
command module
v0.0.0-...-f0ef8f0 Latest Latest

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Published: May 21, 2020 License: MIT Imports: 20 Imported by: 0


Kube-Valet: Your Cluster Parking Assistant

Kube-valet is a custom controller for Kubernetes. It allows cluster administrators or users to:

It does this by utilizing CustomResourceDefinitions to define its behavior and a MutatingWebhook to modify pods as they are created.

Kube-valet is currently in an alpha state.


  • Kubernetes v1.13 or greater
  • The MutatingWebhook AdmissionController must be enabled (Default on most clusters)
  • The admissionregistration.k8s.io api group must be enabled (Default on most clusters)
  • Cluster administrator level access

Install Using Helm and Automatic TLS

This is the easiest and fastest way to get started with kube-valet.

git clone [email protected]:domoinc/kube-valet.git
cd kube-valet
helm install -n kube-valet --set tls.auto=true --wait ./helm

It is normal for the automatic tls installation to take a few minutes while the images download and all the resource become ready.

Install Using Helm or YAML and Manual TLS

Note: The instructions below are for generating a new self-signed certficates. This is done using CFSSL: Cloudflare's PKI and TLS toolkit. Click here to know more. The cfssl tools used can be downloaded at https://pkg.cfssl.org/.

Get The Repository
# Clone the repository and cd into it
git clone [email protected]:domoinc/kube-valet.git
cd kube-valet
Generate Self-Signed TLS Certificates
# Make a dedicated dir for the certificates and cd into it
mkdir tls
cd tls

# Init a ca with cfssl
cat <<EOF | cfssl genkey -initca - | cfssljson -bare ca
    "CN": "kube-valet-ca",
    "key": {
        "algo": "ecdsa",
        "size": 256

# Create a self-signed key and certificate
cat <<EOF | cfssl gencert -ca ca.pem -ca-key ca-key.pem - | cfssljson -bare server
    "CN": "kube-valet.kube-valet.svc",
    "hosts": [
    "key": {
        "algo": "ecdsa",
        "size": 256

# Go back to the root of the project
cd ../
Install with Helm and Manual TLS
# Put the certificates in the location expected by the helm templates by default
cp -r tls helm/

# Do helm install using default cert, ca, and key paths
helm install -n kube-valet --wait ./helm
Install with YAML and Manual TLS
# Replace the cert and key placeholders in the valet secret
vim deploy/secret.yaml

# Replace the ca cert placeholder in the webhook config
vim deploy/mutatingwebhookconfiguration.yaml

# Apply the namespace
kubectl apply -f deploy/namespace.yaml

# Apply the deployment files
kubectl apply -f deploy/

Using Kube-Valet

Kube-valet is configured entirely through the custom resources made during installation. The resources can be created, updated, and deleted just like any other kubernetes resource. Example:

kubectl create -f _examples/resources/nodeassignmentgroups/simple.yaml
kubectl get nags
kubectl delete nag simple

Available custom resources:

  • pars - podassignmentrules
  • cpars - clusterpodassignmentrules
  • nags - nodeassignmentgroups

See the examples for example client-go scripts and detailed custom resource examples.

Use Valetctl to Configure Kube-Valet

Valetctl is a tool that makes it easier to create and report on kube-valet resources.

curl -Lo /usr/local/bin/valetctl https://github.com/domoinc/kube-valet/releases/download/v2018.10.17.0/valetctl
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/valetctl
Usage Example

Set aside some nodes and make specific pods target those nodes.

# Isolate one node for sensitive jobs and label two more for relaxed jobs
valetctl group create for-jobs sensitive:1:LabelAndTaint relaxed:2

# Make sure all jobtype=sensitive pods in any namespace run on the isolated node.
valetctl assignment create sensitivereq require -t jobtype=sensitive -A for-jobs/sensitive

# Make sure all jobtype=relaxed pods prefer to run on the separated nodes
valetctl assignment create relaxedpref prefer -t jobtype=relaxed -A for-jobs/relaxed

# Make sure all jobtype=misc pods prefer to run any for-jobs assignments
valetctl assignment create miscpref prefer -t jobtype=misc -A for-jobs

# Create a Namespace
kubectl create namespace kv-example

# Enable kube-valet in the namespace (not required for global installations)
kubectl label namespace kv-example kube-valet.io/enabled=""

# Report by nodes
valetctl group report nodes

# Run some jobtype=sensitive pods
kubectl -n kv-example run sensitive --image=alpine:latest sleep 36000 -l jobtype=sensitive --replicas=5

# Check which nodes are in the sensitive assignment column
valetctl group report nags for-jobs

# Check that the all of the pods went to the expected nodes automatically
kubectl -n kv-example get pods -l jobtype=sensitive -o wide

# Run some jobtype=relaxed pods
kubectl -n kv-example run relaxed --image=alpine:latest sleep 36000 -l jobtype=relaxed --replicas=5

# Check which nodes are in the relaxed assignment column
valetctl group report nags for-jobs

# Check that all or most of the pods went to the expected nodes automatically
kubectl -n kv-example get pods -l jobtype=relaxed -o wide

# Run some jobtype=misc pods
kubectl -n kv-example run misc --image=alpine:latest sleep 36000 -l jobtype=misc --replicas=5

# Check which nodes are in any assignment
valetctl group report nags for-jobs

# Check that all or most of the pods went to the expected nodes automatically
kubectl -n kv-example get pods -l jobtype=misc -o wide

Clean up the test resources

kubectl delete nag for-jobs
kubectl delete cpar sensitivereq relaxedpref miscpref
kubectl delete namespace kv-example

Protecting Resources

It is possible to instruct kube-valet to always ignore specific pods or nodes.

Protecting Pods
  • Kube-valet will ignore pods with a label of pod.initializer.kube-valet.io/protected=true
Protecting Nodes
  • Kube-valet will ignore nodes with a label of nags.kube-valet.io/protected=true

Local Development

  • make
  • Golang 1.12+
  • Code change
  • make to build everything or make build to just build kube-valet and valetctl.
  • Run via ./build/kube-valet --kubeconfig ~/.kube/config --loglevel="DEBUG" --no-leader-elect --key=/path/to/key.pem --cert=/path/to/cert.pem
Building a Release Image
  • make docker-image
  • make push-docker-image


PRs and issues are encouraged and welcome.

Community Code of Conduct

Kube-valet follows the CNCF Code of Conduct.


Copyright (c) 2018 Domo, Inc.

Kube-valet was originally created by Carson Anderson (@carsonoid) with additional help from Jordan Davidson (@from-nibly)


The Go Gopher

There is no documentation for this package.


Path Synopsis
Package v1alpha1 implements the v1alpha1 version of kube-valet custom resource types These types serve as source file for client-go code generation.
Package v1alpha1 implements the v1alpha1 version of kube-valet custom resource types These types serve as source file for client-go code generation.
This package has the automatically generated clientset.
This package has the automatically generated clientset.
This package has the automatically generated fake clientset.
This package has the automatically generated fake clientset.
This package contains the scheme of the automatically generated clientset.
This package contains the scheme of the automatically generated clientset.
This package has the automatically generated typed clients.
This package has the automatically generated typed clients.
Package fake has the automatically generated clients.
Package fake has the automatically generated clients.

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