
v5.39.3 Latest Latest

This package is not in the latest version of its module.

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Published: Dec 15, 2021 License: AGPL-3.0, Apache-2.0 Imports: 63 Imported by: 466

Documentation ¶

Index ¶

Constants ¶

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const (
	ACCESS_TOKEN_GRANT_TYPE  = "authorization_code"
	ACCESS_TOKEN_TYPE        = "bearer"
	REFRESH_TOKEN_GRANT_TYPE = "refresh_token"
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const (
	AUTHCODE_EXPIRE_TIME   = 60 * 10 // 10 minutes
	DEFAULT_SCOPE          = "user"
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const (
	BOT_WARN_METRIC_BOT_USERNAME = "mattermost-advisor"
	BOT_SYSTEM_BOT_USERNAME      = "system-bot"
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const (
	CHANNEL_OPEN                   = "O"
	CHANNEL_PRIVATE                = "P"
	CHANNEL_DIRECT                 = "D"
	CHANNEL_GROUP                  = "G"
	DEFAULT_CHANNEL                = "town-square"
	CHANNEL_CACHE_SIZE             = 25000

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const (
	CHANNEL_NOTIFY_DEFAULT              = "default"
	CHANNEL_NOTIFY_ALL                  = "all"
	CHANNEL_NOTIFY_MENTION              = "mention"
	CHANNEL_NOTIFY_NONE                 = "none"
	CHANNEL_MARK_UNREAD_ALL             = "all"
	CHANNEL_MARK_UNREAD_MENTION         = "mention"
	IGNORE_CHANNEL_MENTIONS_NOTIFY_PROP = "ignore_channel_mentions"
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const (
	// Each sidebar category has a 'type'. System categories are Channels, Favorites and DMs
	// All user-created categories will have type Custom
	SidebarCategoryChannels       SidebarCategoryType = "channels"
	SidebarCategoryDirectMessages SidebarCategoryType = "direct_messages"
	SidebarCategoryFavorites      SidebarCategoryType = "favorites"
	SidebarCategoryCustom         SidebarCategoryType = "custom"
	// Increment to use when adding/reordering things in the sidebar
	MinimalSidebarSortDistance = 10
	// Default Sort Orders for categories
	DefaultSidebarSortOrderFavorites = 0
	DefaultSidebarSortOrderChannels  = DefaultSidebarSortOrderFavorites + MinimalSidebarSortDistance
	DefaultSidebarSortOrderDMs       = DefaultSidebarSortOrderChannels + MinimalSidebarSortDistance
	// Sorting modes
	// default for all categories except DMs (behaves like manual)
	SidebarCategorySortDefault SidebarCategorySorting = ""
	// sort manually
	SidebarCategorySortManual SidebarCategorySorting = "manual"
	// sort by recency (default for DMs)
	SidebarCategorySortRecent SidebarCategorySorting = "recent"
	// sort by display name alphabetically
	SidebarCategorySortAlphabetical SidebarCategorySorting = "alpha"
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const (
	HEADER_REQUEST_ID          = "X-Request-ID"
	HEADER_VERSION_ID          = "X-Version-ID"
	HEADER_CLUSTER_ID          = "X-Cluster-ID"
	HEADER_ETAG_SERVER         = "ETag"
	HEADER_ETAG_CLIENT         = "If-None-Match"
	HEADER_FORWARDED           = "X-Forwarded-For"
	HEADER_REAL_IP             = "X-Real-IP"
	HEADER_FORWARDED_PROTO     = "X-Forwarded-Proto"
	HEADER_TOKEN               = "token"
	HEADER_CSRF_TOKEN          = "X-CSRF-Token"
	HEADER_BEARER              = "BEARER"
	HEADER_AUTH                = "Authorization"
	HEADER_CLOUD_TOKEN         = "X-Cloud-Token"
	HEADER_REMOTECLUSTER_ID    = "X-RemoteCluster-Id"
	HEADER_REQUESTED_WITH      = "X-Requested-With"
	HEADER_RANGE               = "Range"
	STATUS                     = "status"
	STATUS_OK                  = "OK"
	STATUS_FAIL                = "FAIL"
	STATUS_REMOVE              = "REMOVE"

	CLIENT_DIR = "client"

	API_URL_SUFFIX_V1 = "/api/v1"
	API_URL_SUFFIX_V4 = "/api/v4"
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const (
	EventTypeFailedPayment         = "failed-payment"
	EventTypeFailedPaymentNoCard   = "failed-payment-no-card"
	EventTypeSendAdminWelcomeEmail = "send-admin-welcome-email"
	EventTypeTrialWillEnd          = "trial-will-end"
	EventTypeTrialEnded            = "trial-ended"
	JoinLimitation                 = "join"
	InviteLimitation               = "invite"
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const (
	BillingSchemePerSeat = BillingScheme("per_seat")
	BillingSchemeFlatFee = BillingScheme("flat_fee")
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const (
	RecurringIntervalYearly  = RecurringInterval("year")
	RecurringIntervalMonthly = RecurringInterval("month")
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const (
	SubscriptionFamilyCloud  = SubscriptionFamily("cloud")
	SubscriptionFamilyOnPrem = SubscriptionFamily("on-prem")
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const (
	CDS_OFFLINE_AFTER_MILLIS = 1000 * 60 * 30 // 30 minutes
	CDS_TYPE_APP             = "mattermost_app"
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const (
	CLUSTER_EVENT_PUBLISH                                           = "publish"
	CLUSTER_EVENT_UPDATE_STATUS                                     = "update_status"
	CLUSTER_EVENT_INVALIDATE_ALL_CACHES                             = "inv_all_caches"
	CLUSTER_EVENT_INVALIDATE_CACHE_FOR_REACTIONS                    = "inv_reactions"
	CLUSTER_EVENT_INVALIDATE_CACHE_FOR_WEBHOOK                      = "inv_webhook"
	CLUSTER_EVENT_INVALIDATE_CACHE_FOR_CHANNEL_POSTS                = "inv_channel_posts"
	CLUSTER_EVENT_INVALIDATE_CACHE_FOR_CHANNEL_MEMBERS              = "inv_channel_members"
	CLUSTER_EVENT_INVALIDATE_CACHE_FOR_CHANNEL                      = "inv_channel"
	CLUSTER_EVENT_INVALIDATE_CACHE_FOR_USER                         = "inv_user"
	CLUSTER_EVENT_INVALIDATE_CACHE_FOR_USER_TEAMS                   = "inv_user_teams"
	CLUSTER_EVENT_CLEAR_SESSION_CACHE_FOR_USER                      = "clear_session_user"
	CLUSTER_EVENT_INVALIDATE_CACHE_FOR_ROLES                        = "inv_roles"
	CLUSTER_EVENT_INVALIDATE_CACHE_FOR_PROFILE_BY_IDS               = "inv_profile_ids"
	CLUSTER_EVENT_INVALIDATE_CACHE_FOR_SCHEMES                      = "inv_schemes"
	CLUSTER_EVENT_INVALIDATE_CACHE_FOR_FILE_INFOS                   = "inv_file_infos"
	CLUSTER_EVENT_INVALIDATE_CACHE_FOR_WEBHOOKS                     = "inv_webhooks"
	CLUSTER_EVENT_INVALIDATE_CACHE_FOR_EMOJIS_BY_ID                 = "inv_emojis_by_id"
	CLUSTER_EVENT_INVALIDATE_CACHE_FOR_EMOJIS_ID_BY_NAME            = "inv_emojis_id_by_name"
	CLUSTER_EVENT_INVALIDATE_CACHE_FOR_LAST_POSTS                   = "inv_last_posts"
	CLUSTER_EVENT_INVALIDATE_CACHE_FOR_LAST_POST_TIME               = "inv_last_post_time"
	CLUSTER_EVENT_INVALIDATE_CACHE_FOR_TEAMS                        = "inv_teams"
	CLUSTER_EVENT_CLEAR_SESSION_CACHE_FOR_ALL_USERS                 = "inv_all_user_sessions"
	CLUSTER_EVENT_INSTALL_PLUGIN                                    = "install_plugin"
	CLUSTER_EVENT_REMOVE_PLUGIN                                     = "remove_plugin"
	CLUSTER_EVENT_PLUGIN_EVENT                                      = "plugin_event"
	CLUSTER_EVENT_INVALIDATE_CACHE_FOR_TERMS_OF_SERVICE             = "inv_terms_of_service"
	CLUSTER_EVENT_BUSY_STATE_CHANGED                                = "busy_state_change"

	// Gossip communication
	CLUSTER_GOSSIP_EVENT_REQUEST_GET_LOGS             = "gossip_request_get_logs"
	CLUSTER_GOSSIP_EVENT_RESPONSE_GET_LOGS            = "gossip_response_get_logs"
	CLUSTER_GOSSIP_EVENT_REQUEST_GET_CLUSTER_STATS    = "gossip_request_cluster_stats"
	CLUSTER_GOSSIP_EVENT_RESPONSE_GET_CLUSTER_STATS   = "gossip_response_cluster_stats"
	CLUSTER_GOSSIP_EVENT_REQUEST_GET_PLUGIN_STATUSES  = "gossip_request_plugin_statuses"
	CLUSTER_GOSSIP_EVENT_RESPONSE_GET_PLUGIN_STATUSES = "gossip_response_plugin_statuses"
	CLUSTER_GOSSIP_EVENT_REQUEST_SAVE_CONFIG          = "gossip_request_save_config"
	CLUSTER_GOSSIP_EVENT_RESPONSE_SAVE_CONFIG         = "gossip_response_save_config"

	// SendTypes for ClusterMessage.
	CLUSTER_SEND_RELIABLE    = "reliable"
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const (
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const (
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const (

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const (

	IMAGE_DRIVER_S3    = "amazons3"



	MINIO_ACCESS_KEY = "minioaccesskey"
	MINIO_SECRET_KEY = "miniosecretkey"
	MINIO_BUCKET     = "mattermost-test"


	SERVICE_GITLAB    = "gitlab"
	SERVICE_GOOGLE    = "google"
	SERVICE_OFFICE365 = "office365"
	SERVICE_OPENID    = "openid"

	GENERIC_NOTIFICATION            = "generic"
	MM_SUPPORT_ADVISOR_ADDRESS      = "[email protected]"
	FULL_NOTIFICATION               = "full"
	ID_LOADED_NOTIFICATION          = "id_loaded"


	SHOW_USERNAME          = "username"
	SHOW_NICKNAME_FULLNAME = "nickname_full_name"
	SHOW_FULLNAME          = "full_name"

	PERMISSIONS_ALL           = "all"
	PERMISSIONS_TEAM_ADMIN    = "team_admin"

	FAKE_SETTING = "********************************"



	ALLOW_EDIT_POST_ALWAYS     = "always"
	ALLOW_EDIT_POST_NEVER      = "never"






	SERVICE_SETTINGS_DEFAULT_SITE_URL           = "http://localhost:8065"

	TEAM_SETTINGS_DEFAULT_SITE_NAME                = "Mattermost"

	SQL_SETTINGS_DEFAULT_DATA_SOURCE = "postgres://mmuser:mostest@localhost/mattermost_test?sslmode=disable&connect_timeout=10"















	ELASTICSEARCH_SETTINGS_DEFAULT_CONNECTION_URL                    = "http://localhost:9200"
	ELASTICSEARCH_SETTINGS_DEFAULT_USERNAME                          = "elastic"
	ELASTICSEARCH_SETTINGS_DEFAULT_PASSWORD                          = "changeme"

	BLEVE_SETTINGS_DEFAULT_INDEX_DIR                         = ""



	COMPLIANCE_EXPORT_TYPE_CSV             = "csv"


	IMAGE_PROXY_TYPE_LOCAL      = "local"

	GOOGLE_SETTINGS_DEFAULT_SCOPE             = "profile email"
	GOOGLE_SETTINGS_DEFAULT_USER_API_ENDPOINT = ",emailAddresses,nicknames,metadata"

	OFFICE365_SETTINGS_DEFAULT_SCOPE             = "User.Read"

	OPENID_SETTINGS_DEFAULT_SCOPE      = "profile openid email"

	LOCAL_MODE_SOCKET_PATH = "/var/tmp/mattermost_local.socket"
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const (
	UserPropsKeyCustomStatus = "customStatus"

	CustomStatusTextMaxRunes = 100
	MaxRecentCustomStatuses  = 5
	DefaultCustomStatusEmoji = "speech_balloon"
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const (
	EMOJI_SORT_BY_NAME    = "name"
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const (
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const (
	GroupSourceLdap GroupSource = "ldap"

	GroupNameMaxLength        = 64
	GroupSourceMaxLength      = 64
	GroupDisplayNameMaxLength = 128
	GroupDescriptionMaxLength = 1024
	GroupRemoteIDMaxLength    = 48
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const (
	POST_ACTION_TYPE_BUTTON                         = "button"
	POST_ACTION_TYPE_SELECT                         = "select"
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const (
	JOB_TYPE_DATA_RETENTION                 = "data_retention"
	JOB_TYPE_MESSAGE_EXPORT                 = "message_export"
	JOB_TYPE_ELASTICSEARCH_POST_INDEXING    = "elasticsearch_post_indexing"
	JOB_TYPE_ELASTICSEARCH_POST_AGGREGATION = "elasticsearch_post_aggregation"
	JOB_TYPE_BLEVE_POST_INDEXING            = "bleve_post_indexing"
	JOB_TYPE_LDAP_SYNC                      = "ldap_sync"
	JOB_TYPE_MIGRATIONS                     = "migrations"
	JOB_TYPE_PLUGINS                        = "plugins"
	JOB_TYPE_EXPIRY_NOTIFY                  = "expiry_notify"
	JOB_TYPE_PRODUCT_NOTICES                = "product_notices"
	JOB_TYPE_ACTIVE_USERS                   = "active_users"
	JOB_TYPE_IMPORT_PROCESS                 = "import_process"
	JOB_TYPE_IMPORT_DELETE                  = "import_delete"
	JOB_TYPE_EXPORT_PROCESS                 = "export_process"
	JOB_TYPE_EXPORT_DELETE                  = "export_delete"
	JOB_TYPE_CLOUD                          = "cloud"
	JOB_TYPE_RESEND_INVITATION_EMAIL        = "resend_invitation_email"

	JOB_STATUS_PENDING          = "pending"
	JOB_STATUS_IN_PROGRESS      = "in_progress"
	JOB_STATUS_SUCCESS          = "success"
	JOB_STATUS_ERROR            = "error"
	JOB_STATUS_CANCEL_REQUESTED = "cancel_requested"
	JOB_STATUS_CANCELED         = "canceled"
	JOB_STATUS_WARNING          = "warning"
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const (
	USER_AUTH_SERVICE_LDAP       = "ldap"
	LDAP_PRIVATE_KEY_NAME        = "ldap-private.key"
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const (
	EXPIRED_LICENSE_ERROR = "api.license.add_license.expired.app_error"
	INVALID_LICENSE_ERROR = "api.license.add_license.invalid.app_error"
	LICENSE_GRACE_PERIOD  = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 10 //10 days
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const (
	SIXTY_DAYS                        = 60
	FIFTY_EIGHT                       = 58
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const (
	LINK_METADATA_TYPE_IMAGE     LinkMetadataType = "image"
	LINK_METADATA_TYPE_NONE      LinkMetadataType = "none"
	LINK_METADATA_TYPE_OPENGRAPH LinkMetadataType = "opengraph"
	MAX_IMAGES                   int              = 5
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const (
	ADVANCED_PERMISSIONS_MIGRATION_KEY         = "AdvancedPermissionsMigrationComplete"
	MIGRATION_KEY_ADVANCED_PERMISSIONS_PHASE_2 = "migration_advanced_permissions_phase_2"

	MIGRATION_KEY_EMOJI_PERMISSIONS_SPLIT                     = "emoji_permissions_split"
	MIGRATION_KEY_WEBHOOK_PERMISSIONS_SPLIT                   = "webhook_permissions_split"
	MIGRATION_KEY_LIST_JOIN_PUBLIC_PRIVATE_TEAMS              = "list_join_public_private_teams"
	MIGRATION_KEY_REMOVE_PERMANENT_DELETE_USER                = "remove_permanent_delete_user"
	MIGRATION_KEY_ADD_BOT_PERMISSIONS                         = "add_bot_permissions"
	MIGRATION_KEY_APPLY_CHANNEL_MANAGE_DELETE_TO_CHANNEL_USER = "apply_channel_manage_delete_to_channel_user"
	MIGRATION_KEY_REMOVE_CHANNEL_MANAGE_DELETE_FROM_TEAM_USER = "remove_channel_manage_delete_from_team_user"
	MIGRATION_KEY_VIEW_MEMBERS_NEW_PERMISSION                 = "view_members_new_permission"
	MIGRATION_KEY_ADD_MANAGE_GUESTS_PERMISSIONS               = "add_manage_guests_permissions"
	MIGRATION_KEY_CHANNEL_MODERATIONS_PERMISSIONS             = "channel_moderations_permissions"
	MIGRATION_KEY_ADD_USE_GROUP_MENTIONS_PERMISSION           = "add_use_group_mentions_permission"
	MIGRATION_KEY_ADD_SYSTEM_CONSOLE_PERMISSIONS              = "add_system_console_permissions"
	MIGRATION_KEY_SIDEBAR_CATEGORIES_PHASE_2                  = "migration_sidebar_categories_phase_2"
	MIGRATION_KEY_ADD_CONVERT_CHANNEL_PERMISSIONS             = "add_convert_channel_permissions"
	MIGRATION_KEY_ADD_SYSTEM_ROLES_PERMISSIONS                = "add_system_roles_permissions"
	MIGRATION_KEY_ADD_BILLING_PERMISSIONS                     = "add_billing_permissions"
	MIGRATION_KEY_ADD_MANAGE_SHARED_CHANNEL_PERMISSIONS       = "manage_shared_channel_permissions"
	MIGRATION_KEY_ADD_MANAGE_SECURE_CONNECTIONS_PERMISSIONS   = "manage_secure_connections_permissions"
	MIGRATION_KEY_ADD_DOWNLOAD_COMPLIANCE_EXPORT_RESULTS      = "download_compliance_export_results"
	MIGRATION_KEY_ADD_COMPLIANCE_SUBSECTION_PERMISSIONS       = "compliance_subsection_permissions"
	MIGRATION_KEY_ADD_EXPERIMENTAL_SUBSECTION_PERMISSIONS     = "experimental_subsection_permissions"
	MIGRATION_KEY_ADD_AUTHENTICATION_SUBSECTION_PERMISSIONS   = "authentication_subsection_permissions"
	MIGRATION_KEY_ADD_SITE_SUBSECTION_PERMISSIONS             = "site_subsection_permissions"
	MIGRATION_KEY_ADD_ENVIRONMENT_SUBSECTION_PERMISSIONS      = "environment_subsection_permissions"
	MIGRATION_KEY_ADD_REPORTING_SUBSECTION_PERMISSIONS        = "reporting_subsection_permissions"
	MIGRATION_KEY_ADD_TEST_EMAIL_ANCILLARY_PERMISSION         = "test_email_ancillary_permission"
	MIGRATION_KEY_ADD_ABOUT_SUBSECTION_PERMISSIONS            = "about_subsection_permissions"
	MIGRATION_KEY_ADD_INTEGRATIONS_SUBSECTION_PERMISSIONS     = "integrations_subsection_permissions"
View Source
const (
	OAUTH_ACTION_SIGNUP       = "signup"
	OAUTH_ACTION_LOGIN        = "login"
	OAUTH_ACTION_EMAIL_TO_SSO = "email_to_sso"
	OAUTH_ACTION_SSO_TO_EMAIL = "sso_to_email"
	OAUTH_ACTION_MOBILE       = "mobile"
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const (
	PermissionScopeSystem  = "system_scope"
	PermissionScopeTeam    = "team_scope"
	PermissionScopeChannel = "channel_scope"
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const (
	PluginClusterEventSendTypeReliable   = CLUSTER_SEND_RELIABLE
	PluginClusterEventSendTypeBestEffort = CLUSTER_SEND_BEST_EFFORT
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const (
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const (
	PluginStateNotRunning          = 0
	PluginStateStarting            = 1 // unused by server
	PluginStateRunning             = 2
	PluginStateFailedToStart       = 3
	PluginStateFailedToStayRunning = 4
	PluginStateStopping            = 5 // unused by server
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const (
	MinIdLength  = 3
	MaxIdLength  = 190
	ValidIdRegex = `^[a-zA-Z0-9-_\.]+$`
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const (
	POST_DEFAULT                = ""
	POST_SLACK_ATTACHMENT       = "slack_attachment"
	POST_SYSTEM_GENERIC         = "system_generic"
	POST_JOIN_LEAVE             = "system_join_leave" // Deprecated, use POST_JOIN_CHANNEL or POST_LEAVE_CHANNEL instead
	POST_JOIN_CHANNEL           = "system_join_channel"
	POST_GUEST_JOIN_CHANNEL     = "system_guest_join_channel"
	POST_LEAVE_CHANNEL          = "system_leave_channel"
	POST_JOIN_TEAM              = "system_join_team"
	POST_LEAVE_TEAM             = "system_leave_team"
	POST_AUTO_RESPONDER         = "system_auto_responder"
	POST_ADD_REMOVE             = "system_add_remove" // Deprecated, use POST_ADD_TO_CHANNEL or POST_REMOVE_FROM_CHANNEL instead
	POST_ADD_TO_CHANNEL         = "system_add_to_channel"
	POST_ADD_GUEST_TO_CHANNEL   = "system_add_guest_to_chan"
	POST_REMOVE_FROM_CHANNEL    = "system_remove_from_channel"
	POST_MOVE_CHANNEL           = "system_move_channel"
	POST_ADD_TO_TEAM            = "system_add_to_team"
	POST_REMOVE_FROM_TEAM       = "system_remove_from_team"
	POST_HEADER_CHANGE          = "system_header_change"
	POST_DISPLAYNAME_CHANGE     = "system_displayname_change"
	POST_CONVERT_CHANNEL        = "system_convert_channel"
	POST_PURPOSE_CHANGE         = "system_purpose_change"
	POST_CHANNEL_DELETED        = "system_channel_deleted"
	POST_CHANNEL_RESTORED       = "system_channel_restored"
	POST_EPHEMERAL              = "system_ephemeral"
	POST_CHANGE_CHANNEL_PRIVACY = "system_change_chan_privacy"
	POST_ADD_BOT_TEAMS_CHANNELS = "add_bot_teams_channels"
	POST_MESSAGE_MAX_BYTES_V2   = 65535                         // Maximum size of a TEXT column in MySQL
	POST_MESSAGE_MAX_RUNES_V2   = POST_MESSAGE_MAX_BYTES_V2 / 4 // Assume a worst-case representation
	POST_PROPS_MAX_RUNES        = 8000
	POST_PROPS_MAX_USER_RUNES   = POST_PROPS_MAX_RUNES - 400 // Leave some room for system / pre-save modifications
	POST_CUSTOM_TYPE_PREFIX     = "custom_"
	POST_ME                     = "me"
	PROPS_ADD_CHANNEL_MEMBER    = "add_channel_member"

	POST_PROPS_ADDED_USER_ID       = "addedUserId"
	POST_PROPS_DELETE_BY           = "deleteBy"
	POST_PROPS_OVERRIDE_ICON_URL   = "override_icon_url"
	POST_PROPS_OVERRIDE_ICON_EMOJI = "override_icon_emoji"

	POST_PROPS_GROUP_HIGHLIGHT_DISABLED   = "disable_group_highlight"
	POST_SYSTEM_WARN_METRIC_STATUS        = "warn_metric_status"
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const (

	PREFERENCE_NAME_CHANNEL_DISPLAY_MODE      = "channel_display_mode"
	PREFERENCE_NAME_COLLAPSE_SETTING          = "collapse_previews"
	PREFERENCE_NAME_MESSAGE_DISPLAY           = "message_display"
	PREFERENCE_NAME_NAME_FORMAT               = "name_format"
	PREFERENCE_NAME_USE_MILITARY_TIME         = "use_military_time"
	PREFERENCE_RECOMMENDED_NEXT_STEPS         = "recommended_next_steps"




	PREFERENCE_CATEGORY_CUSTOM_STATUS            = "custom_status"
	PREFERENCE_NAME_RECENT_CUSTOM_STATUSES       = "recent_custom_statuses"
	PREFERENCE_NAME_CUSTOM_STATUS_TUTORIAL_STATE = "custom_status_tutorial_state"

	PREFERENCE_CUSTOM_STATUS_MODAL_VIEWED = "custom_status_modal_viewed"


	PREFERENCE_EMAIL_INTERVAL_NO_BATCHING_SECONDS = "30"  // the "immediate" setting is actually 30s
	PREFERENCE_EMAIL_INTERVAL_BATCHING_SECONDS    = "900" // fifteen minutes is 900 seconds
	PREFERENCE_EMAIL_INTERVAL_HOUR                = "hour"
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const (
	PUSH_NOTIFY_APPLE                = "apple"
	PUSH_NOTIFY_ANDROID              = "android"

	PUSH_TYPE_MESSAGE      = "message"
	PUSH_TYPE_CLEAR        = "clear"
	PUSH_TYPE_UPDATE_BADGE = "update_badge"
	PUSH_TYPE_SESSION      = "session"
	PUSH_MESSAGE_V2        = "v2"


	// The category is set to handle a set of interactive Actions
	// with the push notifications

	MHPNS = ""

	PUSH_SEND_PREPARE = "Prepared to send"
	PUSH_SEND_SUCCESS = "Successful"
	PUSH_NOT_SENT     = "Not Sent due to preferences"
	PUSH_RECEIVED     = "Received by device"
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const (
	PUSH_STATUS           = "status"
	PUSH_STATUS_OK        = "OK"
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const (
	RemoteOfflineAfterMillis = 1000 * 60 * 5 // 5 minutes
	RemoteNameMinLength      = 1
	RemoteNameMaxLength      = 64
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const (
	SYSTEM_GUEST_ROLE_ID             = "system_guest"
	SYSTEM_USER_ROLE_ID              = "system_user"
	SYSTEM_ADMIN_ROLE_ID             = "system_admin"
	SYSTEM_POST_ALL_ROLE_ID          = "system_post_all"
	SYSTEM_POST_ALL_PUBLIC_ROLE_ID   = "system_post_all_public"
	SYSTEM_USER_ACCESS_TOKEN_ROLE_ID = "system_user_access_token"
	SYSTEM_USER_MANAGER_ROLE_ID      = "system_user_manager"
	SYSTEM_READ_ONLY_ADMIN_ROLE_ID   = "system_read_only_admin"
	SYSTEM_MANAGER_ROLE_ID           = "system_manager"

	TEAM_GUEST_ROLE_ID           = "team_guest"
	TEAM_USER_ROLE_ID            = "team_user"
	TEAM_ADMIN_ROLE_ID           = "team_admin"
	TEAM_POST_ALL_ROLE_ID        = "team_post_all"
	TEAM_POST_ALL_PUBLIC_ROLE_ID = "team_post_all_public"

	CHANNEL_GUEST_ROLE_ID = "channel_guest"
	CHANNEL_USER_ROLE_ID  = "channel_user"
	CHANNEL_ADMIN_ROLE_ID = "channel_admin"

	ROLE_NAME_MAX_LENGTH         = 64

	RoleScopeSystem  RoleScope = "System"
	RoleScopeTeam    RoleScope = "Team"
	RoleScopeChannel RoleScope = "Channel"

	RoleTypeGuest RoleType = "Guest"
	RoleTypeUser  RoleType = "User"
	RoleTypeAdmin RoleType = "Admin"
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const (
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const (
	SCHEME_SCOPE_TEAM              = "team"
	SCHEME_SCOPE_CHANNEL           = "channel"
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const (
	SESSION_CACHE_SIZE                = 35000
	SESSION_PROP_PLATFORM             = "platform"
	SESSION_PROP_OS                   = "os"
	SESSION_PROP_BROWSER              = "browser"
	SESSION_PROP_TYPE                 = "type"
	SESSION_PROP_USER_ACCESS_TOKEN_ID = "user_access_token_id"
	SESSION_PROP_IS_BOT               = "is_bot"
	SESSION_PROP_IS_BOT_VALUE         = "true"
	SESSION_TYPE_CLOUD_KEY            = "CloudKey"
	SESSION_PROP_IS_GUEST             = "is_guest"
	SESSION_ACTIVITY_TIMEOUT          = 1000 * 60 * 5 // 5 minutes
	SESSION_USER_ACCESS_TOKEN_EXPIRY  = 100 * 365     // 100 years
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const (
	STATUS_OFFLINE         = "offline"
	STATUS_AWAY            = "away"
	STATUS_DND             = "dnd"
	STATUS_ONLINE          = "online"
	STATUS_CHANNEL_TIMEOUT = 20000  // 20 seconds
	STATUS_MIN_UPDATE_TIME = 120000 // 2 minutes
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const (
	SYSTEM_TELEMETRY_ID                           = "DiagnosticId"
	SYSTEM_RAN_UNIT_TESTS                         = "RanUnitTests"
	SYSTEM_LAST_SECURITY_TIME                     = "LastSecurityTime"
	SYSTEM_ACTIVE_LICENSE_ID                      = "ActiveLicenseId"
	SYSTEM_LICENSE_RENEWAL_TOKEN                  = "LicenseRenewalToken"
	SYSTEM_LAST_COMPLIANCE_TIME                   = "LastComplianceTime"
	SYSTEM_ASYMMETRIC_SIGNING_KEY                 = "AsymmetricSigningKey"
	SYSTEM_POST_ACTION_COOKIE_SECRET              = "PostActionCookieSecret"
	SYSTEM_INSTALLATION_DATE_KEY                  = "InstallationDate"
	SYSTEM_FIRST_SERVER_RUN_TIMESTAMP_KEY         = "FirstServerRunTimestamp"
	SYSTEM_CLUSTER_ENCRYPTION_KEY                 = "ClusterEncryptionKey"
	SYSTEM_UPGRADED_FROM_TE_ID                    = "UpgradedFromTE"
	SYSTEM_WARN_METRIC_NUMBER_OF_TEAMS_5          = "warn_metric_number_of_teams_5"
	SYSTEM_WARN_METRIC_NUMBER_OF_CHANNELS_50      = "warn_metric_number_of_channels_50"
	SYSTEM_WARN_METRIC_MFA                        = "warn_metric_mfa"
	SYSTEM_WARN_METRIC_EMAIL_DOMAIN               = "warn_metric_email_domain"
	SYSTEM_WARN_METRIC_NUMBER_OF_ACTIVE_USERS_100 = "warn_metric_number_of_active_users_100"
	SYSTEM_WARN_METRIC_NUMBER_OF_ACTIVE_USERS_200 = "warn_metric_number_of_active_users_200"
	SYSTEM_WARN_METRIC_NUMBER_OF_ACTIVE_USERS_300 = "warn_metric_number_of_active_users_300"
	SYSTEM_WARN_METRIC_NUMBER_OF_ACTIVE_USERS_500 = "warn_metric_number_of_active_users_500"
	SYSTEM_WARN_METRIC_NUMBER_OF_POSTS_2M         = "warn_metric_number_of_posts_2M"
	SYSTEM_METRIC_SUPPORT_EMAIL_NOT_CONFIGURED    = "warn_metric_support_email_not_configured"
	SYSTEM_FIRST_ADMIN_VISIT_MARKETPLACE          = "FirstAdminVisitMarketplace"
	AWS_METERING_REPORT_INTERVAL                  = 1
	USER_LIMIT_OVERAGE_CYCLE_END_DATE             = "UserLimitOverageCycleEndDate"
	OVER_USER_LIMIT_FORGIVEN_COUNT                = "OverUserLimitForgivenCount"
	OVER_USER_LIMIT_LAST_EMAIL_SENT               = "OverUserLimitLastEmailSent"
View Source
const (
	WARN_METRIC_STATUS_RUNONCE            = "runonce"
	WARN_METRIC_STATUS_ACK                = "ack"
	WARN_METRIC_STATUS_STORE_PREFIX       = "warn_metric_"
	WARN_METRIC_JOB_INTERVAL              = 24 * 7
	WARN_METRIC_JOB_WAIT_TIME             = 1000 * 3600 * 24 * 7 // 7 days
View Source
const (
	TEAM_OPEN                       = "O"
	TEAM_INVITE                     = "I"
	TEAM_EMAIL_MAX_LENGTH           = 128
	TEAM_NAME_MAX_LENGTH            = 64
	TEAM_NAME_MIN_LENGTH            = 2
View Source
const (
	TOKEN_SIZE            = 64
	MAX_TOKEN_EXIPRY_TIME = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 48 // 48 hour
	TOKEN_TYPE_OAUTH      = "oauth"
View Source
const (
	ME                                 = "me"
	USER_NOTIFY_ALL                    = "all"
	USER_NOTIFY_HERE                   = "here"
	USER_NOTIFY_MENTION                = "mention"
	USER_NOTIFY_NONE                   = "none"
	DESKTOP_NOTIFY_PROP                = "desktop"
	DESKTOP_SOUND_NOTIFY_PROP          = "desktop_sound"
	MARK_UNREAD_NOTIFY_PROP            = "mark_unread"
	PUSH_NOTIFY_PROP                   = "push"
	PUSH_STATUS_NOTIFY_PROP            = "push_status"
	EMAIL_NOTIFY_PROP                  = "email"
	COMMENTS_NOTIFY_PROP               = "comments"
	MENTION_KEYS_NOTIFY_PROP           = "mention_keys"
	COMMENTS_NOTIFY_NEVER              = "never"
	COMMENTS_NOTIFY_ROOT               = "root"
	COMMENTS_NOTIFY_ANY                = "any"
	FIRST_NAME_NOTIFY_PROP             = "first_name"
	AUTO_RESPONDER_ACTIVE_NOTIFY_PROP  = "auto_responder_active"
	AUTO_RESPONDER_MESSAGE_NOTIFY_PROP = "auto_responder_message"

	DEFAULT_LOCALE          = "en"

View Source
const (
	LOWERCASE_LETTERS = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
	NUMBERS           = "0123456789"
	SYMBOLS           = " !\"\\#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[]^_`|~"
	MB                = 1 << 20
View Source
const (
View Source
const (
	WEBSOCKET_EVENT_TYPING                                   = "typing"
	WEBSOCKET_EVENT_POSTED                                   = "posted"
	WEBSOCKET_EVENT_POST_EDITED                              = "post_edited"
	WEBSOCKET_EVENT_POST_DELETED                             = "post_deleted"
	WEBSOCKET_EVENT_POST_UNREAD                              = "post_unread"
	WEBSOCKET_EVENT_CHANNEL_CONVERTED                        = "channel_converted"
	WEBSOCKET_EVENT_CHANNEL_CREATED                          = "channel_created"
	WEBSOCKET_EVENT_CHANNEL_DELETED                          = "channel_deleted"
	WEBSOCKET_EVENT_CHANNEL_RESTORED                         = "channel_restored"
	WEBSOCKET_EVENT_CHANNEL_UPDATED                          = "channel_updated"
	WEBSOCKET_EVENT_CHANNEL_MEMBER_UPDATED                   = "channel_member_updated"
	WEBSOCKET_EVENT_CHANNEL_SCHEME_UPDATED                   = "channel_scheme_updated"
	WEBSOCKET_EVENT_DIRECT_ADDED                             = "direct_added"
	WEBSOCKET_EVENT_GROUP_ADDED                              = "group_added"
	WEBSOCKET_EVENT_NEW_USER                                 = "new_user"
	WEBSOCKET_EVENT_ADDED_TO_TEAM                            = "added_to_team"
	WEBSOCKET_EVENT_LEAVE_TEAM                               = "leave_team"
	WEBSOCKET_EVENT_UPDATE_TEAM                              = "update_team"
	WEBSOCKET_EVENT_DELETE_TEAM                              = "delete_team"
	WEBSOCKET_EVENT_RESTORE_TEAM                             = "restore_team"
	WEBSOCKET_EVENT_UPDATE_TEAM_SCHEME                       = "update_team_scheme"
	WEBSOCKET_EVENT_USER_ADDED                               = "user_added"
	WEBSOCKET_EVENT_USER_UPDATED                             = "user_updated"
	WEBSOCKET_EVENT_USER_ROLE_UPDATED                        = "user_role_updated"
	WEBSOCKET_EVENT_MEMBERROLE_UPDATED                       = "memberrole_updated"
	WEBSOCKET_EVENT_USER_REMOVED                             = "user_removed"
	WEBSOCKET_EVENT_PREFERENCE_CHANGED                       = "preference_changed"
	WEBSOCKET_EVENT_PREFERENCES_CHANGED                      = "preferences_changed"
	WEBSOCKET_EVENT_PREFERENCES_DELETED                      = "preferences_deleted"
	WEBSOCKET_EVENT_EPHEMERAL_MESSAGE                        = "ephemeral_message"
	WEBSOCKET_EVENT_STATUS_CHANGE                            = "status_change"
	WEBSOCKET_EVENT_HELLO                                    = "hello"
	WEBSOCKET_AUTHENTICATION_CHALLENGE                       = "authentication_challenge"
	WEBSOCKET_EVENT_REACTION_ADDED                           = "reaction_added"
	WEBSOCKET_EVENT_REACTION_REMOVED                         = "reaction_removed"
	WEBSOCKET_EVENT_RESPONSE                                 = "response"
	WEBSOCKET_EVENT_EMOJI_ADDED                              = "emoji_added"
	WEBSOCKET_EVENT_CHANNEL_VIEWED                           = "channel_viewed"
	WEBSOCKET_EVENT_PLUGIN_STATUSES_CHANGED                  = "plugin_statuses_changed"
	WEBSOCKET_EVENT_PLUGIN_ENABLED                           = "plugin_enabled"
	WEBSOCKET_EVENT_PLUGIN_DISABLED                          = "plugin_disabled"
	WEBSOCKET_EVENT_ROLE_UPDATED                             = "role_updated"
	WEBSOCKET_EVENT_LICENSE_CHANGED                          = "license_changed"
	WEBSOCKET_EVENT_CONFIG_CHANGED                           = "config_changed"
	WEBSOCKET_EVENT_OPEN_DIALOG                              = "open_dialog"
	WEBSOCKET_EVENT_GUESTS_DEACTIVATED                       = "guests_deactivated"
	WEBSOCKET_EVENT_USER_ACTIVATION_STATUS_CHANGE            = "user_activation_status_change"
	WEBSOCKET_EVENT_RECEIVED_GROUP                           = "received_group"
	WEBSOCKET_EVENT_RECEIVED_GROUP_ASSOCIATED_TO_TEAM        = "received_group_associated_to_team"
	WEBSOCKET_EVENT_RECEIVED_GROUP_NOT_ASSOCIATED_TO_TEAM    = "received_group_not_associated_to_team"
	WEBSOCKET_EVENT_RECEIVED_GROUP_ASSOCIATED_TO_CHANNEL     = "received_group_associated_to_channel"
	WEBSOCKET_EVENT_RECEIVED_GROUP_NOT_ASSOCIATED_TO_CHANNEL = "received_group_not_associated_to_channel"
	WEBSOCKET_EVENT_SIDEBAR_CATEGORY_CREATED                 = "sidebar_category_created"
	WEBSOCKET_EVENT_SIDEBAR_CATEGORY_UPDATED                 = "sidebar_category_updated"
	WEBSOCKET_EVENT_SIDEBAR_CATEGORY_DELETED                 = "sidebar_category_deleted"
	WEBSOCKET_EVENT_SIDEBAR_CATEGORY_ORDER_UPDATED           = "sidebar_category_order_updated"
	WEBSOCKET_WARN_METRIC_STATUS_RECEIVED                    = "warn_metric_status_received"
	WEBSOCKET_WARN_METRIC_STATUS_REMOVED                     = "warn_metric_status_removed"
	WEBSOCKET_EVENT_CLOUD_PAYMENT_STATUS_UPDATED             = "cloud_payment_status_updated"
	WEBSOCKET_EVENT_THREAD_UPDATED                           = "thread_updated"
	WEBSOCKET_EVENT_THREAD_FOLLOW_CHANGED                    = "thread_follow_changed"
	WEBSOCKET_EVENT_THREAD_READ_CHANGED                      = "thread_read_changed"
	WEBSOCKET_FIRST_ADMIN_VISIT_MARKETPLACE_STATUS_RECEIVED  = "first_admin_visit_marketplace_status_received"
View Source
View Source
const (
View Source
const ConfigAccessTagAnySysConsoleRead = "*_read"

Allows read access if any PERMISSION_SYSCONSOLE_READ_* is allowed

View Source
const ConfigAccessTagCloudRestrictable = "cloud_restrictable"
View Source
const ConfigAccessTagType = "access"
View Source
const ConfigAccessTagWriteRestrictable = "write_restrictable"
View Source
const (
View Source
const (
	MaxImageSize = int64(6048 * 4032) // 24 megapixels, roughly 36MB as a raw image
View Source
View Source
View Source
const (
	USERNAME = "Username"
View Source
const (
View Source
View Source
View Source
const UploadNoUserID = "nouser"

UploadNoUserID is a "fake" user id used by the API layer when in local mode.

Variables ¶

View Source
var AT_MENTION_PATTEN = regexp.MustCompile(`\B@`)
View Source
var AllPermissions []*Permission
View Source
var BuildDate string
View Source
var BuildEnterpriseReady string
View Source
var BuildHash string
View Source
var BuildHashEnterprise string
View Source
var BuildNumber string
View Source
var BuiltInSchemeManagedRoleIDs []string
View Source
var ChannelModeratedPermissions []string
View Source
var ChannelModeratedPermissionsMap map[string]string
View Source
var CurrentVersion string = versions[0]
View Source
var DeprecatedPermissions []*Permission
View Source
var EMOJI_PATTERN = regexp.MustCompile(`:[a-zA-Z0-9_+-]+:`)
View Source
var MockCWS string
View Source
var NewSystemRoleIDs []string
View Source
var PostActionRetainPropKeys = []string{"from_webhook", "override_username", "override_icon_url"}
View Source
var ReverseSystemEmojisMap = makeReverseEmojiMap()
View Source
var ServerTLSSupportedCiphers = map[string]uint16{
	"TLS_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_SHA":                tls.TLS_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_SHA,
	"TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA":            tls.TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA,
	"TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA":            tls.TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA,
	"TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256":         tls.TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256,
	"TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256":         tls.TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256,
	"TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384":         tls.TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384,
View Source
var SysconsoleAncillaryPermissions map[string][]*Permission

SysconsoleAncillaryPermissions maps the non-sysconsole permissions required by each sysconsole view.

View Source
var SysconsoleReadPermissions []*Permission
View Source
var SysconsoleWritePermissions []*Permission
View Source
var SystemEmojis = map[string]string{} /* 4458 elements not displayed */
View Source
var SystemManagerDefaultPermissions []string
View Source
var SystemReadOnlyAdminDefaultPermissions []string
View Source
var SystemUserManagerDefaultPermissions []string

Functions ¶

func AddAncillaryPermissions ¶ added in v5.35.0

func AddAncillaryPermissions(permissions []string) []string

func AppErrorInit ¶

func AppErrorInit(t i18n.TranslateFunc)

func ArrayFromInterface ¶

func ArrayFromInterface(data interface{}) []string

func ArrayFromJson ¶

func ArrayFromJson(data io.Reader) []string

func ArrayToJson ¶

func ArrayToJson(objmap []string) string

func AsStringBoolMap ¶ added in v5.22.0

func AsStringBoolMap(list []string) map[string]bool

func AuditModelTypeConv ¶ added in v5.24.0

func AuditModelTypeConv(val interface{}) (newVal interface{}, converted bool)

AuditModelTypeConv converts key model types to something better suited for audit output.

func AutocompleteStaticListItemsToJSON ¶ added in v5.24.0

func AutocompleteStaticListItemsToJSON(items []AutocompleteListItem) []byte

AutocompleteStaticListItemsToJSON returns json for a list of AutocompleteStaticListItem objects

func AutocompleteSuggestionsToJSON ¶ added in v5.24.0

func AutocompleteSuggestionsToJSON(suggestions []AutocompleteSuggestion) []byte

AutocompleteSuggestionsToJSON returns json for a list of AutocompleteSuggestion objects

func ChannelMentions ¶

func ChannelMentions(message string) []string

func ChannelModeratedPermissionsChangedByPatch ¶ added in v5.22.0

func ChannelModeratedPermissionsChangedByPatch(role *Role, patch *RolePatch) []string

func CheckStatusOK ¶

func CheckStatusOK(r *http.Response) bool

CheckStatusOK is a convenience function for checking the standard OK response from the web service.

func CleanRoleNames ¶ added in v5.26.0

func CleanRoleNames(roleNames []string) ([]string, bool)

func CleanTeamName ¶

func CleanTeamName(s string) string

func CleanUsername ¶

func CleanUsername(username string) string

func ClearMentionTags ¶

func ClearMentionTags(post string) string

func ClusterInfosToJson ¶

func ClusterInfosToJson(objmap []*ClusterInfo) string

func CommandListToJson ¶

func CommandListToJson(l []*Command) string

func ComparePassword ¶

func ComparePassword(hash string, password string) bool

ComparePassword compares the hash This function is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.

func CompliancePostHeader ¶

func CompliancePostHeader() []string

func CopyStringMap ¶

func CopyStringMap(originalMap map[string]string) map[string]string

func DecryptPostActionCookie ¶

func DecryptPostActionCookie(encoded string, secret []byte) (string, error)

func EmailInviteWithErrorToEmails ¶ added in v5.20.0

func EmailInviteWithErrorToEmails(o []*EmailInviteWithError) []string

func EmailInviteWithErrorToJson ¶ added in v5.20.0

func EmailInviteWithErrorToJson(o []*EmailInviteWithError) string

func EmailInviteWithErrorToString ¶ added in v5.22.0

func EmailInviteWithErrorToString(o *EmailInviteWithError) string

func EmojiListToJson ¶

func EmojiListToJson(emojiList []*Emoji) string

func Etag ¶

func Etag(parts ...interface{}) string

func FileInfosToJson ¶

func FileInfosToJson(infos []*FileInfo) string

func FloorToNearestHour ¶

func FloorToNearestHour(ms int64) int64

FloorToNearestHour takes a timestamp (in milliseconds) and returns it rounded to the previous hour in UTC.

func GenerateLinkMetadataHash ¶

func GenerateLinkMetadataHash(url string, timestamp int64) int64

GenerateLinkMetadataHash generates a unique hash for a given URL and timestamp for use as a database key.

func GetDMNameFromIds ¶

func GetDMNameFromIds(userId1, userId2 string) string

func GetDefaultAppCustomURLSchemes ¶ added in v5.32.0

func GetDefaultAppCustomURLSchemes() []string

func GetEmojiNameFromUnicode ¶ added in v5.37.0

func GetEmojiNameFromUnicode(unicode string) (emojiName string, count int)

func GetEndOfDayMillis ¶

func GetEndOfDayMillis(thisTime time.Time, timeZoneOffset int) int64

GetEndOfDayMillis is a convenience method to get milliseconds since epoch for provided date's end of day

func GetEtagForFileInfos ¶

func GetEtagForFileInfos(infos []*FileInfo) string

func GetGroupDisplayNameFromUsers ¶

func GetGroupDisplayNameFromUsers(users []*User, truncate bool) string

func GetGroupNameFromUserIds ¶

func GetGroupNameFromUserIds(userIds []string) string

func GetInfoForBytes ¶

func GetInfoForBytes(name string, data io.ReadSeeker, size int) (*FileInfo, *AppError)

func GetMillis ¶

func GetMillis() int64

GetMillis is a convenience method to get milliseconds since epoch.

func GetMillisForTime ¶

func GetMillisForTime(thisTime time.Time) int64

GetMillisForTime is a convenience method to get milliseconds since epoch for provided Time.

func GetPreferredTimezone ¶

func GetPreferredTimezone(timezone StringMap) string

func GetPreviousVersion ¶

func GetPreviousVersion(version string) string

func GetServerIpAddress ¶

func GetServerIpAddress(iface string) string

func GetStartOfDayMillis ¶

func GetStartOfDayMillis(thisTime time.Time, timeZoneOffset int) int64

GetStartOfDayMillis is a convenience method to get milliseconds since epoch for provided date's start of day

func GetSystemEmojiId ¶

func GetSystemEmojiId(emojiName string) (string, bool)

func GetTimeForMillis ¶ added in v5.35.0

func GetTimeForMillis(millis int64) time.Time

GetTimeForMillis is a convenience method to get time.Time for milliseconds since epoch.

func HashPassword ¶

func HashPassword(password string) string

HashPassword generates a hash using the bcrypt.GenerateFromPassword

func IncomingWebhookListToJson ¶

func IncomingWebhookListToJson(l []*IncomingWebhook) string

func IncomingWebhookRequestFromJson ¶

func IncomingWebhookRequestFromJson(data io.Reader) (*IncomingWebhookRequest, *AppError)

func IsBotDMChannel ¶

func IsBotDMChannel(channel *Channel, botUserID string) bool

func IsChannelMarkUnreadLevelValid ¶

func IsChannelMarkUnreadLevelValid(markUnreadLevel string) bool

func IsChannelNotifyLevelValid ¶

func IsChannelNotifyLevelValid(notifyLevel string) bool

func IsCurrentVersion ¶

func IsCurrentVersion(versionToCheck string) bool

func IsIgnoreChannelMentionsValid ¶

func IsIgnoreChannelMentionsValid(ignoreChannelMentions string) bool

func IsInRole ¶

func IsInRole(userRoles string, inRole string) bool

Make sure you acually want to use this function. In context.go there are functions to check permissions This function should not be used to check permissions.

func IsLower ¶

func IsLower(s string) bool

func IsPreviousVersionsSupported ¶

func IsPreviousVersionsSupported(versionToCheck string) bool

func IsReservedTeamName ¶

func IsReservedTeamName(s string) bool
func IsSafeLink(link *string) bool

func IsSamlFile ¶

func IsSamlFile(saml *SamlSettings, filename string) bool

IsSamlFile checks if filename is a SAML file.

func IsSendEmailValid ¶

func IsSendEmailValid(sendEmail string) bool

func IsValidAlphaNum ¶

func IsValidAlphaNum(s string) bool

func IsValidAlphaNumHyphenUnderscore ¶

func IsValidAlphaNumHyphenUnderscore(s string, withFormat bool) bool

func IsValidAlphaNumHyphenUnderscorePlus ¶ added in v5.37.0

func IsValidAlphaNumHyphenUnderscorePlus(s string) bool

func IsValidCategoryId ¶ added in v5.29.0

func IsValidCategoryId(s string) bool

func IsValidChannelIdentifier ¶

func IsValidChannelIdentifier(s string) bool

func IsValidCommentsNotifyLevel ¶

func IsValidCommentsNotifyLevel(notifyLevel string) bool

func IsValidEmail ¶

func IsValidEmail(email string) bool

func IsValidEmailBatchingInterval ¶

func IsValidEmailBatchingInterval(emailInterval string) bool

func IsValidHttpUrl ¶

func IsValidHttpUrl(rawUrl string) bool

func IsValidId ¶

func IsValidId(value string) bool

func IsValidLocale ¶

func IsValidLocale(locale string) bool

func IsValidNumberString ¶

func IsValidNumberString(value string) bool

func IsValidPluginId ¶ added in v5.22.0

func IsValidPluginId(id string) bool

IsValidPluginId verifies that the plugin id has a minimum length of 3, maximum length of 190, and contains only alphanumeric characters, dashes, underscores and periods.

These constraints are necessary since the plugin id is used as part of a filesystem path.

func IsValidPushStatusNotifyLevel ¶

func IsValidPushStatusNotifyLevel(notifyLevel string) bool

func IsValidRemoteName ¶ added in v5.35.0

func IsValidRemoteName(s string) bool

func IsValidRoleName ¶

func IsValidRoleName(roleName string) bool

func IsValidSchemeName ¶

func IsValidSchemeName(name string) bool

func IsValidTeamName ¶

func IsValidTeamName(s string) bool

func IsValidTrueOrFalseString ¶

func IsValidTrueOrFalseString(value string) bool

func IsValidTurnOrStunServer ¶

func IsValidTurnOrStunServer(rawUri string) bool

func IsValidUserNotifyLevel ¶

func IsValidUserNotifyLevel(notifyLevel string) bool

func IsValidUserRoles ¶

func IsValidUserRoles(userRoles string) bool

func IsValidUsername ¶

func IsValidUsername(s string) bool

func IsValidUsernameAllowRemote ¶ added in v5.35.0

func IsValidUsernameAllowRemote(s string) bool

func IsValidWebsocketUrl ¶

func IsValidWebsocketUrl(rawUrl string) bool

func JobsToJson ¶

func JobsToJson(jobs []*Job) string

func MakeDefaultRoles ¶

func MakeDefaultRoles() map[string]*Role

func ManifestListToJson ¶

func ManifestListToJson(m []*Manifest) string

func MapBoolFromJson ¶

func MapBoolFromJson(data io.Reader) map[string]bool

MapFromJson will decode the key/value pair map

func MapBoolToJson ¶

func MapBoolToJson(objmap map[string]bool) string

MapBoolToJson converts a map to a json string

func MapFromJson ¶

func MapFromJson(data io.Reader) map[string]string

MapFromJson will decode the key/value pair map

func MapPostIdToReactionsFromJson ¶

func MapPostIdToReactionsFromJson(data io.Reader) map[string][]*Reaction

func MapPostIdToReactionsToJson ¶

func MapPostIdToReactionsToJson(o map[string][]*Reaction) string

func MapToJson ¶

func MapToJson(objmap map[string]string) string

MapToJson converts a map to a json string

func MapWarnMetricStatusToJson ¶ added in v5.26.0

func MapWarnMetricStatusToJson(o map[string]*WarnMetricStatus) string

func NewBool ¶

func NewBool(b bool) *bool

func NewId ¶

func NewId() string

NewId is a globally unique identifier. It is a [A-Z0-9] string 26 characters long. It is a UUID version 4 Guid that is zbased32 encoded with the padding stripped off.

func NewInt ¶

func NewInt(n int) *int

func NewInt64 ¶

func NewInt64(n int64) *int64

func NewPluginKeyValueFromOptions ¶

func NewPluginKeyValueFromOptions(pluginId, key string, value []byte, opt PluginKVSetOptions) (*PluginKeyValue, *AppError)

NewPluginKeyValueFromOptions return a PluginKeyValue given a pluginID, a KV pair and options.

func NewRandomString ¶

func NewRandomString(length int) string

NewRandomString returns a random string of the given length. The resulting entropy will be (5 * length) bits.

func NewRandomTeamName ¶

func NewRandomTeamName() string

NewRandomTeamName is a NewId that will be a valid team name.

func NewString ¶

func NewString(s string) *string

func NewWebSocketClient ¶

func NewWebSocketClient(url, authToken string) (*WebSocketClient, *AppError)

NewWebSocketClient constructs a new WebSocket client with convenience methods for talking to the server.

func NewWebSocketClient4 ¶

func NewWebSocketClient4(url, authToken string) (*WebSocketClient, *AppError)

NewWebSocketClient4 constructs a new WebSocket client with convenience methods for talking to the server. Uses the v4 endpoint.

func NewWebSocketClient4WithDialer ¶

func NewWebSocketClient4WithDialer(dialer *websocket.Dialer, url, authToken string) (*WebSocketClient, *AppError)

NewWebSocketClient4WithDialer constructs a new WebSocket client with convenience methods for talking to the server using a custom dialer. Uses the v4 endpoint.

func NewWebSocketClientWithDialer ¶

func NewWebSocketClientWithDialer(dialer *websocket.Dialer, url, authToken string) (*WebSocketClient, *AppError)

NewWebSocketClientWithDialer constructs a new WebSocket client with convenience methods for talking to the server using a custom dialer.

func NormalizeEmail ¶

func NormalizeEmail(email string) string

func NormalizeRemoteName ¶ added in v5.35.0

func NormalizeRemoteName(name string) string

func NormalizeUsername ¶

func NormalizeUsername(username string) string

func OAuthAppListToJson ¶

func OAuthAppListToJson(l []*OAuthApp) string

func OutgoingWebhookListToJson ¶

func OutgoingWebhookListToJson(l []*OutgoingWebhook) string

func PadDateStringZeros ¶

func PadDateStringZeros(dateString string) string

PadDateStringZeros is a convenience method to pad 2 digit date parts with zeros to meet ISO 8601 format

func ParseHashtags ¶

func ParseHashtags(text string) (string, string)

func ParseSlackAttachment ¶

func ParseSlackAttachment(post *Post, attachments []*SlackAttachment)

This method only parses and processes the attachments, all else should be set in the post which is passed

func ParseSlackLinksToMarkdown ¶

func ParseSlackLinksToMarkdown(text string) string

func PermissionsChangedByPatch ¶

func PermissionsChangedByPatch(role *Role, patch *RolePatch) []string

Returns an array of permissions that are in either role.Permissions or patch.Permissions, but not both.

func PossibleAtMentions ¶ added in v5.22.0

func PossibleAtMentions(message string) []string

PossibleAtMentions returns all substrings in message that look like valid @ mentions.

func ReactionsToJson ¶

func ReactionsToJson(o []*Reaction) string

func RemoteClusterFrameFromJSON ¶ added in v5.35.0

func RemoteClusterFrameFromJSON(data io.Reader) (*RemoteClusterFrame, *AppError)

func RemoteClusterFromJSON ¶ added in v5.35.0

func RemoteClusterFromJSON(data io.Reader) (*RemoteCluster, *AppError)

func RemoteClusterInviteFromRawJSON ¶ added in v5.35.0

func RemoteClusterInviteFromRawJSON(raw json.RawMessage) (*RemoteClusterInvite, *AppError)

func RemoteClusterMsgFromJSON ¶ added in v5.35.0

func RemoteClusterMsgFromJSON(data io.Reader) (RemoteClusterMsg, *AppError)

func RemoteClusterPingFromRawJSON ¶ added in v5.35.0

func RemoteClusterPingFromRawJSON(raw json.RawMessage) (RemoteClusterPing, *AppError)

func RemoveDuplicateStrings ¶

func RemoveDuplicateStrings(in []string) []string

func RewriteImageURLs ¶

func RewriteImageURLs(message string, f func(string) string) string

RewriteImageURLs takes a message and returns a copy that has all of the image URLs replaced according to the function f. For each image URL, f will be invoked, and the resulting markdown will contain the URL returned by that invocation instead.

Image URLs are destination URLs used in inline images or reference definitions that are used anywhere in the input markdown as an image.

func RoleListToJson ¶

func RoleListToJson(r []*Role) string

func RuneToHexadecimalString ¶ added in v5.37.0

func RuneToHexadecimalString(r rune) string

func SanitizeUnicode ¶ added in v5.24.0

func SanitizeUnicode(s string) string

SanitizeUnicode will remove undesirable Unicode characters from a string.

func SchemeIDFromJson ¶

func SchemeIDFromJson(data io.Reader) *string

func SchemesToJson ¶

func SchemesToJson(schemes []*Scheme) string

func SessionsToJson ¶

func SessionsToJson(o []*Session) string

func SidebarCategoriesWithChannelsToJson ¶ added in v5.26.0

func SidebarCategoriesWithChannelsToJson(o []*SidebarCategoryWithChannels) []byte

func SplitVersion ¶

func SplitVersion(version string) (int64, int64, int64)

func StatusListToJson ¶

func StatusListToJson(u []*Status) string

func StatusMapToInterfaceMap ¶

func StatusMapToInterfaceMap(statusMap map[string]*Status) map[string]interface{}

func StringFromJson ¶

func StringFromJson(data io.Reader) string

func StringInterfaceFromJson ¶

func StringInterfaceFromJson(data io.Reader) map[string]interface{}

func StringInterfaceToJson ¶

func StringInterfaceToJson(objmap map[string]interface{}) string

func StringToJson ¶

func StringToJson(s string) string

func TeamListToJson ¶

func TeamListToJson(t []*Team) string

func TeamMapFromJson ¶

func TeamMapFromJson(data io.Reader) map[string]*Team

func TeamMapToJson ¶

func TeamMapToJson(u map[string]*Team) string

func TeamMemberWithErrorToString ¶ added in v5.22.0

func TeamMemberWithErrorToString(o *TeamMemberWithError) string

func TeamMembersToJson ¶

func TeamMembersToJson(o []*TeamMember) string

func TeamMembersWithErrorToJson ¶ added in v5.20.0

func TeamMembersWithErrorToJson(o []*TeamMemberWithError) string

func TeamsUnreadToJson ¶

func TeamsUnreadToJson(o []*TeamUnread) string

func TeamsWithCountToJson ¶

func TeamsWithCountToJson(tlc *TeamsWithCount) []byte

func ToJson ¶ added in v5.36.0

func ToJson(v interface{}) []byte

ToJson serializes an arbitrary data type to JSON, discarding the error.

func TrimUsernameSpecialChar ¶ added in v5.22.0

func TrimUsernameSpecialChar(word string) (string, bool)

TrimUsernameSpecialChar tries to remove the last character from word if it is a special character for usernames (dot, dash or underscore). If not, it returns the same string.

func TruncateOpenGraph ¶

func TruncateOpenGraph(ogdata *opengraph.OpenGraph) *opengraph.OpenGraph

TruncateOpenGraph ensure OpenGraph metadata doesn't grow too big by shortening strings, trimming fields and reducing the number of images.

func UniqueStrings ¶ added in v5.35.0

func UniqueStrings(input []string) []string

UniqueStrings returns a unique subset of the string slice provided.

func UploadSessionsToJson ¶ added in v5.28.0

func UploadSessionsToJson(uss []*UploadSession) string

UploadSessionsToJson serializes a list of UploadSession into JSON and returns it as string.

func UserAccessTokenListToJson ¶

func UserAccessTokenListToJson(t []*UserAccessToken) string

func UserListToJson ¶

func UserListToJson(u []*User) string

func UserMapFromJson ¶

func UserMapFromJson(data io.Reader) map[string]*User

func UserMapToJson ¶

func UserMapToJson(u map[string]*User) string

Types ¶

type AccessData ¶

type AccessData struct {
	ClientId     string `json:"client_id"`
	UserId       string `json:"user_id"`
	Token        string `json:"token"`
	RefreshToken string `json:"refresh_token"`
	RedirectUri  string `json:"redirect_uri"`
	ExpiresAt    int64  `json:"expires_at"`
	Scope        string `json:"scope"`

func AccessDataFromJson ¶

func AccessDataFromJson(data io.Reader) *AccessData

func (*AccessData) IsExpired ¶

func (ad *AccessData) IsExpired() bool

func (*AccessData) IsValid ¶

func (ad *AccessData) IsValid() *AppError

IsValid validates the AccessData and returns an error if it isn't configured correctly.

func (*AccessData) ToJson ¶

func (ad *AccessData) ToJson() string

type AccessResponse ¶

type AccessResponse struct {
	AccessToken  string `json:"access_token"`
	TokenType    string `json:"token_type"`
	ExpiresIn    int32  `json:"expires_in"`
	Scope        string `json:"scope"`
	RefreshToken string `json:"refresh_token"`
	IdToken      string `json:"id_token"`

func AccessResponseFromJson ¶

func AccessResponseFromJson(data io.Reader) *AccessResponse

func (*AccessResponse) ToJson ¶

func (ar *AccessResponse) ToJson() string

type AddOn ¶ added in v5.30.0

type AddOn struct {
	ID           string  `json:"id"`
	Name         string  `json:"name"`
	DisplayName  string  `json:"display_name"`
	PricePerSeat float64 `json:"price_per_seat"`

AddOn represents an addon to a product.

type Address ¶ added in v5.30.0

type Address struct {
	City       string `json:"city"`
	Country    string `json:"country"`
	Line1      string `json:"line1"`
	Line2      string `json:"line2"`
	PostalCode string `json:"postal_code"`
	State      string `json:"state"`

Address model represents a customer's address.

type AnalyticsPostCountsOptions ¶

type AnalyticsPostCountsOptions struct {
	TeamId        string
	BotsOnly      bool
	YesterdayOnly bool

type AnalyticsRow ¶

type AnalyticsRow struct {
	Name  string  `json:"name"`
	Value float64 `json:"value"`

func AnalyticsRowFromJson ¶

func AnalyticsRowFromJson(data io.Reader) *AnalyticsRow

func (*AnalyticsRow) ToJson ¶

func (ar *AnalyticsRow) ToJson() string

type AnalyticsRows ¶

type AnalyticsRows []*AnalyticsRow

func AnalyticsRowsFromJson ¶

func AnalyticsRowsFromJson(data io.Reader) AnalyticsRows

func (AnalyticsRows) ToJson ¶

func (ar AnalyticsRows) ToJson() string

type AnalyticsSettings ¶

type AnalyticsSettings struct {
	MaxUsersForStatistics *int `access:"write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"`

func (*AnalyticsSettings) SetDefaults ¶

func (s *AnalyticsSettings) SetDefaults()

type AnnouncementSettings ¶

type AnnouncementSettings struct {
	EnableBanner          *bool   `access:"site_announcement_banner"`
	BannerText            *string `access:"site_announcement_banner"` // telemetry: none
	BannerColor           *string `access:"site_announcement_banner"`
	BannerTextColor       *string `access:"site_announcement_banner"`
	AllowBannerDismissal  *bool   `access:"site_announcement_banner"`
	AdminNoticesEnabled   *bool   `access:"site_notices"`
	UserNoticesEnabled    *bool   `access:"site_notices"`
	NoticesURL            *string `access:"site_notices,write_restrictable"` // telemetry: none
	NoticesFetchFrequency *int    `access:"site_notices,write_restrictable"` // telemetry: none
	NoticesSkipCache      *bool   `access:"site_notices,write_restrictable"` // telemetry: none

func (*AnnouncementSettings) SetDefaults ¶

func (s *AnnouncementSettings) SetDefaults()

type AppError ¶

type AppError struct {
	Id            string `json:"id"`
	Message       string `json:"message"`               // Message to be display to the end user without debugging information
	DetailedError string `json:"detailed_error"`        // Internal error string to help the developer
	RequestId     string `json:"request_id,omitempty"`  // The RequestId that's also set in the header
	StatusCode    int    `json:"status_code,omitempty"` // The http status code
	Where         string `json:"-"`                     // The function where it happened in the form of Struct.Func
	IsOAuth       bool   `json:"is_oauth,omitempty"`    // Whether the error is OAuth specific
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func AppErrorFromJson ¶

func AppErrorFromJson(data io.Reader) *AppError

AppErrorFromJson will decode the input and return an AppError

func DecodeAndVerifyTriggerId ¶

func DecodeAndVerifyTriggerId(triggerId string, s *ecdsa.PrivateKey) (string, string, *AppError)

func GenerateTriggerId ¶

func GenerateTriggerId(userId string, s crypto.Signer) (string, string, *AppError)

func InvalidTermsOfServiceError ¶

func InvalidTermsOfServiceError(fieldName string, termsOfServiceId string) *AppError

func InvalidUserError ¶

func InvalidUserError(fieldName string, userId string) *AppError

func InvalidUserTermsOfServiceError ¶

func InvalidUserTermsOfServiceError(fieldName string, userTermsOfServiceId string) *AppError

func IsSearchParamsListValid ¶ added in v5.28.0

func IsSearchParamsListValid(paramsList []*SearchParams) *AppError

func IsValidEmojiName ¶

func IsValidEmojiName(name string) *AppError

func MakeBotNotFoundError ¶

func MakeBotNotFoundError(userId string) *AppError

MakeBotNotFoundError creates the error returned when a bot does not exist, or when the user isn't allowed to query the bot. The errors must the same in both cases to avoid leaking that a user is a bot.

func NewAppError ¶

func NewAppError(where string, id string, params map[string]interface{}, details string, status int) *AppError

func (*AppError) Error ¶

func (er *AppError) Error() string

func (*AppError) SystemMessage ¶

func (er *AppError) SystemMessage(T i18n.TranslateFunc) string

func (*AppError) ToJson ¶

func (er *AppError) ToJson() string

func (*AppError) Translate ¶

func (er *AppError) Translate(T i18n.TranslateFunc)

type Attribute ¶ added in v5.20.0

type Attribute struct {
	XMLName      xml.Name
	FriendlyName string           `xml:",attr"`
	Name         string           `xml:",attr"`
	NameFormat   string           `xml:",attr"`
	Values       []AttributeValue `xml:"AttributeValue"`

type AttributeValue ¶ added in v5.20.0

type AttributeValue struct {
	Type   string `xml:" type,attr"`
	Value  string `xml:",chardata"`
	NameID *NameID

type Audit ¶

type Audit struct {
	Id        string `json:"id"`
	CreateAt  int64  `json:"create_at"`
	UserId    string `json:"user_id"`
	Action    string `json:"action"`
	ExtraInfo string `json:"extra_info"`
	IpAddress string `json:"ip_address"`
	SessionId string `json:"session_id"`

func AuditFromJson ¶

func AuditFromJson(data io.Reader) *Audit

func (*Audit) ToJson ¶

func (o *Audit) ToJson() string

type Audits ¶

type Audits []Audit

func AuditsFromJson ¶

func AuditsFromJson(data io.Reader) Audits

func (Audits) Etag ¶

func (o Audits) Etag() string

func (Audits) ToJson ¶

func (o Audits) ToJson() string

type AuthData ¶

type AuthData struct {
	ClientId    string `json:"client_id"`
	UserId      string `json:"user_id"`
	Code        string `json:"code"`
	ExpiresIn   int32  `json:"expires_in"`
	CreateAt    int64  `json:"create_at"`
	RedirectUri string `json:"redirect_uri"`
	State       string `json:"state"`
	Scope       string `json:"scope"`

func AuthDataFromJson ¶

func AuthDataFromJson(data io.Reader) *AuthData

func (*AuthData) IsExpired ¶

func (ad *AuthData) IsExpired() bool

func (*AuthData) IsValid ¶

func (ad *AuthData) IsValid() *AppError

IsValid validates the AuthData and returns an error if it isn't configured correctly.

func (*AuthData) PreSave ¶

func (ad *AuthData) PreSave()

func (*AuthData) ToJson ¶

func (ad *AuthData) ToJson() string

type AuthorizeRequest ¶

type AuthorizeRequest struct {
	ResponseType string `json:"response_type"`
	ClientId     string `json:"client_id"`
	RedirectUri  string `json:"redirect_uri"`
	Scope        string `json:"scope"`
	State        string `json:"state"`

func AuthorizeRequestFromJson ¶

func AuthorizeRequestFromJson(data io.Reader) *AuthorizeRequest

func (*AuthorizeRequest) IsValid ¶

func (ar *AuthorizeRequest) IsValid() *AppError

IsValid validates the AuthorizeRequest and returns an error if it isn't configured correctly.

func (*AuthorizeRequest) ToJson ¶

func (ar *AuthorizeRequest) ToJson() string

type AutocompleteArg ¶ added in v5.24.0

type AutocompleteArg struct {
	// Name of the argument
	Name string
	// Text displayed to the user to help with the autocomplete
	HelpText string
	// Type of the argument
	Type AutocompleteArgType
	// Required determines if argument is optional or not.
	Required bool
	// Actual data of the argument (depends on the Type)
	Data interface{}

AutocompleteArg describes an argument of the command. Arguments can be named or positional. If Name is empty string Argument is positional otherwise it is named argument. Named arguments are passed as --Name Argument_Value.

func (*AutocompleteArg) Equals ¶ added in v5.24.0

func (a *AutocompleteArg) Equals(arg *AutocompleteArg) bool

Equals method checks if argument is the same.

func (*AutocompleteArg) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v5.24.0

func (a *AutocompleteArg) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON will unmarshal argument

type AutocompleteArgType ¶ added in v5.24.0

type AutocompleteArgType string

AutocompleteArgType describes autocomplete argument type

const (
	AutocompleteArgTypeText        AutocompleteArgType = "TextInput"
	AutocompleteArgTypeStaticList  AutocompleteArgType = "StaticList"
	AutocompleteArgTypeDynamicList AutocompleteArgType = "DynamicList"

Argument types

type AutocompleteData ¶ added in v5.24.0

type AutocompleteData struct {
	// Trigger of the command
	Trigger string
	// Hint of a command
	Hint string
	// Text displayed to the user to help with the autocomplete description
	HelpText string
	// Role of the user who should be able to see the autocomplete info of this command
	RoleID string
	// Arguments of the command. Arguments can be named or positional.
	// If they are positional order in the list matters, if they are named order does not matter.
	// All arguments should be either named or positional, no mixing allowed.
	Arguments []*AutocompleteArg
	// Subcommands of the command
	SubCommands []*AutocompleteData

AutocompleteData describes slash command autocomplete information.

func AutocompleteDataFromJSON ¶ added in v5.24.0

func AutocompleteDataFromJSON(data []byte) (*AutocompleteData, error)

AutocompleteDataFromJSON decodes AutocompleteData struct from the json

func NewAutocompleteData ¶ added in v5.24.0

func NewAutocompleteData(trigger, hint, helpText string) *AutocompleteData

NewAutocompleteData returns new Autocomplete data.

func (*AutocompleteData) AddCommand ¶ added in v5.24.0

func (ad *AutocompleteData) AddCommand(command *AutocompleteData)

AddCommand adds a subcommand to the autocomplete data.

func (*AutocompleteData) AddDynamicListArgument ¶ added in v5.24.0

func (ad *AutocompleteData) AddDynamicListArgument(helpText, url string, required bool)

AddDynamicListArgument adds positional AutocompleteArgTypeDynamicList argument to the command.

func (*AutocompleteData) AddNamedDynamicListArgument ¶ added in v5.24.0

func (ad *AutocompleteData) AddNamedDynamicListArgument(name, helpText, url string, required bool)

AddNamedDynamicListArgument adds named AutocompleteArgTypeDynamicList argument to the command.

func (*AutocompleteData) AddNamedStaticListArgument ¶ added in v5.24.0

func (ad *AutocompleteData) AddNamedStaticListArgument(name, helpText string, required bool, items []AutocompleteListItem)

AddNamedStaticListArgument adds named AutocompleteArgTypeStaticList argument to the command.

func (*AutocompleteData) AddNamedTextArgument ¶ added in v5.24.0

func (ad *AutocompleteData) AddNamedTextArgument(name, helpText, hint, pattern string, required bool)

AddNamedTextArgument adds named AutocompleteArgTypeText argument to the command.

func (*AutocompleteData) AddStaticListArgument ¶ added in v5.24.0

func (ad *AutocompleteData) AddStaticListArgument(helpText string, required bool, items []AutocompleteListItem)

AddStaticListArgument adds positional AutocompleteArgTypeStaticList argument to the command.

func (*AutocompleteData) AddTextArgument ¶ added in v5.24.0

func (ad *AutocompleteData) AddTextArgument(helpText, hint, pattern string)

AddTextArgument adds positional AutocompleteArgTypeText argument to the command.

func (*AutocompleteData) Equals ¶ added in v5.24.0

func (ad *AutocompleteData) Equals(command *AutocompleteData) bool

Equals method checks if command is the same.

func (*AutocompleteData) IsValid ¶ added in v5.24.0

func (ad *AutocompleteData) IsValid() error

IsValid method checks if autocomplete data is valid.

func (*AutocompleteData) ToJSON ¶ added in v5.24.0

func (ad *AutocompleteData) ToJSON() ([]byte, error)

ToJSON encodes AutocompleteData struct to the json

func (*AutocompleteData) UpdateRelativeURLsForPluginCommands ¶ added in v5.24.0

func (ad *AutocompleteData) UpdateRelativeURLsForPluginCommands(baseURL *url.URL) error

UpdateRelativeURLsForPluginCommands method updates relative urls for plugin commands

type AutocompleteDynamicListArg ¶ added in v5.24.0

type AutocompleteDynamicListArg struct {
	FetchURL string

AutocompleteDynamicListArg is used when user wants to download possible argument list from the URL.

type AutocompleteListItem ¶ added in v5.24.0

type AutocompleteListItem struct {
	Item     string
	Hint     string
	HelpText string

AutocompleteListItem describes an item in the AutocompleteStaticListArg.

func AutocompleteStaticListItemsFromJSON ¶ added in v5.24.0

func AutocompleteStaticListItemsFromJSON(data io.Reader) []AutocompleteListItem

AutocompleteStaticListItemsFromJSON returns list of AutocompleteStaticListItem from json.

type AutocompleteStaticListArg ¶ added in v5.24.0

type AutocompleteStaticListArg struct {
	PossibleArguments []AutocompleteListItem

AutocompleteStaticListArg is used to input one of the arguments from the list, for example [yes, no], [on, off], and so on.

type AutocompleteSuggestion ¶ added in v5.24.0

type AutocompleteSuggestion struct {
	// Complete describes completed suggestion
	Complete string
	// Suggestion describes what user might want to input next
	Suggestion string
	// Hint describes a hint about the suggested input
	Hint string
	// Description of the command or a suggestion
	Description string
	// IconData is base64 encoded svg image
	IconData string

AutocompleteSuggestion describes a single suggestion item sent to the front-end Example: for user input `/jira cre` - Complete might be `/jira create` Suggestion might be `create`, Hint might be `[issue text]`, Description might be `Create a new Issue`

func AutocompleteSuggestionsFromJSON ¶ added in v5.24.0

func AutocompleteSuggestionsFromJSON(data io.Reader) []AutocompleteSuggestion

AutocompleteSuggestionsFromJSON returns list of AutocompleteSuggestions from json.

type AutocompleteTextArg ¶ added in v5.24.0

type AutocompleteTextArg struct {
	// Hint of the input text
	Hint string
	// Regex pattern to match
	Pattern string

AutocompleteTextArg describes text user can input as an argument.

type BaseMarketplacePlugin ¶

type BaseMarketplacePlugin struct {
	HomepageURL     string             `json:"homepage_url"`
	IconData        string             `json:"icon_data"`
	DownloadURL     string             `json:"download_url"`
	ReleaseNotesURL string             `json:"release_notes_url"`
	Labels          []MarketplaceLabel `json:"labels,omitempty"`
	Hosting         string             `json:"hosting"`       // Indicated if the plugin is limited to a certain hosting type
	AuthorType      string             `json:"author_type"`   // The maintainer of the plugin
	ReleaseStage    string             `json:"release_stage"` // The stage in the software release cycle that the plugin is in
	Enterprise      bool               `json:"enterprise"`    // Indicated if the plugin is an enterprise plugin
	Signature       string             `json:"signature"`     // Signature represents a signature of a plugin saved in base64 encoding.
	Manifest        *Manifest          `json:"manifest"`

BaseMarketplacePlugin is a Mattermost plugin received from the Marketplace server.

func BaseMarketplacePluginsFromReader ¶

func BaseMarketplacePluginsFromReader(reader io.Reader) ([]*BaseMarketplacePlugin, error)

BaseMarketplacePluginsFromReader decodes a json-encoded list of plugins from the given io.Reader.

func (*BaseMarketplacePlugin) DecodeSignature ¶

func (plugin *BaseMarketplacePlugin) DecodeSignature() (io.ReadSeeker, error)

DecodeSignature Decodes signature and returns ReadSeeker.

type BillingScheme ¶ added in v5.38.0

type BillingScheme string

type BleveSettings ¶ added in v5.24.0

type BleveSettings struct {
	IndexDir                      *string `access:"experimental_bleve"` // telemetry: none
	EnableIndexing                *bool   `access:"experimental_bleve"`
	EnableSearching               *bool   `access:"experimental_bleve"`
	EnableAutocomplete            *bool   `access:"experimental_bleve"`
	BulkIndexingTimeWindowSeconds *int    `access:"experimental_bleve"`

func (*BleveSettings) SetDefaults ¶ added in v5.24.0

func (bs *BleveSettings) SetDefaults()

type Bot ¶

type Bot struct {
	UserId         string `json:"user_id"`
	Username       string `json:"username"`
	DisplayName    string `json:"display_name,omitempty"`
	Description    string `json:"description,omitempty"`
	OwnerId        string `json:"owner_id"`
	LastIconUpdate int64  `json:"last_icon_update,omitempty"`
	CreateAt       int64  `json:"create_at"`
	UpdateAt       int64  `json:"update_at"`
	DeleteAt       int64  `json:"delete_at"`

Bot is a special type of User meant for programmatic interactions. Note that the primary key of a bot is the UserId, and matches the primary key of the corresponding user.

func BotFromJson ¶

func BotFromJson(data io.Reader) *Bot

BotFromJson deserializes a bot from json.

func BotFromUser ¶

func BotFromUser(u *User) *Bot

BotFromUser returns a bot model given a user model

func (*Bot) Clone ¶

func (b *Bot) Clone() *Bot

Clone returns a shallow copy of the bot.

func (*Bot) Etag ¶

func (b *Bot) Etag() string

Etag generates an etag for caching.

func (*Bot) IsValid ¶

func (b *Bot) IsValid() *AppError

IsValid validates the bot and returns an error if it isn't configured correctly.

func (*Bot) Patch ¶

func (b *Bot) Patch(patch *BotPatch)

Patch modifies an existing bot with optional fields from the given patch. TODO 6.0: consider returning a boolean to indicate whether or not the patch applied any changes.

func (*Bot) PreSave ¶

func (b *Bot) PreSave()

PreSave should be run before saving a new bot to the database.

func (*Bot) PreUpdate ¶

func (b *Bot) PreUpdate()

PreUpdate should be run before saving an updated bot to the database.

func (*Bot) ToJson ¶

func (b *Bot) ToJson() []byte

ToJson serializes the bot to json.

func (*Bot) Trace ¶

func (b *Bot) Trace() map[string]interface{}

Trace describes the minimum information required to identify a bot for the purpose of logging.

func (*Bot) WouldPatch ¶ added in v5.37.0

func (b *Bot) WouldPatch(patch *BotPatch) bool

WouldPatch returns whether or not the given patch would be applied or not.

type BotGetOptions ¶

type BotGetOptions struct {
	OwnerId        string
	IncludeDeleted bool
	OnlyOrphaned   bool
	Page           int
	PerPage        int

BotGetOptions acts as a filter on bulk bot fetching queries.

type BotList ¶

type BotList []*Bot

BotList is a list of bots.

func BotListFromJson ¶

func BotListFromJson(data io.Reader) BotList

BotListFromJson deserializes a list of bots from json.

func (*BotList) Etag ¶

func (l *BotList) Etag() string

Etag computes the etag for a list of bots.

func (*BotList) ToJson ¶

func (l *BotList) ToJson() []byte

ToJson serializes a list of bots to json.

type BotPatch ¶

type BotPatch struct {
	Username    *string `json:"username"`
	DisplayName *string `json:"display_name"`
	Description *string `json:"description"`

BotPatch is a description of what fields to update on an existing bot.

func BotPatchFromJson ¶

func BotPatchFromJson(data io.Reader) *BotPatch

BotPatchFromJson deserializes a bot patch from json.

func (*BotPatch) ToJson ¶

func (b *BotPatch) ToJson() []byte

ToJson serializes the bot patch to json.

type BundleInfo ¶

type BundleInfo struct {
	Path string

	Manifest      *Manifest
	ManifestPath  string
	ManifestError error

func BundleInfoForPath ¶

func BundleInfoForPath(path string) *BundleInfo

Returns bundle info for the given path. The return value is never nil.

func (*BundleInfo) WrapLogger ¶

func (b *BundleInfo) WrapLogger(logger *mlog.Logger) *mlog.Logger

type CWSWebhookPayload ¶ added in v5.31.0

type CWSWebhookPayload struct {
	Event                             string               `json:"event"`
	FailedPayment                     *FailedPayment       `json:"failed_payment"`
	CloudWorkspaceOwner               *CloudWorkspaceOwner `json:"cloud_workspace_owner"`
	SubscriptionTrialEndUnixTimeStamp int64                `json:"trial_end_time_stamp"`

type Channel ¶

type Channel struct {
	Id                string                 `json:"id"`
	CreateAt          int64                  `json:"create_at"`
	UpdateAt          int64                  `json:"update_at"`
	DeleteAt          int64                  `json:"delete_at"`
	TeamId            string                 `json:"team_id"`
	Type              string                 `json:"type"`
	DisplayName       string                 `json:"display_name"`
	Name              string                 `json:"name"`
	Header            string                 `json:"header"`
	Purpose           string                 `json:"purpose"`
	LastPostAt        int64                  `json:"last_post_at"`
	TotalMsgCount     int64                  `json:"total_msg_count"`
	ExtraUpdateAt     int64                  `json:"extra_update_at"`
	CreatorId         string                 `json:"creator_id"`
	SchemeId          *string                `json:"scheme_id"`
	Props             map[string]interface{} `json:"props" db:"-"`
	GroupConstrained  *bool                  `json:"group_constrained"`
	Shared            *bool                  `json:"shared"`
	TotalMsgCountRoot int64                  `json:"total_msg_count_root"`
	PolicyID          *string                `json:"policy_id" db:"-"`

func ChannelFromJson ¶

func ChannelFromJson(data io.Reader) *Channel

func ChannelSliceFromJson ¶

func ChannelSliceFromJson(data io.Reader) []*Channel

func (*Channel) AddProp ¶

func (o *Channel) AddProp(key string, value interface{})

func (*Channel) DeepCopy ¶

func (o *Channel) DeepCopy() *Channel

func (*Channel) Etag ¶

func (o *Channel) Etag() string

func (*Channel) GetOtherUserIdForDM ¶

func (o *Channel) GetOtherUserIdForDM(userId string) string

func (*Channel) IsGroupConstrained ¶

func (o *Channel) IsGroupConstrained() bool

func (*Channel) IsGroupOrDirect ¶

func (o *Channel) IsGroupOrDirect() bool

func (*Channel) IsOpen ¶ added in v5.22.0

func (o *Channel) IsOpen() bool

func (*Channel) IsShared ¶ added in v5.32.0

func (o *Channel) IsShared() bool

func (*Channel) IsValid ¶

func (o *Channel) IsValid() *AppError

func (*Channel) MakeNonNil ¶

func (o *Channel) MakeNonNil()

func (*Channel) Patch ¶

func (o *Channel) Patch(patch *ChannelPatch)

func (*Channel) PreSave ¶

func (o *Channel) PreSave()

func (*Channel) PreUpdate ¶

func (o *Channel) PreUpdate()

func (*Channel) ToJson ¶

func (o *Channel) ToJson() string

type ChannelCounts ¶

type ChannelCounts struct {
	Counts      map[string]int64 `json:"counts"`
	CountsRoot  map[string]int64 `json:"counts_root"`
	UpdateTimes map[string]int64 `json:"update_times"`

func ChannelCountsFromJson ¶

func ChannelCountsFromJson(data io.Reader) *ChannelCounts

func (*ChannelCounts) Etag ¶

func (o *ChannelCounts) Etag() string

func (*ChannelCounts) ToJson ¶

func (o *ChannelCounts) ToJson() string

type ChannelData ¶

type ChannelData struct {
	Channel *Channel       `json:"channel"`
	Member  *ChannelMember `json:"member"`

func ChannelDataFromJson ¶

func ChannelDataFromJson(data io.Reader) *ChannelData

func (*ChannelData) Etag ¶

func (o *ChannelData) Etag() string

func (*ChannelData) ToJson ¶

func (o *ChannelData) ToJson() string

type ChannelForExport ¶

type ChannelForExport struct {
	TeamName   string
	SchemeName *string

type ChannelList ¶

type ChannelList []*Channel

func ChannelListFromJson ¶

func ChannelListFromJson(data io.Reader) *ChannelList

func (*ChannelList) Etag ¶

func (o *ChannelList) Etag() string

func (*ChannelList) ToJson ¶

func (o *ChannelList) ToJson() string

type ChannelListWithTeamData ¶

type ChannelListWithTeamData []*ChannelWithTeamData

func ChannelListWithTeamDataFromJson ¶

func ChannelListWithTeamDataFromJson(data io.Reader) *ChannelListWithTeamData

func (*ChannelListWithTeamData) Etag ¶

func (o *ChannelListWithTeamData) Etag() string

func (*ChannelListWithTeamData) ToJson ¶

func (o *ChannelListWithTeamData) ToJson() string

type ChannelMember ¶

type ChannelMember struct {
	ChannelId        string    `json:"channel_id"`
	UserId           string    `json:"user_id"`
	Roles            string    `json:"roles"`
	LastViewedAt     int64     `json:"last_viewed_at"`
	MsgCount         int64     `json:"msg_count"`
	MentionCount     int64     `json:"mention_count"`
	MentionCountRoot int64     `json:"mention_count_root"`
	MsgCountRoot     int64     `json:"msg_count_root"`
	NotifyProps      StringMap `json:"notify_props"`
	LastUpdateAt     int64     `json:"last_update_at"`
	SchemeGuest      bool      `json:"scheme_guest"`
	SchemeUser       bool      `json:"scheme_user"`
	SchemeAdmin      bool      `json:"scheme_admin"`
	ExplicitRoles    string    `json:"explicit_roles"`

func ChannelMemberFromJson ¶

func ChannelMemberFromJson(data io.Reader) *ChannelMember

func (*ChannelMember) GetRoles ¶

func (o *ChannelMember) GetRoles() []string

func (*ChannelMember) IsChannelMuted ¶ added in v5.30.0

func (o *ChannelMember) IsChannelMuted() bool

func (*ChannelMember) IsValid ¶

func (o *ChannelMember) IsValid() *AppError

func (*ChannelMember) PreSave ¶

func (o *ChannelMember) PreSave()

func (*ChannelMember) PreUpdate ¶

func (o *ChannelMember) PreUpdate()

func (*ChannelMember) SetChannelMuted ¶ added in v5.30.0

func (o *ChannelMember) SetChannelMuted(muted bool)

func (*ChannelMember) ToJson ¶

func (o *ChannelMember) ToJson() string

type ChannelMemberCountByGroup ¶ added in v5.24.0

type ChannelMemberCountByGroup struct {
	GroupId                     string `db:"-" json:"group_id"`
	ChannelMemberCount          int64  `db:"-" json:"channel_member_count"`
	ChannelMemberTimezonesCount int64  `db:"-" json:"channel_member_timezones_count"`

func ChannelMemberCountsByGroupFromJson ¶ added in v5.24.0

func ChannelMemberCountsByGroupFromJson(data io.Reader) []*ChannelMemberCountByGroup

type ChannelMemberForExport ¶

type ChannelMemberForExport struct {
	ChannelName string
	Username    string

type ChannelMemberHistory ¶

type ChannelMemberHistory struct {
	ChannelId string
	UserId    string
	JoinTime  int64
	LeaveTime *int64

type ChannelMemberHistoryResult ¶

type ChannelMemberHistoryResult struct {
	ChannelId string
	UserId    string
	JoinTime  int64
	LeaveTime *int64

	// these two fields are never set in the database - when we SELECT, we join on Users to get them
	UserEmail    string `db:"Email"`
	Username     string
	IsBot        bool
	UserDeleteAt int64

type ChannelMembers ¶

type ChannelMembers []ChannelMember

func ChannelMembersFromJson ¶

func ChannelMembersFromJson(data io.Reader) *ChannelMembers

func (*ChannelMembers) ToJson ¶

func (o *ChannelMembers) ToJson() string

type ChannelMentionMap ¶ added in v5.22.0

type ChannelMentionMap map[string]string

func ChannelMentionMapFromURLValues ¶ added in v5.22.0

func ChannelMentionMapFromURLValues(values url.Values) (ChannelMentionMap, error)

func (ChannelMentionMap) ToURLValues ¶ added in v5.22.0

func (m ChannelMentionMap) ToURLValues() url.Values

type ChannelModeratedRole ¶ added in v5.22.0

type ChannelModeratedRole struct {
	Value   bool `json:"value"`
	Enabled bool `json:"enabled"`

type ChannelModeratedRoles ¶ added in v5.22.0

type ChannelModeratedRoles struct {
	Guests  *ChannelModeratedRole `json:"guests"`
	Members *ChannelModeratedRole `json:"members"`

type ChannelModeratedRolesPatch ¶ added in v5.22.0

type ChannelModeratedRolesPatch struct {
	Guests  *bool `json:"guests"`
	Members *bool `json:"members"`

type ChannelModeration ¶ added in v5.22.0

type ChannelModeration struct {
	Name  string                 `json:"name"`
	Roles *ChannelModeratedRoles `json:"roles"`

func ChannelModerationsFromJson ¶ added in v5.22.0

func ChannelModerationsFromJson(data io.Reader) []*ChannelModeration

type ChannelModerationPatch ¶ added in v5.22.0

type ChannelModerationPatch struct {
	Name  *string                     `json:"name"`
	Roles *ChannelModeratedRolesPatch `json:"roles"`

func ChannelModerationsPatchFromJson ¶ added in v5.22.0

func ChannelModerationsPatchFromJson(data io.Reader) []*ChannelModerationPatch

type ChannelOption ¶ added in v5.35.0

type ChannelOption func(channel *Channel)

func WithID ¶ added in v5.35.0

func WithID(ID string) ChannelOption

type ChannelPatch ¶

type ChannelPatch struct {
	DisplayName      *string `json:"display_name"`
	Name             *string `json:"name"`
	Header           *string `json:"header"`
	Purpose          *string `json:"purpose"`
	GroupConstrained *bool   `json:"group_constrained"`

func ChannelPatchFromJson ¶

func ChannelPatchFromJson(data io.Reader) *ChannelPatch

func (*ChannelPatch) ToJson ¶

func (o *ChannelPatch) ToJson() string

type ChannelSearch ¶

type ChannelSearch struct {
	Term                     string   `json:"term"`
	ExcludeDefaultChannels   bool     `json:"exclude_default_channels"`
	NotAssociatedToGroup     string   `json:"not_associated_to_group"`
	TeamIds                  []string `json:"team_ids"`
	GroupConstrained         bool     `json:"group_constrained"`
	ExcludeGroupConstrained  bool     `json:"exclude_group_constrained"`
	ExcludePolicyConstrained bool     `json:"exclude_policy_constrained"`
	Public                   bool     `json:"public"`
	Private                  bool     `json:"private"`
	IncludeDeleted           bool     `json:"include_deleted"`
	Deleted                  bool     `json:"deleted"`
	Page                     *int     `json:"page,omitempty"`
	PerPage                  *int     `json:"per_page,omitempty"`

func ChannelSearchFromJson ¶

func ChannelSearchFromJson(data io.Reader) *ChannelSearch

ChannelSearchFromJson will decode the input and return a Channel

func (*ChannelSearch) ToJson ¶

func (c *ChannelSearch) ToJson() string

ToJson convert a Channel to a json string

type ChannelSearchOpts ¶

type ChannelSearchOpts struct {
	NotAssociatedToGroup     string
	ExcludeDefaultChannels   bool
	IncludeDeleted           bool
	Deleted                  bool
	ExcludeChannelNames      []string
	TeamIds                  []string
	GroupConstrained         bool
	ExcludeGroupConstrained  bool
	PolicyID                 string
	ExcludePolicyConstrained bool
	IncludePolicyID          bool
	Public                   bool
	Private                  bool
	Page                     *int
	PerPage                  *int

ChannelSearchOpts contains options for searching channels.

NotAssociatedToGroup will exclude channels that have associated, active GroupChannels records. ExcludeDefaultChannels will exclude the configured default channels (ex 'town-square' and 'off-topic'). IncludeDeleted will include channel records where DeleteAt != 0. ExcludeChannelNames will exclude channels from the results by name. Paginate whether to paginate the results. Page page requested, if results are paginated. PerPage number of results per page, if paginated.

type ChannelStats ¶

type ChannelStats struct {
	ChannelId       string `json:"channel_id"`
	MemberCount     int64  `json:"member_count"`
	GuestCount      int64  `json:"guest_count"`
	PinnedPostCount int64  `json:"pinnedpost_count"`

func ChannelStatsFromJson ¶

func ChannelStatsFromJson(data io.Reader) *ChannelStats

func (*ChannelStats) ToJson ¶

func (o *ChannelStats) ToJson() string

type ChannelUnread ¶

type ChannelUnread struct {
	TeamId           string    `json:"team_id"`
	ChannelId        string    `json:"channel_id"`
	MsgCount         int64     `json:"msg_count"`
	MentionCount     int64     `json:"mention_count"`
	MentionCountRoot int64     `json:"mention_count_root"`
	MsgCountRoot     int64     `json:"msg_count_root"`
	NotifyProps      StringMap `json:"-"`

func ChannelUnreadFromJson ¶

func ChannelUnreadFromJson(data io.Reader) *ChannelUnread

func (*ChannelUnread) ToJson ¶

func (o *ChannelUnread) ToJson() string

type ChannelUnreadAt ¶

type ChannelUnreadAt struct {
	TeamId           string    `json:"team_id"`
	UserId           string    `json:"user_id"`
	ChannelId        string    `json:"channel_id"`
	MsgCount         int64     `json:"msg_count"`
	MentionCount     int64     `json:"mention_count"`
	MentionCountRoot int64     `json:"mention_count_root"`
	MsgCountRoot     int64     `json:"msg_count_root"`
	LastViewedAt     int64     `json:"last_viewed_at"`
	NotifyProps      StringMap `json:"-"`

func ChannelUnreadAtFromJson ¶

func ChannelUnreadAtFromJson(data io.Reader) *ChannelUnreadAt

func (*ChannelUnreadAt) ToJson ¶

func (o *ChannelUnreadAt) ToJson() string

type ChannelView ¶

type ChannelView struct {
	ChannelId                 string `json:"channel_id"`
	PrevChannelId             string `json:"prev_channel_id"`
	CollapsedThreadsSupported bool   `json:"collapsed_threads_supported"`

func ChannelViewFromJson ¶

func ChannelViewFromJson(data io.Reader) *ChannelView

func (*ChannelView) ToJson ¶

func (o *ChannelView) ToJson() string

type ChannelViewResponse ¶

type ChannelViewResponse struct {
	Status            string           `json:"status"`
	LastViewedAtTimes map[string]int64 `json:"last_viewed_at_times"`

func ChannelViewResponseFromJson ¶

func ChannelViewResponseFromJson(data io.Reader) *ChannelViewResponse

func (*ChannelViewResponse) ToJson ¶

func (o *ChannelViewResponse) ToJson() string

type ChannelWithTeamData ¶

type ChannelWithTeamData struct {
	TeamDisplayName string `json:"team_display_name"`
	TeamName        string `json:"team_name"`
	TeamUpdateAt    int64  `json:"team_update_at"`

type ChannelsWithCount ¶

type ChannelsWithCount struct {
	Channels   *ChannelListWithTeamData `json:"channels"`
	TotalCount int64                    `json:"total_count"`

func ChannelsWithCountFromJson ¶

func ChannelsWithCountFromJson(data io.Reader) *ChannelsWithCount

func (*ChannelsWithCount) ToJson ¶

func (o *ChannelsWithCount) ToJson() []byte

type Client4 ¶

type Client4 struct {
	Url        string       // The location of the server, for example  "http://localhost:8065"
	ApiUrl     string       // The api location of the server, for example "http://localhost:8065/api/v4"
	HttpClient *http.Client // The http client
	AuthToken  string
	AuthType   string
	HttpHeader map[string]string // Headers to be copied over for each request
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewAPIv4Client ¶

func NewAPIv4Client(url string) *Client4

func NewAPIv4SocketClient ¶ added in v5.28.0

func NewAPIv4SocketClient(socketPath string) *Client4

func (*Client4) AddChannelMember ¶

func (c *Client4) AddChannelMember(channelId, userId string) (*ChannelMember, *Response)

AddChannelMember adds user to channel and return a channel member.

func (*Client4) AddChannelMemberWithRootId ¶

func (c *Client4) AddChannelMemberWithRootId(channelId, userId, postRootId string) (*ChannelMember, *Response)

AddChannelMemberWithRootId adds user to channel and return a channel member. Post add to channel message has the postRootId.

func (*Client4) AddChannelsToRetentionPolicy ¶ added in v5.36.0

func (c *Client4) AddChannelsToRetentionPolicy(policyID string, channelIDs []string) *Response

AddChannelsToRetentionPolicy will add the specified channels to the granular data retention policy with the specified ID.

func (*Client4) AddTeamMember ¶

func (c *Client4) AddTeamMember(teamId, userId string) (*TeamMember, *Response)

AddTeamMember adds user to a team and return a team member.

func (*Client4) AddTeamMemberFromInvite ¶

func (c *Client4) AddTeamMemberFromInvite(token, inviteId string) (*TeamMember, *Response)

AddTeamMemberFromInvite adds a user to a team and return a team member using an invite id or an invite token/data pair.

func (*Client4) AddTeamMembers ¶

func (c *Client4) AddTeamMembers(teamId string, userIds []string) ([]*TeamMember, *Response)

AddTeamMembers adds a number of users to a team and returns the team members.

func (*Client4) AddTeamMembersGracefully ¶ added in v5.20.0

func (c *Client4) AddTeamMembersGracefully(teamId string, userIds []string) ([]*TeamMemberWithError, *Response)

AddTeamMembers adds a number of users to a team and returns the team members.

func (*Client4) AddTeamsToRetentionPolicy ¶ added in v5.36.0

func (c *Client4) AddTeamsToRetentionPolicy(policyID string, teamIDs []string) *Response

AddTeamsToRetentionPolicy will add the specified teams to the granular data retention policy with the specified ID.

func (*Client4) AssignBot ¶

func (c *Client4) AssignBot(botUserId, newOwnerId string) (*Bot, *Response)

AssignBot assigns the given bot to the given user

func (*Client4) AttachDeviceId ¶

func (c *Client4) AttachDeviceId(deviceId string) (bool, *Response)

AttachDeviceId attaches a mobile device ID to the current session.

func (*Client4) AuthorizeOAuthApp ¶

func (c *Client4) AuthorizeOAuthApp(authRequest *AuthorizeRequest) (string, *Response)

AuthorizeOAuthApp will authorize an OAuth 2.0 client application to access a user's account and provide a redirect link to follow.

func (*Client4) AutocompleteChannelsForTeam ¶

func (c *Client4) AutocompleteChannelsForTeam(teamId, name string) (*ChannelList, *Response)

AutocompleteChannelsForTeam will return an ordered list of channels autocomplete suggestions.

func (*Client4) AutocompleteChannelsForTeamForSearch ¶

func (c *Client4) AutocompleteChannelsForTeamForSearch(teamId, name string) (*ChannelList, *Response)

AutocompleteChannelsForTeamForSearch will return an ordered list of your channels autocomplete suggestions.

func (*Client4) AutocompleteEmoji ¶

func (c *Client4) AutocompleteEmoji(name string, etag string) ([]*Emoji, *Response)

AutocompleteEmoji returns a list of emoji starting with or matching name.

func (*Client4) AutocompleteUsers ¶

func (c *Client4) AutocompleteUsers(username string, limit int, etag string) (*UserAutocomplete, *Response)

AutocompleteUsers returns the users in the system based on search term.

func (*Client4) AutocompleteUsersInChannel ¶

func (c *Client4) AutocompleteUsersInChannel(teamId string, channelId string, username string, limit int, etag string) (*UserAutocomplete, *Response)

AutocompleteUsersInChannel returns the users in a channel based on search term.

func (*Client4) AutocompleteUsersInTeam ¶

func (c *Client4) AutocompleteUsersInTeam(teamId string, username string, limit int, etag string) (*UserAutocomplete, *Response)

AutocompleteUsersInTeam returns the users on a team based on search term.

func (*Client4) CancelJob ¶

func (c *Client4) CancelJob(jobId string) (bool, *Response)

CancelJob requests the cancellation of the job with the provided Id.

func (*Client4) ChannelMembersMinusGroupMembers ¶

func (c *Client4) ChannelMembersMinusGroupMembers(channelID string, groupIDs []string, page, perPage int, etag string) ([]*UserWithGroups, int64, *Response)

func (*Client4) CheckIntegrity ¶ added in v5.28.0

func (c *Client4) CheckIntegrity() ([]IntegrityCheckResult, *Response)

CheckIntegrity performs a database integrity check.

func (*Client4) CheckUserMfa ¶

func (c *Client4) CheckUserMfa(loginId string) (bool, *Response)

CheckUserMfa checks whether a user has MFA active on their account or not based on the provided login id. Deprecated: Clients should use Login method and check for MFA Error

func (*Client4) ClearOAuthToken ¶

func (c *Client4) ClearOAuthToken()

func (*Client4) ClearServerBusy ¶ added in v5.20.0

func (c *Client4) ClearServerBusy() (bool, *Response)

ClearServerBusy will mark the server as not busy.

func (*Client4) ConfirmCustomerPayment ¶ added in v5.30.0

func (c *Client4) ConfirmCustomerPayment(confirmRequest *ConfirmPaymentMethodRequest) *Response

func (*Client4) ConvertBotToUser ¶ added in v5.26.0

func (c *Client4) ConvertBotToUser(userId string, userPatch *UserPatch, setSystemAdmin bool) (*User, *Response)

ConvertBotToUser converts a bot user to a user.

func (*Client4) ConvertChannelToPrivate ¶

func (c *Client4) ConvertChannelToPrivate(channelId string) (*Channel, *Response)

ConvertChannelToPrivate converts public to private channel.

func (*Client4) ConvertUserToBot ¶ added in v5.26.0

func (c *Client4) ConvertUserToBot(userId string) (*Bot, *Response)

ConvertUserToBot converts a user to a bot user.

func (*Client4) CreateBot ¶

func (c *Client4) CreateBot(bot *Bot) (*Bot, *Response)

CreateBot creates a bot in the system based on the provided bot struct.

func (*Client4) CreateChannel ¶

func (c *Client4) CreateChannel(channel *Channel) (*Channel, *Response)

CreateChannel creates a channel based on the provided channel struct.

func (*Client4) CreateCommand ¶

func (c *Client4) CreateCommand(cmd *Command) (*Command, *Response)

CreateCommand will create a new command if the user have the right permissions.

func (*Client4) CreateComplianceReport ¶

func (c *Client4) CreateComplianceReport(report *Compliance) (*Compliance, *Response)

CreateComplianceReport creates an incoming webhook for a channel.

func (*Client4) CreateCustomerPayment ¶ added in v5.30.0

func (c *Client4) CreateCustomerPayment() (*StripeSetupIntent, *Response)

func (*Client4) CreateDataRetentionPolicy ¶ added in v5.36.0

CreateDataRetentionPolicy will create a new granular data retention policy which will be applied to the specified teams and channels. The Id field of `policy` must be empty.

func (*Client4) CreateDirectChannel ¶

func (c *Client4) CreateDirectChannel(userId1, userId2 string) (*Channel, *Response)

CreateDirectChannel creates a direct message channel based on the two user ids provided.

func (*Client4) CreateEmoji ¶

func (c *Client4) CreateEmoji(emoji *Emoji, image []byte, filename string) (*Emoji, *Response)

CreateEmoji will save an emoji to the server if the current user has permission to do so. If successful, the provided emoji will be returned with its Id field filled in. Otherwise, an error will be returned.

func (*Client4) CreateGroupChannel ¶

func (c *Client4) CreateGroupChannel(userIds []string) (*Channel, *Response)

CreateGroupChannel creates a group message channel based on userIds provided.

func (*Client4) CreateIncomingWebhook ¶

func (c *Client4) CreateIncomingWebhook(hook *IncomingWebhook) (*IncomingWebhook, *Response)

CreateIncomingWebhook creates an incoming webhook for a channel.

func (*Client4) CreateJob ¶

func (c *Client4) CreateJob(job *Job) (*Job, *Response)

CreateJob creates a job based on the provided job struct.

func (*Client4) CreateOAuthApp ¶

func (c *Client4) CreateOAuthApp(app *OAuthApp) (*OAuthApp, *Response)

CreateOAuthApp will register a new OAuth 2.0 client application with Mattermost acting as an OAuth 2.0 service provider.

func (*Client4) CreateOutgoingWebhook ¶

func (c *Client4) CreateOutgoingWebhook(hook *OutgoingWebhook) (*OutgoingWebhook, *Response)

CreateOutgoingWebhook creates an outgoing webhook for a team or channel.

func (*Client4) CreatePost ¶

func (c *Client4) CreatePost(post *Post) (*Post, *Response)

CreatePost creates a post based on the provided post struct.

func (*Client4) CreatePostEphemeral ¶

func (c *Client4) CreatePostEphemeral(post *PostEphemeral) (*Post, *Response)

CreatePostEphemeral creates a ephemeral post based on the provided post struct which is send to the given user id.

func (*Client4) CreateScheme ¶

func (c *Client4) CreateScheme(scheme *Scheme) (*Scheme, *Response)

CreateScheme creates a new Scheme.

func (*Client4) CreateSidebarCategoryForTeamForUser ¶ added in v5.26.0

func (c *Client4) CreateSidebarCategoryForTeamForUser(userID, teamID string, category *SidebarCategoryWithChannels) (*SidebarCategoryWithChannels, *Response)

func (*Client4) CreateTeam ¶

func (c *Client4) CreateTeam(team *Team) (*Team, *Response)

CreateTeam creates a team in the system based on the provided team struct.

func (*Client4) CreateTermsOfService ¶

func (c *Client4) CreateTermsOfService(text, userId string) (*TermsOfService, *Response)

CreateTermsOfService creates new terms of service.

func (*Client4) CreateUpload ¶ added in v5.28.0

func (c *Client4) CreateUpload(us *UploadSession) (*UploadSession, *Response)

CreateUpload creates a new upload session.

func (*Client4) CreateUser ¶

func (c *Client4) CreateUser(user *User) (*User, *Response)

CreateUser creates a user in the system based on the provided user struct.

func (*Client4) CreateUserAccessToken ¶

func (c *Client4) CreateUserAccessToken(userId, description string) (*UserAccessToken, *Response)

CreateUserAccessToken will generate a user access token that can be used in place of a session token to access the REST API. Must have the 'create_user_access_token' permission and if generating for another user, must have the 'edit_other_users' permission. A non-blank description is required.

func (*Client4) CreateUserWithInviteId ¶

func (c *Client4) CreateUserWithInviteId(user *User, inviteId string) (*User, *Response)

CreateUserWithInviteId creates a user in the system based on the provided invited id.

func (*Client4) CreateUserWithToken ¶

func (c *Client4) CreateUserWithToken(user *User, tokenId string) (*User, *Response)

CreateUserWithToken creates a user in the system based on the provided tokenId.

func (*Client4) DatabaseRecycle ¶

func (c *Client4) DatabaseRecycle() (bool, *Response)

DatabaseRecycle will recycle the connections. Discard current connection and get new one.

func (*Client4) DeauthorizeOAuthApp ¶

func (c *Client4) DeauthorizeOAuthApp(appId string) (bool, *Response)

DeauthorizeOAuthApp will deauthorize an OAuth 2.0 client application from accessing a user's account.

func (*Client4) DeleteBotIconImage ¶

func (c *Client4) DeleteBotIconImage(botUserId string) (bool, *Response)

DeleteBotIconImage deletes LHS bot icon image. Must be logged in.

func (*Client4) DeleteBrandImage ¶

func (c *Client4) DeleteBrandImage() *Response

DeleteBrandImage deletes the brand image for the system.

func (*Client4) DeleteChannel ¶

func (c *Client4) DeleteChannel(channelId string) (bool, *Response)

DeleteChannel deletes channel based on the provided channel id string.

func (*Client4) DeleteCommand ¶

func (c *Client4) DeleteCommand(commandId string) (bool, *Response)

DeleteCommand deletes a command based on the provided command id string.

func (*Client4) DeleteDataRetentionPolicy ¶ added in v5.36.0

func (c *Client4) DeleteDataRetentionPolicy(policyID string) *Response

DeleteDataRetentionPolicy will delete the granular data retention policy with the specified ID.

func (*Client4) DeleteEmoji ¶

func (c *Client4) DeleteEmoji(emojiId string) (bool, *Response)

DeleteEmoji delete an custom emoji on the provided emoji id string.

func (*Client4) DeleteExport ¶ added in v5.33.0

func (c *Client4) DeleteExport(name string) (bool, *Response)

func (*Client4) DeleteIncomingWebhook ¶

func (c *Client4) DeleteIncomingWebhook(hookID string) (bool, *Response)

DeleteIncomingWebhook deletes and Incoming Webhook given the hook ID.

func (*Client4) DeleteLdapPrivateCertificate ¶ added in v5.28.0

func (c *Client4) DeleteLdapPrivateCertificate() (bool, *Response)

DeleteLDAPPrivateCertificate deletes the LDAP IDP certificate from the server and updates the config to not use it and disable LDAP.

func (*Client4) DeleteLdapPublicCertificate ¶ added in v5.28.0

func (c *Client4) DeleteLdapPublicCertificate() (bool, *Response)

DeleteLdapPublicCertificate deletes the LDAP IDP certificate from the server and updates the config to not use it and disable LDAP.

func (*Client4) DeleteOAuthApp ¶

func (c *Client4) DeleteOAuthApp(appId string) (bool, *Response)

DeleteOAuthApp deletes a registered OAuth 2.0 client application.

func (*Client4) DeleteOutgoingWebhook ¶

func (c *Client4) DeleteOutgoingWebhook(hookId string) (bool, *Response)

DeleteOutgoingWebhook delete the outgoing webhook on the system requested by Hook Id.

func (*Client4) DeletePost ¶

func (c *Client4) DeletePost(postId string) (bool, *Response)

DeletePost deletes a post from the provided post id string.

func (*Client4) DeletePreferences ¶

func (c *Client4) DeletePreferences(userId string, preferences *Preferences) (bool, *Response)

DeletePreferences deletes the user's preferences.

func (*Client4) DeleteReaction ¶

func (c *Client4) DeleteReaction(reaction *Reaction) (bool, *Response)

DeleteReaction deletes reaction of a user in a post.

func (*Client4) DeleteSamlIdpCertificate ¶

func (c *Client4) DeleteSamlIdpCertificate() (bool, *Response)

DeleteSamlIdpCertificate deletes the SAML IDP certificate from the server and updates the config to not use it and disable SAML.

func (*Client4) DeleteSamlPrivateCertificate ¶

func (c *Client4) DeleteSamlPrivateCertificate() (bool, *Response)

DeleteSamlPrivateCertificate deletes the SAML IDP certificate from the server and updates the config to not use it and disable SAML.

func (*Client4) DeleteSamlPublicCertificate ¶

func (c *Client4) DeleteSamlPublicCertificate() (bool, *Response)

DeleteSamlPublicCertificate deletes the SAML IDP certificate from the server and updates the config to not use it and disable SAML.

func (*Client4) DeleteScheme ¶

func (c *Client4) DeleteScheme(id string) (bool, *Response)

DeleteScheme deletes a single scheme by ID.

func (*Client4) DeleteUser ¶

func (c *Client4) DeleteUser(userId string) (bool, *Response)

DeleteUser deactivates a user in the system based on the provided user id string.

func (*Client4) DemoteUserToGuest ¶

func (c *Client4) DemoteUserToGuest(guestId string) (bool, *Response)

DemoteUserToGuest convert a regular user into a guest

func (*Client4) DisableBot ¶

func (c *Client4) DisableBot(botUserId string) (*Bot, *Response)

DisableBot disables the given bot in the system.

func (*Client4) DisablePlugin ¶

func (c *Client4) DisablePlugin(id string) (bool, *Response)


func (*Client4) DisableUserAccessToken ¶

func (c *Client4) DisableUserAccessToken(tokenId string) (bool, *Response)

DisableUserAccessToken will disable a user access token by id. Must have the 'revoke_user_access_token' permission and if disabling for another user, must have the 'edit_other_users' permission.

func (*Client4) DoApiDelete ¶

func (c *Client4) DoApiDelete(url string) (*http.Response, *AppError)

func (*Client4) DoApiGet ¶

func (c *Client4) DoApiGet(url string, etag string) (*http.Response, *AppError)

func (*Client4) DoApiPost ¶

func (c *Client4) DoApiPost(url string, data string) (*http.Response, *AppError)

func (*Client4) DoApiPut ¶

func (c *Client4) DoApiPut(url string, data string) (*http.Response, *AppError)

func (*Client4) DoApiRequest ¶

func (c *Client4) DoApiRequest(method, url, data, etag string) (*http.Response, *AppError)

func (*Client4) DoApiRequestWithHeaders ¶ added in v5.33.0

func (c *Client4) DoApiRequestWithHeaders(method, url, data string, headers map[string]string) (*http.Response, *AppError)

func (*Client4) DoEmojiUploadFile ¶

func (c *Client4) DoEmojiUploadFile(url string, data []byte, contentType string) (*Emoji, *Response)

func (*Client4) DoPostAction ¶

func (c *Client4) DoPostAction(postId, actionId string) (bool, *Response)

DoPostAction performs a post action.

func (*Client4) DoPostActionWithCookie ¶

func (c *Client4) DoPostActionWithCookie(postId, actionId, selected, cookieStr string) (bool, *Response)

DoPostActionWithCookie performs a post action with extra arguments

func (*Client4) DoUploadFile ¶

func (c *Client4) DoUploadFile(url string, data []byte, contentType string) (*FileUploadResponse, *Response)

func (*Client4) DoUploadImportTeam ¶

func (c *Client4) DoUploadImportTeam(url string, data []byte, contentType string) (map[string]string, *Response)

func (*Client4) DownloadComplianceReport ¶

func (c *Client4) DownloadComplianceReport(reportId string) ([]byte, *Response)

DownloadComplianceReport returns a full compliance report as a file.

func (*Client4) DownloadExport ¶ added in v5.33.0

func (c *Client4) DownloadExport(name string, wr io.Writer, offset int64) (int64, *Response)

func (*Client4) DownloadFile ¶

func (c *Client4) DownloadFile(fileId string, download bool) ([]byte, *Response)

DownloadFile gets the bytes for a file by id, optionally adding headers to force the browser to download it.

func (*Client4) DownloadFilePreview ¶

func (c *Client4) DownloadFilePreview(fileId string, download bool) ([]byte, *Response)

DownloadFilePreview gets the bytes for a file by id.

func (*Client4) DownloadFileThumbnail ¶

func (c *Client4) DownloadFileThumbnail(fileId string, download bool) ([]byte, *Response)

DownloadFileThumbnail gets the bytes for a file by id, optionally adding headers to force the browser to download it.

func (*Client4) DownloadJob ¶ added in v5.28.0

func (c *Client4) DownloadJob(jobId string) ([]byte, *Response)

DownloadJob downloads the results of the job

func (*Client4) EnableBot ¶

func (c *Client4) EnableBot(botUserId string) (*Bot, *Response)

EnableBot disables the given bot in the system.

func (*Client4) EnablePlugin ¶

func (c *Client4) EnablePlugin(id string) (bool, *Response)


func (*Client4) EnableUserAccessToken ¶

func (c *Client4) EnableUserAccessToken(tokenId string) (bool, *Response)

EnableUserAccessToken will enable a user access token by id. Must have the 'create_user_access_token' permission and if enabling for another user, must have the 'edit_other_users' permission.

func (*Client4) ExecuteCommand ¶

func (c *Client4) ExecuteCommand(channelId, command string) (*CommandResponse, *Response)

ExecuteCommand executes a given slash command.

func (*Client4) ExecuteCommandWithTeam ¶

func (c *Client4) ExecuteCommandWithTeam(channelId, teamId, command string) (*CommandResponse, *Response)

ExecuteCommandWithTeam executes a given slash command against the specified team. Use this when executing slash commands in a DM/GM, since the team id cannot be inferred in that case.

func (*Client4) GenerateMfaSecret ¶

func (c *Client4) GenerateMfaSecret(userId string) (*MfaSecret, *Response)

GenerateMfaSecret will generate a new MFA secret for a user and return it as a string and as a base64 encoded image QR code.

func (*Client4) GenerateSupportPacket ¶ added in v5.33.0

func (c *Client4) GenerateSupportPacket() ([]byte, *Response)

GenerateSupportPacket downloads the generated support packet

func (*Client4) GetActiveUsersInTeam ¶ added in v5.25.0

func (c *Client4) GetActiveUsersInTeam(teamId string, page int, perPage int, etag string) ([]*User, *Response)

GetActiveUsersInTeam returns a page of users on a team. Page counting starts at 0.

func (*Client4) GetAllChannels ¶

func (c *Client4) GetAllChannels(page int, perPage int, etag string) (*ChannelListWithTeamData, *Response)

GetAllChannels get all the channels. Must be a system administrator.

func (*Client4) GetAllChannelsExcludePolicyConstrained ¶ added in v5.36.0

func (c *Client4) GetAllChannelsExcludePolicyConstrained(page, perPage int, etag string) (*ChannelListWithTeamData, *Response)

GetAllChannelsExcludePolicyConstrained gets all channels which are not part of a data retention policy. Must be a system administrator.

func (*Client4) GetAllChannelsIncludeDeleted ¶ added in v5.26.0

func (c *Client4) GetAllChannelsIncludeDeleted(page int, perPage int, etag string) (*ChannelListWithTeamData, *Response)

GetAllChannelsIncludeDeleted get all the channels. Must be a system administrator.

func (*Client4) GetAllChannelsWithCount ¶

func (c *Client4) GetAllChannelsWithCount(page int, perPage int, etag string) (*ChannelListWithTeamData, int64, *Response)

GetAllChannelsWithCount get all the channels including the total count. Must be a system administrator.

func (*Client4) GetAllSharedChannels ¶ added in v5.35.0

func (c *Client4) GetAllSharedChannels(teamID string, page, perPage int) ([]*SharedChannel, *Response)

func (*Client4) GetAllTeams ¶

func (c *Client4) GetAllTeams(etag string, page int, perPage int) ([]*Team, *Response)

GetAllTeams returns all teams based on permissions.

func (*Client4) GetAllTeamsExcludePolicyConstrained ¶ added in v5.36.0

func (c *Client4) GetAllTeamsExcludePolicyConstrained(etag string, page int, perPage int) ([]*Team, *Response)

GetAllTeamsExcludePolicyConstrained returns all teams which are not part of a data retention policy. Must be a system administrator.

func (*Client4) GetAllTeamsWithTotalCount ¶

func (c *Client4) GetAllTeamsWithTotalCount(etag string, page int, perPage int) ([]*Team, int64, *Response)

GetAllTeamsWithTotalCount returns all teams based on permissions.

func (*Client4) GetAnalyticsOld ¶

func (c *Client4) GetAnalyticsOld(name, teamId string) (AnalyticsRows, *Response)

GetAnalyticsOld will retrieve analytics using the old format. New format is not available but the "/analytics" endpoint is reserved for it. The "name" argument is optional and defaults to "standard". The "teamId" argument is optional and will limit results to a specific team.

func (*Client4) GetAnalyticsRoute ¶

func (c *Client4) GetAnalyticsRoute() string

func (*Client4) GetAncillaryPermissions ¶ added in v5.35.0

func (c *Client4) GetAncillaryPermissions(subsectionPermissions []string) ([]string, *Response)

func (*Client4) GetAudits ¶

func (c *Client4) GetAudits(page int, perPage int, etag string) (Audits, *Response)

GetAudits returns a list of audits for the whole system.

func (*Client4) GetAuthorizedOAuthAppsForUser ¶

func (c *Client4) GetAuthorizedOAuthAppsForUser(userId string, page, perPage int) ([]*OAuthApp, *Response)

GetAuthorizedOAuthAppsForUser gets a page of OAuth 2.0 client applications the user has authorized to use access their account.

func (*Client4) GetBleveRoute ¶ added in v5.24.0

func (c *Client4) GetBleveRoute() string

func (*Client4) GetBot ¶

func (c *Client4) GetBot(userId string, etag string) (*Bot, *Response)

GetBot fetches the given, undeleted bot.

func (*Client4) GetBotIconImage ¶

func (c *Client4) GetBotIconImage(botUserId string) ([]byte, *Response)

GetBotIconImage gets LHS bot icon image. Must be logged in.

func (*Client4) GetBotIncludeDeleted ¶

func (c *Client4) GetBotIncludeDeleted(userId string, etag string) (*Bot, *Response)

GetBot fetches the given bot, even if it is deleted.

func (*Client4) GetBotRoute ¶

func (c *Client4) GetBotRoute(botUserId string) string

func (*Client4) GetBots ¶

func (c *Client4) GetBots(page, perPage int, etag string) ([]*Bot, *Response)

GetBots fetches the given page of bots, excluding deleted.

func (*Client4) GetBotsIncludeDeleted ¶

func (c *Client4) GetBotsIncludeDeleted(page, perPage int, etag string) ([]*Bot, *Response)

GetBotsIncludeDeleted fetches the given page of bots, including deleted.

func (*Client4) GetBotsOrphaned ¶

func (c *Client4) GetBotsOrphaned(page, perPage int, etag string) ([]*Bot, *Response)

GetBotsOrphaned fetches the given page of bots, only including orphanded bots.

func (*Client4) GetBotsRoute ¶

func (c *Client4) GetBotsRoute() string

func (*Client4) GetBrandImage ¶

func (c *Client4) GetBrandImage() ([]byte, *Response)

GetBrandImage retrieves the previously uploaded brand image.

func (*Client4) GetBrandRoute ¶

func (c *Client4) GetBrandRoute() string

func (*Client4) GetBulkReactions ¶

func (c *Client4) GetBulkReactions(postIds []string) (map[string][]*Reaction, *Response)

FetchBulkReactions returns a map of postIds and corresponding reactions

func (*Client4) GetCacheRoute ¶

func (c *Client4) GetCacheRoute() string

func (*Client4) GetChannel ¶

func (c *Client4) GetChannel(channelId, etag string) (*Channel, *Response)

GetChannel returns a channel based on the provided channel id string.

func (*Client4) GetChannelByName ¶

func (c *Client4) GetChannelByName(channelName, teamId string, etag string) (*Channel, *Response)

GetChannelByName returns a channel based on the provided channel name and team id strings.

func (*Client4) GetChannelByNameForTeamName ¶

func (c *Client4) GetChannelByNameForTeamName(channelName, teamName string, etag string) (*Channel, *Response)

GetChannelByNameForTeamName returns a channel based on the provided channel name and team name strings.

func (*Client4) GetChannelByNameForTeamNameIncludeDeleted ¶

func (c *Client4) GetChannelByNameForTeamNameIncludeDeleted(channelName, teamName string, etag string) (*Channel, *Response)

GetChannelByNameForTeamNameIncludeDeleted returns a channel based on the provided channel name and team name strings. Other then GetChannelByNameForTeamName it will also return deleted channels.

func (*Client4) GetChannelByNameForTeamNameRoute ¶

func (c *Client4) GetChannelByNameForTeamNameRoute(channelName, teamName string) string

func (*Client4) GetChannelByNameIncludeDeleted ¶

func (c *Client4) GetChannelByNameIncludeDeleted(channelName, teamId string, etag string) (*Channel, *Response)

GetChannelByNameIncludeDeleted returns a channel based on the provided channel name and team id strings. Other then GetChannelByName it will also return deleted channels.

func (*Client4) GetChannelByNameRoute ¶

func (c *Client4) GetChannelByNameRoute(channelName, teamId string) string

func (*Client4) GetChannelMember ¶

func (c *Client4) GetChannelMember(channelId, userId, etag string) (*ChannelMember, *Response)

GetChannelMember gets a channel member.

func (*Client4) GetChannelMemberCountsByGroup ¶ added in v5.24.0

func (c *Client4) GetChannelMemberCountsByGroup(channelID string, includeTimezones bool, etag string) ([]*ChannelMemberCountByGroup, *Response)

func (*Client4) GetChannelMemberRoute ¶

func (c *Client4) GetChannelMemberRoute(channelId, userId string) string

func (*Client4) GetChannelMembers ¶

func (c *Client4) GetChannelMembers(channelId string, page, perPage int, etag string) (*ChannelMembers, *Response)

GetChannelMembers gets a page of channel members.

func (*Client4) GetChannelMembersByIds ¶

func (c *Client4) GetChannelMembersByIds(channelId string, userIds []string) (*ChannelMembers, *Response)

GetChannelMembersByIds gets the channel members in a channel for a list of user ids.

func (*Client4) GetChannelMembersForUser ¶

func (c *Client4) GetChannelMembersForUser(userId, teamId, etag string) (*ChannelMembers, *Response)

GetChannelMembersForUser gets all the channel members for a user on a team.

func (*Client4) GetChannelMembersRoute ¶

func (c *Client4) GetChannelMembersRoute(channelId string) string

func (*Client4) GetChannelMembersTimezones ¶

func (c *Client4) GetChannelMembersTimezones(channelId string) ([]string, *Response)

GetChannelMembersTimezones gets a list of timezones for a channel.

func (*Client4) GetChannelModerations ¶ added in v5.22.0

func (c *Client4) GetChannelModerations(channelID string, etag string) ([]*ChannelModeration, *Response)

func (*Client4) GetChannelPoliciesForUser ¶ added in v5.36.0

func (c *Client4) GetChannelPoliciesForUser(userID string, offset, limit int) (*RetentionPolicyForChannelList, *Response)

GetChannelPoliciesForUser will get the data retention policies for the channels to which a user belongs.

func (*Client4) GetChannelRoute ¶

func (c *Client4) GetChannelRoute(channelId string) string

func (*Client4) GetChannelSchemeRoute ¶

func (c *Client4) GetChannelSchemeRoute(channelId string) string

func (*Client4) GetChannelStats ¶

func (c *Client4) GetChannelStats(channelId string, etag string) (*ChannelStats, *Response)

GetChannelStats returns statistics for a channel.

func (*Client4) GetChannelUnread ¶

func (c *Client4) GetChannelUnread(channelId, userId string) (*ChannelUnread, *Response)

GetChannelUnread will return a ChannelUnread object that contains the number of unread messages and mentions for a user.

func (*Client4) GetChannelsForRetentionPolicy ¶ added in v5.36.0

func (c *Client4) GetChannelsForRetentionPolicy(policyID string, page, perPage int) (*ChannelsWithCount, *Response)

GetChannelsForRetentionPolicy will get the channels to which the specified policy is currently applied.

func (*Client4) GetChannelsForScheme ¶

func (c *Client4) GetChannelsForScheme(schemeId string, page int, perPage int) (ChannelList, *Response)

GetChannelsForScheme gets the channels using this scheme, sorted alphabetically by display name.

func (*Client4) GetChannelsForTeamAndUserWithLastDeleteAt ¶ added in v5.28.0

func (c *Client4) GetChannelsForTeamAndUserWithLastDeleteAt(teamId, userId string, includeDeleted bool, lastDeleteAt int, etag string) ([]*Channel, *Response)

GetChannelsForTeamAndUserWithLastDeleteAt returns a list channels of a team for a user, additionally filtered with lastDeleteAt. This does not have any effect if includeDeleted is set to false.

func (*Client4) GetChannelsForTeamForUser ¶

func (c *Client4) GetChannelsForTeamForUser(teamId, userId string, includeDeleted bool, etag string) ([]*Channel, *Response)

GetChannelsForTeamForUser returns a list channels of on a team for a user.

func (*Client4) GetChannelsForTeamForUserRoute ¶ added in v5.21.0

func (c *Client4) GetChannelsForTeamForUserRoute(teamId, userId string, includeDeleted bool) string

func (*Client4) GetChannelsForTeamRoute ¶

func (c *Client4) GetChannelsForTeamRoute(teamId string) string

func (*Client4) GetChannelsRoute ¶

func (c *Client4) GetChannelsRoute() string

func (*Client4) GetCloudCustomer ¶ added in v5.30.0

func (c *Client4) GetCloudCustomer() (*CloudCustomer, *Response)

func (*Client4) GetCloudProducts ¶ added in v5.30.0

func (c *Client4) GetCloudProducts() ([]*Product, *Response)

func (*Client4) GetCloudRoute ¶ added in v5.30.0

func (c *Client4) GetCloudRoute() string

func (*Client4) GetClusterRoute ¶

func (c *Client4) GetClusterRoute() string

func (*Client4) GetClusterStatus ¶

func (c *Client4) GetClusterStatus() ([]*ClusterInfo, *Response)

GetClusterStatus returns the status of all the configured cluster nodes.

func (*Client4) GetCommandById ¶ added in v5.22.0

func (c *Client4) GetCommandById(cmdId string) (*Command, *Response)

GetCommandById will retrieve a command by id.

func (*Client4) GetCommandMoveRoute ¶ added in v5.22.0

func (c *Client4) GetCommandMoveRoute(commandId string) string

func (*Client4) GetCommandRoute ¶

func (c *Client4) GetCommandRoute(commandId string) string

func (*Client4) GetCommandsRoute ¶

func (c *Client4) GetCommandsRoute() string

func (*Client4) GetComplianceReport ¶

func (c *Client4) GetComplianceReport(reportId string) (*Compliance, *Response)

GetComplianceReport returns a compliance report.

func (*Client4) GetComplianceReportDownloadRoute ¶ added in v5.33.0

func (c *Client4) GetComplianceReportDownloadRoute(reportId string) string

func (*Client4) GetComplianceReportRoute ¶

func (c *Client4) GetComplianceReportRoute(reportId string) string

func (*Client4) GetComplianceReports ¶

func (c *Client4) GetComplianceReports(page, perPage int) (Compliances, *Response)

GetComplianceReports returns list of compliance reports.

func (*Client4) GetComplianceReportsRoute ¶

func (c *Client4) GetComplianceReportsRoute() string

func (*Client4) GetConfig ¶

func (c *Client4) GetConfig() (*Config, *Response)

GetConfig will retrieve the server config with some sanitized items.

func (*Client4) GetConfigRoute ¶

func (c *Client4) GetConfigRoute() string

func (*Client4) GetDataRetentionPolicies ¶ added in v5.36.0

func (c *Client4) GetDataRetentionPolicies(page, perPage int) (*RetentionPolicyWithTeamAndChannelCountsList, *Response)

GetDataRetentionPolicies will get the current granular data retention policies' details.

func (*Client4) GetDataRetentionPoliciesCount ¶ added in v5.36.0

func (c *Client4) GetDataRetentionPoliciesCount() (int64, *Response)

GetDataRetentionPoliciesCount will get the total number of granular data retention policies.

func (*Client4) GetDataRetentionPolicy ¶

func (c *Client4) GetDataRetentionPolicy() (*GlobalRetentionPolicy, *Response)

GetDataRetentionPolicy will get the current global data retention policy details.

func (*Client4) GetDataRetentionPolicyByID ¶ added in v5.36.0

func (c *Client4) GetDataRetentionPolicyByID(policyID string) (*RetentionPolicyWithTeamAndChannelCounts, *Response)

GetDataRetentionPolicyByID will get the details for the granular data retention policy with the specified ID.

func (*Client4) GetDataRetentionPolicyRoute ¶ added in v5.36.0

func (c *Client4) GetDataRetentionPolicyRoute(policyID string) string

func (*Client4) GetDataRetentionRoute ¶

func (c *Client4) GetDataRetentionRoute() string

func (*Client4) GetDatabaseRoute ¶

func (c *Client4) GetDatabaseRoute() string

func (*Client4) GetDefaultProfileImage ¶

func (c *Client4) GetDefaultProfileImage(userId string) ([]byte, *Response)

GetDefaultProfileImage gets the default user's profile image. Must be logged in.

func (*Client4) GetDeletedChannelsForTeam ¶

func (c *Client4) GetDeletedChannelsForTeam(teamId string, page int, perPage int, etag string) ([]*Channel, *Response)

GetDeletedChannelsForTeam returns a list of public channels based on the provided team id string.

func (*Client4) GetElasticsearchRoute ¶

func (c *Client4) GetElasticsearchRoute() string

func (*Client4) GetEmoji ¶

func (c *Client4) GetEmoji(emojiId string) (*Emoji, *Response)

GetEmoji returns a custom emoji based on the emojiId string.

func (*Client4) GetEmojiByName ¶

func (c *Client4) GetEmojiByName(name string) (*Emoji, *Response)

GetEmojiByName returns a custom emoji based on the name string.

func (*Client4) GetEmojiByNameRoute ¶

func (c *Client4) GetEmojiByNameRoute(name string) string

func (*Client4) GetEmojiImage ¶

func (c *Client4) GetEmojiImage(emojiId string) ([]byte, *Response)

GetEmojiImage returns the emoji image.

func (*Client4) GetEmojiList ¶

func (c *Client4) GetEmojiList(page, perPage int) ([]*Emoji, *Response)

GetEmojiList returns a page of custom emoji on the system.

func (*Client4) GetEmojiRoute ¶

func (c *Client4) GetEmojiRoute(emojiId string) string

func (*Client4) GetEmojisRoute ¶

func (c *Client4) GetEmojisRoute() string

func (*Client4) GetEnvironmentConfig ¶

func (c *Client4) GetEnvironmentConfig() (map[string]interface{}, *Response)

GetEnvironmentConfig will retrieve a map mirroring the server configuration where fields are set to true if the corresponding config setting is set through an environment variable. Settings that haven't been set through environment variables will be missing from the map.

func (*Client4) GetExportRoute ¶ added in v5.33.0

func (c *Client4) GetExportRoute(name string) string

func (*Client4) GetExportsRoute ¶ added in v5.33.0

func (c *Client4) GetExportsRoute() string

func (*Client4) GetFile ¶

func (c *Client4) GetFile(fileId string) ([]byte, *Response)

GetFile gets the bytes for a file by id.

func (*Client4) GetFileInfo ¶

func (c *Client4) GetFileInfo(fileId string) (*FileInfo, *Response)

GetFileInfo gets all the file info objects.

func (*Client4) GetFileInfosForPost ¶

func (c *Client4) GetFileInfosForPost(postId string, etag string) ([]*FileInfo, *Response)

GetFileInfosForPost gets all the file info objects attached to a post.

func (c *Client4) GetFileLink(fileId string) (string, *Response)

GetFileLink gets the public link of a file by id.

func (*Client4) GetFilePreview ¶

func (c *Client4) GetFilePreview(fileId string) ([]byte, *Response)

GetFilePreview gets the bytes for a file by id.

func (*Client4) GetFileRoute ¶

func (c *Client4) GetFileRoute(fileId string) string

func (*Client4) GetFileThumbnail ¶

func (c *Client4) GetFileThumbnail(fileId string) ([]byte, *Response)

GetFileThumbnail gets the bytes for a file by id.

func (*Client4) GetFilesRoute ¶

func (c *Client4) GetFilesRoute() string

func (*Client4) GetFlaggedPostsForUser ¶

func (c *Client4) GetFlaggedPostsForUser(userId string, page int, perPage int) (*PostList, *Response)

GetFlaggedPostsForUser returns flagged posts of a user based on user id string.

func (*Client4) GetFlaggedPostsForUserInChannel ¶

func (c *Client4) GetFlaggedPostsForUserInChannel(userId string, channelId string, page int, perPage int) (*PostList, *Response)

GetFlaggedPostsForUserInChannel returns flagged posts in channel of a user based on user id string.

func (*Client4) GetFlaggedPostsForUserInTeam ¶

func (c *Client4) GetFlaggedPostsForUserInTeam(userId string, teamId string, page int, perPage int) (*PostList, *Response)

GetFlaggedPostsForUserInTeam returns flagged posts in team of a user based on user id string.

func (*Client4) GetGroup ¶

func (c *Client4) GetGroup(groupID, etag string) (*Group, *Response)

func (*Client4) GetGroupRoute ¶

func (c *Client4) GetGroupRoute(groupID string) string

func (*Client4) GetGroupStats ¶ added in v5.26.0

func (c *Client4) GetGroupStats(groupID string) (*GroupStats, *Response)

GetGroupStats retrieves stats for a Mattermost Group

func (*Client4) GetGroupSyncable ¶

func (c *Client4) GetGroupSyncable(groupID, syncableID string, syncableType GroupSyncableType, etag string) (*GroupSyncable, *Response)

func (*Client4) GetGroupSyncableRoute ¶

func (c *Client4) GetGroupSyncableRoute(groupID, syncableID string, syncableType GroupSyncableType) string

func (*Client4) GetGroupSyncables ¶

func (c *Client4) GetGroupSyncables(groupID string, syncableType GroupSyncableType, etag string) ([]*GroupSyncable, *Response)

func (*Client4) GetGroupSyncablesRoute ¶

func (c *Client4) GetGroupSyncablesRoute(groupID string, syncableType GroupSyncableType) string

func (*Client4) GetGroups ¶

func (c *Client4) GetGroups(opts GroupSearchOpts) ([]*Group, *Response)

GetGroups retrieves Mattermost Groups

func (*Client4) GetGroupsAssociatedToChannelsByTeam ¶ added in v5.24.0

func (c *Client4) GetGroupsAssociatedToChannelsByTeam(teamId string, opts GroupSearchOpts) (map[string][]*GroupWithSchemeAdmin, *Response)

GetGroupsAssociatedToChannelsByTeam retrieves the Mattermost Groups associated with channels in a given team

func (*Client4) GetGroupsByChannel ¶

func (c *Client4) GetGroupsByChannel(channelId string, opts GroupSearchOpts) ([]*GroupWithSchemeAdmin, int, *Response)

GetGroupsByChannel retrieves the Mattermost Groups associated with a given channel

func (*Client4) GetGroupsByTeam ¶

func (c *Client4) GetGroupsByTeam(teamId string, opts GroupSearchOpts) ([]*GroupWithSchemeAdmin, int, *Response)

GetGroupsByTeam retrieves the Mattermost Groups associated with a given team

func (*Client4) GetGroupsByUserId ¶ added in v5.24.0

func (c *Client4) GetGroupsByUserId(userId string) ([]*Group, *Response)

GetGroupsByUserId retrieves Mattermost Groups for a user

func (*Client4) GetGroupsRoute ¶

func (c *Client4) GetGroupsRoute() string

func (*Client4) GetImportsRoute ¶ added in v5.32.0

func (c *Client4) GetImportsRoute() string

func (*Client4) GetIncomingWebhook ¶

func (c *Client4) GetIncomingWebhook(hookID string, etag string) (*IncomingWebhook, *Response)

GetIncomingWebhook returns an Incoming webhook given the hook ID.

func (*Client4) GetIncomingWebhookRoute ¶

func (c *Client4) GetIncomingWebhookRoute(hookID string) string

func (*Client4) GetIncomingWebhooks ¶

func (c *Client4) GetIncomingWebhooks(page int, perPage int, etag string) ([]*IncomingWebhook, *Response)

GetIncomingWebhooks returns a page of incoming webhooks on the system. Page counting starts at 0.

func (*Client4) GetIncomingWebhooksForTeam ¶

func (c *Client4) GetIncomingWebhooksForTeam(teamId string, page int, perPage int, etag string) ([]*IncomingWebhook, *Response)

GetIncomingWebhooksForTeam returns a page of incoming webhooks for a team. Page counting starts at 0.

func (*Client4) GetIncomingWebhooksRoute ¶

func (c *Client4) GetIncomingWebhooksRoute() string

func (*Client4) GetInvoicesForSubscription ¶ added in v5.30.0

func (c *Client4) GetInvoicesForSubscription() ([]*Invoice, *Response)

func (*Client4) GetJob ¶

func (c *Client4) GetJob(id string) (*Job, *Response)

GetJob gets a single job.

func (*Client4) GetJobs ¶

func (c *Client4) GetJobs(page int, perPage int) ([]*Job, *Response)

GetJobs gets all jobs, sorted with the job that was created most recently first.

func (*Client4) GetJobsByType ¶

func (c *Client4) GetJobsByType(jobType string, page int, perPage int) ([]*Job, *Response)

GetJobsByType gets all jobs of a given type, sorted with the job that was created most recently first.

func (*Client4) GetJobsRoute ¶

func (c *Client4) GetJobsRoute() string

func (*Client4) GetKnownUsers ¶ added in v5.23.0

func (c *Client4) GetKnownUsers() ([]string, *Response)

func (*Client4) GetLdapGroups ¶

func (c *Client4) GetLdapGroups() ([]*Group, *Response)

GetLdapGroups retrieves the immediate child groups of the given parent group.

func (*Client4) GetLdapRoute ¶

func (c *Client4) GetLdapRoute() string

func (*Client4) GetLicenseRoute ¶

func (c *Client4) GetLicenseRoute() string

func (*Client4) GetLogs ¶

func (c *Client4) GetLogs(page, perPage int) ([]string, *Response)

GetLogs page of logs as a string array.

func (*Client4) GetMarketplacePlugins ¶

func (c *Client4) GetMarketplacePlugins(filter *MarketplacePluginFilter) ([]*MarketplacePlugin, *Response)

GetMarketplacePlugins will return a list of plugins that an admin can install. WARNING: PLUGINS ARE STILL EXPERIMENTAL. THIS FUNCTION IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE.

func (*Client4) GetMe ¶

func (c *Client4) GetMe(etag string) (*User, *Response)

GetMe returns the logged in user.

func (*Client4) GetNewUsersInTeam ¶

func (c *Client4) GetNewUsersInTeam(teamId string, page int, perPage int, etag string) ([]*User, *Response)

GetNewUsersInTeam returns a page of users on a team. Page counting starts at 0.

func (*Client4) GetNotices ¶ added in v5.28.0

func (c *Client4) GetNotices(lastViewed int64, teamId string, client NoticeClientType, clientVersion, locale, etag string) (NoticeMessages, *Response)

func (*Client4) GetOAuthAccessToken ¶

func (c *Client4) GetOAuthAccessToken(data url.Values) (*AccessResponse, *Response)

GetOAuthAccessToken is a test helper function for the OAuth access token endpoint.

func (*Client4) GetOAuthApp ¶

func (c *Client4) GetOAuthApp(appId string) (*OAuthApp, *Response)

GetOAuthApp gets a registered OAuth 2.0 client application with Mattermost acting as an OAuth 2.0 service provider.

func (*Client4) GetOAuthAppInfo ¶

func (c *Client4) GetOAuthAppInfo(appId string) (*OAuthApp, *Response)

GetOAuthAppInfo gets a sanitized version of a registered OAuth 2.0 client application with Mattermost acting as an OAuth 2.0 service provider.

func (*Client4) GetOAuthAppRoute ¶

func (c *Client4) GetOAuthAppRoute(appId string) string

func (*Client4) GetOAuthApps ¶

func (c *Client4) GetOAuthApps(page, perPage int) ([]*OAuthApp, *Response)

GetOAuthApps gets a page of registered OAuth 2.0 client applications with Mattermost acting as an OAuth 2.0 service provider.

func (*Client4) GetOAuthAppsRoute ¶

func (c *Client4) GetOAuthAppsRoute() string

func (*Client4) GetOldClientConfig ¶

func (c *Client4) GetOldClientConfig(etag string) (map[string]string, *Response)

GetOldClientConfig will retrieve the parts of the server configuration needed by the client, formatted in the old format.

func (*Client4) GetOldClientLicense ¶

func (c *Client4) GetOldClientLicense(etag string) (map[string]string, *Response)

GetOldClientLicense will retrieve the parts of the server license needed by the client, formatted in the old format.

func (*Client4) GetOpenGraphRoute ¶

func (c *Client4) GetOpenGraphRoute() string

func (*Client4) GetOutgoingWebhook ¶

func (c *Client4) GetOutgoingWebhook(hookId string) (*OutgoingWebhook, *Response)

GetOutgoingWebhook outgoing webhooks on the system requested by Hook Id.

func (*Client4) GetOutgoingWebhookRoute ¶

func (c *Client4) GetOutgoingWebhookRoute(hookID string) string

func (*Client4) GetOutgoingWebhooks ¶

func (c *Client4) GetOutgoingWebhooks(page int, perPage int, etag string) ([]*OutgoingWebhook, *Response)

GetOutgoingWebhooks returns a page of outgoing webhooks on the system. Page counting starts at 0.

func (*Client4) GetOutgoingWebhooksForChannel ¶

func (c *Client4) GetOutgoingWebhooksForChannel(channelId string, page int, perPage int, etag string) ([]*OutgoingWebhook, *Response)

GetOutgoingWebhooksForChannel returns a page of outgoing webhooks for a channel. Page counting starts at 0.

func (*Client4) GetOutgoingWebhooksForTeam ¶

func (c *Client4) GetOutgoingWebhooksForTeam(teamId string, page int, perPage int, etag string) ([]*OutgoingWebhook, *Response)

GetOutgoingWebhooksForTeam returns a page of outgoing webhooks for a team. Page counting starts at 0.

func (*Client4) GetOutgoingWebhooksRoute ¶

func (c *Client4) GetOutgoingWebhooksRoute() string

func (*Client4) GetPermissionsRoute ¶ added in v5.35.0

func (c *Client4) GetPermissionsRoute() string

func (*Client4) GetPing ¶

func (c *Client4) GetPing() (string, *Response)

GetPing will return ok if the running goRoutines are below the threshold and unhealthy for above.

func (*Client4) GetPingWithFullServerStatus ¶ added in v5.30.0

func (c *Client4) GetPingWithFullServerStatus() (map[string]string, *Response)

GetPingWithFullServerStatus will return the full status if several basic server health checks all pass successfully.

func (*Client4) GetPingWithServerStatus ¶

func (c *Client4) GetPingWithServerStatus() (string, *Response)

GetPingWithServerStatus will return ok if several basic server health checks all pass successfully.

func (*Client4) GetPinnedPosts ¶

func (c *Client4) GetPinnedPosts(channelId string, etag string) (*PostList, *Response)

GetPinnedPosts gets a list of pinned posts.

func (*Client4) GetPluginRoute ¶

func (c *Client4) GetPluginRoute(pluginId string) string

func (*Client4) GetPluginStatuses ¶

func (c *Client4) GetPluginStatuses() (PluginStatuses, *Response)

GetPluginStatuses will return the plugins installed on any server in the cluster, for reporting to the administrator via the system console. WARNING: PLUGINS ARE STILL EXPERIMENTAL. THIS FUNCTION IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE.

func (*Client4) GetPlugins ¶

func (c *Client4) GetPlugins() (*PluginsResponse, *Response)

GetPlugins will return a list of plugin manifests for currently active plugins. WARNING: PLUGINS ARE STILL EXPERIMENTAL. THIS FUNCTION IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE.

func (*Client4) GetPluginsRoute ¶

func (c *Client4) GetPluginsRoute() string

func (*Client4) GetPost ¶

func (c *Client4) GetPost(postId string, etag string) (*Post, *Response)

GetPost gets a single post.

func (*Client4) GetPostRoute ¶

func (c *Client4) GetPostRoute(postId string) string

func (*Client4) GetPostThread ¶

func (c *Client4) GetPostThread(postId string, etag string, collapsedThreads bool) (*PostList, *Response)

GetPostThread gets a post with all the other posts in the same thread.

func (*Client4) GetPostsAfter ¶

func (c *Client4) GetPostsAfter(channelId, postId string, page, perPage int, etag string, collapsedThreads bool) (*PostList, *Response)

GetPostsAfter gets a page of posts that were posted after the post provided.

func (*Client4) GetPostsAroundLastUnread ¶

func (c *Client4) GetPostsAroundLastUnread(userId, channelId string, limitBefore, limitAfter int, collapsedThreads bool) (*PostList, *Response)

GetPostsAroundLastUnread gets a list of posts around last unread post by a user in a channel.

func (*Client4) GetPostsBefore ¶

func (c *Client4) GetPostsBefore(channelId, postId string, page, perPage int, etag string, collapsedThreads bool) (*PostList, *Response)

GetPostsBefore gets a page of posts that were posted before the post provided.

func (*Client4) GetPostsEphemeralRoute ¶

func (c *Client4) GetPostsEphemeralRoute() string

func (*Client4) GetPostsForChannel ¶

func (c *Client4) GetPostsForChannel(channelId string, page, perPage int, etag string, collapsedThreads bool) (*PostList, *Response)

GetPostsForChannel gets a page of posts with an array for ordering for a channel.

func (*Client4) GetPostsRoute ¶

func (c *Client4) GetPostsRoute() string

func (*Client4) GetPostsSince ¶

func (c *Client4) GetPostsSince(channelId string, time int64, collapsedThreads bool) (*PostList, *Response)

GetPostsSince gets posts created after a specified time as Unix time in milliseconds.

func (*Client4) GetPreferenceByCategoryAndName ¶

func (c *Client4) GetPreferenceByCategoryAndName(userId string, category string, preferenceName string) (*Preference, *Response)

GetPreferenceByCategoryAndName returns the user's preferences from the provided category and preference name string.

func (*Client4) GetPreferences ¶

func (c *Client4) GetPreferences(userId string) (Preferences, *Response)

GetPreferences returns the user's preferences.

func (*Client4) GetPreferencesByCategory ¶

func (c *Client4) GetPreferencesByCategory(userId string, category string) (Preferences, *Response)

GetPreferencesByCategory returns the user's preferences from the provided category string.

func (*Client4) GetPreferencesRoute ¶

func (c *Client4) GetPreferencesRoute(userId string) string

func (*Client4) GetPrivateChannelsForTeam ¶ added in v5.26.0

func (c *Client4) GetPrivateChannelsForTeam(teamId string, page int, perPage int, etag string) ([]*Channel, *Response)

GetPrivateChannelsForTeam returns a list of private channels based on the provided team id string.

func (*Client4) GetProfileImage ¶

func (c *Client4) GetProfileImage(userId, etag string) ([]byte, *Response)

GetProfileImage gets user's profile image. Must be logged in.

func (*Client4) GetPublicChannelsByIdsForTeam ¶

func (c *Client4) GetPublicChannelsByIdsForTeam(teamId string, channelIds []string) ([]*Channel, *Response)

GetPublicChannelsByIdsForTeam returns a list of public channels based on provided team id string.

func (*Client4) GetPublicChannelsForTeam ¶

func (c *Client4) GetPublicChannelsForTeam(teamId string, page int, perPage int, etag string) ([]*Channel, *Response)

GetPublicChannelsForTeam returns a list of public channels based on the provided team id string.

func (*Client4) GetPublishUserTypingRoute ¶ added in v5.26.0

func (c *Client4) GetPublishUserTypingRoute(userId string) string

func (*Client4) GetReactions ¶

func (c *Client4) GetReactions(postId string) ([]*Reaction, *Response)

GetReactions returns a list of reactions to a post.

func (*Client4) GetReactionsRoute ¶

func (c *Client4) GetReactionsRoute() string

func (*Client4) GetRecentlyActiveUsersInTeam ¶

func (c *Client4) GetRecentlyActiveUsersInTeam(teamId string, page int, perPage int, etag string) ([]*User, *Response)

GetRecentlyActiveUsersInTeam returns a page of users on a team. Page counting starts at 0.

func (*Client4) GetRedirectLocation ¶

func (c *Client4) GetRedirectLocation(urlParam, etag string) (string, *Response)

GetRedirectLocation retrieves the value of the 'Location' header of an HTTP response for a given URL.

func (*Client4) GetRedirectLocationRoute ¶

func (c *Client4) GetRedirectLocationRoute() string

func (*Client4) GetRemoteClusterInfo ¶ added in v5.35.0

func (c *Client4) GetRemoteClusterInfo(remoteID string) (RemoteClusterInfo, *Response)

func (*Client4) GetRemoteClusterRoute ¶ added in v5.35.0

func (c *Client4) GetRemoteClusterRoute() string

func (*Client4) GetRole ¶

func (c *Client4) GetRole(id string) (*Role, *Response)

GetRole gets a single role by ID.

func (*Client4) GetRoleByName ¶

func (c *Client4) GetRoleByName(name string) (*Role, *Response)

GetRoleByName gets a single role by Name.

func (*Client4) GetRolesByNames ¶

func (c *Client4) GetRolesByNames(roleNames []string) ([]*Role, *Response)

GetRolesByNames returns a list of roles based on the provided role names.

func (*Client4) GetRolesRoute ¶

func (c *Client4) GetRolesRoute() string

func (*Client4) GetSamlCertificateStatus ¶

func (c *Client4) GetSamlCertificateStatus() (*SamlCertificateStatus, *Response)

GetSamlCertificateStatus returns metadata for the SAML configuration.

func (*Client4) GetSamlMetadata ¶

func (c *Client4) GetSamlMetadata() (string, *Response)

GetSamlMetadata returns metadata for the SAML configuration.

func (*Client4) GetSamlMetadataFromIdp ¶ added in v5.20.0

func (c *Client4) GetSamlMetadataFromIdp(samlMetadataURL string) (*SamlMetadataResponse, *Response)

func (*Client4) GetSamlRoute ¶

func (c *Client4) GetSamlRoute() string

func (*Client4) GetScheme ¶

func (c *Client4) GetScheme(id string) (*Scheme, *Response)

GetScheme gets a single scheme by ID.

func (*Client4) GetSchemeRoute ¶

func (c *Client4) GetSchemeRoute(id string) string

func (*Client4) GetSchemes ¶

func (c *Client4) GetSchemes(scope string, page int, perPage int) ([]*Scheme, *Response)

GetSchemes gets all schemes, sorted with the most recently created first, optionally filtered by scope.

func (*Client4) GetSchemesRoute ¶

func (c *Client4) GetSchemesRoute() string

func (*Client4) GetServerBusy ¶ added in v5.22.0

func (c *Client4) GetServerBusy() (*ServerBusyState, *Response)

GetServerBusy returns the current ServerBusyState including the time when a server marked busy will automatically have the flag cleared.

func (*Client4) GetServerBusyExpires deprecated added in v5.20.0

func (c *Client4) GetServerBusyExpires() (*time.Time, *Response)

GetServerBusyExpires returns the time when a server marked busy will automatically have the flag cleared.

Deprecated: Use GetServerBusy instead.

func (*Client4) GetServerBusyRoute ¶ added in v5.20.0

func (c *Client4) GetServerBusyRoute() string

func (*Client4) GetSessions ¶

func (c *Client4) GetSessions(userId, etag string) ([]*Session, *Response)

GetSessions returns a list of sessions based on the provided user id string.

func (*Client4) GetSharedChannelsRoute ¶ added in v5.35.0

func (c *Client4) GetSharedChannelsRoute() string

func (*Client4) GetSidebarCategoriesForTeamForUser ¶ added in v5.26.0

func (c *Client4) GetSidebarCategoriesForTeamForUser(userID, teamID, etag string) (*OrderedSidebarCategories, *Response)

func (*Client4) GetSidebarCategoryForTeamForUser ¶ added in v5.26.0

func (c *Client4) GetSidebarCategoryForTeamForUser(userID, teamID, categoryID, etag string) (*SidebarCategoryWithChannels, *Response)

func (*Client4) GetSidebarCategoryOrderForTeamForUser ¶ added in v5.26.0

func (c *Client4) GetSidebarCategoryOrderForTeamForUser(userID, teamID, etag string) ([]string, *Response)

func (*Client4) GetSortedEmojiList ¶

func (c *Client4) GetSortedEmojiList(page, perPage int, sort string) ([]*Emoji, *Response)

GetSortedEmojiList returns a page of custom emoji on the system sorted based on the sort parameter, blank for no sorting and "name" to sort by emoji names.

func (*Client4) GetSubscription ¶ added in v5.30.0

func (c *Client4) GetSubscription() (*Subscription, *Response)

func (*Client4) GetSubscriptionStats ¶ added in v5.33.0

func (c *Client4) GetSubscriptionStats() (*SubscriptionStats, *Response)

func (*Client4) GetSupportedTimezone ¶

func (c *Client4) GetSupportedTimezone() ([]string, *Response)

GetSupportedTimezone returns a page of supported timezones on the system.

func (*Client4) GetSystemRoute ¶

func (c *Client4) GetSystemRoute() string

func (*Client4) GetTeam ¶

func (c *Client4) GetTeam(teamId, etag string) (*Team, *Response)

GetTeam returns a team based on the provided team id string.

func (*Client4) GetTeamAutoCompleteCommandsRoute ¶

func (c *Client4) GetTeamAutoCompleteCommandsRoute(teamId string) string

func (*Client4) GetTeamByName ¶

func (c *Client4) GetTeamByName(name, etag string) (*Team, *Response)

GetTeamByName returns a team based on the provided team name string.

func (*Client4) GetTeamByNameRoute ¶

func (c *Client4) GetTeamByNameRoute(teamName string) string

func (*Client4) GetTeamIcon ¶

func (c *Client4) GetTeamIcon(teamId, etag string) ([]byte, *Response)

GetTeamIcon gets the team icon of the team.

func (*Client4) GetTeamImportRoute ¶

func (c *Client4) GetTeamImportRoute(teamId string) string

func (*Client4) GetTeamInviteInfo ¶

func (c *Client4) GetTeamInviteInfo(inviteId string) (*Team, *Response)

GetTeamInviteInfo returns a team object from an invite id containing sanitized information.

func (*Client4) GetTeamMember ¶

func (c *Client4) GetTeamMember(teamId, userId, etag string) (*TeamMember, *Response)

GetTeamMember returns a team member based on the provided team and user id strings.

func (*Client4) GetTeamMemberRoute ¶

func (c *Client4) GetTeamMemberRoute(teamId, userId string) string

func (*Client4) GetTeamMembers ¶

func (c *Client4) GetTeamMembers(teamId string, page int, perPage int, etag string) ([]*TeamMember, *Response)

GetTeamMembers returns team members based on the provided team id string.

func (*Client4) GetTeamMembersByIds ¶

func (c *Client4) GetTeamMembersByIds(teamId string, userIds []string) ([]*TeamMember, *Response)

GetTeamMembersByIds will return an array of team members based on the team id and a list of user ids provided. Must be authenticated.

func (*Client4) GetTeamMembersForUser ¶

func (c *Client4) GetTeamMembersForUser(userId string, etag string) ([]*TeamMember, *Response)

GetTeamMembersForUser returns the team members for a user.

func (*Client4) GetTeamMembersRoute ¶

func (c *Client4) GetTeamMembersRoute(teamId string) string

func (*Client4) GetTeamMembersSortAndWithoutDeletedUsers ¶ added in v5.24.0

func (c *Client4) GetTeamMembersSortAndWithoutDeletedUsers(teamId string, page int, perPage int, sort string, exclude_deleted_users bool, etag string) ([]*TeamMember, *Response)

GetTeamMembersWithoutDeletedUsers returns team members based on the provided team id string. Additional parameters of sort and exclude_deleted_users accepted as well Could not add it to above function due to it be a breaking change.

func (*Client4) GetTeamPoliciesForUser ¶ added in v5.36.0

func (c *Client4) GetTeamPoliciesForUser(userID string, offset, limit int) (*RetentionPolicyForTeamList, *Response)

GetTeamPoliciesForUser will get the data retention policies for the teams to which a user belongs.

func (*Client4) GetTeamRoute ¶

func (c *Client4) GetTeamRoute(teamId string) string

func (*Client4) GetTeamSchemeRoute ¶

func (c *Client4) GetTeamSchemeRoute(teamId string) string

func (*Client4) GetTeamStats ¶

func (c *Client4) GetTeamStats(teamId, etag string) (*TeamStats, *Response)

GetTeamStats returns a team stats based on the team id string. Must be authenticated.

func (*Client4) GetTeamStatsRoute ¶

func (c *Client4) GetTeamStatsRoute(teamId string) string

func (*Client4) GetTeamUnread ¶

func (c *Client4) GetTeamUnread(teamId, userId string) (*TeamUnread, *Response)

GetTeamUnread will return a TeamUnread object that contains the amount of unread messages and mentions the user has for the specified team. Must be authenticated.

func (*Client4) GetTeamsForRetentionPolicy ¶ added in v5.36.0

func (c *Client4) GetTeamsForRetentionPolicy(policyID string, page, perPage int) (*TeamsWithCount, *Response)

GetTeamsForRetentionPolicy will get the teams to which the specified policy is currently applied.

func (*Client4) GetTeamsForScheme ¶

func (c *Client4) GetTeamsForScheme(schemeId string, page int, perPage int) ([]*Team, *Response)

GetTeamsForScheme gets the teams using this scheme, sorted alphabetically by display name.

func (*Client4) GetTeamsForUser ¶

func (c *Client4) GetTeamsForUser(userId, etag string) ([]*Team, *Response)

GetTeamsForUser returns a list of teams a user is on. Must be logged in as the user or be a system administrator.

func (*Client4) GetTeamsRoute ¶

func (c *Client4) GetTeamsRoute() string

func (*Client4) GetTeamsUnreadForUser ¶

func (c *Client4) GetTeamsUnreadForUser(userId, teamIdToExclude string, includeCollapsedThreads bool) ([]*TeamUnread, *Response)

GetTeamsUnreadForUser will return an array with TeamUnread objects that contain the amount of unread messages and mentions the current user has for the teams it belongs to. An optional team ID can be set to exclude that team from the results. An optional boolean can be set to include collapsed thread unreads. Must be authenticated.

func (*Client4) GetTermsOfService ¶

func (c *Client4) GetTermsOfService(etag string) (*TermsOfService, *Response)

GetTermsOfService fetches the latest terms of service

func (*Client4) GetTermsOfServiceRoute ¶

func (c *Client4) GetTermsOfServiceRoute() string

func (*Client4) GetTestEmailRoute ¶

func (c *Client4) GetTestEmailRoute() string

func (*Client4) GetTestS3Route ¶

func (c *Client4) GetTestS3Route() string

func (*Client4) GetTestSiteURLRoute ¶

func (c *Client4) GetTestSiteURLRoute() string

func (*Client4) GetTimezonesRoute ¶

func (c *Client4) GetTimezonesRoute() string

func (*Client4) GetTotalUsersStats ¶

func (c *Client4) GetTotalUsersStats(etag string) (*UsersStats, *Response)

GetTotalUsersStats returns a total system user stats. Must be authenticated.

func (*Client4) GetTotalUsersStatsRoute ¶

func (c *Client4) GetTotalUsersStatsRoute() string

func (*Client4) GetUpload ¶ added in v5.28.0

func (c *Client4) GetUpload(uploadId string) (*UploadSession, *Response)

GetUpload returns the upload session for the specified uploadId.

func (*Client4) GetUploadRoute ¶ added in v5.28.0

func (c *Client4) GetUploadRoute(uploadId string) string

func (*Client4) GetUploadsForUser ¶ added in v5.28.0

func (c *Client4) GetUploadsForUser(userId string) ([]*UploadSession, *Response)

GetUploadsForUser returns the upload sessions created by the specified userId.

func (*Client4) GetUploadsRoute ¶ added in v5.28.0

func (c *Client4) GetUploadsRoute() string

func (*Client4) GetUser ¶

func (c *Client4) GetUser(userId, etag string) (*User, *Response)

GetUser returns a user based on the provided user id string.

func (*Client4) GetUserAccessToken ¶

func (c *Client4) GetUserAccessToken(tokenId string) (*UserAccessToken, *Response)

GetUserAccessToken will get a user access tokens' id, description, is_active and the user_id of the user it is for. The actual token will not be returned. Must have the 'read_user_access_token' permission and if getting for another user, must have the 'edit_other_users' permission.

func (*Client4) GetUserAccessTokenRoute ¶

func (c *Client4) GetUserAccessTokenRoute(tokenId string) string

func (*Client4) GetUserAccessTokens ¶

func (c *Client4) GetUserAccessTokens(page int, perPage int) ([]*UserAccessToken, *Response)

GetUserAccessTokens will get a page of access tokens' id, description, is_active and the user_id in the system. The actual token will not be returned. Must have the 'manage_system' permission.

func (*Client4) GetUserAccessTokensForUser ¶

func (c *Client4) GetUserAccessTokensForUser(userId string, page, perPage int) ([]*UserAccessToken, *Response)

GetUserAccessTokensForUser will get a paged list of user access tokens showing id, description and user_id for each. The actual tokens will not be returned. Must have the 'read_user_access_token' permission and if getting for another user, must have the 'edit_other_users' permission.

func (*Client4) GetUserAccessTokensRoute ¶

func (c *Client4) GetUserAccessTokensRoute() string

func (*Client4) GetUserAudits ¶

func (c *Client4) GetUserAudits(userId string, page int, perPage int, etag string) (Audits, *Response)

GetUserAudits returns a list of audit based on the provided user id string.

func (*Client4) GetUserByEmail ¶

func (c *Client4) GetUserByEmail(email, etag string) (*User, *Response)

GetUserByEmail returns a user based on the provided user email string.

func (*Client4) GetUserByEmailRoute ¶

func (c *Client4) GetUserByEmailRoute(email string) string

func (*Client4) GetUserByUsername ¶

func (c *Client4) GetUserByUsername(userName, etag string) (*User, *Response)

GetUserByUsername returns a user based on the provided user name string.

func (*Client4) GetUserByUsernameRoute ¶

func (c *Client4) GetUserByUsernameRoute(userName string) string

func (*Client4) GetUserCategoryRoute ¶ added in v5.26.0

func (c *Client4) GetUserCategoryRoute(userID, teamID string) string

func (*Client4) GetUserRoute ¶

func (c *Client4) GetUserRoute(userId string) string

func (*Client4) GetUserStatus ¶

func (c *Client4) GetUserStatus(userId, etag string) (*Status, *Response)

GetUserStatus returns a user based on the provided user id string.

func (*Client4) GetUserStatusRoute ¶

func (c *Client4) GetUserStatusRoute(userId string) string

func (*Client4) GetUserStatusesRoute ¶

func (c *Client4) GetUserStatusesRoute() string

func (*Client4) GetUserTermsOfService ¶

func (c *Client4) GetUserTermsOfService(userId, etag string) (*UserTermsOfService, *Response)

GetUserTermsOfService fetches user's latest terms of service action if the latest action was for acceptance.

func (*Client4) GetUserTermsOfServiceRoute ¶

func (c *Client4) GetUserTermsOfServiceRoute(userId string) string

func (*Client4) GetUserThread ¶ added in v5.33.0

func (c *Client4) GetUserThread(userId, teamId, threadId string, extended bool) (*ThreadResponse, *Response)

func (*Client4) GetUserThreadRoute ¶ added in v5.30.0

func (c *Client4) GetUserThreadRoute(userId, teamId, threadId string) string

func (*Client4) GetUserThreads ¶ added in v5.30.0

func (c *Client4) GetUserThreads(userId, teamId string, options GetUserThreadsOpts) (*Threads, *Response)

func (*Client4) GetUserThreadsRoute ¶ added in v5.30.0

func (c *Client4) GetUserThreadsRoute(userID, teamID string) string

func (*Client4) GetUsers ¶

func (c *Client4) GetUsers(page int, perPage int, etag string) ([]*User, *Response)

GetUsers returns a page of users on the system. Page counting starts at 0.

func (*Client4) GetUsersByGroupChannelIds ¶

func (c *Client4) GetUsersByGroupChannelIds(groupChannelIds []string) (map[string][]*User, *Response)

GetUsersByGroupChannelIds returns a map with channel ids as keys and a list of users as values based on the provided user ids.

func (*Client4) GetUsersByIds ¶

func (c *Client4) GetUsersByIds(userIds []string) ([]*User, *Response)

GetUsersByIds returns a list of users based on the provided user ids.

func (*Client4) GetUsersByIdsWithOptions ¶

func (c *Client4) GetUsersByIdsWithOptions(userIds []string, options *UserGetByIdsOptions) ([]*User, *Response)

GetUsersByIds returns a list of users based on the provided user ids.

func (*Client4) GetUsersByUsernames ¶

func (c *Client4) GetUsersByUsernames(usernames []string) ([]*User, *Response)

GetUsersByUsernames returns a list of users based on the provided usernames.

func (*Client4) GetUsersInChannel ¶

func (c *Client4) GetUsersInChannel(channelId string, page int, perPage int, etag string) ([]*User, *Response)

GetUsersInChannel returns a page of users in a channel. Page counting starts at 0.

func (*Client4) GetUsersInChannelByStatus ¶

func (c *Client4) GetUsersInChannelByStatus(channelId string, page int, perPage int, etag string) ([]*User, *Response)

GetUsersInChannelByStatus returns a page of users in a channel. Page counting starts at 0. Sorted by Status

func (*Client4) GetUsersInGroup ¶ added in v5.26.0

func (c *Client4) GetUsersInGroup(groupID string, page int, perPage int, etag string) ([]*User, *Response)

GetUsersInGroup returns a page of users in a group. Page counting starts at 0.

func (*Client4) GetUsersInTeam ¶

func (c *Client4) GetUsersInTeam(teamId string, page int, perPage int, etag string) ([]*User, *Response)

GetUsersInTeam returns a page of users on a team. Page counting starts at 0.

func (*Client4) GetUsersNotInChannel ¶

func (c *Client4) GetUsersNotInChannel(teamId, channelId string, page int, perPage int, etag string) ([]*User, *Response)

GetUsersNotInChannel returns a page of users not in a channel. Page counting starts at 0.

func (*Client4) GetUsersNotInTeam ¶

func (c *Client4) GetUsersNotInTeam(teamId string, page int, perPage int, etag string) ([]*User, *Response)

GetUsersNotInTeam returns a page of users who are not in a team. Page counting starts at 0.

func (*Client4) GetUsersRoute ¶

func (c *Client4) GetUsersRoute() string

func (*Client4) GetUsersStatusesByIds ¶

func (c *Client4) GetUsersStatusesByIds(userIds []string) ([]*Status, *Response)

GetUsersStatusesByIds returns a list of users status based on the provided user ids.

func (*Client4) GetUsersWithoutTeam ¶

func (c *Client4) GetUsersWithoutTeam(page int, perPage int, etag string) ([]*User, *Response)

GetUsersWithoutTeam returns a page of users on the system that aren't on any teams. Page counting starts at 0.

func (*Client4) GetWebappPlugins ¶

func (c *Client4) GetWebappPlugins() ([]*Manifest, *Response)

GetWebappPlugins will return a list of plugins that the webapp should download. WARNING: PLUGINS ARE STILL EXPERIMENTAL. THIS FUNCTION IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE.

func (*Client4) ImportTeam ¶

func (c *Client4) ImportTeam(data []byte, filesize int, importFrom, filename, teamId string) (map[string]string, *Response)

ImportTeam will import an exported team from other app into a existing team.

func (*Client4) InstallMarketplacePlugin ¶

func (c *Client4) InstallMarketplacePlugin(request *InstallMarketplacePluginRequest) (*Manifest, *Response)

InstallMarketplacePlugin will install marketplace plugin. WARNING: PLUGINS ARE STILL EXPERIMENTAL. THIS FUNCTION IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE.

func (*Client4) InstallPluginFromUrl ¶

func (c *Client4) InstallPluginFromUrl(downloadUrl string, force bool) (*Manifest, *Response)

func (*Client4) InvalidateCaches ¶

func (c *Client4) InvalidateCaches() (bool, *Response)

InvalidateCaches will purge the cache and can affect the performance while is cleaning.

func (*Client4) InvalidateEmailInvites ¶

func (c *Client4) InvalidateEmailInvites() (bool, *Response)

InvalidateEmailInvites will invalidate active email invitations that have not been accepted by the user.

func (*Client4) InviteGuestsToTeam ¶

func (c *Client4) InviteGuestsToTeam(teamId string, userEmails []string, channels []string, message string) (bool, *Response)

InviteGuestsToTeam invite guest by email to some channels in a team.

func (*Client4) InviteGuestsToTeamGracefully ¶ added in v5.20.0

func (c *Client4) InviteGuestsToTeamGracefully(teamId string, userEmails []string, channels []string, message string) ([]*EmailInviteWithError, *Response)

InviteGuestsToTeam invite guest by email to some channels in a team.

func (*Client4) InviteUsersToTeam ¶

func (c *Client4) InviteUsersToTeam(teamId string, userEmails []string) (bool, *Response)

InviteUsersToTeam invite users by email to the team.

func (*Client4) InviteUsersToTeamGracefully ¶ added in v5.20.0

func (c *Client4) InviteUsersToTeamGracefully(teamId string, userEmails []string) ([]*EmailInviteWithError, *Response)

InviteUsersToTeam invite users by email to the team.

func (*Client4) LinkGroupSyncable ¶

func (c *Client4) LinkGroupSyncable(groupID, syncableID string, syncableType GroupSyncableType, patch *GroupSyncablePatch) (*GroupSyncable, *Response)

func (*Client4) LinkLdapGroup ¶

func (c *Client4) LinkLdapGroup(dn string) (*Group, *Response)

LinkLdapGroup creates or undeletes a Mattermost group and associates it to the given LDAP group DN.

func (*Client4) ListAutocompleteCommands ¶

func (c *Client4) ListAutocompleteCommands(teamId string) ([]*Command, *Response)

ListAutocompleteCommands will retrieve a list of commands available in the team.

func (*Client4) ListCommandAutocompleteSuggestions ¶ added in v5.24.0

func (c *Client4) ListCommandAutocompleteSuggestions(userInput, teamId string) ([]AutocompleteSuggestion, *Response)

ListCommandAutocompleteSuggestions will retrieve a list of suggestions for a userInput.

func (*Client4) ListCommands ¶

func (c *Client4) ListCommands(teamId string, customOnly bool) ([]*Command, *Response)

ListCommands will retrieve a list of commands available in the team.

func (*Client4) ListExports ¶ added in v5.33.0

func (c *Client4) ListExports() ([]string, *Response)

func (*Client4) ListImports ¶ added in v5.32.0

func (c *Client4) ListImports() ([]string, *Response)

func (*Client4) Login ¶

func (c *Client4) Login(loginId string, password string) (*User, *Response)

Login authenticates a user by login id, which can be username, email or some sort of SSO identifier based on server configuration, and a password.

func (*Client4) LoginById ¶

func (c *Client4) LoginById(id string, password string) (*User, *Response)

LoginById authenticates a user by user id and password.

func (*Client4) LoginByLdap ¶

func (c *Client4) LoginByLdap(loginId string, password string) (*User, *Response)

LoginByLdap authenticates a user by LDAP id and password.

func (*Client4) LoginWithDevice ¶

func (c *Client4) LoginWithDevice(loginId string, password string, deviceId string) (*User, *Response)

LoginWithDevice authenticates a user by login id (username, email or some sort of SSO identifier based on configuration), password and attaches a device id to the session.

func (*Client4) LoginWithMFA ¶

func (c *Client4) LoginWithMFA(loginId, password, mfaToken string) (*User, *Response)

LoginWithMFA logs a user in with a MFA token

func (*Client4) Logout ¶

func (c *Client4) Logout() (bool, *Response)

Logout terminates the current user's session.

func (*Client4) MarkNoticesViewed ¶ added in v5.28.0

func (c *Client4) MarkNoticesViewed(ids []string) *Response

func (*Client4) MigrateAuthToLdap ¶ added in v5.28.0

func (c *Client4) MigrateAuthToLdap(fromAuthService string, matchField string, force bool) (bool, *Response)

func (*Client4) MigrateAuthToSaml ¶ added in v5.28.0

func (c *Client4) MigrateAuthToSaml(fromAuthService string, usersMap map[string]string, auto bool) (bool, *Response)

func (*Client4) MigrateConfig ¶ added in v5.28.0

func (c *Client4) MigrateConfig(from, to string) (bool, *Response)

MigrateConfig will migrate existing config to the new one.

func (*Client4) MigrateIdLdap ¶ added in v5.26.0

func (c *Client4) MigrateIdLdap(toAttribute string) (bool, *Response)

MigrateIdLdap migrates the LDAP enabled users to given attribute

func (*Client4) MockSession ¶

func (c *Client4) MockSession(token string)

MockSession is deprecated in favour of SetToken

func (*Client4) MoveChannel ¶ added in v5.26.0

func (c *Client4) MoveChannel(channelId, teamId string, force bool) (*Channel, *Response)

MoveChannel moves the channel to the destination team.

func (*Client4) MoveCommand ¶ added in v5.22.0

func (c *Client4) MoveCommand(teamId string, commandId string) (bool, *Response)

MoveCommand moves a command to a different team.

func (*Client4) Must ¶

func (c *Client4) Must(result interface{}, resp *Response) interface{}

Must is a convenience function used for testing.

func (*Client4) OpenGraph ¶

func (c *Client4) OpenGraph(url string) (map[string]string, *Response)

OpenGraph return the open graph metadata for a particular url if the site have the metadata.

func (*Client4) OpenInteractiveDialog ¶

func (c *Client4) OpenInteractiveDialog(request OpenDialogRequest) (bool, *Response)

OpenInteractiveDialog sends a WebSocket event to a user's clients to open interactive dialogs, based on the provided trigger ID and other provided data. Used with interactive message buttons, menus and slash commands.

func (*Client4) PatchBot ¶

func (c *Client4) PatchBot(userId string, patch *BotPatch) (*Bot, *Response)

PatchBot partially updates a bot. Any missing fields are not updated.

func (*Client4) PatchChannel ¶

func (c *Client4) PatchChannel(channelId string, patch *ChannelPatch) (*Channel, *Response)

PatchChannel partially updates a channel. Any missing fields are not updated.

func (*Client4) PatchChannelModerations ¶ added in v5.22.0

func (c *Client4) PatchChannelModerations(channelID string, patch []*ChannelModerationPatch) ([]*ChannelModeration, *Response)

func (*Client4) PatchConfig ¶ added in v5.20.0

func (c *Client4) PatchConfig(config *Config) (*Config, *Response)

func (*Client4) PatchDataRetentionPolicy ¶ added in v5.36.0

PatchDataRetentionPolicy will patch the granular data retention policy with the specified ID. The Id field of `patch` must be non-empty.

func (*Client4) PatchGroup ¶

func (c *Client4) PatchGroup(groupID string, patch *GroupPatch) (*Group, *Response)

func (*Client4) PatchGroupSyncable ¶

func (c *Client4) PatchGroupSyncable(groupID, syncableID string, syncableType GroupSyncableType, patch *GroupSyncablePatch) (*GroupSyncable, *Response)

func (*Client4) PatchPost ¶

func (c *Client4) PatchPost(postId string, patch *PostPatch) (*Post, *Response)

PatchPost partially updates a post. Any missing fields are not updated.

func (*Client4) PatchRole ¶

func (c *Client4) PatchRole(roleId string, patch *RolePatch) (*Role, *Response)

PatchRole partially updates a role in the system. Any missing fields are not updated.

func (*Client4) PatchScheme ¶

func (c *Client4) PatchScheme(id string, patch *SchemePatch) (*Scheme, *Response)

PatchScheme partially updates a scheme in the system. Any missing fields are not updated.

func (*Client4) PatchTeam ¶

func (c *Client4) PatchTeam(teamId string, patch *TeamPatch) (*Team, *Response)

PatchTeam partially updates a team. Any missing fields are not updated.

func (*Client4) PatchUser ¶

func (c *Client4) PatchUser(userId string, patch *UserPatch) (*User, *Response)

PatchUser partially updates a user in the system. Any missing fields are not updated.

func (*Client4) PermanentDeleteAllUsers ¶ added in v5.26.0

func (c *Client4) PermanentDeleteAllUsers() (bool, *Response)

PermanentDeleteAll permanently deletes all users in the system. This is a local only endpoint

func (*Client4) PermanentDeleteChannel ¶ added in v5.28.0

func (c *Client4) PermanentDeleteChannel(channelId string) (bool, *Response)

PermanentDeleteChannel deletes a channel based on the provided channel id string.

func (*Client4) PermanentDeleteTeam ¶

func (c *Client4) PermanentDeleteTeam(teamId string) (bool, *Response)

PermanentDeleteTeam deletes the team, should only be used when needed for compliance and the like.

func (*Client4) PermanentDeleteUser ¶ added in v5.28.0

func (c *Client4) PermanentDeleteUser(userId string) (bool, *Response)

PermanentDeleteUser deletes a user in the system based on the provided user id string.

func (*Client4) PinPost ¶

func (c *Client4) PinPost(postId string) (bool, *Response)

PinPost pin a post based on provided post id string.

func (*Client4) PostLog ¶

func (c *Client4) PostLog(message map[string]string) (map[string]string, *Response)

PostLog is a convenience Web Service call so clients can log messages into the server-side logs. For example we typically log javascript error messages into the server-side. It returns the log message if the logging was successful.

func (*Client4) PromoteGuestToUser ¶

func (c *Client4) PromoteGuestToUser(guestId string) (bool, *Response)

PromoteGuestToUser convert a guest into a regular user

func (*Client4) PublishUserTyping ¶ added in v5.26.0

func (c *Client4) PublishUserTyping(userID string, typingRequest TypingRequest) (bool, *Response)

PublishUserTyping publishes a user is typing websocket event based on the provided TypingRequest.

func (*Client4) PurgeBleveIndexes ¶ added in v5.24.0

func (c *Client4) PurgeBleveIndexes() (bool, *Response)

PurgeBleveIndexes immediately deletes all Bleve indexes.

func (*Client4) PurgeElasticsearchIndexes ¶

func (c *Client4) PurgeElasticsearchIndexes() (bool, *Response)

PurgeElasticsearchIndexes immediately deletes all Elasticsearch indexes.

func (*Client4) RegenCommandToken ¶

func (c *Client4) RegenCommandToken(commandId string) (string, *Response)

RegenCommandToken will create a new token if the user have the right permissions.

func (*Client4) RegenOutgoingHookToken ¶

func (c *Client4) RegenOutgoingHookToken(hookId string) (*OutgoingWebhook, *Response)

RegenOutgoingHookToken regenerate the outgoing webhook token.

func (*Client4) RegenerateOAuthAppSecret ¶

func (c *Client4) RegenerateOAuthAppSecret(appId string) (*OAuthApp, *Response)

RegenerateOAuthAppSecret regenerates the client secret for a registered OAuth 2.0 client application.

func (*Client4) RegenerateTeamInviteId ¶

func (c *Client4) RegenerateTeamInviteId(teamId string) (*Team, *Response)

RegenerateTeamInviteId requests a new invite ID to be generated.

func (*Client4) RegisterTermsOfServiceAction ¶

func (c *Client4) RegisterTermsOfServiceAction(userId, termsOfServiceId string, accepted bool) (*bool, *Response)

RegisterTermsOfServiceAction saves action performed by a user against a specific terms of service.

func (*Client4) ReloadConfig ¶

func (c *Client4) ReloadConfig() (bool, *Response)

ReloadConfig will reload the server configuration.

func (*Client4) RemoveChannelsFromRetentionPolicy ¶ added in v5.36.0

func (c *Client4) RemoveChannelsFromRetentionPolicy(policyID string, channelIDs []string) *Response

RemoveChannelsFromRetentionPolicy will remove the specified channels from the granular data retention policy with the specified ID.

func (*Client4) RemoveLicenseFile ¶

func (c *Client4) RemoveLicenseFile() (bool, *Response)

RemoveLicenseFile will remove the server license it exists. Note that this will disable all enterprise features.

func (*Client4) RemovePlugin ¶

func (c *Client4) RemovePlugin(id string) (bool, *Response)


func (*Client4) RemoveTeamIcon ¶

func (c *Client4) RemoveTeamIcon(teamId string) (bool, *Response)

RemoveTeamIcon updates LastTeamIconUpdate to 0 which indicates team icon is removed.

func (*Client4) RemoveTeamMember ¶

func (c *Client4) RemoveTeamMember(teamId, userId string) (bool, *Response)

RemoveTeamMember will remove a user from a team.

func (*Client4) RemoveTeamsFromRetentionPolicy ¶ added in v5.36.0

func (c *Client4) RemoveTeamsFromRetentionPolicy(policyID string, teamIDs []string) *Response

RemoveTeamsFromRetentionPolicy will remove the specified teams from the granular data retention policy with the specified ID.

func (*Client4) RemoveUserFromChannel ¶

func (c *Client4) RemoveUserFromChannel(channelId, userId string) (bool, *Response)

RemoveUserFromChannel will delete the channel member object for a user, effectively removing the user from a channel.

func (*Client4) RequestTrialLicense ¶ added in v5.25.0

func (c *Client4) RequestTrialLicense(users int) (bool, *Response)

RequestTrialLicense will request a trial license and install it in the server

func (*Client4) ResetPassword ¶

func (c *Client4) ResetPassword(token, newPassword string) (bool, *Response)

ResetPassword uses a recovery code to update reset a user's password.

func (*Client4) ResetSamlAuthDataToEmail ¶ added in v5.36.0

func (c *Client4) ResetSamlAuthDataToEmail(includeDeleted bool, dryRun bool, userIDs []string) (int64, *Response)

ResetSamlAuthDataToEmail resets the AuthData field of SAML users to their Email.

func (*Client4) RestoreChannel ¶

func (c *Client4) RestoreChannel(channelId string) (*Channel, *Response)

RestoreChannel restores a previously deleted channel. Any missing fields are not updated.

func (*Client4) RestoreTeam ¶ added in v5.24.0

func (c *Client4) RestoreTeam(teamId string) (*Team, *Response)

RestoreTeam restores a previously deleted team.

func (*Client4) RevokeAllSessions ¶

func (c *Client4) RevokeAllSessions(userId string) (bool, *Response)

RevokeAllSessions revokes all sessions for the provided user id string.

func (*Client4) RevokeSession ¶

func (c *Client4) RevokeSession(userId, sessionId string) (bool, *Response)

RevokeSession revokes a user session based on the provided user id and session id strings.

func (*Client4) RevokeSessionsFromAllUsers ¶

func (c *Client4) RevokeSessionsFromAllUsers() (bool, *Response)

RevokeAllSessions revokes all sessions for all the users.

func (*Client4) RevokeUserAccessToken ¶

func (c *Client4) RevokeUserAccessToken(tokenId string) (bool, *Response)

RevokeUserAccessToken will revoke a user access token by id. Must have the 'revoke_user_access_token' permission and if revoking for another user, must have the 'edit_other_users' permission.

func (*Client4) SaveReaction ¶

func (c *Client4) SaveReaction(reaction *Reaction) (*Reaction, *Response)

SaveReaction saves an emoji reaction for a post. Returns the saved reaction if successful, otherwise an error will be returned.

func (*Client4) SearchAllChannels ¶

func (c *Client4) SearchAllChannels(search *ChannelSearch) (*ChannelListWithTeamData, *Response)

SearchAllChannels search in all the channels. Must be a system administrator.

func (*Client4) SearchAllChannelsPaged ¶

func (c *Client4) SearchAllChannelsPaged(search *ChannelSearch) (*ChannelsWithCount, *Response)

SearchAllChannelsPaged searches all the channels and returns the results paged with the total count.

func (*Client4) SearchArchivedChannels ¶

func (c *Client4) SearchArchivedChannels(teamId string, search *ChannelSearch) ([]*Channel, *Response)

SearchArchivedChannels returns the archived channels on a team matching the provided search term.

func (*Client4) SearchChannels ¶

func (c *Client4) SearchChannels(teamId string, search *ChannelSearch) ([]*Channel, *Response)

SearchChannels returns the channels on a team matching the provided search term.

func (*Client4) SearchChannelsForRetentionPolicy ¶ added in v5.36.0

func (c *Client4) SearchChannelsForRetentionPolicy(policyID string, term string) (ChannelListWithTeamData, *Response)

SearchChannelsForRetentionPolicy will search the channels to which the specified policy is currently applied.

func (*Client4) SearchEmoji ¶

func (c *Client4) SearchEmoji(search *EmojiSearch) ([]*Emoji, *Response)

SearchEmoji returns a list of emoji matching some search criteria.

func (*Client4) SearchFiles ¶ added in v5.34.0

func (c *Client4) SearchFiles(teamId string, terms string, isOrSearch bool) (*FileInfoList, *Response)

SearchFiles returns any posts with matching terms string.

func (*Client4) SearchFilesWithParams ¶ added in v5.34.0

func (c *Client4) SearchFilesWithParams(teamId string, params *SearchParameter) (*FileInfoList, *Response)

SearchFilesWithParams returns any posts with matching terms string.

func (*Client4) SearchGroupChannels ¶

func (c *Client4) SearchGroupChannels(search *ChannelSearch) ([]*Channel, *Response)

SearchGroupChannels returns the group channels of the user whose members' usernames match the search term.

func (*Client4) SearchPosts ¶

func (c *Client4) SearchPosts(teamId string, terms string, isOrSearch bool) (*PostList, *Response)

SearchPosts returns any posts with matching terms string.

func (*Client4) SearchPostsWithMatches ¶

func (c *Client4) SearchPostsWithMatches(teamId string, terms string, isOrSearch bool) (*PostSearchResults, *Response)

SearchPostsWithMatches returns any posts with matching terms string, including.

func (*Client4) SearchPostsWithParams ¶

func (c *Client4) SearchPostsWithParams(teamId string, params *SearchParameter) (*PostList, *Response)

SearchPostsWithParams returns any posts with matching terms string.

func (*Client4) SearchTeams ¶

func (c *Client4) SearchTeams(search *TeamSearch) ([]*Team, *Response)

SearchTeams returns teams matching the provided search term.

func (*Client4) SearchTeamsForRetentionPolicy ¶ added in v5.36.0

func (c *Client4) SearchTeamsForRetentionPolicy(policyID string, term string) ([]*Team, *Response)

SearchTeamsForRetentionPolicy will search the teams to which the specified policy is currently applied.

func (*Client4) SearchTeamsPaged ¶

func (c *Client4) SearchTeamsPaged(search *TeamSearch) ([]*Team, int64, *Response)

SearchTeamsPaged returns a page of teams and the total count matching the provided search term.

func (*Client4) SearchUserAccessTokens ¶

func (c *Client4) SearchUserAccessTokens(search *UserAccessTokenSearch) ([]*UserAccessToken, *Response)

SearchUserAccessTokens returns user access tokens matching the provided search term.

func (*Client4) SearchUsers ¶

func (c *Client4) SearchUsers(search *UserSearch) ([]*User, *Response)

SearchUsers returns a list of users based on some search criteria.

func (*Client4) SendAdminUpgradeRequestEmail ¶ added in v5.33.0

func (c *Client4) SendAdminUpgradeRequestEmail() *Response

func (*Client4) SendAdminUpgradeRequestEmailOnJoin ¶ added in v5.34.0

func (c *Client4) SendAdminUpgradeRequestEmailOnJoin() *Response

func (*Client4) SendPasswordResetEmail ¶

func (c *Client4) SendPasswordResetEmail(email string) (bool, *Response)

SendPasswordResetEmail will send a link for password resetting to a user with the provided email.

func (*Client4) SendVerificationEmail ¶

func (c *Client4) SendVerificationEmail(email string) (bool, *Response)

SendVerificationEmail will send an email to the user with the provided email address, if that user exists. The email will contain a link that can be used to verify the user's email address.

func (*Client4) SetBoolString ¶ added in v5.26.0

func (c *Client4) SetBoolString(value bool, valueStr string)

SetBoolString is a helper method for overriding how true and false query string parameters are sent to the server.

This method is only exposed for testing. It is never necessary to configure these values in production.

func (*Client4) SetBotIconImage ¶

func (c *Client4) SetBotIconImage(botUserId string, data []byte) (bool, *Response)

SetBotIconImage sets LHS bot icon image.

func (*Client4) SetDefaultProfileImage ¶

func (c *Client4) SetDefaultProfileImage(userId string) (bool, *Response)

SetDefaultProfileImage resets the profile image to a default generated one.

func (*Client4) SetOAuthToken ¶

func (c *Client4) SetOAuthToken(token string)

func (*Client4) SetPostUnread ¶

func (c *Client4) SetPostUnread(userId string, postId string, collapsedThreadsSupported bool) *Response

SetPostUnread marks channel where post belongs as unread on the time of the provided post.

func (*Client4) SetProfileImage ¶

func (c *Client4) SetProfileImage(userId string, data []byte) (bool, *Response)

SetProfileImage sets profile image of the user.

func (*Client4) SetServerBusy ¶ added in v5.20.0

func (c *Client4) SetServerBusy(secs int) (bool, *Response)

SetServerBusy will mark the server as busy, which disables non-critical services for `secs` seconds.

func (*Client4) SetTeamIcon ¶

func (c *Client4) SetTeamIcon(teamId string, data []byte) (bool, *Response)

SetTeamIcon sets team icon of the team.

func (*Client4) SetToken ¶

func (c *Client4) SetToken(token string)

func (*Client4) SoftDeleteTeam ¶

func (c *Client4) SoftDeleteTeam(teamId string) (bool, *Response)

SoftDeleteTeam deletes the team softly (archive only, not permanent delete).

func (*Client4) SubmitInteractiveDialog ¶

func (c *Client4) SubmitInteractiveDialog(request SubmitDialogRequest) (*SubmitDialogResponse, *Response)

SubmitInteractiveDialog will submit the provided dialog data to the integration configured by the URL. Used with the interactive dialogs integration feature.

func (*Client4) SwitchAccountType ¶

func (c *Client4) SwitchAccountType(switchRequest *SwitchRequest) (string, *Response)

SwitchAccountType changes a user's login type from one type to another.

func (*Client4) SyncLdap ¶

func (c *Client4) SyncLdap(includeRemovedMembers bool) (bool, *Response)

SyncLdap will force a sync with the configured LDAP server. If includeRemovedMembers is true, then group members who left or were removed from a synced team/channel will be re-joined; otherwise, they will be excluded.

func (*Client4) TeamExists ¶

func (c *Client4) TeamExists(name, etag string) (bool, *Response)

TeamExists returns true or false if the team exist or not.

func (*Client4) TeamMembersMinusGroupMembers ¶

func (c *Client4) TeamMembersMinusGroupMembers(teamID string, groupIDs []string, page, perPage int, etag string) ([]*UserWithGroups, int64, *Response)

func (*Client4) TestElasticsearch ¶

func (c *Client4) TestElasticsearch() (bool, *Response)

TestElasticsearch will attempt to connect to the configured Elasticsearch server and return OK if configured. correctly.

func (*Client4) TestEmail ¶

func (c *Client4) TestEmail(config *Config) (bool, *Response)

TestEmail will attempt to connect to the configured SMTP server.

func (*Client4) TestLdap ¶

func (c *Client4) TestLdap() (bool, *Response)

TestLdap will attempt to connect to the configured LDAP server and return OK if configured correctly.

func (*Client4) TestS3Connection ¶

func (c *Client4) TestS3Connection(config *Config) (bool, *Response)

TestS3Connection will attempt to connect to the AWS S3.

func (*Client4) TestSiteURL ¶

func (c *Client4) TestSiteURL(siteURL string) (bool, *Response)

TestSiteURL will test the validity of a site URL.

func (*Client4) UnlinkGroupSyncable ¶

func (c *Client4) UnlinkGroupSyncable(groupID, syncableID string, syncableType GroupSyncableType) *Response

func (*Client4) UnlinkLdapGroup ¶

func (c *Client4) UnlinkLdapGroup(dn string) (*Group, *Response)

UnlinkLdapGroup deletes the Mattermost group associated with the given LDAP group DN.

func (*Client4) UnpinPost ¶

func (c *Client4) UnpinPost(postId string) (bool, *Response)

UnpinPost unpin a post based on provided post id string.

func (*Client4) UpdateChannel ¶

func (c *Client4) UpdateChannel(channel *Channel) (*Channel, *Response)

UpdateChannel updates a channel based on the provided channel struct.

func (*Client4) UpdateChannelMemberSchemeRoles ¶

func (c *Client4) UpdateChannelMemberSchemeRoles(channelId string, userId string, schemeRoles *SchemeRoles) (bool, *Response)

UpdateChannelMemberSchemeRoles will update the scheme-derived roles on a channel for a user.

func (*Client4) UpdateChannelNotifyProps ¶

func (c *Client4) UpdateChannelNotifyProps(channelId, userId string, props map[string]string) (bool, *Response)

UpdateChannelNotifyProps will update the notification properties on a channel for a user.

func (*Client4) UpdateChannelPrivacy ¶

func (c *Client4) UpdateChannelPrivacy(channelId string, privacy string) (*Channel, *Response)

UpdateChannelPrivacy updates channel privacy

func (*Client4) UpdateChannelRoles ¶

func (c *Client4) UpdateChannelRoles(channelId, userId, roles string) (bool, *Response)

UpdateChannelRoles will update the roles on a channel for a user.

func (*Client4) UpdateChannelScheme ¶

func (c *Client4) UpdateChannelScheme(channelId, schemeId string) (bool, *Response)

UpdateChannelScheme will update a channel's scheme.

func (*Client4) UpdateCloudCustomer ¶ added in v5.30.0

func (c *Client4) UpdateCloudCustomer(customerInfo *CloudCustomerInfo) (*CloudCustomer, *Response)

func (*Client4) UpdateCloudCustomerAddress ¶ added in v5.30.0

func (c *Client4) UpdateCloudCustomerAddress(address *Address) (*CloudCustomer, *Response)

func (*Client4) UpdateCommand ¶

func (c *Client4) UpdateCommand(cmd *Command) (*Command, *Response)

UpdateCommand updates a command based on the provided Command struct.

func (*Client4) UpdateConfig ¶

func (c *Client4) UpdateConfig(config *Config) (*Config, *Response)

UpdateConfig will update the server configuration.

func (*Client4) UpdateIncomingWebhook ¶

func (c *Client4) UpdateIncomingWebhook(hook *IncomingWebhook) (*IncomingWebhook, *Response)

UpdateIncomingWebhook updates an incoming webhook for a channel.

func (*Client4) UpdateOAuthApp ¶

func (c *Client4) UpdateOAuthApp(app *OAuthApp) (*OAuthApp, *Response)

UpdateOAuthApp updates a page of registered OAuth 2.0 client applications with Mattermost acting as an OAuth 2.0 service provider.

func (*Client4) UpdateOutgoingWebhook ¶

func (c *Client4) UpdateOutgoingWebhook(hook *OutgoingWebhook) (*OutgoingWebhook, *Response)

UpdateOutgoingWebhook creates an outgoing webhook for a team or channel.

func (*Client4) UpdatePassword ¶ added in v5.28.0

func (c *Client4) UpdatePassword(userId, currentPassword, newPassword string) *Response

func (*Client4) UpdatePost ¶

func (c *Client4) UpdatePost(postId string, post *Post) (*Post, *Response)

UpdatePost updates a post based on the provided post struct.

func (*Client4) UpdatePreferences ¶

func (c *Client4) UpdatePreferences(userId string, preferences *Preferences) (bool, *Response)

UpdatePreferences saves the user's preferences.

func (*Client4) UpdateSidebarCategoriesForTeamForUser ¶ added in v5.28.0

func (c *Client4) UpdateSidebarCategoriesForTeamForUser(userID, teamID string, categories []*SidebarCategoryWithChannels) ([]*SidebarCategoryWithChannels, *Response)

func (*Client4) UpdateSidebarCategoryForTeamForUser ¶ added in v5.26.0

func (c *Client4) UpdateSidebarCategoryForTeamForUser(userID, teamID, categoryID string, category *SidebarCategoryWithChannels) (*SidebarCategoryWithChannels, *Response)

func (*Client4) UpdateSidebarCategoryOrderForTeamForUser ¶ added in v5.26.0

func (c *Client4) UpdateSidebarCategoryOrderForTeamForUser(userID, teamID string, order []string) ([]string, *Response)

func (*Client4) UpdateTeam ¶

func (c *Client4) UpdateTeam(team *Team) (*Team, *Response)

UpdateTeam will update a team.

func (*Client4) UpdateTeamMemberRoles ¶

func (c *Client4) UpdateTeamMemberRoles(teamId, userId, newRoles string) (bool, *Response)

UpdateTeamMemberRoles will update the roles on a team for a user.

func (*Client4) UpdateTeamMemberSchemeRoles ¶

func (c *Client4) UpdateTeamMemberSchemeRoles(teamId string, userId string, schemeRoles *SchemeRoles) (bool, *Response)

UpdateTeamMemberSchemeRoles will update the scheme-derived roles on a team for a user.

func (*Client4) UpdateTeamPrivacy ¶ added in v5.24.0

func (c *Client4) UpdateTeamPrivacy(teamId string, privacy string) (*Team, *Response)

UpdateTeamPrivacy modifies the team type (model.TEAM_OPEN <--> model.TEAM_INVITE) and sets the corresponding AllowOpenInvite appropriately.

func (*Client4) UpdateTeamScheme ¶

func (c *Client4) UpdateTeamScheme(teamId, schemeId string) (bool, *Response)

UpdateTeamScheme will update a team's scheme.

func (*Client4) UpdateThreadFollowForUser ¶ added in v5.30.0

func (c *Client4) UpdateThreadFollowForUser(userId, teamId, threadId string, state bool) *Response

func (*Client4) UpdateThreadReadForUser ¶ added in v5.30.0

func (c *Client4) UpdateThreadReadForUser(userId, teamId, threadId string, timestamp int64) (*ThreadResponse, *Response)

func (*Client4) UpdateThreadsReadForUser ¶ added in v5.30.0

func (c *Client4) UpdateThreadsReadForUser(userId, teamId string) *Response

func (*Client4) UpdateUser ¶

func (c *Client4) UpdateUser(user *User) (*User, *Response)

UpdateUser updates a user in the system based on the provided user struct.

func (*Client4) UpdateUserActive ¶

func (c *Client4) UpdateUserActive(userId string, active bool) (bool, *Response)

UpdateUserActive updates status of a user whether active or not.

func (*Client4) UpdateUserAuth ¶

func (c *Client4) UpdateUserAuth(userId string, userAuth *UserAuth) (*UserAuth, *Response)

UpdateUserAuth updates a user AuthData (uthData, authService and password) in the system.

func (*Client4) UpdateUserHashedPassword ¶ added in v5.28.0

func (c *Client4) UpdateUserHashedPassword(userId, newHashedPassword string) (bool, *Response)

UpdateUserHashedPassword updates a user's password with an already-hashed password. Must be a system administrator.

func (*Client4) UpdateUserMfa ¶

func (c *Client4) UpdateUserMfa(userId, code string, activate bool) (bool, *Response)

UpdateUserMfa activates multi-factor authentication for a user if activate is true and a valid code is provided. If activate is false, then code is not required and multi-factor authentication is disabled for the user.

func (*Client4) UpdateUserPassword ¶

func (c *Client4) UpdateUserPassword(userId, currentPassword, newPassword string) (bool, *Response)

UpdateUserPassword updates a user's password. Must be logged in as the user or be a system administrator.

func (*Client4) UpdateUserRoles ¶

func (c *Client4) UpdateUserRoles(userId, roles string) (bool, *Response)

UpdateUserRoles updates a user's roles in the system. A user can have "system_user" and "system_admin" roles.

func (*Client4) UpdateUserStatus ¶

func (c *Client4) UpdateUserStatus(userId string, userStatus *Status) (*Status, *Response)

UpdateUserStatus sets a user's status based on the provided user id string.

func (*Client4) UploadBrandImage ¶

func (c *Client4) UploadBrandImage(data []byte) (bool, *Response)

UploadBrandImage sets the brand image for the system.

func (*Client4) UploadData ¶ added in v5.28.0

func (c *Client4) UploadData(uploadId string, data io.Reader) (*FileInfo, *Response)

UploadData performs an upload. On success it returns a FileInfo object.

func (*Client4) UploadFile ¶

func (c *Client4) UploadFile(data []byte, channelId string, filename string) (*FileUploadResponse, *Response)

UploadFile will upload a file to a channel using a multipart request, to be later attached to a post. This method is functionally equivalent to Client4.UploadFileAsRequestBody.

func (*Client4) UploadFileAsRequestBody ¶

func (c *Client4) UploadFileAsRequestBody(data []byte, channelId string, filename string) (*FileUploadResponse, *Response)

UploadFileAsRequestBody will upload a file to a channel as the body of a request, to be later attached to a post. This method is functionally equivalent to Client4.UploadFile.

func (*Client4) UploadLdapPrivateCertificate ¶ added in v5.28.0

func (c *Client4) UploadLdapPrivateCertificate(data []byte) (bool, *Response)

UploadLdapPrivateCertificate will upload a private key for LDAP and set the config to use it.

func (*Client4) UploadLdapPublicCertificate ¶ added in v5.28.0

func (c *Client4) UploadLdapPublicCertificate(data []byte) (bool, *Response)

UploadLdapPublicCertificate will upload a public certificate for LDAP and set the config to use it.

func (*Client4) UploadLicenseFile ¶

func (c *Client4) UploadLicenseFile(data []byte) (bool, *Response)

UploadLicenseFile will add a license file to the system.

func (*Client4) UploadPlugin ¶

func (c *Client4) UploadPlugin(file io.Reader) (*Manifest, *Response)

UploadPlugin takes an io.Reader stream pointing to the contents of a .tar.gz plugin. WARNING: PLUGINS ARE STILL EXPERIMENTAL. THIS FUNCTION IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE.

func (*Client4) UploadPluginForced ¶

func (c *Client4) UploadPluginForced(file io.Reader) (*Manifest, *Response)

func (*Client4) UploadSamlIdpCertificate ¶

func (c *Client4) UploadSamlIdpCertificate(data []byte, filename string) (bool, *Response)

UploadSamlIdpCertificate will upload an IDP certificate for SAML and set the config to use it. The filename parameter is deprecated and ignored: the server will pick a hard-coded filename when writing to disk.

func (*Client4) UploadSamlPrivateCertificate ¶

func (c *Client4) UploadSamlPrivateCertificate(data []byte, filename string) (bool, *Response)

UploadSamlPrivateCertificate will upload a private key for SAML and set the config to use it. The filename parameter is deprecated and ignored: the server will pick a hard-coded filename when writing to disk.

func (*Client4) UploadSamlPublicCertificate ¶

func (c *Client4) UploadSamlPublicCertificate(data []byte, filename string) (bool, *Response)

UploadSamlPublicCertificate will upload a public certificate for SAML and set the config to use it. The filename parameter is deprecated and ignored: the server will pick a hard-coded filename when writing to disk.

func (*Client4) VerifyUserEmail ¶

func (c *Client4) VerifyUserEmail(token string) (bool, *Response)

VerifyUserEmail will verify a user's email using the supplied token.

func (*Client4) VerifyUserEmailWithoutToken ¶ added in v5.26.0

func (c *Client4) VerifyUserEmailWithoutToken(userId string) (*User, *Response)

VerifyUserEmailWithoutToken will verify a user's email by its Id. (Requires manage system role)

func (*Client4) ViewChannel ¶

func (c *Client4) ViewChannel(userId string, view *ChannelView) (*ChannelViewResponse, *Response)

ViewChannel performs a view action for a user. Synonymous with switching channels or marking channels as read by a user.

type ClientRequirements ¶

type ClientRequirements struct {
	AndroidLatestVersion string `access:"write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"`
	AndroidMinVersion    string `access:"write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"`
	DesktopLatestVersion string `access:"write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"`
	DesktopMinVersion    string `access:"write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"`
	IosLatestVersion     string `access:"write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"`
	IosMinVersion        string `access:"write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"`

type CloudCustomer ¶ added in v5.30.0

type CloudCustomer struct {
	ID             string         `json:"id"`
	CreatorID      string         `json:"creator_id"`
	CreateAt       int64          `json:"create_at"`
	BillingAddress *Address       `json:"billing_address"`
	CompanyAddress *Address       `json:"company_address"`
	PaymentMethod  *PaymentMethod `json:"payment_method"`

Customer model represents a customer on the system.

type CloudCustomerInfo ¶ added in v5.30.0

type CloudCustomerInfo struct {
	Name             string `json:"name"`
	Email            string `json:"email,omitempty"`
	ContactFirstName string `json:"contact_first_name,omitempty"`
	ContactLastName  string `json:"contact_last_name,omitempty"`
	NumEmployees     int    `json:"num_employees"`

CloudCustomerInfo represents editable info of a customer.

type CloudSettings ¶ added in v5.30.0

type CloudSettings struct {
	CWSUrl    *string `access:"write_restrictable"`
	CWSAPIUrl *string `access:"write_restrictable"`

func (*CloudSettings) SetDefaults ¶ added in v5.30.0

func (s *CloudSettings) SetDefaults()

type CloudWorkspaceOwner ¶ added in v5.34.0

type CloudWorkspaceOwner struct {
	UserName string `json:"username"`

CloudWorkspaceOwner is part of the CWS Webhook payload that contains information about the user that created the workspace from the CWS

type ClusterDiscovery ¶

type ClusterDiscovery struct {
	Id          string `json:"id"`
	Type        string `json:"type"`
	ClusterName string `json:"cluster_name"`
	Hostname    string `json:"hostname"`
	GossipPort  int32  `json:"gossip_port"`
	Port        int32  `json:"port"`
	CreateAt    int64  `json:"create_at"`
	LastPingAt  int64  `json:"last_ping_at"`

func ClusterDiscoveryFromJson ¶

func ClusterDiscoveryFromJson(data io.Reader) *ClusterDiscovery

func FilterClusterDiscovery ¶

func FilterClusterDiscovery(vs []*ClusterDiscovery, f func(*ClusterDiscovery) bool) []*ClusterDiscovery

func (*ClusterDiscovery) AutoFillHostname ¶

func (o *ClusterDiscovery) AutoFillHostname()

func (*ClusterDiscovery) AutoFillIpAddress ¶

func (o *ClusterDiscovery) AutoFillIpAddress(iface string, ipAddress string)

func (*ClusterDiscovery) IsEqual ¶

func (o *ClusterDiscovery) IsEqual(in *ClusterDiscovery) bool

func (*ClusterDiscovery) IsValid ¶

func (o *ClusterDiscovery) IsValid() *AppError

func (*ClusterDiscovery) PreSave ¶

func (o *ClusterDiscovery) PreSave()

func (*ClusterDiscovery) ToJson ¶

func (o *ClusterDiscovery) ToJson() string

type ClusterInfo ¶

type ClusterInfo struct {
	Id         string `json:"id"`
	Version    string `json:"version"`
	ConfigHash string `json:"config_hash"`
	IpAddress  string `json:"ipaddress"`
	Hostname   string `json:"hostname"`

func ClusterInfoFromJson ¶

func ClusterInfoFromJson(data io.Reader) *ClusterInfo

func ClusterInfosFromJson ¶

func ClusterInfosFromJson(data io.Reader) []*ClusterInfo

func (*ClusterInfo) ToJson ¶

func (ci *ClusterInfo) ToJson() string

type ClusterMessage ¶

type ClusterMessage struct {
	Event            string            `json:"event"`
	SendType         string            `json:"-"`
	WaitForAllToSend bool              `json:"-"`
	Data             string            `json:"data,omitempty"`
	Props            map[string]string `json:"props,omitempty"`

func ClusterMessageFromJson ¶

func ClusterMessageFromJson(data io.Reader) *ClusterMessage

func (*ClusterMessage) ToJson ¶

func (o *ClusterMessage) ToJson() string

type ClusterSettings ¶

type ClusterSettings struct {
	Enable                                      *bool   `access:"environment_high_availability,write_restrictable"`
	ClusterName                                 *string `access:"environment_high_availability,write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"` // telemetry: none
	OverrideHostname                            *string `access:"environment_high_availability,write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"` // telemetry: none
	NetworkInterface                            *string `access:"environment_high_availability,write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"`
	BindAddress                                 *string `access:"environment_high_availability,write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"`
	AdvertiseAddress                            *string `access:"environment_high_availability,write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"`
	UseIpAddress                                *bool   `access:"environment_high_availability,write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"`
	DEPRECATED_DO_NOT_USE_UseExperimentalGossip *bool   `json:"UseExperimentalGossip" access:"environment_high_availability,write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"` // Deprecated: do not use
	EnableGossipCompression                     *bool   `access:"environment_high_availability,write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"`
	EnableExperimentalGossipEncryption          *bool   `access:"environment_high_availability,write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"`
	ReadOnlyConfig                              *bool   `access:"environment_high_availability,write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"`
	GossipPort                                  *int    `access:"environment_high_availability,write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"` // telemetry: none
	StreamingPort                               *int    `access:"environment_high_availability,write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"` // telemetry: none
	MaxIdleConns                                *int    `access:"environment_high_availability,write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"` // telemetry: none
	MaxIdleConnsPerHost                         *int    `access:"environment_high_availability,write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"` // telemetry: none
	IdleConnTimeoutMilliseconds                 *int    `access:"environment_high_availability,write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"` // telemetry: none

func (*ClusterSettings) SetDefaults ¶

func (s *ClusterSettings) SetDefaults()

type ClusterStats ¶

type ClusterStats struct {
	Id                        string `json:"id"`
	TotalWebsocketConnections int    `json:"total_websocket_connections"`
	TotalReadDbConnections    int    `json:"total_read_db_connections"`
	TotalMasterDbConnections  int    `json:"total_master_db_connections"`

func ClusterStatsFromJson ¶

func ClusterStatsFromJson(data io.Reader) *ClusterStats

func (*ClusterStats) ToJson ¶

func (cs *ClusterStats) ToJson() string

type Command ¶

type Command struct {
	Id               string `json:"id"`
	Token            string `json:"token"`
	CreateAt         int64  `json:"create_at"`
	UpdateAt         int64  `json:"update_at"`
	DeleteAt         int64  `json:"delete_at"`
	CreatorId        string `json:"creator_id"`
	TeamId           string `json:"team_id"`
	Trigger          string `json:"trigger"`
	Method           string `json:"method"`
	Username         string `json:"username"`
	IconURL          string `json:"icon_url"`
	AutoComplete     bool   `json:"auto_complete"`
	AutoCompleteDesc string `json:"auto_complete_desc"`
	AutoCompleteHint string `json:"auto_complete_hint"`
	DisplayName      string `json:"display_name"`
	Description      string `json:"description"`
	URL              string `json:"url"`
	// PluginId records the id of the plugin that created this Command. If it is blank, the Command
	// was not created by a plugin.
	PluginId         string            `json:"plugin_id"`
	AutocompleteData *AutocompleteData `db:"-" json:"autocomplete_data,omitempty"`
	// AutocompleteIconData is a base64 encoded svg
	AutocompleteIconData string `db:"-" json:"autocomplete_icon_data,omitempty"`

func CommandFromJson ¶

func CommandFromJson(data io.Reader) *Command

func CommandListFromJson ¶

func CommandListFromJson(data io.Reader) []*Command

func (*Command) IsValid ¶

func (o *Command) IsValid() *AppError

func (*Command) PreSave ¶

func (o *Command) PreSave()

func (*Command) PreUpdate ¶

func (o *Command) PreUpdate()

func (*Command) Sanitize ¶

func (o *Command) Sanitize()

func (*Command) ToJson ¶

func (o *Command) ToJson() string

type CommandArgs ¶

type CommandArgs struct {
	UserId          string             `json:"user_id"`
	ChannelId       string             `json:"channel_id"`
	TeamId          string             `json:"team_id"`
	RootId          string             `json:"root_id"`
	ParentId        string             `json:"parent_id"`
	TriggerId       string             `json:"trigger_id,omitempty"`
	Command         string             `json:"command"`
	SiteURL         string             `json:"-"`
	T               i18n.TranslateFunc `json:"-"`
	UserMentions    UserMentionMap     `json:"-"`
	ChannelMentions ChannelMentionMap  `json:"-"`

	// DO NOT USE Session field is deprecated. MM-26398
	Session Session `json:"-"`

func CommandArgsFromJson ¶

func CommandArgsFromJson(data io.Reader) *CommandArgs

func (*CommandArgs) AddChannelMention ¶ added in v5.22.0

func (o *CommandArgs) AddChannelMention(channelName, channelId string)

AddChannelMention adds or overrides an entry in ChannelMentions with name channelName and identifier channelId

func (*CommandArgs) AddUserMention ¶ added in v5.22.0

func (o *CommandArgs) AddUserMention(username, userId string)

AddUserMention adds or overrides an entry in UserMentions with name username and identifier userId

func (*CommandArgs) ToJson ¶

func (o *CommandArgs) ToJson() string

type CommandMoveRequest ¶ added in v5.22.0

type CommandMoveRequest struct {
	TeamId string `json:"team_id"`

func CommandMoveRequestFromJson ¶ added in v5.22.0

func CommandMoveRequestFromJson(data io.Reader) (*CommandMoveRequest, error)

func (*CommandMoveRequest) ToJson ¶ added in v5.22.0

func (cmr *CommandMoveRequest) ToJson() string

type CommandResponse ¶

type CommandResponse struct {
	ResponseType     string             `json:"response_type"`
	Text             string             `json:"text"`
	Username         string             `json:"username"`
	ChannelId        string             `json:"channel_id"`
	IconURL          string             `json:"icon_url"`
	Type             string             `json:"type"`
	Props            StringInterface    `json:"props"`
	GotoLocation     string             `json:"goto_location"`
	TriggerId        string             `json:"trigger_id"`
	SkipSlackParsing bool               `json:"skip_slack_parsing"` // Set to `true` to skip the Slack-compatibility handling of Text.
	Attachments      []*SlackAttachment `json:"attachments"`
	ExtraResponses   []*CommandResponse `json:"extra_responses"`

func CommandResponseFromHTTPBody ¶

func CommandResponseFromHTTPBody(contentType string, body io.Reader) (*CommandResponse, error)

func CommandResponseFromJson ¶

func CommandResponseFromJson(data io.Reader) (*CommandResponse, error)

func CommandResponseFromPlainText ¶

func CommandResponseFromPlainText(text string) *CommandResponse

func (*CommandResponse) ToJson ¶

func (o *CommandResponse) ToJson() string

type CommandWebhook ¶

type CommandWebhook struct {
	Id        string
	CreateAt  int64
	CommandId string
	UserId    string
	ChannelId string
	RootId    string
	ParentId  string
	UseCount  int

func (*CommandWebhook) IsValid ¶

func (o *CommandWebhook) IsValid() *AppError

func (*CommandWebhook) PreSave ¶

func (o *CommandWebhook) PreSave()

type Compliance ¶

type Compliance struct {
	Id       string `json:"id"`
	CreateAt int64  `json:"create_at"`
	UserId   string `json:"user_id"`
	Status   string `json:"status"`
	Count    int    `json:"count"`
	Desc     string `json:"desc"`
	Type     string `json:"type"`
	StartAt  int64  `json:"start_at"`
	EndAt    int64  `json:"end_at"`
	Keywords string `json:"keywords"`
	Emails   string `json:"emails"`

func ComplianceFromJson ¶

func ComplianceFromJson(data io.Reader) *Compliance

func (*Compliance) DeepCopy ¶ added in v5.31.0

func (c *Compliance) DeepCopy() *Compliance

func (*Compliance) IsValid ¶

func (c *Compliance) IsValid() *AppError

func (*Compliance) JobName ¶

func (c *Compliance) JobName() string

func (*Compliance) PreSave ¶

func (c *Compliance) PreSave()

func (*Compliance) ToJson ¶

func (c *Compliance) ToJson() string

type ComplianceExportCursor ¶ added in v5.36.0

type ComplianceExportCursor struct {
	LastChannelsQueryPostCreateAt       int64
	LastChannelsQueryPostID             string
	ChannelsQueryCompleted              bool
	LastDirectMessagesQueryPostCreateAt int64
	LastDirectMessagesQueryPostID       string
	DirectMessagesQueryCompleted        bool

ComplianceExportCursor is used for paginated iteration of posts for compliance export. We need to keep track of the last post ID in addition to the last post CreateAt to break ties when two posts have the same CreateAt.

type CompliancePost ¶

type CompliancePost struct {

	// From Team
	TeamName        string
	TeamDisplayName string

	// From Channel
	ChannelName        string
	ChannelDisplayName string
	ChannelType        string

	// From User
	UserUsername string
	UserEmail    string
	UserNickname string

	// From Post
	PostId         string
	PostCreateAt   int64
	PostUpdateAt   int64
	PostDeleteAt   int64
	PostRootId     string
	PostParentId   string
	PostOriginalId string
	PostMessage    string
	PostType       string
	PostProps      string
	PostHashtags   string
	PostFileIds    string

	IsBot bool

func (*CompliancePost) Row ¶

func (cp *CompliancePost) Row() []string

type ComplianceSettings ¶

type ComplianceSettings struct {
	Enable      *bool   `access:"compliance_compliance_monitoring"`
	Directory   *string `access:"compliance_compliance_monitoring"` // telemetry: none
	EnableDaily *bool   `access:"compliance_compliance_monitoring"`
	BatchSize   *int    `access:"compliance_compliance_monitoring"` // telemetry: none

func (*ComplianceSettings) SetDefaults ¶

func (s *ComplianceSettings) SetDefaults()

type Compliances ¶

type Compliances []Compliance

func CompliancesFromJson ¶

func CompliancesFromJson(data io.Reader) Compliances

func (Compliances) ToJson ¶

func (c Compliances) ToJson() string

type Conditions ¶ added in v5.28.0

type Conditions struct {
	Audience              *NoticeAudience        `json:"audience,omitempty"`
	ClientType            *NoticeClientType      `json:"clientType,omitempty"`     // Only show the notice on specific clients. Defaults to 'all'
	DesktopVersion        []string               `json:"desktopVersion,omitempty"` // What desktop client versions does this notice apply to.; Format: semver ranges (; Example: [">=1.2.3 < ~2.4.x"]; Example: ["<v5.19", "v5.20-v5.22"]
	DisplayDate           *string                `json:"displayDate,omitempty"`    // When to display the notice.; Examples:; "2020-03-01T00:00:00Z" - show on specified date; ">= 2020-03-01T00:00:00Z" - show after specified date; "< 2020-03-01T00:00:00Z" - show before the specified date; "> 2020-03-01T00:00:00Z <= 2020-04-01T00:00:00Z" - show only between the specified dates
	InstanceType          *NoticeInstanceType    `json:"instanceType,omitempty"`
	MobileVersion         []string               `json:"mobileVersion,omitempty"` // What mobile client versions does this notice apply to.; Format: semver ranges (; Example: [">=1.2.3 < ~2.4.x"]; Example: ["<v5.19", "v5.20-v5.22"]
	NumberOfPosts         *int64                 `json:"numberOfPosts,omitempty"` // Only show the notice when server has more than specified number of posts
	NumberOfUsers         *int64                 `json:"numberOfUsers,omitempty"` // Only show the notice when server has more than specified number of users
	ServerConfig          map[string]interface{} `json:"serverConfig,omitempty"`  // Map of mattermost server config paths and their values. Notice will be displayed only if; the values match the target server config; Example: serverConfig: { "PluginSettings.Enable": true, "GuestAccountsSettings.Enable":; false }
	ServerVersion         []string               `json:"serverVersion,omitempty"` // What server versions does this notice apply to.; Format: semver ranges (; Example: [">=1.2.3 < ~2.4.x"]; Example: ["<v5.19", "v5.20-v5.22"]
	Sku                   *NoticeSKU             `json:"sku,omitempty"`
	UserConfig            map[string]interface{} `json:"userConfig,omitempty"`             // Map of user's settings and their values. Notice will be displayed only if the values; match the viewing users' config; Example: userConfig: { "new_sidebar.disabled": true }
	DeprecatingDependency *ExternalDependency    `json:"deprecating_dependency,omitempty"` // External dependency which is going to be deprecated

type Config ¶

type Config struct {
	ServiceSettings           ServiceSettings
	TeamSettings              TeamSettings
	ClientRequirements        ClientRequirements
	SqlSettings               SqlSettings
	LogSettings               LogSettings
	ExperimentalAuditSettings ExperimentalAuditSettings
	NotificationLogSettings   NotificationLogSettings
	PasswordSettings          PasswordSettings
	FileSettings              FileSettings
	EmailSettings             EmailSettings
	RateLimitSettings         RateLimitSettings
	PrivacySettings           PrivacySettings
	SupportSettings           SupportSettings
	AnnouncementSettings      AnnouncementSettings
	ThemeSettings             ThemeSettings
	GitLabSettings            SSOSettings
	GoogleSettings            SSOSettings
	Office365Settings         Office365Settings
	OpenIdSettings            SSOSettings
	LdapSettings              LdapSettings
	ComplianceSettings        ComplianceSettings
	LocalizationSettings      LocalizationSettings
	SamlSettings              SamlSettings
	NativeAppSettings         NativeAppSettings
	ClusterSettings           ClusterSettings
	MetricsSettings           MetricsSettings
	ExperimentalSettings      ExperimentalSettings
	AnalyticsSettings         AnalyticsSettings
	ElasticsearchSettings     ElasticsearchSettings
	BleveSettings             BleveSettings
	DataRetentionSettings     DataRetentionSettings
	MessageExportSettings     MessageExportSettings
	JobSettings               JobSettings // telemetry: none
	PluginSettings            PluginSettings
	DisplaySettings           DisplaySettings
	GuestAccountsSettings     GuestAccountsSettings
	ImageProxySettings        ImageProxySettings
	CloudSettings             CloudSettings  // telemetry: none
	FeatureFlags              *FeatureFlags  `access:"*_read" json:",omitempty"`
	ImportSettings            ImportSettings // telemetry: none
	ExportSettings            ExportSettings

Config fields support the 'access' tag with the following values corresponding to the suffix of the associated PERMISSION_SYSCONSOLE_*_* permission Id: 'about', 'reporting', 'user_management_users', 'user_management_groups', 'user_management_teams', 'user_management_channels', 'user_management_permissions', 'environment_web_server', 'environment_database', 'environment_elasticsearch', 'environment_file_storage', 'environment_image_proxy', 'environment_smtp', 'environment_push_notification_server', 'environment_high_availability', 'environment_rate_limiting', 'environment_logging', 'environment_session_lengths', 'environment_performance_monitoring', 'environment_developer', 'site', 'authentication', 'plugins', 'integrations', 'compliance', 'plugins', and 'experimental'. They grant read and/or write access to the config field to roles without PERMISSION_MANAGE_SYSTEM.

The 'access' tag '*_read' checks for any SYSCONSOLE read permission and grants access if any read permission is allowed.

By default config values can be written with PERMISSION_MANAGE_SYSTEM, but if ExperimentalSettings.RestrictSystemAdmin is true and the access tag contains the value 'write_restrictable', then even PERMISSION_MANAGE_SYSTEM does not grant write access.

PERMISSION_MANAGE_SYSTEM always grants read access.

Config values with the access tag 'cloud_restrictable' mean that are marked to be filtered when it's used in a cloud licensed environment with ExperimentalSettings.RestrictedSystemAdmin set to true.


type HairSettings struct {
    // PERMISSION_MANAGE_SYSTEM grants read and write access.
    Colour string `access:"reporting,user_management_groups"`

    // Length is only readable and writable via PERMISSION_MANAGE_SYSTEM.
    Length string

    // Product is only writeable by PERMISSION_MANAGE_SYSTEM if ExperimentalSettings.RestrictSystemAdmin is false.
    // PERMISSION_MANAGE_SYSTEM can always read the value.
    Product bool `access:write_restrictable`

func ConfigFromJson ¶

func ConfigFromJson(data io.Reader) *Config

func (*Config) Clone ¶

func (o *Config) Clone() *Config

func (*Config) GetSSOService ¶

func (o *Config) GetSSOService(service string) *SSOSettings

func (*Config) GetSanitizeOptions ¶

func (o *Config) GetSanitizeOptions() map[string]bool

func (*Config) IsValid ¶

func (o *Config) IsValid() *AppError

func (*Config) Sanitize ¶

func (o *Config) Sanitize()

func (*Config) SetDefaults ¶

func (o *Config) SetDefaults()

func (*Config) ToJson ¶

func (o *Config) ToJson() string

func (*Config) ToJsonFiltered ¶ added in v5.30.0

func (o *Config) ToJsonFiltered(tagType, tagValue string) string

type ConfigFunc ¶

type ConfigFunc func() *Config

type ConfirmPaymentMethodRequest ¶ added in v5.30.0

type ConfirmPaymentMethodRequest struct {
	StripeSetupIntentID string `json:"stripe_setup_intent_id"`

ConfirmPaymentMethodRequest contains the fields for the customer payment update API.

type ContactPerson ¶ added in v5.20.0

type ContactPerson struct {
	XMLName          xml.Name
	ContactType      string `xml:"contactType,attr"`
	Company          string
	GivenName        string
	SurName          string
	EmailAddresses   []string `xml:"EmailAddress"`
	TelephoneNumbers []string `xml:"TelephoneNumber"`

type CustomStatus ¶ added in v5.33.0

type CustomStatus struct {
	Emoji     string    `json:"emoji"`
	Text      string    `json:"text"`
	Duration  string    `json:"duration"`
	ExpiresAt time.Time `json:"expires_at"`

func CustomStatusFromJson ¶ added in v5.33.0

func CustomStatusFromJson(data io.Reader) *CustomStatus

func (*CustomStatus) AreDurationAndExpirationTimeValid ¶ added in v5.37.0

func (cs *CustomStatus) AreDurationAndExpirationTimeValid() bool

func (*CustomStatus) PreSave ¶ added in v5.37.0

func (cs *CustomStatus) PreSave()

func (*CustomStatus) ToJson ¶ added in v5.33.0

func (cs *CustomStatus) ToJson() string

type Customer ¶

type Customer struct {
	Id      string `json:"id"`
	Name    string `json:"name"`
	Email   string `json:"email"`
	Company string `json:"company"`

type DataRetentionSettings ¶

type DataRetentionSettings struct {
	EnableMessageDeletion *bool   `access:"compliance_data_retention_policy"`
	EnableFileDeletion    *bool   `access:"compliance_data_retention_policy"`
	MessageRetentionDays  *int    `access:"compliance_data_retention_policy"`
	FileRetentionDays     *int    `access:"compliance_data_retention_policy"`
	DeletionJobStartTime  *string `access:"compliance_data_retention_policy"`
	BatchSize             *int    `access:"compliance_data_retention_policy"`

func (*DataRetentionSettings) SetDefaults ¶

func (s *DataRetentionSettings) SetDefaults()

type Dialog ¶

type Dialog struct {
	CallbackId       string          `json:"callback_id"`
	Title            string          `json:"title"`
	IntroductionText string          `json:"introduction_text"`
	IconURL          string          `json:"icon_url"`
	Elements         []DialogElement `json:"elements"`
	SubmitLabel      string          `json:"submit_label"`
	NotifyOnCancel   bool            `json:"notify_on_cancel"`
	State            string          `json:"state"`

type DialogElement ¶

type DialogElement struct {
	DisplayName string               `json:"display_name"`
	Name        string               `json:"name"`
	Type        string               `json:"type"`
	SubType     string               `json:"subtype"`
	Default     string               `json:"default"`
	Placeholder string               `json:"placeholder"`
	HelpText    string               `json:"help_text"`
	Optional    bool                 `json:"optional"`
	MinLength   int                  `json:"min_length"`
	MaxLength   int                  `json:"max_length"`
	DataSource  string               `json:"data_source"`
	Options     []*PostActionOptions `json:"options"`

type DirectChannelForExport ¶

type DirectChannelForExport struct {
	Members *[]string

type DirectPostForExport ¶

type DirectPostForExport struct {
	User           string
	ChannelMembers *[]string

type DisplaySettings ¶

type DisplaySettings struct {
	CustomUrlSchemes     []string `access:"site_customization"`
	ExperimentalTimezone *bool    `access:"experimental_features"`

func (*DisplaySettings) SetDefaults ¶

func (s *DisplaySettings) SetDefaults()

type DoPostActionRequest ¶

type DoPostActionRequest struct {
	SelectedOption string `json:"selected_option,omitempty"`
	Cookie         string `json:"cookie,omitempty"`

func DoPostActionRequestFromJson ¶

func DoPostActionRequestFromJson(data io.Reader) *DoPostActionRequest

type ElasticsearchSettings ¶

type ElasticsearchSettings struct {
	ConnectionUrl                 *string `access:"environment_elasticsearch,write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"`
	Username                      *string `access:"environment_elasticsearch,write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"`
	Password                      *string `access:"environment_elasticsearch,write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"`
	EnableIndexing                *bool   `access:"environment_elasticsearch,write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"`
	EnableSearching               *bool   `access:"environment_elasticsearch,write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"`
	EnableAutocomplete            *bool   `access:"environment_elasticsearch,write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"`
	Sniff                         *bool   `access:"environment_elasticsearch,write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"`
	PostIndexReplicas             *int    `access:"environment_elasticsearch,write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"`
	PostIndexShards               *int    `access:"environment_elasticsearch,write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"`
	ChannelIndexReplicas          *int    `access:"environment_elasticsearch,write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"`
	ChannelIndexShards            *int    `access:"environment_elasticsearch,write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"`
	UserIndexReplicas             *int    `access:"environment_elasticsearch,write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"`
	UserIndexShards               *int    `access:"environment_elasticsearch,write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"`
	AggregatePostsAfterDays       *int    `access:"environment_elasticsearch,write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"` // telemetry: none
	PostsAggregatorJobStartTime   *string `access:"environment_elasticsearch,write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"` // telemetry: none
	IndexPrefix                   *string `access:"environment_elasticsearch,write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"`
	LiveIndexingBatchSize         *int    `access:"environment_elasticsearch,write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"`
	BulkIndexingTimeWindowSeconds *int    `access:"environment_elasticsearch,write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"`
	RequestTimeoutSeconds         *int    `access:"environment_elasticsearch,write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"`
	SkipTLSVerification           *bool   `access:"environment_elasticsearch,write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"`
	Trace                         *string `access:"environment_elasticsearch,write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"`

func (*ElasticsearchSettings) SetDefaults ¶

func (s *ElasticsearchSettings) SetDefaults()

type EmailInviteWithError ¶ added in v5.20.0

type EmailInviteWithError struct {
	Email string    `json:"email"`
	Error *AppError `json:"error"`

func EmailInviteWithErrorFromJson ¶ added in v5.20.0

func EmailInviteWithErrorFromJson(data io.Reader) []*EmailInviteWithError

type EmailSettings ¶

type EmailSettings struct {
	EnableSignUpWithEmail             *bool   `access:"authentication_email"`
	EnableSignInWithEmail             *bool   `access:"authentication_email"`
	EnableSignInWithUsername          *bool   `access:"authentication_email"`
	SendEmailNotifications            *bool   `access:"site_notifications"`
	UseChannelInEmailNotifications    *bool   `access:"experimental_features"`
	RequireEmailVerification          *bool   `access:"authentication_email"`
	FeedbackName                      *string `access:"site_notifications"`
	FeedbackEmail                     *string `access:"site_notifications,cloud_restrictable"`
	ReplyToAddress                    *string `access:"site_notifications,cloud_restrictable"`
	FeedbackOrganization              *string `access:"site_notifications"`
	EnableSMTPAuth                    *bool   `access:"environment_smtp,write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"`
	SMTPUsername                      *string `access:"environment_smtp,write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"` // telemetry: none
	SMTPPassword                      *string `access:"environment_smtp,write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"` // telemetry: none
	SMTPServer                        *string `access:"environment_smtp,write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"` // telemetry: none
	SMTPPort                          *string `access:"environment_smtp,write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"` // telemetry: none
	SMTPServerTimeout                 *int    `access:"cloud_restrictable"`
	ConnectionSecurity                *string `access:"environment_smtp,write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"`
	SendPushNotifications             *bool   `access:"environment_push_notification_server"`
	PushNotificationServer            *string `access:"environment_push_notification_server"` // telemetry: none
	PushNotificationContents          *string `access:"site_notifications"`
	PushNotificationBuffer            *int    // telemetry: none
	EnableEmailBatching               *bool   `access:"site_notifications"`
	EmailBatchingBufferSize           *int    `access:"experimental_features"`
	EmailBatchingInterval             *int    `access:"experimental_features"`
	EnablePreviewModeBanner           *bool   `access:"site_notifications"`
	SkipServerCertificateVerification *bool   `access:"environment_smtp,write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"`
	EmailNotificationContentsType     *string `access:"site_notifications"`
	LoginButtonColor                  *string `access:"experimental_features"`
	LoginButtonBorderColor            *string `access:"experimental_features"`
	LoginButtonTextColor              *string `access:"experimental_features"`

func (*EmailSettings) SetDefaults ¶

func (s *EmailSettings) SetDefaults(isUpdate bool)

type Emoji ¶

type Emoji struct {
	Id        string `json:"id"`
	CreateAt  int64  `json:"create_at"`
	UpdateAt  int64  `json:"update_at"`
	DeleteAt  int64  `json:"delete_at"`
	CreatorId string `json:"creator_id"`
	Name      string `json:"name"`

func EmojiFromJson ¶

func EmojiFromJson(data io.Reader) *Emoji

func EmojiListFromJson ¶

func EmojiListFromJson(data io.Reader) []*Emoji

func (*Emoji) IsValid ¶

func (emoji *Emoji) IsValid() *AppError

func (*Emoji) PreSave ¶

func (emoji *Emoji) PreSave()

func (*Emoji) ToJson ¶

func (emoji *Emoji) ToJson() string

type EmojiSearch ¶

type EmojiSearch struct {
	Term       string `json:"term"`
	PrefixOnly bool   `json:"prefix_only"`

func EmojiSearchFromJson ¶

func EmojiSearchFromJson(data io.Reader) *EmojiSearch

func (*EmojiSearch) ToJson ¶

func (es *EmojiSearch) ToJson() string

type EncryptionMethod ¶ added in v5.20.0

type EncryptionMethod struct {
	Algorithm string `xml:"Algorithm,attr"`

type Endpoint ¶ added in v5.20.0

type Endpoint struct {
	XMLName          xml.Name
	Binding          string `xml:"Binding,attr"`
	Location         string `xml:"Location,attr"`
	ResponseLocation string `xml:"ResponseLocation,attr,omitempty"`

type EntityDescriptor ¶ added in v5.20.0

type EntityDescriptor struct {
	XMLName           xml.Name           `xml:"urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:metadata EntityDescriptor"`
	EntityID          string             `xml:"entityID,attr"`
	ID                string             `xml:",attr,omitempty"`
	ValidUntil        time.Time          `xml:"validUntil,attr,omitempty"`
	CacheDuration     time.Duration      `xml:"cacheDuration,attr,omitempty"`
	RoleDescriptors   []RoleDescriptor   `xml:"RoleDescriptor"`
	IDPSSODescriptors []IDPSSODescriptor `xml:"IDPSSODescriptor"`
	Organization      Organization       `xml:"Organization"`
	ContactPerson     ContactPerson      `xml:"ContactPerson"`

type ExperimentalAuditSettings ¶ added in v5.22.0

type ExperimentalAuditSettings struct {
	FileEnabled           *bool   `access:"experimental_features,write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"`
	FileName              *string `access:"experimental_features,write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"` // telemetry: none
	FileMaxSizeMB         *int    `access:"experimental_features,write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"`
	FileMaxAgeDays        *int    `access:"experimental_features,write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"`
	FileMaxBackups        *int    `access:"experimental_features,write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"`
	FileCompress          *bool   `access:"experimental_features,write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"`
	FileMaxQueueSize      *int    `access:"experimental_features,write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"`
	AdvancedLoggingConfig *string `access:"experimental_features,write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"`

func (*ExperimentalAuditSettings) SetDefaults ¶ added in v5.22.0

func (s *ExperimentalAuditSettings) SetDefaults()

type ExperimentalSettings ¶

type ExperimentalSettings struct {
	ClientSideCertEnable            *bool   `access:"experimental_features,cloud_restrictable"`
	ClientSideCertCheck             *string `access:"experimental_features,cloud_restrictable"`
	EnableClickToReply              *bool   `access:"experimental_features,write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"`
	LinkMetadataTimeoutMilliseconds *int64  `access:"experimental_features,write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"`
	RestrictSystemAdmin             *bool   `access:"experimental_features,write_restrictable"`
	UseNewSAMLLibrary               *bool   `access:"experimental_features,cloud_restrictable"`
	CloudUserLimit                  *int64  `access:"experimental_features,write_restrictable"`
	CloudBilling                    *bool   `access:"experimental_features,write_restrictable"`
	EnableSharedChannels            *bool   `access:"experimental_features"`
	EnableRemoteClusterService      *bool   `access:"experimental_features"`

func (*ExperimentalSettings) SetDefaults ¶

func (s *ExperimentalSettings) SetDefaults()

type ExportSettings ¶ added in v5.33.0

type ExportSettings struct {
	// The directory where to store the exported files.
	Directory *string // telemetry: none
	// The number of days to retain the exported files before deleting them.
	RetentionDays *int

ExportSettings defines configuration settings for file exports.

func (*ExportSettings) SetDefaults ¶ added in v5.33.0

func (s *ExportSettings) SetDefaults()

SetDefaults applies the default settings to the struct.

type ExternalDependency ¶ added in v5.34.0

type ExternalDependency struct {
	Name           string `json:"name"`
	MinimumVersion string `json:"minimum_version"`

type FailedPayment ¶ added in v5.31.0

type FailedPayment struct {
	CardBrand      string `json:"card_brand"`
	LastFour       int    `json:"last_four"`
	FailureMessage string `json:"failure_message"`

type FeatureFlags ¶ added in v5.30.0

type FeatureFlags struct {
	// Exists only for unit and manual testing.
	// When set to a value, will be returned by the ping endpoint.
	TestFeature string
	// Exists only for testing bool functionality. Boolean feature flags interpret "on" or "true" as true and
	// all other values as false.
	TestBoolFeature bool

	// Toggle on and off scheduled jobs for cloud user limit emails see MM-29999
	CloudDelinquentEmailJobsEnabled bool

	// Toggle on and off support for Collapsed Threads
	CollapsedThreads bool

	// Enable the remote cluster service for shared channels.
	EnableRemoteClusterService bool

	// AppsEnabled toggle the Apps framework functionalities both in server and client side
	AppsEnabled bool

	// Feature flags to control plugin versions
	PluginIncidentManagement string `plugin_id:"com.mattermost.plugin-incident-management"`
	PluginApps               string `plugin_id:"com.mattermost.apps"`
	PluginFocalboard         string `plugin_id:"focalboard"`

	// Enable timed dnd support for user status
	TimedDND bool

func (*FeatureFlags) Plugins ¶ added in v5.32.0

func (f *FeatureFlags) Plugins() map[string]string

func (*FeatureFlags) SetDefaults ¶ added in v5.30.0

func (f *FeatureFlags) SetDefaults()

func (*FeatureFlags) ToMap ¶ added in v5.36.0

func (f *FeatureFlags) ToMap() map[string]string

ToMap returns the feature flags as a map[string]string Supports boolean and string feature flags.

type Features ¶

type Features struct {
	Users                     *int  `json:"users"`
	LDAP                      *bool `json:"ldap"`
	LDAPGroups                *bool `json:"ldap_groups"`
	MFA                       *bool `json:"mfa"`
	GoogleOAuth               *bool `json:"google_oauth"`
	Office365OAuth            *bool `json:"office365_oauth"`
	OpenId                    *bool `json:"openid"`
	Compliance                *bool `json:"compliance"`
	Cluster                   *bool `json:"cluster"`
	Metrics                   *bool `json:"metrics"`
	MHPNS                     *bool `json:"mhpns"`
	SAML                      *bool `json:"saml"`
	Elasticsearch             *bool `json:"elastic_search"`
	Announcement              *bool `json:"announcement"`
	ThemeManagement           *bool `json:"theme_management"`
	EmailNotificationContents *bool `json:"email_notification_contents"`
	DataRetention             *bool `json:"data_retention"`
	MessageExport             *bool `json:"message_export"`
	CustomPermissionsSchemes  *bool `json:"custom_permissions_schemes"`
	CustomTermsOfService      *bool `json:"custom_terms_of_service"`
	GuestAccounts             *bool `json:"guest_accounts"`
	GuestAccountsPermissions  *bool `json:"guest_accounts_permissions"`
	IDLoadedPushNotifications *bool `json:"id_loaded"`
	LockTeammateNameDisplay   *bool `json:"lock_teammate_name_display"`
	EnterprisePlugins         *bool `json:"enterprise_plugins"`
	AdvancedLogging           *bool `json:"advanced_logging"`
	Cloud                     *bool `json:"cloud"`
	SharedChannels            *bool `json:"shared_channels"`
	RemoteClusterService      *bool `json:"remote_cluster_service"`

	// after we enabled more features we'll need to control them with this
	FutureFeatures *bool `json:"future_features"`

func (*Features) SetDefaults ¶

func (f *Features) SetDefaults()

func (*Features) ToMap ¶

func (f *Features) ToMap() map[string]interface{}

type FileData ¶ added in v5.33.0

type FileData struct {
	Filename string
	Body     []byte

type FileForIndexing ¶ added in v5.32.0

type FileForIndexing struct {
	ChannelId string `json:"channel_id"`
	Content   string `json:"content"`

type FileInfo ¶

type FileInfo struct {
	Id              string  `json:"id"`
	CreatorId       string  `json:"user_id"`
	PostId          string  `json:"post_id,omitempty"`
	ChannelId       string  `db:"-" json:"channel_id"`
	CreateAt        int64   `json:"create_at"`
	UpdateAt        int64   `json:"update_at"`
	DeleteAt        int64   `json:"delete_at"`
	Path            string  `json:"-"` // not sent back to the client
	ThumbnailPath   string  `json:"-"` // not sent back to the client
	PreviewPath     string  `json:"-"` // not sent back to the client
	Name            string  `json:"name"`
	Extension       string  `json:"extension"`
	Size            int64   `json:"size"`
	MimeType        string  `json:"mime_type"`
	Width           int     `json:"width,omitempty"`
	Height          int     `json:"height,omitempty"`
	HasPreviewImage bool    `json:"has_preview_image,omitempty"`
	MiniPreview     *[]byte `json:"mini_preview"` // declared as *[]byte to avoid postgres/mysql differences in deserialization
	Content         string  `json:"-"`
	RemoteId        *string `json:"remote_id"`

func FileInfoFromJson ¶

func FileInfoFromJson(data io.Reader) *FileInfo

func FileInfosFromJson ¶

func FileInfosFromJson(data io.Reader) []*FileInfo

func NewInfo ¶

func NewInfo(name string) *FileInfo

func (*FileInfo) IsImage ¶

func (fi *FileInfo) IsImage() bool

func (*FileInfo) IsValid ¶

func (fi *FileInfo) IsValid() *AppError

func (*FileInfo) PreSave ¶

func (fi *FileInfo) PreSave()

func (*FileInfo) ToJson ¶

func (fi *FileInfo) ToJson() string

type FileInfoList ¶ added in v5.32.0

type FileInfoList struct {
	Order          []string             `json:"order"`
	FileInfos      map[string]*FileInfo `json:"file_infos"`
	NextFileInfoId string               `json:"next_file_info_id"`
	PrevFileInfoId string               `json:"prev_file_info_id"`

func FileInfoListFromJson ¶ added in v5.32.0

func FileInfoListFromJson(data io.Reader) *FileInfoList

func NewFileInfoList ¶ added in v5.32.0

func NewFileInfoList() *FileInfoList

func (*FileInfoList) AddFileInfo ¶ added in v5.32.0

func (o *FileInfoList) AddFileInfo(fileInfo *FileInfo)

func (*FileInfoList) AddOrder ¶ added in v5.32.0

func (o *FileInfoList) AddOrder(id string)

func (*FileInfoList) Etag ¶ added in v5.32.0

func (o *FileInfoList) Etag() string

func (*FileInfoList) Extend ¶ added in v5.32.0

func (o *FileInfoList) Extend(other *FileInfoList)

func (*FileInfoList) MakeNonNil ¶ added in v5.32.0

func (o *FileInfoList) MakeNonNil()

func (*FileInfoList) SortByCreateAt ¶ added in v5.32.0

func (o *FileInfoList) SortByCreateAt()

func (*FileInfoList) ToJson ¶ added in v5.32.0

func (o *FileInfoList) ToJson() string

func (*FileInfoList) ToSlice ¶ added in v5.32.0

func (o *FileInfoList) ToSlice() []*FileInfo

func (*FileInfoList) UniqueOrder ¶ added in v5.32.0

func (o *FileInfoList) UniqueOrder()

type FileInfoSearchMatches ¶ added in v5.32.0

type FileInfoSearchMatches map[string][]string

type FileInfoSearchResults ¶ added in v5.32.0

type FileInfoSearchResults struct {
	Matches FileInfoSearchMatches `json:"matches"`

func FileInfoSearchResultsFromJson ¶ added in v5.32.0

func FileInfoSearchResultsFromJson(data io.Reader) *FileInfoSearchResults

func MakeFileInfoSearchResults ¶ added in v5.32.0

func MakeFileInfoSearchResults(fileInfos *FileInfoList, matches FileInfoSearchMatches) *FileInfoSearchResults

func (*FileInfoSearchResults) ToJson ¶ added in v5.32.0

func (o *FileInfoSearchResults) ToJson() string

type FileSettings ¶

type FileSettings struct {
	EnableFileAttachments   *bool   `access:"site_file_sharing_and_downloads,cloud_restrictable"`
	EnableMobileUpload      *bool   `access:"site_file_sharing_and_downloads,cloud_restrictable"`
	EnableMobileDownload    *bool   `access:"site_file_sharing_and_downloads,cloud_restrictable"`
	MaxFileSize             *int64  `access:"environment_file_storage,cloud_restrictable"`
	DriverName              *string `access:"environment_file_storage,write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"`
	Directory               *string `access:"environment_file_storage,write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"`
	EnablePublicLink        *bool   `access:"site_public_links,cloud_restrictable"`
	ExtractContent          *bool   `access:"environment_file_storage,write_restrictable"`
	ArchiveRecursion        *bool   `access:"environment_file_storage,write_restrictable"`
	PublicLinkSalt          *string `access:"site_public_links,cloud_restrictable"`                           // telemetry: none
	InitialFont             *string `access:"environment_file_storage,cloud_restrictable"`                    // telemetry: none
	AmazonS3AccessKeyId     *string `access:"environment_file_storage,write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"` // telemetry: none
	AmazonS3SecretAccessKey *string `access:"environment_file_storage,write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"` // telemetry: none
	AmazonS3Bucket          *string `access:"environment_file_storage,write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"` // telemetry: none
	AmazonS3PathPrefix      *string `access:"environment_file_storage,write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"` // telemetry: none
	AmazonS3Region          *string `access:"environment_file_storage,write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"` // telemetry: none
	AmazonS3Endpoint        *string `access:"environment_file_storage,write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"` // telemetry: none
	AmazonS3SSL             *bool   `access:"environment_file_storage,write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"`
	AmazonS3SignV2          *bool   `access:"environment_file_storage,write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"`
	AmazonS3SSE             *bool   `access:"environment_file_storage,write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"`
	AmazonS3Trace           *bool   `access:"environment_file_storage,write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"`

func (*FileSettings) SetDefaults ¶

func (s *FileSettings) SetDefaults(isUpdate bool)

func (*FileSettings) ToFileBackendSettings ¶ added in v5.33.0

func (s *FileSettings) ToFileBackendSettings(enableComplianceFeature bool) filestore.FileBackendSettings

type FileUploadResponse ¶

type FileUploadResponse struct {
	FileInfos []*FileInfo `json:"file_infos"`
	ClientIds []string    `json:"client_ids"`

func FileUploadResponseFromJson ¶

func FileUploadResponseFromJson(data io.Reader) *FileUploadResponse

func (*FileUploadResponse) ToJson ¶

func (o *FileUploadResponse) ToJson() string

type GetFileInfosOptions ¶ added in v5.22.0

type GetFileInfosOptions struct {
	// UserIds optionally limits the FileInfos to those created by the given users.
	UserIds []string `json:"user_ids"`
	// ChannelIds optionally limits the FileInfos to those created in the given channels.
	ChannelIds []string `json:"channel_ids"`
	// Since optionally limits FileInfos to those created at or after the given time, specified as Unix time in milliseconds.
	Since int64 `json:"since"`
	// IncludeDeleted if set includes deleted FileInfos.
	IncludeDeleted bool `json:"include_deleted"`
	// SortBy sorts the FileInfos by this field. The default is to sort by date created.
	SortBy string `json:"sort_by"`
	// SortDescending changes the sort direction to descending order when true.
	SortDescending bool `json:"sort_descending"`

GetFileInfosOptions contains options for getting FileInfos

type GetPostsOptions ¶ added in v5.22.0

type GetPostsOptions struct {
	UserId                   string
	ChannelId                string
	PostId                   string
	Page                     int
	PerPage                  int
	SkipFetchThreads         bool
	CollapsedThreads         bool
	CollapsedThreadsExtended bool

type GetPostsSinceForSyncCursor ¶ added in v5.36.0

type GetPostsSinceForSyncCursor struct {
	LastPostUpdateAt int64
	LastPostId       string

type GetPostsSinceForSyncOptions ¶ added in v5.35.0

type GetPostsSinceForSyncOptions struct {
	ChannelId       string
	ExcludeRemoteId string
	IncludeDeleted  bool

type GetPostsSinceOptions ¶ added in v5.22.0

type GetPostsSinceOptions struct {
	UserId                   string
	ChannelId                string
	Time                     int64
	SkipFetchThreads         bool
	CollapsedThreads         bool
	CollapsedThreadsExtended bool
	SortAscending            bool

type GetUserThreadsOpts ¶ added in v5.30.0

type GetUserThreadsOpts struct {
	// PageSize specifies the size of the returned chunk of results. Default = 30
	PageSize uint64

	// Extended will enrich the response with participant details. Default = false
	Extended bool

	// Deleted will specify that even deleted threads should be returned (For mobile sync). Default = false
	Deleted bool

	// Since filters the threads based on their LastUpdateAt timestamp.
	Since uint64

	// Before specifies thread id as a cursor for pagination and will return `PageSize` threads before the cursor
	Before string

	// After specifies thread id as a cursor for pagination and will return `PageSize` threads after the cursor
	After string

	// Unread will make sure that only threads with unread replies are returned
	Unread bool

	// TotalsOnly will not fetch any threads and just fetch the total counts
	TotalsOnly bool

	// TeamOnly will only fetch threads and unreads for the specified team and excludes DMs/GMs
	TeamOnly bool

type GetUsersForSyncFilter ¶ added in v5.36.0

type GetUsersForSyncFilter struct {
	CheckProfileImage bool
	ChannelID         string
	Limit             uint64

type GlobalRelayMessageExportSettings ¶

type GlobalRelayMessageExportSettings struct {
	CustomerType      *string `access:"compliance_compliance_export"` // must be either A9 or A10, dictates SMTP server url
	SmtpUsername      *string `access:"compliance_compliance_export"`
	SmtpPassword      *string `access:"compliance_compliance_export"`
	EmailAddress      *string `access:"compliance_compliance_export"` // the address to send messages to
	SMTPServerTimeout *int    `access:"compliance_compliance_export"`

func (*GlobalRelayMessageExportSettings) SetDefaults ¶

func (s *GlobalRelayMessageExportSettings) SetDefaults()

type GlobalRetentionPolicy ¶ added in v5.36.0

type GlobalRetentionPolicy struct {
	MessageDeletionEnabled bool  `json:"message_deletion_enabled"`
	FileDeletionEnabled    bool  `json:"file_deletion_enabled"`
	MessageRetentionCutoff int64 `json:"message_retention_cutoff"`
	FileRetentionCutoff    int64 `json:"file_retention_cutoff"`

func GlobalRetentionPolicyFromJson ¶ added in v5.36.0

func GlobalRetentionPolicyFromJson(data io.Reader) *GlobalRetentionPolicy

func (*GlobalRetentionPolicy) ToJson ¶ added in v5.36.0

func (rp *GlobalRetentionPolicy) ToJson() []byte

type Group ¶

type Group struct {
	Id             string      `json:"id"`
	Name           *string     `json:"name,omitempty"`
	DisplayName    string      `json:"display_name"`
	Description    string      `json:"description"`
	Source         GroupSource `json:"source"`
	RemoteId       string      `json:"remote_id"`
	CreateAt       int64       `json:"create_at"`
	UpdateAt       int64       `json:"update_at"`
	DeleteAt       int64       `json:"delete_at"`
	HasSyncables   bool        `db:"-" json:"has_syncables"`
	MemberCount    *int        `db:"-" json:"member_count,omitempty"`
	AllowReference bool        `json:"allow_reference"`

func GroupFromJson ¶

func GroupFromJson(data io.Reader) *Group

func GroupsFromJson ¶

func GroupsFromJson(data io.Reader) []*Group

func (*Group) IsValidForCreate ¶

func (group *Group) IsValidForCreate() *AppError

func (*Group) IsValidForUpdate ¶

func (group *Group) IsValidForUpdate() *AppError

func (*Group) IsValidName ¶ added in v5.24.0

func (group *Group) IsValidName() *AppError

func (*Group) Patch ¶

func (group *Group) Patch(patch *GroupPatch)

func (*Group) ToJson ¶ added in v5.24.0

func (group *Group) ToJson() string

type GroupMember ¶

type GroupMember struct {
	GroupId  string `json:"group_id"`
	UserId   string `json:"user_id"`
	CreateAt int64  `json:"create_at"`
	DeleteAt int64  `json:"delete_at"`

func (*GroupMember) IsValid ¶

func (gm *GroupMember) IsValid() *AppError

type GroupPatch ¶

type GroupPatch struct {
	Name           *string `json:"name"`
	DisplayName    *string `json:"display_name"`
	Description    *string `json:"description"`
	AllowReference *bool   `json:"allow_reference"`

func GroupPatchFromJson ¶

func GroupPatchFromJson(data io.Reader) *GroupPatch

type GroupSearchOpts ¶

type GroupSearchOpts struct {
	Q                      string
	NotAssociatedToTeam    string
	NotAssociatedToChannel string
	IncludeMemberCount     bool
	FilterAllowReference   bool
	PageOpts               *PageOpts
	Since                  int64

	// FilterParentTeamPermitted filters the groups to the intersect of the
	// set associated to the parent team and those returned by the query.
	// If the parent team is not group-constrained or if NotAssociatedToChannel
	// is not set then this option is ignored.
	FilterParentTeamPermitted bool

type GroupSource ¶

type GroupSource string

type GroupStats ¶ added in v5.26.0

type GroupStats struct {
	GroupID          string `json:"group_id"`
	TotalMemberCount int64  `json:"total_member_count"`

func GroupStatsFromJson ¶ added in v5.26.0

func GroupStatsFromJson(data io.Reader) *GroupStats

type GroupSyncable ¶

type GroupSyncable struct {
	GroupId string `json:"group_id"`

	// SyncableId represents the Id of the model that is being synced with the group, for example a ChannelId or
	// TeamId.
	SyncableId string `db:"-" json:"-"`

	AutoAdd     bool              `json:"auto_add"`
	SchemeAdmin bool              `json:"scheme_admin"`
	CreateAt    int64             `json:"create_at"`
	DeleteAt    int64             `json:"delete_at"`
	UpdateAt    int64             `json:"update_at"`
	Type        GroupSyncableType `db:"-" json:"-"`

	// Values joined in from the associated team and/or channel
	ChannelDisplayName string `db:"-" json:"-"`
	TeamDisplayName    string `db:"-" json:"-"`
	TeamType           string `db:"-" json:"-"`
	ChannelType        string `db:"-" json:"-"`
	TeamID             string `db:"-" json:"-"`

func GroupSyncableFromJson ¶

func GroupSyncableFromJson(data io.Reader) *GroupSyncable

func GroupSyncablesFromJson ¶

func GroupSyncablesFromJson(data io.Reader) []*GroupSyncable

func NewGroupChannel ¶

func NewGroupChannel(groupID, channelID string, autoAdd bool) *GroupSyncable

func NewGroupTeam ¶

func NewGroupTeam(groupID, teamID string, autoAdd bool) *GroupSyncable

func (*GroupSyncable) IsValid ¶

func (syncable *GroupSyncable) IsValid() *AppError

func (*GroupSyncable) MarshalJSON ¶

func (syncable *GroupSyncable) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

func (*GroupSyncable) Patch ¶

func (syncable *GroupSyncable) Patch(patch *GroupSyncablePatch)

func (*GroupSyncable) UnmarshalJSON ¶

func (syncable *GroupSyncable) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error

type GroupSyncablePatch ¶

type GroupSyncablePatch struct {
	AutoAdd     *bool `json:"auto_add"`
	SchemeAdmin *bool `json:"scheme_admin"`

type GroupSyncableType ¶

type GroupSyncableType string
const (
	GroupSyncableTypeTeam    GroupSyncableType = "Team"
	GroupSyncableTypeChannel GroupSyncableType = "Channel"

func (GroupSyncableType) String ¶

func (gst GroupSyncableType) String() string

type GroupWithSchemeAdmin ¶ added in v5.20.0

type GroupWithSchemeAdmin struct {
	SchemeAdmin *bool `db:"SyncableSchemeAdmin" json:"scheme_admin,omitempty"`

type GroupsAssociatedToChannel ¶ added in v5.24.0

type GroupsAssociatedToChannel struct {
	ChannelId string                  `json:"channel_id"`
	Groups    []*GroupWithSchemeAdmin `json:"groups"`

type GroupsAssociatedToChannelWithSchemeAdmin ¶ added in v5.24.0

type GroupsAssociatedToChannelWithSchemeAdmin struct {
	ChannelId string `json:"channel_id"`
	SchemeAdmin *bool `db:"SyncableSchemeAdmin" json:"scheme_admin,omitempty"`

type GuestAccountsSettings ¶

type GuestAccountsSettings struct {
	Enable                           *bool   `access:"authentication_guest_access"`
	AllowEmailAccounts               *bool   `access:"authentication_guest_access"`
	EnforceMultifactorAuthentication *bool   `access:"authentication_guest_access"`
	RestrictCreationToDomains        *string `access:"authentication_guest_access"`

func (*GuestAccountsSettings) SetDefaults ¶

func (s *GuestAccountsSettings) SetDefaults()

type GuestsInvite ¶

type GuestsInvite struct {
	Emails   []string `json:"emails"`
	Channels []string `json:"channels"`
	Message  string   `json:"message"`

func GuestsInviteFromJson ¶

func GuestsInviteFromJson(data io.Reader) *GuestsInvite

GuestsInviteFromJson will decode the input and return a GuestsInvite

func (*GuestsInvite) IsValid ¶

func (i *GuestsInvite) IsValid() *AppError

IsValid validates the user and returns an error if it isn't configured correctly.

func (*GuestsInvite) ToJson ¶

func (i *GuestsInvite) ToJson() string

type IDPSSODescriptor ¶ added in v5.20.0

type IDPSSODescriptor struct {
	XMLName xml.Name `xml:"urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:metadata IDPSSODescriptor"`
	WantAuthnRequestsSigned *bool `xml:",attr"`

	SingleSignOnServices       []Endpoint  `xml:"SingleSignOnService"`
	NameIDMappingServices      []Endpoint  `xml:"NameIDMappingService"`
	AssertionIDRequestServices []Endpoint  `xml:"AssertionIDRequestService"`
	AttributeProfiles          []string    `xml:"AttributeProfile"`
	Attributes                 []Attribute `xml:"Attribute"`

type ImageProxySettings ¶

type ImageProxySettings struct {
	Enable                  *bool   `access:"environment_image_proxy"`
	ImageProxyType          *string `access:"environment_image_proxy"`
	RemoteImageProxyURL     *string `access:"environment_image_proxy"`
	RemoteImageProxyOptions *string `access:"environment_image_proxy"`

func (*ImageProxySettings) SetDefaults ¶

func (s *ImageProxySettings) SetDefaults(ss ServiceSettings)

type ImportSettings ¶ added in v5.32.0

type ImportSettings struct {
	// The directory where to store the imported files.
	Directory *string
	// The number of days to retain the imported files before deleting them.
	RetentionDays *int

ImportSettings defines configuration settings for file imports.

func (*ImportSettings) SetDefaults ¶ added in v5.32.0

func (s *ImportSettings) SetDefaults()

SetDefaults applies the default settings to the struct.

type IncomingWebhook ¶

type IncomingWebhook struct {
	Id            string `json:"id"`
	CreateAt      int64  `json:"create_at"`
	UpdateAt      int64  `json:"update_at"`
	DeleteAt      int64  `json:"delete_at"`
	UserId        string `json:"user_id"`
	ChannelId     string `json:"channel_id"`
	TeamId        string `json:"team_id"`
	DisplayName   string `json:"display_name"`
	Description   string `json:"description"`
	Username      string `json:"username"`
	IconURL       string `json:"icon_url"`
	ChannelLocked bool   `json:"channel_locked"`

func IncomingWebhookFromJson ¶

func IncomingWebhookFromJson(data io.Reader) *IncomingWebhook

func IncomingWebhookListFromJson ¶

func IncomingWebhookListFromJson(data io.Reader) []*IncomingWebhook

func (*IncomingWebhook) IsValid ¶

func (o *IncomingWebhook) IsValid() *AppError

func (*IncomingWebhook) PreSave ¶

func (o *IncomingWebhook) PreSave()

func (*IncomingWebhook) PreUpdate ¶

func (o *IncomingWebhook) PreUpdate()

func (*IncomingWebhook) ToJson ¶

func (o *IncomingWebhook) ToJson() string

type IncomingWebhookRequest ¶

type IncomingWebhookRequest struct {
	Text        string             `json:"text"`
	Username    string             `json:"username"`
	IconURL     string             `json:"icon_url"`
	ChannelName string             `json:"channel"`
	Props       StringInterface    `json:"props"`
	Attachments []*SlackAttachment `json:"attachments"`
	Type        string             `json:"type"`
	IconEmoji   string             `json:"icon_emoji"`

func (*IncomingWebhookRequest) ToJson ¶

func (o *IncomingWebhookRequest) ToJson() string

type IndexedEndpoint ¶ added in v5.20.0

type IndexedEndpoint struct {
	XMLName          xml.Name
	Binding          string  `xml:"Binding,attr"`
	Location         string  `xml:"Location,attr"`
	ResponseLocation *string `xml:"ResponseLocation,attr,omitempty"`
	Index            int     `xml:"index,attr"`
	IsDefault        *bool   `xml:"isDefault,attr"`

type InitialLoad ¶

type InitialLoad struct {
	User        *User             `json:"user"`
	TeamMembers []*TeamMember     `json:"team_members"`
	Teams       []*Team           `json:"teams"`
	Preferences Preferences       `json:"preferences"`
	ClientCfg   map[string]string `json:"client_cfg"`
	LicenseCfg  map[string]string `json:"license_cfg"`
	NoAccounts  bool              `json:"no_accounts"`

func InitialLoadFromJson ¶

func InitialLoadFromJson(data io.Reader) *InitialLoad

func (*InitialLoad) ToJson ¶

func (il *InitialLoad) ToJson() string

type InstallMarketplacePluginRequest ¶

type InstallMarketplacePluginRequest struct {
	Id      string `json:"id"`
	Version string `json:"version"`

InstallMarketplacePluginRequest struct describes parameters of the requested plugin.

func PluginRequestFromReader ¶

func PluginRequestFromReader(reader io.Reader) (*InstallMarketplacePluginRequest, error)

PluginRequestFromReader decodes a json-encoded plugin request from the given io.Reader.

func (*InstallMarketplacePluginRequest) ToJson ¶

ToJson method will return json from plugin request.

type IntegrityCheckResult ¶ added in v5.28.0

type IntegrityCheckResult struct {
	Data interface{} `json:"data"`
	Err  error       `json:"err"`

func (*IntegrityCheckResult) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v5.28.0

func (r *IntegrityCheckResult) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error

type Invites ¶

type Invites struct {
	Invites []map[string]string `json:"invites"`

func InvitesFromJson ¶

func InvitesFromJson(data io.Reader) *Invites

func (*Invites) ToEmailList ¶

func (o *Invites) ToEmailList() []string

func (*Invites) ToJson ¶

func (o *Invites) ToJson() string

type Invoice ¶ added in v5.30.0

type Invoice struct {
	ID             string             `json:"id"`
	Number         string             `json:"number"`
	CreateAt       int64              `json:"create_at"`
	Total          int64              `json:"total"`
	Tax            int64              `json:"tax"`
	Status         string             `json:"status"`
	Description    string             `json:"description"`
	PeriodStart    int64              `json:"period_start"`
	PeriodEnd      int64              `json:"period_end"`
	SubscriptionID string             `json:"subscription_id"`
	Items          []*InvoiceLineItem `json:"line_items"`

Invoice model represents a cloud invoice

type InvoiceLineItem ¶ added in v5.30.0

type InvoiceLineItem struct {
	PriceID      string                 `json:"price_id"`
	Total        int64                  `json:"total"`
	Quantity     int64                  `json:"quantity"`
	PricePerUnit int64                  `json:"price_per_unit"`
	Description  string                 `json:"description"`
	Type         string                 `json:"type"`
	Metadata     map[string]interface{} `json:"metadata"`

InvoiceLineItem model represents a cloud invoice lineitem tied to an invoice.

type Job ¶

type Job struct {
	Id             string            `json:"id"`
	Type           string            `json:"type"`
	Priority       int64             `json:"priority"`
	CreateAt       int64             `json:"create_at"`
	StartAt        int64             `json:"start_at"`
	LastActivityAt int64             `json:"last_activity_at"`
	Status         string            `json:"status"`
	Progress       int64             `json:"progress"`
	Data           map[string]string `json:"data"`

func JobFromJson ¶

func JobFromJson(data io.Reader) *Job

func JobsFromJson ¶

func JobsFromJson(data io.Reader) []*Job

func (*Job) DataToJson ¶

func (j *Job) DataToJson() string

func (*Job) IsValid ¶

func (j *Job) IsValid() *AppError

func (*Job) ToJson ¶

func (j *Job) ToJson() string

type JobSettings ¶

type JobSettings struct {
	RunJobs      *bool `access:"write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"`
	RunScheduler *bool `access:"write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"`

func (*JobSettings) SetDefaults ¶

func (s *JobSettings) SetDefaults()

type KeyDescriptor ¶ added in v5.20.0

type KeyDescriptor struct {
	XMLName xml.Name
	Use     string  `xml:"use,attr,omitempty"`
	KeyInfo KeyInfo `xml:" KeyInfo,omitempty"`

type KeyInfo ¶ added in v5.20.0

type KeyInfo struct {
	XMLName  xml.Name
	DS       string   `xml:"xmlns:ds,attr"`
	X509Data X509Data `xml:"X509Data"`

type LdapGroupSearchOpts ¶

type LdapGroupSearchOpts struct {
	Q            string
	IsLinked     *bool
	IsConfigured *bool

type LdapSettings ¶

type LdapSettings struct {
	// Basic
	Enable             *bool   `access:"authentication_ldap"`
	EnableSync         *bool   `access:"authentication_ldap"`
	LdapServer         *string `access:"authentication_ldap"` // telemetry: none
	LdapPort           *int    `access:"authentication_ldap"` // telemetry: none
	ConnectionSecurity *string `access:"authentication_ldap"`
	BaseDN             *string `access:"authentication_ldap"` // telemetry: none
	BindUsername       *string `access:"authentication_ldap"` // telemetry: none
	BindPassword       *string `access:"authentication_ldap"` // telemetry: none

	// Filtering
	UserFilter        *string `access:"authentication_ldap"` // telemetry: none
	GroupFilter       *string `access:"authentication_ldap"`
	GuestFilter       *string `access:"authentication_ldap"`
	EnableAdminFilter *bool
	AdminFilter       *string

	// Group Mapping
	GroupDisplayNameAttribute *string `access:"authentication_ldap"`
	GroupIdAttribute          *string `access:"authentication_ldap"`

	// User Mapping
	FirstNameAttribute *string `access:"authentication_ldap"`
	LastNameAttribute  *string `access:"authentication_ldap"`
	EmailAttribute     *string `access:"authentication_ldap"`
	UsernameAttribute  *string `access:"authentication_ldap"`
	NicknameAttribute  *string `access:"authentication_ldap"`
	IdAttribute        *string `access:"authentication_ldap"`
	PositionAttribute  *string `access:"authentication_ldap"`
	LoginIdAttribute   *string `access:"authentication_ldap"`
	PictureAttribute   *string `access:"authentication_ldap"`

	// Synchronization
	SyncIntervalMinutes *int `access:"authentication_ldap"`

	// Advanced
	SkipCertificateVerification *bool   `access:"authentication_ldap"`
	PublicCertificateFile       *string `access:"authentication_ldap"`
	PrivateKeyFile              *string `access:"authentication_ldap"`
	QueryTimeout                *int    `access:"authentication_ldap"`
	MaxPageSize                 *int    `access:"authentication_ldap"`

	// Customization
	LoginFieldName *string `access:"authentication_ldap"`

	LoginButtonColor       *string `access:"experimental_features"`
	LoginButtonBorderColor *string `access:"experimental_features"`
	LoginButtonTextColor   *string `access:"experimental_features"`

	Trace *bool `access:"authentication_ldap"` // telemetry: none

func (*LdapSettings) SetDefaults ¶

func (s *LdapSettings) SetDefaults()

type License ¶

type License struct {
	Id           string    `json:"id"`
	IssuedAt     int64     `json:"issued_at"`
	StartsAt     int64     `json:"starts_at"`
	ExpiresAt    int64     `json:"expires_at"`
	Customer     *Customer `json:"customer"`
	Features     *Features `json:"features"`
	SkuName      string    `json:"sku_name"`
	SkuShortName string    `json:"sku_short_name"`
	IsTrial      bool      `json:"is_trial"`

func LicenseFromJson ¶

func LicenseFromJson(data io.Reader) *License

func NewTestLicense ¶

func NewTestLicense(features ...string) *License

NewTestLicense returns a license that expires in the future and has the given features.

func (*License) DaysToExpiration ¶ added in v5.38.0

func (l *License) DaysToExpiration() int

func (*License) IsExpired ¶

func (l *License) IsExpired() bool

func (*License) IsPastGracePeriod ¶ added in v5.24.0

func (l *License) IsPastGracePeriod() bool

func (*License) IsSanctionedTrial ¶ added in v5.37.0

func (l *License) IsSanctionedTrial() bool

func (*License) IsStarted ¶

func (l *License) IsStarted() bool

func (*License) IsTrialLicense ¶ added in v5.37.0

func (l *License) IsTrialLicense() bool

func (*License) IsWithinExpirationPeriod ¶ added in v5.38.0

func (l *License) IsWithinExpirationPeriod() bool

func (*License) ToJson ¶

func (l *License) ToJson() string

type LicenseRecord ¶

type LicenseRecord struct {
	Id       string `json:"id"`
	CreateAt int64  `json:"create_at"`
	Bytes    string `json:"-"`

func (*LicenseRecord) IsValid ¶

func (lr *LicenseRecord) IsValid() *AppError

func (*LicenseRecord) PreSave ¶

func (lr *LicenseRecord) PreSave()

type LinkMetadata ¶

type LinkMetadata struct {
	// Hash is a value computed from the URL and Timestamp for use as a primary key in the database.
	Hash int64

	URL       string
	Timestamp int64
	Type      LinkMetadataType

	// Data is the actual metadata for the link. It should contain data of one of the following types:
	// - *model.PostImage if the linked content is an image
	// - *opengraph.OpenGraph if the linked content is an HTML document
	// - nil if the linked content has no metadata
	Data interface{}

LinkMetadata stores arbitrary data about a link posted in a message. This includes dimensions of linked images and OpenGraph metadata.

func (*LinkMetadata) DeserializeDataToConcreteType ¶

func (o *LinkMetadata) DeserializeDataToConcreteType() error

DeserializeDataToConcreteType converts o.Data from JSON into properly structured data. This is intended to be used after getting a LinkMetadata object that has been stored in the database.

func (*LinkMetadata) IsValid ¶

func (o *LinkMetadata) IsValid() *AppError

func (*LinkMetadata) PreSave ¶

func (o *LinkMetadata) PreSave()

type LinkMetadataType ¶

type LinkMetadataType string

type LocalizationSettings ¶

type LocalizationSettings struct {
	DefaultServerLocale *string `access:"site_localization"`
	DefaultClientLocale *string `access:"site_localization"`
	AvailableLocales    *string `access:"site_localization"`

func (*LocalizationSettings) SetDefaults ¶

func (s *LocalizationSettings) SetDefaults()

type LocalizedName ¶ added in v5.20.0

type LocalizedName struct {
	Lang  string `xml:"xml lang,attr"`
	Value string `xml:",chardata"`

type LocalizedURI ¶ added in v5.20.0

type LocalizedURI struct {
	Lang  string `xml:"xml lang,attr"`
	Value string `xml:",chardata"`

type LogSettings ¶

type LogSettings struct {
	EnableConsole          *bool   `access:"environment_logging,write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"`
	ConsoleLevel           *string `access:"environment_logging,write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"`
	ConsoleJson            *bool   `access:"environment_logging,write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"`
	EnableColor            *bool   `access:"environment_logging,write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"` // telemetry: none
	EnableFile             *bool   `access:"environment_logging,write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"`
	FileLevel              *string `access:"environment_logging,write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"`
	FileJson               *bool   `access:"environment_logging,write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"`
	FileLocation           *string `access:"environment_logging,write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"`
	EnableWebhookDebugging *bool   `access:"environment_logging,write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"`
	EnableDiagnostics      *bool   `access:"environment_logging,write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"` // telemetry: none
	EnableSentry           *bool   `access:"environment_logging,write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"` // telemetry: none
	AdvancedLoggingConfig  *string `access:"environment_logging,write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"`

func (*LogSettings) SetDefaults ¶

func (s *LogSettings) SetDefaults()

type Manifest ¶

type Manifest struct {
	// The id is a globally unique identifier that represents your plugin. Ids must be at least
	// 3 characters, at most 190 characters and must match ^[a-zA-Z0-9-_\.]+$.
	// Reverse-DNS notation using a name you control is a good option, e.g. "com.mycompany.myplugin".
	Id string `json:"id" yaml:"id"`

	// The name to be displayed for the plugin.
	Name string `json:"name" yaml:"name"`

	// A description of what your plugin is and does.
	Description string `json:"description,omitempty" yaml:"description,omitempty"`

	// HomepageURL is an optional link to learn more about the plugin.
	HomepageURL string `json:"homepage_url,omitempty" yaml:"homepage_url,omitempty"`

	// SupportURL is an optional URL where plugin issues can be reported.
	SupportURL string `json:"support_url,omitempty" yaml:"support_url,omitempty"`

	// ReleaseNotesURL is an optional URL where a changelog for the release can be found.
	ReleaseNotesURL string `json:"release_notes_url,omitempty" yaml:"release_notes_url,omitempty"`

	// A relative file path in the bundle that points to the plugins svg icon for use with the Plugin Marketplace.
	// This should be relative to the root of your bundle and the location of the manifest file. Bitmap image formats are not supported.
	IconPath string `json:"icon_path,omitempty" yaml:"icon_path,omitempty"`

	// A version number for your plugin. Semantic versioning is recommended:
	Version string `json:"version" yaml:"version"`

	// The minimum Mattermost server version required for your plugin.
	// Minimum server version: 5.6
	MinServerVersion string `json:"min_server_version,omitempty" yaml:"min_server_version,omitempty"`

	// Server defines the server-side portion of your plugin.
	Server *ManifestServer `json:"server,omitempty" yaml:"server,omitempty"`

	// Backend is a deprecated flag for defining the server-side portion of your plugin. Going forward, use Server instead.
	Backend *ManifestServer `json:"backend,omitempty" yaml:"backend,omitempty"`

	// If your plugin extends the web app, you'll need to define webapp.
	Webapp *ManifestWebapp `json:"webapp,omitempty" yaml:"webapp,omitempty"`

	// To allow administrators to configure your plugin via the Mattermost system console, you can
	// provide your settings schema.
	SettingsSchema *PluginSettingsSchema `json:"settings_schema,omitempty" yaml:"settings_schema,omitempty"`

	// Plugins can store any kind of data in Props to allow other plugins to use it.
	Props map[string]interface{} `json:"props,omitempty" yaml:"props,omitempty"`

	// RequiredConfig defines any required server configuration fields for the plugin to function properly.
	// Use the plugin helpers CheckRequiredServerConfiguration method to enforce this.
	RequiredConfig *Config `json:"required_configuration,omitempty" yaml:"required_configuration,omitempty"`

The plugin manifest defines the metadata required to load and present your plugin. The manifest file should be named plugin.json or plugin.yaml and placed in the top of your plugin bundle.

Example plugin.json:

  "id": "com.mycompany.myplugin",
  "name": "My Plugin",
  "description": "This is my plugin",
  "homepage_url": "",
  "support_url": "",
  "release_notes_url": "",
  "icon_path": "assets/logo.svg",
  "version": "0.1.0",
  "min_server_version": "5.6.0",
  "server": {
    "executables": {
      "linux-amd64": "server/dist/plugin-linux-amd64",
      "darwin-amd64": "server/dist/plugin-darwin-amd64",
      "windows-amd64": "server/dist/plugin-windows-amd64.exe"
  "webapp": {
      "bundle_path": "webapp/dist/main.js"
  "settings_schema": {
    "header": "Some header text",
    "footer": "Some footer text",
    "settings": [{
      "key": "someKey",
      "display_name": "Enable Extra Feature",
      "type": "bool",
      "help_text": "When true, an extra feature will be enabled!",
      "default": "false"
  "props": {
    "someKey": "someData"

func FindManifest ¶

func FindManifest(dir string) (manifest *Manifest, path string, err error)

FindManifest will find and parse the manifest in a given directory.

In all cases other than a does-not-exist error, path is set to the path of the manifest file that was found.

Manifests are JSON or YAML files named plugin.json, plugin.yaml, or plugin.yml.

func ManifestFromJson ¶

func ManifestFromJson(data io.Reader) *Manifest

func ManifestListFromJson ¶

func ManifestListFromJson(data io.Reader) []*Manifest

func (*Manifest) ClientManifest ¶

func (m *Manifest) ClientManifest() *Manifest

func (*Manifest) GetExecutableForRuntime ¶

func (m *Manifest) GetExecutableForRuntime(goOs, goArch string) string

GetExecutableForRuntime returns the path to the executable for the given runtime architecture.

If the manifest defines multiple executables, but none match, or if only a single executable is defined, the Executable field will be returned. This method does not guarantee that the resulting binary can actually execute on the given platform.

func (*Manifest) HasClient ¶

func (m *Manifest) HasClient() bool

func (*Manifest) HasServer ¶

func (m *Manifest) HasServer() bool

func (*Manifest) HasWebapp ¶

func (m *Manifest) HasWebapp() bool

func (*Manifest) IsValid ¶ added in v5.22.0

func (m *Manifest) IsValid() error

func (*Manifest) MeetMinServerVersion ¶

func (m *Manifest) MeetMinServerVersion(serverVersion string) (bool, error)

func (*Manifest) ToJson ¶

func (m *Manifest) ToJson() string

type ManifestExecutables ¶

type ManifestExecutables struct {
	// LinuxAmd64 is the path to your executable binary for the corresponding platform
	LinuxAmd64 string `json:"linux-amd64,omitempty" yaml:"linux-amd64,omitempty"`
	// DarwinAmd64 is the path to your executable binary for the corresponding platform
	DarwinAmd64 string `json:"darwin-amd64,omitempty" yaml:"darwin-amd64,omitempty"`
	// WindowsAmd64 is the path to your executable binary for the corresponding platform
	// This file must have a ".exe" extension
	WindowsAmd64 string `json:"windows-amd64,omitempty" yaml:"windows-amd64,omitempty"`

ManifestExecutables is a legacy structure capturing a subet of the known platform executables.

type ManifestServer ¶

type ManifestServer struct {
	// AllExecutables are the paths to your executable binaries, specifying multiple entry
	// points for different platforms when bundled together in a single plugin.
	AllExecutables map[string]string `json:"executables,omitempty" yaml:"executables,omitempty"`

	// Executables is a legacy field populated with a subset of supported platform executables.
	// When unmarshalling, Executables is authoritative for the platform executable paths it
	// contains, overriding any values in AllExecutables. When marshalling, AllExecutables
	// is authoritative.
	// Code duplication is avoided when (un)marshalling by leveraging type aliases in the
	// various (Un)Marshal(JSON|YAML) methods, since aliases don't inherit the aliased type's
	// methods.
	// In v6.0, we should remove this field and rename AllExecutables back to Executables.
	Executables *ManifestExecutables `json:"-" yaml:"-"`

	// Executable is the path to your executable binary. This should be relative to the root
	// of your bundle and the location of the manifest file.
	// On Windows, this file must have a ".exe" extension.
	// If your plugin is compiled for multiple platforms, consider bundling them together
	// and using the Executables field instead.
	Executable string `json:"executable" yaml:"executable"`

func (*ManifestServer) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v5.32.0

func (ms *ManifestServer) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

func (*ManifestServer) MarshalYAML ¶ added in v5.32.0

func (ms *ManifestServer) MarshalYAML() ([]byte, error)

func (*ManifestServer) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v5.32.0

func (ms *ManifestServer) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

func (*ManifestServer) UnmarshalYAML ¶ added in v5.32.0

func (ms *ManifestServer) UnmarshalYAML(unmarshal func(interface{}) error) error

type ManifestWebapp ¶

type ManifestWebapp struct {
	// The path to your webapp bundle. This should be relative to the root of your bundle and the
	// location of the manifest file.
	BundlePath string `json:"bundle_path" yaml:"bundle_path"`

	// BundleHash is the 64-bit FNV-1a hash of the webapp bundle, computed when the plugin is loaded
	BundleHash []byte `json:"-"`

type MarketplaceLabel ¶ added in v5.20.0

type MarketplaceLabel struct {
	Name        string `json:"name"`
	Description string `json:"description"`
	URL         string `json:"url"`
	Color       string `json:"color"`

MarketplaceLabel represents a label shown in the Marketplace UI.

type MarketplacePlugin ¶

type MarketplacePlugin struct {
	InstalledVersion string `json:"installed_version"`

MarketplacePlugin is a state aware Marketplace plugin.

func MarketplacePluginsFromReader ¶

func MarketplacePluginsFromReader(reader io.Reader) ([]*MarketplacePlugin, error)

MarketplacePluginsFromReader decodes a json-encoded list of plugins from the given io.Reader.

type MarketplacePluginFilter ¶

type MarketplacePluginFilter struct {
	Page                 int
	PerPage              int
	Filter               string
	ServerVersion        string
	BuildEnterpriseReady bool
	EnterprisePlugins    bool
	Cloud                bool
	LocalOnly            bool
	Platform             string
	PluginId             string
	ReturnAllVersions    bool

MarketplacePluginFilter describes the parameters to request a list of plugins.

func (*MarketplacePluginFilter) ApplyToURL ¶

func (filter *MarketplacePluginFilter) ApplyToURL(u *url.URL)

ApplyToURL modifies the given url to include query string parameters for the request.

type MessageExport ¶

type MessageExport struct {
	TeamId          *string
	TeamName        *string
	TeamDisplayName *string

	ChannelId          *string
	ChannelName        *string
	ChannelDisplayName *string
	ChannelType        *string

	UserId    *string
	UserEmail *string
	Username  *string
	IsBot     bool

	PostId         *string
	PostCreateAt   *int64
	PostUpdateAt   *int64
	PostDeleteAt   *int64
	PostMessage    *string
	PostType       *string
	PostRootId     *string
	PostProps      *string
	PostOriginalId *string
	PostFileIds    StringArray

type MessageExportCursor ¶ added in v5.36.0

type MessageExportCursor struct {
	LastPostUpdateAt int64
	LastPostId       string

type MessageExportSettings ¶

type MessageExportSettings struct {
	EnableExport          *bool   `access:"compliance_compliance_export"`
	ExportFormat          *string `access:"compliance_compliance_export"`
	DailyRunTime          *string `access:"compliance_compliance_export"`
	ExportFromTimestamp   *int64  `access:"compliance_compliance_export"`
	BatchSize             *int    `access:"compliance_compliance_export"`
	DownloadExportResults *bool   `access:"compliance_compliance_export"`

	// formatter-specific settings - these are only expected to be non-nil if ExportFormat is set to the associated format
	GlobalRelaySettings *GlobalRelayMessageExportSettings `access:"compliance_compliance_export"`

func (*MessageExportSettings) SetDefaults ¶

func (s *MessageExportSettings) SetDefaults()

type MetricsSettings ¶

type MetricsSettings struct {
	Enable           *bool   `access:"environment_performance_monitoring,write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"`
	BlockProfileRate *int    `access:"environment_performance_monitoring,write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"`
	ListenAddress    *string `access:"environment_performance_monitoring,write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"` // telemetry: none

func (*MetricsSettings) SetDefaults ¶

func (s *MetricsSettings) SetDefaults()

type MfaSecret ¶

type MfaSecret struct {
	Secret string `json:"secret"`
	QRCode string `json:"qr_code"`

func MfaSecretFromJson ¶

func MfaSecretFromJson(data io.Reader) *MfaSecret

func (*MfaSecret) ToJson ¶

func (mfa *MfaSecret) ToJson() string

type NameID ¶ added in v5.20.0

type NameID struct {
	NameQualifier   string `xml:",attr"`
	SPNameQualifier string `xml:",attr"`
	Format          string `xml:",attr,omitempty"`
	SPProvidedID    string `xml:",attr"`
	Value           string `xml:",chardata"`

type NameIDFormat ¶ added in v5.20.0

type NameIDFormat struct {
	XMLName xml.Name
	Format  string `xml:",attr,omitempty"`
	Value   string `xml:",innerxml"`

type NativeAppSettings ¶

type NativeAppSettings struct {
	AppCustomURLSchemes    []string `access:"site_customization,write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"` // telemetry: none
	AppDownloadLink        *string  `access:"site_customization,write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"`
	AndroidAppDownloadLink *string  `access:"site_customization,write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"`
	IosAppDownloadLink     *string  `access:"site_customization,write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"`

func (*NativeAppSettings) SetDefaults ¶

func (s *NativeAppSettings) SetDefaults()

type NoticeAction ¶ added in v5.28.0

type NoticeAction string

Optional action to perform on action button click. (defaults to closing the notice)

Possible actions to execute on button press

const (
	URL NoticeAction = "url"

type NoticeAudience ¶ added in v5.28.0

type NoticeAudience string

User role, i.e. who will see the notice. Defaults to "all"

const (
	NoticeAudience_All       NoticeAudience = "all"
	NoticeAudience_Member    NoticeAudience = "member"
	NoticeAudience_Sysadmin  NoticeAudience = "sysadmin"
	NoticeAudience_TeamAdmin NoticeAudience = "teamadmin"

func NewNoticeAudience ¶ added in v5.28.0

func NewNoticeAudience(s NoticeAudience) *NoticeAudience

func (*NoticeAudience) Matches ¶ added in v5.28.0

func (a *NoticeAudience) Matches(sysAdmin bool, teamAdmin bool) bool

type NoticeClientType ¶ added in v5.28.0

type NoticeClientType string

Only show the notice on specific clients. Defaults to 'all'

Client type. Defaults to "all"

const (
	NoticeClientType_All           NoticeClientType = "all"
	NoticeClientType_Desktop       NoticeClientType = "desktop"
	NoticeClientType_Mobile        NoticeClientType = "mobile"
	NoticeClientType_MobileAndroid NoticeClientType = "mobile-android"
	NoticeClientType_MobileIos     NoticeClientType = "mobile-ios"
	NoticeClientType_Web           NoticeClientType = "web"

func NewNoticeClientType ¶ added in v5.28.0

func NewNoticeClientType(s NoticeClientType) *NoticeClientType

func NoticeClientTypeFromString ¶ added in v5.28.0

func NoticeClientTypeFromString(s string) (NoticeClientType, error)

func (*NoticeClientType) Matches ¶ added in v5.28.0

func (c *NoticeClientType) Matches(other NoticeClientType) bool

type NoticeInstanceType ¶ added in v5.28.0

type NoticeInstanceType string

Instance type. Defaults to "both"

const (
	NoticeInstanceType_Both   NoticeInstanceType = "both"
	NoticeInstanceType_Cloud  NoticeInstanceType = "cloud"
	NoticeInstanceType_OnPrem NoticeInstanceType = "onprem"

func NewNoticeInstanceType ¶ added in v5.28.0

func NewNoticeInstanceType(n NoticeInstanceType) *NoticeInstanceType

func (*NoticeInstanceType) Matches ¶ added in v5.28.0

func (t *NoticeInstanceType) Matches(isCloud bool) bool

type NoticeMessage ¶ added in v5.28.0

type NoticeMessage struct {
	ID            string `json:"id"`
	SysAdminOnly  bool   `json:"sysAdminOnly"`
	TeamAdminOnly bool   `json:"teamAdminOnly"`

type NoticeMessageInternal ¶ added in v5.28.0

type NoticeMessageInternal struct {
	Action      *NoticeAction `json:"action,omitempty"`      // Optional action to perform on action button click. (defaults to closing the notice)
	ActionParam *string       `json:"actionParam,omitempty"` // Optional action parameter.; Example: {"action": "url", actionParam: "/console/some-page"}
	ActionText  *string       `json:"actionText,omitempty"`  // Optional override for the action button text (defaults to OK)
	Description string        `json:"description"`           // Notice content. Use {{Mattermost}} instead of plain text to support white-labeling. Text; supports Markdown.
	Image       *string       `json:"image,omitempty"`
	Title       string        `json:"title"` // Notice title. Use {{Mattermost}} instead of plain text to support white-labeling. Text; supports Markdown.

type NoticeMessages ¶ added in v5.28.0

type NoticeMessages []NoticeMessage

func UnmarshalProductNoticeMessages ¶ added in v5.28.0

func UnmarshalProductNoticeMessages(data io.Reader) (NoticeMessages, error)

func (*NoticeMessages) Marshal ¶ added in v5.28.0

func (r *NoticeMessages) Marshal() ([]byte, error)

type NoticeSKU ¶ added in v5.28.0

type NoticeSKU string

SKU. Defaults to "all"

const (
	NoticeSKU_E0   NoticeSKU = "e0"
	NoticeSKU_E10  NoticeSKU = "e10"
	NoticeSKU_E20  NoticeSKU = "e20"
	NoticeSKU_All  NoticeSKU = "all"
	NoticeSKU_Team NoticeSKU = "team"

func NewNoticeSKU ¶ added in v5.28.0

func NewNoticeSKU(s NoticeSKU) *NoticeSKU

func (*NoticeSKU) Matches ¶ added in v5.28.0

func (c *NoticeSKU) Matches(s string) bool

type NotificationLogSettings ¶

type NotificationLogSettings struct {
	EnableConsole         *bool   `access:"write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"`
	ConsoleLevel          *string `access:"write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"`
	ConsoleJson           *bool   `access:"write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"`
	EnableColor           *bool   `access:"write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"` // telemetry: none
	EnableFile            *bool   `access:"write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"`
	FileLevel             *string `access:"write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"`
	FileJson              *bool   `access:"write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"`
	FileLocation          *string `access:"write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"`
	AdvancedLoggingConfig *string `access:"write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"`

func (*NotificationLogSettings) SetDefaults ¶

func (s *NotificationLogSettings) SetDefaults()

type OAuthApp ¶

type OAuthApp struct {
	Id           string      `json:"id"`
	CreatorId    string      `json:"creator_id"`
	CreateAt     int64       `json:"create_at"`
	UpdateAt     int64       `json:"update_at"`
	ClientSecret string      `json:"client_secret"`
	Name         string      `json:"name"`
	Description  string      `json:"description"`
	IconURL      string      `json:"icon_url"`
	CallbackUrls StringArray `json:"callback_urls"`
	Homepage     string      `json:"homepage"`
	IsTrusted    bool        `json:"is_trusted"`

func OAuthAppFromJson ¶

func OAuthAppFromJson(data io.Reader) *OAuthApp

func OAuthAppListFromJson ¶

func OAuthAppListFromJson(data io.Reader) []*OAuthApp

func (*OAuthApp) Etag ¶

func (a *OAuthApp) Etag() string

Generate a valid strong etag so the browser can cache the results

func (*OAuthApp) IsValid ¶

func (a *OAuthApp) IsValid() *AppError

IsValid validates the app and returns an error if it isn't configured correctly.

func (*OAuthApp) IsValidRedirectURL ¶

func (a *OAuthApp) IsValidRedirectURL(url string) bool

func (*OAuthApp) PreSave ¶

func (a *OAuthApp) PreSave()

PreSave will set the Id and ClientSecret if missing. It will also fill in the CreateAt, UpdateAt times. It should be run before saving the app to the db.

func (*OAuthApp) PreUpdate ¶

func (a *OAuthApp) PreUpdate()

PreUpdate should be run before updating the app in the db.

func (*OAuthApp) Sanitize ¶

func (a *OAuthApp) Sanitize()

Remove any private data from the app object

func (*OAuthApp) ToJson ¶

func (a *OAuthApp) ToJson() string

type Office365Settings ¶ added in v5.22.0

type Office365Settings struct {
	Enable            *bool   `access:"authentication_openid"`
	Secret            *string `access:"authentication_openid"` // telemetry: none
	Id                *string `access:"authentication_openid"` // telemetry: none
	Scope             *string `access:"authentication_openid"`
	AuthEndpoint      *string `access:"authentication_openid"` // telemetry: none
	TokenEndpoint     *string `access:"authentication_openid"` // telemetry: none
	UserApiEndpoint   *string `access:"authentication_openid"` // telemetry: none
	DiscoveryEndpoint *string `access:"authentication_openid"` // telemetry: none
	DirectoryId       *string `access:"authentication_openid"` // telemetry: none

func (*Office365Settings) SSOSettings ¶ added in v5.22.0

func (s *Office365Settings) SSOSettings() *SSOSettings

type OpenDialogRequest ¶

type OpenDialogRequest struct {
	TriggerId string `json:"trigger_id"`
	URL       string `json:"url"`
	Dialog    Dialog `json:"dialog"`

func (*OpenDialogRequest) DecodeAndVerifyTriggerId ¶

func (r *OpenDialogRequest) DecodeAndVerifyTriggerId(s *ecdsa.PrivateKey) (string, string, *AppError)

type OrderedSidebarCategories ¶ added in v5.26.0

type OrderedSidebarCategories struct {
	Categories SidebarCategoriesWithChannels `json:"categories"`
	Order      SidebarCategoryOrder          `json:"order"`

OrderedSidebarCategories combines categories, their channel IDs and an array of Category IDs, sorted

func OrderedSidebarCategoriesFromJson ¶ added in v5.26.0

func OrderedSidebarCategoriesFromJson(data io.Reader) (*OrderedSidebarCategories, error)

func (OrderedSidebarCategories) ToJson ¶ added in v5.26.0

func (o OrderedSidebarCategories) ToJson() []byte

type Organization ¶ added in v5.20.0

type Organization struct {
	XMLName                  xml.Name
	OrganizationNames        []LocalizedName `xml:"OrganizationName"`
	OrganizationDisplayNames []LocalizedName `xml:"OrganizationDisplayName"`
	OrganizationURLs         []LocalizedURI  `xml:"OrganizationURL"`

type OrphanedRecord ¶ added in v5.28.0

type OrphanedRecord struct {
	ParentId *string `json:"parent_id"`
	ChildId  *string `json:"child_id"`

type OutgoingWebhook ¶

type OutgoingWebhook struct {
	Id           string      `json:"id"`
	Token        string      `json:"token"`
	CreateAt     int64       `json:"create_at"`
	UpdateAt     int64       `json:"update_at"`
	DeleteAt     int64       `json:"delete_at"`
	CreatorId    string      `json:"creator_id"`
	ChannelId    string      `json:"channel_id"`
	TeamId       string      `json:"team_id"`
	TriggerWords StringArray `json:"trigger_words"`
	TriggerWhen  int         `json:"trigger_when"`
	CallbackURLs StringArray `json:"callback_urls"`
	DisplayName  string      `json:"display_name"`
	Description  string      `json:"description"`
	ContentType  string      `json:"content_type"`
	Username     string      `json:"username"`
	IconURL      string      `json:"icon_url"`

func OutgoingWebhookFromJson ¶

func OutgoingWebhookFromJson(data io.Reader) *OutgoingWebhook

func OutgoingWebhookListFromJson ¶

func OutgoingWebhookListFromJson(data io.Reader) []*OutgoingWebhook

func (*OutgoingWebhook) GetTriggerWord ¶

func (o *OutgoingWebhook) GetTriggerWord(word string, isExactMatch bool) (triggerWord string)

func (*OutgoingWebhook) IsValid ¶

func (o *OutgoingWebhook) IsValid() *AppError

func (*OutgoingWebhook) PreSave ¶

func (o *OutgoingWebhook) PreSave()

func (*OutgoingWebhook) PreUpdate ¶

func (o *OutgoingWebhook) PreUpdate()

func (*OutgoingWebhook) ToJson ¶

func (o *OutgoingWebhook) ToJson() string

func (*OutgoingWebhook) TriggerWordExactMatch ¶

func (o *OutgoingWebhook) TriggerWordExactMatch(word string) bool

func (*OutgoingWebhook) TriggerWordStartsWith ¶

func (o *OutgoingWebhook) TriggerWordStartsWith(word string) bool

type OutgoingWebhookPayload ¶

type OutgoingWebhookPayload struct {
	Token       string `json:"token"`
	TeamId      string `json:"team_id"`
	TeamDomain  string `json:"team_domain"`
	ChannelId   string `json:"channel_id"`
	ChannelName string `json:"channel_name"`
	Timestamp   int64  `json:"timestamp"`
	UserId      string `json:"user_id"`
	UserName    string `json:"user_name"`
	PostId      string `json:"post_id"`
	Text        string `json:"text"`
	TriggerWord string `json:"trigger_word"`
	FileIds     string `json:"file_ids"`

func (*OutgoingWebhookPayload) ToFormValues ¶

func (o *OutgoingWebhookPayload) ToFormValues() string

func (*OutgoingWebhookPayload) ToJSON ¶

func (o *OutgoingWebhookPayload) ToJSON() string

type OutgoingWebhookResponse ¶

type OutgoingWebhookResponse struct {
	Text         *string            `json:"text"`
	Username     string             `json:"username"`
	IconURL      string             `json:"icon_url"`
	Props        StringInterface    `json:"props"`
	Attachments  []*SlackAttachment `json:"attachments"`
	Type         string             `json:"type"`
	ResponseType string             `json:"response_type"`

func OutgoingWebhookResponseFromJson ¶

func OutgoingWebhookResponseFromJson(data io.Reader) (*OutgoingWebhookResponse, error)

func (*OutgoingWebhookResponse) ToJson ¶

func (o *OutgoingWebhookResponse) ToJson() string

type PageOpts ¶

type PageOpts struct {
	Page    int
	PerPage int

type PasswordSettings ¶

type PasswordSettings struct {
	MinimumLength *int  `access:"authentication_password"`
	Lowercase     *bool `access:"authentication_password"`
	Number        *bool `access:"authentication_password"`
	Uppercase     *bool `access:"authentication_password"`
	Symbol        *bool `access:"authentication_password"`

func (*PasswordSettings) SetDefaults ¶

func (s *PasswordSettings) SetDefaults()

type PaymentMethod ¶ added in v5.30.0

type PaymentMethod struct {
	Type      string `json:"type"`
	LastFour  int    `json:"last_four"`
	ExpMonth  int    `json:"exp_month"`
	ExpYear   int    `json:"exp_year"`
	CardBrand string `json:"card_brand"`
	Name      string `json:"name"`

PaymentMethod represents methods of payment for a customer.

type Permission ¶

type Permission struct {
	Id          string `json:"id"`
	Name        string `json:"name"`
	Description string `json:"description"`
	Scope       string `json:"scope"`

General permission that encompasses all system admin functions in the future this could be broken up to allow access to some admin functions but not others





var PERMISSION_TEST_S3 *Permission

type PluginClusterEvent ¶ added in v5.36.0

type PluginClusterEvent struct {
	// Id is the unique identifier for the event.
	Id string
	// Data is the event payload.
	Data []byte

PluginClusterEvent is used to allow intra-cluster plugin communication.

type PluginClusterEventSendOptions ¶ added in v5.36.0

type PluginClusterEventSendOptions struct {
	// SendType defines the type of communication channel used to send the event.
	SendType string
	// TargetId identifies the cluster node to which the event should be sent.
	// It should match the cluster id of the receiving instance.
	// If empty, the event gets broadcasted to all other nodes.
	TargetId string

PluginClusterEventSendOptions defines some properties that apply when sending plugin events across a cluster.

type PluginEventData ¶

type PluginEventData struct {
	Id string `json:"id"`

PluginEventData used to notify peers about plugin changes.

func PluginEventDataFromJson ¶

func PluginEventDataFromJson(data io.Reader) PluginEventData

func (*PluginEventData) ToJson ¶

func (p *PluginEventData) ToJson() string

type PluginInfo ¶

type PluginInfo struct {

type PluginKVSetOptions ¶

type PluginKVSetOptions struct {
	Atomic          bool   // Only store the value if the current value matches the oldValue
	OldValue        []byte // The value to compare with the current value. Only used when Atomic is true
	ExpireInSeconds int64  // Set an expire counter

PluginKVSetOptions contains information on how to store a value in the plugin KV store.

func (*PluginKVSetOptions) IsValid ¶

func (opt *PluginKVSetOptions) IsValid() *AppError

IsValid returns nil if the chosen options are valid.

type PluginKeyValue ¶

type PluginKeyValue struct {
	PluginId string `json:"plugin_id"`
	Key      string `json:"key" db:"PKey"`
	Value    []byte `json:"value" db:"PValue"`
	ExpireAt int64  `json:"expire_at"`

func (*PluginKeyValue) IsValid ¶

func (kv *PluginKeyValue) IsValid() *AppError

type PluginOption ¶

type PluginOption struct {
	// The display name for the option.
	DisplayName string `json:"display_name" yaml:"display_name"`

	// The string value for the option.
	Value string `json:"value" yaml:"value"`

type PluginSetting ¶

type PluginSetting struct {
	// The key that the setting will be assigned to in the configuration file.
	Key string `json:"key" yaml:"key"`

	// The display name for the setting.
	DisplayName string `json:"display_name" yaml:"display_name"`

	// The type of the setting.
	// "bool" will result in a boolean true or false setting.
	// "dropdown" will result in a string setting that allows the user to select from a list of
	// pre-defined options.
	// "generated" will result in a string setting that is set to a random, cryptographically secure
	// string.
	// "radio" will result in a string setting that allows the user to select from a short selection
	// of pre-defined options.
	// "text" will result in a string setting that can be typed in manually.
	// "longtext" will result in a multi line string that can be typed in manually.
	// "number" will result in in integer setting that can be typed in manually.
	// "username" will result in a text setting that will autocomplete to a username.
	// "custom" will result in a custom defined setting and will load the custom component registered for the Web App System Console.
	Type string `json:"type" yaml:"type"`

	// The help text to display to the user. Supports Markdown formatting.
	HelpText string `json:"help_text" yaml:"help_text"`

	// The help text to display alongside the "Regenerate" button for settings of the "generated" type.
	RegenerateHelpText string `json:"regenerate_help_text,omitempty" yaml:"regenerate_help_text,omitempty"`

	// The placeholder to display for "generated", "text", "longtext", "number" and "username" types when blank.
	Placeholder string `json:"placeholder" yaml:"placeholder"`

	// The default value of the setting.
	Default interface{} `json:"default" yaml:"default"`

	// For "radio" or "dropdown" settings, this is the list of pre-defined options that the user can choose
	// from.
	Options []*PluginOption `json:"options,omitempty" yaml:"options,omitempty"`

type PluginSettingType ¶ added in v5.22.0

type PluginSettingType int
const (
	Bool PluginSettingType = iota

type PluginSettings ¶

type PluginSettings struct {
	Enable                      *bool                             `access:"plugins,write_restrictable"`
	EnableUploads               *bool                             `access:"plugins,write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"`
	AllowInsecureDownloadUrl    *bool                             `access:"plugins,write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"`
	EnableHealthCheck           *bool                             `access:"plugins,write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"`
	Directory                   *string                           `access:"plugins,write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"` // telemetry: none
	ClientDirectory             *string                           `access:"plugins,write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"` // telemetry: none
	Plugins                     map[string]map[string]interface{} `access:"plugins"`                                       // telemetry: none
	PluginStates                map[string]*PluginState           `access:"plugins"`                                       // telemetry: none
	EnableMarketplace           *bool                             `access:"plugins,write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"`
	EnableRemoteMarketplace     *bool                             `access:"plugins,write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"`
	AutomaticPrepackagedPlugins *bool                             `access:"plugins,write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"`
	RequirePluginSignature      *bool                             `access:"plugins,write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"`
	MarketplaceUrl              *string                           `access:"plugins,write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"`
	SignaturePublicKeyFiles     []string                          `access:"plugins,write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"`
	ChimeraOAuthProxyUrl        *string                           `access:"plugins,write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"`

func (*PluginSettings) SetDefaults ¶

func (s *PluginSettings) SetDefaults(ls LogSettings)

type PluginSettingsSchema ¶

type PluginSettingsSchema struct {
	// Optional text to display above the settings. Supports Markdown formatting.
	Header string `json:"header" yaml:"header"`

	// Optional text to display below the settings. Supports Markdown formatting.
	Footer string `json:"footer" yaml:"footer"`

	// A list of setting definitions.
	Settings []*PluginSetting `json:"settings" yaml:"settings"`

type PluginState ¶

type PluginState struct {
	Enable bool

type PluginStatus ¶

type PluginStatus struct {
	PluginId    string `json:"plugin_id"`
	ClusterId   string `json:"cluster_id"`
	PluginPath  string `json:"plugin_path"`
	State       int    `json:"state"`
	Name        string `json:"name"`
	Description string `json:"description"`
	Version     string `json:"version"`

PluginStatus provides a cluster-aware view of installed plugins.

type PluginStatuses ¶

type PluginStatuses []*PluginStatus

func PluginStatusesFromJson ¶

func PluginStatusesFromJson(data io.Reader) PluginStatuses

func (*PluginStatuses) ToJson ¶

func (m *PluginStatuses) ToJson() string

type PluginsResponse ¶

type PluginsResponse struct {
	Active   []*PluginInfo `json:"active"`
	Inactive []*PluginInfo `json:"inactive"`

func PluginsResponseFromJson ¶

func PluginsResponseFromJson(data io.Reader) *PluginsResponse

func (*PluginsResponse) ToJson ¶

func (m *PluginsResponse) ToJson() string

type Post ¶

type Post struct {
	Id         string `json:"id"`
	CreateAt   int64  `json:"create_at"`
	UpdateAt   int64  `json:"update_at"`
	EditAt     int64  `json:"edit_at"`
	DeleteAt   int64  `json:"delete_at"`
	IsPinned   bool   `json:"is_pinned"`
	UserId     string `json:"user_id"`
	ChannelId  string `json:"channel_id"`
	RootId     string `json:"root_id"`
	ParentId   string `json:"parent_id"`
	OriginalId string `json:"original_id"`

	Message string `json:"message"`
	// MessageSource will contain the message as submitted by the user if Message has been modified
	// by Mattermost for presentation (e.g if an image proxy is being used). It should be used to
	// populate edit boxes if present.
	MessageSource string `json:"message_source,omitempty" db:"-"`

	Type string `json:"type"`

	Props         StringInterface `json:"props"` // Deprecated: use GetProps()
	Hashtags      string          `json:"hashtags"`
	Filenames     StringArray     `json:"filenames,omitempty"` // Deprecated, do not use this field any more
	FileIds       StringArray     `json:"file_ids,omitempty"`
	PendingPostId string          `json:"pending_post_id" db:"-"`
	HasReactions  bool            `json:"has_reactions,omitempty"`
	RemoteId      *string         `json:"remote_id,omitempty"`

	// Transient data populated before sending a post to the client
	ReplyCount   int64         `json:"reply_count" db:"-"`
	LastReplyAt  int64         `json:"last_reply_at" db:"-"`
	Participants []*User       `json:"participants" db:"-"`
	IsFollowing  *bool         `json:"is_following,omitempty" db:"-"` // for root posts in collapsed thread mode indicates if the current user is following this thread
	Metadata     *PostMetadata `json:"metadata,omitempty" db:"-"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func AddPostActionCookies ¶

func AddPostActionCookies(o *Post, secret []byte) *Post

func PostFromJson ¶

func PostFromJson(data io.Reader) *Post

func (*Post) AddProp ¶

func (o *Post) AddProp(key string, value interface{})

func (*Post) Attachments ¶

func (o *Post) Attachments() []*SlackAttachment

func (*Post) AttachmentsEqual ¶

func (o *Post) AttachmentsEqual(input *Post) bool

func (*Post) ChannelMentions ¶

func (o *Post) ChannelMentions() []string

func (*Post) Clone ¶

func (o *Post) Clone() *Post

Clone shallowly copies the post and returns the copy.

func (*Post) DelProp ¶ added in v5.19.2

func (o *Post) DelProp(key string)

func (*Post) DisableMentionHighlights ¶ added in v5.22.0

func (o *Post) DisableMentionHighlights() string

DisableMentionHighlights disables a posts mention highlighting and returns the first channel mention that was present in the message.

func (*Post) Etag ¶

func (o *Post) Etag() string

func (*Post) GenerateActionIds ¶

func (o *Post) GenerateActionIds()

func (*Post) GetAction ¶

func (o *Post) GetAction(id string) *PostAction

func (*Post) GetProp ¶ added in v5.19.2

func (o *Post) GetProp(key string) interface{}

func (*Post) GetProps ¶ added in v5.19.2

func (o *Post) GetProps() StringInterface

func (*Post) GetRemoteID ¶ added in v5.36.0

func (o *Post) GetRemoteID() string

GetRemoteID safely returns the remoteID or empty string if not remote.

func (*Post) IsFromOAuthBot ¶ added in v5.33.0

func (o *Post) IsFromOAuthBot() bool

func (*Post) IsJoinLeaveMessage ¶

func (o *Post) IsJoinLeaveMessage() bool

func (*Post) IsRemote ¶ added in v5.35.0

func (o *Post) IsRemote() bool

IsRemote returns true if the post originated on a remote cluster.

func (*Post) IsSystemMessage ¶

func (o *Post) IsSystemMessage() bool

func (*Post) IsValid ¶

func (o *Post) IsValid(maxPostSize int) *AppError

func (*Post) MakeNonNil ¶

func (o *Post) MakeNonNil()

func (*Post) Patch ¶

func (o *Post) Patch(patch *PostPatch)

func (*Post) PreCommit ¶

func (o *Post) PreCommit()

func (*Post) PreSave ¶

func (o *Post) PreSave()

func (*Post) SanitizeProps ¶

func (o *Post) SanitizeProps()

func (*Post) SetProps ¶ added in v5.19.2

func (o *Post) SetProps(props StringInterface)

func (*Post) ShallowCopy ¶ added in v5.19.2

func (o *Post) ShallowCopy(dst *Post) error

ShallowCopy is an utility function to shallow copy a Post to the given destination without touching the internal RWMutex.

func (*Post) StripActionIntegrations ¶

func (o *Post) StripActionIntegrations()

func (*Post) ToJson ¶

func (o *Post) ToJson() string

func (*Post) ToNilIfInvalid ¶ added in v5.38.0

func (o *Post) ToNilIfInvalid() *Post

func (*Post) ToUnsanitizedJson ¶

func (o *Post) ToUnsanitizedJson() string

func (*Post) WithRewrittenImageURLs ¶

func (o *Post) WithRewrittenImageURLs(f func(string) string) *Post

WithRewrittenImageURLs returns a new shallow copy of the post where the message has been rewritten via RewriteImageURLs.

type PostAction ¶

type PostAction struct {
	// A unique Action ID. If not set, generated automatically.
	Id string `json:"id,omitempty"`

	// The type of the interactive element. Currently supported are
	// "select" and "button".
	Type string `json:"type,omitempty"`

	// The text on the button, or in the select placeholder.
	Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`

	// If the action is disabled.
	Disabled bool `json:"disabled,omitempty"`

	// Style defines a text and border style.
	// Supported values are "default", "primary", "success", "good", "warning", "danger"
	// and any hex color.
	Style string `json:"style,omitempty"`

	// DataSource indicates the data source for the select action. If left
	// empty, the select is populated from Options. Other supported values
	// are "users" and "channels".
	DataSource string `json:"data_source,omitempty"`

	// Options contains the values listed in a select dropdown on the post.
	Options []*PostActionOptions `json:"options,omitempty"`

	// DefaultOption contains the option, if any, that will appear as the
	// default selection in a select box. It has no effect when used with
	// other types of actions.
	DefaultOption string `json:"default_option,omitempty"`

	// Defines the interaction with the backend upon a user action.
	// Integration contains Context, which is private plugin data;
	// Integrations are stripped from Posts when they are sent to the
	// client, or are encrypted in a Cookie.
	Integration *PostActionIntegration `json:"integration,omitempty"`
	Cookie      string                 `json:"cookie,omitempty" db:"-"`

func (*PostAction) Equals ¶

func (p *PostAction) Equals(input *PostAction) bool

type PostActionAPIResponse ¶

type PostActionAPIResponse struct {
	Status    string `json:"status"` // needed to maintain backwards compatibility
	TriggerId string `json:"trigger_id"`

type PostActionCookie ¶

type PostActionCookie struct {
	Type        string                 `json:"type,omitempty"`
	PostId      string                 `json:"post_id,omitempty"`
	RootPostId  string                 `json:"root_post_id,omitempty"`
	ChannelId   string                 `json:"channel_id,omitempty"`
	DataSource  string                 `json:"data_source,omitempty"`
	Integration *PostActionIntegration `json:"integration,omitempty"`
	RetainProps map[string]interface{} `json:"retain_props,omitempty"`
	RemoveProps []string               `json:"remove_props,omitempty"`

PostActionCookie is set by the server, serialized and encrypted into PostAction.Cookie. The clients should hold on to it, and include it with subsequent DoPostAction requests. This allows the server to access the action metadata even when it's not available in the database, for ephemeral posts.

type PostActionIntegration ¶

type PostActionIntegration struct {
	URL     string                 `json:"url,omitempty"`
	Context map[string]interface{} `json:"context,omitempty"`

type PostActionIntegrationRequest ¶

type PostActionIntegrationRequest struct {
	UserId      string                 `json:"user_id"`
	UserName    string                 `json:"user_name"`
	ChannelId   string                 `json:"channel_id"`
	ChannelName string                 `json:"channel_name"`
	TeamId      string                 `json:"team_id"`
	TeamName    string                 `json:"team_domain"`
	PostId      string                 `json:"post_id"`
	TriggerId   string                 `json:"trigger_id"`
	Type        string                 `json:"type"`
	DataSource  string                 `json:"data_source"`
	Context     map[string]interface{} `json:"context,omitempty"`

func PostActionIntegrationRequestFromJson ¶

func PostActionIntegrationRequestFromJson(data io.Reader) *PostActionIntegrationRequest

func (*PostActionIntegrationRequest) GenerateTriggerId ¶

func (r *PostActionIntegrationRequest) GenerateTriggerId(s crypto.Signer) (string, string, *AppError)

func (*PostActionIntegrationRequest) ToJson ¶

func (r *PostActionIntegrationRequest) ToJson() []byte

type PostActionIntegrationResponse ¶

type PostActionIntegrationResponse struct {
	Update           *Post  `json:"update"`
	EphemeralText    string `json:"ephemeral_text"`
	SkipSlackParsing bool   `json:"skip_slack_parsing"` // Set to `true` to skip the Slack-compatibility handling of Text.

func PostActionIntegrationResponseFromJson ¶

func PostActionIntegrationResponseFromJson(data io.Reader) *PostActionIntegrationResponse

func (*PostActionIntegrationResponse) ToJson ¶

func (r *PostActionIntegrationResponse) ToJson() []byte

type PostActionOptions ¶

type PostActionOptions struct {
	Text  string `json:"text"`
	Value string `json:"value"`

type PostEmbed ¶

type PostEmbed struct {
	Type PostEmbedType `json:"type"`

	// The URL of the embedded content. Used for image and OpenGraph embeds.
	URL string `json:"url,omitempty"`

	// Any additional data for the embedded content. Only used for OpenGraph embeds.
	Data interface{} `json:"data,omitempty"`

type PostEmbedType ¶

type PostEmbedType string
const (
	POST_EMBED_IMAGE              PostEmbedType = "image"
	POST_EMBED_MESSAGE_ATTACHMENT PostEmbedType = "message_attachment"
	POST_EMBED_OPENGRAPH          PostEmbedType = "opengraph"
	POST_EMBED_LINK               PostEmbedType = "link"

type PostEphemeral ¶

type PostEphemeral struct {
	UserID string `json:"user_id"`
	Post   *Post  `json:"post"`

func (*PostEphemeral) ToUnsanitizedJson ¶

func (o *PostEphemeral) ToUnsanitizedJson() string

type PostForExport ¶

type PostForExport struct {
	TeamName    string
	ChannelName string
	Username    string
	ReplyCount  int

type PostForIndexing ¶

type PostForIndexing struct {
	TeamId         string `json:"team_id"`
	ParentCreateAt *int64 `json:"parent_create_at"`

type PostImage ¶

type PostImage struct {
	Width  int `json:"width"`
	Height int `json:"height"`

	// Format is the name of the image format as used by image/go such as "png", "gif", or "jpeg".
	Format string `json:"format"`

	// FrameCount stores the number of frames in this image, if it is an animated gif. It will be 0 for other formats.
	FrameCount int `json:"frame_count"`

func (*PostImage) ToJson ¶

func (o *PostImage) ToJson() string

type PostList ¶

type PostList struct {
	Order      []string         `json:"order"`
	Posts      map[string]*Post `json:"posts"`
	NextPostId string           `json:"next_post_id"`
	PrevPostId string           `json:"prev_post_id"`

func NewPostList ¶

func NewPostList() *PostList

func PostListFromJson ¶

func PostListFromJson(data io.Reader) *PostList

func (*PostList) AddOrder ¶

func (o *PostList) AddOrder(id string)

func (*PostList) AddPost ¶

func (o *PostList) AddPost(post *Post)

func (*PostList) Etag ¶

func (o *PostList) Etag() string

func (*PostList) Extend ¶

func (o *PostList) Extend(other *PostList)

func (*PostList) IsChannelId ¶

func (o *PostList) IsChannelId(channelId string) bool

func (*PostList) MakeNonNil ¶

func (o *PostList) MakeNonNil()

func (*PostList) SortByCreateAt ¶

func (o *PostList) SortByCreateAt()

func (*PostList) StripActionIntegrations ¶

func (o *PostList) StripActionIntegrations()

func (*PostList) ToJson ¶

func (o *PostList) ToJson() string

func (*PostList) ToSlice ¶

func (o *PostList) ToSlice() []*Post

func (*PostList) UniqueOrder ¶

func (o *PostList) UniqueOrder()

func (*PostList) WithRewrittenImageURLs ¶

func (o *PostList) WithRewrittenImageURLs(f func(string) string) *PostList

type PostMetadata ¶

type PostMetadata struct {
	// Embeds holds information required to render content embedded in the post. This includes the OpenGraph metadata
	// for links in the post.
	Embeds []*PostEmbed `json:"embeds,omitempty"`

	// Emojis holds all custom emojis used in the post or used in reaction to the post.
	Emojis []*Emoji `json:"emojis,omitempty"`

	// Files holds information about the file attachments on the post.
	Files []*FileInfo `json:"files,omitempty"`

	// Images holds the dimensions of all external images in the post as a map of the image URL to its diemsnions.
	// This includes image embeds (when the message contains a plaintext link to an image), Markdown images, images
	// contained in the OpenGraph metadata, and images contained in message attachments. It does not contain
	// the dimensions of any file attachments as those are stored in FileInfos.
	Images map[string]*PostImage `json:"images,omitempty"`

	// Reactions holds reactions made to the post.
	Reactions []*Reaction `json:"reactions,omitempty"`

type PostPatch ¶

type PostPatch struct {
	IsPinned     *bool            `json:"is_pinned"`
	Message      *string          `json:"message"`
	Props        *StringInterface `json:"props"`
	FileIds      *StringArray     `json:"file_ids"`
	HasReactions *bool            `json:"has_reactions"`

func PostPatchFromJson ¶

func PostPatchFromJson(data io.Reader) *PostPatch

func (*PostPatch) DisableMentionHighlights ¶ added in v5.22.0

func (o *PostPatch) DisableMentionHighlights()

DisableMentionHighlights disables mention highlighting for a post patch if required.

func (*PostPatch) ToJson ¶

func (o *PostPatch) ToJson() string

func (*PostPatch) WithRewrittenImageURLs ¶

func (o *PostPatch) WithRewrittenImageURLs(f func(string) string) *PostPatch

type PostSearchMatches ¶

type PostSearchMatches map[string][]string

type PostSearchResults ¶

type PostSearchResults struct {
	Matches PostSearchMatches `json:"matches"`

func MakePostSearchResults ¶

func MakePostSearchResults(posts *PostList, matches PostSearchMatches) *PostSearchResults

func PostSearchResultsFromJson ¶

func PostSearchResultsFromJson(data io.Reader) *PostSearchResults

func (*PostSearchResults) ToJson ¶

func (o *PostSearchResults) ToJson() string

type Preference ¶

type Preference struct {
	UserId   string `json:"user_id"`
	Category string `json:"category"`
	Name     string `json:"name"`
	Value    string `json:"value"`

func PreferenceFromJson ¶

func PreferenceFromJson(data io.Reader) *Preference

func (*Preference) IsValid ¶

func (o *Preference) IsValid() *AppError

func (*Preference) PreUpdate ¶

func (o *Preference) PreUpdate()

func (*Preference) ToJson ¶

func (o *Preference) ToJson() string

type Preferences ¶

type Preferences []Preference

func PreferencesFromJson ¶

func PreferencesFromJson(data io.Reader) (Preferences, error)

func (*Preferences) ToJson ¶

func (o *Preferences) ToJson() string

type PrivacySettings ¶

type PrivacySettings struct {
	ShowEmailAddress *bool `access:"site_users_and_teams"`
	ShowFullName     *bool `access:"site_users_and_teams"`

type Product ¶ added in v5.30.0

type Product struct {
	ID                string             `json:"id"`
	Name              string             `json:"name"`
	Description       string             `json:"description"`
	PricePerSeat      float64            `json:"price_per_seat"`
	AddOns            []*AddOn           `json:"add_ons"`
	SKU               string             `json:"sku"`
	PriceID           string             `json:"price_id"`
	Family            SubscriptionFamily `json:"product_family"`
	RecurringInterval RecurringInterval  `json:"recurring_interval"`
	BillingScheme     BillingScheme      `json:"billing_scheme"`

Product model represents a product on the cloud system.

type ProductNotice ¶ added in v5.28.0

type ProductNotice struct {
	Conditions        Conditions                       `json:"conditions"`
	ID                string                           `json:"id"`                   // Unique identifier for this notice. Can be a running number. Used for storing 'viewed'; state on the server.
	LocalizedMessages map[string]NoticeMessageInternal `json:"localizedMessages"`    // Notice message data, organized by locale.; Example:; "localizedMessages": {; "en": { "title": "English", description: "English description"},; "frFR": { "title": "Frances", description: "French description"}; }
	Repeatable        *bool                            `json:"repeatable,omitempty"` // Configurable flag if the notice should reappear after it’s seen and dismissed

List of product notices. Order is important and is used to resolve priorities. Each notice will only be show if conditions are met.

func (*ProductNotice) SysAdminOnly ¶ added in v5.28.0

func (n *ProductNotice) SysAdminOnly() bool

func (*ProductNotice) TeamAdminOnly ¶ added in v5.28.0

func (n *ProductNotice) TeamAdminOnly() bool

type ProductNoticeViewState ¶ added in v5.28.0

type ProductNoticeViewState struct {
	UserId    string
	NoticeId  string
	Viewed    int32
	Timestamp int64

Definition of the table keeping the 'viewed' state of each in-product notice per user

type ProductNotices ¶ added in v5.28.0

type ProductNotices []ProductNotice

func UnmarshalProductNotices ¶ added in v5.28.0

func UnmarshalProductNotices(data []byte) (ProductNotices, error)

func (*ProductNotices) Marshal ¶ added in v5.28.0

func (r *ProductNotices) Marshal() ([]byte, error)

type PushNotification ¶

type PushNotification struct {
	AckId            string `json:"ack_id"`
	Platform         string `json:"platform"`
	ServerId         string `json:"server_id"`
	DeviceId         string `json:"device_id"`
	PostId           string `json:"post_id"`
	Category         string `json:"category,omitempty"`
	Sound            string `json:"sound,omitempty"`
	Message          string `json:"message,omitempty"`
	Badge            int    `json:"badge,omitempty"`
	ContentAvailable int    `json:"cont_ava,omitempty"`
	TeamId           string `json:"team_id,omitempty"`
	ChannelId        string `json:"channel_id,omitempty"`
	RootId           string `json:"root_id,omitempty"`
	ChannelName      string `json:"channel_name,omitempty"`
	Type             string `json:"type,omitempty"`
	SenderId         string `json:"sender_id,omitempty"`
	SenderName       string `json:"sender_name,omitempty"`
	OverrideUsername string `json:"override_username,omitempty"`
	OverrideIconUrl  string `json:"override_icon_url,omitempty"`
	FromWebhook      string `json:"from_webhook,omitempty"`
	Version          string `json:"version,omitempty"`
	IsIdLoaded       bool   `json:"is_id_loaded"`

func PushNotificationFromJson ¶

func PushNotificationFromJson(data io.Reader) (*PushNotification, error)

func (*PushNotification) DeepCopy ¶ added in v5.24.0

func (pn *PushNotification) DeepCopy() *PushNotification

func (*PushNotification) SetDeviceIdAndPlatform ¶

func (pn *PushNotification) SetDeviceIdAndPlatform(deviceId string)

func (*PushNotification) ToJson ¶

func (pn *PushNotification) ToJson() string

type PushNotificationAck ¶

type PushNotificationAck struct {
	Id               string `json:"id"`
	ClientReceivedAt int64  `json:"received_at"`
	ClientPlatform   string `json:"platform"`
	NotificationType string `json:"type"`
	PostId           string `json:"post_id,omitempty"`
	IsIdLoaded       bool   `json:"is_id_loaded"`

func PushNotificationAckFromJson ¶

func PushNotificationAckFromJson(data io.Reader) (*PushNotificationAck, error)

func (*PushNotificationAck) ToJson ¶

func (ack *PushNotificationAck) ToJson() string

type PushResponse ¶

type PushResponse map[string]string

func NewErrorPushResponse ¶

func NewErrorPushResponse(message string) PushResponse

func NewOkPushResponse ¶

func NewOkPushResponse() PushResponse

func NewRemovePushResponse ¶

func NewRemovePushResponse() PushResponse

func PushResponseFromJson ¶

func PushResponseFromJson(data io.Reader) PushResponse

func (*PushResponse) ToJson ¶

func (pr *PushResponse) ToJson() string

type RateLimitSettings ¶

type RateLimitSettings struct {
	Enable           *bool  `access:"environment_rate_limiting,write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"`
	PerSec           *int   `access:"environment_rate_limiting,write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"`
	MaxBurst         *int   `access:"environment_rate_limiting,write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"`
	MemoryStoreSize  *int   `access:"environment_rate_limiting,write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"`
	VaryByRemoteAddr *bool  `access:"environment_rate_limiting,write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"`
	VaryByUser       *bool  `access:"environment_rate_limiting,write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"`
	VaryByHeader     string `access:"environment_rate_limiting,write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"`

func (*RateLimitSettings) SetDefaults ¶

func (s *RateLimitSettings) SetDefaults()

type Reaction ¶

type Reaction struct {
	UserId    string  `json:"user_id"`
	PostId    string  `json:"post_id"`
	EmojiName string  `json:"emoji_name"`
	CreateAt  int64   `json:"create_at"`
	UpdateAt  int64   `json:"update_at"`
	DeleteAt  int64   `json:"delete_at"`
	RemoteId  *string `json:"remote_id"`

func ReactionFromJson ¶

func ReactionFromJson(data io.Reader) *Reaction

func ReactionsFromJson ¶

func ReactionsFromJson(data io.Reader) []*Reaction

func (*Reaction) IsValid ¶

func (o *Reaction) IsValid() *AppError

func (*Reaction) PreSave ¶

func (o *Reaction) PreSave()

func (*Reaction) PreUpdate ¶ added in v5.33.0

func (o *Reaction) PreUpdate()

func (*Reaction) ToJson ¶

func (o *Reaction) ToJson() string

type RecentCustomStatuses ¶ added in v5.33.0

type RecentCustomStatuses []CustomStatus

func RecentCustomStatusesFromJson ¶ added in v5.33.0

func RecentCustomStatusesFromJson(data io.Reader) *RecentCustomStatuses

func (*RecentCustomStatuses) Add ¶ added in v5.33.0

func (*RecentCustomStatuses) Contains ¶ added in v5.33.0

func (rcs *RecentCustomStatuses) Contains(cs *CustomStatus) bool

func (*RecentCustomStatuses) Remove ¶ added in v5.33.0

func (*RecentCustomStatuses) ToJson ¶ added in v5.33.0

func (rcs *RecentCustomStatuses) ToJson() string

type RecurringInterval ¶ added in v5.38.0

type RecurringInterval string

type RelationalIntegrityCheckData ¶ added in v5.28.0

type RelationalIntegrityCheckData struct {
	ParentName   string           `json:"parent_name"`
	ChildName    string           `json:"child_name"`
	ParentIdAttr string           `json:"parent_id_attr"`
	ChildIdAttr  string           `json:"child_id_attr"`
	Records      []OrphanedRecord `json:"records"`

type RemoteCluster ¶ added in v5.35.0

type RemoteCluster struct {
	RemoteId     string `json:"remote_id"`
	RemoteTeamId string `json:"remote_team_id"`
	Name         string `json:"name"`
	DisplayName  string `json:"display_name"`
	SiteURL      string `json:"site_url"`
	CreateAt     int64  `json:"create_at"`
	LastPingAt   int64  `json:"last_ping_at"`
	Token        string `json:"token"`
	RemoteToken  string `json:"remote_token"`
	Topics       string `json:"topics"`
	CreatorId    string `json:"creator_id"`

func (*RemoteCluster) IsOnline ¶ added in v5.35.0

func (rc *RemoteCluster) IsOnline() bool

func (*RemoteCluster) IsValid ¶ added in v5.35.0

func (rc *RemoteCluster) IsValid() *AppError

func (*RemoteCluster) PreSave ¶ added in v5.35.0

func (rc *RemoteCluster) PreSave()

func (*RemoteCluster) PreUpdate ¶ added in v5.35.0

func (rc *RemoteCluster) PreUpdate()

func (*RemoteCluster) ToJSON ¶ added in v5.35.0

func (rc *RemoteCluster) ToJSON() (string, error)

func (*RemoteCluster) ToRemoteClusterInfo ¶ added in v5.35.0

func (rc *RemoteCluster) ToRemoteClusterInfo() RemoteClusterInfo

type RemoteClusterFrame ¶ added in v5.35.0

type RemoteClusterFrame struct {
	RemoteId string           `json:"remote_id"`
	Msg      RemoteClusterMsg `json:"msg"`

RemoteClusterFrame wraps a `RemoteClusterMsg` with credentials specific to a remote cluster.

func (*RemoteClusterFrame) IsValid ¶ added in v5.35.0

func (f *RemoteClusterFrame) IsValid() *AppError

type RemoteClusterInfo ¶ added in v5.35.0

type RemoteClusterInfo struct {
	Name        string `json:"name"`
	DisplayName string `json:"display_name"`
	CreateAt    int64  `json:"create_at"`
	LastPingAt  int64  `json:"last_ping_at"`

RemoteClusterInfo provides a subset of RemoteCluster fields suitable for sending to clients.

type RemoteClusterInvite ¶ added in v5.35.0

type RemoteClusterInvite struct {
	RemoteId     string `json:"remote_id"`
	RemoteTeamId string `json:"remote_team_id"`
	SiteURL      string `json:"site_url"`
	Token        string `json:"token"`

RemoteClusterInvite represents an invitation to establish a simple trust with a remote cluster.

func (*RemoteClusterInvite) Decrypt ¶ added in v5.35.0

func (rci *RemoteClusterInvite) Decrypt(encrypted []byte, password string) error

func (*RemoteClusterInvite) Encrypt ¶ added in v5.35.0

func (rci *RemoteClusterInvite) Encrypt(password string) ([]byte, error)

type RemoteClusterMsg ¶ added in v5.35.0

type RemoteClusterMsg struct {
	Id       string          `json:"id"`
	Topic    string          `json:"topic"`
	CreateAt int64           `json:"create_at"`
	Payload  json.RawMessage `json:"payload"`

RemoteClusterMsg represents a message that is sent and received between clusters. These are processed and routed via the RemoteClusters service.

func NewRemoteClusterMsg ¶ added in v5.35.0

func NewRemoteClusterMsg(topic string, payload json.RawMessage) RemoteClusterMsg

func (RemoteClusterMsg) IsValid ¶ added in v5.35.0

func (m RemoteClusterMsg) IsValid() *AppError

type RemoteClusterPing ¶ added in v5.35.0

type RemoteClusterPing struct {
	SentAt int64 `json:"sent_at"`
	RecvAt int64 `json:"recv_at"`

RemoteClusterPing represents a ping that is sent and received between clusters to indicate a connection is alive. This is the payload for a `RemoteClusterMsg`.

type RemoteClusterQueryFilter ¶ added in v5.35.0

type RemoteClusterQueryFilter struct {
	ExcludeOffline bool
	InChannel      string
	NotInChannel   string
	Topic          string
	CreatorId      string
	OnlyConfirmed  bool

RemoteClusterQueryFilter provides filter criteria for RemoteClusterStore.GetAll

type ReplicaLagSettings ¶ added in v5.35.0

type ReplicaLagSettings struct {
	DataSource       *string `access:"environment,write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"` // telemetry: none
	QueryAbsoluteLag *string `access:"environment,write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"` // telemetry: none
	QueryTimeLag     *string `access:"environment,write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"` // telemetry: none

type ReplyForExport ¶

type ReplyForExport struct {
	Username string

type Response ¶

type Response struct {
	StatusCode    int
	Error         *AppError
	RequestId     string
	Etag          string
	ServerVersion string
	Header        http.Header

func BuildErrorResponse ¶

func BuildErrorResponse(r *http.Response, err *AppError) *Response

func BuildResponse ¶

func BuildResponse(r *http.Response) *Response

type RetentionPolicy ¶ added in v5.36.0

type RetentionPolicy struct {
	ID           string `db:"Id" json:"id"`
	DisplayName  string `json:"display_name"`
	PostDuration *int64 `json:"post_duration"`

type RetentionPolicyChannel ¶ added in v5.36.0

type RetentionPolicyChannel struct {
	PolicyID  string `db:"PolicyId"`
	ChannelID string `db:"ChannelId"`

type RetentionPolicyCursor ¶ added in v5.38.0

type RetentionPolicyCursor struct {
	ChannelPoliciesDone bool
	TeamPoliciesDone    bool
	GlobalPoliciesDone  bool

type RetentionPolicyForChannel ¶ added in v5.36.0

type RetentionPolicyForChannel struct {
	ChannelID    string `db:"Id" json:"channel_id"`
	PostDuration int64  `json:"post_duration"`

type RetentionPolicyForChannelList ¶ added in v5.36.0

type RetentionPolicyForChannelList struct {
	Policies   []*RetentionPolicyForChannel `json:"policies"`
	TotalCount int64                        `json:"total_count"`

func (*RetentionPolicyForChannelList) ToJson ¶ added in v5.36.0

func (lst *RetentionPolicyForChannelList) ToJson() []byte

type RetentionPolicyForTeam ¶ added in v5.36.0

type RetentionPolicyForTeam struct {
	TeamID       string `db:"Id" json:"team_id"`
	PostDuration int64  `json:"post_duration"`

type RetentionPolicyForTeamList ¶ added in v5.36.0

type RetentionPolicyForTeamList struct {
	Policies   []*RetentionPolicyForTeam `json:"policies"`
	TotalCount int64                     `json:"total_count"`

func (*RetentionPolicyForTeamList) ToJson ¶ added in v5.36.0

func (lst *RetentionPolicyForTeamList) ToJson() []byte

type RetentionPolicyTeam ¶ added in v5.36.0

type RetentionPolicyTeam struct {
	PolicyID string `db:"PolicyId"`
	TeamID   string `db:"TeamId"`

type RetentionPolicyWithTeamAndChannelCounts ¶ added in v5.36.0

type RetentionPolicyWithTeamAndChannelCounts struct {
	ChannelCount int64 `json:"channel_count"`
	TeamCount    int64 `json:"team_count"`

func RetentionPolicyWithTeamAndChannelCountsFromJson ¶ added in v5.36.0

func RetentionPolicyWithTeamAndChannelCountsFromJson(data io.Reader) (*RetentionPolicyWithTeamAndChannelCounts, error)

func (*RetentionPolicyWithTeamAndChannelCounts) ToJson ¶ added in v5.36.0

type RetentionPolicyWithTeamAndChannelCountsList ¶ added in v5.36.0

type RetentionPolicyWithTeamAndChannelCountsList struct {
	Policies   []*RetentionPolicyWithTeamAndChannelCounts `json:"policies"`
	TotalCount int64                                      `json:"total_count"`

func RetentionPolicyWithTeamAndChannelCountsListFromJson ¶ added in v5.36.0

func RetentionPolicyWithTeamAndChannelCountsListFromJson(data io.Reader) (*RetentionPolicyWithTeamAndChannelCountsList, error)

func (*RetentionPolicyWithTeamAndChannelCountsList) ToJson ¶ added in v5.36.0

type RetentionPolicyWithTeamAndChannelIDs ¶ added in v5.36.0

type RetentionPolicyWithTeamAndChannelIDs struct {
	TeamIDs    []string `json:"team_ids"`
	ChannelIDs []string `json:"channel_ids"`

func RetentionPolicyWithTeamAndChannelIdsFromJson ¶ added in v5.36.0

func RetentionPolicyWithTeamAndChannelIdsFromJson(data io.Reader) (*RetentionPolicyWithTeamAndChannelIDs, error)

func (*RetentionPolicyWithTeamAndChannelIDs) ToJson ¶ added in v5.36.0

type Role ¶

type Role struct {
	Id            string   `json:"id"`
	Name          string   `json:"name"`
	DisplayName   string   `json:"display_name"`
	Description   string   `json:"description"`
	CreateAt      int64    `json:"create_at"`
	UpdateAt      int64    `json:"update_at"`
	DeleteAt      int64    `json:"delete_at"`
	Permissions   []string `json:"permissions"`
	SchemeManaged bool     `json:"scheme_managed"`
	BuiltIn       bool     `json:"built_in"`

func RoleFromJson ¶

func RoleFromJson(data io.Reader) *Role

func RoleListFromJson ¶

func RoleListFromJson(data io.Reader) []*Role

func (*Role) GetChannelModeratedPermissions ¶ added in v5.22.0

func (r *Role) GetChannelModeratedPermissions(channelType string) map[string]bool

GetChannelModeratedPermissions returns a map of channel moderated permissions that the role has access to

func (*Role) IsValid ¶

func (r *Role) IsValid() bool

func (*Role) IsValidWithoutId ¶

func (r *Role) IsValidWithoutId() bool

func (*Role) MergeChannelHigherScopedPermissions ¶ added in v5.22.0

func (r *Role) MergeChannelHigherScopedPermissions(higherScopedPermissions *RolePermissions)

MergeChannelHigherScopedPermissions is meant to be invoked on a channel scheme's role and merges the higher-scoped channel role's permissions.

func (*Role) Patch ¶

func (r *Role) Patch(patch *RolePatch)

func (*Role) RolePatchFromChannelModerationsPatch ¶ added in v5.22.0

func (r *Role) RolePatchFromChannelModerationsPatch(channelModerationsPatch []*ChannelModerationPatch, roleName string) *RolePatch

RolePatchFromChannelModerationsPatch Creates and returns a RolePatch based on a slice of ChannelModerationPatchs, roleName is expected to be either "members" or "guests".

func (*Role) ToJson ¶

func (r *Role) ToJson() string

type RoleDescriptor ¶ added in v5.20.0

type RoleDescriptor struct {
	XMLName                    xml.Name
	ID                         string          `xml:",attr,omitempty"`
	ValidUntil                 time.Time       `xml:"validUntil,attr,omitempty"`
	CacheDuration              time.Duration   `xml:"cacheDuration,attr,omitempty"`
	ProtocolSupportEnumeration string          `xml:"protocolSupportEnumeration,attr"`
	ErrorURL                   string          `xml:"errorURL,attr,omitempty"`
	KeyDescriptors             []KeyDescriptor `xml:"KeyDescriptor,omitempty"`
	Organization               *Organization   `xml:"Organization,omitempty"`
	ContactPersons             []ContactPerson `xml:"ContactPerson,omitempty"`

type RolePatch ¶

type RolePatch struct {
	Permissions *[]string `json:"permissions"`

func RolePatchFromJson ¶

func RolePatchFromJson(data io.Reader) *RolePatch

func (*RolePatch) ToJson ¶

func (r *RolePatch) ToJson() string

type RolePermissions ¶ added in v5.22.0

type RolePermissions struct {
	RoleID      string
	Permissions []string

type RoleScope ¶ added in v5.22.0

type RoleScope string

type RoleType ¶ added in v5.22.0

type RoleType string

type SSODescriptor ¶ added in v5.20.0

type SSODescriptor struct {
	XMLName xml.Name
	ArtifactResolutionServices []IndexedEndpoint `xml:"ArtifactResolutionService"`
	SingleLogoutServices       []Endpoint        `xml:"SingleLogoutService"`
	ManageNameIDServices       []Endpoint        `xml:"ManageNameIDService"`
	NameIDFormats              []NameIDFormat    `xml:"NameIDFormat"`

type SSOSettings ¶

type SSOSettings struct {
	Enable            *bool   `access:"authentication_openid"`
	Secret            *string `access:"authentication_openid"` // telemetry: none
	Id                *string `access:"authentication_openid"` // telemetry: none
	Scope             *string `access:"authentication_openid"` // telemetry: none
	AuthEndpoint      *string `access:"authentication_openid"` // telemetry: none
	TokenEndpoint     *string `access:"authentication_openid"` // telemetry: none
	UserApiEndpoint   *string `access:"authentication_openid"` // telemetry: none
	DiscoveryEndpoint *string `access:"authentication_openid"` // telemetry: none
	ButtonText        *string `access:"authentication_openid"` // telemetry: none
	ButtonColor       *string `access:"authentication_openid"` // telemetry: none

type SamlAuthRequest ¶

type SamlAuthRequest struct {
	Base64AuthRequest string
	URL               string
	RelayState        string

type SamlCertificateStatus ¶

type SamlCertificateStatus struct {
	IdpCertificateFile    bool `json:"idp_certificate_file"`
	PrivateKeyFile        bool `json:"private_key_file"`
	PublicCertificateFile bool `json:"public_certificate_file"`

func SamlCertificateStatusFromJson ¶

func SamlCertificateStatusFromJson(data io.Reader) *SamlCertificateStatus

func (*SamlCertificateStatus) ToJson ¶

func (s *SamlCertificateStatus) ToJson() string

type SamlMetadataResponse ¶ added in v5.20.0

type SamlMetadataResponse struct {
	IdpDescriptorUrl     string `json:"idp_descriptor_url"`
	IdpUrl               string `json:"idp_url"`
	IdpPublicCertificate string `json:"idp_public_certificate"`

func SamlMetadataResponseFromJson ¶ added in v5.20.0

func SamlMetadataResponseFromJson(data io.Reader) *SamlMetadataResponse

func (*SamlMetadataResponse) ToJson ¶ added in v5.20.0

func (s *SamlMetadataResponse) ToJson() string

type SamlSettings ¶

type SamlSettings struct {
	// Basic
	Enable                        *bool `access:"authentication_saml"`
	EnableSyncWithLdap            *bool `access:"authentication_saml"`
	EnableSyncWithLdapIncludeAuth *bool `access:"authentication_saml"`
	IgnoreGuestsLdapSync          *bool `access:"authentication_saml"`

	Verify      *bool `access:"authentication_saml"`
	Encrypt     *bool `access:"authentication_saml"`
	SignRequest *bool `access:"authentication_saml"`

	IdpUrl                      *string `access:"authentication_saml"` // telemetry: none
	IdpDescriptorUrl            *string `access:"authentication_saml"` // telemetry: none
	IdpMetadataUrl              *string `access:"authentication_saml"` // telemetry: none
	ServiceProviderIdentifier   *string `access:"authentication_saml"` // telemetry: none
	AssertionConsumerServiceURL *string `access:"authentication_saml"` // telemetry: none

	SignatureAlgorithm *string `access:"authentication_saml"`
	CanonicalAlgorithm *string `access:"authentication_saml"`

	ScopingIDPProviderId *string `access:"authentication_saml"`
	ScopingIDPName       *string `access:"authentication_saml"`

	IdpCertificateFile    *string `access:"authentication_saml"` // telemetry: none
	PublicCertificateFile *string `access:"authentication_saml"` // telemetry: none
	PrivateKeyFile        *string `access:"authentication_saml"` // telemetry: none

	// User Mapping
	IdAttribute          *string `access:"authentication_saml"`
	GuestAttribute       *string `access:"authentication_saml"`
	EnableAdminAttribute *bool
	AdminAttribute       *string
	FirstNameAttribute   *string `access:"authentication_saml"`
	LastNameAttribute    *string `access:"authentication_saml"`
	EmailAttribute       *string `access:"authentication_saml"`
	UsernameAttribute    *string `access:"authentication_saml"`
	NicknameAttribute    *string `access:"authentication_saml"`
	LocaleAttribute      *string `access:"authentication_saml"`
	PositionAttribute    *string `access:"authentication_saml"`

	LoginButtonText *string `access:"authentication_saml"`

	LoginButtonColor       *string `access:"experimental_features"`
	LoginButtonBorderColor *string `access:"experimental_features"`
	LoginButtonTextColor   *string `access:"experimental_features"`

func (*SamlSettings) SetDefaults ¶

func (s *SamlSettings) SetDefaults()

type ScheduledTask ¶

type ScheduledTask struct {
	Name      string        `json:"name"`
	Interval  time.Duration `json:"interval"`
	Recurring bool          `json:"recurring"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func CreateRecurringTask ¶

func CreateRecurringTask(name string, function TaskFunc, interval time.Duration) *ScheduledTask

func CreateRecurringTaskFromNextIntervalTime ¶ added in v5.37.0

func CreateRecurringTaskFromNextIntervalTime(name string, function TaskFunc, interval time.Duration) *ScheduledTask

func CreateTask ¶

func CreateTask(name string, function TaskFunc, timeToExecution time.Duration) *ScheduledTask

func (*ScheduledTask) Cancel ¶

func (task *ScheduledTask) Cancel()

func (*ScheduledTask) String ¶

func (task *ScheduledTask) String() string

type Scheduler ¶

type Scheduler interface {
	Name() string
	JobType() string
	Enabled(cfg *Config) bool
	NextScheduleTime(cfg *Config, now time.Time, pendingJobs bool, lastSuccessfulJob *Job) *time.Time
	ScheduleJob(cfg *Config, pendingJobs bool, lastSuccessfulJob *Job) (*Job, *AppError)

type Scheme ¶

type Scheme struct {
	Id                      string `json:"id"`
	Name                    string `json:"name"`
	DisplayName             string `json:"display_name"`
	Description             string `json:"description"`
	CreateAt                int64  `json:"create_at"`
	UpdateAt                int64  `json:"update_at"`
	DeleteAt                int64  `json:"delete_at"`
	Scope                   string `json:"scope"`
	DefaultTeamAdminRole    string `json:"default_team_admin_role"`
	DefaultTeamUserRole     string `json:"default_team_user_role"`
	DefaultChannelAdminRole string `json:"default_channel_admin_role"`
	DefaultChannelUserRole  string `json:"default_channel_user_role"`
	DefaultTeamGuestRole    string `json:"default_team_guest_role"`
	DefaultChannelGuestRole string `json:"default_channel_guest_role"`

func SchemeFromJson ¶

func SchemeFromJson(data io.Reader) *Scheme

func SchemesFromJson ¶

func SchemesFromJson(data io.Reader) []*Scheme

func (*Scheme) IsValid ¶

func (scheme *Scheme) IsValid() bool

func (*Scheme) IsValidForCreate ¶

func (scheme *Scheme) IsValidForCreate() bool

func (*Scheme) Patch ¶

func (scheme *Scheme) Patch(patch *SchemePatch)

func (*Scheme) ToJson ¶

func (scheme *Scheme) ToJson() string

type SchemeConveyor ¶

type SchemeConveyor struct {
	Name         string  `json:"name"`
	DisplayName  string  `json:"display_name"`
	Description  string  `json:"description"`
	Scope        string  `json:"scope"`
	TeamAdmin    string  `json:"default_team_admin_role"`
	TeamUser     string  `json:"default_team_user_role"`
	TeamGuest    string  `json:"default_team_guest_role"`
	ChannelAdmin string  `json:"default_channel_admin_role"`
	ChannelUser  string  `json:"default_channel_user_role"`
	ChannelGuest string  `json:"default_channel_guest_role"`
	Roles        []*Role `json:"roles"`

SchemeConveyor is used for importing and exporting a Scheme and its associated Roles.

func (*SchemeConveyor) Scheme ¶

func (sc *SchemeConveyor) Scheme() *Scheme

type SchemeIDPatch ¶

type SchemeIDPatch struct {
	SchemeID *string `json:"scheme_id"`

func (*SchemeIDPatch) ToJson ¶

func (p *SchemeIDPatch) ToJson() string

type SchemePatch ¶

type SchemePatch struct {
	Name        *string `json:"name"`
	DisplayName *string `json:"display_name"`
	Description *string `json:"description"`

func SchemePatchFromJson ¶

func SchemePatchFromJson(data io.Reader) *SchemePatch

func (*SchemePatch) ToJson ¶

func (patch *SchemePatch) ToJson() string

type SchemeRoles ¶

type SchemeRoles struct {
	SchemeAdmin bool `json:"scheme_admin"`
	SchemeUser  bool `json:"scheme_user"`
	SchemeGuest bool `json:"scheme_guest"`

func SchemeRolesFromJson ¶

func SchemeRolesFromJson(data io.Reader) *SchemeRoles

func (*SchemeRoles) ToJson ¶

func (schemeRoles *SchemeRoles) ToJson() string

type SearchParameter ¶

type SearchParameter struct {
	Terms                  *string `json:"terms"`
	IsOrSearch             *bool   `json:"is_or_search"`
	TimeZoneOffset         *int    `json:"time_zone_offset"`
	Page                   *int    `json:"page"`
	PerPage                *int    `json:"per_page"`
	IncludeDeletedChannels *bool   `json:"include_deleted_channels"`

func SearchParameterFromJson ¶

func SearchParameterFromJson(data io.Reader) (*SearchParameter, error)

func (*SearchParameter) SearchParameterToJson ¶

func (o *SearchParameter) SearchParameterToJson() string

type SearchParams ¶

type SearchParams struct {
	Terms                  string
	ExcludedTerms          string
	IsHashtag              bool
	InChannels             []string
	ExcludedChannels       []string
	FromUsers              []string
	ExcludedUsers          []string
	AfterDate              string
	ExcludedAfterDate      string
	BeforeDate             string
	ExcludedBeforeDate     string
	Extensions             []string
	ExcludedExtensions     []string
	OnDate                 string
	ExcludedDate           string
	OrTerms                bool
	IncludeDeletedChannels bool
	TimeZoneOffset         int
	// True if this search doesn't originate from a "current user".
	SearchWithoutUserId bool

func ParseSearchParams ¶

func ParseSearchParams(text string, timeZoneOffset int) []*SearchParams

func (*SearchParams) GetAfterDateMillis ¶

func (p *SearchParams) GetAfterDateMillis() int64

Returns the epoch timestamp of the start of the day specified by SearchParams.AfterDate

func (*SearchParams) GetBeforeDateMillis ¶

func (p *SearchParams) GetBeforeDateMillis() int64

Returns the epoch timestamp of the end of the day specified by SearchParams.BeforeDate

func (*SearchParams) GetExcludedAfterDateMillis ¶

func (p *SearchParams) GetExcludedAfterDateMillis() int64

Returns the epoch timestamp of the start of the day specified by SearchParams.ExcludedAfterDate

func (*SearchParams) GetExcludedBeforeDateMillis ¶

func (p *SearchParams) GetExcludedBeforeDateMillis() int64

Returns the epoch timestamp of the end of the day specified by SearchParams.ExcludedBeforeDate

func (*SearchParams) GetExcludedDateMillis ¶

func (p *SearchParams) GetExcludedDateMillis() (int64, int64)

Returns the epoch timestamps of the start and end of the day specified by SearchParams.ExcludedDate

func (*SearchParams) GetOnDateMillis ¶

func (p *SearchParams) GetOnDateMillis() (int64, int64)

Returns the epoch timestamps of the start and end of the day specified by SearchParams.OnDate

type SecurityBulletin ¶

type SecurityBulletin struct {
	Id               string `json:"id"`
	AppliesToVersion string `json:"applies_to_version"`

func SecurityBulletinFromJson ¶

func SecurityBulletinFromJson(data io.Reader) *SecurityBulletin

func (*SecurityBulletin) ToJson ¶

func (sb *SecurityBulletin) ToJson() string

type SecurityBulletins ¶

type SecurityBulletins []SecurityBulletin

func SecurityBulletinsFromJson ¶

func SecurityBulletinsFromJson(data io.Reader) SecurityBulletins

func (SecurityBulletins) ToJson ¶

func (sb SecurityBulletins) ToJson() string

type SendWarnMetricAck ¶ added in v5.26.0

type SendWarnMetricAck struct {
	ForceAck bool `json:"forceAck"`

func SendWarnMetricAckFromJson ¶ added in v5.26.0

func SendWarnMetricAckFromJson(r io.Reader) *SendWarnMetricAck

func (*SendWarnMetricAck) ToJson ¶ added in v5.26.0

func (swma *SendWarnMetricAck) ToJson() string

type ServerBusyState ¶ added in v5.20.0

type ServerBusyState struct {
	Busy       bool   `json:"busy"`
	Expires    int64  `json:"expires"`
	Expires_ts string `json:"expires_ts,omitempty"`

ServerBusyState provides serialization for app.Busy.

func ServerBusyStateFromJson ¶ added in v5.20.0

func ServerBusyStateFromJson(r io.Reader) *ServerBusyState

func (*ServerBusyState) ToJson ¶ added in v5.20.0

func (sbs *ServerBusyState) ToJson() string

type ServiceSettings ¶

type ServiceSettings struct {
	SiteURL                                           *string  `access:"environment_web_server,authentication_saml,write_restrictable"`
	WebsocketURL                                      *string  `access:"write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"`
	LicenseFileLocation                               *string  `access:"write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"`                        // telemetry: none
	ListenAddress                                     *string  `access:"environment_web_server,write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"` // telemetry: none
	ConnectionSecurity                                *string  `access:"environment_web_server,write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"`
	TLSCertFile                                       *string  `access:"environment_web_server,write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"`
	TLSKeyFile                                        *string  `access:"environment_web_server,write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"`
	TLSMinVer                                         *string  `access:"write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"` // telemetry: none
	TLSStrictTransport                                *bool    `access:"write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"`
	TLSStrictTransportMaxAge                          *int64   `access:"write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"` // telemetry: none
	TLSOverwriteCiphers                               []string `access:"write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"` // telemetry: none
	UseLetsEncrypt                                    *bool    `access:"environment_web_server,write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"`
	LetsEncryptCertificateCacheFile                   *string  `access:"environment_web_server,write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"` // telemetry: none
	Forward80To443                                    *bool    `access:"environment_web_server,write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"`
	TrustedProxyIPHeader                              []string `access:"write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"` // telemetry: none
	ReadTimeout                                       *int     `access:"environment_web_server,write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"`
	WriteTimeout                                      *int     `access:"environment_web_server,write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"`
	IdleTimeout                                       *int     `access:"write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"`
	MaximumLoginAttempts                              *int     `access:"authentication_password,write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"`
	GoroutineHealthThreshold                          *int     `access:"write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"` // telemetry: none
	EnableOAuthServiceProvider                        *bool    `access:"integrations_integration_management"`
	EnableIncomingWebhooks                            *bool    `access:"integrations_integration_management"`
	EnableOutgoingWebhooks                            *bool    `access:"integrations_integration_management"`
	EnableCommands                                    *bool    `access:"integrations_integration_management"`
	EnablePostUsernameOverride                        *bool    `access:"integrations_integration_management"`
	EnablePostIconOverride                            *bool    `access:"integrations_integration_management"`
	GoogleDeveloperKey                                *string  `access:"site_posts,write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"`
	DEPRECATED_DO_NOT_USE_EnableOnlyAdminIntegrations *bool    `json:"EnableOnlyAdminIntegrations" mapstructure:"EnableOnlyAdminIntegrations"` // Deprecated: do not use
	EnableLinkPreviews                                *bool    `access:"site_posts"`
	RestrictLinkPreviews                              *string  `access:"site_posts"`
	EnableTesting                                     *bool    `access:"environment_developer,write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"`
	EnableDeveloper                                   *bool    `access:"environment_developer,write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"`
	EnableOpenTracing                                 *bool    `access:"write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"`
	EnableSecurityFixAlert                            *bool    `access:"environment_smtp,write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"`
	EnableInsecureOutgoingConnections                 *bool    `access:"environment_web_server,write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"`
	AllowedUntrustedInternalConnections               *string  `access:"environment_web_server,write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"`
	EnableMultifactorAuthentication                   *bool    `access:"authentication_mfa"`
	EnforceMultifactorAuthentication                  *bool    `access:"authentication_mfa"`
	EnableUserAccessTokens                            *bool    `access:"integrations_integration_management"`
	AllowCorsFrom                                     *string  `access:"integrations_cors,write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"`
	CorsExposedHeaders                                *string  `access:"integrations_cors,write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"`
	CorsAllowCredentials                              *bool    `access:"integrations_cors,write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"`
	CorsDebug                                         *bool    `access:"integrations_cors,write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"`
	AllowCookiesForSubdomains                         *bool    `access:"write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"`
	ExtendSessionLengthWithActivity                   *bool    `access:"environment_session_lengths,write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"`
	SessionLengthWebInDays                            *int     `access:"environment_session_lengths,write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"`
	SessionLengthMobileInDays                         *int     `access:"environment_session_lengths,write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"`
	SessionLengthSSOInDays                            *int     `access:"environment_session_lengths,write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"`
	SessionCacheInMinutes                             *int     `access:"environment_session_lengths,write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"`
	SessionIdleTimeoutInMinutes                       *int     `access:"environment_session_lengths,write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"`
	WebsocketSecurePort                               *int     `access:"write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"` // telemetry: none
	WebsocketPort                                     *int     `access:"write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"` // telemetry: none
	WebserverMode                                     *string  `access:"environment_web_server,write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"`
	EnableGifPicker                                   *bool    `access:"integrations_gif"`
	GfycatApiKey                                      *string  `access:"integrations_gif"`
	GfycatApiSecret                                   *string  `access:"integrations_gif"`
	EnableCustomEmoji                                 *bool    `access:"site_emoji"`
	EnableEmojiPicker                                 *bool    `access:"site_emoji"`
	DEPRECATED_DO_NOT_USE_RestrictCustomEmojiCreation *string  `json:"RestrictCustomEmojiCreation" mapstructure:"RestrictCustomEmojiCreation"` // Deprecated: do not use
	DEPRECATED_DO_NOT_USE_RestrictPostDelete          *string  `json:"RestrictPostDelete" mapstructure:"RestrictPostDelete"`                   // Deprecated: do not use
	DEPRECATED_DO_NOT_USE_AllowEditPost               *string  `json:"AllowEditPost" mapstructure:"AllowEditPost"`                             // Deprecated: do not use
	PostEditTimeLimit                                 *int     `access:"user_management_permissions"`
	TimeBetweenUserTypingUpdatesMilliseconds          *int64   `access:"experimental_features,write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"`
	EnablePostSearch                                  *bool    `access:"write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"`
	EnableFileSearch                                  *bool    `access:"write_restrictable"`
	MinimumHashtagLength                              *int     `access:"environment_database,write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"`
	EnableUserTypingMessages                          *bool    `access:"experimental_features,write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"`
	EnableChannelViewedMessages                       *bool    `access:"experimental_features,write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"`
	EnableUserStatuses                                *bool    `access:"write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"`
	ExperimentalEnableAuthenticationTransfer          *bool    `access:"experimental_features,write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"`
	ClusterLogTimeoutMilliseconds                     *int     `access:"write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"`
	CloseUnusedDirectMessages                         *bool    `access:"experimental_features"`
	EnablePreviewFeatures                             *bool    `access:"experimental_features"`
	EnableTutorial                                    *bool    `access:"experimental_features"`
	ExperimentalEnableDefaultChannelLeaveJoinMessages *bool    `access:"experimental_features"`
	ExperimentalGroupUnreadChannels                   *string  `access:"experimental_features"`
	ExperimentalChannelOrganization                   *bool    `access:"experimental_features"`
	DEPRECATED_DO_NOT_USE_ImageProxyType              *string  `json:"ImageProxyType" mapstructure:"ImageProxyType"`       // Deprecated: do not use
	DEPRECATED_DO_NOT_USE_ImageProxyURL               *string  `json:"ImageProxyURL" mapstructure:"ImageProxyURL"`         // Deprecated: do not use
	DEPRECATED_DO_NOT_USE_ImageProxyOptions           *string  `json:"ImageProxyOptions" mapstructure:"ImageProxyOptions"` // Deprecated: do not use
	EnableAPITeamDeletion                             *bool
	EnableAPIUserDeletion                             *bool
	ExperimentalEnableHardenedMode                    *bool `access:"experimental_features"`
	DisableLegacyMFA                                  *bool `access:"write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"`
	ExperimentalStrictCSRFEnforcement                 *bool `access:"experimental_features,write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"`
	EnableEmailInvitations                            *bool `access:"authentication_signup"`
	DisableBotsWhenOwnerIsDeactivated                 *bool `access:"integrations_bot_accounts,write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"`
	EnableBotAccountCreation                          *bool `access:"integrations_bot_accounts"`
	EnableSVGs                                        *bool `access:"site_posts"`
	EnableLatex                                       *bool `access:"site_posts"`
	EnableAPIChannelDeletion                          *bool
	EnableLocalMode                                   *bool
	LocalModeSocketLocation                           *string // telemetry: none
	EnableAWSMetering                                 *bool   // telemetry: none
	SplitKey                                          *string `access:"experimental_feature_flags,write_restrictable"` // telemetry: none
	FeatureFlagSyncIntervalSeconds                    *int    `access:"experimental_feature_flags,write_restrictable"` // telemetry: none
	DebugSplit                                        *bool   `access:"experimental_feature_flags,write_restrictable"` // telemetry: none
	ThreadAutoFollow                                  *bool   `access:"experimental_features"`
	CollapsedThreads                                  *string `access:"experimental_features"`
	ManagedResourcePaths                              *string `access:"environment_web_server,write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"`
	EnableLegacySidebar                               *bool   `access:"experimental_features"`
	EnableReliableWebSockets                          *bool   `access:"experimental_features"` // telemetry: none

func (*ServiceSettings) SetDefaults ¶

func (s *ServiceSettings) SetDefaults(isUpdate bool)

type Session ¶

type Session struct {
	Id             string        `json:"id"`
	Token          string        `json:"token"`
	CreateAt       int64         `json:"create_at"`
	ExpiresAt      int64         `json:"expires_at"`
	LastActivityAt int64         `json:"last_activity_at"`
	UserId         string        `json:"user_id"`
	DeviceId       string        `json:"device_id"`
	Roles          string        `json:"roles"`
	IsOAuth        bool          `json:"is_oauth"`
	ExpiredNotify  bool          `json:"expired_notify"`
	Props          StringMap     `json:"props"`
	TeamMembers    []*TeamMember `json:"team_members" db:"-"`
	Local          bool          `json:"local" db:"-"`

Session contains the user session details. This struct's serializer methods are auto-generated. If a new field is added/removed, please run make gen-serialized.

func SessionFromJson ¶

func SessionFromJson(data io.Reader) *Session

func SessionsFromJson ¶

func SessionsFromJson(data io.Reader) []*Session

func (*Session) AddProp ¶

func (s *Session) AddProp(key string, value string)

func (*Session) DecodeMsg ¶ added in v5.28.0

func (z *Session) DecodeMsg(dc *msgp.Reader) (err error)

DecodeMsg implements msgp.Decodable

func (*Session) DeepCopy ¶

func (s *Session) DeepCopy() *Session

func (*Session) EncodeMsg ¶ added in v5.28.0

func (z *Session) EncodeMsg(en *msgp.Writer) (err error)

EncodeMsg implements msgp.Encodable

func (*Session) GenerateCSRF ¶

func (s *Session) GenerateCSRF() string

func (*Session) GetCSRF ¶

func (s *Session) GetCSRF() string

func (*Session) GetTeamByTeamId ¶

func (s *Session) GetTeamByTeamId(teamId string) *TeamMember

func (*Session) GetUserRoles ¶

func (s *Session) GetUserRoles() []string

func (*Session) IsExpired ¶

func (s *Session) IsExpired() bool

func (*Session) IsMobile ¶ added in v5.25.0

func (s *Session) IsMobile() bool

func (*Session) IsMobileApp ¶

func (s *Session) IsMobileApp() bool

func (*Session) IsOAuthUser ¶ added in v5.25.3

func (s *Session) IsOAuthUser() bool

func (*Session) IsSSOLogin ¶ added in v5.25.0

func (s *Session) IsSSOLogin() bool

func (*Session) IsSaml ¶ added in v5.25.0

func (s *Session) IsSaml() bool

func (*Session) IsUnrestricted ¶ added in v5.24.0

func (s *Session) IsUnrestricted() bool

Returns true if the session is unrestricted, which should grant it with all permissions. This is used for local mode sessions

func (*Session) MarshalMsg ¶ added in v5.28.0

func (z *Session) MarshalMsg(b []byte) (o []byte, err error)

MarshalMsg implements msgp.Marshaler

func (*Session) Msgsize ¶ added in v5.28.0

func (z *Session) Msgsize() (s int)

Msgsize returns an upper bound estimate of the number of bytes occupied by the serialized message

func (*Session) PreSave ¶

func (s *Session) PreSave()

func (*Session) Sanitize ¶

func (s *Session) Sanitize()

func (*Session) SetExpireInDays deprecated

func (s *Session) SetExpireInDays(days int)

Deprecated: SetExpireInDays is deprecated and should not be used.

            Use (*App).SetSessionExpireInDays instead which handles the
			   cases where the new ExpiresAt is not relative to CreateAt.

func (*Session) ToJson ¶

func (s *Session) ToJson() string

func (*Session) UnmarshalMsg ¶ added in v5.28.0

func (z *Session) UnmarshalMsg(bts []byte) (o []byte, err error)

UnmarshalMsg implements msgp.Unmarshaler

type SharedChannel ¶ added in v5.35.0

type SharedChannel struct {
	ChannelId        string `json:"id"`
	TeamId           string `json:"team_id"`
	Home             bool   `json:"home"`
	ReadOnly         bool   `json:"readonly"`
	ShareName        string `json:"name"`
	ShareDisplayName string `json:"display_name"`
	SharePurpose     string `json:"purpose"`
	ShareHeader      string `json:"header"`
	CreatorId        string `json:"creator_id"`
	CreateAt         int64  `json:"create_at"`
	UpdateAt         int64  `json:"update_at"`
	RemoteId         string `json:"remote_id,omitempty"` // if not "home"
	Type             string `db:"-"`

SharedChannel represents a channel that can be synchronized with a remote cluster. If "home" is true, then the shared channel is homed locally and "SharedChannelRemote" table contains the remote clusters that have been invited. If "home" is false, then the shared channel is homed remotely, and "RemoteId" field points to the remote cluster connection in "RemoteClusters" table.

func SharedChannelFromJson ¶ added in v5.35.0

func SharedChannelFromJson(data io.Reader) (*SharedChannel, error)

func (*SharedChannel) IsValid ¶ added in v5.35.0

func (sc *SharedChannel) IsValid() *AppError

func (*SharedChannel) PreSave ¶ added in v5.35.0

func (sc *SharedChannel) PreSave()

func (*SharedChannel) PreUpdate ¶ added in v5.35.0

func (sc *SharedChannel) PreUpdate()

func (*SharedChannel) ToJson ¶ added in v5.35.0

func (sc *SharedChannel) ToJson() string

type SharedChannelAttachment ¶ added in v5.35.0

type SharedChannelAttachment struct {
	Id         string `json:"id"`
	FileId     string `json:"file_id"`
	RemoteId   string `json:"remote_id"`
	CreateAt   int64  `json:"create_at"`
	LastSyncAt int64  `json:"last_sync_at"`

SharedChannelAttachment stores a lastSyncAt timestamp on behalf of a remote cluster for each file attachment that has been synchronized.

func (*SharedChannelAttachment) IsValid ¶ added in v5.35.0

func (scf *SharedChannelAttachment) IsValid() *AppError

func (*SharedChannelAttachment) PreSave ¶ added in v5.35.0

func (scf *SharedChannelAttachment) PreSave()

type SharedChannelFilterOpts ¶ added in v5.35.0

type SharedChannelFilterOpts struct {
	TeamId        string
	CreatorId     string
	ExcludeHome   bool
	ExcludeRemote bool

type SharedChannelRemote ¶ added in v5.35.0

type SharedChannelRemote struct {
	Id                string `json:"id"`
	ChannelId         string `json:"channel_id"`
	CreatorId         string `json:"creator_id"`
	CreateAt          int64  `json:"create_at"`
	UpdateAt          int64  `json:"update_at"`
	IsInviteAccepted  bool   `json:"is_invite_accepted"`
	IsInviteConfirmed bool   `json:"is_invite_confirmed"`
	RemoteId          string `json:"remote_id"`
	LastPostUpdateAt  int64  `json:"last_post_update_at"`
	LastPostId        string `json:"last_post_id"`

SharedChannelRemote represents a remote cluster that has been invited to a shared channel.

func SharedChannelRemoteFromJson ¶ added in v5.35.0

func SharedChannelRemoteFromJson(data io.Reader) (*SharedChannelRemote, error)

func (*SharedChannelRemote) IsValid ¶ added in v5.35.0

func (sc *SharedChannelRemote) IsValid() *AppError

func (*SharedChannelRemote) PreSave ¶ added in v5.35.0

func (sc *SharedChannelRemote) PreSave()

func (*SharedChannelRemote) PreUpdate ¶ added in v5.35.0

func (sc *SharedChannelRemote) PreUpdate()

func (*SharedChannelRemote) ToJson ¶ added in v5.35.0

func (sc *SharedChannelRemote) ToJson() string

type SharedChannelRemoteFilterOpts ¶ added in v5.35.0

type SharedChannelRemoteFilterOpts struct {
	ChannelId       string
	RemoteId        string
	InclUnconfirmed bool

type SharedChannelRemoteStatus ¶ added in v5.35.0

type SharedChannelRemoteStatus struct {
	ChannelId        string `json:"channel_id"`
	DisplayName      string `json:"display_name"`
	SiteURL          string `json:"site_url"`
	LastPingAt       int64  `json:"last_ping_at"`
	NextSyncAt       int64  `json:"next_sync_at"`
	ReadOnly         bool   `json:"readonly"`
	IsInviteAccepted bool   `json:"is_invite_accepted"`
	Token            string `json:"token"`

type SharedChannelUser ¶ added in v5.35.0

type SharedChannelUser struct {
	Id         string `json:"id"`
	UserId     string `json:"user_id"`
	ChannelId  string `json:"channel_id"`
	RemoteId   string `json:"remote_id"`
	CreateAt   int64  `json:"create_at"`
	LastSyncAt int64  `json:"last_sync_at"`

SharedChannelUser stores a lastSyncAt timestamp on behalf of a remote cluster for each user that has been synchronized.

func (*SharedChannelUser) IsValid ¶ added in v5.35.0

func (scu *SharedChannelUser) IsValid() *AppError

func (*SharedChannelUser) PreSave ¶ added in v5.35.0

func (scu *SharedChannelUser) PreSave()

type SidebarCategoriesWithChannels ¶ added in v5.26.0

type SidebarCategoriesWithChannels []*SidebarCategoryWithChannels

type SidebarCategory ¶ added in v5.26.0

type SidebarCategory struct {
	Id          string                 `json:"id"`
	UserId      string                 `json:"user_id"`
	TeamId      string                 `json:"team_id"`
	SortOrder   int64                  `json:"-"`
	Sorting     SidebarCategorySorting `json:"sorting"`
	Type        SidebarCategoryType    `json:"type"`
	DisplayName string                 `json:"display_name"`
	Muted       bool                   `json:"muted"`
	Collapsed   bool                   `json:"collapsed"`

SidebarCategory represents the corresponding DB table SortOrder is never returned to the user and only used for queries

type SidebarCategoryOrder ¶ added in v5.26.0

type SidebarCategoryOrder []string

type SidebarCategorySorting ¶ added in v5.26.0

type SidebarCategorySorting string

type SidebarCategoryType ¶ added in v5.26.0

type SidebarCategoryType string

type SidebarCategoryWithChannels ¶ added in v5.26.0

type SidebarCategoryWithChannels struct {
	Channels []string `json:"channel_ids"`

SidebarCategoryWithChannels combines data from SidebarCategory table with the Channel IDs that belong to that category

func SidebarCategoriesFromJson ¶ added in v5.26.0

func SidebarCategoriesFromJson(data io.Reader) ([]*SidebarCategoryWithChannels, error)

func SidebarCategoryFromJson ¶ added in v5.26.0

func SidebarCategoryFromJson(data io.Reader) (*SidebarCategoryWithChannels, error)

func (SidebarCategoryWithChannels) ToJson ¶ added in v5.26.0

func (o SidebarCategoryWithChannels) ToJson() []byte

type SidebarChannel ¶ added in v5.26.0

type SidebarChannel struct {
	ChannelId  string `json:"channel_id"`
	UserId     string `json:"user_id"`
	CategoryId string `json:"category_id"`
	SortOrder  int64  `json:"-"`

type SidebarChannels ¶ added in v5.26.0

type SidebarChannels []*SidebarChannel

type SlackAttachment ¶

type SlackAttachment struct {
	Id         int64                   `json:"id"`
	Fallback   string                  `json:"fallback"`
	Color      string                  `json:"color"`
	Pretext    string                  `json:"pretext"`
	AuthorName string                  `json:"author_name"`
	AuthorLink string                  `json:"author_link"`
	AuthorIcon string                  `json:"author_icon"`
	Title      string                  `json:"title"`
	TitleLink  string                  `json:"title_link"`
	Text       string                  `json:"text"`
	Fields     []*SlackAttachmentField `json:"fields"`
	ImageURL   string                  `json:"image_url"`
	ThumbURL   string                  `json:"thumb_url"`
	Footer     string                  `json:"footer"`
	FooterIcon string                  `json:"footer_icon"`
	Timestamp  interface{}             `json:"ts"` // This is either a string or an int64
	Actions    []*PostAction           `json:"actions,omitempty"`

func StringifySlackFieldValue ¶

func StringifySlackFieldValue(a []*SlackAttachment) []*SlackAttachment

func (*SlackAttachment) Equals ¶

func (s *SlackAttachment) Equals(input *SlackAttachment) bool

type SlackAttachmentField ¶

type SlackAttachmentField struct {
	Title string              `json:"title"`
	Value interface{}         `json:"value"`
	Short SlackCompatibleBool `json:"short"`

func (*SlackAttachmentField) Equals ¶

type SlackCompatibleBool ¶

type SlackCompatibleBool bool

SlackCompatibleBool is an alias for bool that implements json.Unmarshaler

func (*SlackCompatibleBool) UnmarshalJSON ¶

func (b *SlackCompatibleBool) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements json.Unmarshaler

Slack allows bool values to be represented as strings ("true"/"false") or literals (true/false). To maintain compatibility, we define an Unmarshaler that supports both.

type SqlSettings ¶

type SqlSettings struct {
	DriverName                  *string               `access:"environment_database,write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"`
	DataSource                  *string               `access:"environment_database,write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"` // telemetry: none
	DataSourceReplicas          []string              `access:"environment_database,write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"`
	DataSourceSearchReplicas    []string              `access:"environment_database,write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"`
	MaxIdleConns                *int                  `access:"environment_database,write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"`
	ConnMaxLifetimeMilliseconds *int                  `access:"environment_database,write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"`
	ConnMaxIdleTimeMilliseconds *int                  `access:"environment_database,write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"`
	MaxOpenConns                *int                  `access:"environment_database,write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"`
	Trace                       *bool                 `access:"environment_database,write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"`
	AtRestEncryptKey            *string               `access:"environment_database,write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"` // telemetry: none
	QueryTimeout                *int                  `access:"environment_database,write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"`
	DisableDatabaseSearch       *bool                 `access:"environment_database,write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"`
	ReplicaLagSettings          []*ReplicaLagSettings `access:"environment_database,write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"` // telemetry: none

func (*SqlSettings) SetDefaults ¶

func (s *SqlSettings) SetDefaults(isUpdate bool)

type Status ¶

type Status struct {
	UserId         string `json:"user_id"`
	Status         string `json:"status"`
	Manual         bool   `json:"manual"`
	LastActivityAt int64  `json:"last_activity_at"`
	ActiveChannel  string `json:"active_channel,omitempty" db:"-"`
	DNDEndTime     int64  `json:"dnd_end_time"`
	PrevStatus     string `json:"-"`

func StatusFromJson ¶

func StatusFromJson(data io.Reader) *Status

func StatusListFromJson ¶

func StatusListFromJson(data io.Reader) []*Status

func (*Status) ToClusterJson ¶

func (o *Status) ToClusterJson() string

func (*Status) ToJson ¶

func (o *Status) ToJson() string

type StringArray ¶

type StringArray []string

func (StringArray) Contains ¶ added in v5.29.0

func (sa StringArray) Contains(input string) bool

func (StringArray) Equals ¶

func (sa StringArray) Equals(input StringArray) bool

func (StringArray) Remove ¶ added in v5.29.0

func (sa StringArray) Remove(input string) StringArray

type StringInterface ¶

type StringInterface map[string]interface{}

type StringMap ¶

type StringMap map[string]string

msgp StringMap

func GetDefaultChannelNotifyProps ¶

func GetDefaultChannelNotifyProps() StringMap

func (*StringMap) DecodeMsg ¶ added in v5.28.0

func (z *StringMap) DecodeMsg(dc *msgp.Reader) (err error)

DecodeMsg implements msgp.Decodable

func (StringMap) EncodeMsg ¶ added in v5.28.0

func (z StringMap) EncodeMsg(en *msgp.Writer) (err error)

EncodeMsg implements msgp.Encodable

func (StringMap) MarshalMsg ¶ added in v5.28.0

func (z StringMap) MarshalMsg(b []byte) (o []byte, err error)

MarshalMsg implements msgp.Marshaler

func (StringMap) Msgsize ¶ added in v5.28.0

func (z StringMap) Msgsize() (s int)

Msgsize returns an upper bound estimate of the number of bytes occupied by the serialized message

func (*StringMap) UnmarshalMsg ¶ added in v5.28.0

func (z *StringMap) UnmarshalMsg(bts []byte) (o []byte, err error)

UnmarshalMsg implements msgp.Unmarshaler

type StripeSetupIntent ¶ added in v5.30.0

type StripeSetupIntent struct {
	ID           string `json:"id"`
	ClientSecret string `json:"client_secret"`

StripeSetupIntent represents the SetupIntent model from Stripe for updating payment methods.

type SubmitDialogRequest ¶

type SubmitDialogRequest struct {
	Type       string                 `json:"type"`
	URL        string                 `json:"url,omitempty"`
	CallbackId string                 `json:"callback_id"`
	State      string                 `json:"state"`
	UserId     string                 `json:"user_id"`
	ChannelId  string                 `json:"channel_id"`
	TeamId     string                 `json:"team_id"`
	Submission map[string]interface{} `json:"submission"`
	Cancelled  bool                   `json:"cancelled"`

func SubmitDialogRequestFromJson ¶

func SubmitDialogRequestFromJson(data io.Reader) *SubmitDialogRequest

func (*SubmitDialogRequest) ToJson ¶

func (r *SubmitDialogRequest) ToJson() []byte

type SubmitDialogResponse ¶

type SubmitDialogResponse struct {
	Error  string            `json:"error,omitempty"`
	Errors map[string]string `json:"errors,omitempty"`

func SubmitDialogResponseFromJson ¶

func SubmitDialogResponseFromJson(data io.Reader) *SubmitDialogResponse

func (*SubmitDialogResponse) ToJson ¶

func (r *SubmitDialogResponse) ToJson() []byte

type Subscription ¶ added in v5.30.0

type Subscription struct {
	ID          string   `json:"id"`
	CustomerID  string   `json:"customer_id"`
	ProductID   string   `json:"product_id"`
	AddOns      []string `json:"add_ons"`
	StartAt     int64    `json:"start_at"`
	EndAt       int64    `json:"end_at"`
	CreateAt    int64    `json:"create_at"`
	Seats       int      `json:"seats"`
	Status      string   `json:"status"`
	DNS         string   `json:"dns"`
	IsPaidTier  string   `json:"is_paid_tier"`
	LastInvoice *Invoice `json:"last_invoice"`
	IsFreeTrial string   `json:"is_free_trial"`
	TrialEndAt  int64    `json:"trial_end_at"`

Subscription model represents a subscription on the system.

func (*Subscription) GetWorkSpaceNameFromDNS ¶ added in v5.34.0

func (s *Subscription) GetWorkSpaceNameFromDNS() string

GetWorkSpaceNameFromDNS returns the work space name. For example from, it returns test

type SubscriptionChange ¶ added in v5.37.0

type SubscriptionChange struct {
	ProductID string `json:"product_id"`

type SubscriptionFamily ¶ added in v5.38.0

type SubscriptionFamily string

type SubscriptionStats ¶ added in v5.33.0

type SubscriptionStats struct {
	RemainingSeats int    `json:"remaining_seats"`
	IsPaidTier     string `json:"is_paid_tier"`
	IsFreeTrial    string `json:"is_free_trial"`

type SuggestCommand ¶

type SuggestCommand struct {
	Suggestion  string `json:"suggestion"`
	Description string `json:"description"`

func SuggestCommandFromJson ¶

func SuggestCommandFromJson(data io.Reader) *SuggestCommand

func (*SuggestCommand) ToJson ¶

func (o *SuggestCommand) ToJson() string

type SupportPacket ¶ added in v5.33.0

type SupportPacket struct {
	ServerOS             string   `yaml:"server_os"`
	ServerArchitecture   string   `yaml:"server_architecture"`
	DatabaseType         string   `yaml:"database_type"`
	DatabaseVersion      string   `yaml:"database_version"`
	LdapVendorName       string   `yaml:"ldap_vendor_name,omitempty"`
	LdapVendorVersion    string   `yaml:"ldap_vendor_version,omitempty"`
	ElasticServerVersion string   `yaml:"elastic_server_version,omitempty"`
	ElasticServerPlugins []string `yaml:"elastic_server_plugins,omitempty"`

type SupportSettings ¶

type SupportSettings struct {
	TermsOfServiceLink                     *string `access:"site_customization,write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"`
	PrivacyPolicyLink                      *string `access:"site_customization,write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"`
	AboutLink                              *string `access:"site_customization,write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"`
	HelpLink                               *string `access:"site_customization,write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"`
	ReportAProblemLink                     *string `access:"site_customization,write_restrictable,cloud_restrictable"`
	SupportEmail                           *string `access:"site_customization"`
	CustomTermsOfServiceEnabled            *bool   `access:"compliance_custom_terms_of_service"`
	CustomTermsOfServiceReAcceptancePeriod *int    `access:"compliance_custom_terms_of_service"`
	EnableAskCommunityLink                 *bool   `access:"site_customization"`

func (*SupportSettings) SetDefaults ¶

func (s *SupportSettings) SetDefaults()

type SwitchRequest ¶

type SwitchRequest struct {
	CurrentService string `json:"current_service"`
	NewService     string `json:"new_service"`
	Email          string `json:"email"`
	Password       string `json:"password"`
	NewPassword    string `json:"new_password"`
	MfaCode        string `json:"mfa_code"`
	LdapLoginId    string `json:"ldap_id"`

func SwitchRequestFromJson ¶

func SwitchRequestFromJson(data io.Reader) *SwitchRequest

func (*SwitchRequest) EmailToLdap ¶

func (o *SwitchRequest) EmailToLdap() bool

func (*SwitchRequest) EmailToOAuth ¶

func (o *SwitchRequest) EmailToOAuth() bool

func (*SwitchRequest) LdapToEmail ¶

func (o *SwitchRequest) LdapToEmail() bool

func (*SwitchRequest) OAuthToEmail ¶

func (o *SwitchRequest) OAuthToEmail() bool

func (*SwitchRequest) ToJson ¶

func (o *SwitchRequest) ToJson() string

type System ¶

type System struct {
	Name  string `json:"name"`
	Value string `json:"value"`

func SystemFromJson ¶

func SystemFromJson(data io.Reader) *System

func (*System) ToJson ¶

func (o *System) ToJson() string

type SystemAsymmetricSigningKey ¶

type SystemAsymmetricSigningKey struct {
	ECDSAKey *SystemECDSAKey `json:"ecdsa_key,omitempty"`

type SystemECDSAKey ¶

type SystemECDSAKey struct {
	Curve string   `json:"curve"`
	X     *big.Int `json:"x"`
	Y     *big.Int `json:"y"`
	D     *big.Int `json:"d,omitempty"`

type SystemPostActionCookieSecret ¶

type SystemPostActionCookieSecret struct {
	Secret []byte `json:"key,omitempty"`

type TaskFunc ¶

type TaskFunc func()

type Team ¶

type Team struct {
	Id                 string  `json:"id"`
	CreateAt           int64   `json:"create_at"`
	UpdateAt           int64   `json:"update_at"`
	DeleteAt           int64   `json:"delete_at"`
	DisplayName        string  `json:"display_name"`
	Name               string  `json:"name"`
	Description        string  `json:"description"`
	Email              string  `json:"email"`
	Type               string  `json:"type"`
	CompanyName        string  `json:"company_name"`
	AllowedDomains     string  `json:"allowed_domains"`
	InviteId           string  `json:"invite_id"`
	AllowOpenInvite    bool    `json:"allow_open_invite"`
	LastTeamIconUpdate int64   `json:"last_team_icon_update,omitempty"`
	SchemeId           *string `json:"scheme_id"`
	GroupConstrained   *bool   `json:"group_constrained"`
	PolicyID           *string `json:"policy_id" db:"-"`

func TeamFromJson ¶

func TeamFromJson(data io.Reader) *Team

func TeamListFromJson ¶

func TeamListFromJson(data io.Reader) []*Team

func (*Team) Etag ¶

func (o *Team) Etag() string

func (*Team) IsGroupConstrained ¶

func (o *Team) IsGroupConstrained() bool

func (*Team) IsValid ¶

func (o *Team) IsValid() *AppError

func (*Team) Patch ¶

func (o *Team) Patch(patch *TeamPatch)

func (*Team) PreSave ¶

func (o *Team) PreSave()

func (*Team) PreUpdate ¶

func (o *Team) PreUpdate()

func (*Team) Sanitize ¶

func (o *Team) Sanitize()

func (*Team) ToJson ¶

func (o *Team) ToJson() string

type TeamForExport ¶

type TeamForExport struct {
	SchemeName *string

type TeamMember ¶

type TeamMember struct {
	TeamId        string `json:"team_id"`
	UserId        string `json:"user_id"`
	Roles         string `json:"roles"`
	DeleteAt      int64  `json:"delete_at"`
	SchemeGuest   bool   `json:"scheme_guest"`
	SchemeUser    bool   `json:"scheme_user"`
	SchemeAdmin   bool   `json:"scheme_admin"`
	ExplicitRoles string `json:"explicit_roles"`

This struct's serializer methods are auto-generated. If a new field is added/removed, please run make gen-serialized.

func TeamMemberFromJson ¶

func TeamMemberFromJson(data io.Reader) *TeamMember

func TeamMembersFromJson ¶

func TeamMembersFromJson(data io.Reader) []*TeamMember

func TeamMembersWithErrorToTeamMembers ¶ added in v5.20.0

func TeamMembersWithErrorToTeamMembers(o []*TeamMemberWithError) []*TeamMember

func (*TeamMember) DecodeMsg ¶ added in v5.28.0

func (z *TeamMember) DecodeMsg(dc *msgp.Reader) (err error)

DecodeMsg implements msgp.Decodable

func (*TeamMember) EncodeMsg ¶ added in v5.28.0

func (z *TeamMember) EncodeMsg(en *msgp.Writer) (err error)

EncodeMsg implements msgp.Encodable

func (*TeamMember) GetRoles ¶

func (o *TeamMember) GetRoles() []string

func (*TeamMember) IsValid ¶

func (o *TeamMember) IsValid() *AppError

func (*TeamMember) MarshalMsg ¶ added in v5.28.0

func (z *TeamMember) MarshalMsg(b []byte) (o []byte, err error)

MarshalMsg implements msgp.Marshaler

func (*TeamMember) Msgsize ¶ added in v5.28.0

func (z *TeamMember) Msgsize() (s int)

Msgsize returns an upper bound estimate of the number of bytes occupied by the serialized message

func (*TeamMember) PreUpdate ¶

func (o *TeamMember) PreUpdate()

func (*TeamMember) ToJson ¶

func (o *TeamMember) ToJson() string

func (*TeamMember) UnmarshalMsg ¶ added in v5.28.0

func (z *TeamMember) UnmarshalMsg(bts []byte) (o []byte, err error)

UnmarshalMsg implements msgp.Unmarshaler

type TeamMemberForExport ¶

type TeamMemberForExport struct {
	TeamName string

type TeamMemberWithError ¶ added in v5.20.0

type TeamMemberWithError struct {
	UserId string      `json:"user_id"`
	Member *TeamMember `json:"member"`
	Error  *AppError   `json:"error"`

func TeamMembersWithErrorFromJson ¶ added in v5.20.0

func TeamMembersWithErrorFromJson(data io.Reader) []*TeamMemberWithError

type TeamMembersGetOptions ¶ added in v5.24.0

type TeamMembersGetOptions struct {
	// Sort the team members. Accepts "Username", but defaults to "Id".
	Sort string

	// If true, exclude team members whose corresponding user is deleted.
	ExcludeDeletedUsers bool

	// Restrict to search in a list of teams and channels
	ViewRestrictions *ViewUsersRestrictions

type TeamPatch ¶

type TeamPatch struct {
	DisplayName      *string `json:"display_name"`
	Description      *string `json:"description"`
	CompanyName      *string `json:"company_name"`
	AllowedDomains   *string `json:"allowed_domains"`
	AllowOpenInvite  *bool   `json:"allow_open_invite"`
	GroupConstrained *bool   `json:"group_constrained"`

func TeamPatchFromJson ¶

func TeamPatchFromJson(data io.Reader) *TeamPatch

func (*TeamPatch) ToJson ¶

func (t *TeamPatch) ToJson() string

type TeamSearch ¶

type TeamSearch struct {
	Term                     string  `json:"term"`
	Page                     *int    `json:"page,omitempty"`
	PerPage                  *int    `json:"per_page,omitempty"`
	AllowOpenInvite          *bool   `json:"allow_open_invite,omitempty"`
	GroupConstrained         *bool   `json:"group_constrained,omitempty"`
	IncludeGroupConstrained  *bool   `json:"include_group_constrained,omitempty"`
	PolicyID                 *string `json:"policy_id,omitempty"`
	ExcludePolicyConstrained *bool   `json:"exclude_policy_constrained,omitempty"`
	IncludePolicyID          *bool   `json:"-"`
	IncludeDeleted           *bool   `json:"-"`
	TeamType                 *string `json:"-"`

func TeamSearchFromJson ¶

func TeamSearchFromJson(data io.Reader) *TeamSearch

TeamSearchFromJson decodes the input and returns a TeamSearch

func (*TeamSearch) IsPaginated ¶

func (t *TeamSearch) IsPaginated() bool

func (*TeamSearch) ToJson ¶

func (t *TeamSearch) ToJson() string

ToJson convert a TeamSearch to json string

type TeamSettings ¶

type TeamSettings struct {
	SiteName                                                  *string  `access:"site_customization"`
	MaxUsersPerTeam                                           *int     `access:"site_users_and_teams"`
	DEPRECATED_DO_NOT_USE_EnableTeamCreation                  *bool    `json:"EnableTeamCreation" mapstructure:"EnableTeamCreation"` // Deprecated: do not use
	EnableUserCreation                                        *bool    `access:"authentication_signup"`
	EnableOpenServer                                          *bool    `access:"authentication_signup"`
	EnableUserDeactivation                                    *bool    `access:"experimental_features"`
	RestrictCreationToDomains                                 *string  `access:"authentication_signup"` // telemetry: none
	EnableCustomUserStatuses                                  *bool    `access:"site_users_and_teams"`
	EnableCustomBrand                                         *bool    `access:"site_customization"`
	CustomBrandText                                           *string  `access:"site_customization"`
	CustomDescriptionText                                     *string  `access:"site_customization"`
	RestrictDirectMessage                                     *string  `access:"site_users_and_teams"`
	DEPRECATED_DO_NOT_USE_RestrictTeamInvite                  *string  `json:"RestrictTeamInvite" mapstructure:"RestrictTeamInvite"`                                   // Deprecated: do not use
	DEPRECATED_DO_NOT_USE_RestrictPublicChannelManagement     *string  `json:"RestrictPublicChannelManagement" mapstructure:"RestrictPublicChannelManagement"`         // Deprecated: do not use
	DEPRECATED_DO_NOT_USE_RestrictPrivateChannelManagement    *string  `json:"RestrictPrivateChannelManagement" mapstructure:"RestrictPrivateChannelManagement"`       // Deprecated: do not use
	DEPRECATED_DO_NOT_USE_RestrictPublicChannelCreation       *string  `json:"RestrictPublicChannelCreation" mapstructure:"RestrictPublicChannelCreation"`             // Deprecated: do not use
	DEPRECATED_DO_NOT_USE_RestrictPrivateChannelCreation      *string  `json:"RestrictPrivateChannelCreation" mapstructure:"RestrictPrivateChannelCreation"`           // Deprecated: do not use
	DEPRECATED_DO_NOT_USE_RestrictPublicChannelDeletion       *string  `json:"RestrictPublicChannelDeletion" mapstructure:"RestrictPublicChannelDeletion"`             // Deprecated: do not use
	DEPRECATED_DO_NOT_USE_RestrictPrivateChannelDeletion      *string  `json:"RestrictPrivateChannelDeletion" mapstructure:"RestrictPrivateChannelDeletion"`           // Deprecated: do not use
	DEPRECATED_DO_NOT_USE_RestrictPrivateChannelManageMembers *string  `json:"RestrictPrivateChannelManageMembers" mapstructure:"RestrictPrivateChannelManageMembers"` // Deprecated: do not use
	EnableXToLeaveChannelsFromLHS                             *bool    `access:"experimental_features"`
	UserStatusAwayTimeout                                     *int64   `access:"experimental_features"`
	MaxChannelsPerTeam                                        *int64   `access:"site_users_and_teams"`
	MaxNotificationsPerChannel                                *int64   `access:"environment_push_notification_server"`
	EnableConfirmNotificationsToChannel                       *bool    `access:"site_notifications"`
	TeammateNameDisplay                                       *string  `access:"site_users_and_teams"`
	ExperimentalViewArchivedChannels                          *bool    `access:"experimental_features,site_users_and_teams"`
	ExperimentalEnableAutomaticReplies                        *bool    `access:"experimental_features"`
	ExperimentalHideTownSquareinLHS                           *bool    `access:"experimental_features"`
	ExperimentalTownSquareIsReadOnly                          *bool    `access:"experimental_features"`
	LockTeammateNameDisplay                                   *bool    `access:"site_users_and_teams"`
	ExperimentalPrimaryTeam                                   *string  `access:"experimental_features"`
	ExperimentalDefaultChannels                               []string `access:"experimental_features"`

func (*TeamSettings) SetDefaults ¶

func (s *TeamSettings) SetDefaults()

type TeamStats ¶

type TeamStats struct {
	TeamId            string `json:"team_id"`
	TotalMemberCount  int64  `json:"total_member_count"`
	ActiveMemberCount int64  `json:"active_member_count"`

func TeamStatsFromJson ¶

func TeamStatsFromJson(data io.Reader) *TeamStats

func (*TeamStats) ToJson ¶

func (o *TeamStats) ToJson() string

type TeamUnread ¶

type TeamUnread struct {
	TeamId             string `json:"team_id"`
	MsgCount           int64  `json:"msg_count"`
	MentionCount       int64  `json:"mention_count"`
	MentionCountRoot   int64  `json:"mention_count_root"`
	MsgCountRoot       int64  `json:"msg_count_root"`
	ThreadCount        int64  `json:"thread_count"`
	ThreadMentionCount int64  `json:"thread_mention_count"`

func TeamUnreadFromJson ¶

func TeamUnreadFromJson(data io.Reader) *TeamUnread

func TeamsUnreadFromJson ¶

func TeamsUnreadFromJson(data io.Reader) []*TeamUnread

func (*TeamUnread) ToJson ¶

func (o *TeamUnread) ToJson() string

type TeamsWithCount ¶

type TeamsWithCount struct {
	Teams      []*Team `json:"teams"`
	TotalCount int64   `json:"total_count"`

func TeamsWithCountFromJson ¶

func TeamsWithCountFromJson(data io.Reader) *TeamsWithCount

type TermsOfService ¶

type TermsOfService struct {
	Id       string `json:"id"`
	CreateAt int64  `json:"create_at"`
	UserId   string `json:"user_id"`
	Text     string `json:"text"`

func TermsOfServiceFromJson ¶

func TermsOfServiceFromJson(data io.Reader) *TermsOfService

func (*TermsOfService) IsValid ¶

func (t *TermsOfService) IsValid() *AppError

func (*TermsOfService) PreSave ¶

func (t *TermsOfService) PreSave()

func (*TermsOfService) ToJson ¶

func (t *TermsOfService) ToJson() string

type ThemeSettings ¶

type ThemeSettings struct {
	EnableThemeSelection *bool   `access:"experimental_features"`
	DefaultTheme         *string `access:"experimental_features"`
	AllowCustomThemes    *bool   `access:"experimental_features"`
	AllowedThemes        []string

func (*ThemeSettings) SetDefaults ¶

func (s *ThemeSettings) SetDefaults()

type Thread ¶ added in v5.29.0

type Thread struct {
	PostId       string      `json:"id"`
	ChannelId    string      `json:"channel_id"`
	ReplyCount   int64       `json:"reply_count"`
	LastReplyAt  int64       `json:"last_reply_at"`
	Participants StringArray `json:"participants"`

func ThreadFromJson ¶ added in v5.31.0

func ThreadFromJson(s string) (*Thread, error)

func (*Thread) Etag ¶ added in v5.29.0

func (o *Thread) Etag() string

func (*Thread) ToJson ¶ added in v5.29.0

func (o *Thread) ToJson() string

type ThreadMembership ¶ added in v5.29.0

type ThreadMembership struct {
	PostId         string `json:"post_id"`
	UserId         string `json:"user_id"`
	Following      bool   `json:"following"`
	LastViewed     int64  `json:"last_view_at"`
	LastUpdated    int64  `json:"last_update_at"`
	UnreadMentions int64  `json:"unread_mentions"`

func (*ThreadMembership) ToJson ¶ added in v5.29.0

func (o *ThreadMembership) ToJson() string

type ThreadResponse ¶ added in v5.30.0

type ThreadResponse struct {
	PostId         string  `json:"id"`
	ReplyCount     int64   `json:"reply_count"`
	LastReplyAt    int64   `json:"last_reply_at"`
	LastViewedAt   int64   `json:"last_viewed_at"`
	Participants   []*User `json:"participants"`
	Post           *Post   `json:"post"`
	UnreadReplies  int64   `json:"unread_replies"`
	UnreadMentions int64   `json:"unread_mentions"`

func ThreadResponseFromJson ¶ added in v5.34.0

func ThreadResponseFromJson(s string) (*ThreadResponse, error)

func (*ThreadResponse) ToJson ¶ added in v5.33.0

func (o *ThreadResponse) ToJson() string

type Threads ¶ added in v5.30.0

type Threads struct {
	Total               int64             `json:"total"`
	TotalUnreadThreads  int64             `json:"total_unread_threads"`
	TotalUnreadMentions int64             `json:"total_unread_mentions"`
	Threads             []*ThreadResponse `json:"threads"`

func (*Threads) ToJson ¶ added in v5.30.0

func (o *Threads) ToJson() string

type Token ¶

type Token struct {
	Token    string
	CreateAt int64
	Type     string
	Extra    string

func NewToken ¶

func NewToken(tokentype, extra string) *Token

func (*Token) IsValid ¶

func (t *Token) IsValid() *AppError

type TrialLicenseRequest ¶ added in v5.25.0

type TrialLicenseRequest struct {
	ServerID              string `json:"server_id"`
	Email                 string `json:"email"`
	Name                  string `json:"name"`
	SiteURL               string `json:"site_url"`
	SiteName              string `json:"site_name"`
	Users                 int    `json:"users"`
	TermsAccepted         bool   `json:"terms_accepted"`
	ReceiveEmailsAccepted bool   `json:"receive_emails_accepted"`

func (*TrialLicenseRequest) ToJson ¶ added in v5.25.0

func (tlr *TrialLicenseRequest) ToJson() string

type TypingRequest ¶ added in v5.26.0

type TypingRequest struct {
	ChannelId string `json:"channel_id"`
	ParentId  string `json:"parent_id"`

func TypingRequestFromJson ¶ added in v5.26.0

func TypingRequestFromJson(data io.Reader) *TypingRequest

func (*TypingRequest) ToJson ¶ added in v5.26.0

func (o *TypingRequest) ToJson() string

type UploadSession ¶ added in v5.28.0

type UploadSession struct {
	// The unique identifier for the session.
	Id string `json:"id"`
	// The type of the upload.
	Type UploadType `json:"type"`
	// The timestamp of creation.
	CreateAt int64 `json:"create_at"`
	// The id of the user performing the upload.
	UserId string `json:"user_id"`
	// The id of the channel to upload to.
	ChannelId string `json:"channel_id,omitempty"`
	// The name of the file to upload.
	Filename string `json:"filename"`
	// The path where the file is stored.
	Path string `json:"-"`
	// The size of the file to upload.
	FileSize int64 `json:"file_size"`
	// The amount of received data in bytes. If equal to FileSize it means the
	// upload has finished.
	FileOffset int64 `json:"file_offset"`
	// Id of remote cluster if uploading for shared channel
	RemoteId string `json:"remote_id"`
	// Requested file id if uploading for shared channel
	ReqFileId string `json:"req_file_id"`

UploadSession contains information used to keep track of a file upload.

func UploadSessionFromJson ¶ added in v5.28.0

func UploadSessionFromJson(data io.Reader) *UploadSession

UploadSessionFromJson deserializes the UploadSession from JSON data.

func UploadSessionsFromJson ¶ added in v5.28.0

func UploadSessionsFromJson(data io.Reader) []*UploadSession

UploadSessionsFromJson deserializes a list of UploadSession from JSON data.

func (*UploadSession) IsValid ¶ added in v5.28.0

func (us *UploadSession) IsValid() *AppError

IsValid validates an UploadSession. It returns an error in case of failure.

func (*UploadSession) PreSave ¶ added in v5.28.0

func (us *UploadSession) PreSave()

PreSave is a utility function used to fill required information.

func (*UploadSession) ToJson ¶ added in v5.28.0

func (us *UploadSession) ToJson() string

ToJson serializes the UploadSession into JSON and returns it as string.

type UploadType ¶ added in v5.28.0

type UploadType string

UploadType defines the type of an upload.

const (
	UploadTypeAttachment UploadType = "attachment"
	UploadTypeImport     UploadType = "import"

func (UploadType) IsValid ¶ added in v5.28.0

func (t UploadType) IsValid() error

IsValid validates an UploadType. It returns an error in case of failure.

type User ¶

type User struct {
	Id                     string    `json:"id"`
	CreateAt               int64     `json:"create_at,omitempty"`
	UpdateAt               int64     `json:"update_at,omitempty"`
	DeleteAt               int64     `json:"delete_at"`
	Username               string    `json:"username"`
	Password               string    `json:"password,omitempty"`
	AuthData               *string   `json:"auth_data,omitempty"`
	AuthService            string    `json:"auth_service"`
	Email                  string    `json:"email"`
	EmailVerified          bool      `json:"email_verified,omitempty"`
	Nickname               string    `json:"nickname"`
	FirstName              string    `json:"first_name"`
	LastName               string    `json:"last_name"`
	Position               string    `json:"position"`
	Roles                  string    `json:"roles"`
	AllowMarketing         bool      `json:"allow_marketing,omitempty"`
	Props                  StringMap `json:"props,omitempty"`
	NotifyProps            StringMap `json:"notify_props,omitempty"`
	LastPasswordUpdate     int64     `json:"last_password_update,omitempty"`
	LastPictureUpdate      int64     `json:"last_picture_update,omitempty"`
	FailedAttempts         int       `json:"failed_attempts,omitempty"`
	Locale                 string    `json:"locale"`
	Timezone               StringMap `json:"timezone"`
	MfaActive              bool      `json:"mfa_active,omitempty"`
	MfaSecret              string    `json:"mfa_secret,omitempty"`
	RemoteId               *string   `json:"remote_id,omitempty"`
	LastActivityAt         int64     `db:"-" json:"last_activity_at,omitempty"`
	IsBot                  bool      `db:"-" json:"is_bot,omitempty"`
	BotDescription         string    `db:"-" json:"bot_description,omitempty"`
	BotLastIconUpdate      int64     `db:"-" json:"bot_last_icon_update,omitempty"`
	TermsOfServiceId       string    `db:"-" json:"terms_of_service_id,omitempty"`
	TermsOfServiceCreateAt int64     `db:"-" json:"terms_of_service_create_at,omitempty"`
	DisableWelcomeEmail    bool      `db:"-" json:"disable_welcome_email"`

User contains the details about the user. This struct's serializer methods are auto-generated. If a new field is added/removed, please run make gen-serialized.

func UserFromBot ¶

func UserFromBot(b *Bot) *User

UserFromBot returns a user model describing the bot fields stored in the User store.

func UserFromJson ¶

func UserFromJson(data io.Reader) *User

UserFromJson will decode the input and return a User

func UserListFromJson ¶

func UserListFromJson(data io.Reader) []*User

func (*User) AddNotifyProp ¶

func (u *User) AddNotifyProp(key string, value string)

func (*User) ClearCustomStatus ¶ added in v5.33.0

func (u *User) ClearCustomStatus()

func (*User) ClearNonProfileFields ¶

func (u *User) ClearNonProfileFields()

func (*User) DecodeMsg ¶ added in v5.28.0

func (z *User) DecodeMsg(dc *msgp.Reader) (err error)

DecodeMsg implements msgp.Decodable

func (*User) DeepCopy ¶

func (u *User) DeepCopy() *User

func (*User) EncodeMsg ¶ added in v5.28.0

func (z *User) EncodeMsg(en *msgp.Writer) (err error)

EncodeMsg implements msgp.Encodable

func (*User) Etag ¶

func (u *User) Etag(showFullName, showEmail bool) string

Generate a valid strong etag so the browser can cache the results

func (*User) GetDisplayName ¶

func (u *User) GetDisplayName(nameFormat string) string

func (*User) GetDisplayNameWithPrefix ¶

func (u *User) GetDisplayNameWithPrefix(nameFormat, prefix string) string

func (*User) GetFullName ¶

func (u *User) GetFullName() string

func (*User) GetMentionKeys ¶

func (u *User) GetMentionKeys() []string

func (*User) GetPreferredTimezone ¶

func (u *User) GetPreferredTimezone() string

func (*User) GetProp ¶ added in v5.35.0

func (u *User) GetProp(name string) (string, bool)

GetProp fetches a prop value by name.

func (*User) GetRawRoles ¶

func (u *User) GetRawRoles() string

func (*User) GetRemoteID ¶ added in v5.36.0

func (u *User) GetRemoteID() string

GetRemoteID returns the remote id for this user or "" if not a remote user.

func (*User) GetRoles ¶

func (u *User) GetRoles() []string

func (*User) IsGuest ¶

func (u *User) IsGuest() bool

Make sure you acually want to use this function. In context.go there are functions to check permissions This function should not be used to check permissions.

func (*User) IsInRole ¶

func (u *User) IsInRole(inRole string) bool

Make sure you acually want to use this function. In context.go there are functions to check permissions This function should not be used to check permissions.

func (*User) IsLDAPUser ¶

func (u *User) IsLDAPUser() bool

func (*User) IsOAuthUser ¶

func (u *User) IsOAuthUser() bool

func (*User) IsRemote ¶ added in v5.35.0

func (u *User) IsRemote() bool

IsRemote returns true if the user belongs to a remote cluster (has RemoteId).

func (*User) IsSAMLUser ¶

func (u *User) IsSAMLUser() bool

func (*User) IsSSOUser ¶

func (u *User) IsSSOUser() bool

func (*User) IsSystemAdmin ¶ added in v5.20.0

func (u *User) IsSystemAdmin() bool

func (*User) IsValid ¶

func (u *User) IsValid() *AppError

IsValid validates the user and returns an error if it isn't configured correctly.

func (*User) MakeNonNil ¶

func (u *User) MakeNonNil()

func (*User) MarshalMsg ¶ added in v5.28.0

func (z *User) MarshalMsg(b []byte) (o []byte, err error)

MarshalMsg implements msgp.Marshaler

func (*User) Msgsize ¶ added in v5.28.0

func (z *User) Msgsize() (s int)

Msgsize returns an upper bound estimate of the number of bytes occupied by the serialized message

func (*User) Patch ¶

func (u *User) Patch(patch *UserPatch)

func (*User) PreSave ¶

func (u *User) PreSave()

PreSave will set the Id and Username if missing. It will also fill in the CreateAt, UpdateAt times. It will also hash the password. It should be run before saving the user to the db.

func (*User) PreUpdate ¶

func (u *User) PreUpdate()

PreUpdate should be run before updating the user in the db.

func (*User) Sanitize ¶

func (u *User) Sanitize(options map[string]bool)

Remove any private data from the user object

func (*User) SanitizeInput ¶

func (u *User) SanitizeInput(isAdmin bool)

Remove any input data from the user object that is not user controlled

func (*User) SanitizeProfile ¶

func (u *User) SanitizeProfile(options map[string]bool)

func (*User) SetCustomStatus ¶ added in v5.33.0

func (u *User) SetCustomStatus(cs *CustomStatus)

func (*User) SetDefaultNotifications ¶

func (u *User) SetDefaultNotifications()

func (*User) SetProp ¶ added in v5.35.0

func (u *User) SetProp(name string, value string)

SetProp sets a prop value by name, creating the map if nil. Not thread safe.

func (*User) ToJson ¶

func (u *User) ToJson() string

ToJson convert a User to a json string

func (*User) ToPatch ¶ added in v5.35.0

func (u *User) ToPatch() *UserPatch

func (*User) UnmarshalMsg ¶ added in v5.28.0

func (z *User) UnmarshalMsg(bts []byte) (o []byte, err error)

UnmarshalMsg implements msgp.Unmarshaler

func (*User) UpdateMentionKeysFromUsername ¶

func (u *User) UpdateMentionKeysFromUsername(oldUsername string)

type UserAccessToken ¶

type UserAccessToken struct {
	Id          string `json:"id"`
	Token       string `json:"token,omitempty"`
	UserId      string `json:"user_id"`
	Description string `json:"description"`
	IsActive    bool   `json:"is_active"`

func UserAccessTokenFromJson ¶

func UserAccessTokenFromJson(data io.Reader) *UserAccessToken

func UserAccessTokenListFromJson ¶

func UserAccessTokenListFromJson(data io.Reader) []*UserAccessToken

func (*UserAccessToken) IsValid ¶

func (t *UserAccessToken) IsValid() *AppError

func (*UserAccessToken) PreSave ¶

func (t *UserAccessToken) PreSave()

func (*UserAccessToken) ToJson ¶

func (t *UserAccessToken) ToJson() string

type UserAccessTokenSearch ¶

type UserAccessTokenSearch struct {
	Term string `json:"term"`

func UserAccessTokenSearchFromJson ¶

func UserAccessTokenSearchFromJson(data io.Reader) *UserAccessTokenSearch

UserAccessTokenSearchJson decodes the input and returns a UserAccessTokenSearch

func (*UserAccessTokenSearch) ToJson ¶

func (c *UserAccessTokenSearch) ToJson() string

ToJson convert a UserAccessTokenSearch to json string

type UserAuth ¶

type UserAuth struct {
	Password    string  `json:"password,omitempty"` // DEPRECATED: It is not used.
	AuthData    *string `json:"auth_data,omitempty"`
	AuthService string  `json:"auth_service,omitempty"`

func UserAuthFromJson ¶

func UserAuthFromJson(data io.Reader) *UserAuth

func (*UserAuth) ToJson ¶

func (u *UserAuth) ToJson() string

type UserAutocomplete ¶

type UserAutocomplete struct {
	Users        []*User `json:"users"`
	OutOfChannel []*User `json:"out_of_channel,omitempty"`

func UserAutocompleteFromJson ¶

func UserAutocompleteFromJson(data io.Reader) *UserAutocomplete

func (*UserAutocomplete) ToJson ¶

func (o *UserAutocomplete) ToJson() string

type UserAutocompleteInChannel ¶

type UserAutocompleteInChannel struct {
	InChannel    []*User `json:"in_channel"`
	OutOfChannel []*User `json:"out_of_channel"`

func UserAutocompleteInChannelFromJson ¶

func UserAutocompleteInChannelFromJson(data io.Reader) *UserAutocompleteInChannel

func (*UserAutocompleteInChannel) ToJson ¶

func (o *UserAutocompleteInChannel) ToJson() string

type UserAutocompleteInTeam ¶

type UserAutocompleteInTeam struct {
	InTeam []*User `json:"in_team"`

func UserAutocompleteInTeamFromJson ¶

func UserAutocompleteInTeamFromJson(data io.Reader) *UserAutocompleteInTeam

func (*UserAutocompleteInTeam) ToJson ¶

func (o *UserAutocompleteInTeam) ToJson() string

type UserChannelIDPair ¶

type UserChannelIDPair struct {
	UserID    string
	ChannelID string

type UserCountOptions ¶

type UserCountOptions struct {
	// Should include users that are bots
	IncludeBotAccounts bool
	// Should include deleted users (of any type)
	IncludeDeleted bool
	// Exclude regular users
	ExcludeRegularUsers bool
	// Only include users on a specific team. "" for any team.
	TeamId string
	// Only include users on a specific channel. "" for any channel.
	ChannelId string
	// Restrict to search in a list of teams and channels
	ViewRestrictions *ViewUsersRestrictions
	// Only include users matching any of the given system wide roles.
	Roles []string
	// Only include users matching any of the given channel roles, must be used with ChannelId.
	ChannelRoles []string
	// Only include users matching any of the given team roles, must be used with TeamId.
	TeamRoles []string

Options for counting users

type UserForIndexing ¶

type UserForIndexing struct {
	Id          string   `json:"id"`
	Username    string   `json:"username"`
	Nickname    string   `json:"nickname"`
	FirstName   string   `json:"first_name"`
	LastName    string   `json:"last_name"`
	Roles       string   `json:"roles"`
	CreateAt    int64    `json:"create_at"`
	DeleteAt    int64    `json:"delete_at"`
	TeamsIds    []string `json:"team_id"`
	ChannelsIds []string `json:"channel_id"`

type UserGetByIdsOptions ¶

type UserGetByIdsOptions struct {
	// Since filters the users based on their UpdateAt timestamp.
	Since int64

type UserGetOptions ¶

type UserGetOptions struct {
	// Filters the users in the team
	InTeamId string
	// Filters the users not in the team
	NotInTeamId string
	// Filters the users in the channel
	InChannelId string
	// Filters the users not in the channel
	NotInChannelId string
	// Filters the users in the group
	InGroupId string
	// Filters the users group constrained
	GroupConstrained bool
	// Filters the users without a team
	WithoutTeam bool
	// Filters the inactive users
	Inactive bool
	// Filters the active users
	Active bool
	// Filters for the given role
	Role string
	// Filters for users matching any of the given system wide roles
	Roles []string
	// Filters for users matching any of the given channel roles, must be used with InChannelId
	ChannelRoles []string
	// Filters for users matching any of the given team roles, must be used with InTeamId
	TeamRoles []string
	// Sorting option
	Sort string
	// Restrict to search in a list of teams and channels
	ViewRestrictions *ViewUsersRestrictions
	// Page
	Page int
	// Page size
	PerPage int

type UserMap ¶ added in v5.30.0

type UserMap map[string]*User

UserMap is a map from a userId to a user object. It is used to generate methods which can be used for fast serialization/de-serialization.

func (*UserMap) DecodeMsg ¶ added in v5.30.0

func (z *UserMap) DecodeMsg(dc *msgp.Reader) (err error)

DecodeMsg implements msgp.Decodable

func (UserMap) EncodeMsg ¶ added in v5.30.0

func (z UserMap) EncodeMsg(en *msgp.Writer) (err error)

EncodeMsg implements msgp.Encodable

func (UserMap) MarshalMsg ¶ added in v5.30.0

func (z UserMap) MarshalMsg(b []byte) (o []byte, err error)

MarshalMsg implements msgp.Marshaler

func (UserMap) Msgsize ¶ added in v5.30.0

func (z UserMap) Msgsize() (s int)

Msgsize returns an upper bound estimate of the number of bytes occupied by the serialized message

func (*UserMap) UnmarshalMsg ¶ added in v5.30.0

func (z *UserMap) UnmarshalMsg(bts []byte) (o []byte, err error)

UnmarshalMsg implements msgp.Unmarshaler

type UserMentionMap ¶ added in v5.22.0

type UserMentionMap map[string]string

func UserMentionMapFromURLValues ¶ added in v5.22.0

func UserMentionMapFromURLValues(values url.Values) (UserMentionMap, error)

func (UserMentionMap) ToURLValues ¶ added in v5.22.0

func (m UserMentionMap) ToURLValues() url.Values

type UserPatch ¶

type UserPatch struct {
	Username    *string   `json:"username"`
	Password    *string   `json:"password,omitempty"`
	Nickname    *string   `json:"nickname"`
	FirstName   *string   `json:"first_name"`
	LastName    *string   `json:"last_name"`
	Position    *string   `json:"position"`
	Email       *string   `json:"email"`
	Props       StringMap `json:"props,omitempty"`
	NotifyProps StringMap `json:"notify_props,omitempty"`
	Locale      *string   `json:"locale"`
	Timezone    StringMap `json:"timezone"`
	RemoteId    *string   `json:"remote_id"`

func UserPatchFromJson ¶

func UserPatchFromJson(data io.Reader) *UserPatch

func (*UserPatch) SetField ¶ added in v5.35.0

func (u *UserPatch) SetField(fieldName string, fieldValue string)

func (*UserPatch) ToJson ¶

func (u *UserPatch) ToJson() string

type UserSearch ¶

type UserSearch struct {
	Term             string   `json:"term"`
	TeamId           string   `json:"team_id"`
	NotInTeamId      string   `json:"not_in_team_id"`
	InChannelId      string   `json:"in_channel_id"`
	NotInChannelId   string   `json:"not_in_channel_id"`
	InGroupId        string   `json:"in_group_id"`
	GroupConstrained bool     `json:"group_constrained"`
	AllowInactive    bool     `json:"allow_inactive"`
	WithoutTeam      bool     `json:"without_team"`
	Limit            int      `json:"limit"`
	Role             string   `json:"role"`
	Roles            []string `json:"roles"`
	ChannelRoles     []string `json:"channel_roles"`
	TeamRoles        []string `json:"team_roles"`

UserSearch captures the parameters provided by a client for initiating a user search.

func UserSearchFromJson ¶

func UserSearchFromJson(data io.Reader) *UserSearch

UserSearchFromJson will decode the input and return a User

func (*UserSearch) ToJson ¶

func (u *UserSearch) ToJson() []byte

ToJson convert a User to a json string

type UserSearchOptions ¶

type UserSearchOptions struct {
	// IsAdmin tracks whether or not the search is being conducted by an administrator.
	IsAdmin bool
	// AllowEmails allows search to examine the emails of users.
	AllowEmails bool
	// AllowFullNames allows search to examine the full names of users, vs. just usernames and nicknames.
	AllowFullNames bool
	// AllowInactive configures whether or not to return inactive users in the search results.
	AllowInactive bool
	// Narrows the search to the group constrained users
	GroupConstrained bool
	// Limit limits the total number of results returned.
	Limit int
	// Filters for the given role
	Role string
	// Filters for users that have any of the given system roles
	Roles []string
	// Filters for users that have the given channel roles to be used when searching in a channel
	ChannelRoles []string
	// Filters for users that have the given team roles to be used when searching in a team
	TeamRoles []string
	// Restrict to search in a list of teams and channels
	ViewRestrictions *ViewUsersRestrictions
	// List of allowed channels
	ListOfAllowedChannels []string

UserSearchOptions captures internal parameters derived from the user's permissions and a UserSearch request.

type UserSlice ¶

type UserSlice []*User

func (UserSlice) FilterByActive ¶

func (u UserSlice) FilterByActive(active bool) UserSlice

func (UserSlice) FilterByID ¶

func (u UserSlice) FilterByID(ids []string) UserSlice

func (UserSlice) FilterWithoutBots ¶

func (u UserSlice) FilterWithoutBots() UserSlice

func (UserSlice) FilterWithoutID ¶

func (u UserSlice) FilterWithoutID(ids []string) UserSlice

func (UserSlice) IDs ¶

func (u UserSlice) IDs() []string

func (UserSlice) Usernames ¶

func (u UserSlice) Usernames() []string

type UserTeamIDPair ¶

type UserTeamIDPair struct {
	UserID string
	TeamID string

type UserTermsOfService ¶

type UserTermsOfService struct {
	UserId           string `json:"user_id"`
	TermsOfServiceId string `json:"terms_of_service_id"`
	CreateAt         int64  `json:"create_at"`

func UserTermsOfServiceFromJson ¶

func UserTermsOfServiceFromJson(data io.Reader) *UserTermsOfService

func (*UserTermsOfService) IsValid ¶

func (ut *UserTermsOfService) IsValid() *AppError

func (*UserTermsOfService) PreSave ¶

func (ut *UserTermsOfService) PreSave()

func (*UserTermsOfService) ToJson ¶

func (ut *UserTermsOfService) ToJson() string

type UserUpdate ¶

type UserUpdate struct {
	Old *User
	New *User

type UserWithGroups ¶

type UserWithGroups struct {
	GroupIDs    *string  `json:"-"`
	Groups      []*Group `json:"groups"`
	SchemeGuest bool     `json:"scheme_guest"`
	SchemeUser  bool     `json:"scheme_user"`
	SchemeAdmin bool     `json:"scheme_admin"`

func (*UserWithGroups) GetGroupIDs ¶

func (u *UserWithGroups) GetGroupIDs() []string

type UsersStats ¶

type UsersStats struct {
	TotalUsersCount int64 `json:"total_users_count"`

func UsersStatsFromJson ¶

func UsersStatsFromJson(data io.Reader) *UsersStats

func (*UsersStats) ToJson ¶

func (o *UsersStats) ToJson() string

type UsersWithGroupsAndCount ¶

type UsersWithGroupsAndCount struct {
	Users []*UserWithGroups `json:"users"`
	Count int64             `json:"total_count"`

func UsersWithGroupsAndCountFromJson ¶

func UsersWithGroupsAndCountFromJson(data io.Reader) *UsersWithGroupsAndCount

type ViewUsersRestrictions ¶

type ViewUsersRestrictions struct {
	Teams    []string
	Channels []string

func (*ViewUsersRestrictions) Hash ¶

func (r *ViewUsersRestrictions) Hash() string

type WarnMetric ¶ added in v5.26.0

type WarnMetric struct {
	Id         string
	Limit      int64
	IsBotOnly  bool
	IsRunOnce  bool
	SkipAction bool

type WarnMetricDisplayTexts ¶ added in v5.26.0

type WarnMetricDisplayTexts struct {
	BotTitle          string
	BotMessageBody    string
	BotSuccessMessage string
	EmailBody         string

type WarnMetricStatus ¶ added in v5.26.0

type WarnMetricStatus struct {
	Id          string `json:"id"`
	Limit       int64  `json:"limit"`
	Acked       bool   `json:"acked"`
	StoreStatus string `json:"store_status,omitempty"`

func WarnMetricStatusFromJson ¶ added in v5.26.0

func WarnMetricStatusFromJson(data io.Reader) *WarnMetricStatus

func (*WarnMetricStatus) ToJson ¶ added in v5.26.0

func (wms *WarnMetricStatus) ToJson() string

type WebSocketClient ¶

type WebSocketClient struct {
	Url                string                  // The location of the server like "ws://localhost:8065"
	ApiUrl             string                  // The API location of the server like "ws://localhost:8065/api/v3"
	ConnectUrl         string                  // The WebSocket URL to connect to like "ws://localhost:8065/api/v3/path/to/websocket"
	Conn               *websocket.Conn         // The WebSocket connection
	AuthToken          string                  // The token used to open the WebSocket connection
	Sequence           int64                   // The ever-incrementing sequence attached to each WebSocket action
	PingTimeoutChannel chan bool               // The channel used to signal ping timeouts
	EventChannel       chan *WebSocketEvent    // The channel used to receive various events pushed from the server. For example: typing, posted
	ResponseChannel    chan *WebSocketResponse // The channel used to receive responses for requests made to the server
	ListenError        *AppError               // A field that is set if there was an abnormal closure of the WebSocket connection
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

WebSocketClient stores the necessary information required to communicate with a WebSocket endpoint. A client must read from PingTimeoutChannel, EventChannel and ResponseChannel to prevent deadlocks from occurring in the program.

func (*WebSocketClient) Close ¶

func (wsc *WebSocketClient) Close()

Close closes the websocket client. It is recommended that a closed client should not be reused again. Rather a new client should be created anew.

func (*WebSocketClient) Connect ¶

func (wsc *WebSocketClient) Connect() *AppError

Connect creates a websocket connection with the given ConnectUrl. This is racy and error-prone should not be used. Use any of the New* functions to create a websocket.

func (*WebSocketClient) ConnectWithDialer ¶

func (wsc *WebSocketClient) ConnectWithDialer(dialer *websocket.Dialer) *AppError

ConnectWithDialer creates a websocket connection with the given ConnectUrl using the dialer. This is racy and error-prone and should not be used. Use any of the New* functions to create a websocket.

func (*WebSocketClient) GetStatuses ¶

func (wsc *WebSocketClient) GetStatuses()

GetStatuses will return a map of string statuses using user id as the key

func (*WebSocketClient) GetStatusesByIds ¶

func (wsc *WebSocketClient) GetStatusesByIds(userIds []string)

GetStatusesByIds will fetch certain user statuses based on ids and return a map of string statuses using user id as the key

func (*WebSocketClient) Listen ¶

func (wsc *WebSocketClient) Listen()

Listen starts the read loop of the websocket client.

func (*WebSocketClient) SendMessage ¶

func (wsc *WebSocketClient) SendMessage(action string, data map[string]interface{})

func (*WebSocketClient) UserTyping ¶

func (wsc *WebSocketClient) UserTyping(channelId, parentId string)

UserTyping will push a user_typing event out to all connected users who are in the specified channel

type WebSocketEvent ¶

type WebSocketEvent struct {
	Event     string                 // Deprecated: use EventType()
	Data      map[string]interface{} // Deprecated: use GetData()
	Broadcast *WebsocketBroadcast    // Deprecated: use GetBroadcast()
	Sequence  int64                  // Deprecated: use GetSequence()
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

**NOTE**: Direct access to WebSocketEvent fields is deprecated. They will be made unexported in next major version release. Provided getter functions should be used instead.

func NewWebSocketEvent ¶

func NewWebSocketEvent(event, teamId, channelId, userId string, omitUsers map[string]bool) *WebSocketEvent

func WebSocketEventFromJson ¶

func WebSocketEventFromJson(data io.Reader) *WebSocketEvent

func (*WebSocketEvent) Add ¶

func (ev *WebSocketEvent) Add(key string, value interface{})

func (*WebSocketEvent) Copy ¶ added in v5.20.0

func (ev *WebSocketEvent) Copy() *WebSocketEvent

func (*WebSocketEvent) Encode ¶ added in v5.30.0

func (ev *WebSocketEvent) Encode(enc *json.Encoder) error

Encode encodes the event to the given encoder.

func (*WebSocketEvent) EventType ¶

func (ev *WebSocketEvent) EventType() string

func (*WebSocketEvent) GetBroadcast ¶ added in v5.20.0

func (ev *WebSocketEvent) GetBroadcast() *WebsocketBroadcast

func (*WebSocketEvent) GetData ¶ added in v5.20.0

func (ev *WebSocketEvent) GetData() map[string]interface{}

func (*WebSocketEvent) GetSequence ¶ added in v5.20.0

func (ev *WebSocketEvent) GetSequence() int64

func (*WebSocketEvent) IsValid ¶

func (ev *WebSocketEvent) IsValid() bool

func (*WebSocketEvent) PrecomputeJSON ¶

func (ev *WebSocketEvent) PrecomputeJSON() *WebSocketEvent

PrecomputeJSON precomputes and stores the serialized JSON for all fields other than Sequence. This makes ToJson much more efficient when sending the same event to multiple connections.

func (*WebSocketEvent) SetBroadcast ¶ added in v5.20.0

func (ev *WebSocketEvent) SetBroadcast(broadcast *WebsocketBroadcast) *WebSocketEvent

func (*WebSocketEvent) SetData ¶ added in v5.20.0

func (ev *WebSocketEvent) SetData(data map[string]interface{}) *WebSocketEvent

func (*WebSocketEvent) SetEvent ¶ added in v5.20.0

func (ev *WebSocketEvent) SetEvent(event string) *WebSocketEvent

func (*WebSocketEvent) SetSequence ¶ added in v5.20.0

func (ev *WebSocketEvent) SetSequence(seq int64) *WebSocketEvent

func (*WebSocketEvent) ToJson ¶

func (ev *WebSocketEvent) ToJson() string

type WebSocketMessage ¶

type WebSocketMessage interface {
	ToJson() string
	IsValid() bool
	EventType() string

type WebSocketRequest ¶

type WebSocketRequest struct {
	// Client-provided fields
	Seq    int64                  `json:"seq"`    // A counter which is incremented for every request made.
	Action string                 `json:"action"` // The action to perform for a request. For example: get_statuses, user_typing.
	Data   map[string]interface{} `json:"data"`   // The metadata for an action.

	// Server-provided fields
	Session Session            `json:"-"`
	T       i18n.TranslateFunc `json:"-"`
	Locale  string             `json:"-"`

WebSocketRequest represents a request made to the server through a websocket.

func WebSocketRequestFromJson ¶

func WebSocketRequestFromJson(data io.Reader) *WebSocketRequest

func (*WebSocketRequest) ToJson ¶

func (o *WebSocketRequest) ToJson() string

type WebSocketResponse ¶

type WebSocketResponse struct {
	Status   string                 `json:"status"`              // The status of the response. For example: OK, FAIL.
	SeqReply int64                  `json:"seq_reply,omitempty"` // A counter which is incremented for every response sent.
	Data     map[string]interface{} `json:"data,omitempty"`      // The data contained in the response.
	Error    *AppError              `json:"error,omitempty"`     // A field that is set if any error has occurred.

WebSocketResponse represents a response received through the WebSocket for a request made to the server. This is available through the ResponseChannel channel in WebSocketClient.

func NewWebSocketError ¶

func NewWebSocketError(seqReply int64, err *AppError) *WebSocketResponse

func NewWebSocketResponse ¶

func NewWebSocketResponse(status string, seqReply int64, data map[string]interface{}) *WebSocketResponse

func WebSocketResponseFromJson ¶

func WebSocketResponseFromJson(data io.Reader) *WebSocketResponse

func (*WebSocketResponse) Add ¶

func (m *WebSocketResponse) Add(key string, value interface{})

func (*WebSocketResponse) EventType ¶

func (m *WebSocketResponse) EventType() string

func (*WebSocketResponse) IsValid ¶

func (m *WebSocketResponse) IsValid() bool

func (*WebSocketResponse) ToJson ¶

func (m *WebSocketResponse) ToJson() string

type WebsocketBroadcast ¶

type WebsocketBroadcast struct {
	OmitUsers             map[string]bool `json:"omit_users"` // broadcast is omitted for users listed here
	UserId                string          `json:"user_id"`    // broadcast only occurs for this user
	ChannelId             string          `json:"channel_id"` // broadcast only occurs for users in this channel
	TeamId                string          `json:"team_id"`    // broadcast only occurs for users in this team
	ContainsSanitizedData bool            `json:"-"`
	ContainsSensitiveData bool            `json:"-"`

type Worker ¶

type Worker interface {
	JobChannel() chan<- Job

type X509Certificate ¶ added in v5.20.0

type X509Certificate struct {
	XMLName xml.Name
	Cert    string `xml:",innerxml"`

type X509Data ¶ added in v5.20.0

type X509Data struct {
	XMLName         xml.Name
	X509Certificate X509Certificate `xml:"X509Certificate"`

Source Files ¶

Directories ¶

Path Synopsis

Jump to

Keyboard shortcuts

? : This menu
/ : Search site
f or F : Jump to
y or Y : Canonical URL