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Published: Aug 6, 2015 License: Apache-2.0 Imports: 24 Imported by: 0


#hpcloud-kubesetup ##Deploying Kubernetes clusters to HP Helion OpenStack

This repository contains the code and instructions for the hpcloud-kubesetup installer tool. The hpcloud-kubesetup installer enables you to create and deploy Kubernetes (1.0.1) clusters on to your own private HP Helion OpenStack environment (version 1.1 or later) or to your hosted HP Helion Public Cloud account.

The installer process runs on your workstation, provisioning the cluster remotely.


  1. Credentials to your HP Helion OpenStack environment or HP Helion Public Cloud account.
  2. CoreOS version 653.0.0 or later loaded in to OpenStack glance (steps). Note: when deploying to a HP Helion Public Cloud account this prerquisite is already satisfied.
  3. An OpenStack project/tenant to deploy your Kubernetes cluster to. Note: when deploying to a HP Helion Public Cloud account, you can use the existing tenant.
  4. A private network within the OpenStack project/tenant, providing network isolation (steps).
  5. Ingress TCP communication over ports 22 (SSH), 80, 443 and 8080 (kube-apiserver) by adding these rulese to the default OpenStack security group within the project (steps)
  6. A Linux, Mac, or Windows workstation with internet connectivity and connectivity to your HP Helion OpenStack environment.


  1. Download and install the hpcloud-kubesetup installer and Kubernetes kubectl utility for your specific platform:


    Script based installation folllow these instructions.

    Manual installation steps:

     mkdir -p /usr/local/kubernetes
     wget https://github.com/hpcloud/hpcloud-kubesetup/raw/master/bin/hpcloud-kubesetup-linux.zip \
     -O /usr/local/kubernetes/hpcloud-kubesetup-linux.zip
     unzip -o /usr/local/kubernetes/hpcloud-kubesetup-linux.zip -d /usr/local/kubernetes/
     wget https://storage.googleapis.com/kubernetes-release/release/v1.0.1/bin/linux/amd64/kubectl \
     -O /usr/local/kubernetes/linux/kubectl
     chmod +x /usr/local/kubernetes/linux/hpcloud-kubesetup
     ln -s /usr/local/kubernetes/linux/hpcloud-kubesetup /usr/local/bin/hpcloud-kubesetup
     chmod +x /usr/local/kubernetes/linux/kubectl
     ln -s /usr/local/kubernetes/linux/kubectl /usr/local/bin/kubectl
     mkdir -p ~/kubernetes
     cp -n /usr/local/kubernetes/linux/kubesetup.yml ~/kubernetes/.


    Script based installation folllow these instructions.

    Manual installation steps:

     mkdir -p /usr/local/kubernetes
     wget https://github.com/hpcloud/hpcloud-kubesetup/raw/master/bin/hpcloud-kubesetup-darwin.zip \
     -O /usr/local/kubernetes/hpcloud-kubesetup-darwin.zip
     unzip -o /usr/local/kubernetes/hpcloud-kubesetup-darwin.zip -d /usr/local/kubernetes/
     wget https://storage.googleapis.com/kubernetes-release/release/v1.0.1/bin/darwin/amd64/kubectl \
     -O /usr/local/kubernetes/darwin/kubectl
     chmod +x /usr/local/kubernetes/darwin/hpcloud-kubesetup
     ln -s /usr/local/kubernetes/darwin/hpcloud-kubesetup /usr/local/bin/hpcloud-kubesetup
     chmod +x /usr/local/kubernetes/darwin/kubectl
     ln -s /usr/local/kubernetes/darwin/kubectl /usr/local/bin/kubectl
     mkdir -p ~/kubernetes
     cp -n /usr/local/kubernetes/darwin/kubesetup.yml ~/kubernetes/.


    Script based installation folllow these instructions.

    Manual installation steps:

    1. Download hpcloud-kubesetup-windows.zip
    2. Unzip hpcloud-kubesetup.zip
    3. Download kubectl.exe
  2. Log into the OpenStack Horizon portal with your account and download the "OpenStack RC file" located on the Project\Access & Security panel inside the API Access tab. The download button is on the top right corner.

  3. Setup OpenStack environment variables

    Mac & Linux

    Execute the OpenStack resource script. The script will ask you to enter your OpenStack password. All settings will be exported as environment variables.

     source ./<your project name>-openrc.sh

    To inspect what was exported, run export | grep OS_. You should see a similar result to:

     $ export | grep OS_
     declare -x OS_AUTH_URL="https://region-a.geo-1.identity.hpcloudsvc.com:35357/v2.0/"
     declare -x OS_PASSWORD="My Very Secret Password"
     declare -x OS_TENANT_ID="12345678901234"
     declare -x OS_TENANT_NAME="kubernetes"
     declare -x OS_USERNAME="kube"


    Rename the downloaded -openrc.sh file to -openrc.bat Open the -openrc.bat file within an editor like notepad. Replace the export statement with set statement, like shown below.


    Run the -openrc.bat file inside the console window from which we will the remaining installer steops

  4. Update kubesetup.yml if necessary. This file describes the setup of the cluster. By default, a cluster consisting of 3 nodes, 1 master node and 2 minion nodes, will be created.

    You will need to:

    • Create a new ssh key named kube-key or modify sshkey to reflect the key name of an existing key pair inside OpenStack
    • Create the kube-net network (steps) or modify the network entry in the kubesetup.yml file to an existing private network inside the project/tenant you will be deploying to
    • Verify if specified IP address range is supported by your subnet. When using the create-private-network.sh script you can use the default values


         ismaster: true
         vm-image: CoreOS
         vm-size: standard.medium
         ismaster: false
         vm-image: CoreOS
         vm-size: standard.small
         ismaster: false
         vm-image: CoreOS
         vm-size: standard.small
     sshkey: kube-key
     network: kube-net
     availabilityZone: az2
  5. Once your kubesetup.yml reflects the type of cluster you want to create, you can then execute the cluster installer:

    Mac & Linux

     hpcloud-kubesetup install


     hpcloud-kubesetup.exe install

    Once run, you should see the following results:

    $ hpcloud-kubesetup install
    2015/07/23 12:06:23 config file          - kube-master { true CoreOS standard.medium }
    2015/07/23 12:06:23 config file          - kube-node-1 { false CoreOS standard.small }
    2015/07/23 12:06:23 config file          - kube-node-2 { false CoreOS standard.small }
    2015/07/23 12:06:23 config file          - SSHKey <redacted>
    2015/07/23 12:06:23 config file          - Network kube-net
    2015/07/23 12:06:23 config file          - AvailabilityZone az2
    2015/07/23 12:06:23 OS_AUTH_URL          -  <redacted>
    2015/07/23 12:06:23 OS_TENANT_ID         -  <redacted>
    2015/07/23 12:06:23 OS_TENANT_NAME       -  <redacted>
    2015/07/23 12:06:23 OS_USERNAME          -  <redacted>
    2015/07/23 12:06:23 OS_REGION_NAME       -  <redacted>
    2015/07/23 12:06:23 OS_AUTH_TOKEN        -
    2015/07/23 12:06:23 OS_CACERT            -
    2015/07/23 12:06:23 skip-ssl-validation  - false
    2015/07/23 12:06:23 debug                - false
    2015/07/23 12:06:24 token                - HPAuth10_9b0328c27a31d4c4ff52cbd447270a8bc909572cbccf76b770c1cb06cc9f1986
    2015/07/23 12:06:25 network              - aca348f6-b481-469b-8aef-efd235987578
    2015/07/23 12:06:25 create cloudconfig   - kube-master
    2015/07/23 12:06:25 create cloudconfig   - kube-master.yml COMPLETED
    2015/07/23 12:06:25 create cloudconfig   - kube-node-1
    2015/07/23 12:06:25 create cloudconfig   - kube-node-1.yml COMPLETED
    2015/07/23 12:06:25 create cloudconfig   - kube-node-2
    2015/07/23 12:06:25 create cloudconfig   - kube-node-2.yml COMPLETED
    2015/07/23 12:06:25 create port          - kube-master
    2015/07/23 12:06:26 create port          - 86587b0b-4351-467e-baaf-882a6f71f952 COMPLETED
    2015/07/23 12:06:26 create server        - kube-master
    2015/07/23 12:06:27 image                - 5c2ccd59-1ae8-417a-8abc-22fb4f4b9f85
    2015/07/23 12:06:27 flavor               - 102
    2015/07/23 12:06:28 create server        - password <redacted>
    2015/07/23 12:06:28 create server        - a77e155a-847f-41b8-a523-6d14a044a568 COMPLETED
    2015/07/23 12:06:28 create port          - kube-node-1
    2015/07/23 12:06:28 create port          - fb1180ea-134d-477f-a9a0-ad1e1ea9e447 COMPLETED
    2015/07/23 12:06:28 create server        - kube-node-1
    2015/07/23 12:06:29 image                - 5c2ccd59-1ae8-417a-8abc-22fb4f4b9f85
    2015/07/23 12:06:29 flavor               - 101
    2015/07/23 12:06:29 create server        - password <redacted>
    2015/07/23 12:06:29 create server        - 2627034a-6673-4837-976f-2620f4e4af4a COMPLETED
    2015/07/23 12:06:29 create port          - kube-node-2
    2015/07/23 12:06:30 create port          - a9a62294-9ce8-4804-8a93-3f0d5808b19a COMPLETED
    2015/07/23 12:06:30 create server        - kube-node-2
    2015/07/23 12:06:30 image                - 5c2ccd59-1ae8-417a-8abc-22fb4f4b9f85
    2015/07/23 12:06:30 flavor               - 101
    2015/07/23 12:06:31 create server        - password <redacted>
    2015/07/23 12:06:31 create server        - 5bae49a3-e1c4-4a3e-8443-31702442a4e7 COMPLETED
    2015/07/23 12:06:31 server status        - kube-master BUILD
    2015/07/23 12:06:54 server status        - kube-master ACTIVE
    2015/07/23 12:06:54 server status        - kube-node-1 ACTIVE
    2015/07/23 12:06:54 server status        - kube-node-2 ACTIVE
    2015/07/23 12:06:54 associate IP         - kube-master
    2015/07/23 12:06:55 associate IP         - kube-master COMPLETED
  6. The installer associates a floating IP address with the Kubernetes master node. You can find the floating IP in list if server instances in the Horizon panel or by using the nova list command. The next step is use kubectl to explore and inspect the cluster.

    Mac & Linux & Windows

     $ kubectl cluster-info --server=
     Kubernetes master is running at
     $ kubectl version --server=
     Client Version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"0", GitVersion:"v1.0.1", GitCommit:"6a5c06e3d1eb27a6310a09270e4a5fb1afa93e74", GitTreeState:"clean"}
     Server Version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"0", GitVersion:"v1.0.1", GitCommit:"6a5c06e3d1eb27a6310a09270e4a5fb1afa93e74", GitTreeState:"clean"}
     $ kubectl get nodes --server=
     NAME            LABELS                                 STATUS   kubernetes.io/hostname=   Ready   kubernetes.io/hostname=   Ready

    Alternatively for Mac & Linux you can setup a secure SSH tunel between the kubectl client and the kube-apiserver, this prevents from having to provide the --server parameter on each call. The confige the SSH tunel use the following command:

     ssh -f -nNT -L 8080: core@<master-public-ip>
     ssh -f -nNT -L 8080: [email protected]
     $ kubectl get services
     NAME         LABELS                                    SELECTOR   IP(S)        PORT(S)
     kubernetes   component=apiserver,provider=kubernetes   <none>   443/TCP
  7. After verifying all the nodes are there, optionally create a context and use it, so that kubectl can be used without specifying the server on every call.

     $ kubectl config set-cluster hpcloud --server=
     $ kubectl config set-context hpcloud --cluster=hpcloud
     $ kubectl config use-context hpcloud
     $ kubectl get nodes
     NAME            LABELS                                 STATUS   kubernetes.io/hostname=   Ready   kubernetes.io/hostname=   Ready
  8. After verifying the current kubectl context is set correctly, you are ready to rock and roll. The next step will be to deploy a sample application to your Kubernetes cluster!

Happy containerizing!


Copyright 2015 Hewlett-Packard

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.


The Go Gopher

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Path Synopsis
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