
package module
v0.0.2 Latest Latest

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Published: May 14, 2019 License: Apache-2.0 Imports: 16 Imported by: 0


Interstellar - A CosmosDB Client for Go

This library provides a Go client for interacting with the REST/SQL API of CosmosDB. It aims to provide both low-level and high-level API functions.

Interstellar does not work with the other storage APIs such as MongoDB, Cassandra; as those are meant to be used with their respective clients.

Getting Strated

Create a Client using NewClient

An interstellar.Client can be constructed via interstellar.NewClient. This requires at minimum, an interstellar.ConnectionString. A ConnectionString can be parsed from the Azure Connection String using interstellar.ParseConnectionString.

// error handling omitted for brevity

// connection string for Azure CosmosDB Storage Emulator using the well-known AccountKey
cstring   := "AccountEndpoint=https://localhost:8081/;AccountKey=C2y6yDjf5/R+ob0N8A7Cgv30VRDJIWEHLM+4QDU5DE2nQ9nDuVTqobD4b8mGGyPMbIZnqyMsEcaGQy67XIw/Jw=="
cs, _     := interstellar.ParseConnectionString(cstring)
client, _ := interstellar.NewClient(cs, nil)

Note: You should not hard-code your connction string in your application; use an environment variable or some form of safe secret injection like HashiCorp Vault.

Optionally, NewClient takes a type that implements interstellar.Requester. You may supply a http.Client here, since this satisifed interface. If a Requester isn't provided, an HTTP Client will be created for this client automatically. Note: http.DefaultClient will NOT be used by default.

This constructor method also adds some retry logic specifically for CosmosDB RetryAfter responses: which will back off and try again when the request rate is too high.

Create a Client Manually

If you want full control over how the client is constructed, you can do this directly by creating an intersteller.Client value.

// well-known AccountKey for Azure CosmosDB Storage Emulator
key, _ := interstellar.ParseMasterKey("C2y6yDjf5/R+ob0N8A7Cgv30VRDJIWEHLM+4QDU5DE2nQ9nDuVTqobD4b8mGGyPMbIZnqyMsEcaGQy67XIw/Jw==")
client := &interstellar.Client{
  UserAgent:  interstellar.DefaultUserAgent,
  Endpoint:   "https://localhost:8081",
  Authorizer: key,
  Requester:  http.DefaultClient,

Note: In this case, the retry/backoff logic will not be applied.

List Resources

Uses the List API and automatically paginates unless it is told to stop. There are a few different functions but they all essentially do the same thing.

List Collections Example
var colls []CollectionResource
err := client.WithDatabase("db1").ListCollections(ctx, nil, func(resList []CollectionResource, meta ResponseMetadata) (bool, error) {
    // Add page to slice
    colls = append(colls, resList...)

    // Get next page
    return true, nil
Query Documents Example
// error handling omitted for brevity

// Construct a query which returns documents which have a name prefixed with `ab`, 10 per page.
query := &interstellar.Query{
  Query: "SELECT * FROM Documents d WHERE STARTSWITH(,@prefix)",
  Parameters: []interstellar.QueryParameter{
    interstellar.QueryParameter{Name: "@prefix", Value: "ab"},
  MaxItemCount: 10,

// Results
var docs []Document

// Perform the query, and paginate through all the results
client.WithDatabase("db1").WithCollection("col1").QueryDocumentsRaw(context.Background(), query, func(resList []json.RawMessage, meta interstellar.ResponseMetadata) (bool, error) {
  for _, raw := range resList {
    var doc Document
    if err := json.Unmarshal(raw, &doc); err != nil {
      return false, err
    docs = append(docs, doc)

  // true = get next page
  return true, nil

Note: It is best practice to use parameterized queries like above, especially if your parameter may be from an untrusted/user-suplied source. However, this library cannot detect injection, and cannot stop you from using string concatenation to construct your query.

Running Integration Tests

Running the integration test suite requires a CosmosDB account on Azure or running the CosmosDB Storage emulator.

  1. Create an empty CosmosDB account for testing or run the Storage Emulator.

  2. Set the following environment variables:

    # Set to your connection string (Emulator Account or Read-Write Key)
    # Example given is for the Storage Emulator
    export AZURE_COSMOS_DB_CONNECTION_STRING='AccountEndpoint=https://localhost:8081/;AccountKey=C2y6yDjf5/R+ob0N8A7Cgv30VRDJIWEHLM+4QDU5DE2nQ9nDuVTqobD4b8mGGyPMbIZnqyMsEcaGQy67XIw/Jw=='
    # Enable running integration tests
    # Set to Y If you want very verbose debug logging, with all of the requests and responses
    export DEBUG_LOGGING=Y
  3. Run the tests: go test -v .



Package interstellar is a client for using the SQL CosmoDB API over REST/HTTP. It provides a generic way of interacting with arbitrary resources in Cosmos DB via the Client And also convenience functions for interacting with resources types like Databases, Collections, Documents, and Offers.




View Source
const (
	// TokenVersion is the version of the token that is implemented
	// See
	// for more information
	TokenVersion = "1.0"
	// MasterTokenAuthType specifies that the type of authentication used is 'master' when computing the hash signature for an authenticated REST API call.
	// See for the specification.
	MasterTokenAuthType = "master"
View Source
const (
	// ErrPreconditionFailed is returned when an optimistic concurrency check fails
	ErrPreconditionFailed = Error("interstellar: request precondition failed")

	// ErrResourceNotFound is returned when a resource is not found
	ErrResourceNotFound = Error("interstellar: resource not found")
View Source
const (
	// ContentTypeJSON is the MIME-Type for generic JSON content
	ContentTypeJSON = "application/json"
	// ContentTypeQueryJSON is the MIME-Type for CosmosDB Queries (json)
	ContentTypeQueryJSON = "application/query+json"
View Source
const (
	// HeaderUserAgent used to differentiate different client applications.
	// Recommended format is {user agent name}/{version}
	// For example: MyApplication/1.0.0
	// See:
	HeaderUserAgent = "User-Agent"
	// HeaderContentType is used mostly for POST query operations
	// where the Content-Type header must be application/query+json
	// See:
	HeaderContentType = "Content-Type"
	// HeaderIfMatch used for optimistic concurrency based off ETag
	// See:
	HeaderIfMatch = "If-Match"
	// HeaderIfNoneMatch used for optimistic concurrency based off ETag
	// See:
	HeaderIfNoneMatch = "If-None-Match"
	// HeaderIfModifiedSince used for optimistic concurrency based off Modified Date (RFC1123 Date/Time Format)
	// See:
	HeaderIfModifiedSince = "If-Modified-Since"
	// HeaderActivityID "x-ms-activity-id"
	// See:
	HeaderActivityID = "x-ms-activity-id"
	// HeaderConsistencyLevel  Strong, Bounded, Session, or Eventual (in order of strongest to weakest)
	// See:
	HeaderConsistencyLevel = "x-ms-consistency-level"
	// HeaderMaxItemCount is supplied in list/query operations to limit the number of results per page.
	// See:
	HeaderMaxItemCount = "x-ms-max-item-count"
	// HeaderDocDBPartitionKey the partition key value for the requested document or attachment.
	// The format of this header is a JSON array of values
	// See:
	HeaderDocDBPartitionKey = "x-ms-documentdb-partitionkey"
	// HeaderDocDBQueryEnableCrossPartition is set to true for queries which should span multiple partitions, and a partition key is not supplied.
	// See:
	HeaderDocDBQueryEnableCrossPartition = "x-ms-documentdb-query-enablecrosspartition"
	// HeaderMSAPIVersion is used to specify which version of the REST API is being used by the request
	// See:
	HeaderMSAPIVersion = "x-ms-version"
	// HeaderAIM is sued to indicate the Change Feed request. It must be set to "incremental feed" or otherwise omitted.
	// See:
	HeaderAIM = "A-IM"

	// HeaderDocDBPartitionKeyRangeID Used in change feed requests. This is a number which is the Parittion Key Range ID used for reading data.
	HeaderDocDBPartitionKeyRangeID = "x-ms-documentdb-partitionkeyrangeid"

Common Request Headers

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const (
	// HeaderDate is the date time of the response. This date time format conforms to the RFC 1123 date time format expressed in Coordinated Universal Time.
	// See:
	HeaderDate = "Date"
	// HeaderETag indicates the etage of the resource. the same as the `_etag` property on the resource body.
	// See:
	HeaderETag = "ETag"
	// HeaderAltContentPath is the alternate content path of the resource.
	// See:
	HeaderAltContentPath = "x-ms-alt-content-path"
	// HeaderContinuation represents the intermediate state of query (or read-feed) execution, and is returned when there are additional results aside from what was returned in the response. Clients can resubmitted the request with a request header containing the value of x-ms-continuation.
	// See:
	HeaderContinuation = "x-ms-continuation"
	// HeaderItemCount is the number of items returned for a query or read-feed request.
	// See:
	HeaderItemCount = "x-ms-item-count"
	// HeaderRequestCharge is the number of normalized requests a.k.a. request units (RU) for the operation. For more information, see Request units in Azure Cosmos DB.
	// See:
	// See:
	HeaderRequestCharge = "x-ms-request-charge"
	// HeaderResourceQuota is the allotted quota for a resource in an account.
	// See:
	HeaderResourceQuota = "x-ms-resource-quota"
	// HeaderResourceUsage is the current usage count of a resource in an account. When deleting a resource, this shows the number of resources after the deletion.
	// See:
	HeaderResourceUsage = "x-ms-resource-usage"
	// HeaderRetryAfterMS is the number of milliseconds to wait to retry the operation after an initial operation received HTTP status code 429 and was throttled.
	// See:
	HeaderRetryAfterMS = "x-ms-retry-after-ms"
	// HeaderSchemaVersion Shows the resource schema version number.
	// See:
	HeaderSchemaVersion = "x-ms-schemaversion"
	// HeaderServiceVersion is the service version number.
	// See:
	HeaderServiceVersion = "x-ms-serviceversion"
	// HeaderSessionToken is the session token of the request.
	// For session consistency, clients must echo this request via the x-ms-session-token request header for subsequent operations made to the corresponding collection.
	// See:
	// See:
	HeaderSessionToken = "x-ms-session-token"

Common Response Headers

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const (
	// ConsistencyStrong denotes the operation should be strongly consistent. (Limited Linearizability guarantee)
	ConsistencyStrong = ConsistencyLevel("Strong")
	// ConsistencyBounded denotes a slightly weaker consistency than strong. Reads may lag behind writes by a constant number or time frame.
	ConsistencyBounded = ConsistencyLevel("Bounded")
	// ConsistencySession is consistency scoped to a single client/session. Read your writes, monotonic reads, monotonic writes.
	ConsistencySession = ConsistencyLevel("Session")
	// ConsistencyEventual is the weakest consistency level.
	ConsistencyEventual = ConsistencyLevel("Eventual")
View Source
const (
	// HeaderOfferType is used to set the Offer type on the Collection at creation time. This is one of the pre-defined levels: S1,S2,S3.
	HeaderOfferType = "x-ms-offer-type"
	// HeaderOfferThroughput is used to set the provisioned RU Throughput on the collection at creation time.
	HeaderOfferThroughput = "x-ms-offer-throughput"
View Source
const (
	// IndexingModeNone means no indexing is performed at all
	IndexingModeNone = IndexingMode("None")
	// IndexingModeConsistent means the index is updated synchronously on each insertion, replacement, or deletion action taken on a document in the collection (MSFT)
	IndexingModeConsistent = IndexingMode("Consistent")
	// IndexingModeLazy means the index is updated asynchronously and may be out of date, eliminating the ability to consistently "read your writes".
	IndexingModeLazy = IndexingMode("Lazy")
View Source
const (
	// DataTypeString denotes a string type
	DataTypeString = DataType("String")
	// DataTypeNumber denotes a number type (int or float)
	DataTypeNumber = DataType("Number")
	// DataTypePoint denotes a GeoJSON Point. (RFC7946 § 3.1.2)
	DataTypePoint = DataType("Point")
	// DataTypePolygon denotes a GeoJSON Polygon. (RFC7946 § 3.1.6)
	DataTypePolygon = DataType("Polygon")
	// DataTypeLineString a GeoJSON LineString. (RFC7946 § 3.1.4)
	DataTypeLineString = DataType("LineString")
View Source
const (
	// PartititionKindHash is used to enable equality comparisons
	PartititionKindHash = PartitionKind("Hash")
	// PartititionKindRange is used to enable sorting and range comparisons
	PartititionKindRange = PartitionKind("Range")
	// PartititionKindSpatial is used to enable spacial queries (such as geographic coordinates)
	PartititionKindSpatial = PartitionKind("Spatial")
View Source
const (
	// DocumentIndexingInclude specifies that the document should be included in the collection index.
	DocumentIndexingInclude = DocumentIndexingDirective("Include")
	// DocumentIndexingExclude specifies that the document should be excluded from the collection index.
	DocumentIndexingExclude = DocumentIndexingDirective("Exclude")
View Source
const (
	// OfferTypeInvalid indicates the performance level is user-defined
	OfferTypeInvalid = OfferType("Invalid")
	// OfferTypeS1 maps to the S1 performance level
	OfferTypeS1 = OfferType("S1")
	// OfferTypeS2 maps to the S3 performance level
	OfferTypeS2 = OfferType("S2")
	// OfferTypeS3 maps to the S3 performance level
	OfferTypeS3 = OfferType("S3")
View Source
const APIVersion = "2017-02-22"

APIVersion is the version of the CosmosDB REST API supported See for available versions and changelog

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const DefaultUserAgent = "Go-Interstellar/0.1"

DefaultUserAgent which is set on outgoing http requests if none is set on the client

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const (
	// ErrKeyNotFound is returned when the required key was missing from the response object
	ErrKeyNotFound = Error("interstellar: key was not found in the response object")
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const ErrOfferInvalidVersion = Error("insterstellar: invalid offer version")

ErrOfferInvalidVersion is returned when an invalid offer version is read

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const HeaderAuthorization = "Authorization"

HeaderAuthorization is the header used to pass the Authorization token to the API

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const HeaderDocDBIsQuery = "x-ms-documentdb-isquery"

HeaderDocDBIsQuery is used to indicate the POST request is a query, not a Create. Must be set to "true".

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const HeaderDocDBIsUpsert = "x-ms-documentdb-is-upsert"

HeaderDocDBIsUpsert is set to true if the document should be created if it does not exist, or updated in-place if it does.

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const HeaderIndexingDirective = "x-ms-indexing-directive"

HeaderIndexingDirective is used to enable or disable indexing on the resource.

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const HeaderMSDate = "x-ms-date"

HeaderMSDate is the date/time of the request. This date time format conforms to the RFC 1123 date time format expressed in Coordinated Universal Time. This is passed in the request and much match the date in the hash for the Authorization header See:


This section is empty.


func ParseArrayFromResponse

func ParseArrayFromResponse(r io.Reader, key string) ([]json.RawMessage, error)

ParseArrayFromResponse parses a list of results from the response object mapped by given key. An error will be returend if the read bytes do not parse to a JSON object containing the desired key => list pair

Example Input JSON:

{ "key": [1,2,"3",true] }

If the key is not found in the object, ErrKeyNotFound is returned

func ParseArrayResponse

func ParseArrayResponse(r io.Reader) ([]json.RawMessage, error)

ParseArrayResponse parses the response into a JSON array

Example Input JSON:


func ParseObjectResponse

func ParseObjectResponse(r io.Reader) (map[string]json.RawMessage, error)

ParseObjectResponse parses the response into a json object An error will be returend if the read bytes do not parse to an object with string keys

Example Input JSON:

	 "key1": [1,2,"3",true],
	 "key2": "foo",
	 "key3": { "bar": "baz" }


type Authorizer

type Authorizer interface {
	Authorize(r *http.Request, resourceType ResourceType, resourceLink string) (*http.Request, error)

Authorizer is an interface used to authorize Cosmos DB Requests

type Client

type Client struct {
	UserAgent string
	Endpoint  string

Client for making API calls against CosmosDB

Example (Custom)
key, _ := interstellar.ParseMasterKey("C2y6yDjf5/R+ob0N8A7Cgv30VRDJIWEHLM+4QDU5DE2nQ9nDuVTqobD4b8mGGyPMbIZnqyMsEcaGQy67XIw/Jw==")
_ = &interstellar.Client{
	UserAgent:  interstellar.DefaultUserAgent,
	Endpoint:   "https://localhost:8081",
	Authorizer: key,
	Requester:  http.DefaultClient,

func NewClient

func NewClient(cs ConnectionString, req Requester) (*Client, error)

NewClient creates client to the given CoasmosDB account in the ConnectionString And will use the Requester to send HTTP requests and read responses

cstring := "AccountEndpoint=https://localhost:8081/;AccountKey=C2y6yDjf5/R+ob0N8A7Cgv30VRDJIWEHLM+4QDU5DE2nQ9nDuVTqobD4b8mGGyPMbIZnqyMsEcaGQy67XIw/Jw=="
cs, _ := interstellar.ParseConnectionString(cstring)
_, _ = interstellar.NewClient(cs, nil)

func (*Client) CreateDatabase

func (c *Client) CreateDatabase(ctx context.Context, id string, opts RequestOptions) (*DatabaseResource, *ResponseMetadata, error)

CreateDatabase creates a new database with the given ID

func (*Client) CreateDatabaseRaw

func (c *Client) CreateDatabaseRaw(ctx context.Context, id string, opts RequestOptions) ([]byte, *ResponseMetadata, error)

CreateDatabaseRaw creates a new database with the given ID and returns the raw response

func (*Client) CreateOrReplaceResource

func (c *Client) CreateOrReplaceResource(ctx context.Context, request ClientRequest) ([]byte, *ResponseMetadata, error)

CreateOrReplaceResource creates new or replaces existing resources inside a given collection.

If the ClientRequest.Method is not set, it will default to POST. If it is given, it must be PUT or POST; otherwise an error will be returned.

For example, this can be used to create a new collection inside a database, a new document inside a collection, or update a document with new data.

func (*Client) DeleteResource

func (c *Client) DeleteResource(ctx context.Context, request ClientRequest) (bool, *ResponseMetadata, error)

DeleteResource issues a delete command against a resource designate by the request

func (*Client) GetResource

func (c *Client) GetResource(ctx context.Context, request ClientRequest) ([]byte, *ResponseMetadata, error)

GetResource retrieves the body of a resource given by the request For example, this can be used to get the full body of a Collection resource, or a Document resource by it ID

func (*Client) ListDatabases

func (c *Client) ListDatabases(ctx context.Context, opts RequestOptions, fn PaginateDatabaseResource) error

ListDatabases lists each database in the CosmosDB Account given to the pagination function

func (*Client) ListDatabasesRaw

func (c *Client) ListDatabasesRaw(ctx context.Context, opts RequestOptions, fn PaginateRawResources) error

ListDatabasesRaw lists each database in the CosmosDB Account as raw JSON objects given to the pagination function

func (*Client) ListOffers

func (c *Client) ListOffers(ctx context.Context, opts RequestOptions, fn PaginateOfferResource) error

ListOffers lists each collection in the CosmosDB account

func (*Client) ListOffersRaw

func (c *Client) ListOffersRaw(ctx context.Context, opts RequestOptions, fn PaginateRawResources) error

ListOffersRaw lists each offer in the CosmosDB account as raw JSON objects

func (*Client) ListResources

func (c *Client) ListResources(ctx context.Context, key string, request ClientRequest, fn PaginateRawResources) error

ListResources executes requests on a collection results to paginate through all the sub-resources. For example, this can be used to paginate through all documents within a collection.

After each successful result list is returned, the array of objects are extracted from the given Key and passed to the supplied PaginateRawResources function. If PaginateRawResources function returns (true, nil), the next page will be requested If PaginateRawResources function returns (false, nil), then pagination will stop, and ListResults will return without error. If PaginateRawResources function returns a non-nil error, then pagination will stop, and ListResults will return that error. Pagination will also stop after the last page is returned from the API

func (*Client) NewHTTPRequest

func (c *Client) NewHTTPRequest(ctx context.Context, req ClientRequest) (*http.Request, error)

NewHTTPRequest creates a new authorized http request that can be run against a Requester such as *http.Client or anything implementing the Requester interface

func (*Client) QueryOffersRaw

func (c *Client) QueryOffersRaw(ctx context.Context, query *Query, fn PaginateRawResources) error

QueryOffersRaw executes the given OfferQuery and paginates through the offers

func (*Client) ReplaceOffer

ReplaceOffer replaces an existing offer with new parameters

func (*Client) WithDatabase

func (c *Client) WithDatabase(id string) *DatabaseClient

WithDatabase creates a DatabaseClient for the given Database ID

func (*Client) WithOffer

func (c *Client) WithOffer(id string) *OfferClient

WithOffer creates a OfferClient for the given Offer within this account

type ClientRequest

type ClientRequest struct {
	// Method is the HTTP Method/Verb used for the request
	Method string
	// Path is the URL path portion of the request
	Path string
	// ResourceType is the type of resource being requested, such as "dbs" or "colls"
	ResourceType ResourceType
	// ResourceLink is the identity property of the resource that the request is directed at.
	// See:
	// For example, the format for a collection is: "dbs/{}/colls/{}" like "dbs/MyDatabase/colls/MyCollection".
	// The resource links is CASE SENSITIVE.
	// Note: It is NOT the same as the '_self' property of a resource (in most cases).
	ResourceLink string
	// Options allow for applying additional headers and other request options to the HTTP request
	Options RequestOptions
	// Body is a reader which should be sent as the body of the request
	Body io.Reader
	// GetBody is used to set the body of the request for retrys and resubmissions
	GetBody func() (io.ReadCloser, error)

ClientRequest encapsulates the CosmosDB API request parameters

type CollectionClient

type CollectionClient struct {
	Client       *Client
	DatabaseID   string
	CollectionID string

CollectionClient is a client scoped to a single collection Used to perform API calls within the scope of the Collection resource

func (*CollectionClient) CreateDocument

CreateDocument creates or updates a document in the collection

func (*CollectionClient) CreateStoredProcedure added in v0.0.2

CreateStoredProcedure creates a Stored Procedure

func (*CollectionClient) CreateUserDefinedFunction

CreateUserDefinedFunction creates a UDF

func (*CollectionClient) CreateUserDefinedFunctionRaw

func (c *CollectionClient) CreateUserDefinedFunctionRaw(ctx context.Context, req CreateUserDefinedFunctionRequest) ([]byte, *ResponseMetadata, error)

CreateUserDefinedFunctionRaw creates a UDF

func (*CollectionClient) Delete

Delete will delete the collection See Client.DeleteResource for more information

func (*CollectionClient) Get

Get retrieves the CollectionResource

func (*CollectionClient) GetRaw

GetRaw retrieves the raw collection

func (*CollectionClient) ListDocumentsRaw

func (c *CollectionClient) ListDocumentsRaw(ctx context.Context, opts RequestOptions, fn PaginateRawResources) error

ListDocumentsRaw lists each document in the collection as raw JSON objects

func (*CollectionClient) ListStoredProcedures added in v0.0.2

func (c *CollectionClient) ListStoredProcedures(ctx context.Context, opts RequestOptions, fn PaginateSProcResource) error

ListStoredProcedures lists each stored procedure in the collection

func (*CollectionClient) ListUserDefinedFunctions

func (c *CollectionClient) ListUserDefinedFunctions(ctx context.Context, opts RequestOptions, fn PaginateUDFResource) error

ListUserDefinedFunctions lists each User-defined Function in the collection

func (*CollectionClient) ListUserDefinedFunctionsRaw

func (c *CollectionClient) ListUserDefinedFunctionsRaw(ctx context.Context, opts RequestOptions, fn PaginateRawResources) error

ListUserDefinedFunctionsRaw lists all user-defined functions

func (*CollectionClient) QueryDocumentsRaw

func (c *CollectionClient) QueryDocumentsRaw(ctx context.Context, query *Query, fn PaginateRawResources) error

QueryDocumentsRaw posts the query to the collection and paginates through the results using the supplied paginate function

// error handling omitted for brevity

// Document inside the collection for Unmarshaling
type Document struct {
	ID      string `json:"id"`
	Name    string `json:"name"`
	Address string `json:"address"`

// Get a client
cs, _ := interstellar.ParseConnectionString("AccountEndpoint=https://localhost:8081/;AccountKey=C2y6yDjf5/R+ob0N8A7Cgv30VRDJIWEHLM+4QDU5DE2nQ9nDuVTqobD4b8mGGyPMbIZnqyMsEcaGQy67XIw/Jw==")
client, _ := interstellar.NewClient(cs, nil)

// Construct a query which returns documents which have a name prefixed with `ab`, 10 per page.
query := &interstellar.Query{
	Query: "SELECT * FROM Documents d WHERE STARTSWITH(,@prefix)",
	Parameters: []interstellar.QueryParameter{
		interstellar.QueryParameter{Name: "@prefix", Value: "ab"},
	MaxItemCount: 10,

// Results
var docs []Document

// Get the CollectionClient scoped to `dbs/db1/colls/col1`
cc := client.WithDatabase("db1").WithCollection("col1")

// Perform the query, and paginate through all the results
cc.QueryDocumentsRaw(context.Background(), query, func(resList []json.RawMessage, meta interstellar.ResponseMetadata) (bool, error) {
	for _, raw := range resList {
		var doc Document
		if err := json.Unmarshal(raw, &doc); err != nil {
			return false, err
		docs = append(docs, doc)

	// true = get next page
	return true, nil

func (c *CollectionClient) ResourceLink() string

ResourceLink gets the resource link for the collection

func (*CollectionClient) WithDocument

func (c *CollectionClient) WithDocument(id string, partitionKey []string) *DocumentClient

WithDocument creates a DocumentClient for the given Document ID and PartitionKey within this Collection

func (*CollectionClient) WithStoredProcedure added in v0.0.2

func (c *CollectionClient) WithStoredProcedure(id string) *SProcClient

WithStoredProcedure creates a SProcClient for the given Stored Procedure within this Collection

func (*CollectionClient) WithUDF

func (c *CollectionClient) WithUDF(id string) *UDFClient

WithUDF creates a UDFClient for the given UDF within this Collection

type CollectionExcludedPath

type CollectionExcludedPath struct {
	Path string `json:"path"`

CollectionExcludedPath represents a JSON Path to exclude from indexing inside a CollectionIndexingPolicy

type CollectionIncludedPath

type CollectionIncludedPath struct {
	Path    string             `json:"path"`
	Indexes []*CollectionIndex `json:"indexes"`

CollectionIncludedPath represents a JSON Path and the type of data to include when indexing. This is part of a CollectionIndexingPolicy

type CollectionIndex

type CollectionIndex struct {
	DataType  DataType      `json:"dataType"`
	Precision int           `json:"precision,omitempty"`
	Kind      PartitionKind `json:"kind"`

CollectionIndex describes the type of data and precision that an included indexing path should used when being indexed. From [Microsoft Documentation]( > The type or scheme used for index entries has a direct impact on index storage and performance. > For a scheme using higher precision, queries are typically faster. However, there is also a higher storage overhead for the index. > Choosing a lower precision means that more documents might have to be processed during query execution, but the storage overhead will be lower.

type CollectionIndexingPolicy

type CollectionIndexingPolicy struct {
	// Automatic indicates whether automatic indexing is on or off.
	// The default value is True, thus all documents are indexed.
	// Setting the value to False would allow manual configuration of indexing paths.
	Automatic *bool `json:"automatic,omitempty"`
	// IndexingMode indicates the consistency of indexing with respect to document modifications.
	// By default, the indexing mode is Consistent. This means that indexing occurs synchronously during insertion, replacment or deletion of documents.
	// To have indexing occur asynchronously, set the indexing mode to lazy.
	IndexingMode *IndexingMode `json:"indexingMode,omitempty"`
	// IncludedPaths specifies which paths must be included in indexing
	IncludedPaths []*CollectionIncludedPath `json:"includedPaths,omitempty"`
	// ExcludedPaths specifies Which paths must be excluded from indexing
	ExcludedPaths []*CollectionExcludedPath `json:"excludedPaths,omitempty"`

CollectionIndexingPolicy represents the indexing policy configuration for a Collection

type CollectionPartitionKey

type CollectionPartitionKey struct {
	// Paths lists the document attributes to include in the parition scheme
	Paths []string `json:"paths"`
	// Kind is the algorithm used for partitioning.
	// Note: Only PartititionKindHash is supported.
	Kind PartitionKind `json:"kind"`

CollectionPartitionKey specifies the partition key indexing config

type CollectionResource

type CollectionResource struct {
	// ID is the unique user generated name for the collection.
	ID string `json:"id"`
	// ResourceID is a unique identifier that is also hierarchical per the resource stack on the resource model. It is used internally for placement of and navigation to the collection resource.
	ResourceID string `json:"_rid,omitempty"`
	// Timestamp is a system generated property. It denotes the last updated timestamp of the resource.
	Timestamp int64 `json:"_ts,omitempty"`
	// Self is the unique addressable URI for the resource.
	Self string `json:"_self,omitempty"`
	// ETag value required for optimistic concurrency control.
	ETag string `json:"_etag,omitempty"`
	// Docs specifies the addressable path of the documents resource.
	Docs string `json:"_docs,omitempty"`
	// Sprocs specifies the addressable path of the stored procedures (sprocs) resource.
	Sprocs string `json:"_sprocs,omitempty"`
	// Triggers specifies the addressable path of the triggers resource.
	Triggers string `json:"_triggers,omitempty"`
	// UDFs specifies the addressable path of the user-defined functions (udfs) resource.
	UDFs string `json:"_udfs,omitempty"`
	// Conflicts specifies the addressable path of the conflicts resource.
	// During an operation on a resource within a collection, if a conflict occurs, users can inspect the conflicting resources by performing a GET on the conflicts URI path.
	Conflicts string `json:"_conflicts,omitempty"`
	// IndexingPolicy settings for collection.
	IndexingPolicy *CollectionIndexingPolicy `json:"indexingPolicy,omitempty"`
	// PartitionKey is the partitioning configuration settings for collection.
	PartitionKey *CollectionPartitionKey `json:"partitionKey,omitempty"`

CollectionResource represents a Collection container in Cosmos DB Documentation adapted from adapted from See for the latest documentation

type CommonRequestOptions

type CommonRequestOptions struct {
	ActivityID                          string
	ContentType                         string
	IfMatch                             string
	IfNoneMatch                         string
	IfModifiedSince                     time.Time
	SessionToken                        string
	ConsistencytLevel                   ConsistencyLevel
	DocumentDBPartitionKey              string
	DocumentDBPartitionKeyRangeID       string
	DocumentDBQueryEnableCrossPartition bool
	ChangeFeed                          bool
	MaxItemCount                        int
	Continuation                        string

CommonRequestOptions is a helper which adds additional options to their appropriate headers in the CosmosDB HTTP request The specific options which are permitted varies depending on the request See:

func (*CommonRequestOptions) ApplyOptions

func (o *CommonRequestOptions) ApplyOptions(req *http.Request)

ApplyOptions sets the common headers defined in the CommonRequestOptions struct on the given http request object

type ConnectionString

type ConnectionString struct {
	Endpoint   string
	AccountKey MasterKey

ConnectionString is the connection string for accessing a storage account

func ParseConnectionString

func ParseConnectionString(connectionString string) (ConnectionString, error)

ParseConnectionString parses a connection string to the storage account The format of the connection string is as follows:


type ConsistencyLevel

type ConsistencyLevel string

ConsistencyLevel specifies the consistency level of the operation See for more information

type CreateCollectionRequest

type CreateCollectionRequest struct {
	OfferThroughput int                       `json:"-"`
	OfferType       OfferType                 `json:"-"`
	Options         RequestOptions            `json:"-"`
	ID              string                    `json:"id"`
	IndexingPolicy  *CollectionIndexingPolicy `json:"indexingPolicy,omitempty"`
	PartitionKey    *CollectionPartitionKey   `json:"partitionKey,omitempty"`

CreateCollectionRequest captures the request options for creating a new Collection

func (CreateCollectionRequest) ApplyOptions

func (c CreateCollectionRequest) ApplyOptions(req *http.Request)

ApplyOptions applies additional headers necessary to complete a CreateCollection request

type CreateDocumentRequest

type CreateDocumentRequest struct {
	// Partition Key for partitioned collections
	PartitionKey []string

	// Upsert indicates if the request should replace the existing document
	Upsert bool

	// IndexingDirective determines if the document will be indexed
	IndexingDirective *DocumentIndexingDirective

	// Document is the replacement document. This will be marshalled into JSON
	// Either this or Document must be non-nil.
	Document interface{}

	// Body is the document body as JSON bytes. Either this or Document must be non-nil.
	Body []byte

	// Options are any additional request options to add to the request
	Options RequestOptions

	// Unmarshaler is an optional Unmarshaler that will be called with the response body
	Unmarshaler json.Unmarshaler

CreateDocumentRequest are parameters for CreateDocument

func (CreateDocumentRequest) ApplyOptions

func (r CreateDocumentRequest) ApplyOptions(req *http.Request)

ApplyOptions applies the request options to the api request

type CreateStoredProcedureRequest added in v0.0.2

type CreateStoredProcedureRequest struct {
	ID      string         `json:"id"`
	Body    string         `json:"body"`
	Options RequestOptions `json:"-"`

CreateStoredProcedureRequest are parameters for CreateStoredProcedure

func (CreateStoredProcedureRequest) ApplyOptions added in v0.0.2

func (r CreateStoredProcedureRequest) ApplyOptions(req *http.Request)

ApplyOptions applies the request options to the api request

type CreateUserDefinedFunctionRequest

type CreateUserDefinedFunctionRequest struct {
	ID      string         `json:"id"`
	Body    string         `json:"body"`
	Options RequestOptions `json:"-"`

CreateUserDefinedFunctionRequest are parameters for CreateUserDefinedFunction

func (CreateUserDefinedFunctionRequest) ApplyOptions

func (r CreateUserDefinedFunctionRequest) ApplyOptions(req *http.Request)

ApplyOptions applies the request options to the api request

type DataType

type DataType string

DataType is the data type used for indexing.

type DatabaseClient

type DatabaseClient struct {
	Client     *Client
	DatabaseID string

DatabaseClient is a client scoped to a single database Used to perform API calls within the scope of the Database resource

func (*DatabaseClient) CreateCollection

CreateCollection creates a new collection

func (*DatabaseClient) CreateCollectionRaw

func (c *DatabaseClient) CreateCollectionRaw(ctx context.Context, req CreateCollectionRequest) ([]byte, *ResponseMetadata, error)

CreateCollectionRaw creates a new collection and returns the raw response

func (*DatabaseClient) Delete

Delete will delete the database See Client.DeleteResource for more information

func (*DatabaseClient) Get

Get retrieves the DatabaseResource

func (*DatabaseClient) GetRaw

GetRaw retrieves the raw database resource

func (*DatabaseClient) ListCollections

ListCollections lists each collection in the database

func (*DatabaseClient) ListCollectionsRaw

func (c *DatabaseClient) ListCollectionsRaw(ctx context.Context, opts RequestOptions, fn PaginateRawResources) error

ListCollectionsRaw lists each collection in the database as raw JSON objects

func (c *DatabaseClient) ResourceLink() string

ResourceLink gets the resource link for the database

func (*DatabaseClient) WithCollection

func (c *DatabaseClient) WithCollection(id string) *CollectionClient

WithCollection creates a CollectionClient for the given Collection within this Database

type DatabaseResource

type DatabaseResource struct {
	// ID is the unique user generated name for the database.
	ID string `json:"id"`
	// ResourceID is a unique identifier that is also hierarchical per the resource stack on the resource model. It is used internally for placement of and navigation to the database resource.
	ResourceID string `json:"_rid,omitempty"`
	// Timestamp is a system generated property. It denotes the last updated timestamp of the resource.
	Timestamp int64 `json:"_ts,omitempty"`
	// Self is the unique addressable URI for the resource.
	Self string `json:"_self,omitempty"`
	// ETag value required for optimistic concurrency control.
	ETag string `json:"_etag,omitempty"`
	// Colls specifies the addressable path of the collections resource.
	Colls string `json:"_colls,omitempty"`
	// Users specifies the addressable path of the users resource.
	Users string `json:"_users,omitempty"`

DatabaseResource represents a Database in Cosmos DB Documentation adapted from adapted from See for the latest documentation

type DocumentClient

type DocumentClient struct {
	Client       *Client
	DatabaseID   string
	CollectionID string
	DocumentID   string
	PartitionKey []string

DocumentClient is a client scoped to a single document Used to perform API calls within the scope of a single Document resource

func (*DocumentClient) Delete

Delete removes the document from the collection

func (*DocumentClient) Get

func (c *DocumentClient) Get(ctx context.Context, opts RequestOptions, v interface{}) (*ResponseMetadata, error)

Get retrieves the raw document and unmarshalls the content into the given value

func (*DocumentClient) GetRaw

GetRaw retrieves the raw document

func (*DocumentClient) ReplaceDocument

func (c *DocumentClient) ReplaceDocument(ctx context.Context, req ReplaceDocumentRequest) ([]byte, *ResponseMetadata, error)

ReplaceDocument replaces this document

func (c *DocumentClient) ResourceLink() string

ResourceLink gets the resource link for the document

type DocumentIndexingDirective

type DocumentIndexingDirective string

DocumentIndexingDirective determines if a document create/update should be indexed

type DocumentProperties

type DocumentProperties struct {
	ID          string `json:"id"`
	ETag        string `json:"_etag"`
	ResourceID  string `json:"_rid"`
	Timestamp   int64  `json:"_ts"`
	Self        string `json:"_self"`
	Attachments string `json:"_attachments"`

DocumentProperties are the well-known properties that may exist on a Document resources

type Error

type Error string

Error is an interstellar generated error This type is an alias for 'string' and is used to ensure the interstellar sential errors can be made constant

func (Error) Error

func (e Error) Error() string

Error implements the error interface for the Error type

type IndexingMode

type IndexingMode string

IndexingMode specifies how indexing will be performed on each insertion, replacement, or deletion action. You can choose between synchronous (Consistent), asynchronous (Lazy) index updates, and no indexing (None).

type MasterKey

type MasterKey []byte

MasterKey is the shared key for the storage account

func ParseMasterKey

func ParseMasterKey(key string) (MasterKey, error)

ParseMasterKey parses a base-64 encoded shared access key

func (MasterKey) Authorize

func (k MasterKey) Authorize(r *http.Request, resourceType ResourceType, resourceLink string) (*http.Request, error)

Authorize implements the authorization header for Microsoft Azure Storage services See for implementation details. This implementation assumes the latest version of the API is 2017-04-17

func (MasterKey) Sign

func (k MasterKey) Sign(message string) string

Sign will sign the message with HMAC-SHA256 returns the base-64 encoded result

type OfferClient

type OfferClient struct {
	Client  *Client
	OfferID string

OfferClient is a client scoped to a single offer Used to perform API calls within the scope of the Offer resource

func (*OfferClient) Get

Get retrieves the OfferResource

func (*OfferClient) GetRaw

func (c *OfferClient) GetRaw(ctx context.Context, opts RequestOptions) ([]byte, *ResponseMetadata, error)

GetRaw retrieves the raw offer JSON

type OfferContent

type OfferContent struct {
	// V2 is the OfferContentV2 version of the schema for user-defined performance parameters
	V2 *OfferContentV2

OfferContent encapsulates the different offer schemas depending on OfferVersion

type OfferContentV2

type OfferContentV2 struct {
	OfferThroughput int `json:"offerThroughput"`

	// RUPMEnabled is Request Units(RU)/Minute throughput is enabled/disabled for collection in the Azure Cosmos DB service.
	RUPMEnabled *bool `json:"offerIsRUPerMinuteThroughputEnabled,omitempty"`

OfferContentV2 is the content of the OfferVersion "V2" for user-defined throughput

type OfferResource

type OfferResource struct {
	ID              string
	ResourceID      string
	Timestamp       time.Time
	Self            string
	ETag            string
	OfferVersion    OfferVersion
	OfferType       OfferType
	Content         *OfferContent
	Resource        string
	OfferResourceID string

OfferResource represents a performance-level offering on a resource

func (*OfferResource) MarshalJSON

func (oc *OfferResource) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implementes json.Marshaler for OfferResource

func (*OfferResource) UnmarshalJSON

func (oc *OfferResource) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implementes json.Unmarshaler for OfferResource

type OfferType

type OfferType string

OfferType is used to specify the pre-defined performance levels for the CosmosDB container

type OfferVersion

type OfferVersion string

OfferVersion differentiates different offer schemas

const (
	// OfferV1 uses a set list of OfferTypes
	OfferV1 OfferVersion = "V1"
	// OfferV2 allows tunable request unit throughput
	OfferV2 OfferVersion = "V2"

type PaginateCollectionResource

type PaginateCollectionResource func(resList []CollectionResource, meta ResponseMetadata) (bool, error)

PaginateCollectionResource pagination function for a list of CollectionResource

type PaginateDatabaseResource

type PaginateDatabaseResource func(resList []DatabaseResource, meta ResponseMetadata) (bool, error)

PaginateDatabaseResource pagination function for a list of DatabaseResources

type PaginateOfferResource

type PaginateOfferResource func(resList []OfferResource, meta ResponseMetadata) (bool, error)

PaginateOfferResource pagination function for a list of OfferResource

type PaginateRawResources

type PaginateRawResources func(resList []json.RawMessage, meta ResponseMetadata) (bool, error)

PaginateRawResources is run by the List* operations with each page of results from the API. Returning `false` from the function will stop pagination and return a nil error. Returning a non-nil `error` from this function will stop pagination and return the error

type PaginateSProcResource added in v0.0.2

type PaginateSProcResource func(resList []StoredProcedureResource, meta ResponseMetadata) (bool, error)

PaginateSProcResource pagination function for a list of StoredProcedureResource

type PaginateUDFResource

type PaginateUDFResource func(resList []UserDefinedFunctionResource, meta ResponseMetadata) (bool, error)

PaginateUDFResource pagination function for a list of UserDefiendFunctions

type PartitionKind

type PartitionKind string

PartitionKind is the kind of index used for equality or range comparison

type Query

type Query struct {
	// Query is the SQL-like query text.
	// See for the Grammar reference
	Query string `json:"query"`

	// Parameters are the collection of named query parameters and their values that may be referenced by the Query string.
	Parameters []QueryParameter `json:"parameters,omitempty"`

	// MaxItemCount sets the desired maximum number of items returned in a single page of results
	MaxItemCount int `json:"-"`

	// Continuation is used to get the next page of results from a query.
	// Setting this value, will set the corresponding x-ms-continuation header on the query request.
	// This value is opaque, and is returned when there are additional results aside from what was returned in the response.
	Continuation string `json:"-"`

	// EnableCrossPartition enables the query to span across multiple partitions.
	EnableCrossPartition bool `json:"-"`

	// ConsistencytLevel sets the consistency level override.
	// This must be the same or weaker than the account's configured consistency level.
	ConsistencytLevel ConsistencyLevel `json:"-"`

	// SessionToken must be set when using a consistency level of "Session".
	// The "SessionToken" recevied from a response must be echo'd back in the next request.
	SessionToken string `json:"-"`

	// RequestOptions applies additional request options to the query
	RequestOptions RequestOptions `json:"-"`

Query encapsulates a SQL-like query on the Collection Parameters can be added by using the AddParameter method Additional query options can be addy by supplying a QueryOptions

func (*Query) AddParameter

func (q *Query) AddParameter(name string, value interface{})

AddParameter adds a new named parameter to the query

func (*Query) AddParameterSensitive

func (q *Query) AddParameterSensitive(name string, value interface{})

AddParameterSensitive adds a new named parameter to the query and sets the Sensitive flag

func (*Query) ApplyOptions

func (q *Query) ApplyOptions(req *http.Request)

ApplyOptions applies the additional query options to the API request

func (*Query) String

func (q *Query) String() string

String returns the string representation of the Query with its parameters. This is not used in the API, it is only useful for debugging.

type QueryParameter

type QueryParameter struct {
	// Name is the name of the query parameter.
	// All names should begin with an '@'; such as '@id' or '@name'
	Name string `json:"name"`
	// Value is the corresponding value of the named parameter.
	// The value should be JSON-marshalable, such as a primitive type or a type that implements the json.Marshaler behavior
	Value interface{} `json:"value"`
	// Sensitive is a flag that, if set to true, prevents the Value from being printed as part of the String() method
	// This value is not used by the Query API, and is only useful in debugging
	Sensitive bool `json:"-"`

QueryParameter encapsulates a named query parameter for a query along with its value

func (QueryParameter) Format

func (p QueryParameter) Format(f fmt.State, c rune)

Format implements fmt.Formatter for QueryParameter

func (QueryParameter) String

func (p QueryParameter) String() string

String returns the query parameter as a string key=value

type ReplaceDocumentRequest

type ReplaceDocumentRequest struct {
	// ETag is used for optimistic concurrency. If set, the ETag value of the existing document must match this in order for the operation to complete.
	ETag string

	// IndexingDirective determines if the document will be indexed
	IndexingDirective *DocumentIndexingDirective

	// Document is the replacement document. This will be marshalled into JSON
	// Either this or Document must be non-nil.
	Document interface{}

	// Body is the document body as JSON bytes. Either this or Document must be non-nil.
	Body []byte

	// Options are any additional request options to add to the request
	Options RequestOptions

	// Unmarshaler is an optional Unmarshaler that will be called with the response body
	Unmarshaler json.Unmarshaler

ReplaceDocumentRequest are parameters for CreateDocument

func (ReplaceDocumentRequest) ApplyOptions

func (r ReplaceDocumentRequest) ApplyOptions(req *http.Request)

ApplyOptions applies the request options to the api request

type ReplaceOfferRequest

type ReplaceOfferRequest struct {
	Offer   *OfferResource
	Options RequestOptions

ReplaceOfferRequest encapsulates the offer to replace

func (ReplaceOfferRequest) ApplyOptions

func (r ReplaceOfferRequest) ApplyOptions(req *http.Request)

ApplyOptions applies the request options to the api request

type RequestOptions

type RequestOptions interface {
	ApplyOptions(req *http.Request)

RequestOptions augments the request, such as adding headers, or query parameter to an existing http.Request

type RequestOptionsFunc

type RequestOptionsFunc func(req *http.Request)

RequestOptionsFunc implements RequestOptions for a pure function Can be used to apply options with an anonymous function such as RequestOptionsFunc(func(req *http.Request) { ... })

func (RequestOptionsFunc) ApplyOptions

func (fn RequestOptionsFunc) ApplyOptions(req *http.Request)

ApplyOptions implementation for RequestOptions interface

type RequestOptionsList

type RequestOptionsList []RequestOptions

RequestOptionsList implements RequestOptions for a list/slice of RequestOptionsListRequestOptionsList

func (RequestOptionsList) ApplyOptions

func (l RequestOptionsList) ApplyOptions(req *http.Request)

ApplyOptions implementation for RequestOptions interface

type Requester

type Requester interface {
	Do(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error)

Requester is an interface for sending HTTP requests and receiving responses *http.Client implicitly implements this interface already But more complicated logic such as logging are possible here as well

type ResourceType

type ResourceType string

ResourceType indicates the type of resource being requested. Used mostly in Authentication.

const (
	// ResourceDatabases is the resource type of a Database
	ResourceDatabases ResourceType = "dbs"
	// ResourceCollections is the resource type of a Collection
	ResourceCollections ResourceType = "colls"
	// ResourceDocuments is the resource type of a Document
	ResourceDocuments ResourceType = "docs"
	// ResourceAttachments is the resource type of an Attachment
	ResourceAttachments ResourceType = "attachments"
	// ResourceStoredProcedures is the resource type of a Stored Procedure (sproc)
	ResourceStoredProcedures ResourceType = "sprocs"
	// ResourceUserDefinedFunctions is the resource type of a User-Defined Function (udf)
	ResourceUserDefinedFunctions ResourceType = "udfs"
	// ResourceTriggers is the resource type of a Trigger
	ResourceTriggers ResourceType = "triggers"
	// ResourceUsers is the resource type of a User
	ResourceUsers ResourceType = "users"
	// ResourcePermissions is the resource type of a Permission
	ResourcePermissions ResourceType = "permissions"
	// ResourceOffers is the resource type of an Offer
	ResourceOffers ResourceType = "offers"

func (ResourceType) String

func (rt ResourceType) String() string

type ResponseMetadata

type ResponseMetadata struct {
	Date           time.Time
	ETag           string
	ActivityID     string
	AltContentPath string
	Continuation   string
	RequestCharge  string
	ResourceQuota  string
	RetryAfterMS   time.Duration
	ItemCount      int64
	ResourceUsage  string
	SchemaVersion  string
	ServiceVersion string
	SessionToken   string

ResponseMetadata is the parsed header values from the response See:

func GetResponseMetadata

func GetResponseMetadata(resp *http.Response) (m ResponseMetadata)

GetResponseMetadata extracts response metadata from the http headers And parses them into native types where applicable (such as time or numbers)

type SProcClient added in v0.0.2

type SProcClient struct {
	Client       *Client
	DatabaseID   string
	CollectionID string
	SProcID      string

SProcClient is a client scoped to a single stored procedure Used to perform API calls within the scope of the Stored Procedure resource

func (*SProcClient) Delete added in v0.0.2

Delete deletes the stored procedure

func (*SProcClient) Execute added in v0.0.2

func (c *SProcClient) Execute(ctx context.Context, opts RequestOptions, args ...interface{}) ([]byte, *ResponseMetadata, error)

Execute the stored procedure and return the raw result body

func (*SProcClient) Func added in v0.0.2

func (c *SProcClient) Func(opts RequestOptions) func(context.Context, ...interface{}) ([]byte, *ResponseMetadata, error)

Func returns a function that can be called with with the stored procedures expected arguments, and returns the raw body The returned function takes a context object as its first parameter for cancellation/deadline The rest of the parameters are passed directly to the stored procedure (after being marshalled to JSON)

func (*SProcClient) Replace added in v0.0.2

Replace replaces a Stored Procedure Body with the new one

func (c *SProcClient) ResourceLink() string

ResourceLink gets the resource link for the stored procedure

type StoredProcedureResource added in v0.0.2

type StoredProcedureResource struct {
	// ID is the unique user generated name for the Stored Procedure. The id must not exceed 255 characters.
	ID string `json:"id"`
	// ResourceID is a unique identifier that is also hierarchical per the resource stack on the resource model. It is used internally for placement of and navigation to the collection resource.
	ResourceID string `json:"_rid,omitempty"`
	// Timestamp is a system generated property. It denotes the last updated timestamp of the resource.
	Timestamp int64 `json:"_ts,omitempty"`
	// Self is the unique addressable URI for the resource.
	Self string `json:"_self,omitempty"`
	// ETag value required for optimistic concurrency control.
	ETag string `json:"_etag,omitempty"`
	// Body is the body of the Stored Procedure (javascript)
	Body string `json:"body"`

StoredProcedureResource represents a Stored Procedure in Cosmos DB Documentation adapted from adapted from See for the latest documentation

type UDFClient

type UDFClient struct {
	Client       *Client
	DatabaseID   string
	CollectionID string
	UDFID        string

UDFClient is a client scoped to a single user-defined function Used to perform API calls within the scope of the UDF resource

func (*UDFClient) Delete

Delete deletes the user-defined function

func (*UDFClient) Replace

Replace replaces a UDF Body with the new one

func (*UDFClient) ReplaceRaw

func (c *UDFClient) ReplaceRaw(ctx context.Context, body string, opts RequestOptions) ([]byte, *ResponseMetadata, error)

ReplaceRaw replaces a UDF Body with the new one

func (c *UDFClient) ResourceLink() string

ResourceLink gets the resource link for the user-defined function

type UserDefinedFunctionResource

type UserDefinedFunctionResource struct {
	// ID is the unique user generated name for the UDF. The id must not exceed 255 characters.
	ID string `json:"id"`
	// ResourceID is a unique identifier that is also hierarchical per the resource stack on the resource model. It is used internally for placement of and navigation to the collection resource.
	ResourceID string `json:"_rid,omitempty"`
	// Timestamp is a system generated property. It denotes the last updated timestamp of the resource.
	Timestamp int64 `json:"_ts,omitempty"`
	// Self is the unique addressable URI for the resource.
	Self string `json:"_self,omitempty"`
	// ETag value required for optimistic concurrency control.
	ETag string `json:"_etag,omitempty"`
	// Body is the body of the User Defined Function (javascript)
	Body string `json:"body"`

UserDefinedFunctionResource represents a User Defined Function in Cosmos DB Documentation adapted from adapted from See for the latest documentation


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