
package module
v0.15.5 Latest Latest

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Published: Apr 21, 2024 License: Apache-2.0 Imports: 12 Imported by: 1



Go channels for distributed queueing and event-driven systems

Today's wrong abstractions lead to complexity on maintainability in the future. Usage of synchronous interfaces to reflect asynchronous nature of messaging queues is a good example of inaccurate abstraction. Usage of pure Go channels is a proper solution to distills asynchronous semantic of queueing systems into the idiomatic native Golang code. The library adapts Go channels for various systems and interface.

api examples
AWS EventBridge serverless
aws cdk
AWS SQS serverless
aws cdk
AWS SNS coming soon
AWS S3 Event serverless
aws cdk
AWS DynamoDB Streams serverless
aws cdk
AWS WebSocket API serverless
aws cdk
AWS Kinesis serverless coming soon
aws cdk
AWS Kinesis coming soon
AWS Redis help needed
MQTT API help needed

Please let us know via GitHub issues your needs about queuing technologies.


The library encourages developers to use Golang struct for asynchronous communication with peers. It helps engineers to define domain models, write correct, maintainable code. This library (swarm) uses generic programming style to abstract queueing systems into the idiomatic Golang channels chan<- T and <-chan T. See the design pattern Golang channels for distributed event-driven architecture to learn philosophy and use-cases:

  1. readability: application uses pure Go code instead of vendor specific interfaces (learning time)
  2. portability: application is portable between various queuing systems or event brokers in same manner as sockets abstracts networking stacks (exchange queueing transport "on-the-fly" to resolve evolution of requirements)
  3. testability: unit testing focuses on pure biz logic, simplify dependency injections and mocking (pure unit tests).
  4. distribution: idiomatic architecture to build distributed topologies and scale-out Golang applications (clustering).
  5. serverless: of-the-shelf portable patterns for serverless applications (infrastructure as a code, aws cdk).

Getting started

The library requires Go 1.18 or later due to usage of generics.

The latest version of the library is available at main branch of this repository. All development, including new features and bug fixes, take place on the main branch using forking and pull requests as described in contribution guidelines. The stable version is available via Golang modules.

Use go get to retrieve the library and add it as dependency to your application.

go get -u github.com/fogfish/swarm

Produce (enqueue) messages

Please see and try examples. Its cover all basic use-cases with runnable code snippets, check the design pattern Distributed event-driven Golang channels for deep-dive into library philosophy.

The following code snippet shows a typical flow of producing the messages using the library.

import (

// Use pure Golang struct to define semantic of messages and events
type Note struct {
  ID   string `json:"id"`
  Text string `json:"text"`

// Spawn a new instance of the messaging broker
q := swarm.Must(sqs.New("name-of-the-queue"), /* config options */)

// creates pair Golang channels dedicated for publishing
// messages of type Note through the messaging broker. The first channel
// is dedicated to emit messages. The second one is the dead letter queue that
// contains failed transmissions. 
enq, dlq := queue.Enqueue[Note](q)

// Enqueue message of type Note
enq <- Note{ID: "note", Text: "some text"}

// Close the broker and release all resources

Consume (dequeue) messages

Please see and try examples. Its cover all basic use-cases with runnable code snippets, check the design pattern Distributed event-driven Golang channels for deep-dive into library philosophy.

The following code snippet shows a typical flow of consuming the messages using the library.

import (

// Use pure Golang struct to define semantic of messages and events
type Note struct {
  ID   string `json:"id"`
  Text string `json:"text"`

// Spawn a new instance of the messaging broker
q := swarm.Must(sqs.New("name-of-the-queue", /* config options */))

// Create pair Golang channels dedicated for consuming
// messages of type Note from the messaging broker. The first channel
// is dedicated to receive messages. The second one is the channel to
// acknowledge consumption  
deq, ack := queue.Dequeue[Note](q)

// consume messages and then acknowledge it
for msg := range deq {
  /* ... do something with msg.Object ...*/
  ack <- msg

// Await messages from the broker

Configure library behavior

The library uses "option pattern" for the configuration. See all available configuration options, which are passed into the broker. Please note that each configuration options has With prefix:

q, err := sqs.New("name-of-the-queue",
  swarm.WithRetryConstant(10 * time.Millisecond, 3),
  swarm.WithPollFrequency(10 * time.Second),
  /* ... */

Message Delivery Guarantees

Usage of Golang channels as an abstraction raises a concern about grade of service on the message delivery guarantees. The library ensures exactly same grade of service as the underlying queueing system or event broker. Messages are delivered according to the promise once they are accepted by the remote side of queuing system. The library's built-in retry logic protects losses from temporary unavailability of the remote peer. However, Golang channels are sophisticated "in-memory buffers", which introduce a lag of few milliseconds between scheduling a message to the channel and dispatching message to the remote peer. Use one of the following policy to either accept or protect from the loss all the in-the-flight messages in case of catastrophic failures.

At Most Once is best effort policy, where a message is published without any formal acknowledgement of receipt, and it isn't replayed. Some messages can be lost as subscribers are not required to acknowledge receipt.

The library implements asymmetric approaches. The enqueue path uses buffered Golang channels for emitter and dead-letter queues. The dequeue path also uses buffered Golang channels for delivery message to consumer. The messages are automatically acknowledged to the broker upon successful scheduling. This means that information will be lost if the consumer crashes before it has finished processing the message.

// Spawn a new instance of the messaging broker using At Most Once policy.
// The policy defines the capacity of Golang channel.
q, err := sqs.New("name-of-the-queue",

// for compatibility reasons two channels are returned on the enqueue path but
// dead-letter-queue is nil
enq, dlq := queue.Enqueue[Note](q)

// for compatibility reasons two channels are returned on the dequeue path but
// ack channel acts as /dev/null discards any sent message
deq, ack := queue.Dequeue[Note](q)

At Least Once is the default policy used by the library. The policy assume usage of "acknowledgement" protocol, which guarantees a message will be re-sent until it is formally acknowledged by a recipient. Messages should never be lost but it might be delivered more than once causing duplicate work to consumer.

The library implements also asymmetric approaches. The enqueue path uses unbuffered Golang channels to emit messages and handle dead-letter queue, which leads to a delayed guarantee. The delayed guarantee in this context implies that enqueueing of other messages is blocked until dead-letter queue is resolved. Alternatively, the application can use synchronous protocol to enqueue message. The dequeue path also uses unbuffered Golang channels for delivery message to consumer and acknowledge its processing. The acknowledgement of message by consumer guarantee reliable delivery of the message but might cause duplicates.

// Spawn a new instance of the messaging broker using At Least Once policy.
// At Least Once policy is the default one, no needs to explicitly declare it.
// Use it only if you need to define other capacity for dequeue channel than
// the default one, which creates unbuffered channel
q, err := sqs.New("name-of-the-queue",

// both channels are unbuffered
enq, dlq := queue.Enqueue[Note](q)

// buffered channels of capacity n
deq, ack := queue.Dequeue[Note](q)

Exactly Once is not supported by the library yet.

Delayed Guarantee vs Guarantee

Usage of "At Least Once" policy (unbuffered channels) provides the delayed guarantee for producers. Let's consider the following example. If queue broker fails to send message A then the channel enq is blocked at sending message B until the program consumes message A from the dead-letter queue channel.

enq, dlq := queue.Enqueue[*User](q)

enq <- &User{ID: "A", Text: "some text by A"} // failed to send
enq <- &User{ID: "B", Text: "some text by B"} // blocked until dlq is processed 
enq <- &User{ID: "C", Text: "some text by C"}

The delayed guarantee is efficient on batch processing, pipelining but might cause complication at transactional processing. Therefore, the library also support a synchronous variant to producing a message:

// Creates "synchronous" variant of the queue
user := queue.New[User](q)

// Synchronously enqueue the message. It ensure that message is scheduled for
// delivery to remote peer once function successfully returns.
if err := user.Put(&User{ID: "A", Text: "some text by A"}); err != nil {
  // handle error

Order of Messages

The library guarantee ordering of the messages when they are produced over same Golang channel. Let's consider a following example:

user, _ := queue.Enqueue[*User](q)
note, _ := queue.Enqueue[*Note](q)

user <- &User{ID: "A", Text: "some text by A"}
note <- &Note{ID: "B", Text: "some note A"}
user <- &User{ID: "C", Text: "some text by A"}

The library guarantees following clauses A before C and C after A because both messages are produced to single channel user. It do not guarantee clauses A before B, B before C or C after B because multiple channels are used.

The library does not provide any higher guarantee than underlying message broker. For example, using SQS would not guarantee any ordering while SQS FIFO makes sure that messages of same type is ordered.

Octet Streams

The library support slices of bytes []byte as message type. It opens an opportunity for the many encoding options like JSON, Gob, etc.

import (
  queue "github.com/fogfish/swarm/queue/bytes"

enq, dlq := queue.Enqueue(q, "Note")
deq, ack := queue.Dequeue(q, "Note")

Please see example about binary consumer/producer.

Generic events

Event defines immutable fact(s) placed into the queueing system. Event resembles the concept of Action as it is defined by schema.org.

An action performed by a direct agent and indirect participants upon a direct object.

This type supports development of event-driven solutions that treat data as a collection of immutable facts, which are queried and processed in real-time. These applications processes logical log of events, each event defines a change to current state of the object, i.e. which attributes were inserted, updated or deleted (a kind of diff). The event identifies the object that was changed together with using unique identifier.

The library support this concept through generic type swarm.Event[T] using the Higher-Kinded Type Classes abstraction. This abstraction allows to "overload" well-defined behavior of swarm.Event[T] with application specific type:

import (
  queue "github.com/fogfish/swarm/queue/events"

// declares the application specific event type.
type EventCreateNote swarm.Event[*Note]

func (EventCreateNote) HKT1(swarm.EventType) {}
func (EventCreateNote) HKT2(*Note)           {}

// creates Golang channels to produce / consume messages
enq, dlq := queue.Enqueue[*Note, EventCreateNote](q)
deq, ack := queue.Dequeue[*Note, EventCreateNote](q)

Please see example about event-driven consumer/producer.

Error Handling

The error handling on channel level is governed either by dead-letter queue or acknowledge protocol. The library provides swarm.WithStdErr configuration option to pass the side channel to consume global errors. Use it as top level error handler.

stderr := make(chan error)
q := queue.Must(sqs.New("swarm-test", swarm.WithStdErr(stderr)))

for err := range stderr {
  // error handling loop

Fail Fast

Existing message routing architecture assumes that micro-batch of messages is read from broker. These messages are dispatched to channels and it waits for acks. New micro-batch is not read until all messages are acknowledged or TimeToFlight timer is expired. In the time critical system or serverless application "fail fast" is the best strategy (e.g. lambda function does not need to idle for timeout).

Send negative acknowledgement to ack channel to indicate error on message processing.

deq, ack := queue.Dequeue[Note](q)

// consume messages and then acknowledge it
for msg := range deq {
  // negative ack on the error
  if err := doSomething(msg.Object); err != nil {
    ack <- msg.Fail(err)
  ack <- msg


The library support development of serverless event-driven application using AWS service. The library provides AWS CDK Golang constructs to spawn consumers. See example of serverless consumer and corresponding AWS CDK application.

package main

import (

func main() {
  app := awscdk.NewApp(nil)
  stack := awscdk.NewStack(app, jsii.String("swarm-example-eventbridge"),
      Env: &awscdk.Environment{
        Account: jsii.String(os.Getenv("CDK_DEFAULT_ACCOUNT")),
        Region:  jsii.String(os.Getenv("CDK_DEFAULT_REGION")),

  broker := eventbridge.NewBroker(stack, jsii.String("Broker"), nil)

      Source: []string{"swarm-example-eventbridge"},
      Lambda: &scud.FunctionGoProps{
        SourceCodePackage: "github.com/fogfish/swarm",
        SourceCodeLambda:  "examples/eventbridge/dequeue",


Note: AWS Event Bridge has a feature that allows to match execution of consumer to the pattern of JSON object. Use swarm.Event[T] type to build reliable matching of incoming events:

enq <- &swarm.Event[*User]{
  Agent:  "swarm:example",
  Participant: "user",
  Object: &User{ID: "user", Text: "some text"},

    Pattern: map[string]interface{}{
      "@type": []string{"[user:Event[*swarm.User]]"},
      "agent": []string{"[swarm:example]"},
      "participant": []string{"[user]"},
    /* ... */

Race condition in Serverless

In serverless environment doing dequeue and enqueue might cause a raise condition. The dequeue loop might finish earlier than other messages emitted.

rcv, ack := queue.Dequeue[/* .. */](broker1)
snd, dlq := queue.Enqueue[/* .. */](broker2)

for msg := range rcv {
  snd <- // ...

  // The ack would cause sleep of function in serverless.
  // snd channel might not be flushed before function sleep.
  // The library does not provide yet ultimate solution.  
  ack <- msg   

Use one of the following techniques to overcome the issue

  1. Add sleep before ack
  2. Use sync version of sender

How To Contribute

The library is Apache Version 2.0 licensed and accepts contributions via GitHub pull requests:

  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Added some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request

The build and testing process requires Go version 1.16 or later.

build and test library.

git clone https://github.com/fogfish/swarm
cd swarm
go test ./...

commit message

The commit message helps us to write a good release note, speed-up review process. The message should address two question what changed and why. The project follows the template defined by chapter Contributing to a Project of Git book.


If you experience any issues with the library, please let us know via GitHub issues. We appreciate detailed and accurate reports that help us to identity and replicate the issue.


cd queue/sqs
go test -run=^$ -bench=. -benchtime 100x

Bring Your Own Queue







View Source
const (
	ErrServiceIO = faults.Type("service i/o failed")
	ErrEnqueue   = faults.Type("enqueue is failed")
	ErrDequeue   = faults.Type("dequeue is failed")


This section is empty.


func LogDeadLetters added in v0.13.0

func LogDeadLetters[T any](out chan<- T, err <-chan T) chan<- T

Consumes dead letter messages



type Bag added in v0.4.0

type Bag struct {
	Ctx    *Context
	Object []byte

Bag is an abstract container for octet stream. Bag is used by the transport to abstract message on the wire.

type Broker added in v0.9.0

type Broker interface {

Message broker

type CodecByte added in v0.13.3

type CodecByte struct{}

Byte identity codec for I/O kernet

func NewCodecByte added in v0.13.3

func NewCodecByte() CodecByte

func (CodecByte) Decode added in v0.13.3

func (CodecByte) Decode(x []byte) ([]byte, error)

func (CodecByte) Encode added in v0.13.3

func (CodecByte) Encode(x []byte) ([]byte, error)

type CodecEvent added in v0.13.3

type CodecEvent[T any, E EventKind[T]] struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Event codec for I/O kernel

func NewCodecEvent added in v0.13.3

func NewCodecEvent[T any, E EventKind[T]](source, cat string) CodecEvent[T, E]

func (CodecEvent[T, E]) Decode added in v0.13.3

func (c CodecEvent[T, E]) Decode(b []byte) (*E, error)

func (CodecEvent[T, E]) Encode added in v0.13.3

func (c CodecEvent[T, E]) Encode(obj *E) ([]byte, error)

type CodecJson added in v0.13.3

type CodecJson[T any] struct{}

Json codec for I/O kernel

func NewCodecJson added in v0.13.3

func NewCodecJson[T any]() CodecJson[T]

func (CodecJson[T]) Decode added in v0.13.3

func (CodecJson[T]) Decode(b []byte) (x T, err error)

func (CodecJson[T]) Encode added in v0.13.3

func (CodecJson[T]) Encode(x T) ([]byte, error)

type Config

type Config struct {
	// Instance of AWS Service, used to overwrite default client
	Service any

	// Source is a direct performer of the event.
	// A software service that emits action to the stream.
	Source string

	// Quality of Service Policy
	Policy Policy

	// Queue capacity (enhance with individual capacities)
	CapOut int
	CapDLQ int
	CapRcv int
	CapAck int

	// Retry Policy for service calls
	Backoff Retry

	// Standard Error I/O channel
	StdErr chan<- error

	// Frequency to poll broker api
	PollFrequency time.Duration

	// Time To Flight is a time required by the client to acknowledge the message
	TimeToFlight time.Duration

	// Timeout for any network operations
	NetworkTimeout time.Duration

func NewConfig added in v0.9.0

func NewConfig() Config

type Context added in v0.13.3

type Context struct {

	// Message category ~ topic
	Category string

	// Unique brief summary of the message
	Digest string

	// Error on the message processing
	Error error

Global context for the message

func NewContext added in v0.13.3

func NewContext(ctx context.Context, cat, digest string) *Context

type Event added in v0.5.0

type Event[T any] struct {
	// Unique identity for event
	// It is automatically defined by the library upon the transmission
	ID string `json:"id,omitempty"`

	// Canonical IRI that defines a type of action.
	// It is automatically defined by the library upon the transmission
	Type curie.IRI `json:"type,omitempty"`

	// Direct performer of the event, a software service that emits action to the stream.
	// It is automatically defined by the library upon the transmission
	Agent curie.IRI `json:"agent,omitempty"`

	// Indirect participants, a user who initiated an event.
	Participant curie.IRI `json:"participant,omitempty"`

	// ISO8601 timestamps when action has been created
	// It is automatically defined by the library upon the transmission
	Created time.Time `json:"created,omitempty"`

	// The object upon which the event is carried out.
	Object T `json:"object,omitempty"`

Event defines immutable fact(s) placed into the queueing system. Event resembles the concept of Action as it is defined by schema.org.

> An action performed by a direct agent and indirect participants upon a direct object.

This type supports development of event-driven solutions that treat data as a collection of immutable facts, which are queried and processed in real-time. These applications processes logical log of events, each event defines a change to current state of the object, i.e. which attributes were inserted, updated or deleted (a kind of diff). The event identifies the object that was changed together with using unique identifier.

func (Event[T]) HKT1 added in v0.5.0

func (Event[T]) HKT1(EventType)

func (Event[T]) HKT2 added in v0.5.0

func (Event[T]) HKT2(T)

type EventKind added in v0.5.0

type EventKind[A any] pure.HKT[EventType, A]

type EventType added in v0.5.0

type EventType any

type Msg

type Msg[T any] struct {
	Ctx    *Context
	Object T

Msg is a generic envelop type for incoming messages. It contains both decoded object and its digest used to acknowledge message.

func (Msg[T]) Fail added in v0.12.0

func (msg Msg[T]) Fail(err error) Msg[T]

Fail message with error

type Option added in v0.9.0

type Option func(conf *Config)

Configuration option for queueing broker

func WithConfigFromEnv added in v0.13.2

func WithConfigFromEnv() Option


func WithLogStdErr added in v0.13.0

func WithLogStdErr() Option

Configure broker to log standard errors

func WithNetworkTimeout added in v0.9.0

func WithNetworkTimeout(t time.Duration) Option

Timeout for Network I/O

func WithPolicyAtLeastOnce added in v0.9.0

func WithPolicyAtLeastOnce(n int) Option

AtLeastOnce policy ensures delivery of the message to broker

The policy only impacts behavior of Golang channels created by the broker

func WithPolicyAtMostOnce added in v0.9.0

func WithPolicyAtMostOnce(n int) Option

AtMostOnce is best effort policy, where a message is published without any formal acknowledgement of receipt, and it isn't replayed.

The policy only impacts behavior of Golang channels created by the broker

func WithPollFrequency added in v0.9.0

func WithPollFrequency(t time.Duration) Option

Frequency to poll broker api

func WithRetry added in v0.9.0

func WithRetry(backoff Retry) Option

Custom retry policy

func WithRetryConstant added in v0.9.0

func WithRetryConstant(t time.Duration, n int) Option

Retry operation for N times, with T wait time in between

func WithRetryExponential added in v0.9.0

func WithRetryExponential(t time.Duration, n int, f float64) Option

Retry operation for N times, with exponential increments by T on each step

func WithRetryLinear added in v0.9.0

func WithRetryLinear(t time.Duration, n int) Option

Retry operation for N times, with linear increments by T on each step

func WithRetryNo added in v0.9.0

func WithRetryNo() Option

No retires

func WithService added in v0.9.0

func WithService(service any) Option

Configure AWS Service for broker instance

func WithSource added in v0.9.0

func WithSource(agent string) Option

Source is a direct performer of the event. A software service that emits action to the stream.

func WithStdErr added in v0.9.0

func WithStdErr(stderr chan<- error) Option

Configure broker to route global errors to channel

func WithTimeToFlight added in v0.9.0

func WithTimeToFlight(t time.Duration) Option

Time To Flight for message from broker API to consumer

type Policy added in v0.4.0

type Policy int

Grade of Service Policy

const (
	PolicyAtMostOnce Policy = iota

type Retry added in v0.9.0

type Retry interface {
	Retry(f func() error) error

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