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Published: Jun 11, 2019 License: MIT, MIT Imports: 20 Imported by: 0





This section is empty.


This section is empty.


func Archive

func Archive(inFilePath string, writer io.Writer, progress ProgressFunc) (err error)

Archive compresses a file/directory to a writer

If the path ends with a separator, then the contents of the folder at that path are at the root level of the archive, otherwise, the root of the archive contains the folder as its only item (with contents inside).

If progress is not nil, it is called for each file added to the archive.


Demonstrate archiving a directory

package main

import (


func main() {
	var err error
	const dirStr = "test"
	const zipStr = "test.zip"

	err = os.Mkdir(dirStr, 0755)
	if err == nil {
		for j := 0; j < 3 && err == nil; j++ {
			fileStr := filepath.Join(dirStr, fmt.Sprintf("file%02d.txt", j))
			err = ioutil.WriteFile(fileStr, []byte(fileStr), 0644)
		if err == nil {
			err = util.ArchiveFile(dirStr, "test.zip", func(fileStr string) {
				fmt.Printf("archiving %s...\n", fileStr)
			if err == nil {
				fmt.Printf("successfully created %s\n", zipStr)
				err = util.UnarchiveFile(zipStr, dirStr, func(fileStr string) {
					fmt.Printf("extracting %s...\n", fileStr)
				if err == nil {
					fmt.Printf("successfully unarchived %s\n", zipStr)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Printf("archive error: %s\n", err)

archiving test/file00.txt...
archiving test/file01.txt...
archiving test/file02.txt...
successfully created test.zip
extracting test/file00.txt...
extracting test/file01.txt...
extracting test/file02.txt...
successfully unarchived test.zip

func ArchiveFile

func ArchiveFile(inFilePath string, outFilePath string, progress ProgressFunc) (err error)

ArchiveFile compresses a file/directory to a file

See Archive() doc

func ArithmeticMean

func ArithmeticMean(list []float64) (mean float64)

ArithmeticMean returns the sum of the values in list divided by the number of values.

func BinaryLog

func BinaryLog(d []byte)

BinaryLog logs the binary data specified by d in combined hexadecimal/ascii lines of up to sixteen bytes.


Demonstrate the binary read, write, and log routines

package main

import (


func main() {
	type recType struct {
		a uint8
		b uint16
		c uint32
		d uint64
		e int8
		f int16
		g int32
		h int64
	var err error

	show := func(hdrStr string, r recType) {
		log.Printf("%s", hdrStr)
		log.Printf("a: %d, b: %d, c: %d, d: %d, e: %d, f: %d, g: %d, h: %d",
			r.a, r.b, r.c, r.d, r.e, r.f, r.g, r.h)

	load := func() (sl []byte) {
		var r recType
		var buf bytes.Buffer
		r = recType{a: 12, b: 142, c: 48456, d: 6581, e: -2, f: -765, g: 2776, h: -54232}
		show("BinaryWrite", r)
		util.BinaryWrite(&buf, r.a, r.b, r.c, r.d, r.e, r.f, r.g, r.h)
		sl = buf.Bytes()

	sl := load()
	log.Printf("packed bytes")
	var r recType
	err = util.BinaryRead(bytes.NewReader(sl), &r.a, &r.b, &r.c, &r.d, &r.e, &r.f, &r.g, &r.h)
	if err == nil {
		show("BinaryRead", r)
	} else {
		log.Printf("error reading packed bytes: %s", err)

a: 12, b: 142, c: 48456, d: 6581, e: -2, f: -765, g: 2776, h: -54232
packed bytes
00000000  0c 8e 00 48 bd 00 00 b5  19 00 00 00 00 00 00 fe  |...H............|
00000000  03 fd d8 0a 00 00 28 2c  ff ff ff ff ff ff        |......(,......|
a: 12, b: 142, c: 48456, d: 6581, e: -2, f: -765, g: 2776, h: -54232

func BinaryRead

func BinaryRead(r io.Reader, args ...interface{}) (err error)

BinaryRead unpacks the bytes from r into the values pointed to by the arguments specified by args. Little endian format is used. An error is returned if a problem occurs.

func BinaryWrite

func BinaryWrite(w io.Writer, args ...interface{})

BinaryWrite packs the values specified by args to the writer specified by w. Little endian format is used.

func BoundingBox

func BoundingBox(pairs []PairType) (lf, rt, tp, bt float64)

BoundingBox returns the smallest and greatest values of X and Y in the specified slice of coordinates.

func CaptureOutput

func CaptureOutput(fl **os.File) (get func() *strings.Builder, err error)

CaptureOutput begins buffering the content that is written to fl. It returns a retrieval function and an error. If no error occurs when setting up the buffering, that is, err is nil, the retrieval function can be called to stop the buffering and obtain the populated string buffer.

package main

import (


func main() {
	var err error
	var getOut, getErr func() *strings.Builder
	var errBuf, outBuf *strings.Builder

	getOut, err = util.CaptureOutput(&os.Stdout)
	if err == nil {
		getErr, err = util.CaptureOutput(&os.Stderr)
		if err == nil {
			for j := 0; j < 5; j++ {
				fmt.Printf("line %d\n", j)
				fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "error %d\n", j)
			errBuf = getErr()
			outBuf = getOut()
			fmt.Printf("--- Stderr (%d) ---\n%s", errBuf.Len(), errBuf.String())
			fmt.Printf("--- Stdout (%d)---\n%s", outBuf.Len(), outBuf.String())
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%s\n", err)

--- Stderr (40) ---
error 0
error 1
error 2
error 3
error 4
--- Stdout (35)---
line 0
line 1
line 2
line 3
line 4

func CaptureStdOutAndErr

func CaptureStdOutAndErr() (get func() (outStr, errStr string), err error)

CaptureStdOutAndErr begins buffering the content that is written to stdout and stderr. It returns a retrieval function and an error. If no error occurs when setting up the buffering, that is, err is nil, the retrieval function can be called to stop the buffering and obtain the accumulated output. The return values of the retrieval function are the content written to stdout and stderr respectively.

package main

import (


func main() {
	get, err := util.CaptureStdOutAndErr()
	if err == nil {
		for j := 0; j < 3; j++ {
			fmt.Printf("line %d\n", j)
			fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "error %d\n", j)
		outStr, errStr := get() // This terminates buffering and returns accumulated content
		fmt.Printf("--- Stderr (%d) ---\n%s", len(errStr), errStr)
		fmt.Printf("--- Stdout (%d)---\n%s", len(outStr), outStr)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%s\n", err)

--- Stderr (24) ---
error 0
error 1
error 2
--- Stdout (21)---
line 0
line 1
line 2

func Cluster

func Cluster(pairs []PairType, minPts int, gapX float64) [][]PairType

Cluster breaks apart pairs into zero or more slices that each contain at least minPts pairs and have gaps between X values no greater than gapX. Elements in pairs must be ordered from low X value to high.


This example demonstrates data point clustering

package main

import (


func main() {
	var list []util.PairType
	var clList [][]util.PairType
	var x float64

	rnd := rand.New(rand.NewSource(42))
	for j := 0; j < 100; j++ {
		x += 6 * rnd.Float64()
		list = append(list, util.PairType{X: x, Y: x})
	clList = util.Cluster(list, 6, 4)
	for _, list = range clList {
		for _, val := range list {
			fmt.Printf("%8.3f", val.X)
		lf, rt, _, _ := util.BoundingBox(list)
		fmt.Printf("] (%.3f - %.3f)\n", lf, rt)

[   2.238   2.634   6.259   7.512   7.775  10.074] (2.238 - 10.074)
[  27.848  29.156  31.326  32.053  36.037  38.834] (27.848 - 38.834)
[  58.879  59.595  61.636  63.355  64.718  68.633  68.885] (58.879 - 68.885)
[ 166.203 169.399 170.803 173.522 175.232 175.467 177.020] (166.203 - 177.020)
[ 223.779 227.606 230.851 233.541 234.132 237.015] (223.779 - 237.015)

func FileCopy

func FileCopy(srcFileStr, dstFileStr string) (err error)

FileCopy copies the source file identified by srcFileStr to the destination file identified by dstFileStr. If the destination file exists it is overwritten, otherwise it is created. Permission bits are carried over from the source file.


This example tests the file copy routine

package main

import (


func main() {
	var err error
	var a, b []byte
	a = []byte("12345678")
	err = ioutil.WriteFile("_a", a, 0600)
	if err == nil {
		err = util.FileCopy("_a", "_b")
		if err == nil {
			b, err = ioutil.ReadFile("_b")
			if err == nil {
				if bytes.Equal(a, b) {
					// OK
				} else {
					err = fmt.Errorf("destination file unequal to source file")
	if err == nil {
		fmt.Printf("file copy successful\n")
	} else {
		fmt.Printf("%s\n", err)

file copy successful

func Float64ToStr

func Float64ToStr(v float64, precision int) (str string)

Float64ToStr returns a string with commas, for example, 1234 -> "1,234"

func Float64ToStrSig

func Float64ToStrSig(val float64, dec, sep string, sigDig, grpLen int) (str string)

Float64ToStrSig returns a string representation of val adjusted to the specified number of significant digits.


This example demonstrates float formatting. page-breaking.

package main

import (


func main() {
	var val float64
	var str string
	var buf bytes.Buffer

	val = -math.Pi * 1000000
	for j := 0; j < 15; j++ {
		fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "[%20f]", val)
		for prec := 1; prec < 6; prec++ {
			str = util.Float64ToStrSig(val, ".", ",", prec, 3)
			fmt.Fprintf(&buf, " [%s]", str)
		val /= 10

[     -3141592.653590] [-3,000,000] [-3,100,000] [-3,140,000] [-3,142,000] [-3,141,600]
[      -314159.265359] [-300,000] [-310,000] [-314,000] [-314,200] [-314,160]
[       -31415.926536] [-30,000] [-31,000] [-31,400] [-31,420] [-31,416]
[        -3141.592654] [-3,000] [-3,100] [-3,140] [-3,142] [-3,141.6]
[         -314.159265] [-300] [-310] [-314] [-314.2] [-314.16]
[          -31.415927] [-30] [-31] [-31.4] [-31.42] [-31.416]
[           -3.141593] [-3] [-3.1] [-3.14] [-3.142] [-3.1416]
[           -0.314159] [-0.3] [-0.31] [-0.314] [-0.3142] [-0.31416]
[           -0.031416] [-0.03] [-0.031] [-0.0314] [-0.03142] [-0.031416]
[           -0.003142] [-0.003] [-0.0031] [-0.00314] [-0.003142] [-0.0031416]
[           -0.000314] [-0.0003] [-0.00031] [-0.000314] [-0.0003142] [-0.00031416]
[           -0.000031] [-0.00003] [-0.000031] [-0.0000314] [-0.00003142] [-0.000031416]
[           -0.000003] [-0.000003] [-0.0000031] [-0.00000314] [-0.000003142] [-0.0000031416]
[           -0.000000] [-0.0000003] [-0.00000031] [-0.000000314] [-0.0000003142] [-0.00000031416]
[           -0.000000] [-0.00000003] [-0.000000031] [-0.0000000314] [-0.00000003142] [-0.000000031416]

func GeometricMean

func GeometricMean(list []float64) (mean float64)

GeometricMean returns the nth root of the product of the n values in list.


This example demonstrates the GeometricMean function

package main

import (


func main() {
	list := []float64{3.1, 2.8, 3.0, 2.9, 2.9, 3.7}
	fmt.Printf("Geometric %.6f, Arithmetic %.6f, RMS %.6f",
		util.GeometricMean(list), util.ArithmeticMean(list), util.RootMeanSquare(list))

Geometric 3.053326, Arithmetic 3.066667, RMS 3.081125

func Int32ToStr

func Int32ToStr(v int32) string

Int32ToStr returns a string with commas, for example 1234 -> "1,234"

func IntToStr

func IntToStr(v int64) (str string)

IntToStr returns a string with commas, for example, 1234 -> "1,234"

func JSONGet

func JSONGet(r io.Reader, valPtr interface{}) (err error)

JSONGet reads a JSON-encoded structure from the reader specified by r and places it into the buffer pointed to by valPtr

func JSONGetFile

func JSONGetFile(fileStr string, valPtr interface{}) (err error)

JSONGetFile reads a JSON-encoded structure from the file specified by fileStr and places it into the buffer pointed to by valPtr

func JSONPut

func JSONPut(w io.Writer, val interface{}) (err error)

JSONPut writes the value specified by val to the writer specified by w


This example demonstrates JSON handling

package main

import (


func main() {
	const fileStr = "example.json"
	type cfgType struct {
		Addr util.Address
		DstA, DstB, DstC,
		DstD, DstE, DstF util.Distance
		Wait util.Duration
	var str = `{"Addr": "","DstA": "3.5in","DstB": "2.54cm",
	"DstC": "72cm", "DstD": "1.23m", "DstE": "0.5ft", "DstF": "48mm",
	"Wait": "12s"}`
	var err error
	var cfg cfgType

	show := func(lfStr, rtStr string, args ...interface{}) {
		fmt.Println(util.StrDotPairFormat(24, lfStr, rtStr, args...))

	showDst := func(lfStr string, val util.Distance) {
		show(lfStr, "%s", util.Float64ToStrSig(val.In(), ".", ",", 3, 3))

	err = ioutil.WriteFile(fileStr, []byte(str), 0644)
	if err == nil {
		err = util.JSONGetFile(fileStr, &cfg)
		if err == nil {
			fmt.Println(util.StrHeaderFormat(24, "", " %s ", "JSON Fields"))
			show("Addr", "%s", cfg.Addr)
			showDst("DstA", cfg.DstA)
			showDst("DstB", cfg.DstB)
			showDst("DstC", cfg.DstC)
			showDst("DstD", cfg.DstD)
			showDst("DstE", cfg.DstE)
			showDst("DstF", cfg.DstF)
			show("Wait", "%.2f", cfg.Wait.Dur().Seconds())
			err = util.JSONPutFile(fileStr, cfg)
			if err == nil {
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Printf("Error %s\n", err)

----- JSON Fields ------

func JSONPutFile

func JSONPutFile(fileStr string, val interface{}) (err error)

JSONPutFile writes the value specified by val to the file specified by fileStr. The fie is overwritten if it already exists.

func LinearPointSlope

func LinearPointSlope(x, y, slope float64) (intercept float64)

LinearPointSlope returns the y-intercept of the straight line joining the specified arbitrary point (not necessarily an intercept) and the line's slope.

func LinearY

func LinearY(slope, intercept, x float64) (y float64)

LinearY returns the value of the linear function defined by intercept and slope at the specified x value.

func LogWriter

func LogWriter(p Printer) io.WriteCloser

LogWriter returns the log instance wrapped as a WriteCloser suitable for logging shell command output. The return value's Close() method should be called after use. This code was adapted from https://golang.ir/play/p/ruQZM8Bhf- In an environment in which p is used by multiple goroutines (such as the standard library log), this can result in interleaved output lines. If p is nil, log.Print() from the standard library is used instead.


Demonstrate the use of the logging mechanism as an io.Writer

package main

import (


func main() {
	lg := log.New(os.Stdout, "", 0)
	lw := util.LogWriter(lg)
	lg.Printf("simple log line")
	// lw implements the io.Writer interface
	fmt.Fprintf(lw, "Line one\nLine two\n")
	fmt.Fprintf(lw, "Line three\n")
	fmt.Fprintf(lw, "\n")
	fmt.Fprintf(lw, "\n\nLast line\n")
	lw = util.LogWriter(nil)
	fmt.Fprintf(lw, "written with log.Print() from the standard library\n")
	lg.Printf("another simple log line")

simple log line
Line one
Line two
Line three
Last line
written with log.Print() from the standard library
another simple log line

func ParseAddrPort

func ParseAddrPort(str string) (ip net.IP, port uint16, err error)

ParseAddrPort takes a string like "" and returns the IP address and port if successful, otherwise an error. The colon and port must be specified.

func RootMeanSquare

func RootMeanSquare(list []float64) (rms float64)

RootMeanSquare returns the RMS value for the specified slice of values. From https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Root_mean_square: In Estimation theory, the root mean square error of an estimator is a measure of the imperfection of the fit of the estimator to the data.

func RootMeanSquareLinear

func RootMeanSquareLinear(xList, yList []float64, intercept, slope float64) (rms float64)

RootMeanSquareLinear returns the RMS value for the specified regression variables.


Demonstrate linear regression root mean square

package main

import (


func main() {
	var xList, yList []float64

	rnd := rand.New(rand.NewSource(42))
	eq := util.LinearEquationType{Slope: 1.32, Intercept: 54.6}
	for j := 0; j < 12; j++ {
		x := float64(j)
		xList = append(xList, x)
		y := eq.Slope*x + eq.Intercept + (0.2*rnd.Float64() - 0.1)
		yList = append(yList, y)
	fmt.Printf("RMS: %.3f\n", util.RootMeanSquareLinear(xList, yList, eq.Intercept, eq.Slope))
	fmt.Printf("Intercept: %.3f\n", util.LinearPointSlope(100, 100, eq.Slope))
	fmt.Printf("LinearY(12): %.3f\n", util.LinearY(eq.Slope, eq.Intercept, 12))
	fmt.Printf("Distance to (100, 100): %.3f\n", eq.DistanceToPoint(100, 100))
	fmt.Printf("Perpendicular: %s\n", eq.Perpendicular(100))
	eq.Intercept = -12
	fmt.Printf("Shifted equation: %s\n", eq)
	ceq := util.LinearEquationType{Slope: 0, Intercept: 5}
	fmt.Printf("Distance to constant line: %.3f\n", ceq.DistanceToPoint(6, 6))

RMS: 0.052
Intercept: -32.000
LinearY(12): 70.440
Distance to (100, 100): 52.294
Perpendicular: y = -0.757576 x + 262.357576
Shifted equation: y = 1.320000 x - 12.000000
Distance to constant line: 1.000

func Shell

func Shell(wr io.Writer, rdr io.Reader, cmdStr string, args ...string) (err error)

Shell executes the command specified by cmdStr. Standard input to the command is streamed from rdr. Standard output from the command is streamed to wr. Any content that the command writes to standard error is converted to the returned error code. Any practical number of string arguments to the command can follow cmdStr.


This example tests the Shell routine

package main

import (


func main() {
	var err error
	if runtime.GOOS == "linux" {
		var w []byte
		w, err = util.ShellBuf([]byte(""), "ls", "-1")
		if err == nil {
			if len(w) > 0 {
				// OK
			} else {
				err = fmt.Errorf("empty output from ShellBuf()")
	if err == nil {
	} else {
		fmt.Printf("%s\n", err)


func ShellBuf

func ShellBuf(inBuf []byte, cmdStr string, args ...string) (outBuf []byte, err error)

ShellBuf executes the command specified by cmdStr. Standard input to the command is read from inBuf. Standard output from the command is returned as outBuf. Any content that the command writes to standard error is converted to the returned error code. Any practical number of string arguments to the command can follow cmdStr.

func Sort

func Sort(Len int, Less func(int, int) bool, Swap func(int, int))

Sort orders elements generically. Len specifies the number of items to be sorted. Less is a callback that returns true if the item indexed by the first integer is less than the item indexed by the second integer. Swap exchanges the items identified by the two index values.


This example demonstrates the generic sorting function

package main

import (


func main() {
	var list = []string{"red", "green", "blue"}

	util.Sort(len(list), func(a, b int) bool {
		return list[a] < list[b]
	}, func(a, b int) {
		list[a], list[b] = list[b], list[a]
	for _, str := range list {


func StrCurrency100

func StrCurrency100(amt100 int64) (str string)

StrCurrency100 converts -123456789 to -$1,234,567.89

func StrDelimit

func StrDelimit(str string, sepstr string, sepcount int) string

StrDelimit converts 'ABCDEFG' to, for example, 'A,BCD,EFG'


This example demonstrates various string functions.

package main

import (


func eprintf(err error, format string, args ...interface{}) {
	if err == nil {
		fmt.Printf(format, args...)
	} else {
		fmt.Printf("%s\n", err)

func main() {
	var valInt32 int32
	var valUint32 uint32
	var valInt64 int64
	var str string
	var err error

	valInt64 = int64(math.Round(math.Pi * 1000000))
	valInt32 = int32(math.Round(math.Pi * 1000000))

	fmt.Println(util.Float64ToStr(math.Pi*1000000, 3))
	str = util.Int32ToStr(-valInt32)
	valInt32, err = util.ToInt32(str)
	eprintf(err, "%d\n", valInt32)
	str = util.Int32ToStr(-valInt32)
	valUint32, err = util.ToUint32(str)
	eprintf(err, "%d\n", valUint32)
	fmt.Println(util.StrDots("left", -20))
	fmt.Println(util.StrDots("right", 20))
	fmt.Println(util.StrDots("two", 2))
	fmt.Println(util.StrDots("two", 3))
	fmt.Println(util.StrDotPairFormat(20, "Prologue", "%d", 12))
	fmt.Println(util.StrDotPairFormat(4, "Prologue", "%d", 12))
	fmt.Println(util.StrDotPair(20, "Epilogue", "467"))
	fmt.Println(util.StrDotPair(2, "Epilogue", "467"))
	fmt.Println(util.StrIf(math.Pi > 3, "G", "L"))
	fmt.Println(util.StrIf(math.Pi < 3, "L", "G"))

left ...............
.............. right

func StrDotPair

func StrDotPair(fullLen int, lfStr, rtStr string) string

StrDotPair fills in the blank space between two strings with dots. The total length displayed is indicated by fullLen. The left and right strings are specified by lfStr and rtStr respectively. At least two dots are shown, even if this means the total length exceeds fullLen.

func StrDotPairFormat

func StrDotPairFormat(fullLen int, lfStr, rtFmtStr string, args ...interface{}) string

StrDotPairFormat fills in the blank space between two strings with dots. The total length displayed is indicated by fullLen. The left string is specified by lfStr. The right string is formatted. At least two dots are shown, even if this means the total length exceeds fullLen.

func StrDots

func StrDots(str string, fullLen int) string

StrDots fills in blank spaces with dots. A negative value for fullLen indicates a left justified string; positive indicates right. For example, ("abc", -12) returns "abc ........", ("abc", 12) returns "........ abc". If the length of str is longer than the absolute value of fullLen, it is truncated to that value.

func StrHeader

func StrHeader(fullLen int, fill string, str string) (hdrStr string)

StrHeader centers the string specified by str in a string of length fullLen. The first character in fill surrounds the centered string. If fill is empty, a dash is used. At least two fill characters are used on each side of str, so the returned string may be longer than fullLen.

func StrHeaderFormat

func StrHeaderFormat(fullLen int, fill string, format string, args ...interface{}) (hdrStr string)

StrHeaderFormat centers the formatted string specified by format and args in a string of length fullLen. The first character in fill surrounds the centered string. If fill is empty, a dash is used. At least two fill characters are used on each side of str, so the returned string may be longer than fullLen.

func StrIf

func StrIf(cond bool, aStr string, bStr string) string

StrIf returns aStr if cond is true, otherwise bStr.

func ToInt32

func ToInt32(str string) (v int32, err error)

ToInt32 converts the specified string to a 32-bit signed integer

func ToUint32

func ToUint32(str string) (v uint32, err error)

ToUint32 converts the specified string to a 32-bit unsigned integer

func Unarchive

func Unarchive(reader io.ReaderAt, readerSize int64, outFilePath string, progress ProgressFunc) (err error)

Unarchive decompresses a reader to a directory

The data's size is required because the zip reader needs it.

The archive's content will be extracted directly to outFilePath.

If progress is not nil, it is called for each file extracted from the archive.

func UnarchiveFile

func UnarchiveFile(inFilePath string, outFilePath string, progress ProgressFunc) (err error)

UnarchiveFile decompresses a file to a directory

See Unarchive() doc


type Address

type Address string

Address is used specify a network address. It includes JSON marshaling and unmarshaling methods to facilitate use with JSON data.

func (Address) MarshalJSON

func (a Address) MarshalJSON() (buf []byte, err error)

MarshalJSON implements the encoding/json Marshaler interface.

func (Address) String

func (a Address) String() string

String implements the fmt Stringer interface.

func (*Address) UnmarshalJSON

func (a *Address) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) (err error)

UnmarshalJSON implements the encoding/json Unmarshaler interface.

type AverageType

type AverageType struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

AverageType manages the calculation of a running average


Demonstrate weighted averages

package main

import (


func main() {
	var ave util.AverageType

	rnd := rand.New(rand.NewSource(42))
	for j := 0; j < 12; j++ {
		ave.Add(3+2*rnd.Float64(), 0.2+rnd.Float64())
	fmt.Printf("Weighted average: %.3f\n", ave.Value())

Weighted average: 4.094

func (*AverageType) Add

func (avg *AverageType) Add(val, weight float64)

Add adds a value to a running average. weight is quietly constrained to the range [0, 1].

func (AverageType) Value

func (avg AverageType) Value() float64

Value returns the current average of submitted values

type Distance

type Distance float64

Distance is used specify measurable distances. It includes JSON marshaling and unmarshaling methods to facilitate use with JSON data.

func (Distance) In

func (d Distance) In() float64

In returns the receiver value in inches

func (Distance) MarshalJSON

func (d Distance) MarshalJSON() (buf []byte, err error)

MarshalJSON implements the encoding/json Marshaler interface.

func (Distance) String

func (d Distance) String() string

String implements the fmt Stringer interface.

func (*Distance) UnmarshalJSON

func (d *Distance) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) (err error)

UnmarshalJSON implements the encoding/json Unmarshaler interface.

type Duration

type Duration time.Duration

Duration is used specify durations of time. It includes JSON marshaling and unmarshaling methods to facilitate use with JSON data.

func (Duration) Dur

func (d Duration) Dur() time.Duration

Dur returns the time.Duration value of the value specified by the Duration receiver.

func (Duration) MarshalJSON

func (d Duration) MarshalJSON() (buf []byte, err error)

MarshalJSON implements the encoding/json Marshaler interface.

func (*Duration) Set

func (d *Duration) Set(str string) (err error)

Set implements part of the flag.Value interface.

func (Duration) String

func (d Duration) String() string

String implements the fmt Stringer interface.

func (*Duration) UnmarshalJSON

func (d *Duration) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) (err error)

UnmarshalJSON implements the encoding/json Unmarshaler interface.

type JSONBuilder

type JSONBuilder struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

JSONBuilder facilitates the incremental construction of a JSON string. Its zero-value is ready for use.

package main

import (


func main() {
	var bld util.JSONBuilder

	report := func() {
		err := bld.Error()
		if err == nil {
			fmt.Printf("%s\n", bld.String())
		} else {
			fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%s\n", err)

	bld.KeyElement("ID", 42)
	bld.KeyElement("Name", "Prairie")
	report() // Close object automatically

	bld.ObjectOpen()                 // {
	bld.KeyObjectOpen("Alpha")       // {{
	bld.KeyArrayOpen("List")         // {{[
	bld.Element("Shiawassee")        // {{[
	bld.Element(true)                // {{[
	bld.Element(3.14)                // {{[
	bld.ArrayClose()                 // {{
	bld.KeyElement("Name", "Brilla") // {{
	bld.ObjectClose()                // {
	bld.KeyElement("Beta", 1234)     // {
	bld.ObjectClose()                //

	// JSON-encodable structures can be elements
	bld.Element(struct {
		ID   int
		Name string
	}{22, "Tess"})



func (*JSONBuilder) ArrayClose

func (j *JSONBuilder) ArrayClose()

ArrayClose closes the currently open array.

func (*JSONBuilder) ArrayOpen

func (j *JSONBuilder) ArrayOpen()

ArrayOpen opens an array for subsequent element population. This may be successfully called when an array is currently open or when nothing else has been added to the builder instance.

func (*JSONBuilder) Element

func (j *JSONBuilder) Element(val interface{})

Element adds the specified element to the builder instance. This may be successfully called when an array is currently open or when nothing else has been added to the builder instance.

func (*JSONBuilder) Error

func (j *JSONBuilder) Error() (err error)

Error returns the current internal error value. If no error has occurred nil is returned.

func (*JSONBuilder) KeyArrayOpen

func (j *JSONBuilder) KeyArrayOpen(key string)

KeyArrayOpen opens an object for subsequent element population and associates it with the specified key. This may be successfully called when an object is currently open.

func (*JSONBuilder) KeyElement

func (j *JSONBuilder) KeyElement(key string, val interface{})

KeyElement assigns a key/value pair in the open object.

func (*JSONBuilder) KeyObjectOpen

func (j *JSONBuilder) KeyObjectOpen(key string)

KeyObjectOpen opens an object for subsequent key/value population and associates it with the specified key. This may be successfully called when an object is currently open.

func (*JSONBuilder) ObjectClose

func (j *JSONBuilder) ObjectClose()

ObjectClose closes the currently open object.

func (*JSONBuilder) ObjectOpen

func (j *JSONBuilder) ObjectOpen()

ObjectOpen opens an object for subsequent key/value population. This may be successfully called when an array is currently open or when nothing else has been added to the builder instance.

func (*JSONBuilder) Reset

func (j *JSONBuilder) Reset()

Reset preapres the JSONBuilder receiver for reuse.

func (*JSONBuilder) String

func (j *JSONBuilder) String() (jsonStr string)

String returns the completed JSON object in compact string form. All open containers (arrays and objects) are closed in proper order. The receiver instance is reset and is available for reuse after this call returns.

type LinearEquationType

type LinearEquationType struct {
	Slope, Intercept float64

LinearEquationType describes a line with its slope and intercept

func Linear

func Linear(x1, y1, x2, y2 float64) (eq LinearEquationType)

Linear returns the y-intercept and slope of the straight line joining the two specified points. For scaling purposes, associate the arguments as follows: x1: observed low value, y1: desired low value, x2: observed high value, y2: desired high value.

func (LinearEquationType) DistanceToPoint

func (eq LinearEquationType) DistanceToPoint(x, y float64) (d float64)

DistanceToPoint returns the shortest distance from the specified point to eq.


This example demonstrates the DistanceToPoint method

package main

import (


func main() {
	le := util.Linear(1, 1, 3, 2)
	for j := -1; j < 5; j++ {
		fmt.Printf("%.3f\n", le.DistanceToPoint(float64(j), 2))


func (LinearEquationType) Perpendicular

func (eq LinearEquationType) Perpendicular(x float64) (p LinearEquationType)

Perpendicular returns an equation that is perpendicular to eq and intersects it at x.

func (LinearEquationType) PerpendicularPoint

func (eq LinearEquationType) PerpendicularPoint(x, y float64) (p LinearEquationType)

PerpendicularPoint returns an equation that is perpendicular to eq and includes the point specified by x and y.

func (LinearEquationType) String

func (eq LinearEquationType) String() string

String implements the fmt Stringer interface

type PairType

type PairType struct {
	X, Y float64

PairType defines a two-dimensional coordianate.

type Printer

type Printer interface {
	Print(v ...interface{})

Printer supports basic output of all types. It is supported by the log.Logger type.

type ProgressFunc

type ProgressFunc func(archivePath string)

ProgressFunc is the type of the function called for each archive file.

type RangeType

type RangeType struct {
	Min, Max float64

RangeType holds the minimum and maximum values of a range.


Demonstrate range of values

package main

import (


func main() {
	var rng util.RangeType

	rng.Set(7, true)
	rng.Set(3, false)
	rng.Set(8, false)
	rng.Set(8, false)
	rng.Set(0, false)
	rng.Set(2, false)
	fmt.Printf("Range: %.3f - %.3f\n", rng.Min, rng.Max)

Range: 0.000 - 8.000

func (*RangeType) Set

func (r *RangeType) Set(val float64, init bool)

Set adjusts the fields Min and Max such that Min holds the smallest value encountered and Max the largest. If init is true, val is assigned to both Min and Max. If init is false, val is assigned to Min only if it is smaller, and val is assigned to Max only if it is greater.

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