	ObjectService        *ObjectService
	DimensionService     *DimensionService
	ElementService       *ElementService
	BatchService         *BatchService
	HierarchyService     *HierarchyService
	SubsetService        *SubsetService
	ProcessService       *ProcessService
	CellService          *CellService
	FileService          *FileService
	SandboxService       *SandboxService
	ViewService          *ViewService
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

TM1Service is a service for interacting with TM1

func NewTM1Service

func NewTM1Service(config TM1ServiceConfig) *TM1Service

NewTM1Service creates a new TM1Service instance

func (*TM1Service) Connect

func (s *TM1Service) Connect() bool

Connect connects to the TM1 service

func (*TM1Service) Logout

func (s *TM1Service) Logout() error

Logout logs out of the TM1 service

type TM1ServiceConfig

type TM1ServiceConfig struct {
	Address                   string            `json:"Address,omitempty"`                   // The address of the target server or service
	Port                      int               `json:"Port,omitempty"`                      // The HTTP port number for communication
	SSL                       bool              `json:"SS,omitempty"`                        // Indicates whether SSL/TLS encryption is enabled
	Instance                  string            `json:"Instance,omitempty"`                  // The name of the specific instance or system
	Database                  string            `json:"Database,omitempty"`                  // The name of the database or data source
	BaseURL                   string            `json:"BaseURL,omitempty"`                   // The base URL for API endpoints
	AuthURL                   string            `json:"AuthURL,omitempty"`                   // The URL for authentication services
	User                      string            `json:"User,omitempty"`                      // The username or user identifier
	Password                  string            `json:"Password,omitempty"`                  // The user's password
	DecodeB64                 bool              `json:"DecodeB64,omitempty"`                 // Specifies if the password is base64 encoded
	Namespace                 string            `json:"Namespace,omitempty"`                 // An optional namespace for access control
	CAMPassport               string            `json:"CAMPassport,omitempty"`               // The CAM (Cognos Access Manager) passport
	SessionID                 map[string]string `json:"SessionID,omitempty"`                 // The unique session identifier
	ApplicationClientID       string            `json:"ApplicationClientID,omitempty"`       // The client ID for application integration
	ApplicationClientSecret   string            `json:"ApplicationClientSecret,omitempty"`   // The client secret for application integration
	APIKey                    string            `json:"APIKey,omitempty"`                    // The API Key for authentication
	IAMURL                    string            `json:"IAMURL,omitempty"`                    // The IBM Cloud IAM (Identity and Access Management) URL
	PAURL                     string            `json:"PAURL,omitempty"`                     // The URL for the Planning Analytics Engine
	Tenant                    string            `json:"Tenant,omitempty"`                    // The tenant identifier
	SessionContext            string            `json:"SessionContext,omitempty"`            // The name of the application context
	Verify                    bool              `json:"Verify,omitempty"`                    //
	VerifyCertPath            string            `json:"VerifyCertPath,omitempty"`            // The path to a certificate file for verification
	Logging                   bool              `json:"Logging,omitempty"`                   // Specifies whether verbose HTTP logging is enabled
	Timeout                   float64           `json:"Timeout,omitempty"`                   // The maximum time to wait for the first byte in seconds
	CancelAtTimeout           bool              `json:"CancelAtTimeout,omitempty"`           // Indicates whether operations should be aborted on timeout
	AsyncRequestsMode         bool              `json:"AsyncRequestsMode,omitempty"`         // Enables a mode to avoid 60s timeouts on IBM Cloud
	TCPKeepAlive              bool              `json:"TCPKeepAlive,omitempty"`              // Maintains the TCP connection continuously
	ConnectionPoolSize        int               `json:"ConnectionPoolSize,omitempty"`        // Size of the connection pool in a multi-threaded environment
	IntegratedLogin           bool              `json:"IntegratedLogin,omitempty"`           // Enables IntegratedSecurityMode3
	IntegratedLoginDomain     string            `json:"IntegratedLoginDomain,omitempty"`     // The NT Domain name for integrated login
	IntegratedLoginService    string            `json:"IntegratedLoginService,omitempty"`    // The Kerberos Service type for remote Service Principal Name
	IntegratedLoginHost       string            `json:"IntegratedLoginHost,omitempty"`       // The host name for Service Principal Name
	IntegratedLoginDelegate   bool              `json:"IntegratedLoginDelegate,omitempty"`   // Indicates whether user credentials are delegated to the server
	Impersonate               string            `json:"Impersonate,omitempty"`               // The name of the user to impersonate
	ReconnectOnSessionTimeout bool              `json:"ReconnectOnSessionTimeout,omitempty"` // Attempts to reconnect once if the session times out
	Proxies                   map[string]string `json:"Proxies,omitempty"`                   // A dictionary of proxy settings
	Gateway                   string            `json:"Gateway,omitempty"`
	Headers                   map[string]string `json:"Headers,omitempty"`
	Session                   interface{}       `json:"Session,omitempty"`

TM1ServiceConfig is a configuration for TM1Service

func (*TM1ServiceConfig) Load

func (c *TM1ServiceConfig) Load(filePath string) error

Load loads the TM1ServiceConfig from a file

func (*TM1ServiceConfig) Save

func (c *TM1ServiceConfig) Save(filePath string) error

Save saves the TM1ServiceConfig to a file

type Tuple

type Tuple struct {
	Ordinal int      `json:"Ordinal"`
	Members []Member `json:"Members"`

type Value

type Value[T any] struct {
	Value T `json:"value"`

type ValueArray

type ValueArray[T any] struct {
	Count int `json:"@odata.count"`
	Value []T `json:"value"`

type View

type View interface {
	GetType() string
	GetName() string
	// contains filtered or unexported methods

type ViewService

type ViewService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewViewService

func NewViewService(rest *RestService, object *ObjectService) *ViewService

func (*ViewService) Create

func (vs *ViewService) Create(cubeName string, view View, private bool) error

Create a new view

func (*ViewService) Delete

func (vs *ViewService) Delete(cubeName, viewName string, private bool) error

Delete a view

func (*ViewService) Execute

func (vs *ViewService) Execute(cubeName, viewName string, private bool) (string, error)

Execute a view. Returns cellset id

func (*ViewService) Exists

func (vs *ViewService) Exists(cubeName, viewName string, private bool) (bool, error)

Exists checks if a view exists

func (*ViewService) Get

func (vs *ViewService) Get(cubeName, viewName string, private bool) (View, error)

Get retrieves a view

func (*ViewService) GetAll

func (vs *ViewService) GetAll(cubeName string, privateViews bool) ([]View, error)

type ViewWrapper

type ViewWrapper struct {
	View View

func (*ViewWrapper) UnmarshalJSON

func (vw *ViewWrapper) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

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