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Published: Oct 27, 2022 License: MIT Imports: 17 Imported by: 0



Analysis of scripting engines for Meteor 'mapping' processor. See odpf/meteor#420.


The current API contract of processor would apply here as well. So it would accept a models.Record and return a models.Record. The user should be able to write a script that gets access to the Asset and modify the same. The script env should support:

  • Run as a black box with capability to detect and recover from errors.
  • Assigning a computed or literal value to a field
  • Iterating a list and transforming each element in the list
  • Basic string manipulation functions such as replace, join, split, lowercase, uppercase etc.
  • Conditionals such as if, case etc with boolean logic and arithmetic
  • Custom helper functions that could be added in the future. ex: resolve DNS for IP.

Additionally, it is preferred if the Go type information is retained while running the script.

Scripting Engines

With the script, we try to do the following:

  • Add a label to the asset - "script_engine": "<current_script_engine>.
  • Add a label to each entity. Ex: "catch_phrase": "...".
  • Set an EntityName for each feature based on the following mapping:
    • ongoing_placed_and_waiting_acceptance_orders: customer_orders
    • ongoing_orders: customer_orders
    • merchant_avg_dispatch_arrival_time_10m: merchant_driver
    • ongoing_accepted_orders: merchant_orders
  • Set the owner as {Name: Big Mom, Email: [email protected]}.
  • Set the Url using a function that is passed in.
  • For each lineage upstream, if the service is Kafka, apply a string replace op on the URN - { => }.

The following scripting engines are considered:

  1. otto
  2. Goja
  3. Bloblang
  4. go-lua
  5. GopherLua
  6. Tengo
  7. Anko
  8. gojq

GitHub - robertkrimen/otto: A JavaScript interpreter in Go (golang)

Sample Script
asset.labels = _.extend({script_engine: 'otto'}, asset.labels);

_.each(data.entities, function (e) {
    e.labels = _.extend({catch_phrase: 'I\'ll be back'}, e.labels);

_.each(data.features, function (f) {
    switch ( {
        case 'ongoing_placed_and_waiting_acceptance_orders':
        case 'ongoing_orders':
            f.EntityName = 'customer_orders';
        case 'merchant_avg_dispatch_arrival_time_10m':
            f.EntityName = 'merchant_driver';
        case 'ongoing_accepted_orders':
            f.EntityName = 'merchant_orders';

asset.owners = [{name: "Big Mom", email: "[email protected]"}]

asset.url = urler(;

    .filter(function (u) {
        return u.service === "kafka";
    .each(function (u) {
        u.urn = u.urn.replace('', '');


  • Is able to translate Go type information and directly modify fields (with some caveats).
  • Can optionally use the underscore library with otto@master/underscore.
  • Very popular library with 6.9K stars.
  • The type information for Data field works against us and cannot be directly modified. We need to assign a second global field after unmarshaling the field of type *anypb.Any. Furthermore, we access fields by the Go field names where proto field names would have been more appropriate.
  • Is not able to detect and protect against non-existent fields (silently does nothing).
  • Error handling is with panic. For ex: it can panic for cases such as assignment to a nil map.
  • In some cases, unset/nil value needs to be initialised using Go field name. Accessing fields that are set can be done using field names starting with lowercase. For ex: If the property entity_name is unset, it cannot be set using entityName, need to use EntityName.
  • No releases/tags for the library.
  • No direct support for context.Context, a workaround is possible using an ' interrupt' - otto#halting-problem.
  • There are some known caveats - otto#caveat-emptor. Furthermore, the version of JavaScript is quite outdated so might feel jarring to people who do know modern JS.
  • Not as actively maintainer based on the 122 open issues and 10 open pull requests.

GitHub - dop251/goja: ECMAScript/JavaScript engine in pure Go

Sample Script
asset.labels = Object.assign({script_engine: 'goja'}, asset.labels);

for (const e of data.entities) {
    e.labels = Object.assign(
        {catch_phrase: 'Say hello to my little friend.'}, e.labels

for (const f of data.features) {
    switch ( {
        case 'ongoing_placed_and_waiting_acceptance_orders':
        case 'ongoing_orders':
            f.entity_name = 'customer_orders';
        case 'merchant_avg_dispatch_arrival_time_10m':
            f.entity_name = 'merchant_driver';
        case 'ongoing_accepted_orders':
            f.entity_name = 'merchant_orders';

asset.owners = [{name: 'Big Mom', email: '[email protected]'}]

asset.url = urler(;

for (const u of asset.lineage.upstreams) {
    if (u.service !== 'kafka') continue;

    u.urn = u.urn.replace('', '');


  • Ability to translate field names using the preferred struct tag. Won't work for protobuf tag out of the box but will be easy to support. However, our json and protobuf struct tag names are the same for now.
  • Better error handling than otto, uses error return value instead.
  • Supports more modern JS constructs compared to otto.
  • Well maintained based on the 17 open issues and 8 pull requests.
  • Although the library was evidently inspired by otto and was created after it became popular, goja is popular in its own right with 3.3K stars.
  • No releases/tags for the library.
  • No direct support for context.Context, workaround is possible using an 'interrupt' - goja#interrupting.
  • The type information for Data field works against us and cannot be directly modified. We need to assign a second global field after unmarshaling the field of type *anypb.Any.
  • Is not able to detect and protect against non-existent fields (silently does nothing).

Docs: Reference:

Sample Script
asset.labels.script_engine = "bloblang"

map entity_name {
    root = this
    root.entity_name = match {
        "ongoing_placed_and_waiting_acceptance_orders" => "customer_orders",
        "ongoing_orders" => "customer_orders",
        "merchant_avg_dispatch_arrival_time_10m" => "merchant_driver",
        "ongoing_accepted_orders" => "merchant_orders",
} = -> f.apply("entity_name"))

asset.owners = asset.owners.or([]).append({ "name": "Big Mom", "email": "[email protected]" })

asset.url = urler(

map urn_replace {
    root = this
    root.urn = this.urn.replace_all("", "")

asset.lineage.upstreams = asset.lineage.upstreams.map_each(u -> if u.service == "kafka" {
} else {


  • Well documented without caveats that come with running a different language with subset of the API.
  • No direct support for Go structs. See benthos#1317(comment).
  • We would need to pull in the dependencies of just for using the bloblang package. The dependencies of benthos are large in number ( see play-script-engine/network/dependencies). This impacts installing dependencies but not compilation or execution speed. To get a rough idea, here are the number of lines that we changed in go.mod and go.sum files:
    $ git diff --numstat
    20     1    go.mod
    100    5    go.sum
  • Bloblang has the basic expectation of "take x and generate y using it". We want to transform x. Possible to hide it to some extent but can still get awkward.
  • Not able to fulfill the requirement of 'Add a label to each entity. Ex: "catch_phrase": "..."'.
  • Having to specify a blobl function each time we want to modify an object in an array is unpleasant.

GitHub - Shopify/go-lua: A Lua VM in Go

Sample Script
if asset.labels == nil then
    asset.labels = {}
asset.labels["script_engine"] = "gopherlua"

for _, e in ipairs( do
    if e.labels == nil then
        e.labels = {}
    e.labels["catch_phrase"] = "Here's Johnny!"

for _, f in ipairs( do
    if == "ongoing_placed_and_waiting_acceptance_orders" or == "ongoing_orders" then
        f.entity_name = "customer_orders"
    elseif == "merchant_avg_dispatch_arrival_time_10m" then
        f.entity_name = "merchant_driver"
    elseif == "ongoing_accepted_orders" then
        f.entity_name = "merchant_orders"

if asset.owners == nil then
    -- asset.owners gets initialised as a map and decoding into *asset.Asset fails.
    -- asset.owners = {}
-- Inserting into the table fails with runtime error: invalid key to 'next'
-- table.insert(asset.owners, {name = "Big Mom", email = "[email protected]"})

asset.url = urler(

for _, u in ipairs(asset.lineage.upstreams) do
    if u.service == "kafka" then
        -- Fails inexplicably with "attempt to call a nil value" runtime error.
        -- u.urn = u.urn:gsub("", "")


  • Being used in Shopify's load generation tool.
  • Can use native lua API such as ipairs for working with values passed into lua script from Go.
  • No direct support for Go structs . Need a good amount of reflection to simplify passing in and modifying a Go value inside lua. So we are instead passing in a map[string]interface{} into the script using a helper library. The modifications to the map do not reflect in the Go environment and we are having to pull out the modified value from lua after script execution finishes.
  • No releases/tags for the library.
  • No direct support for context.Context, and it is not clear how script execution could be terminated on timeout/context cancellation.
  • Not able to fulfill the requirements:
    • Set the owner as {Name: Big Mom, Email: [email protected]}.
    • For each lineage upstream, if the service is Kafka, apply a string replace op on the URN - { => }.
  • Is slower than GopherLua according to go-lua itself.

yuin/gopher-lua: GopherLua: VM and compiler for Lua in Go

Sample Script
if asset.labels == nil then
    asset.labels = {}
asset.labels["script_engine"] = "gopherlua"

for _, e in data.entities() do
    if e.labels == nil then
        e.labels = {}
    e.labels["catch_phrase"] = "You Shall Not Pass!"

for _, f in data.features() do
    if == "ongoing_placed_and_waiting_acceptance_orders" or == "ongoing_orders" then
        f.entityName = "customer_orders"
    elseif == "merchant_avg_dispatch_arrival_time_10m" then
        f.entityName = "merchant_driver"
    elseif == "ongoing_accepted_orders" then
        f.entityName = "merchant_orders"

if asset.owners == nil then
    asset.owners = {}
asset.owners = asset.owners + {Name = "Big Mom", Email = "[email protected]"}

asset.url = urler(

for _, u in asset.lineage.upstreams() do
    if u.service == "kafka" then
        u.urn = u.urn:gsub("\.yonkou\.io", "")


  • Lua's spec is designed to be an embeddable language with a relatively compact API and less ambiguity.
  • Mature ecosystem of helper libraries. See gopher-lua#libraries-for-gopherlua.
  • Is able to retain Go type information and directly modify fields. Is also able to detect and protect against assignment to or modification of non-existent fields (returns an error).
  • Straightforward support for context.Context.
  • Very popular library with 5.1K stars.
  • The library makes it easy for us to pass in Go types into the lua script. But this comes at a cost and for some operations we would need to use a poorly documented subset of Lua's API. ex: Magical syntax for looping, appending. See
  • The type information for Data field works against us and cannot be directly modified. We need to assign a second global field after unmarshaling the field of type *anypb.Any. Furthermore, we access fields by the Go field names where proto field names would have been more appropriate. Oddly, the fields can be accessed both as asset.Urn and asset.urn. Could be fixed with additional custom handling.
  • No releases/tags for the library.

GitHub - d5/tengo: A fast script language for Go (playground)

Sample Script
text := import("text")

merge := func(m1, m2) {
    for k, v in m2 {
        m1[k] = v
    return m1

asset.labels = merge({script_engine: "tengo"}, asset.labels)

for e in {
    e.labels = merge({catch_phrase: "You talkin' to me?"}, e.labels)

for f in {
    if == "ongoing_placed_and_waiting_acceptance_orders" || == "ongoing_orders" {
        f.entity_name = "customer_orders"
    } else if == "merchant_avg_dispatch_arrival_time_10m" {
        f.entity_name = "merchant_driver"
    } else if == "ongoing_accepted_orders" {
        f.entity_name = "merchant_orders"

asset.owners = append(asset.owners || [], { name: "Big Mom", email: "[email protected]" })

asset.url = urler(

for u in asset.lineage.upstreams {
    u.urn = u.service != "kafka" ? u.urn : text.replace(u.urn, "", "", -1)


  • Straightforward support for context.Context.
  • Option to implement interfaces defined by Tengo to be able to pass in user-defined structs. Cost and feasibility of implementation has not been evaluated.
  • Pleasant syntax, albeit subjective.
  • For the syntax, what is documented is what you get without caveats that come with running a different language with subset of the API.
  • Good performance as per benchmarks created by library author.
  • Popular library with 2.9K stars.
  • No support for directly passing in user-defined types and limited support for passing in map[string]interface{}. Need to transform even map[string]string to map[string]interface{}.
  • Development seems to have slowed down based on the 49 open issues, 13 pull requests and the pulse insights for the repo.

GitHub - mattn/anko: Scriptable interpreter written in golang

Sample Script
strings = import("strings")

func merge(m1, m2) {
    for k, v in m2 {
        m1[k] = v
    return m1

asset.Labels = merge({"script_engine": "anko"}, asset.Labels)

for e in data.Entities {
    e.Labels = merge({"catch_phrase": "Take your stinking paws off me, you damn dirty ape!"}, e.Labels)

for f in data.Features {
    if f.Name == "ongoing_placed_and_waiting_acceptance_orders" || f.Name == "ongoing_orders" {
        f.EntityName = "customer_orders"
    } else if f.Name == "merchant_avg_dispatch_arrival_time_10m" {
        f.EntityName = "merchant_driver"
    } else if f.Name == "ongoing_accepted_orders" {
        f.EntityName = "merchant_orders"

o = make(Owner)
o.Name = "Big Mom"
o.Email = "[email protected]"
asset.Owners += o

asset.Url = urler(asset.Name)

for u in asset.Lineage.Upstreams {
    if u.Urn != "kafka" {
    u.Urn = strings.Replace(u.Urn, "", "", -1)


  • Straightforward support for context.Context.
  • Documentation with examples.
  • Can pass in Go structs directly and modify inside the script.
  • For the syntax, what is documented is what you get without caveats that come with running a different language with subset of the API.
  • A lot of reflection under the hood. Consequently would expect poor performance, probably the worst performance of all the options.
  • The type information for Data field works against us and cannot be directly modified. We need to assign a second global field after unmarshaling the field of type *anypb.Any. Furthermore, we access fields by the Go field names where proto field names would have been more appropriate.
  • Lot of insecure packages added by default and it is not clear how we could make specific packages unavailable. See anko#327.
  • Appending to slice of structs is clunky.
  • Development and activity has slowed down on the repo with the last commit being nearly a year ago and no new issues or PRs created in the last month.

GitHub - itchyny/gojq: Pure Go implementation of jq

Sample Script
.labels.script_engine = "gojq" |

.data.entities[].labels.catch_phrase = "Go ahead. Make my day." |

.data.features[] |=
    if .name == "ongoing_placed_and_waiting_acceptance_orders" or .name == "ongoing_orders" then
        .entity_name = "customer_orders"
    elif .name == "merchant_avg_dispatch_arrival_time_10m" then
        .entity_name = "merchant_driver"
    elif .name == "ongoing_accepted_orders" then
        .entity_name = "merchant_orders"
    else . end |

.owners += [{name: "Big Mom", email: "[email protected]"}] |

.url = urler(.name) |

.lineage.upstreams[] |=
    if .service == "kafka" then .urn = (.urn | sub("\\.yonkou\\.io"; ""))  
    else . end


  • A bit surprising that it is able to fulfill all of the requirements
  • jq is quite popular and commonly used for JSON transformations.
  • Straightforward support for context.Context.
  • A popular library with 2.3K stars considering it is not a general purpose scripting language.
  • Fixes a bunch of issues in the original implementation of jq.
  • Writing the script is hard to put together, unconventional.
  • Some concepts such as defining a function inside the script probably won't be possible.
  • No support for passing in user-defined types and limited support for passing in map[string]interface{}. Need to transform even map[string]string to map[string]interface{}.


The Go Gopher

There is no documentation for this package.


Path Synopsis

Jump to

Keyboard shortcuts

? : This menu
/ : Search site
f or F : Jump to
y or Y : Canonical URL