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Published: Feb 26, 2024 License: CC-BY-4.0


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Go: sequence

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mutable bytes and rune, immutable string

Code consists of a sequence of bitsa value of 0 or 1. One 8-bit chunk builds one byte that represents one character. Go string is a sequence of bytes. Try this code:

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
	bts := []byte("Hello")
	bts[0] = byte(100)
	for _, c := range bts {
		fmt.Println(string(c), c)
	   d 100
	   e 101
	   l 108
	   l 108
	   o 111

	rs := []rune("Hello")
	rs[0] = rune(100)
	for _, c := range rs {
		fmt.Println(string(c), c)
	   d 100
	   e 101
	   l 108
	   l 108
	   o 111

	str := "Hello"
	// str[0] = byte(100)
	// cannot assign to str[0]
	for _, c := range str {
		fmt.Println(string(c), c)
	   H 72
	   e 101
	   l 108
	   l 108
	   o 111

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Note too that the elimination of the type hierarchy also eliminates a form of dependency hierarchy. Interface satisfaction allows the program to grow organically without predetermined contracts. And it is a linear form of growth; a change to an interface affects only the immediate clients of that interface; there is no subtree to update. The lack of implements declarations disturbs some people but it enables programs to grow naturally, gracefully, and safely.

Rob Pike

Interface is a set of methods (not functions). Polymorphism can be done via interfaces. Any type that implements those set of methods automatically satisfies the interface. Interface is satisfied implicitly: you don’t have to specify that a data type A implements interface B. Therefore, we can define our own interface methods for the code that we don’t own. This has a huge impact on program design and encourages to write compatible code.

One important category of type is interface types, which represent fixed sets of methods. An interface variable can store any concrete (non-interface) value as long as that value implements the interface’s methods.

Laws of Reflection by Rob Pike

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Take a look at container/list:

type Element struct {
   next, prev *Element
   list       *List
   Value      interface{}

next and prev Element is defined as a pointer type *Element Can we instead use value Element? No, it's because linked list needs to manipulate the original list while moving nodes around. It it were defined as a value(non-pointer), we can't insert or remove elements in the linked list, as here:

package main

import "fmt"

type List struct{ root Element }
type Element struct{ val int }

func change(l List) { l.root.val = 100 }

func main() {
    l := List{}
    l.root = Element{val: 1}
    l.root.val = 2
    fmt.Printf("%+v\n", l) // {root:{val:2}}
    // this updates because we are not passing the copy
    // it's not in the function or method

    fmt.Printf("%+v", l) // {root:{val:2}}
    // passing the non-pointer
    // and only the copied data is passed
    // so it can't update the original value

As you see, without pointer, we cannot change the original data in function or with methods. Define with pointer to globally pass things around and to update it anywhere.

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container/list, linked list

Linked list is similar to an array in that they both store the collection of data in sequence. Array (or slice) is a list of items that are contiguously allocated in memory space. An array allocates memory for all items in one block of memory. Linked list is a group of nodes, each of which is connected by pointers. A node should contain data and reference (pointer) to its next or previous node. A linked list allocates memory for each node, separately in its own memory space. A linked list is useful when you do lots of insertions and removals: searching can be inefficient because you need to iterate from beginning whatever item you try to find.

Slice is like:


Linked lists are like:


Go container/list implements the doubly linked list. To simplify its implementation, Go list is implemented as if it were a ring. The root node (Element) is both previous element of the first node and next element of the last node, as here:

package main

import (

func main() {
	func() {
		myList := list.New()
		for e := myList.Front(); e != nil; e = e.Next() {
			fmt.Print(e.Value, " ")
		// 1 2 3

		myList.InsertAfter(50, myList.PushFront(10))
		for e := myList.Front(); e != nil; e = e.Next() {
			fmt.Print(e.Value, " ")
		// 10 50 1 2 3

		for e := myList.Front(); e != nil; e = e.Next() {
			fmt.Print(e.Value, " ")
		// 50 1 2 3

	func() {
		myList := list.New()
		for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {

		// when deleting, the list gets changed too
		// we need to declare next element outside
		var next *list.Element
		for elem := myList.Front(); elem != nil; elem = next {
			next = elem.Next()
		fmt.Println(myList.Len()) // 0

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doubly linked list implementation

Go container/list implements the doubly linked list, as here:

// http://golang.org/pkg/container/list
// package "container/list" is for a doubly-linked list
// https://code.google.com/p/go/source/browse/#hg%2Fsrc%2Fpkg%2Fcontainer%2Flist

// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.

// Package list implements a doubly linked list.
// To iterate over a list (where l is a *List):
//	for e := l.Front(); e != nil; e = e.Next() {
//		// do something with e.Value
//	}
package main

import "fmt"

type List struct {
	// when a function exits, all of its variables are popped off of the stack
	// if we want to update outside of this, we need pointer
	// use pointers to access memory on the heap
	// Heap variables are essentially global in scope
	root *Element
	len  int

// Element is an element of a linked list.
type Element struct {
	// Next and previous pointers in the doubly-linked list of elements.
	// To simplify the implementation, internally a list l is implemented
	// as a ring, such that &l.root is both the next element of the last
	// list element (l.Back()) and the previous element of the first list
	// element (l.Front()).
	next, prev *Element
	list       *List
	Value      int

func (l *List) insert(e, at *Element) *Element {
	n := at.next
	at.next = e
	e.prev = at
	e.next = n
	n.prev = e

	e.list = l
	return e

func (l *List) remove(e *Element) *Element {
	e.prev.next = e.next
	e.next.prev = e.prev

	e.next = nil
	e.prev = nil

	e.list = nil

	return e

// Next returns the next list element or nil.
func (e *Element) Next() *Element {
	if p := e.next; e.list != nil && p != e.list.root {
		return p
	return nil

// Prev returns the previous list element or nil.
func (e *Element) Prev() *Element {
	if p := e.prev; e.list != nil && p != e.list.root {
		return p
	return nil

// Init initializes or clears list l.
func (l *List) Init() *List {

	// references to data structures that must be initialized before use.
	// never dereference a nil pointer
	// root will never be nil with this
	l.root = new(Element) // do not need this if 'root Element'

	l.root.next = l.root
	l.root.prev = l.root
	l.len = 0
	return l

func New() *List {
	return new(List).Init()

func (l *List) Len() int {
	return l.len

func (l *List) Front() *Element {
	if l.len == 0 {
		return nil
	return l.root.next

func (l *List) Back() *Element {
	if l.len == 0 {
		return nil
	return l.root.prev

func (l *List) lazyInit() {
	if l.root.next == nil {

func (l *List) insertValue(v int, at *Element) *Element {
	return l.insert(&Element{Value: v}, at)

func (l *List) InsertAfter(v int, mark *Element) *Element {
	if mark.list != l {
		return nil
	return l.insertValue(v, mark)

func (l *List) Remove(e *Element) int {
	if e.list == l {
	return e.Value

func (l *List) PushFront(v int) *Element {
	// return l.insertValue(v, &l.root)
	return l.insertValue(v, l.root)

func (l *List) PushBack(v int) *Element {
	return l.insertValue(v, l.root.prev)

func main() {
	list1 := New()
	for e := list1.Front(); e != nil; e = e.Next() {
		fmt.Print(e.Value, " ")
	// 1 2 3

	list1.InsertAfter(50, list1.PushFront(10))
	for e := list1.Front(); e != nil; e = e.Next() {
		fmt.Print(e.Value, " ")
	// 10 50 1 2 3

	for e := list1.Front(); e != nil; e = e.Next() {
		fmt.Print(e.Value, " ")
	// 50 1 2 3

	list2 := New()
	for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {

	// when deleting, the list gets changed too
	// we need to declare next element outside
	var next *Element
	for elem := list2.Front(); elem != nil; elem = next {
		next = elem.Next()

	fmt.Println(list2.Len()) // 0

func (l *List) InsertBefore(v int, mark *Element) *Element {
	if mark.list != l {
		return nil
	return l.insertValue(v, mark.prev)

func (l *List) MoveToFront(e *Element) {
	if e.list != l || l.root.next == e {
	l.insert(l.remove(e), l.root)

func (l *List) MoveToBack(e *Element) {
	if e.list != l || l.root.prev == e {
	l.insert(l.remove(e), l.root.prev)

func (l *List) MoveBefore(e, mark *Element) {
	if e.list != l || e == mark {
	l.insert(l.remove(e), mark)

func (l *List) PushBackList(other *List) {
	for i, e := other.Len(), other.Front(); i > 0; i, e = i-1, e.Next() {
		l.insertValue(e.Value, l.root.prev)

func (l *List) PushFrontList(other *List) {
	for i, e := other.Len(), other.Front(); i > 0; i, e = i-1, e.Prev() {
		l.insertValue(e.Value, l.root)

↑ top

singly linked list implementation

Try this:

package main

import "fmt"

type List struct {
	root *Element
	tail *Element
	len  int

type Element struct {
	next  *Element
	list  *List
	Value int

func (l *List) insert(e, at *Element) *Element {
	// add first time
	if l.len == 0 {

		l.root.next = e
		e.next = l.tail

	} else if at == l.tail {

		// push back
		e.next = l.tail

		// update the previous element of tail
		atPrev := l.root
		for p := l.Front(); p != at; p = p.Next() {
			atPrev = p
		atPrev.next = e

	} else {

		// push front or between
		n := at.next
		at.next = e
		e.next = n


	e.list = l
	return e

func (l *List) remove(e *Element) *Element {
	if e == l.root || e == l.tail {
		return nil
	ePrev := l.root
	for p := l.Front(); p != e; p = p.Next() {
		ePrev = p
	n := e.next
	ePrev.next = n
	e.next = nil
	e.list = nil
	return e

func (e *Element) Next() *Element {
	if p := e.next; e.list != nil && p != e.list.root {
		return p
	return nil

func (l *List) Init() *List {
	l.root = new(Element)
	l.tail = new(Element)
	l.root.next = l.tail
	l.len = 0
	return l

func New() *List {
	return new(List).Init()

func (l *List) Len() int {
	return l.len

func (l *List) Front() *Element {
	if l.len == 0 {
		return nil
	return l.root.next

func (l *List) insertValue(v int, at *Element) *Element {
	return l.insert(&Element{Value: v}, at)

func (l *List) InsertAfter(v int, mark *Element) *Element {
	if mark.list != l {
		return nil
	return l.insertValue(v, mark)

func (l *List) PushFront(v int) *Element {
	return l.insertValue(v, l.root)

func (l *List) PushBack(v int) *Element {
	return l.insertValue(v, l.tail)

func (l *List) Remove(e *Element) int {
	if e.list == l {
	return e.Value

func main() {
	list1 := New()
	for e := list1.Front(); e != list1.tail; e = e.Next() {
		fmt.Print(e.Value, " ")
	// 5 1 2 3

	list1.InsertAfter(50, list1.PushFront(10))
	for e := list1.Front(); e != list1.tail; e = e.Next() {
		fmt.Print(e.Value, " ")
	// 10 50 5 1 2 3

	for e := list1.Front(); e != list1.tail; e = e.Next() {
		fmt.Print(e.Value, " ")
	// 50 5 1 2 3

	list2 := reverseList(list1)
	for e := list2.Front(); e != list2.tail; e = e.Next() {
		fmt.Print(e.Value, " ")
	// 3 2 1 5 50

	a := New()
	for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
	var next *Element
	for elem := a.Front(); elem != a.tail; elem = next {
		next = elem.Next()

	fmt.Println(a.Len()) // 0

func reverseList(l *List) *List {
	tempList := New()
	for e := l.Front(); e != l.tail; e = e.Next() {
	return tempList

↑ top


Try this:

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
	// direct access doesn't need any pointer
	array := [5]int{0, 1, 2, 3, 4}
	for i := 0; i < len(array); i++ {
		array[i]++ // DOES CHANGE
	fmt.Println(array) // [1 2 3 4 5]

	// array needs pointer to update its element
	swapArray1(2, 3, array) // NO CHANGE
	fmt.Println(array)      // [1 2 3 4 5]

	swapArray2(2, 3, &array) // DOES CHANGE
	fmt.Println(array)       // [1 2 3 4 5]

	// direct access doesn't need any pointer
	slice := []int{0, 1, 2, 3, 4}
	for i := 0; i < len(slice); i++ {
		slice[i]++ // DOES CHANGE
	fmt.Println(slice) // [1 2 3 4 5]

	// slice elements are pointers
	swapSlice1(2, 3, slice) // DOES CHANGE
	fmt.Println(slice)      // [1 2 4 3 5]

	swapSlice2(2, 3, &slice) // DOES CHANGE
	fmt.Println(slice)       // [1 2 3 4 5]

func swapArray1(i, j int, array [5]int) {
	array[i], array[j] = array[j], array[i]

func swapArray2(i, j int, array *[5]int) {
	(*array)[i], (*array)[j] = (*array)[j], (*array)[i]

func swapSlice1(i, j int, slice []int) {
	slice[i], slice[j] = slice[j], slice[i]

func swapSlice2(i, j int, slice *[]int) {
	(*slice)[i], (*slice)[j] = (*slice)[j], (*slice)[i]

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slice, slice tricks

We should use slice instead of container/list! Here's why from David Symonds:


Here's a list of slice tricks:

package main

import (

func main() {
	// Copy Slice
	slice01 := []int{1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
	copy01 := make([]int, len(slice01))
	copy(copy01, slice01)
	fmt.Println(copy01) // [1 2 3 4 5]

	// PushFront
	slice02 := []int{1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
	copy02 := make([]int, len(slice02)+1)
	copy02[0] = 10
	copy(copy02[1:], slice02)
	fmt.Println(copy02) // [10 1 2 3 4 5]

	// PushFront
	pushFront := func(s *[]int, elem int) {
		temp := make([]int, len(*s)+1)
		temp[0] = elem
		copy(temp[1:], *s)
		*s = temp
	pushFront(&copy02, 100)
	fmt.Println(copy02) // [100 10 1 2 3 4 5]

	// PushBack
	slice03 := []int{1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
	slice03 = append(slice03, 10)
	fmt.Println(slice03) // [1 2 3 4 5 10]

	// PopFront
	slice04 := []int{1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
	slice04 = slice04[1:len(slice04):len(slice04)]
	fmt.Println(slice04, len(slice04), cap(slice04)) // [2 3 4 5] 4 4

	// PopBack
	slice05 := []int{1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
	slice05 = slice05[:len(slice05)-1 : len(slice05)-1]
	fmt.Println(slice05, len(slice05), cap(slice05)) // [1 2 3 4] 4 4

	// Delete
	slice06 := []int{1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
	copy(slice06[3:], slice06[4:])
	slice06 = slice06[:len(slice06)-1 : len(slice06)-1]
	// copy(d.OutEdges[edge1.Vtx][idx:], d.OutEdges[edge1.Vtx][idx+1:])
	// d.OutEdges[src][len(d.OutEdges[src])-1] = nil // zero value of type or nil
	fmt.Println(slice06, len(slice06), cap(slice06)) // [1 2 3 5] 4 4

	make2DSlice := func(row, column int) [][]string {
		mat := make([][]string, row)
		// for i := 0; i < row; i++ {
		for i := range mat {
			mat[i] = make([]string, column)
		return mat
	mat := make2DSlice(3, 5)
	for key, value := range mat {
		fmt.Println(key, value)
	   0 [    ]
	   1 [    ]
	   2 [    ]
	fmt.Println(mat[1], len(mat[1]), cap(mat[1])) // [    ] 5 5

	// iterate over rows
	for r := range mat {
		// iterate over columns
		for c := range mat[r] {
			mat[r][c] = strconv.Itoa(r) + "x" + strconv.Itoa(c)
	for key, value := range mat {
		fmt.Println(key, value)
	   0 [0x0 0x1 0x2 0x3 0x4]
	   1 [1x0 1x1 1x2 1x3 1x4]
	   2 [2x0 2x1 2x2 2x3 2x4]
	fmt.Println(mat[1], len(mat[1]), cap(mat[1])) // [1x0 1x1 1x2 1x3 1x4] 5 5

↑ top

thread-safe, generic slice


package main

import (

func main() {
	func() {
		dt1 := NewData()
		dt2 := NewData()
		if !reflect.DeepEqual(dt1, dt2) {
			fmt.Errorf("%#v %#v", dt1, dt2)

	func() {
		dt := NewData()
		dt.Insert([]interface{}{1, "A", 3, -.9, "B"}...)
		if dt.GetSize() != 5 {
			fmt.Errorf("Should be '5': %#v", dt)

	func() {
		d := NewData()
		d.Insert([]interface{}{1, "A", 3, -.9, "B"}...)
		if d.GetSize() != 0 {
			fmt.Errorf("Should be '0': %#v", d)
		dt := NewData()
		dt.Insert(3, 1, 7, 11)
		isempty1 := dt.IsEmpty()
		isempty2 := dt.IsEmpty()
		if isempty1 != false && isempty2 != true {
			fmt.Errorf("Should return 'false' and 'true': %v, %v", isempty1, isempty2)

	func() {
		dt := NewData()
		if !dt.IsEmpty() {
			fmt.Errorf("Should return 'true': %#v", dt)

	func() {
		dt := NewData()
		dt.Insert(1, 3, 4, 5, "A", "7", 100)
		if dt.GetSize() != 7 {
			fmt.Errorf("Should return 7: %#v", dt)

	func() {
		dt := CreateData(1, 3, 4, 5, "A", "7", 100)
		if dt.GetSize() != 7 {
			fmt.Errorf("Should return 7: %#v", dt)

	func() {
		dt := CreateData(1, "A", 3, -.9, "B")
		c := dt.Clone()
		if dt.GetSize() != c.GetSize() {
			fmt.Errorf("Should return true but %#v / %#v", dt, c)
		if !dt.IsDeepEqual(*c) || !dt.IsSemiEqual(*c) {
			fmt.Errorf("Should return true but %+v %+v", dt, c)

	func() {
		dt := CreateData(1, "A", 3, -.9, "B")
		idx, ok := dt.Contains("3")
		if ok {
			fmt.Errorf("Should return false but %+v %+v", idx, ok)
		idx, ok = dt.Contains(3)
		if !ok {
			fmt.Errorf("Should return true but %+v %+v", idx, ok)
		a, b := dt.Contains("A")
		if a != 1 && b != true {
			fmt.Errorf("Should return '1, true': %#v", dt)
		c, d := dt.Contains(-.8)
		if c != 0 && d != false {
			fmt.Errorf("Should return '0, false': %#v", dt)

	func() {
		s1 := CreateData(1, "A", 3, -.9, "B")
		s1c := CreateData()
		s1c.Insert(1, "A", 3, -.9, "B")
		s2 := CreateData(3, -.9, "B", 1, "A")
		s3 := CreateData()
		s3.Insert(-.9, "B", 1, 3, "A")
		if !s1.IsDeepEqual(*s1c) {
			fmt.Errorf("Should return true but %+v %+v", s1, s1c)
		if s1.IsDeepEqual(*s2) {
			fmt.Errorf("Should return false but %+v %+v", s1, s2)
		if !s1.IsSemiEqual(*s3) {
			fmt.Errorf("Should return true but %+v %+v", s1, s3)
		if !s2.IsSemiEqual(*s3) {
			fmt.Errorf("Should return true but %+v %+v", s2, s3)

	func() {
		dt := CreateData(1, "A", 3, -.9, "B")
		if dt.GetFront() != "Front" {
			fmt.Errorf("dt.GetFront() should be 'Front': %#v", dt)

	func() {
		dt := CreateData(1, "A", 3, -.9, "B")
		if dt.GetBack() != "Back" {
			fmt.Errorf("dt.GetBack() should be 'Back': %#v", dt)

	func() {
		dt := CreateData(1, "A", 3, -.9, "B")
		if dt.m[2] != -0.9 {
			fmt.Errorf("dt.m[2] should be '-0.9': %#v", dt)
		for _ = range dt.m {
			// Don't do dt.DeepSliceDelete(k)
			// the slice length decreases at the same time
		if dt.GetSize() != 0 {
			fmt.Errorf("Should be empty but: %#v", dt.GetSize())

	func() {
		dt := CreateData(1, "A", 3, -.9, "B")
		ok := dt.FindAndDelete(3)
		if !ok || dt.m[2] != -0.9 {
			fmt.Errorf("Should return true, but %#v, and dt.m[2] should be '-0.9': %#v", ok, dt)

		// list := dt
		// this does deep copy
		// (they are the same)
		// so we need to use Copy
		list := dt.Clone()
		for _, v := range list.m {
		l := dt.GetSize()
		if l != 0 {
			fmt.Errorf("Should be empty but: %#v / %#v / %#v", l, dt, list)

	func() {
		dt := CreateData(1, "A", 3, -.9, "B")
		dt.DeepSliceCut(2, 3)
		if dt.m[2] != "B" {
			fmt.Errorf("dt[2] should be 'B': %#v", dt)

	func() {
		dt := CreateData(1, "A", 3, -.9, "B")
		tm := dt.GetFront()
		if tm != 1 {
			fmt.Errorf("dt.GetFront() should be 1: %#v", dt)

	func() {
		dt := CreateData(1, "A", 3, -.9, "B")
		tm := dt.GetBack()
		if tm != "B" {
			fmt.Errorf("dt.GetBack() should be 'B': %#v", dt)

	func() {
		dt := CreateData(1, "A", 3, -.9, "B")
		tm := dt.PopFront()
		if tm != 1 {
			fmt.Errorf("dt.PopFront() should return 1: %#v", dt)
		if dt.m[0] != "A" {
			fmt.Errorf("dt[0] should be 'A': %#v", dt)

	func() {
		dt := CreateData(1, "A", 3, -.9, "B")
		tm := dt.PopBack()
		if tm != "B" {
			fmt.Errorf("dt.PopBack() should return 'B': %#v", dt)
		if dt.m[3] != -0.9 {
			fmt.Errorf("dt[3] should be -0.9: %#v", dt)

	func() {
		dt := CreateData(1, "A", 3, -.9, "B")
		slice := dt.GetElements()
		if len(slice) != 5 {
			fmt.Errorf("len(slice) should return 5: %#v", dt)
		if slice[3] != -0.9 {
			fmt.Errorf("slice[3] should be -0.9: %#v", dt)

	func() {
		s1 := CreateData(1, "A", 3, -.9, "B", "e", "f", "G")
		s2 := CreateData(1, "A", 3, -.9, "B")
		s3 := CreateData(1, "A", 3, -.9, "H", 2, 3, 4)
		s4 := CreateData(1, "A", 3, -.9, "H", 2, 3, 4)
		s5 := CreateData(1, "A", 3, -.9, "B", "e", "f")
		result := CommonPrefix(s1, s2, s3, s4, s5)
		if len(result) != 4 {
			fmt.Errorf("len(result) should return 4: %#v", result)
		if result[3] != -0.9 {
			fmt.Errorf("result[3] should be -0.9: %#v", result)

// Data can contain any type of values,
// because its data is a slice of interface{} type.
// It is an empty interface, which means that it can
// be satisfied by any type of value.
type Data struct {
	m []interface{}

	// RWMutex is more expensive
	// https://blogs.oracle.com/roch/entry/beware_of_the_performance_of
	// sync.RWMutex
	// to synchronize access to shared state across multiple goroutines.

// NewData returns a new object of Data.
func NewData() *Data {
	nslice := []interface{}{}
	return &Data{
		m: nslice,

// GetSize returns the GetSizegth of sequence.
// If the method needs to mutate the receiver,
// the receiver must be a pointer.
// (http://golang.org/doc/faq#methods_on_values_or_pointers)
func (d Data) GetSize() int {
	size := len(d.m)
	return size

// Init initializes the Data.
func (d *Data) Init() {
	// (X) d = NewData()
	// This only updates its pointer
	// , not the Data itself
	*d = *NewData()

// IsEmpty returns true if the sequence is empty.
func (d Data) IsEmpty() bool {
	return d.GetSize() == 0

// Insert appends values to Data.
func (d *Data) Insert(vals ...interface{}) {
	for _, elem := range vals {
		d.m = append(d.m, elem)

// CreateData instantiates a set object with initial elements.
func CreateData(vals ...interface{}) *Data {
	data := NewData()
	return data

// Clone returns a copy of the sequence.
// This is useful because ":=" operator
// does deep copy and when we manipulate
// either one, then the other one also changed.
func (d Data) Clone() *Data {
	td := NewData()
	for _, v := range d.m {
	return td

// Contains returns true if the elem exists
// in the Data.
func (d Data) Contains(elem interface{}) (int, bool) {
	defer d.Unlock()
	for idx, val := range d.m {
		if reflect.DeepEqual(val, elem) {
			return idx, true
	return 0, false

// IsSemiEqual returns true if s1 is equal to s2
// regardless of its ordering of elementd.
func (d Data) IsSemiEqual(a Data) bool {
	if d.GetSize() != a.GetSize() {
		return false
	for _, val := range a.m {
		_, ok := d.Contains(val)
		if !ok {
			return false
	return true

// IsDeepEqual returns true if s1 is equal to s2.
func (d Data) IsDeepEqual(a Data) bool {
	if d.GetSize() != a.GetSize() {
		return false
	return reflect.DeepEqual(d.m, a.m)

// PushFront adds an element to the front of sequence.
func (d *Data) PushFront(val interface{}) {
	size := d.GetSize()
	ts := make([]interface{}, size+1)
	ts[0] = val
	copy(ts[1:], d.m)
	d.m = ts

// PushBack adds an element to the back of sequence.
func (d *Data) PushBack(val interface{}) {
	d.m = append(d.m, val)

// DeepSliceDelete deletes the element in the index.
func (d *Data) DeepSliceDelete(idx int) {
	size := d.GetSize()
	copy(d.m[idx:], d.m[idx+1:])
	d.m[size-1] = nil // zero value of type or nil
	d.m = d.m[:size-1 : size-1]

// FindAndDelete finds the element and delete it.
func (d *Data) FindAndDelete(val interface{}) bool {
	idx, ok := d.Contains(val)
	if !ok {
		return false
	return true

// DeepSliceCut deletes the elements from indices a to b.
func (d *Data) DeepSliceCut(a, b int) {
	if b > d.GetSize()-1 || a < 0 || a > b {
		panic("Index out of range! You can cut only inside slice.")
	diff := b - a + 1
	idx := a
	i := 0
	for i < diff {

// GetFront returns the first(front) element of sequence.
func (d Data) GetFront() interface{} {
	if d.GetSize() == 0 {
		return nil
	return d.m[0]

// GetBack returns the last(back) element of sequence.
func (d Data) GetBack() interface{} {
	if d.GetSize() == 0 {
		return nil
	return d.m[d.GetSize()-1]

// PopFront removes the front(first) element of sequence
// and return it at the same time.
func (d *Data) PopFront() interface{} {
	if d.GetSize() == 0 {
		return nil
	tm := (*d).GetFront()
	return tm

// PopBack removes the back(last) element of sequence
// and return it at the same time.
func (d *Data) PopBack() interface{} {
	if d.GetSize() == 0 {
		return nil
	tm := (*d).GetBack()
	(*d).DeepSliceDelete((*d).GetSize() - 1)
	return tm

// GetElements returns a slice of all valued.
func (d Data) GetElements() []interface{} {
	tm := d.Clone()
	slice := []interface{}{}
	for tm.GetSize() != 0 {
		slice = append(slice, tm.PopFront())
	return slice

// CommonPrefix returns the longest common leading components
// among all Data. Python commonPrefix compares the maximal
// Data with the minimal Data, which only takes linear time,
// whereas this compares every possible pair among all Data,
// which makes it slower, but still quadratic, than Python.
// This is to find the common prefix among all Data,
// not just between maximal and minimal Data.
func CommonPrefix(more ...*Data) []interface{} {
	minl := more[0]
	min := more[0].GetSize()
	// to get the Data of the shortest GetSizegth
	for _, val := range more {
		if val.GetSize() < min {
			minl = val
			min = val.GetSize()
	// traverse the minimal Data
	// and compare with other Data
	// elements in the same index
	for key, val := range minl.m {
		// if any value in other Data
		// is different than the one
		// in minimal Data
		for _, other := range more {
			if val != other.m[key] {
				return minl.m[:key]
	return minl.m

↑ top

slice vs. container/list

Go implements linked list in container/list package. Linked list is more efficient only when we need to do many deletions in the 'middle' of the list. When ordering of the elements isn't important, most efficient is slice. We can mitigate the deletion problem using this slice trick but there is no way to mitigate the slowness of traversing linked list:

func BenchmarkSliceFind(b *testing.B) {
	d := NewData()
	for i := 0; i < 999999; i++ {
	for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {

func BenchmarkContainerListFind(b *testing.B) {
	l := list.New()
	for i := 0; i < 999999; i++ {
	for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
		for elem := l.Front(); elem != nil; elem = elem.Next() {
			if reflect.DeepEqual(elem.Value, 999998) {

And results are:

BenchmarkSliceFind           	      10	 156703074 ns/op	10450659 B/op	  100006 allocs/op
BenchmarkSliceFind-2         	       5	 212367352 ns/op	20901283 B/op	  200010 allocs/op
BenchmarkSliceFind-4         	       5	 223453012 ns/op	20901270 B/op	  200010 allocs/op
BenchmarkSliceFind-8         	       5	 226040441 ns/op	20901270 B/op	  200010 allocs/op
BenchmarkSliceFind-16        	       5	 225683822 ns/op	20901270 B/op	  200010 allocs/op

BenchmarkContainerListFind   	       3	 403878856 ns/op	37333312 B/op	 1666665 allocs/op
BenchmarkContainerListFind-2 	       5	 207013596 ns/op	28799980 B/op	 1399998 allocs/op
BenchmarkContainerListFind-4 	       5	 204088451 ns/op	28799980 B/op	 1399998 allocs/op
BenchmarkContainerListFind-8 	       5	 206244553 ns/op	28799980 B/op	 1399998 allocs/op
BenchmarkContainerListFind-16	       5	 214934224 ns/op	28799980 B/op	 1399998 allocs/op

Use slice!

↑ top

thread-safe, generic set


package main

import (

func main() {
	func() {
		d := NewData()
		if reflect.TypeOf(d) != reflect.TypeOf(&Data{}) {
			fmt.Errorf("NewData() should return Data type: %#v", d)

	func() {
		d := CreateData(1, 2, -.9, "A", 0)
		if !d.IsEmpty() {
			fmt.Errorf("IsEmpty() should return true: %#v", d)

	func() {
		d := NewData()
		if d.GetSize() != 0 {
			fmt.Errorf("NewData() should return Data of size 0: %#v", d)

	func() {
		d := NewData()
		if !d.IsEmpty() {
			fmt.Errorf("IsEmpty() should return true: %#v", d)

	func() {
		d := NewData()
		d.Insert(1, 2, -.9, "A", 0, 2, 2, 2)
		if d.IsEmpty() {
			fmt.Errorf("IsEmpty() should return false: %#v", d)
		if d.GetSize() != 5 {
			fmt.Errorf("GetSize() should return 5: %#v", d)
		value, exist := d.GetFrequency(2)
		if value != 4 {
			fmt.Errorf("s[2]'s value should be 4: %#v", value)
		if !exist {
			fmt.Errorf("s[2] should exist: %#v", value)

	func() {
		d := CreateData(1, 2, -.9, "A", 0)
		if d.IsEmpty() {
			fmt.Errorf("IsEmpty() should return false: %#v", d)
		if d.GetSize() != 5 {
			fmt.Errorf("GetSize() should return 5: %#v", d)
		value, exist := d.GetFrequency(2)
		if value != 1 {
			fmt.Errorf("value should be 1: %#v", d)
		if exist != true {
			fmt.Errorf("s[2] should exist: %#v", d)

	func() {
		d := CreateData(1, 2, -.9, "A", 0, 10, 20)
		sl := d.GetElements()
		if len(sl) != 7 {
			fmt.Errorf("len(sl) should be 7: %#v", d)

	func() {
		d := CreateData(1, 2, -.9, "A", 0)
		if !d.Contains(-0.9) {
			fmt.Errorf("d.Contains(-0.9) should return true: %#v", d)

	func() {
		d := CreateData(1, 2, -.9, "A", 0)
		if !d.Delete(-0.9) {
			fmt.Errorf("d.Delete(-0.9) should return true: %#v", d)
		if d.Contains(-.9) || d.Contains(-0.9) {
			fmt.Errorf("d.Contains should return false: %#v", d)
		if !d.Delete("A") {
			fmt.Errorf("s.Delete('A') should return true: %#v", d)
		if d.Delete(10000) {
			fmt.Errorf("d.Delete(10000) should return false: %#v", d)
		if d.GetSize() != 3 {
			fmt.Errorf("d.GetSize() should return 3: %#v", d)
		if d.Delete(100) {
			fmt.Errorf("d.Delete(100) should return false: %#v", d)

	func() {
		d := CreateData(1, 2, -.9, "A", 0)
		a := CreateData(1, 2)
		result := d.Intersection(a)
		if len(result) != 2 {
			fmt.Errorf("len(result) should return 2: %#v", d)
		ac := CreateData(2, 1)
		if !a.IsEqual(ac) {
			fmt.Errorf("Should be equal: %#v %#v", a, ac)

	func() {
		d := CreateData(1, 2, -.9, "A", 0)
		a := CreateData(100, 200)
		result := d.Union(a)
		if len(result) != 7 {
			fmt.Errorf("len(result) should return 7: %#v", result)

	func() {
		d := CreateData(1, 2, -.9, "A", 0)
		a := CreateData(1, 2)
		result := d.Subtract(a)
		if len(result) != 3 {
			fmt.Errorf("len(result) should return 3: %#v", d)

	func() {
		d := CreateData(1, 2, -.9, "A", 0)
		a := CreateData(1, 2)
		if d.IsEqual(a) {
			fmt.Errorf("Should be false: %#v %#v", d, a)

		b := CreateData("A", 0, 1, 2, -.9, "A")
		if !d.IsEqual(b) {
			fmt.Errorf("Should be true: %#v %#v", d, b)

	func() {
		d := CreateData(1, 2, -.9, "A", 0)
		a := CreateData(1, 2)
		if !d.Subset(a) {
			fmt.Errorf("Should be true: %#v %#v", d, a)

		b := CreateData(1, 2, -.9, "A", 0, 100)
		if d.Subset(b) {
			fmt.Errorf("Should be false: %#v %#v", d, b)

	func() {
		d := CreateData(1, 2, -.9, "A", 0)
		a := d.Clone()
		if !d.IsEqual(a) {
			fmt.Errorf("Should be true: %#v %#v", d, a)

// Data is a set of data in map data structure.
// Every element is unique, and it is unordered.
// It maps its value to frequency.
type Data struct {
	// m maps an element to its frequency
	m map[interface{}]int

	// RWMutex is more expensive
	// https://blogs.oracle.com/roch/entry/beware_of_the_performance_of
	// sync.RWMutex
	// to synchronize access to shared state across multiple goroutines.

// NewData returns a new Data.
// Map supports the built-in function "make"
// so we do not have to use "new" and
// "make" does not return pointer.
func NewData() *Data {
	nmap := make(map[interface{}]int)
	return &Data{
		m: nmap,
	// return make(Data)

// Init initializes the Data.
func (d *Data) Init() {
	// (X) d = NewData()
	// This only updates its pointer
	// , not the Data itself
	*d = *NewData()

// GetSize returns the size of set.
func (d Data) GetSize() int {
	return len(d.m)

// IsEmpty returns true if the set is empty.
func (d Data) IsEmpty() bool {
	return d.GetSize() == 0

// Insert insert values to the set.
func (d *Data) Insert(items ...interface{}) {
	for _, value := range items {
		v, ok := d.m[value]
		if ok {
			d.m[value] = v + 1
		d.m[value] = 1

// CreateData instantiates a set object with initial elements.
func CreateData(items ...interface{}) *Data {
	data := NewData()
	return data

// GetElements returns the set elements.
func (d Data) GetElements() []interface{} {
	slice := []interface{}{}
	for key := range d.m {
		slice = append(slice, key)
	return slice

// GetFrequency returns the frequency of an element.
func (d Data) GetFrequency(val interface{}) (int, bool) {
	fq, ok := d.m[val]
	return fq, ok

// Contains returns true if the value exists in the Data.
func (d Data) Contains(val interface{}) bool {
	_, ok := d.m[val]
	if ok {
		return true
	return false

// Delete deletes the value, or return false
// if the value does not exist in the Data.
func (d Data) Delete(val interface{}) bool {
	if !d.Contains(val) {
		return false
	delete(d.m, val)
	return true

// Intersection returns values common in both sets.
func (d *Data) Intersection(a *Data) []interface{} {
	rs := []interface{}{}
	for _, elem := range d.GetElements() {
		_, ok := a.m[elem]
		if ok {
			rs = append(rs, elem)
	return rs

// Union returns the union of two sets.
func (d *Data) Union(a *Data) []interface{} {
	slice := d.GetElements()
	for key := range a.m {
		_, ok := d.m[key]
		if !ok {
			slice = append(slice, key)
	return slice

// Subtract returns the set `d` - `a`.
func (d *Data) Subtract(a *Data) []interface{} {
	slice := []interface{}{}
	for key := range d.m {
		_, ok := a.m[key]
		if !ok {
			slice = append(slice, key)
	return slice

// IsEqual returns true if the two sets are same,
// regardless of its frequency.
func (d *Data) IsEqual(a *Data) bool {
	if d.GetSize() != a.GetSize() {
		return false
	// for every element of s
	for key := range d.m {
		// check if it exists in the Data "a"
		_, ok := a.m[key]
		if !ok {
			return false
	return true

// Subset returns true if "a" is a subset of "s".
func (d *Data) Subset(a *Data) bool {
	if d.GetSize() < a.GetSize() {
		return false
	for key := range a.m {
		_, ok := d.m[key]
		if !ok {
			return false
	return true

// Clone returns a cloned set
// but does not clone its frequency.
func (d *Data) Clone() *Data {
	return CreateData(d.GetElements()...)


// String prints out the Data information.
func (d Data) String() string {
	return fmt.Sprintf("Data: %+v", d.GetElements())

↑ top


Path Synopsis
Package list implements a doubly linked list.
Package list implements a doubly linked list.

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