
v1.0.0 Latest Latest

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Published: Jan 23, 2021 License: Apache-2.0 Imports: 2 Imported by: 0




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const (

	// AddressBookLookupBadURL we got back a bad URL from the remote address book after our REST call
	AddressBookLookupBadURL = "Invalid URL obtained for address"
	// AddressBookLookupBadHostsFile we have a custom hosts file for DNS resolution, but it cannot be processed
	AddressBookLookupBadHostsFile = "Configuration problem (hosts file)"
	// AddressBookLookupNotFound remote addressbook says no
	AddressBookLookupNotFound = "Unknown address"

	// ConfigFileReadFailed failed to read the server config file
	ConfigFileReadFailed = "Failed to read %s: %s"
	// CompilerVersionNotFound the runtime context of zeroxyz has not been configured with a compiler for the requested version
	CompilerVersionNotFound = "Could not find a configured compiler for requested Solidity major version %s.%s"
	// CompilerVersionBadRequest the user requested a bad semver
	CompilerVersionBadRequest = "Invalid Solidity version requested for compiler. Ensure the string starts with two dot separated numbers, such as 0.5"
	// CompilerFailedSolc compilation failure output from solc
	CompilerFailedSolc = "Solidity compilation failed: solc: %v\n%s"
	// CompilerOutputMissingContract the output from the compiler does not include the requested contract
	CompilerOutputMissingContract = "Contract '%s' not found in Solidity source: %s"
	// CompilerOutputMultipleContracts need to select one
	CompilerOutputMultipleContracts = "More than one contract in Solidity file, please set one to call: %s"
	// CompilerBytecodeInvalid hex output from compiler could not be parsed
	CompilerBytecodeInvalid = "Decoding bytecode: %s"
	// CompilerBytecodeEmpty null result from succcessful compile in solc
	CompilerBytecodeEmpty = "Specified contract compiled ok, but did not result in any bytecode: %s"
	// CompilerABISerialize could not serialize the ABI output from solc
	CompilerABISerialize = "Serializing ABI: %s"
	// CompilerABIReRead could not re-read serialized output after writing the ABI
	CompilerABIReRead = "Parsing ABI: %s"
	// CompilerSerializeDevDocs could not serialize the dev docs output from solc
	CompilerSerializeDevDocs = "Serializing DevDoc: %s"
	// ConfigNoRPC missing config for JSON/RPC
	ConfigNoRPC = "No JSON/RPC URL set for ethereum node"
	// ConfigKafkaMissingOutputTopic response topic missing
	ConfigKafkaMissingOutputTopic = "No output topic specified for bridge to send events to"
	// ConfigKafkaMissingInputTopic request topic missing
	ConfigKafkaMissingInputTopic = "No input topic specified for bridge to listen to"
	// ConfigKafkaMissingConsumerGroup consumer group missing
	ConfigKafkaMissingConsumerGroup = "No consumer group specified"
	// ConfigKafkaMissingBadSASL problem with SASL config
	ConfigKafkaMissingBadSASL = "Username and Password must both be provided for SASL"
	// ConfigKafkaMissingBrokers missing/empty brokers
	ConfigKafkaMissingBrokers = "No Kafka brokers configured"
	// ConfigRESTGatewayRequiredReceiptStore need to enable params for REST Gatewya
	ConfigRESTGatewayRequiredReceiptStore = "MongoDB URL, Database and Collection name must be specified to enable the receipt store"
	// ConfigRESTGatewayRequiredRPC and RPC stuff
	ConfigRESTGatewayRequiredRPC = "RPC URL and Storage Path must be supplied to enable the Open API REST Gateway"
	// ConfigWebhooksDirectRPC for webhooks direct
	ConfigWebhooksDirectRPC = "No JSON/RPC URL set for ethereum node"
	// ConfigTLSCertOrKey incomplete TLS config
	ConfigTLSCertOrKey = "Client private key and certificate must both be provided for mutual auth"

	// ConfigNoYAML missing configuration file on server start
	ConfigNoYAML = "No YAML configuration filename specified"
	// ConfigYAMLParseFile failed to parse YAML during server startup
	ConfigYAMLParseFile = "Unable to parse %s as YAML: %s"
	// ConfigYAMLPostParseFile failed to process YAML as JSON after parsing
	ConfigYAMLPostParseFile = "Failed to process YAML config from %s: %s"

	// DeployTransactionMissingCode a DeployTransaction message, without code to deploy
	DeployTransactionMissingCode = "Missing Compiled Code + ABI, or Solidity"

	// EventStreamsDBLoad failed to init DB
	EventStreamsDBLoad = "Failed to open DB at %s: %s"
	// EventStreamsNoID attempt to create an event stream/sub without an ID
	EventStreamsNoID = "No ID"
	// EventStreamsInvalidActionType unknown action type
	EventStreamsInvalidActionType = "Unknown action type '%s'"
	// EventStreamsWebhookNoURL attempt to create a Webhook event stream without a URL
	EventStreamsWebhookNoURL = "Must specify webhook.url for action type 'webhook'"
	// EventStreamsWebhookInvalidURL attempt to create a Webhook event stream with an invalid URL
	EventStreamsWebhookInvalidURL = "Invalid URL in webhook action"
	// EventStreamsWebhookResumeActive resume when already resumed
	EventStreamsWebhookResumeActive = "Event processor is already active. Suspending:%t"
	// EventStreamsWebhookProhibitedAddress some IP ranges can be restricted
	EventStreamsWebhookProhibitedAddress = "Cannot send Webhook POST to address: %s"
	// EventStreamsWebhookFailedHTTPStatus server at the other end of a webhook returned a non-OK response
	EventStreamsWebhookFailedHTTPStatus = "%s: Failed with status=%d"
	// EventStreamsSubscribeBadBlock the starting block for a subscription request is invalid
	EventStreamsSubscribeBadBlock = "FromBlock cannot be parsed as a BigInt"
	// EventStreamsSubscribeStoreFailed problem saving a subscription to our DB
	EventStreamsSubscribeStoreFailed = "Failed to store subscription: %s"
	// EventStreamsSubscribeNoEvent missing event
	EventStreamsSubscribeNoEvent = "Solidity event name must be specified"
	// EventStreamsSubscriptionNotFound sub not found
	EventStreamsSubscriptionNotFound = "Subscription with ID '%s' not found"
	// EventStreamsCreateStreamStoreFailed problem saving a subscription to our DB
	EventStreamsCreateStreamStoreFailed = "Failed to store stream: %s"
	// EventStreamsCreateStreamResourceErr problem creating a resource required by the eventstream
	EventStreamsCreateStreamResourceErr = "Failed to create a resource for the stream: %s"
	// EventStreamsStreamNotFound stream not found
	EventStreamsStreamNotFound = "Stream with ID '%s' not found"
	// EventStreamsLogDecode problem decoding the logs for an event emitted on the chain
	EventStreamsLogDecode = "%s: Failed to decode data: %s"
	// EventStreamsLogDecodeInsufficientTopics ran out of topics according to the indexed fields described on the ABI event
	EventStreamsLogDecodeInsufficientTopics = "%s: Ran out of topics for indexed fields at field %d of %s"
	// EventStreamsLogDecodeData RLP decoding of the data section of the logs failed
	EventStreamsLogDecodeData = "%s: Failed to parse RLP data from event: %s"

	// KakfaProducerConfirmMsgUnknown we received a confirmation callback, but we aren't expecting it
	KakfaProducerConfirmMsgUnknown = "Received confirmation for message not in in-flight map: %s"

	// KVStoreDBLoad failed to init DB
	KVStoreDBLoad = "Failed to open DB at %s: %s"
	// KVStoreMemFilteringUnsupported memory db is really just for testing. No filtering support
	KVStoreMemFilteringUnsupported = "Memory receipts do not support filtering"

	// HDWalletSigningFailed problem returned from remote HDWallet API
	HDWalletSigningFailed = "HDWallet signing failed"
	// HDWalletSigningBadData we got a response, but not with the correct fields
	HDWalletSigningBadData = "Unexpected response from HDWallet"
	// HDWalletSigningNoConfig we had a request for HD Wallet signing, but we don't have the required config
	HDWalletSigningNoConfig = "No HD Wallet Configuration"

	// HelperStrToAddressRequiredField re-usable error for missing fields
	HelperStrToAddressRequiredField = "'%s' must be supplied"
	// HelperStrToAddressBadAddress re-usable error for bad address
	HelperStrToAddressBadAddress = "Supplied value for '%s' is not a valid hex address"
	// HelperYAMLorJSONPayloadTooLarge input message too large
	HelperYAMLorJSONPayloadTooLarge = "Message exceeds maximum allowable size"
	// HelperYAMLorJSONPayloadReadFailed failed to read input
	HelperYAMLorJSONPayloadReadFailed = "Unable to read input data: %s"
	// HelperYAMLorJSONPayloadParseFailed input message got error parsing
	HelperYAMLorJSONPayloadParseFailed = "Unable to parse as YAML or JSON: %s"

	// HTTPRequesterSerializeFailed common HTTP request utility for extensions, failed to serialize request
	HTTPRequesterSerializeFailed = "Failed to serialize request payload: %s"
	// HTTPRequesterNonStatusError common HTTP request utility for extensions, got an error sending a request
	HTTPRequesterNonStatusError = "Error querying %s"
	// HTTPRequesterStatusErrorNoData common HTTP request utility for extensions, got a status code, but couldn't deserialize payload
	HTTPRequesterStatusErrorNoData = "Could not process %s [%d] response"
	// HTTPRequesterStatusErrorWithData common HTTP request utility for extensions, got a non-ok status code with JSON errorMessage
	HTTPRequesterStatusErrorWithData = "%s returned [%d]: %s"
	// HTTPRequesterStatusError common HTTP request utility for extensions, got a non-ok status code
	HTTPRequesterStatusError = "Error querying %s"
	// HTTPRequesterResponseMissingField common HTTP request utility for extensions, missing expected field in response
	HTTPRequesterResponseMissingField = "'%s' missing in %s response"
	// HTTPRequesterResponseNonStringField common HTTP request utility for extensions, expected string for field in response
	HTTPRequesterResponseNonStringField = "'%s' not a string in %s response"
	// HTTPRequesterResponseNullField common HTTP request utility for extensions, expected non-empty response field
	HTTPRequesterResponseNullField = "'%s' empty (or null) in %s response"

	// ReceiptStoreDisabled not configured
	ReceiptStoreDisabled = "Receipt store not enabled"
	// ReceiptStoreDBLoad failed to init DB
	ReceiptStoreDBLoad = "Failed to open DB at %s: %s"
	// ReceiptStoreMongoDBConnect couldn't connect to MongoDB
	ReceiptStoreMongoDBConnect = "Unable to connect to MongoDB: %s"
	// ReceiptStoreMongoDBIndex couldn't create MongoDB index
	ReceiptStoreMongoDBIndex = "Unable to create index: %s"
	// ReceiptStoreSerializeResponse problem sending a receipt stored back over the REST API
	ReceiptStoreSerializeResponse = "Error serializing response"
	// ReceiptStoreInvalidRequestID bad ID query
	ReceiptStoreInvalidRequestID = "Invalid 'id' query parameter"
	// ReceiptStoreInvalidRequestMaxLimit bad limit over max
	ReceiptStoreInvalidRequestMaxLimit = "Maximum limit is %d"
	// ReceiptStoreInvalidRequestBadLimit bad limit
	ReceiptStoreInvalidRequestBadLimit = "Invalid 'limit' query parameter"
	// ReceiptStoreInvalidRequestBadSkip bad skip
	ReceiptStoreInvalidRequestBadSkip = "Invalid 'skip' query parameter"
	// ReceiptStoreInvalidRequestBadSince bad since
	ReceiptStoreInvalidRequestBadSince = "since cannot be parsed as RFC3339 or millisecond timestamp"
	// ReceiptStoreFailedQuery wrapper over detailed error
	ReceiptStoreFailedQuery = "Error querying replies: %s"
	// ReceiptStoreFailedQuerySingle wrapper over detailed error
	ReceiptStoreFailedQuerySingle = "Error querying reply: %s"
	// ReceiptStoreFailedNotFound receipt isn't in the store
	ReceiptStoreFailedNotFound = "Receipt not available"

	// RemoteRegistryCacheInit initialzation issue for remote contract registry
	RemoteRegistryCacheInit = "Failed to initialize cache for remote registry: %s"
	// RemoteRegistryNotConfigured cannot register as a remote registry is not configured
	RemoteRegistryNotConfigured = "No remote registry is configured"
	// RemoteRegistryRegistrationFailed error during registration with remote contract registry
	RemoteRegistryRegistrationFailed = "Failed to register instance in remote registry: %s"
	// RemoteRegistryLookupGatewayNotFound did not find the requested ID in the remote registry for a gateway/factory
	RemoteRegistryLookupGatewayNotFound = "Gateway not found"
	// RemoteRegistryLookupInstanceNotFound did not find the requested ID in the remote registry for a contract instance
	RemoteRegistryLookupInstanceNotFound = "Instance not found"
	// RemoteRegistryLookupGenericProcessingFailed we don't return the full original error over the REST API after logging
	RemoteRegistryLookupGenericProcessingFailed = "Error processing contract registry response"

	// RESTGatewayGatewayNotFound the gateway REST API interface (the 'factory' / ABI generic interface) was not found
	RESTGatewayGatewayNotFound = "Gateway not found"
	// RESTGatewayInstanceNotFound the instance REST API interface (an individual registered address) was not found
	RESTGatewayInstanceNotFound = "Instance not found"
	// RESTGatewayEventNotDeclared attempt to subscribe to an event on an instance that does not exist
	RESTGatewayEventNotDeclared = "Event '%s' is not declared in the ABI"
	// RESTGatewayMethodNotDeclared attempt to invoke a method name that does not exist in the ABI, or register globally for an event that doesn't exist
	RESTGatewayMethodNotDeclared = "Method or Event '%s' is not declared in the ABI of contract '%s'"
	// RESTGatewayInvalidToAddress failed to parse a 'to' address supplied on a path
	RESTGatewayInvalidToAddress = "To Address must be a 40 character hex string (0x prefix is optional)"
	// RESTGatewayInvalidFromAddress failed to parse a 'from' address supplied on a path
	RESTGatewayInvalidFromAddress = "From Address must be a 40 character hex string (0x prefix is optional)"
	// RESTGatewayMissingParameter did not supply a parameter required by the method
	RESTGatewayMissingParameter = "Parameter '%s' of method '%s' was not specified in body or query parameters"
	// RESTGatewayMissingFromAddress did not supply a signing address for the transaction
	RESTGatewayMissingFromAddress = "Please specify a valid address in the 'maidenlaned-from' query string parameter or x-maidenlane-from HTTP header"
	// RESTGatewaySubscribeMissingStreamParameter missed the ID of the stream when registering
	RESTGatewaySubscribeMissingStreamParameter = "Must supply a 'stream' parameter in the body or query"
	// RESTGatewayMixedPrivateForAndGroupID confused privacy group info, using simple/Tessera style as well as pre-defined/Orion style
	RESTGatewayMixedPrivateForAndGroupID = "maidenlaned-privatefor and maidenlaned-privacygroupid are mutually exclusive"
	// RESTGatewayEventManagerInitFailed constructor failure for event manager
	RESTGatewayEventManagerInitFailed = "Event-stream subscription manager: %s"
	// RESTGatewayEventStreamInvalid attempt to create an event stream with invalid parameters
	RESTGatewayEventStreamInvalid = "Invalid event stream specification: %s"
	// RESTGatewayPostDeployMissingAddress after deployment the receipt did not contain a contract address
	RESTGatewayPostDeployMissingAddress = "%s: Missing contract address in receipt"
	// RESTGatewayRegistrationSuppliedInvalidAddress invalid address when registering an existing instance of a contract
	RESTGatewayRegistrationSuppliedInvalidAddress = "Invalid address in path - must be a 40 character hex string with optional 0x prefix"
	// RESTGatewaySyncMsgTypeMismatch sync-invoke code paths in REST API Gateway should be maintained such that this cannot happen
	RESTGatewaySyncMsgTypeMismatch = "Unexpected condition (message types do not match when processing)"
	// RESTGatewaySyncWrapErrorWithTXDetail wraps a low level error with transaction hash context on sync APIs before returning
	RESTGatewaySyncWrapErrorWithTXDetail = "TX %s: %s"
	// RESTGatewayMethodTypeInvalid unsupported method type
	RESTGatewayMethodTypeInvalid = "Unsupported method type: %s"
	// RESTGatewayMethodABIInvalid error processing method from ABI
	RESTGatewayMethodABIInvalid = "Invalid method '%s' in ABI: %s"
	// RESTGatewayEventABIInvalid error processing method from ABI
	RESTGatewayEventABIInvalid = "Invalid event '%s' in ABI: %s"

	// RESTGatewayCompileContractInvalidFormData invalid form data when requesting a compilation to generate an ABI/bytecode
	RESTGatewayCompileContractInvalidFormData = "Could not parse supplied multi-part form data: %s"
	// RESTGatewayCompileContractCompileFailed failed to perform compile
	RESTGatewayCompileContractCompileFailed = "Failed to compile solidity: %s"
	// RESTGatewayCompileContractPostCompileFailed failed to process output of compilation
	RESTGatewayCompileContractPostCompileFailed = "Failed to process solidity: %s"
	// RESTGatewayCompileContractExtractedReadFailed failed to read extracted contents of uploaded data
	RESTGatewayCompileContractExtractedReadFailed = "Failed to read extracted multi-part form data"
	// RESTGatewayCompileContractNoSOL failed to find any solidity files in uploaded data
	RESTGatewayCompileContractNoSOL = "No .sol files found in root. Please set a 'source' query param or form field to the relative path of your solidity"
	// RESTGatewayCompileContractSolcVerFail failed while checking version of solidity compiler 'solc'
	RESTGatewayCompileContractSolcVerFail = "Failed checking solc version: %s"
	// RESTGatewayCompileContractCompileFailDetails output from compiler failure
	RESTGatewayCompileContractCompileFailDetails = "Failed to compile [%s]: %s"
	// RESTGatewayCompileContractSolcOutputProcessFail failed to process output of compilation
	RESTGatewayCompileContractSolcOutputProcessFail = "Failed to parse solc output: %s"
	// RESTGatewayCompileContractSlashes unsafe slash characters in filenames
	RESTGatewayCompileContractSlashes = "Filenames cannot contain slashes. Use a zip file to upload a directory structure"
	// RESTGatewayCompileContractUnzipRead error opening zip/tgz to read (no extra information to remote caller)
	RESTGatewayCompileContractUnzipRead = "Failed to read archive"
	// RESTGatewayCompileContractUnzipWrite error writing extracted zip (no extra information to remote caller)
	RESTGatewayCompileContractUnzipWrite = "Failed to process archive"
	// RESTGatewayCompileContractUnzipCopy error writing extracted zip (no extra information to remote caller)
	RESTGatewayCompileContractUnzipCopy = "Failed to process archive"
	// RESTGatewayCompileContractUnzip failure thrown from decompression library during extract
	RESTGatewayCompileContractUnzip = "Error unarchiving supplied zip file: %s"

	// RESTGatewayLocalStoreContractSave local filesystem storage failure for contract instance (non-registry code flow)
	RESTGatewayLocalStoreContractSave = "Failed to write ABI JSON: %s"
	// RESTGatewayLocalStoreContractLoad local filesystem load failure for contract instance (non-registry code flow)
	RESTGatewayLocalStoreContractLoad = "Failed to find installed contract address for '%s'"
	// RESTGatewayLocalStoreContractNotFound local filesystem not found (non-registry code flow)
	RESTGatewayLocalStoreContractNotFound = "No contract instance registered with address %s"
	// RESTGatewayLocalStoreABINotFound lookup of ABI failed not found (non-registry code flow)
	RESTGatewayLocalStoreABINotFound = "No ABI found with ID %s"
	// RESTGatewayLocalStoreABILoad local filesystem load failure for ABI details (non-registry code flow)
	RESTGatewayLocalStoreABILoad = "Failed to load ABI with ID %s: %s"
	// RESTGatewayLocalStoreABIParse local filesystem parse failure for ABI details (non-registry code flow)
	RESTGatewayLocalStoreABIParse = "Failed to parse ABI with ID %s: %s"
	// RESTGatewayLocalStoreMissingABI did not supply ABI JSON when attempting to install ABI (non-registry code flow)
	RESTGatewayLocalStoreMissingABI = "Must supply ABI to install an existing ABI into the REST Gateway"
	// RESTGatewayInvalidABI invalid serialized ABI in msg
	RESTGatewayInvalidABI = "Invalid ABI: %s"
	// RESTGatewayLocalStoreContractSavePostDeploy local filesystem storage failure for contract instance post deploy (non-registry code flow)
	RESTGatewayLocalStoreContractSavePostDeploy = "%s: Failed to write deployment details: %s"
	// RESTGatewayFriendlyNameClash duplicate friendly name when reigstering
	RESTGatewayFriendlyNameClash = "Contract address %s is already registered for name '%s'"

	// RPCCallReturnedError specified RPC call returned error
	RPCCallReturnedError = "%s returned: %s"
	// RPCConnectFailed error connecting to back-end server over JSON/RPC
	RPCConnectFailed = "JSON/RPC connection to %s failed: %s"

	// SecurityModulePluginLoad failed to load .so
	SecurityModulePluginLoad = "Failed to load plugin: %s"
	// SecurityModulePluginSymbol missing symbol in plugin
	SecurityModulePluginSymbol = "Failed to load 'SecurityModule' symbol from '%s': %s"
	// SecurityModuleNoAuthContext missing auth context in context object at point security module is invoked
	SecurityModuleNoAuthContext = "No auth context"

	// TransactionSendConstructorPackArgs RLP encoding failure for a constructor
	TransactionSendConstructorPackArgs = "Packing arguments for constructor: %s"
	// TransactionSendMethodPackArgs RLP encoding failure for a method
	TransactionSendMethodPackArgs = "Packing arguments for method '%s': %s"
	// TransactionSendInputTypeUnknown there is a type in the ABI inputs that we don't understand
	TransactionSendInputTypeUnknown = "ABI input %d: Unable to map %s to etherueum type: %s"
	// TransactionSendOutputTypeUnknown there is a type in the ABI outputs that we don't understand
	TransactionSendOutputTypeUnknown = "ABI output %d: Unable to map %s to etherueum type: %s"
	// TransactionSendGasEstimateFailed gas estimation failed prior to sending TX
	TransactionSendGasEstimateFailed = "Failed to calculate gas for transaction: %s"
	// TransactionSendCallFailedNoRevert failed to perform an eth_call with a JSON/RPC error (not a revert)
	TransactionSendCallFailedNoRevert = "Call failed: %s"
	// TransactionSendCallFailedRevertMessage directly passes the revert message from the EVM
	TransactionSendCallFailedRevertMessage = "%s"
	// TransactionSendCallFailedRevertNoMessage when we couldn't process the EVM revert message
	TransactionSendCallFailedRevertNoMessage = "EVM reverted. Failed to decode error message"
	// TransactionSendMissingPrivateFromOrion there is no default privateFrom in Orion, so the user must always supply it
	TransactionSendMissingPrivateFromOrion = "private-from is required when submitting private transactions via Orion"
	// TransactionSendPrivateTXWithExternalSigner we don't allow private transactions to be combined with a HD Wallet or other external signer currently
	TransactionSendPrivateTXWithExternalSigner = "Signing with %s is not currently supported with private transactions"
	// TransactionSendPrivateForAndPrivacyGroup mixed both params
	TransactionSendPrivateForAndPrivacyGroup = "privacyGroupId and privateFor are mutually exclusive"
	// TransactionSendNonceFailWithPrivacyGroup when we successfully lookup the privacy group, but cannot get the nonce
	TransactionSendNonceFailWithPrivacyGroup = "priv_getTransactionCount for privacy group '%s' returned: %s"
	// TransactionSendMissingMethod a request to send a transaction was received (webhook/Kafka) that was missing method details (unexpected when using REST APIs that validate this)
	TransactionSendMissingMethod = "Method missing - must provide inline 'param' type/value pairs with a 'methodName', or an ABI in 'method'"
	// TransactionSendBadNonce a user-supplied nonce string in the JSON input cannot be processed
	TransactionSendBadNonce = "Converting supplied 'nonce' to integer: %s"
	// TransactionSendBadValue a user-supplied value (eth amount to transfer) string in the JSON input cannot be processed
	TransactionSendBadValue = "Converting supplied 'value' to big integer: %s"
	// TransactionSendBadGas a user-supplied gas (maximum gas to spend on the TX) string in the JSON input cannot be processed
	TransactionSendBadGas = "Converting supplied 'gas' to integer: %s"
	// TransactionSendBadGasPrice a user-supplied gasPrice (eth to pay for each unit of gas spent) string in the JSON input cannot be processed
	TransactionSendBadGasPrice = "Converting supplied 'gasPrice' to big integer"
	// TransactionSendInputTypeBadNumber the input JSON value supplied for a method parameter cannot be converted to a number
	TransactionSendInputTypeBadNumber = "Method '%s' param %s: Could not be converted to a number"
	// TransactionSendInputTypeBadJSONTypeForNumber the input JSON value supplied for a method parameter was not a number or a string, and needs to be converted to a number
	TransactionSendInputTypeBadJSONTypeForNumber = "Method '%s' param %s is a %s: Must supply a number or a string (supplied=%s)"
	// TransactionSendInputTypeBadJSONTypeForArray the input JSON value supplied for a method parameter was not compatible with coercion to an array
	TransactionSendInputTypeBadJSONTypeForArray = "Method '%s' param %s is a %s: Must supply an array (supplied=%s)"
	// TransactionSendInputTypeBadNull the input JSON value supplied was null
	TransactionSendInputTypeBadNull = "Method '%s' param %s: Cannot supply a null value"
	// TransactionSendInputTypeBadJSONTypeForBoolean the input JSON value supplied for a method parameter was not compatible with coercion to a boolean
	TransactionSendInputTypeBadJSONTypeForBoolean = "Method '%s' param %s is a %s: Must supply a boolean or a string (supplied=%s)"
	// TransactionSendInputTypeBadJSONTypeForString the input JSON value supplied for a method parameter was not compatible with coercion to a boolean
	TransactionSendInputTypeBadJSONTypeForString = "Method '%s' param %s: Must supply a string (supplied=%s)"
	// TransactionSendInputTypeAddress the input JSON value supplied for a method parameter couldn't be parsed as an eth address
	TransactionSendInputTypeAddress = "Method '%s' param %s: Could not be converted to a hex address (supplied=%s)"
	// TransactionSendInputTypeBadJSONTypeForAddress the input JSON value supplied for a method parameter was not compatible with coercion to an eth address
	TransactionSendInputTypeBadJSONTypeForAddress = "Method '%s' param %s is a %s: Must supply a hex address string (supplied=%s)"
	// TransactionSendInputTypeBadJSONTypeInNumericArray one of the entries inside of a numeric array, is not valid as a number
	TransactionSendInputTypeBadJSONTypeInNumericArray = "Method '%s' param %s is a %s: Invalid entry in number array at index %d (%s)"
	// TransactionSendInputTypeBadByteOutsideRange one of the entries inside of a byte array, is a number outside the range for bytes
	TransactionSendInputTypeBadByteOutsideRange = "Method '%s' param %s is a %s: Invalid number - outside of range for byte"
	// TransactionSendInputTypeBadJSONTypeForBytes one of the entries inside of a byte array, is a number outside the range for bytes
	TransactionSendInputTypeBadJSONTypeForBytes = "Method '%s' param %s is a %s: Must supply a hex string, or number array"
	// TransactionSendInputTypeBadJSONTypeForTuple if we are provided a non object input on the JSON for a struct (tuple)
	TransactionSendInputTypeBadJSONTypeForTuple = "Method '%s' param %s is a %s: Must supply an object (supplied=%s)"
	// TransactionSendInputTypeNotSupported did not know how to handle this type - enhancement required
	TransactionSendInputTypeNotSupported = "Type '%s' is not yet supported"
	// TransactionSendInputCountMismatch wrong number of args supplied according to the ABI
	TransactionSendInputCountMismatch = "Method '%s': Requires %d args (supplied=%d)"
	// TransactionSendInputStructureWrong the JSON structure supplied to describe the arguments is incorrect according to our schema
	TransactionSendInputStructureWrong = "Param %d: supplied as an object must have 'type' and 'value' fields"
	// TransactionSendInputInLineTypeArrayNotString when sending us an ABI definition for the inputs directly
	TransactionSendInputInLineTypeArrayNotString = "Param %d: supplied as an object must be string"
	// TransactionSendInputInLineTypeUnknown when sending us an ABI definition for the inputs directly, the type string isn't known as an ethereum type
	TransactionSendInputInLineTypeUnknown = "Param %d: Unable to map %s to etherueum type: %s"
	// TransactionSendMsgTypeUnknown we got a JSON message into the core processor (from Kafka, Webhooks etc.) that we don't understand
	TransactionSendMsgTypeUnknown = "Unknown message type '%s'"
	// TransactionSendInputTooManyParams more parameters provided than specified on ABI
	TransactionSendInputTooManyParams = "Supplied %d parameters for ABI that supports %d"
	// TransactionSendInputNotAssignable if we end up in a situation where the generated type cannot be assigned
	TransactionSendInputNotAssignable = "Method %s param %s: supplied value '%+v' could not be assigned to '%s' field (%s)"

	// TransactionSendReceiptCheckError we continually had bad RCs back from the node while trying to check for the receipt up to the timeout
	TransactionSendReceiptCheckError = "Error obtaining transaction receipt (%d retries): %s"
	// TransactionSendReceiptCheckTimeout we didn't have a problem asking the node for a receipt, but the transaction wasn't mined at the end of the timeout
	TransactionSendReceiptCheckTimeout = "Timed out waiting for transaction receipt"

	// TransactionCallInvalidBlockNumber on "eth_call" the optional parameter for the target blocknumber failed to parse to a big integer
	TransactionCallInvalidBlockNumber = "Invalid blocknumber. Failed to parse into big integer"

	// UnpackOutputsFailed RLP decoding of outputs, logs, or events failed
	UnpackOutputsFailed = "Failed to unpack values: %s"
	// UnpackOutputsMismatch RLP decoding of output gave an unexpected type according to the ABI
	UnpackOutputsMismatch = "Expected %d type in JSON/RPC response. Received %d: %+v"
	// UnpackOutputsMismatchCount wrong number of arguments
	UnpackOutputsMismatchCount = "Expected %d in JSON/RPC response. Received %d: %+v"
	// UnpackOutputsMismatchNil RLP decoding of output gave a non-nil type, and we expected nil
	UnpackOutputsMismatchNil = "Expected nil in JSON/RPC response. Received: %+v"
	// UnpackOutputsMismatchType expected to find a number according to supplied ABI, but got something else
	UnpackOutputsMismatchType = "Expected %s type in JSON/RPC response for %s (%s). Received %s"
	// UnpackOutputsUnknownType did not know how to handle this type - enhancement required
	UnpackOutputsUnknownType = "Unable to process type for %s (%s). Received %s"
	// UnpackOutputsMismatchTupleType we got a type back from the unpacking that doesn't match the ABI
	UnpackOutputsMismatchTupleType = "Unable to process type for %s (%s). Expected %s. Received %+v"
	// UnpackOutputsMismatchTupleFieldCount we had a mismatch in the number of fields described on the ABI and the number on the go structure
	UnpackOutputsMismatchTupleFieldCount = "Unable to process type for %s (%s). Expected %d fields on the structure. Received %d"

	// Unauthorized (401 error)
	Unauthorized = "Unauthorized"

	// WebhooksInvalidMsgHeaders missing headers section in the JSON/YAML posted
	WebhooksInvalidMsgHeaders = "Invalid message - missing 'headers' (or not an object)"
	// WebhooksInvalidMsgTypeMissing need to specify a msg type in the header
	WebhooksInvalidMsgTypeMissing = "Invalid message - missing 'headers.type' (or not a string)"
	// WebhooksInvalidMsgFromMissing need to specify a msg type in the header
	WebhooksInvalidMsgFromMissing = "Invalid message - missing 'from' (or not a string)"
	// WebhooksInvalidMsgType need to specify a valid msg type in the header
	WebhooksInvalidMsgType = "Invalid message type: %s"
	// WebhooksKafkaUnexpectedErrFmt problem processing an error that came back from Kafka, so do a deep dump
	WebhooksKafkaUnexpectedErrFmt = "Error did not contain message and metadata: %+v"
	// WebhooksKafkaDeliveryReportNoMeta delivery reports should contain the metadata we set when we sent
	WebhooksKafkaDeliveryReportNoMeta = "Sent message did not contain metadata: %+v"
	// WebhooksKafkaYAMLtoJSON re-serialization of webhook message into JSON failed
	WebhooksKafkaYAMLtoJSON = "Unable to reserialize YAML payload as JSON: %s"
	// WebhooksKafkaErr wrapper on detailed error from Kafka itself
	WebhooksKafkaErr = "Failed to deliver message to Kafka: %s"

	// WebhooksDirectTooManyInflight when we're not using a buffered store (Kafka) we have to reject
	WebhooksDirectTooManyInflight = "Too many in-flight transactions"
	// WebhooksDirectBadHeaders problem processing for in-memory operation
	WebhooksDirectBadHeaders = "Failed to process headers in message"


This section is empty.


func Errorf

func Errorf(msg ErrorID, inserts ...interface{}) error

Errorf creates an error (not yet translated, but an extensible interface for that using simple sprintf formatting rather than named i18n inserts)


type ErrorID

type ErrorID string

ErrorID enumerates all errors in zeroxyz.

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