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Published: May 20, 2024 License: MIT Imports: 14 Imported by: 1


This README is a work in progress, and will likely be in a separate repo separating the spec from the implementation.


DUH-RPC - Duh, Use Http for RPC

The goal of this project is not to duplicate GRPC or any other RPC style framework. It is in fact the opposite. It is an attempt to evangelize Standard HTTP for RPC. To help share the knowledge that you can get or exceed GRPC performance and consistency by simply using HTTP and following some basic rules and using a basic set of HTTP codes.

We started this journey after we realized [GRPC was slower than HTTP/1]. Next, we wanted to know if we could gain the simplicity of an RPC framework, while exceeding performance and also reducing complexity. We realized, you don't need a fancy framework to build performant and scalable APIs. All you need are some best practices born out of experience in building and scaling high-performance APIs that developers love.

What is DUH-RPC?

The goal of this project isn't to create a new framework. The goal instead is to get developers thinking about WHY they might be reaching for an RPC style framework, when what they actually want is a basic definition of naming, retry, error and streaming semantics. This spec is an attempt to define those basic semantics which can be followed and audited using standard HTTP and OpenAPI tooling.

This repo includes a simple implementation of the DUH-RPC spec in golang to illustrate how easy it is to create a high performance and scalable RPC style service by following the DUH-RPC spec.

DUH-RPC design is intended to be 100% compatible with OpenAPI tooling, Linters and Governance tooling to aid in the development of APIs Without compromising on Error Handling Consistency, Performance or Scalability.

DUH Examples

Successful Call

POST http://localhost:8080/v1/say.hello {"name": "John Wick"}

    "message": "Hello, John Wick"


What's good about DUH-RPC?
  • Avoid the hierarchy problem that come with using REST best practices.
  • Any client that follows this spec can easily be adapted to your service or API.
  • Consistent Error Handling, which allows libraries and frameworks to handle errors uniformly.
  • Consistent RPC method naming, no need to second guess where in the hierarchy the operation should exist.
  • Keeps the good parts of REST. Stateless, Cachable, Intermediates, Security
  • The API can be interrogated from the command line via curl without the need for a special client.
  • The API can be inspected and called from GUI clients like Postman, or hoppscotch
  • Use standard schema linting tools and OpenAPI-based services for integration and compliance testing of APIs
  • Design, deploy and generate documentation for your API using standard Open API tools
  • Use your favorite web frameworks in your favorite language.
  • Consistent client interfaces allow for a set of standard tooling to be built to support common use cases. Like retry and authentication.
  • Payloads can be encoded in any format (Like ProtoBuf, MessagePack, Thrift, etc...)
  • Standard Streaming semantics (FUTURE WORK)
  • You can use the same endpoints and frameworks for both private and public facing APIs, with no need to have separate tooling for each.

When is DUH-RPC not appropriate?

DUH-RPC, like most RPC APIs, is mostly intended for service to service communication. It doesn't make sense to use DUH-RPC if your intended use case is in a browser when users are sharing links to be clicked.

IE: https://www.google.com/search?q=rpc+api

Why not GRPC?

Like DUH, GRPC has consistent semantics like flow control, request cancellation, and error handling. However, it is not without its issues.

  • GRPC is more complex than is necessary for high-performance, distributed environments.
  • GRPC implementations can be slower than expected (Slower than standard HTTP)
  • Using GRPC can result in more code than using standard HTTP
  • GRPC is not suitable for the public Web based APIs

For a deeper dive and benchmarks of GRPC with standard HTTP in golang See Why not GRPC

Why not REST?

Many who embrace RPC style frameworks do so because they are fleeing REST either because of the simple semantics of RPC or for performance reasons. In our experience REST is suboptimal for a few reasons.

  • The hierarchical nature of REST does not lend itself to clean interfaces over time.
  • REST performance will always be slower than RPC
  • No standard error semantics
  • No standard streaming semantics
  • No standard rate limit or retry semantics

For a deeper dive on REST See Why not REST

DUH Spec

This spec is a work in progress and is not an exhaustive set of DO's and DON'Ts. If you have a suggestion, please consider opening a PR to help contribute to the spec.

Here we are presenting a standard approach for implementing RPC over HTTP. The benefit of using tried-and-true nature of HTTP for RPC allows designers to leverage the many tools and frameworks readily available to design, document, and implement high-performance HTTP APIs without overly complex client or deployment strategies.

TODO: discuss the separation of infra and service implementation. With DUH it is always clear to the client that the error came from either infra, or the service. (unlike regular HTTP where you are not sure where the 404 came from)

DUH method calls take the form /v1/my/endpoint.method


All requests SHOULD use the POST verb with an in body request object describing the arguments of the RPC request. Because each request includes a payload in the encoding of your choice (Default to JSON) there is no need to use any other HTTP verb other than POST.

In fact, if you attempt to send a payload using verbs like GET, You will find that some language frameworks assume there is no payload on GET and will not allow you to read the payload.

The name of the RPC method should be in the standard HTTP path such that it can be easily versioned and routed by standard HTTP handling frameworks, using the form /<version>/<subject>.<action>

CRUD Examples

  • /v1/users.create
  • /v1/users.delete
  • /v1/users.update Where . denotes that the action occurs on the users collection.

Methods SHOULD always reference the thing they are acting upon

  • /v1/dogs.pet
  • /v1/dogs.feed

If Methods do not act upon a collection, then you should indicate the problem domain the method is acting on

  • /v1/messages.send
  • /v1/trash.clear
  • /v1/kiss.give

Naming it /v1/kiss.give instead of just /v1/kiss is an important future proofing action. In the case you want to add other methods to /v1/kiss you have a consistent API. For instance if you only had /v1/kiss then when you wanted to add the ability to blow a kiss, your api would look like

  • /v1/kiss - Create a Kiss
  • /v1/kiss.blow - Blow a Kiss

Instead of the more consistent

  • /v1/kiss.give - Give a Kiss
  • /v1/kiss.blow - Blow a Kiss
Subject before Noun or Action

You may have noticed that every endpoint has the subject before the action. This is intentional and is useful for future proofing your API such that you may want to add more actions in the future. Just remember, if in doubt, design your API like Yoda would speak.


DUH-RPC calls employ standard HTTP paths to make RPC calls. This approach makes versioning those methods easy and direct. This spec does NOT have an opinion on the versioning semantic used. IE: v1 or V1 or v1.2.1. It is highly recommended that all methods are versioned in some way.

Content Negotiation

This spec defines support for only the following mime types which can be specified in the Content-Type or Accept headers. However, since this is HTTP, service Implementors are free to add support for whatever mime type they want.

  • application/json - This MUST be used when sending or receiving JSON. The charset MUST be UTF-8
  • application/protobuf - This MUST be used when sending or receiving Protobuf. The charset MUST be ascii
  • application/octet-stream - The MUST be used when sending or receiving unstructured binary data. The charset is undefined. The client/server should receive and store the binary data in it's unmodified form.
  • text/plain - This should NOT be returned by service implementations. If the response has this content type or has no content type, this indicates to the client the response is not from the service, but from the HTTP infra or some other part of the HTTP stack that is outside of the service implementations control.

The service implementation MUST always return the content type of the response. It MUST NOT return text/plain.

Content-Type and Accept Headers

Clients SHOULD NOT specify any mime type parameters as specified in RFC2046. Any parameters after ; in the provided content type will be ignored by the server.

The Content Type is expected to be specified in the following format, omitting any mime type parameters like ;charset=utf-8 or ;q=0.9.

Content-Type: <MIME_type>/<MIME_subtype>

Multiple mime types are not allowed, Content-Type and Accept header MUST NOT contain multiple mime types separated by comma as defined in RFC7231 If multiple mime types are provided, the server will ignore any mime type beyond the first provided or may optionally ignore the Content-Type completely and return JSON.

Implementations that add new mime types are encouraged to also follow this rule as it simplifies client and server implementations as the RFC style of negotiation is unnecessary within the scope of RPC.

The mime types supported can change depending on the method. This allows service implementations to migrate from older mime types or to support mime types of a specific use case.

If the server can accommodate none of the mime types, the server WILL return code 400 and a standard reply structure with the message

Accept header 'application/bson' is invalid format or unrecognized content type, only 
[application/json, application/protobuf] are supported by this method

Server MUST ALWAYS support JSON, if no other content type can be negotiated, then the server will always respond with JSON.


Standard replies from the service SHOULD follow a common structure. This provides a consistent and simple method for clients to reply with errors and messages.

Reply Structure

The reply structure has the following fields.

  • Code (Optional) - Machine Readable Integer
  • Message - A Human Readable Message
  • Details - (Optional) A map of details about this error which could include a link to the documentation explaining this error OR more machine-readable codes and types.

Although the Reply structure is typically used for error replies, it CAN be used in normal 200 responses when there is a desire to avoid adding a new <MethodCall>Response type for simple method call which has no detailed responses.


Errors are returned using the Reply structure where the HTTP status code and the Code in the reply structure are always the same. This makes it clear the service is responding with the code and not some intermediate proxy or other infrastructure.

HTTP Status Codes

The HTTP status code MUST match the Code provided in the Reply structure in the body of the reply if the HTTP Status code is NOT 200.

Service Implementations SHOULD only return the following standard HTTP Status codes along with the Reply structure defined above.

Code Short Retry Long
200 OK N/A Everything is fine
400 Bad Request False Server reports missing a required parameter, or malformed request object
401 Unauthorized False Not Authenticated, Who are you? (AuthN)
403 Forbidden False You can't access this thing, it either doesn't exist, or you don't have authorization
404 Not Found False The thing you where looking for was not found
409 Conflict False The request conflicts with another request
429 Too Many Requests True Stop abusing our service. (See Standard RateLimit Responses)
452 Client Error False The client returned an error without sending the request to the server
453 Request Failed False Request is valid, but failed. If no other code makes sense, use this one
500 Internal Error True Something with our server happened that is out of our control
501 Not Implemented False The method requested is not implemented on this server

Most Standard HTTP Clients will handle 1xx and 3xx class errors, so it's not something you should need to worry about.

Errors and Codes

HTTP Status Codes should NOT be expanded for your specific use case. Instead server implementations should add their own custom fields and codes in the standard v1.Reply.Details map.

For example, a credit card processing company needs to return card processing errors. The recommended path would be to add those details to the standard error.

	"code": 402,
	"message": "Credit Card was declined",
	"details": {
		"type": "card_error",
		"decline_code": "expired_card",
		"doc": "https://credit.com/docs/card_errors#expired_card"

It is NOT recommended to add your own custom fields to the Reply structure. This approach would require clients to use a non-standard structure. For example, the following is not recommended.

	"code": 402,
	"message": "Credit Card was declined",
	"error": {
		"description": "expired_card",
		"department": {
			"id": "0x87DD0006",
			"sub_code": 1003002,
			"type": "E102"
	"details": {
		"doc": "https://credit.com/docs/80070045D/E102#1003002"
Handling HTTP Errors

All Server responses MUST ALWAYS return JSON if no other content type is specified. It WILL NOT return text/plain. This includes any and all router based errors like Method Not Allowed or Not Found if the route requested is not found. This is because ambiguity exists between a route not found on the service, and a Not Found route at the API gateway or Load Balancer.

The server should always respond with a standard Reply structure which differentiates it's responses from any infrastructure that lies between the service and the client.

The Client SHOULD handle responses that do not include the Reply structure and differentiate those responses to as to clearly differentiate between a service Not Found replies and infrastructure Not Found responses. Implementations of the client SHOULD assume the response is from the infrastructure if it receives a reply that does NOT conform to the Reply structure.

For example, if the client implementation receives an HTTP status code of 404 and a status message of Not Found from the request, the client SHOULD assume the error is from the infrastructure and inform the caller in a way that is suitable for the language used.

Infrastructure Errors

An infrastructure error is any HTTP response code that is NOT 200 and DOES NOT include a Reply structure in the body. If the client receives a response code and it DOES NOT include a Reply structure in the expected serialization format, then the client MUST consider the response as an infrastructure error and handling it accordingly.

Typically, infrastructure errors are 5XX class errors, but could also be 404 Not Found errors, or consist of non-standard or future HTTP status codes. As such it is recommended that client implementations do not attempt to handle all possible HTTP codes, but instead consider any non 200 responses without a Reply an infrastructure class error.

Service Identifiers

In addition, the server CAN include the Server: DUH-RPC/1.0 (Golang) header according to RFC9110 to help identify the source of the HTTP Status. (It is possible that proxy or API gateways will scrub or overwrite this header as a security measure, which will make identification of the source more difficult)

RPC Call Semantics

An RPC call or request over the network has the following semantics

CRUD Semantics

Similar to REST semantics /subject.get always returns data and does not cause side effects. /subject.create creates a thing and can return the data it just created /subject.update updates an existing resource /subject.delete deletes an existing resource

Request reached service and the client received a response

The response from the service could be good or bad. The point is that were no interruptions occurred in order to impede the request from reaching the service which handles the request.

Request was rejected

The request could be rejected by the service or infrastructure for various reasons.

  • IP Blacklisted
  • Rate Limited
  • No such Endpoint or Method found
  • Not Authenticated
  • Malformed or Incorrect request parameters
  • Not Authorized
Request timed out

The request could have timed out by the infrastructure, client or service for various reasons.

  • Upstream service timeout (DB or other service timeout)
  • TCP idle timeout rule (proxy or firewall)
  • 502 Gateway Timeout
Request is cancelled by the service

The request could have been cancelled by

  • Service shutdown during processing
  • Catastrophic Failure of the server or service
The caller cancels the request

The request timed out waiting for a reply, or the caller requested a cancel of the request while in flight.

Request was denied by infrastructure

The infrastructure attempted to connect the request with a service, but was denied

  • 503 Service Unavailable (Load Balancer has no upstream backends to fulfill the request)
  • Internal Error on the Load Balancer or Proxy
  • TCP firewall drops SYN (Possibly due to SYN Flood, and silently never connects)
RPC Call Characteristics

Based on the above possible outcomes we can infer that an RPC client should have the following characteristics.

Unary RPC Requests should be retried until canceled

Because a request could timeout, be rejected, be canceled, and denied for transient reasons, the client should have some resiliency built-in and retry depending on the error received. The request should continue to retry with back off until the client determines the request took too long, or the client cancels the request.

TODO: FINISH In order to support these characteristics, the service MUST reply with a well-defined set of error replies which the client can use to decide which operations should be retried and which should consistute a failure. Also, the service MUST differentiate it's replies with replies from the infrastructure so the client will know what is appropriate to retry and what is not.

TODO: Not Found infra vs Not Found service, might mean we retry.

TODO: Streams

TODO: RateLimit responses (So clients can implement and retry mechanisms)


If you got this far, go look at the demo/client.go and demo/service.go for examples of how to use this framework.


Only POST is allowed

GET http://localhost:8080/v1/say.hello

  "code": 400,
  "codeText": "Bad Request",
  "message": "http method 'GET' not allowed; only POST"
Missing a request body

POST http://localhost:8080/v1/say.hello

  "code": 454,
  "codeText": "Client Content Error",
  "message": "proto: syntax error (line 1:1): unexpected token "
Validation error

POST http://localhost:8080/v1/say.hello {"name": ""}

  "code": 400,
  "codeText": "Bad Request",
  "message": "'name' is required and cannot be empty"

Existing RPC Options

There are already plenty of frameworks to choose from.




View Source
const (
	DetailsHttpCode   = "http.code"
	DetailsHttpUrl    = "http.url"
	DetailsHttpMethod = "http.method"
	DetailsHttpStatus = "http.status"
	DetailsHttpBody   = "http.body"
	DetailsCodeText   = "duh.code-text"
View Source
const (
	CodeOK                 = 200
	CodeBadRequest         = 400
	CodeUnauthorized       = 401
	CodeForbidden          = 403
	CodeNotFound           = 404
	CodeConflict           = 409
	CodeTooManyRequests    = 429
	CodeClientError        = 452
	CodeRequestFailed      = 453
	CodeClientContentError = 454
	CodeInternalError      = 500
	CodeNotImplemented     = 501
	CodeTransportError     = 512
View Source
const (
	ContentTypeProtoBuf = "application/protobuf"
	ContentTypeJSON     = "application/json"
	ContentOctetStream  = "application/octet-stream"


View Source
var (
	// DefaultClient is the default HTTP client to use when making RPC calls.
	// We use the HTTP/1 client as it outperforms both GRPC and HTTP/2
	// See:
	// * https://github.com/duh-rpc/duh-go-benchmarks
	// * https://github.com/golang/go/issues/47840
	// * https://www.emcfarlane.com/blog/2023-05-15-grpc-servehttp
	// * https://github.com/kgersen/h3ctx
	DefaultClient = HTTP1Client

	// HTTP1Client is the default golang http with a limit on Idle connections
	HTTP1Client = &Client{
		Client: &http.Client{
			Transport: &http.Transport{
				IdleConnTimeout:     90 * time.Second,
				MaxIdleConns:        100,
				MaxIdleConnsPerHost: 10,
				MaxConnsPerHost:     0,

	// HTTP2Client is a client configured for H2C HTTP/2
	HTTP2Client = &Client{
		Client: &http.Client{
			Transport: &http2.Transport{

				AllowHTTP: true,

				DialTLSContext: func(ctx context.Context, network, addr string, cfg *tls.Config) (net.Conn, error) {
					var d net.Dialer
					return d.DialContext(ctx, network, addr)
View Source
var (
	SupportedMimeTypes = []string{ContentTypeJSON, ContentTypeProtoBuf}


func CodeText

func CodeText(code int) string

func IsReplyCode

func IsReplyCode(code int) bool

func NewClientError

func NewClientError(msg string, err error, details map[string]string) error

NewClientError returns an error that originates with the client code not from the service implementation or from the infrastructure.

func NewInfraError

func NewInfraError(req *http.Request, resp *http.Response, body []byte) error

NewInfraError returns an error that originates from the infrastructure, and does not originate from the client or service implementation.

func NewReplyError

func NewReplyError(req *http.Request, resp *http.Response, reply *v1.Reply) error

NewReplyError returns an error that originates from the service implementation, and does not originate from the client or infrastructure.

This method is intended to be used by client implementations to pass v1.Reply responses back to the caller as an error.

func NewServiceError

func NewServiceError(code int, msg string, err error, details map[string]string) error

NewServiceError returns a new serviceError. Server Implementations should use this to respond to requests with an error. TODO: Ensure you can get the `cause` of the error from serviceError struct

func ReadRequest

func ReadRequest(r *http.Request, m proto.Message) error

ReadRequest reads the given http.Request body []byte into the given proto.Message. The provided message must be mutable (e.g., a non-nil pointer to a message). It also handles content negotiation via the 'Content-Type' header provided in the http.Request headers

func Reply

func Reply(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, code int, resp proto.Message)

Reply responds to a request with the specified protobuf message and status code. Reply() provides content negotiation for protobuf if the request has the 'Accept' header set. If no 'Accept' header was provided, Reply() will marshall the proto.Message into JSON.

func ReplyError

func ReplyError(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, err error)

ReplyError replies to the request with the error provided. If 'err' satisfies the Error interface, then it will return the code and message provided by the Error. If 'err' does not satisfy the Error it will then return a status of CodeInternalError with the err.Reply() as the message.

func ReplyWithCode

func ReplyWithCode(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, code int, details map[string]string, msg string)

ReplyWithCode replies to the request with the specified message and status code

func TrimSuffix

func TrimSuffix(s, sep string) string

TrimSuffix trims everything after the first separator is found


type Client

type Client struct {
	Client *http.Client

func (*Client) Do

func (c *Client) Do(req *http.Request, out proto.Message) error

Do calls http.Client.Do() and un-marshals the response into the proto struct passed. In the case of unexpected request or response errors, Do will return *duh.ClientError with as much detail as possible.

func (*Client) DoOctetStream

func (c *Client) DoOctetStream(req *http.Request, code *int, r io.ReadCloser) error

DoOctetStream sends the request and expects a `application/octet-stream` response from the server. If server doesn't respond with `application/octet-stream` then it is assumed to be an error of v1.Reply If the reply isn't a v1.Reply then the body of the response is returned as an error. TODO: Implement this and clean this up

type ClientError

type ClientError struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

TODO: Decide if this should be public or not, I'm leaning toward not being public

func (*ClientError) Code

func (e *ClientError) Code() int

func (*ClientError) Details

func (e *ClientError) Details() map[string]string

func (*ClientError) Error

func (e *ClientError) Error() string

func (*ClientError) Message

func (e *ClientError) Message() string

func (*ClientError) ProtoMessage

func (e *ClientError) ProtoMessage() proto.Message

type Error

type Error interface {
	// ProtoMessage Creates v1.Reply protobuf from this Error
	ProtoMessage() proto.Message
	// Code is the code retrieved from v1.Reply.Code or the HTTP Status Code
	Code() int
	// Error is the error message this error wrapped (Used on the server side)
	Error() string
	// Details is the Details of the error retrieved from v1.Reply.details
	Details() map[string]string
	// Message is the message retrieved from v1.Reply.Reply
	Message() string


Path Synopsis

Jump to

Keyboard shortcuts

? : This menu
/ : Search site
f or F : Jump to
y or Y : Canonical URL