
v0.5.1 Latest Latest

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Published: May 23, 2022 License: Apache-2.0 Imports: 18 Imported by: 0




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const (
	StrVal = ValType(iota)

These are the possible Valtype values. HexNum represents a 0x... value. It cannot be treated as a simple value because it can be interpreted differently depending on the context.

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const (
	// DirectiveMultiShardAutocommit is the query comment directive to allow
	// single round trip autocommit with a multi-shard statement.
	DirectiveMultiShardAutocommit = "MULTI_SHARD_AUTOCOMMIT"
	// DirectiveSkipQueryPlanCache skips query plan cache when set.
	DirectiveSkipQueryPlanCache = "SKIP_QUERY_PLAN_CACHE"
	// DirectiveQueryTimeout sets a query timeout in vtgate. Only supported for SELECTS.
	DirectiveQueryTimeout = "QUERY_TIMEOUT_MS"
	// DirectiveScatterErrorsAsWarnings enables partial success scatter select queries
	DirectiveScatterErrorsAsWarnings = "SCATTER_ERRORS_AS_WARNINGS"
	// DirectiveIgnoreMaxPayloadSize skips payload size validation when set.
	DirectiveIgnoreMaxPayloadSize = "IGNORE_MAX_PAYLOAD_SIZE"
	// DirectiveIgnoreMaxMemoryRows skips memory row validation when set.
	DirectiveIgnoreMaxMemoryRows = "IGNORE_MAX_MEMORY_ROWS"
	// DirectiveAllowScatter lets scatter plans pass through even when they are turned off by `no-scatter`.
	DirectiveAllowScatter = "ALLOW_SCATTER"
	// DirectiveAllowHashJoin lets the planner use hash join if possible
	DirectiveAllowHashJoin = "ALLOW_HASH_JOIN"
	// DirectiveQueryPlanner lets the user specify per query which planner should be used
	DirectiveQueryPlanner = "PLANNER"
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const (
	// Select.Distinct
	AllStr              = "all "
	DistinctStr         = "distinct "
	StraightJoinHint    = "straight_join "
	SQLCalcFoundRowsStr = "sql_calc_found_rows "

	// Select.Lock
	NoLockStr    = ""
	ForUpdateStr = " for update"
	ShareModeStr = " lock in share mode"

	// Select.Cache
	SQLCacheStr   = "sql_cache "
	SQLNoCacheStr = "sql_no_cache "

	// Union.Type
	UnionStr         = "union"
	UnionAllStr      = "union all"
	UnionDistinctStr = "union distinct"

	// DDL strings.
	InsertStr  = "insert"
	ReplaceStr = "replace"

	// Set.Scope or Show.Scope
	SessionStr        = "session"
	GlobalStr         = "global"
	VitessMetadataStr = "vitess_metadata"
	VariableStr       = "variable"
	LocalStr          = "local"
	ImplicitStr       = ""

	// DDL strings.
	CreateStr           = "create"
	AlterStr            = "alter"
	DeallocateStr       = "deallocate"
	DropStr             = "drop"
	RenameStr           = "rename"
	TruncateStr         = "truncate"
	FlushStr            = "flush"
	CreateVindexStr     = "create vindex"
	DropVindexStr       = "drop vindex"
	AddVschemaTableStr  = "add vschema table"
	DropVschemaTableStr = "drop vschema table"
	AddColVindexStr     = "on table add vindex"
	DropColVindexStr    = "on table drop vindex"
	AddSequenceStr      = "add sequence"
	AddAutoIncStr       = "add auto_increment"

	// Partition and subpartition type strings
	HashTypeStr  = "hash"
	KeyTypeStr   = "key"
	RangeTypeStr = "range"
	ListTypeStr  = "list"

	// Partition value range type strings
	LessThanTypeStr = "less than"
	InTypeStr       = "in"

	// Online DDL hint
	OnlineStr = "online"

	// Vindex DDL param to specify the owner of a vindex
	VindexOwnerStr = "owner"

	// Partition strings
	ReorganizeStr        = "reorganize partition"
	AddStr               = "add partition"
	DiscardStr           = "discard partition"
	DropPartitionStr     = "drop partition"
	ImportStr            = "import partition"
	TruncatePartitionStr = "truncate partition"
	CoalesceStr          = "coalesce partition"
	ExchangeStr          = "exchange partition"
	AnalyzePartitionStr  = "analyze partition"
	CheckStr             = "check partition"
	OptimizeStr          = "optimize partition"
	RebuildStr           = "rebuild partition"
	RepairStr            = "repair partition"
	RemoveStr            = "remove partitioning"
	UpgradeStr           = "upgrade partitioning"

	// JoinTableExpr.Join
	JoinStr             = "join"
	StraightJoinStr     = "straight_join"
	LeftJoinStr         = "left join"
	RightJoinStr        = "right join"
	NaturalJoinStr      = "natural join"
	NaturalLeftJoinStr  = "natural left join"
	NaturalRightJoinStr = "natural right join"

	// Index hints.
	UseStr    = "use "
	IgnoreStr = "ignore "
	ForceStr  = "force "

	// Index hints For types.
	JoinForStr    = "join"
	GroupByForStr = "group by"
	OrderByForStr = "order by"

	// Where.Type
	WhereStr  = "where"
	HavingStr = "having"

	// ComparisonExpr.Operator
	EqualStr         = "="
	LessThanStr      = "<"
	GreaterThanStr   = ">"
	LessEqualStr     = "<="
	GreaterEqualStr  = ">="
	NotEqualStr      = "!="
	NullSafeEqualStr = "<=>"
	InStr            = "in"
	NotInStr         = "not in"
	LikeStr          = "like"
	NotLikeStr       = "not like"
	RegexpStr        = "regexp"
	NotRegexpStr     = "not regexp"

	// IsExpr.Operator
	IsNullStr     = "is null"
	IsNotNullStr  = "is not null"
	IsTrueStr     = "is true"
	IsNotTrueStr  = "is not true"
	IsFalseStr    = "is false"
	IsNotFalseStr = "is not false"

	// BinaryExpr.Operator
	BitAndStr               = "&"
	BitOrStr                = "|"
	BitXorStr               = "^"
	PlusStr                 = "+"
	MinusStr                = "-"
	MultStr                 = "*"
	DivStr                  = "/"
	IntDivStr               = "div"
	ModStr                  = "%"
	ShiftLeftStr            = "<<"
	ShiftRightStr           = ">>"
	JSONExtractOpStr        = "->"
	JSONUnquoteExtractOpStr = "->>"

	// UnaryExpr.Operator
	UPlusStr    = "+"
	UMinusStr   = "-"
	TildaStr    = "~"
	BangStr     = "!"
	Armscii8Str = "_armscii8"
	ASCIIStr    = "_ascii"
	Big5Str     = "_big5"
	UBinaryStr  = "_binary"
	Cp1250Str   = "_cp1250"
	Cp1251Str   = "_cp1251"
	Cp1256Str   = "_cp1256"
	Cp1257Str   = "_cp1257"
	Cp850Str    = "_cp850"
	Cp852Str    = "_cp852"
	Cp866Str    = "_cp866"
	Cp932Str    = "_cp932"
	Dec8Str     = "_dec8"
	EucjpmsStr  = "_eucjpms"
	EuckrStr    = "_euckr"
	Gb18030Str  = "_gb18030"
	Gb2312Str   = "_gb2312"
	GbkStr      = "_gbk"
	Geostd8Str  = "_geostd8"
	GreekStr    = "_greek"
	HebrewStr   = "_hebrew"
	Hp8Str      = "_hp8"
	Keybcs2Str  = "_keybcs2"
	Koi8rStr    = "_koi8r"
	Koi8uStr    = "_koi8u"
	Latin1Str   = "_latin1"
	Latin2Str   = "_latin2"
	Latin5Str   = "_latin5"
	Latin7Str   = "_latin7"
	MacceStr    = "_macce"
	MacromanStr = "_macroman"
	SjisStr     = "_sjis"
	Swe7Str     = "_swe7"
	Tis620Str   = "_tis620"
	Ucs2Str     = "_ucs2"
	UjisStr     = "_ujis"
	Utf16Str    = "_utf16"
	Utf16leStr  = "_utf16le"
	Utf32Str    = "_utf32"
	Utf8Str     = "_utf8"
	Utf8mb4Str  = "_utf8mb4"
	NStringStr  = "N"

	// DatabaseOption.Type
	CharacterSetStr = " character set"
	CollateStr      = " collate"
	EncryptionStr   = " encryption"

	// MatchExpr.Option
	NoOptionStr                              = ""
	BooleanModeStr                           = " in boolean mode"
	NaturalLanguageModeStr                   = " in natural language mode"
	NaturalLanguageModeWithQueryExpansionStr = " in natural language mode with query expansion"
	QueryExpansionStr                        = " with query expansion"

	IntoOutfileStr   = " into outfile "
	IntoOutfileS3Str = " into outfile s3 "
	IntoDumpfileStr  = " into dumpfile "

	// Order.Direction
	AscScr  = "asc"
	DescScr = "desc"

	// TransactionStr is the Name for a SET TRANSACTION statement
	TransactionStr = "transaction"

	// Transaction isolation levels
	ReadUncommittedStr = "read uncommitted"
	ReadCommittedStr   = "read committed"
	RepeatableReadStr  = "repeatable read"
	SerializableStr    = "serializable"

	TxReadOnly  = "read only"
	TxReadWrite = "read write"

	// Explain formats
	EmptyStr       = ""
	TreeStr        = "tree"
	JSONStr        = "json"
	VitessStr      = "vitess"
	TraditionalStr = "traditional"
	AnalyzeStr     = "analyze"

	// Lock Types
	ReadStr             = "read"
	ReadLocalStr        = "read local"
	WriteStr            = "write"
	LowPriorityWriteStr = "low_priority write"

	// ShowCommand Types
	CharsetStr                 = " charset"
	CollationStr               = " collation"
	ColumnStr                  = " columns"
	CreateDbStr                = " create database"
	CreateEStr                 = " create event"
	CreateFStr                 = " create function"
	CreateProcStr              = " create procedure"
	CreateTblStr               = " create table"
	CreateTrStr                = " create trigger"
	CreateVStr                 = " create view"
	DatabaseStr                = " databases"
	EnginesStr                 = " engines"
	FunctionCStr               = " function code"
	FunctionStr                = " function status"
	GtidExecGlobalStr          = " global gtid_executed"
	IndexStr                   = " indexes"
	OpenTableStr               = " open tables"
	PluginsStr                 = " plugins"
	PrivilegeStr               = " privileges"
	ProcedureCStr              = " procedure code"
	ProcedureStr               = " procedure status"
	StatusGlobalStr            = " global status"
	StatusSessionStr           = " status"
	TableStr                   = " tables"
	TableStatusStr             = " table status"
	TriggerStr                 = " triggers"
	VariableGlobalStr          = " global variables"
	VariableSessionStr         = " variables"
	VGtidExecGlobalStr         = " global vgtid_executed"
	KeyspaceStr                = " keyspaces"
	VitessMigrationsStr        = " vitess_migrations"
	VitessReplicationStatusStr = " vitess_replication_status"
	VitessShardsStr            = " vitess_shards"
	VitessTabletsStr           = " vitess_tablets"
	VitessTargetStr            = " vitess_target"
	VitessVariablesStr         = " vitess_metadata variables"
	VschemaTablesStr           = " vschema tables"
	VschemaVindexesStr         = " vschema vindexes"
	WarningsStr                = " warnings"

	// DropKeyType strings
	PrimaryKeyTypeStr = "primary key"
	ForeignKeyTypeStr = "foreign key"
	NormalKeyTypeStr  = "key"
	CheckKeyTypeStr   = "check"

	// TrimType strings
	BothTrimStr     = "both"
	LeadingTrimStr  = "leading"
	TrailingTrimStr = "trailing"

	// TrimFuncType strings
	NormalTrimStr = "trim"
	LTrimStr      = "ltrim"
	RTrimStr      = "rtrim"

	// JSONAttributeType strings
	DepthAttributeStr  = "json_depth"
	ValidAttributeStr  = "json_valid"
	TypeAttributeStr   = "json_type"
	LengthAttributeStr = "json_length"

	// JSONValueModifierType strings
	JSONArrayAppendStr = "json_array_append"
	JSONArrayInsertStr = "json_array_insert"
	JSONInsertStr      = "json_insert"
	JSONReplaceStr     = "json_replace"
	JSONSetStr         = "json_set"

	// JSONValueMergeType strings
	JSONMergeStr         = "json_merge"
	JSONMergePatchStr    = "json_merge_patch"
	JSONMergePreserveStr = "json_merge_preserve"

	// LockOptionType strings
	NoneTypeStr      = "none"
	SharedTypeStr    = "shared"
	DefaultTypeStr   = "default"
	ExclusiveTypeStr = "exclusive"

	// IntervalTypes strings
	DayStr               = "day"
	WeekStr              = "week"
	MonthStr             = "month"
	YearStr              = "year"
	DayHourStr           = "day_hour"
	DayMicrosecondStr    = "day_microsecond"
	DayMinuteStr         = "day_minute"
	DaySecondStr         = "day_second"
	HourStr              = "hour"
	HourMicrosecondStr   = "hour_microsecond"
	HourMinuteStr        = "hour_minute"
	HourSecondStr        = "hour_second"
	MicrosecondStr       = "microsecond"
	MinuteStr            = "minute"
	MinuteMicrosecondStr = "minute_microsecond"
	MinuteSecondStr      = "minute_second"
	QuarterStr           = "quarter"
	SecondStr            = "second"
	SecondMicrosecondStr = "second_microsecond"
	YearMonthStr         = "year_month"

String constants to be used in ast.

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const ACTION = 57570
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const ACTIVE = 57826
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const ADD = 57550
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const ADMIN = 57827
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const AFTER = 57619
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const AGAINST = 57792
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const ALGORITHM = 57423
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const ALL = 57365
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const ALTER = 57546
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const ALWAYS = 57383
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const ANALYZE = 57549
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const AND = 57477
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const APPROXNUM = 57685
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const ARRAY = 57801
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const AS = 57367
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const ASC = 57369
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const ASCII = 57681
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const AT_AT_ID = 57430
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const AT_ID = 57429
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const AUTOEXTEND_SIZE = 57828
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const AUTO_INCREMENT = 57684
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const AVG_ROW_LENGTH = 57906
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const BEGIN = 57630
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const BETWEEN = 57479
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const BIGINT = 57644
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const BINARY = 57499
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const BIT = 57638
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const BIT_LITERAL = 57442
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const BLOB = 57665
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const BOOL = 57657
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const BOOLEAN = 57793
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const BOTH = 57466
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const BUCKETS = 57829
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const BY = 57361
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const BYTE = 57802
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const CALL = 57379
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const CANCEL = 57622
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const CASCADE = 57571
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const CASCADED = 57607
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const CASE = 57480
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const CAST = 57763
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const CHANGE = 57552
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const CHANNEL = 57903
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const CHAR = 57655
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const CHARACTER = 57658
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const CHARSET = 57471
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const CHECK = 57568
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const CHECKSUM = 57908
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const CLEANUP = 57625
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const CLONE = 57830
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const COALESCE = 57585
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const CODE = 57689
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const COLLATE = 57498
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const COLLATION = 57690
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const COLUMN = 57564
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const COLUMNS = 57691
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const COLUMN_FORMAT = 57831
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const COMMENT = 57440
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const COMMENT_KEYWORD = 57441
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const COMMIT = 57633
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const COMMITTED = 57728
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const COMPACT = 57921
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const COMPLETE = 57624
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const COMPONENT = 57832
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const COMPRESSED = 57919
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const COMPRESSION = 57443
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const CONNECTION = 57907
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const CONSTRAINT = 57572
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const CONVERT = 57762
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const COPY = 57421
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const CREATE = 57545
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const CROSS = 57414
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const CSV = 57393
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const CUME_DIST = 57803
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const CURRENT_DATE = 57733
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const CURRENT_TIME = 57735
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const CURRENT_USER = 57738
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const DATA = 57386
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const DATABASE = 57732
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const DATABASES = 57692
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const DATE = 57580
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const DATETIME = 57653
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const DAY = 57742
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const DAY_HOUR = 57743
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const DAY_MICROSECOND = 57744
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const DAY_MINUTE = 57745
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const DAY_SECOND = 57746
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const DEALLOCATE = 57554
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const DECIMAL = 57436
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const DECIMAL_TYPE = 57649
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const DEFAULT = 57373
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const DEFINER = 57608
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const DEFINITION = 57833
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const DELAY_KEY_WRITE = 57909
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const DELETE = 57355
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const DENSE_RANK = 57805
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const DESC = 57370
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const DESCRIBE = 57578
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const DESCRIPTION = 57804
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const DIRECTORY = 57601
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const DISABLE = 57462
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const DISCARD = 57459
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const DISK = 57928
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const DISTINCT = 57366
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const DISTINCTROW = 57380
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const DIV = 57495
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const DO = 57378
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const DOUBLE = 57647
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const DROP = 57547
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const DUMPFILE = 57392
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const DUPLICATE = 57372
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const DYNAMIC = 57918
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const ELSE = 57483
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const EMPTY = 57806
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const EMPTY_FROM_CLAUSE = 57469
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const ENABLE = 57461
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const ENCLOSED = 57391
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const ENCRYPTION = 57910
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const END = 57484
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const ENFORCED = 57834
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const ENGINE = 57911
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const ENGINES = 57693
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const ENGINE_ATTRIBUTE = 57835
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const ENUM = 57672
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const ERROR = 57897
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const ESCAPE = 57581
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const ESCAPED = 57390
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const EVENT = 57694
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const EXCEPT = 57807
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const EXCHANGE = 57586
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const EXCLUDE = 57836
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const EXCLUSIVE = 57426
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const EXECUTE = 57591
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const EXISTS = 57368
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const EXPANSION = 57797
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const EXPIRE = 57628
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const EXPLAIN = 57579
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const EXPORT = 57905
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const EXTENDED = 57695
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const EXTRACT = 57454
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const FALSE = 57457
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const FIELDS = 57696
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const FIRST = 57618
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const FIRST_VALUE = 57808
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const FIXED = 57917
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const FLOAT = 57435
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const FLOAT_TYPE = 57648
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const FLUSH = 57551
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const FOLLOWING = 57837
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const FOR = 57364
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const FORCE = 57417
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const FOREIGN = 57573
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const FORMAT = 57889
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const FROM = 57356
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const FULL = 57697
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const FULLTEXT = 57566
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const FUNCTION = 57698
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const GE = 57486
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const GENERAL = 57898
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const GENERATED = 57382
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const GEOMCOLLECTION = 57838
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const GEOMETRY = 57673
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const GLOBAL = 57720
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const GROUP = 57358
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const GROUPING = 57809
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const GROUPS = 57810
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const GROUP_CONCAT = 57766
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const GTID_EXECUTED = 57699
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const HASH = 57935
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const HAVING = 57359
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const HEADER = 57394
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const HEX = 57431
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const HEXNUM = 57437
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const HISTOGRAM = 57840
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const HISTORY = 57841
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const HOSTS = 57899
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const HOUR = 57747
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const HOUR_MICROSECOND = 57748
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const HOUR_MINUTE = 57749
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const HOUR_SECOND = 57750
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const ID = 57428
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const IF = 57562
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const IGNORE = 57561
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const IMPORT = 57460
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const IN = 57492
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const INACTIVE = 57842
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const INDEX = 57558
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const INDEXES = 57569
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const INNER = 57412
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const INPLACE = 57420
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const INSERT = 57353
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const INSERT_METHOD = 57912
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const INSTANT = 57422
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const INT = 57642
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const INTEGER = 57643
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const INTEGRAL = 57434
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const INTERVAL = 57542
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const INTNUM = 57645
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const INTO = 57371
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const INVISIBLE = 57843
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const INVOKER = 57616
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const IS = 57489
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const ISOLATION = 57722
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const JOIN = 57408
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const JSON = 57669
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const JSON_ARRAY = 57774
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const JSON_ARRAY_APPEND = 57781
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const JSON_ARRAY_INSERT = 57782
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const JSON_CONTAINS = 57447
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const JSON_CONTAINS_PATH = 57448
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const JSON_DEPTH = 57777
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const JSON_EXTRACT = 57449
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const JSON_EXTRACT_OP = 57543
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const JSON_INSERT = 57783
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const JSON_KEYS = 57450
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const JSON_LENGTH = 57779
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const JSON_MERGE = 57784
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const JSON_MERGE_PATCH = 57785
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const JSON_OBJECT = 57775
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const JSON_OVERLAPS = 57451
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const JSON_PRETTY = 57444
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const JSON_QUOTE = 57776
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const JSON_REMOVE = 57787
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const JSON_REPLACE = 57788
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const JSON_SCHEMA_VALID = 57670
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const JSON_SEARCH = 57452
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const JSON_SET = 57789
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const JSON_STORAGE_FREE = 57446
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const JSON_STORAGE_SIZE = 57445
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const JSON_TABLE = 57811
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const JSON_TYPE = 57778
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const JSON_UNQUOTE = 57790
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const JSON_VALID = 57780
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const JSON_VALUE = 57453
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const KEY = 57473
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const KEYS = 57377
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const KEYSPACES = 57700
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const KEY_BLOCK_SIZE = 57567
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const LAG = 57812
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const LANGUAGE = 57794
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const LAST = 57620
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const LAST_INSERT_ID = 57400
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const LAST_VALUE = 57813
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const LATERAL = 57814
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const LE = 57485
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const LEAD = 57815
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const LEADING = 57467
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const LEFT = 57410
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const LESS = 57595
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const LEVEL = 57723
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const LEX_ERROR = 57348
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const LIKE = 57490
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const LIMIT = 57362
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const LINEAR = 57930
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const LINES = 57388
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const LINESTRING = 57675
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const LIST = 57932
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const LIST_ARG = 57439
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const LOAD = 57387
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const LOCAL = 57893
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const LOCALTIME = 57736
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const LOCALTIMESTAMP = 57737
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const LOCK = 57375
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const LOCKED = 57844
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const LOGS = 57896
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const LONGBLOB = 57668
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const LONGTEXT = 57664
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const LOWER_THAN_CHARSET = 57470
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const LOW_PRIORITY = 57894
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const LTRIM = 57771
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const MANIFEST = 57395
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const MATCH = 57791
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const MAXVALUE = 57592
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const MAX_ROWS = 57913
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const MEDIUMBLOB = 57667
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const MEDIUMINT = 57641
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const MEDIUMTEXT = 57663
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const MEMBER = 57346
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const MEMORY = 57927
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const MERGE = 57613
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const MICROSECOND = 57751
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const MINUTE = 57752
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const MINUTE_SECOND = 57754
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const MIN_ROWS = 57914
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const MOD = 57496
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const MODE = 57404
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const MODIFY = 57553
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const MONTH = 57755
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const MULTIPOINT = 57678
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const MULTIPOLYGON = 57680
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const NAME = 57602
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const NAMES = 57719
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const NATURAL = 57415
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const NCHAR = 57660
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const NCHAR_STRING = 57433
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const NE = 57487
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const NESTED = 57849
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const NEXT = 57401
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const NO = 57574
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const NONE = 57424
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const NOT = 57478
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const NOW = 57734
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const NOWAIT = 57851
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const NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG = 57895
View Source
const NTH_VALUE = 57816
View Source
const NTILE = 57817
View Source
const NULL = 57455
View Source
const NULLS = 57852
View Source
const NULLX = 57683
View Source
const NULL_SAFE_EQUAL = 57488
View Source
const NUMERIC = 57650
View Source
const OF = 57818
View Source
const OFF = 57458
View Source
const OFFSET = 57363
View Source
const OJ = 57853
View Source
const OLD = 57854
View Source
const ON = 57418
View Source
const ONLY = 57726
View Source
const OPEN = 57701
View Source
const OPTIMIZE = 57583
View Source
const OPTIMIZER_COSTS = 57900
View Source
const OPTION = 57609
View Source
const OPTIONAL = 57855
View Source
const OPTIONALLY = 57398
View Source
const OR = 57475
View Source
const ORDER = 57360
View Source
const ORDINALITY = 57856
View Source
const ORGANIZATION = 57857
View Source
const OTHERS = 57858
View Source
const OUTER = 57413
View Source
const OUTFILE = 57384
View Source
const OVER = 57819
View Source
const OVERWRITE = 57396
View Source
const PACK_KEYS = 57915
View Source
const PARSER = 57381
View Source
const PARTIAL = 57859
View Source
const PARTITION = 57593
View Source
const PARTITIONING = 57588
View Source
const PARTITIONS = 57929
View Source
const PASSWORD = 57916
View Source
const PATH = 57860
View Source
const PERCENT_RANK = 57820
View Source
const PERSIST = 57861
View Source
const PERSIST_ONLY = 57862
View Source
const PLUGINS = 57702
View Source
const POINT = 57674
View Source
const POLYGON = 57676
View Source
const PRECEDING = 57863
View Source
const PREPARE = 57590
View Source
const PRIMARY = 57563
View Source
const PRIVILEGES = 57703
View Source
View Source
const PROCEDURE = 57597
View Source
const PROCESS = 57865
View Source
const PROCESSLIST = 57704
View Source
const QUARTER = 57756
View Source
const QUERY = 57796
View Source
const RANDOM = 57866
View Source
const RANGE = 57931
View Source
const RANK = 57821
View Source
const RATIO = 57629
View Source
const READ = 57724
View Source
const REAL = 57646
View Source
const REBUILD = 57587
View Source
const RECURSIVE = 57822
View Source
const REDUNDANT = 57920
View Source
const REFERENCE = 57867
View Source
const REFERENCES = 57575
View Source
const REGEXP = 57491
View Source
const RELAY = 57904
View Source
const RELEASE = 57636
View Source
const REMOVE = 57589
View Source
const RENAME = 57548
View Source
const REORGANIZE = 57594
View Source
const REPAIR = 57582
View Source
const REPEATABLE = 57727
View Source
const REPLACE = 57761
View Source
const REQUIRE_ROW_FORMAT = 57868
View Source
const RESOURCE = 57869
View Source
const RESPECT = 57870
View Source
const RESTART = 57871
View Source
const RESTRICT = 57576
View Source
const RETAIN = 57872
View Source
const RETRY = 57623
View Source
const RETURNING = 57888
View Source
const REUSE = 57873
View Source
const REVERT = 57555
View Source
const RIGHT = 57411
View Source
const ROLE = 57874
View Source
const ROLLBACK = 57634
View Source
const ROW_FORMAT = 57922
View Source
const ROW_NUMBER = 57823
View Source
const RTRIM = 57772
View Source
const S3 = 57385
View Source
const SAVEPOINT = 57635
View Source
const SCHEMA = 57556
View Source
const SCHEMAS = 57705
View Source
const SECOND = 57757
View Source
const SECONDARY = 57875
View Source
const SECONDARY_ENGINE = 57876
View Source
View Source
const SECONDARY_LOAD = 57878
View Source
const SECONDARY_UNLOAD = 57879
View Source
View Source
const SECURITY = 57617
View Source
const SELECT = 57350
View Source
const SEPARATOR = 57767
View Source
const SEQUENCE = 57612
View Source
const SERIALIZABLE = 57730
View Source
const SESSION = 57721
View Source
const SET = 57374
View Source
const SHARE = 57403
View Source
const SHARED = 57425
View Source
const SHIFT_LEFT = 57493
View Source
const SHIFT_RIGHT = 57494
View Source
const SHOW = 57577
View Source
const SIGNED = 57686
View Source
const SIMPLE = 57880
View Source
const SKIP = 57881
View Source
const SLOW = 57902
View Source
const SMALLINT = 57640
View Source
const SPATIAL = 57565
View Source
const SQL = 57610
View Source
const SQL_CACHE = 57406
View Source
const SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS = 57407
View Source
const SQL_NO_CACHE = 57405
View Source
const SRID = 57882
View Source
const START = 57631
View Source
const STARTING = 57397
View Source
const STATS_AUTO_RECALC = 57923
View Source
const STATS_PERSISTENT = 57924
View Source
const STATS_SAMPLE_PAGES = 57925
View Source
const STATUS = 57604
View Source
const STORAGE = 57926
View Source
const STORED = 57465
View Source
const STRAIGHT_JOIN = 57409
View Source
const STREAM = 57351
View Source
const STRING = 57432
View Source
const SUBPARTITION = 57933
View Source
const SUBPARTITIONS = 57934
View Source
const SUBQUERY_AS_EXPR = 57427
View Source
const SUBSTR = 57764
View Source
const SUBSTRING = 57765
View Source
const SYSTEM = 57824
View Source
const TABLE = 57557
View Source
const TABLES = 57706
View Source
const TABLESPACE = 57463
View Source
const TEMPORARY = 57614
View Source
const TEMPTABLE = 57615
View Source
const TERMINATED = 57389
View Source
const TEXT = 57661
View Source
const THAN = 57596
View Source
const THEN = 57482
View Source
const THREAD_PRIORITY = 57883
View Source
const THROTTLE = 57626
View Source
const TIES = 57884
View Source
const TIME = 57651
View Source
const TIMESTAMP = 57652
View Source
const TIMESTAMPADD = 57768
View Source
const TIMESTAMPDIFF = 57769
View Source
const TINYBLOB = 57666
View Source
const TINYINT = 57639
View Source
const TINYTEXT = 57662
View Source
const TO = 57560
View Source
const TRADITIONAL = 57892
View Source
const TRAILING = 57468
View Source
const TRANSACTION = 57632
View Source
const TREE = 57890
View Source
const TRIGGER = 57598
View Source
const TRIGGERS = 57707
View Source
const TRIM = 57773
View Source
const TRUE = 57456
View Source
const TRUNCATE = 57584
View Source
const UNARY = 57497
View Source
const UNBOUNDED = 57885
View Source
const UNCOMMITTED = 57729
View Source
const UNDEFINED = 57611
View Source
View Source
const UNDERSCORE_ASCII = 57501
View Source
const UNDERSCORE_BIG5 = 57502
View Source
View Source
const UNDERSCORE_CP1250 = 57504
View Source
const UNDERSCORE_CP1251 = 57505
View Source
const UNDERSCORE_CP1256 = 57506
View Source
const UNDERSCORE_CP1257 = 57507
View Source
const UNDERSCORE_CP850 = 57508
View Source
const UNDERSCORE_CP852 = 57509
View Source
const UNDERSCORE_CP866 = 57510
View Source
const UNDERSCORE_CP932 = 57511
View Source
const UNDERSCORE_DEC8 = 57512
View Source
View Source
const UNDERSCORE_EUCKR = 57514
View Source
const UNDERSCORE_GB18030 = 57515
View Source
const UNDERSCORE_GB2312 = 57516
View Source
const UNDERSCORE_GBK = 57517
View Source
const UNDERSCORE_GEOSTD8 = 57518
View Source
const UNDERSCORE_GREEK = 57519
View Source
View Source
const UNDERSCORE_HP8 = 57521
View Source
const UNDERSCORE_KEYBCS2 = 57522
View Source
const UNDERSCORE_KOI8R = 57523
View Source
const UNDERSCORE_KOI8U = 57524
View Source
const UNDERSCORE_LATIN1 = 57525
View Source
const UNDERSCORE_LATIN2 = 57526
View Source
const UNDERSCORE_LATIN5 = 57527
View Source
const UNDERSCORE_LATIN7 = 57528
View Source
const UNDERSCORE_MACCE = 57529
View Source
View Source
const UNDERSCORE_SJIS = 57531
View Source
const UNDERSCORE_SWE7 = 57532
View Source
const UNDERSCORE_TIS620 = 57533
View Source
const UNDERSCORE_UCS2 = 57534
View Source
const UNDERSCORE_UJIS = 57535
View Source
const UNDERSCORE_UTF16 = 57536
View Source
const UNDERSCORE_UTF16LE = 57537
View Source
const UNDERSCORE_UTF32 = 57538
View Source
const UNDERSCORE_UTF8 = 57539
View Source
const UNDERSCORE_UTF8MB3 = 57541
View Source
const UNDERSCORE_UTF8MB4 = 57540
View Source
const UNICODE = 57682
View Source
const UNION = 57349
View Source
const UNIQUE = 57472
View Source
const UNLOCK = 57376
View Source
const UNSIGNED = 57687
View Source
const UNTHROTTLE = 57627
View Source
const UNUSED = 57800
View Source
const UPDATE = 57354
View Source
const UPGRADE = 57603
View Source
const USE = 57416
View Source
const USER = 57708
View Source
const USER_RESOURCES = 57901
View Source
const USING = 57419
View Source
const UTC_DATE = 57739
View Source
const UTC_TIME = 57740
View Source
const UTC_TIMESTAMP = 57741
View Source
const VALIDATION = 57799
View Source
const VALUE = 57402
View Source
const VALUES = 57399
View Source
const VALUE_ARG = 57438
View Source
const VARBINARY = 57659
View Source
const VARCHAR = 57656
View Source
const VARIABLES = 57605
View Source
const VCPU = 57886
View Source
const VGTID_EXECUTED = 57709
View Source
const VIEW = 57559
View Source
const VINDEX = 57599
View Source
const VINDEXES = 57600
View Source
const VIRTUAL = 57464
View Source
const VISIBLE = 57887
View Source
const VITESS = 57891
View Source
const VITESS_KEYSPACES = 57710
View Source
const VITESS_METADATA = 57711
View Source
const VITESS_MIGRATION = 57621
View Source
View Source
View Source
const VITESS_SHARDS = 57714
View Source
const VITESS_TABLETS = 57715
View Source
const VITESS_TARGET = 57716
View Source
View Source
const VSCHEMA = 57717
View Source
const VSTREAM = 57352
View Source
const WARNINGS = 57606
View Source
const WEEK = 57760
View Source
const WEIGHT_STRING = 57770
View Source
const WHEN = 57481
View Source
const WHERE = 57357
View Source
const WINDOW = 57825
View Source
const WITH = 57795
View Source
const WITHOUT = 57798
View Source
const WORK = 57637
View Source
const WRITE = 57725
View Source
const XOR = 57476
View Source
const YEAR = 57654
View Source
const YEAR_MONTH = 57759
View Source
const ZEROFILL = 57688


View Source
var (
	// TruncateUILen truncate queries in debug UIs to the given length. 0 means unlimited.
	TruncateUILen = flag.Int("sql-max-length-ui", 512, "truncate queries in debug UIs to the given length (default 512)")

	// TruncateErrLen truncate queries in error logs to the given length. 0 means unlimited.
	TruncateErrLen = flag.Int("sql-max-length-errors", 0, "truncate queries in error logs to the given length (default unlimited)")
View Source
var Aggregates = map[string]bool{
	"avg":          true,
	"bit_and":      true,
	"bit_or":       true,
	"bit_xor":      true,
	"count":        true,
	"group_concat": true,
	"max":          true,
	"min":          true,
	"std":          true,
	"stddev_pop":   true,
	"stddev_samp":  true,
	"stddev":       true,
	"sum":          true,
	"var_pop":      true,
	"var_samp":     true,
	"variance":     true,

Aggregates is a map of all aggregate functions.

ErrEmpty is a sentinel error returned when parsing empty statements.

View Source
var MySQLServerVersion = flag.String("mysql_server_version", "", "MySQL server version to advertise.")

MySQLServerVersion is what Vitess will present as it's version during the connection handshake, and as the value to the @@version system variable. If nothing is provided, Vitess will report itself as a specific MySQL version with the vitess version appended to it

View Source
var MySQLVersion = "50709" // default version if nothing else is stated

MySQLVersion is the version of MySQL that the parser would emulate


func AllowScatterDirective

func AllowScatterDirective(stmt Statement) bool

AllowScatterDirective returns true if the allow scatter override is set to true

func Append

func Append(buf *strings.Builder, node SQLNode)

Append appends the SQLNode to the buffer.

func CachePlan

func CachePlan(stmt Statement) bool

CachePlan takes Statement and returns true if the query plan should be cached

func CanNormalize

func CanNormalize(stmt Statement) bool

CanNormalize takes Statement and returns if the statement can be normalized.

func CanonicalString

func CanonicalString(node SQLNode) string

CanonicalString returns a canonical string representation of an SQLNode where all identifiers are always escaped and all SQL syntax is in uppercase. This matches the canonical output from MySQL.

func CloneRefOfBool

func CloneRefOfBool(n *bool) *bool

CloneRefOfBool creates a deep clone of the input.

func CloneRefOfInt

func CloneRefOfInt(n *int) *int

CloneRefOfInt creates a deep clone of the input.

func CloneSliceOfString

func CloneSliceOfString(n []string) []string

CloneSliceOfString creates a deep clone of the input.

func ContainsAggregation

func ContainsAggregation(e SQLNode) bool

ContainsAggregation returns true if the expression contains aggregation

func EqualsAlterOption

func EqualsAlterOption(inA, inB AlterOption) bool

EqualsAlterOption does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsCallable

func EqualsCallable(inA, inB Callable) bool

EqualsCallable does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsCharacteristic

func EqualsCharacteristic(inA, inB Characteristic) bool

EqualsCharacteristic does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsColIdent

func EqualsColIdent(a, b ColIdent) bool

EqualsColIdent does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsColTuple

func EqualsColTuple(inA, inB ColTuple) bool

EqualsColTuple does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsColumnCharset

func EqualsColumnCharset(a, b ColumnCharset) bool

EqualsColumnCharset does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsColumnType

func EqualsColumnType(a, b ColumnType) bool

EqualsColumnType does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsColumns

func EqualsColumns(a, b Columns) bool

EqualsColumns does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsComments

func EqualsComments(a, b Comments) bool

EqualsComments does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsConstraintInfo

func EqualsConstraintInfo(inA, inB ConstraintInfo) bool

EqualsConstraintInfo does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsDBDDLStatement

func EqualsDBDDLStatement(inA, inB DBDDLStatement) bool

EqualsDBDDLStatement does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsDDLStatement

func EqualsDDLStatement(inA, inB DDLStatement) bool

EqualsDDLStatement does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsDatabaseOption

func EqualsDatabaseOption(a, b DatabaseOption) bool

EqualsDatabaseOption does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsExplain

func EqualsExplain(inA, inB Explain) bool

EqualsExplain does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsExpr

func EqualsExpr(inA, inB Expr) bool

EqualsExpr does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsExprs

func EqualsExprs(a, b Exprs) bool

EqualsExprs does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsGroupBy

func EqualsGroupBy(a, b GroupBy) bool

EqualsGroupBy does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsIndexHints

func EqualsIndexHints(a, b IndexHints) bool

EqualsIndexHints does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsInsertRows

func EqualsInsertRows(inA, inB InsertRows) bool

EqualsInsertRows does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsJSONObjectParam

func EqualsJSONObjectParam(a, b JSONObjectParam) bool

EqualsJSONObjectParam does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsJSONPathParam

func EqualsJSONPathParam(inA, inB JSONPathParam) bool

EqualsJSONPathParam does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsOnDup

func EqualsOnDup(a, b OnDup) bool

EqualsOnDup does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsOrderBy

func EqualsOrderBy(a, b OrderBy) bool

EqualsOrderBy does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsPartitions

func EqualsPartitions(a, b Partitions) bool

EqualsPartitions does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfAddColumns

func EqualsRefOfAddColumns(a, b *AddColumns) bool

EqualsRefOfAddColumns does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfAddConstraintDefinition

func EqualsRefOfAddConstraintDefinition(a, b *AddConstraintDefinition) bool

EqualsRefOfAddConstraintDefinition does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfAddIndexDefinition

func EqualsRefOfAddIndexDefinition(a, b *AddIndexDefinition) bool

EqualsRefOfAddIndexDefinition does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfAliasedExpr

func EqualsRefOfAliasedExpr(a, b *AliasedExpr) bool

EqualsRefOfAliasedExpr does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfAliasedTableExpr

func EqualsRefOfAliasedTableExpr(a, b *AliasedTableExpr) bool

EqualsRefOfAliasedTableExpr does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfAlterCharset

func EqualsRefOfAlterCharset(a, b *AlterCharset) bool

EqualsRefOfAlterCharset does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfAlterCheck

func EqualsRefOfAlterCheck(a, b *AlterCheck) bool

EqualsRefOfAlterCheck does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfAlterColumn

func EqualsRefOfAlterColumn(a, b *AlterColumn) bool

EqualsRefOfAlterColumn does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfAlterDatabase

func EqualsRefOfAlterDatabase(a, b *AlterDatabase) bool

EqualsRefOfAlterDatabase does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfAlterIndex

func EqualsRefOfAlterIndex(a, b *AlterIndex) bool

EqualsRefOfAlterIndex does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfAlterMigration

func EqualsRefOfAlterMigration(a, b *AlterMigration) bool

EqualsRefOfAlterMigration does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfAlterTable

func EqualsRefOfAlterTable(a, b *AlterTable) bool

EqualsRefOfAlterTable does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfAlterView

func EqualsRefOfAlterView(a, b *AlterView) bool

EqualsRefOfAlterView does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfAlterVschema

func EqualsRefOfAlterVschema(a, b *AlterVschema) bool

EqualsRefOfAlterVschema does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfAndExpr

func EqualsRefOfAndExpr(a, b *AndExpr) bool

EqualsRefOfAndExpr does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfAutoIncSpec

func EqualsRefOfAutoIncSpec(a, b *AutoIncSpec) bool

EqualsRefOfAutoIncSpec does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfBegin

func EqualsRefOfBegin(a, b *Begin) bool

EqualsRefOfBegin does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfBetweenExpr

func EqualsRefOfBetweenExpr(a, b *BetweenExpr) bool

EqualsRefOfBetweenExpr does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfBinaryExpr

func EqualsRefOfBinaryExpr(a, b *BinaryExpr) bool

EqualsRefOfBinaryExpr does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfBool

func EqualsRefOfBool(a, b *bool) bool

EqualsRefOfBool does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfCallProc

func EqualsRefOfCallProc(a, b *CallProc) bool

EqualsRefOfCallProc does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfCaseExpr

func EqualsRefOfCaseExpr(a, b *CaseExpr) bool

EqualsRefOfCaseExpr does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfChangeColumn

func EqualsRefOfChangeColumn(a, b *ChangeColumn) bool

EqualsRefOfChangeColumn does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfCheckConstraintDefinition

func EqualsRefOfCheckConstraintDefinition(a, b *CheckConstraintDefinition) bool

EqualsRefOfCheckConstraintDefinition does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfColIdent

func EqualsRefOfColIdent(a, b *ColIdent) bool

EqualsRefOfColIdent does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfColName

func EqualsRefOfColName(a, b *ColName) bool

EqualsRefOfColName does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfCollateExpr

func EqualsRefOfCollateExpr(a, b *CollateExpr) bool

EqualsRefOfCollateExpr does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfColumnCharset

func EqualsRefOfColumnCharset(a, b *ColumnCharset) bool

EqualsRefOfColumnCharset does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfColumnDefinition

func EqualsRefOfColumnDefinition(a, b *ColumnDefinition) bool

EqualsRefOfColumnDefinition does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfColumnType

func EqualsRefOfColumnType(a, b *ColumnType) bool

EqualsRefOfColumnType does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfColumnTypeOptions

func EqualsRefOfColumnTypeOptions(a, b *ColumnTypeOptions) bool

EqualsRefOfColumnTypeOptions does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfCommit

func EqualsRefOfCommit(a, b *Commit) bool

EqualsRefOfCommit does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfCommonTableExpr

func EqualsRefOfCommonTableExpr(a, b *CommonTableExpr) bool

EqualsRefOfCommonTableExpr does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfComparisonExpr

func EqualsRefOfComparisonExpr(a, b *ComparisonExpr) bool

EqualsRefOfComparisonExpr does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfConstraintDefinition

func EqualsRefOfConstraintDefinition(a, b *ConstraintDefinition) bool

EqualsRefOfConstraintDefinition does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfConvertExpr

func EqualsRefOfConvertExpr(a, b *ConvertExpr) bool

EqualsRefOfConvertExpr does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfConvertType

func EqualsRefOfConvertType(a, b *ConvertType) bool

EqualsRefOfConvertType does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfConvertUsingExpr

func EqualsRefOfConvertUsingExpr(a, b *ConvertUsingExpr) bool

EqualsRefOfConvertUsingExpr does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfCreateDatabase

func EqualsRefOfCreateDatabase(a, b *CreateDatabase) bool

EqualsRefOfCreateDatabase does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfCreateTable

func EqualsRefOfCreateTable(a, b *CreateTable) bool

EqualsRefOfCreateTable does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfCreateView

func EqualsRefOfCreateView(a, b *CreateView) bool

EqualsRefOfCreateView does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfCurTimeFuncExpr

func EqualsRefOfCurTimeFuncExpr(a, b *CurTimeFuncExpr) bool

EqualsRefOfCurTimeFuncExpr does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfDatabaseOption

func EqualsRefOfDatabaseOption(a, b *DatabaseOption) bool

EqualsRefOfDatabaseOption does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfDeallocateStmt

func EqualsRefOfDeallocateStmt(a, b *DeallocateStmt) bool

EqualsRefOfDeallocateStmt does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfDefault

func EqualsRefOfDefault(a, b *Default) bool

EqualsRefOfDefault does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfDefiner

func EqualsRefOfDefiner(a, b *Definer) bool

EqualsRefOfDefiner does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfDelete

func EqualsRefOfDelete(a, b *Delete) bool

EqualsRefOfDelete does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfDerivedTable

func EqualsRefOfDerivedTable(a, b *DerivedTable) bool

EqualsRefOfDerivedTable does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfDropColumn

func EqualsRefOfDropColumn(a, b *DropColumn) bool

EqualsRefOfDropColumn does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfDropDatabase

func EqualsRefOfDropDatabase(a, b *DropDatabase) bool

EqualsRefOfDropDatabase does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfDropKey

func EqualsRefOfDropKey(a, b *DropKey) bool

EqualsRefOfDropKey does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfDropTable

func EqualsRefOfDropTable(a, b *DropTable) bool

EqualsRefOfDropTable does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfDropView

func EqualsRefOfDropView(a, b *DropView) bool

EqualsRefOfDropView does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfExecuteStmt

func EqualsRefOfExecuteStmt(a, b *ExecuteStmt) bool

EqualsRefOfExecuteStmt does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfExistsExpr

func EqualsRefOfExistsExpr(a, b *ExistsExpr) bool

EqualsRefOfExistsExpr does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfExplainStmt

func EqualsRefOfExplainStmt(a, b *ExplainStmt) bool

EqualsRefOfExplainStmt does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfExplainTab

func EqualsRefOfExplainTab(a, b *ExplainTab) bool

EqualsRefOfExplainTab does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfExtractFuncExpr

func EqualsRefOfExtractFuncExpr(a, b *ExtractFuncExpr) bool

EqualsRefOfExtractFuncExpr does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfExtractedSubquery

func EqualsRefOfExtractedSubquery(a, b *ExtractedSubquery) bool

EqualsRefOfExtractedSubquery does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfFlush

func EqualsRefOfFlush(a, b *Flush) bool

EqualsRefOfFlush does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfForce

func EqualsRefOfForce(a, b *Force) bool

EqualsRefOfForce does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfForeignKeyDefinition

func EqualsRefOfForeignKeyDefinition(a, b *ForeignKeyDefinition) bool

EqualsRefOfForeignKeyDefinition does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfFuncExpr

func EqualsRefOfFuncExpr(a, b *FuncExpr) bool

EqualsRefOfFuncExpr does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfGroupConcatExpr

func EqualsRefOfGroupConcatExpr(a, b *GroupConcatExpr) bool

EqualsRefOfGroupConcatExpr does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfIndexColumn

func EqualsRefOfIndexColumn(a, b *IndexColumn) bool

EqualsRefOfIndexColumn does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfIndexDefinition

func EqualsRefOfIndexDefinition(a, b *IndexDefinition) bool

EqualsRefOfIndexDefinition does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfIndexHint

func EqualsRefOfIndexHint(a, b *IndexHint) bool

EqualsRefOfIndexHint does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfIndexInfo

func EqualsRefOfIndexInfo(a, b *IndexInfo) bool

EqualsRefOfIndexInfo does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfIndexOption

func EqualsRefOfIndexOption(a, b *IndexOption) bool

EqualsRefOfIndexOption does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfInsert

func EqualsRefOfInsert(a, b *Insert) bool

EqualsRefOfInsert does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfInt

func EqualsRefOfInt(a, b *int) bool

EqualsRefOfInt does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfIntervalExpr

func EqualsRefOfIntervalExpr(a, b *IntervalExpr) bool

EqualsRefOfIntervalExpr does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfIntroducerExpr

func EqualsRefOfIntroducerExpr(a, b *IntroducerExpr) bool

EqualsRefOfIntroducerExpr does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfIsExpr

func EqualsRefOfIsExpr(a, b *IsExpr) bool

EqualsRefOfIsExpr does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfJSONArrayExpr

func EqualsRefOfJSONArrayExpr(a, b *JSONArrayExpr) bool

EqualsRefOfJSONArrayExpr does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfJSONAttributesExpr

func EqualsRefOfJSONAttributesExpr(a, b *JSONAttributesExpr) bool

EqualsRefOfJSONAttributesExpr does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfJSONContainsExpr

func EqualsRefOfJSONContainsExpr(a, b *JSONContainsExpr) bool

EqualsRefOfJSONContainsExpr does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfJSONContainsPathExpr

func EqualsRefOfJSONContainsPathExpr(a, b *JSONContainsPathExpr) bool

EqualsRefOfJSONContainsPathExpr does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfJSONExtractExpr

func EqualsRefOfJSONExtractExpr(a, b *JSONExtractExpr) bool

EqualsRefOfJSONExtractExpr does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfJSONKeysExpr

func EqualsRefOfJSONKeysExpr(a, b *JSONKeysExpr) bool

EqualsRefOfJSONKeysExpr does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfJSONObjectExpr

func EqualsRefOfJSONObjectExpr(a, b *JSONObjectExpr) bool

EqualsRefOfJSONObjectExpr does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfJSONObjectParam

func EqualsRefOfJSONObjectParam(a, b *JSONObjectParam) bool

EqualsRefOfJSONObjectParam does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfJSONOverlapsExpr

func EqualsRefOfJSONOverlapsExpr(a, b *JSONOverlapsExpr) bool

EqualsRefOfJSONOverlapsExpr does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfJSONPrettyExpr

func EqualsRefOfJSONPrettyExpr(a, b *JSONPrettyExpr) bool

EqualsRefOfJSONPrettyExpr does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfJSONQuoteExpr

func EqualsRefOfJSONQuoteExpr(a, b *JSONQuoteExpr) bool

EqualsRefOfJSONQuoteExpr does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfJSONRemoveExpr

func EqualsRefOfJSONRemoveExpr(a, b *JSONRemoveExpr) bool

EqualsRefOfJSONRemoveExpr does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfJSONSchemaValidFuncExpr

func EqualsRefOfJSONSchemaValidFuncExpr(a, b *JSONSchemaValidFuncExpr) bool

EqualsRefOfJSONSchemaValidFuncExpr does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfJSONSchemaValidationReportFuncExpr

func EqualsRefOfJSONSchemaValidationReportFuncExpr(a, b *JSONSchemaValidationReportFuncExpr) bool

EqualsRefOfJSONSchemaValidationReportFuncExpr does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfJSONSearchExpr

func EqualsRefOfJSONSearchExpr(a, b *JSONSearchExpr) bool

EqualsRefOfJSONSearchExpr does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfJSONStorageFreeExpr

func EqualsRefOfJSONStorageFreeExpr(a, b *JSONStorageFreeExpr) bool

EqualsRefOfJSONStorageFreeExpr does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfJSONStorageSizeExpr

func EqualsRefOfJSONStorageSizeExpr(a, b *JSONStorageSizeExpr) bool

EqualsRefOfJSONStorageSizeExpr does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfJSONTableExpr

func EqualsRefOfJSONTableExpr(a, b *JSONTableExpr) bool

EqualsRefOfJSONTableExpr does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfJSONUnquoteExpr

func EqualsRefOfJSONUnquoteExpr(a, b *JSONUnquoteExpr) bool

EqualsRefOfJSONUnquoteExpr does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfJSONValueExpr

func EqualsRefOfJSONValueExpr(a, b *JSONValueExpr) bool

EqualsRefOfJSONValueExpr does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfJSONValueMergeExpr

func EqualsRefOfJSONValueMergeExpr(a, b *JSONValueMergeExpr) bool

EqualsRefOfJSONValueMergeExpr does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfJSONValueModifierExpr

func EqualsRefOfJSONValueModifierExpr(a, b *JSONValueModifierExpr) bool

EqualsRefOfJSONValueModifierExpr does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfJoinCondition

func EqualsRefOfJoinCondition(a, b *JoinCondition) bool

EqualsRefOfJoinCondition does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfJoinTableExpr

func EqualsRefOfJoinTableExpr(a, b *JoinTableExpr) bool

EqualsRefOfJoinTableExpr does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfJtColumnDefinition

func EqualsRefOfJtColumnDefinition(a, b *JtColumnDefinition) bool

EqualsRefOfJtColumnDefinition does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfJtNestedPathColDef

func EqualsRefOfJtNestedPathColDef(a, b *JtNestedPathColDef) bool

EqualsRefOfJtNestedPathColDef does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfJtOnResponse

func EqualsRefOfJtOnResponse(a, b *JtOnResponse) bool

EqualsRefOfJtOnResponse does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfJtOrdinalColDef

func EqualsRefOfJtOrdinalColDef(a, b *JtOrdinalColDef) bool

EqualsRefOfJtOrdinalColDef does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfJtPathColDef

func EqualsRefOfJtPathColDef(a, b *JtPathColDef) bool

EqualsRefOfJtPathColDef does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfKeyState

func EqualsRefOfKeyState(a, b *KeyState) bool

EqualsRefOfKeyState does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfLimit

func EqualsRefOfLimit(a, b *Limit) bool

EqualsRefOfLimit does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfLiteral

func EqualsRefOfLiteral(a, b *Literal) bool

EqualsRefOfLiteral does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfLoad

func EqualsRefOfLoad(a, b *Load) bool

EqualsRefOfLoad does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfLockOption

func EqualsRefOfLockOption(a, b *LockOption) bool

EqualsRefOfLockOption does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfLockTables

func EqualsRefOfLockTables(a, b *LockTables) bool

EqualsRefOfLockTables does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfMatchExpr

func EqualsRefOfMatchExpr(a, b *MatchExpr) bool

EqualsRefOfMatchExpr does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfMemberOfExpr

func EqualsRefOfMemberOfExpr(a, b *MemberOfExpr) bool

EqualsRefOfMemberOfExpr does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfModifyColumn

func EqualsRefOfModifyColumn(a, b *ModifyColumn) bool

EqualsRefOfModifyColumn does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfNextval

func EqualsRefOfNextval(a, b *Nextval) bool

EqualsRefOfNextval does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfNotExpr

func EqualsRefOfNotExpr(a, b *NotExpr) bool

EqualsRefOfNotExpr does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfNullVal

func EqualsRefOfNullVal(a, b *NullVal) bool

EqualsRefOfNullVal does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfOptLike

func EqualsRefOfOptLike(a, b *OptLike) bool

EqualsRefOfOptLike does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfOrExpr

func EqualsRefOfOrExpr(a, b *OrExpr) bool

EqualsRefOfOrExpr does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfOrder

func EqualsRefOfOrder(a, b *Order) bool

EqualsRefOfOrder does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfOrderByOption

func EqualsRefOfOrderByOption(a, b *OrderByOption) bool

EqualsRefOfOrderByOption does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfOtherAdmin

func EqualsRefOfOtherAdmin(a, b *OtherAdmin) bool

EqualsRefOfOtherAdmin does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfOtherRead

func EqualsRefOfOtherRead(a, b *OtherRead) bool

EqualsRefOfOtherRead does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfParenTableExpr

func EqualsRefOfParenTableExpr(a, b *ParenTableExpr) bool

EqualsRefOfParenTableExpr does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfParsedComments

func EqualsRefOfParsedComments(a, b *ParsedComments) bool

EqualsRefOfParsedComments does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfPartitionDefinition

func EqualsRefOfPartitionDefinition(a, b *PartitionDefinition) bool

EqualsRefOfPartitionDefinition does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfPartitionDefinitionOptions

func EqualsRefOfPartitionDefinitionOptions(a, b *PartitionDefinitionOptions) bool

EqualsRefOfPartitionDefinitionOptions does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfPartitionEngine

func EqualsRefOfPartitionEngine(a, b *PartitionEngine) bool

EqualsRefOfPartitionEngine does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfPartitionOption

func EqualsRefOfPartitionOption(a, b *PartitionOption) bool

EqualsRefOfPartitionOption does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfPartitionSpec

func EqualsRefOfPartitionSpec(a, b *PartitionSpec) bool

EqualsRefOfPartitionSpec does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfPartitionValueRange

func EqualsRefOfPartitionValueRange(a, b *PartitionValueRange) bool

EqualsRefOfPartitionValueRange does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfPrepareStmt

func EqualsRefOfPrepareStmt(a, b *PrepareStmt) bool

EqualsRefOfPrepareStmt does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfReferenceDefinition

func EqualsRefOfReferenceDefinition(a, b *ReferenceDefinition) bool

EqualsRefOfReferenceDefinition does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfRelease

func EqualsRefOfRelease(a, b *Release) bool

EqualsRefOfRelease does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfRenameIndex

func EqualsRefOfRenameIndex(a, b *RenameIndex) bool

EqualsRefOfRenameIndex does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfRenameTable

func EqualsRefOfRenameTable(a, b *RenameTable) bool

EqualsRefOfRenameTable does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfRenameTableName

func EqualsRefOfRenameTableName(a, b *RenameTableName) bool

EqualsRefOfRenameTableName does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfRenameTablePair

func EqualsRefOfRenameTablePair(a, b *RenameTablePair) bool

EqualsRefOfRenameTablePair does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfRevertMigration

func EqualsRefOfRevertMigration(a, b *RevertMigration) bool

EqualsRefOfRevertMigration does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfRollback

func EqualsRefOfRollback(a, b *Rollback) bool

EqualsRefOfRollback does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfRootNode

func EqualsRefOfRootNode(a, b *RootNode) bool

EqualsRefOfRootNode does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfSRollback

func EqualsRefOfSRollback(a, b *SRollback) bool

EqualsRefOfSRollback does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfSavepoint

func EqualsRefOfSavepoint(a, b *Savepoint) bool

EqualsRefOfSavepoint does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfSelect

func EqualsRefOfSelect(a, b *Select) bool

EqualsRefOfSelect does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfSelectInto

func EqualsRefOfSelectInto(a, b *SelectInto) bool

EqualsRefOfSelectInto does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfSet

func EqualsRefOfSet(a, b *Set) bool

EqualsRefOfSet does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfSetExpr

func EqualsRefOfSetExpr(a, b *SetExpr) bool

EqualsRefOfSetExpr does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfSetTransaction

func EqualsRefOfSetTransaction(a, b *SetTransaction) bool

EqualsRefOfSetTransaction does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfShow

func EqualsRefOfShow(a, b *Show) bool

EqualsRefOfShow does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfShowBasic

func EqualsRefOfShowBasic(a, b *ShowBasic) bool

EqualsRefOfShowBasic does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfShowCreate

func EqualsRefOfShowCreate(a, b *ShowCreate) bool

EqualsRefOfShowCreate does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfShowFilter

func EqualsRefOfShowFilter(a, b *ShowFilter) bool

EqualsRefOfShowFilter does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfShowMigrationLogs

func EqualsRefOfShowMigrationLogs(a, b *ShowMigrationLogs) bool

EqualsRefOfShowMigrationLogs does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfShowOther

func EqualsRefOfShowOther(a, b *ShowOther) bool

EqualsRefOfShowOther does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfShowThrottledApps

func EqualsRefOfShowThrottledApps(a, b *ShowThrottledApps) bool

EqualsRefOfShowThrottledApps does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfStarExpr

func EqualsRefOfStarExpr(a, b *StarExpr) bool

EqualsRefOfStarExpr does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfStream

func EqualsRefOfStream(a, b *Stream) bool

EqualsRefOfStream does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfSubPartition

func EqualsRefOfSubPartition(a, b *SubPartition) bool

EqualsRefOfSubPartition does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfSubPartitionDefinition

func EqualsRefOfSubPartitionDefinition(a, b *SubPartitionDefinition) bool

EqualsRefOfSubPartitionDefinition does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfSubPartitionDefinitionOptions

func EqualsRefOfSubPartitionDefinitionOptions(a, b *SubPartitionDefinitionOptions) bool

EqualsRefOfSubPartitionDefinitionOptions does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfSubquery

func EqualsRefOfSubquery(a, b *Subquery) bool

EqualsRefOfSubquery does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfSubstrExpr

func EqualsRefOfSubstrExpr(a, b *SubstrExpr) bool

EqualsRefOfSubstrExpr does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfTableAndLockType

func EqualsRefOfTableAndLockType(a, b *TableAndLockType) bool

EqualsRefOfTableAndLockType does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfTableIdent

func EqualsRefOfTableIdent(a, b *TableIdent) bool

EqualsRefOfTableIdent does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfTableName

func EqualsRefOfTableName(a, b *TableName) bool

EqualsRefOfTableName does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfTableOption

func EqualsRefOfTableOption(a, b *TableOption) bool

EqualsRefOfTableOption does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfTableSpec

func EqualsRefOfTableSpec(a, b *TableSpec) bool

EqualsRefOfTableSpec does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfTablespaceOperation

func EqualsRefOfTablespaceOperation(a, b *TablespaceOperation) bool

EqualsRefOfTablespaceOperation does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfTimestampFuncExpr

func EqualsRefOfTimestampFuncExpr(a, b *TimestampFuncExpr) bool

EqualsRefOfTimestampFuncExpr does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfTrimFuncExpr

func EqualsRefOfTrimFuncExpr(a, b *TrimFuncExpr) bool

EqualsRefOfTrimFuncExpr does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfTruncateTable

func EqualsRefOfTruncateTable(a, b *TruncateTable) bool

EqualsRefOfTruncateTable does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfUnaryExpr

func EqualsRefOfUnaryExpr(a, b *UnaryExpr) bool

EqualsRefOfUnaryExpr does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfUnion

func EqualsRefOfUnion(a, b *Union) bool

EqualsRefOfUnion does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfUnlockTables

func EqualsRefOfUnlockTables(a, b *UnlockTables) bool

EqualsRefOfUnlockTables does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfUpdate

func EqualsRefOfUpdate(a, b *Update) bool

EqualsRefOfUpdate does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfUpdateExpr

func EqualsRefOfUpdateExpr(a, b *UpdateExpr) bool

EqualsRefOfUpdateExpr does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfUse

func EqualsRefOfUse(a, b *Use) bool

EqualsRefOfUse does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfVStream

func EqualsRefOfVStream(a, b *VStream) bool

EqualsRefOfVStream does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfValidation

func EqualsRefOfValidation(a, b *Validation) bool

EqualsRefOfValidation does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfValuesFuncExpr

func EqualsRefOfValuesFuncExpr(a, b *ValuesFuncExpr) bool

EqualsRefOfValuesFuncExpr does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfVindexParam

func EqualsRefOfVindexParam(a, b *VindexParam) bool

EqualsRefOfVindexParam does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfVindexSpec

func EqualsRefOfVindexSpec(a, b *VindexSpec) bool

EqualsRefOfVindexSpec does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfWeightStringFuncExpr

func EqualsRefOfWeightStringFuncExpr(a, b *WeightStringFuncExpr) bool

EqualsRefOfWeightStringFuncExpr does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfWhen

func EqualsRefOfWhen(a, b *When) bool

EqualsRefOfWhen does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfWhere

func EqualsRefOfWhere(a, b *Where) bool

EqualsRefOfWhere does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfWith

func EqualsRefOfWith(a, b *With) bool

EqualsRefOfWith does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRefOfXorExpr

func EqualsRefOfXorExpr(a, b *XorExpr) bool

EqualsRefOfXorExpr does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsRootNode

func EqualsRootNode(a, b RootNode) bool

EqualsRootNode does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsSQLNode

func EqualsSQLNode(inA, inB SQLNode) bool

EqualsSQLNode does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsSelectExpr

func EqualsSelectExpr(inA, inB SelectExpr) bool

EqualsSelectExpr does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsSelectExprs

func EqualsSelectExprs(a, b SelectExprs) bool

EqualsSelectExprs does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsSelectStatement

func EqualsSelectStatement(inA, inB SelectStatement) bool

EqualsSelectStatement does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsSetExprs

func EqualsSetExprs(a, b SetExprs) bool

EqualsSetExprs does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsShowInternal

func EqualsShowInternal(inA, inB ShowInternal) bool

EqualsShowInternal does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsSimpleTableExpr

func EqualsSimpleTableExpr(inA, inB SimpleTableExpr) bool

EqualsSimpleTableExpr does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsSliceOfAlterOption

func EqualsSliceOfAlterOption(a, b []AlterOption) bool

EqualsSliceOfAlterOption does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsSliceOfCharacteristic

func EqualsSliceOfCharacteristic(a, b []Characteristic) bool

EqualsSliceOfCharacteristic does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsSliceOfColIdent

func EqualsSliceOfColIdent(a, b []ColIdent) bool

EqualsSliceOfColIdent does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsSliceOfDatabaseOption

func EqualsSliceOfDatabaseOption(a, b []DatabaseOption) bool

EqualsSliceOfDatabaseOption does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsSliceOfJSONPathParam

func EqualsSliceOfJSONPathParam(a, b []JSONPathParam) bool

EqualsSliceOfJSONPathParam does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsSliceOfRefOfColumnDefinition

func EqualsSliceOfRefOfColumnDefinition(a, b []*ColumnDefinition) bool

EqualsSliceOfRefOfColumnDefinition does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsSliceOfRefOfCommonTableExpr

func EqualsSliceOfRefOfCommonTableExpr(a, b []*CommonTableExpr) bool

EqualsSliceOfRefOfCommonTableExpr does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsSliceOfRefOfConstraintDefinition

func EqualsSliceOfRefOfConstraintDefinition(a, b []*ConstraintDefinition) bool

EqualsSliceOfRefOfConstraintDefinition does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsSliceOfRefOfIndexColumn

func EqualsSliceOfRefOfIndexColumn(a, b []*IndexColumn) bool

EqualsSliceOfRefOfIndexColumn does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsSliceOfRefOfIndexDefinition

func EqualsSliceOfRefOfIndexDefinition(a, b []*IndexDefinition) bool

EqualsSliceOfRefOfIndexDefinition does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsSliceOfRefOfIndexOption

func EqualsSliceOfRefOfIndexOption(a, b []*IndexOption) bool

EqualsSliceOfRefOfIndexOption does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsSliceOfRefOfJSONObjectParam

func EqualsSliceOfRefOfJSONObjectParam(a, b []*JSONObjectParam) bool

EqualsSliceOfRefOfJSONObjectParam does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsSliceOfRefOfJtColumnDefinition

func EqualsSliceOfRefOfJtColumnDefinition(a, b []*JtColumnDefinition) bool

EqualsSliceOfRefOfJtColumnDefinition does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsSliceOfRefOfPartitionDefinition

func EqualsSliceOfRefOfPartitionDefinition(a, b []*PartitionDefinition) bool

EqualsSliceOfRefOfPartitionDefinition does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsSliceOfRefOfRenameTablePair

func EqualsSliceOfRefOfRenameTablePair(a, b []*RenameTablePair) bool

EqualsSliceOfRefOfRenameTablePair does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsSliceOfRefOfWhen

func EqualsSliceOfRefOfWhen(a, b []*When) bool

EqualsSliceOfRefOfWhen does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsSliceOfString

func EqualsSliceOfString(a, b []string) bool

EqualsSliceOfString does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsSliceOfTableExpr

func EqualsSliceOfTableExpr(a, b []TableExpr) bool

EqualsSliceOfTableExpr does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsSliceOfVindexParam

func EqualsSliceOfVindexParam(a, b []VindexParam) bool

EqualsSliceOfVindexParam does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsStatement

func EqualsStatement(inA, inB Statement) bool

EqualsStatement does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsSubPartitionDefinitions

func EqualsSubPartitionDefinitions(a, b SubPartitionDefinitions) bool

EqualsSubPartitionDefinitions does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsTableAndLockTypes

func EqualsTableAndLockTypes(a, b TableAndLockTypes) bool

EqualsTableAndLockTypes does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsTableExpr

func EqualsTableExpr(inA, inB TableExpr) bool

EqualsTableExpr does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsTableExprs

func EqualsTableExprs(a, b TableExprs) bool

EqualsTableExprs does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsTableIdent

func EqualsTableIdent(a, b TableIdent) bool

EqualsTableIdent does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsTableName

func EqualsTableName(a, b TableName) bool

EqualsTableName does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsTableNames

func EqualsTableNames(a, b TableNames) bool

EqualsTableNames does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsTableOptions

func EqualsTableOptions(a, b TableOptions) bool

EqualsTableOptions does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsUpdateExprs

func EqualsUpdateExprs(a, b UpdateExprs) bool

EqualsUpdateExprs does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsValTuple

func EqualsValTuple(a, b ValTuple) bool

EqualsValTuple does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsValues

func EqualsValues(a, b Values) bool

EqualsValues does deep equals between the two objects.

func EqualsVindexParam

func EqualsVindexParam(a, b VindexParam) bool

EqualsVindexParam does deep equals between the two objects.

func ExtractMysqlComment

func ExtractMysqlComment(sql string) (string, string)

ExtractMysqlComment extracts the version and SQL from a comment-only query such as /*!50708 sql here */

func IgnoreMaxMaxMemoryRowsDirective

func IgnoreMaxMaxMemoryRowsDirective(stmt Statement) bool

IgnoreMaxMaxMemoryRowsDirective returns true if the max memory rows override directive is set to true.

func IgnoreMaxPayloadSizeDirective

func IgnoreMaxPayloadSizeDirective(stmt Statement) bool

IgnoreMaxPayloadSizeDirective returns true if the max payload size override directive is set to true.

func IsAggregation

func IsAggregation(node SQLNode) bool

IsAggregation returns true if the node is an aggregation expression

func IsColName

func IsColName(node Expr) bool

IsColName returns true if the Expr is a *ColName.

func IsDML

func IsDML(sql string) bool

IsDML returns true if the query is an INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE statement.

func IsDMLStatement

func IsDMLStatement(stmt Statement) bool

IsDMLStatement returns true if the query is an INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE statement.

func IsLockingFunc

func IsLockingFunc(node Expr) bool

IsLockingFunc returns true for all functions that are used to work with mysql advisory locks

func IsMySQL80AndAbove

func IsMySQL80AndAbove() bool

func IsNull

func IsNull(node Expr) bool

IsNull returns true if the Expr is SQL NULL

func IsSimpleTuple

func IsSimpleTuple(node Expr) bool

IsSimpleTuple returns true if the Expr is a ValTuple that contains simple values or if it's a list arg.

func IsValue

func IsValue(node Expr) bool

IsValue returns true if the Expr is a string, integral or value arg. NULL is not considered to be a value.

func KeywordString

func KeywordString(id int) string

KeywordString returns the string corresponding to the given keyword

func LikeToRegexp

func LikeToRegexp(likeExpr string) *regexp.Regexp

LikeToRegexp converts a like sql expression to regular expression

func MultiShardAutocommitDirective

func MultiShardAutocommitDirective(stmt Statement) bool

MultiShardAutocommitDirective returns true if multishard autocommit directive is set to true in query.

func MustRewriteAST

func MustRewriteAST(stmt Statement, hasSelectLimit bool) bool

MustRewriteAST takes Statement and returns true if RewriteAST must run on it for correct execution irrespective of user flags.

func Parse2

func Parse2(sql string) (Statement, BindVars, error)

Parse2 parses the SQL in full and returns a Statement, which is the AST representation of the query, and a set of BindVars, which are all the bind variables that were found in the original SQL query. If a DDL statement is partially parsed but still contains a syntax error, the error is ignored and the DDL is returned anyway.

func ParseTable

func ParseTable(input string) (keyspace, table string, err error)

ParseTable parses the input as a qualified table name. It handles all valid literal escaping.

func ParseTokenizer

func ParseTokenizer(tokenizer *Tokenizer) int

ParseTokenizer is a raw interface to parse from the given tokenizer. This does not used pooled parsers, and should not be used in general.

func SkipQueryPlanCacheDirective

func SkipQueryPlanCacheDirective(stmt Statement) bool

SkipQueryPlanCacheDirective returns true if skip query plan cache directive is set to true in query.

func SplitStatement

func SplitStatement(blob string) (string, string, error)

SplitStatement returns the first sql statement up to either a ; or EOF and the remainder from the given buffer

func SplitStatementToPieces

func SplitStatementToPieces(blob string) (pieces []string, err error)

SplitStatementToPieces split raw sql statement that may have multi sql pieces to sql pieces returns the sql pieces blob contains; or error if sql cannot be parsed

func String

func String(node SQLNode) string

String returns a string representation of an SQLNode.

func StripLeadingComments

func StripLeadingComments(sql string) string

StripLeadingComments trims the SQL string and removes any leading comments

func ToString

func ToString(exprs []TableExpr) string

ToString prints the list of table expressions as a string To be used as an alternate for String for []TableExpr

func TruncateForLog

func TruncateForLog(query string) string

TruncateForLog is used when displaying queries as part of error logs to avoid overwhelming logging systems with potentially long queries and bind value data.

func TruncateForUI

func TruncateForUI(query string) string

TruncateForUI is used when displaying queries on various Vitess status pages to keep the pages small enough to load and render properly

func VisitAccessMode

func VisitAccessMode(in AccessMode, f Visit) error

func VisitAlgorithmValue

func VisitAlgorithmValue(in AlgorithmValue, f Visit) error

func VisitAlterOption

func VisitAlterOption(in AlterOption, f Visit) error

func VisitArgument

func VisitArgument(in Argument, f Visit) error

func VisitBoolVal

func VisitBoolVal(in BoolVal, f Visit) error

func VisitCallable

func VisitCallable(in Callable, f Visit) error

func VisitCharacteristic

func VisitCharacteristic(in Characteristic, f Visit) error

func VisitColIdent

func VisitColIdent(in ColIdent, f Visit) error

func VisitColTuple

func VisitColTuple(in ColTuple, f Visit) error

func VisitColumns

func VisitColumns(in Columns, f Visit) error

func VisitConstraintInfo

func VisitConstraintInfo(in ConstraintInfo, f Visit) error

func VisitDBDDLStatement

func VisitDBDDLStatement(in DBDDLStatement, f Visit) error

func VisitDDLStatement

func VisitDDLStatement(in DDLStatement, f Visit) error

func VisitExplain

func VisitExplain(in Explain, f Visit) error

func VisitExpr

func VisitExpr(in Expr, f Visit) error

func VisitExprs

func VisitExprs(in Exprs, f Visit) error

func VisitGroupBy

func VisitGroupBy(in GroupBy, f Visit) error

func VisitIndexHints

func VisitIndexHints(in IndexHints, f Visit) error

func VisitInsertRows

func VisitInsertRows(in InsertRows, f Visit) error

func VisitIsolationLevel

func VisitIsolationLevel(in IsolationLevel, f Visit) error

func VisitJSONObjectParam

func VisitJSONObjectParam(in JSONObjectParam, f Visit) error

func VisitJSONPathParam

func VisitJSONPathParam(in JSONPathParam, f Visit) error

func VisitListArg

func VisitListArg(in ListArg, f Visit) error

func VisitMatchAction

func VisitMatchAction(in MatchAction, f Visit) error

func VisitOffset

func VisitOffset(in Offset, f Visit) error

func VisitOnDup

func VisitOnDup(in OnDup, f Visit) error

func VisitOrderBy

func VisitOrderBy(in OrderBy, f Visit) error

func VisitPartitions

func VisitPartitions(in Partitions, f Visit) error

func VisitRefOfAddColumns

func VisitRefOfAddColumns(in *AddColumns, f Visit) error

func VisitRefOfAddConstraintDefinition

func VisitRefOfAddConstraintDefinition(in *AddConstraintDefinition, f Visit) error

func VisitRefOfAddIndexDefinition

func VisitRefOfAddIndexDefinition(in *AddIndexDefinition, f Visit) error

func VisitRefOfAliasedExpr

func VisitRefOfAliasedExpr(in *AliasedExpr, f Visit) error

func VisitRefOfAliasedTableExpr

func VisitRefOfAliasedTableExpr(in *AliasedTableExpr, f Visit) error

func VisitRefOfAlterCharset

func VisitRefOfAlterCharset(in *AlterCharset, f Visit) error

func VisitRefOfAlterCheck

func VisitRefOfAlterCheck(in *AlterCheck, f Visit) error

func VisitRefOfAlterColumn

func VisitRefOfAlterColumn(in *AlterColumn, f Visit) error

func VisitRefOfAlterDatabase

func VisitRefOfAlterDatabase(in *AlterDatabase, f Visit) error

func VisitRefOfAlterIndex

func VisitRefOfAlterIndex(in *AlterIndex, f Visit) error

func VisitRefOfAlterMigration

func VisitRefOfAlterMigration(in *AlterMigration, f Visit) error

func VisitRefOfAlterTable

func VisitRefOfAlterTable(in *AlterTable, f Visit) error

func VisitRefOfAlterView

func VisitRefOfAlterView(in *AlterView, f Visit) error

func VisitRefOfAlterVschema

func VisitRefOfAlterVschema(in *AlterVschema, f Visit) error

func VisitRefOfAndExpr

func VisitRefOfAndExpr(in *AndExpr, f Visit) error

func VisitRefOfAutoIncSpec

func VisitRefOfAutoIncSpec(in *AutoIncSpec, f Visit) error

func VisitRefOfBegin

func VisitRefOfBegin(in *Begin, f Visit) error

func VisitRefOfBetweenExpr

func VisitRefOfBetweenExpr(in *BetweenExpr, f Visit) error

func VisitRefOfBinaryExpr

func VisitRefOfBinaryExpr(in *BinaryExpr, f Visit) error

func VisitRefOfCallProc

func VisitRefOfCallProc(in *CallProc, f Visit) error

func VisitRefOfCaseExpr

func VisitRefOfCaseExpr(in *CaseExpr, f Visit) error

func VisitRefOfChangeColumn

func VisitRefOfChangeColumn(in *ChangeColumn, f Visit) error

func VisitRefOfCheckConstraintDefinition

func VisitRefOfCheckConstraintDefinition(in *CheckConstraintDefinition, f Visit) error

func VisitRefOfColIdent

func VisitRefOfColIdent(in *ColIdent, f Visit) error

func VisitRefOfColName

func VisitRefOfColName(in *ColName, f Visit) error

func VisitRefOfCollateExpr

func VisitRefOfCollateExpr(in *CollateExpr, f Visit) error

func VisitRefOfColumnDefinition

func VisitRefOfColumnDefinition(in *ColumnDefinition, f Visit) error

func VisitRefOfColumnType

func VisitRefOfColumnType(in *ColumnType, f Visit) error

func VisitRefOfCommit

func VisitRefOfCommit(in *Commit, f Visit) error

func VisitRefOfCommonTableExpr

func VisitRefOfCommonTableExpr(in *CommonTableExpr, f Visit) error

func VisitRefOfComparisonExpr

func VisitRefOfComparisonExpr(in *ComparisonExpr, f Visit) error

func VisitRefOfConstraintDefinition

func VisitRefOfConstraintDefinition(in *ConstraintDefinition, f Visit) error

func VisitRefOfConvertExpr

func VisitRefOfConvertExpr(in *ConvertExpr, f Visit) error

func VisitRefOfConvertType

func VisitRefOfConvertType(in *ConvertType, f Visit) error

func VisitRefOfConvertUsingExpr

func VisitRefOfConvertUsingExpr(in *ConvertUsingExpr, f Visit) error

func VisitRefOfCreateDatabase

func VisitRefOfCreateDatabase(in *CreateDatabase, f Visit) error

func VisitRefOfCreateTable

func VisitRefOfCreateTable(in *CreateTable, f Visit) error

func VisitRefOfCreateView

func VisitRefOfCreateView(in *CreateView, f Visit) error

func VisitRefOfCurTimeFuncExpr

func VisitRefOfCurTimeFuncExpr(in *CurTimeFuncExpr, f Visit) error

func VisitRefOfDeallocateStmt

func VisitRefOfDeallocateStmt(in *DeallocateStmt, f Visit) error

func VisitRefOfDefault

func VisitRefOfDefault(in *Default, f Visit) error

func VisitRefOfDefiner

func VisitRefOfDefiner(in *Definer, f Visit) error

func VisitRefOfDelete

func VisitRefOfDelete(in *Delete, f Visit) error

func VisitRefOfDerivedTable

func VisitRefOfDerivedTable(in *DerivedTable, f Visit) error

func VisitRefOfDropColumn

func VisitRefOfDropColumn(in *DropColumn, f Visit) error

func VisitRefOfDropDatabase

func VisitRefOfDropDatabase(in *DropDatabase, f Visit) error

func VisitRefOfDropKey

func VisitRefOfDropKey(in *DropKey, f Visit) error

func VisitRefOfDropTable

func VisitRefOfDropTable(in *DropTable, f Visit) error

func VisitRefOfDropView

func VisitRefOfDropView(in *DropView, f Visit) error

func VisitRefOfExecuteStmt

func VisitRefOfExecuteStmt(in *ExecuteStmt, f Visit) error

func VisitRefOfExistsExpr

func VisitRefOfExistsExpr(in *ExistsExpr, f Visit) error

func VisitRefOfExplainStmt

func VisitRefOfExplainStmt(in *ExplainStmt, f Visit) error

func VisitRefOfExplainTab

func VisitRefOfExplainTab(in *ExplainTab, f Visit) error

func VisitRefOfExtractFuncExpr

func VisitRefOfExtractFuncExpr(in *ExtractFuncExpr, f Visit) error

func VisitRefOfExtractedSubquery

func VisitRefOfExtractedSubquery(in *ExtractedSubquery, f Visit) error

func VisitRefOfFlush

func VisitRefOfFlush(in *Flush, f Visit) error

func VisitRefOfForce

func VisitRefOfForce(in *Force, f Visit) error

func VisitRefOfForeignKeyDefinition

func VisitRefOfForeignKeyDefinition(in *ForeignKeyDefinition, f Visit) error

func VisitRefOfFuncExpr

func VisitRefOfFuncExpr(in *FuncExpr, f Visit) error

func VisitRefOfGroupConcatExpr

func VisitRefOfGroupConcatExpr(in *GroupConcatExpr, f Visit) error

func VisitRefOfIndexDefinition

func VisitRefOfIndexDefinition(in *IndexDefinition, f Visit) error

func VisitRefOfIndexHint

func VisitRefOfIndexHint(in *IndexHint, f Visit) error

func VisitRefOfIndexInfo

func VisitRefOfIndexInfo(in *IndexInfo, f Visit) error

func VisitRefOfInsert

func VisitRefOfInsert(in *Insert, f Visit) error

func VisitRefOfIntervalExpr

func VisitRefOfIntervalExpr(in *IntervalExpr, f Visit) error

func VisitRefOfIntroducerExpr

func VisitRefOfIntroducerExpr(in *IntroducerExpr, f Visit) error

func VisitRefOfIsExpr

func VisitRefOfIsExpr(in *IsExpr, f Visit) error

func VisitRefOfJSONArrayExpr

func VisitRefOfJSONArrayExpr(in *JSONArrayExpr, f Visit) error

func VisitRefOfJSONAttributesExpr

func VisitRefOfJSONAttributesExpr(in *JSONAttributesExpr, f Visit) error

func VisitRefOfJSONContainsExpr

func VisitRefOfJSONContainsExpr(in *JSONContainsExpr, f Visit) error

func VisitRefOfJSONContainsPathExpr

func VisitRefOfJSONContainsPathExpr(in *JSONContainsPathExpr, f Visit) error

func VisitRefOfJSONExtractExpr

func VisitRefOfJSONExtractExpr(in *JSONExtractExpr, f Visit) error

func VisitRefOfJSONKeysExpr

func VisitRefOfJSONKeysExpr(in *JSONKeysExpr, f Visit) error

func VisitRefOfJSONObjectExpr

func VisitRefOfJSONObjectExpr(in *JSONObjectExpr, f Visit) error

func VisitRefOfJSONObjectParam

func VisitRefOfJSONObjectParam(in *JSONObjectParam, f Visit) error

func VisitRefOfJSONOverlapsExpr

func VisitRefOfJSONOverlapsExpr(in *JSONOverlapsExpr, f Visit) error

func VisitRefOfJSONPrettyExpr

func VisitRefOfJSONPrettyExpr(in *JSONPrettyExpr, f Visit) error

func VisitRefOfJSONQuoteExpr

func VisitRefOfJSONQuoteExpr(in *JSONQuoteExpr, f Visit) error

func VisitRefOfJSONRemoveExpr

func VisitRefOfJSONRemoveExpr(in *JSONRemoveExpr, f Visit) error

func VisitRefOfJSONSchemaValidFuncExpr

func VisitRefOfJSONSchemaValidFuncExpr(in *JSONSchemaValidFuncExpr, f Visit) error

func VisitRefOfJSONSchemaValidationReportFuncExpr

func VisitRefOfJSONSchemaValidationReportFuncExpr(in *JSONSchemaValidationReportFuncExpr, f Visit) error

func VisitRefOfJSONSearchExpr

func VisitRefOfJSONSearchExpr(in *JSONSearchExpr, f Visit) error

func VisitRefOfJSONStorageFreeExpr

func VisitRefOfJSONStorageFreeExpr(in *JSONStorageFreeExpr, f Visit) error

func VisitRefOfJSONStorageSizeExpr

func VisitRefOfJSONStorageSizeExpr(in *JSONStorageSizeExpr, f Visit) error

func VisitRefOfJSONTableExpr

func VisitRefOfJSONTableExpr(in *JSONTableExpr, f Visit) error

func VisitRefOfJSONUnquoteExpr

func VisitRefOfJSONUnquoteExpr(in *JSONUnquoteExpr, f Visit) error

func VisitRefOfJSONValueExpr

func VisitRefOfJSONValueExpr(in *JSONValueExpr, f Visit) error

func VisitRefOfJSONValueMergeExpr

func VisitRefOfJSONValueMergeExpr(in *JSONValueMergeExpr, f Visit) error

func VisitRefOfJSONValueModifierExpr

func VisitRefOfJSONValueModifierExpr(in *JSONValueModifierExpr, f Visit) error

func VisitRefOfJoinCondition

func VisitRefOfJoinCondition(in *JoinCondition, f Visit) error

func VisitRefOfJoinTableExpr

func VisitRefOfJoinTableExpr(in *JoinTableExpr, f Visit) error

func VisitRefOfJtColumnDefinition

func VisitRefOfJtColumnDefinition(in *JtColumnDefinition, f Visit) error

func VisitRefOfJtOnResponse

func VisitRefOfJtOnResponse(in *JtOnResponse, f Visit) error

func VisitRefOfKeyState

func VisitRefOfKeyState(in *KeyState, f Visit) error

func VisitRefOfLimit

func VisitRefOfLimit(in *Limit, f Visit) error

func VisitRefOfLiteral

func VisitRefOfLiteral(in *Literal, f Visit) error

func VisitRefOfLoad

func VisitRefOfLoad(in *Load, f Visit) error

func VisitRefOfLockOption

func VisitRefOfLockOption(in *LockOption, f Visit) error

func VisitRefOfLockTables

func VisitRefOfLockTables(in *LockTables, f Visit) error

func VisitRefOfMatchExpr

func VisitRefOfMatchExpr(in *MatchExpr, f Visit) error

func VisitRefOfMemberOfExpr

func VisitRefOfMemberOfExpr(in *MemberOfExpr, f Visit) error

func VisitRefOfModifyColumn

func VisitRefOfModifyColumn(in *ModifyColumn, f Visit) error

func VisitRefOfNextval

func VisitRefOfNextval(in *Nextval, f Visit) error

func VisitRefOfNotExpr

func VisitRefOfNotExpr(in *NotExpr, f Visit) error

func VisitRefOfNullVal

func VisitRefOfNullVal(in *NullVal, f Visit) error

func VisitRefOfOptLike

func VisitRefOfOptLike(in *OptLike, f Visit) error

func VisitRefOfOrExpr

func VisitRefOfOrExpr(in *OrExpr, f Visit) error

func VisitRefOfOrder

func VisitRefOfOrder(in *Order, f Visit) error

func VisitRefOfOrderByOption

func VisitRefOfOrderByOption(in *OrderByOption, f Visit) error

func VisitRefOfOtherAdmin

func VisitRefOfOtherAdmin(in *OtherAdmin, f Visit) error

func VisitRefOfOtherRead

func VisitRefOfOtherRead(in *OtherRead, f Visit) error

func VisitRefOfParenTableExpr

func VisitRefOfParenTableExpr(in *ParenTableExpr, f Visit) error

func VisitRefOfParsedComments

func VisitRefOfParsedComments(in *ParsedComments, f Visit) error

func VisitRefOfPartitionDefinition

func VisitRefOfPartitionDefinition(in *PartitionDefinition, f Visit) error

func VisitRefOfPartitionDefinitionOptions

func VisitRefOfPartitionDefinitionOptions(in *PartitionDefinitionOptions, f Visit) error

func VisitRefOfPartitionEngine

func VisitRefOfPartitionEngine(in *PartitionEngine, f Visit) error

func VisitRefOfPartitionOption

func VisitRefOfPartitionOption(in *PartitionOption, f Visit) error

func VisitRefOfPartitionSpec

func VisitRefOfPartitionSpec(in *PartitionSpec, f Visit) error

func VisitRefOfPartitionValueRange

func VisitRefOfPartitionValueRange(in *PartitionValueRange, f Visit) error

func VisitRefOfPrepareStmt

func VisitRefOfPrepareStmt(in *PrepareStmt, f Visit) error

func VisitRefOfReferenceDefinition

func VisitRefOfReferenceDefinition(in *ReferenceDefinition, f Visit) error

func VisitRefOfRelease

func VisitRefOfRelease(in *Release, f Visit) error

func VisitRefOfRenameIndex

func VisitRefOfRenameIndex(in *RenameIndex, f Visit) error

func VisitRefOfRenameTable

func VisitRefOfRenameTable(in *RenameTable, f Visit) error

func VisitRefOfRenameTableName

func VisitRefOfRenameTableName(in *RenameTableName, f Visit) error

func VisitRefOfRevertMigration

func VisitRefOfRevertMigration(in *RevertMigration, f Visit) error

func VisitRefOfRollback

func VisitRefOfRollback(in *Rollback, f Visit) error

func VisitRefOfRootNode

func VisitRefOfRootNode(in *RootNode, f Visit) error

func VisitRefOfSRollback

func VisitRefOfSRollback(in *SRollback, f Visit) error

func VisitRefOfSavepoint

func VisitRefOfSavepoint(in *Savepoint, f Visit) error

func VisitRefOfSelect

func VisitRefOfSelect(in *Select, f Visit) error

func VisitRefOfSelectInto

func VisitRefOfSelectInto(in *SelectInto, f Visit) error

func VisitRefOfSet

func VisitRefOfSet(in *Set, f Visit) error

func VisitRefOfSetExpr

func VisitRefOfSetExpr(in *SetExpr, f Visit) error

func VisitRefOfSetTransaction

func VisitRefOfSetTransaction(in *SetTransaction, f Visit) error

func VisitRefOfShow

func VisitRefOfShow(in *Show, f Visit) error

func VisitRefOfShowBasic

func VisitRefOfShowBasic(in *ShowBasic, f Visit) error

func VisitRefOfShowCreate

func VisitRefOfShowCreate(in *ShowCreate, f Visit) error

func VisitRefOfShowFilter

func VisitRefOfShowFilter(in *ShowFilter, f Visit) error

func VisitRefOfShowMigrationLogs

func VisitRefOfShowMigrationLogs(in *ShowMigrationLogs, f Visit) error

func VisitRefOfShowOther

func VisitRefOfShowOther(in *ShowOther, f Visit) error

func VisitRefOfShowThrottledApps

func VisitRefOfShowThrottledApps(in *ShowThrottledApps, f Visit) error

func VisitRefOfStarExpr

func VisitRefOfStarExpr(in *StarExpr, f Visit) error

func VisitRefOfStream

func VisitRefOfStream(in *Stream, f Visit) error

func VisitRefOfSubPartition

func VisitRefOfSubPartition(in *SubPartition, f Visit) error

func VisitRefOfSubPartitionDefinition

func VisitRefOfSubPartitionDefinition(in *SubPartitionDefinition, f Visit) error

func VisitRefOfSubPartitionDefinitionOptions

func VisitRefOfSubPartitionDefinitionOptions(in *SubPartitionDefinitionOptions, f Visit) error

func VisitRefOfSubquery

func VisitRefOfSubquery(in *Subquery, f Visit) error

func VisitRefOfSubstrExpr

func VisitRefOfSubstrExpr(in *SubstrExpr, f Visit) error

func VisitRefOfTableIdent

func VisitRefOfTableIdent(in *TableIdent, f Visit) error

func VisitRefOfTableName

func VisitRefOfTableName(in *TableName, f Visit) error

func VisitRefOfTableSpec

func VisitRefOfTableSpec(in *TableSpec, f Visit) error

func VisitRefOfTablespaceOperation

func VisitRefOfTablespaceOperation(in *TablespaceOperation, f Visit) error

func VisitRefOfTimestampFuncExpr

func VisitRefOfTimestampFuncExpr(in *TimestampFuncExpr, f Visit) error

func VisitRefOfTrimFuncExpr

func VisitRefOfTrimFuncExpr(in *TrimFuncExpr, f Visit) error

func VisitRefOfTruncateTable

func VisitRefOfTruncateTable(in *TruncateTable, f Visit) error

func VisitRefOfUnaryExpr

func VisitRefOfUnaryExpr(in *UnaryExpr, f Visit) error

func VisitRefOfUnion

func VisitRefOfUnion(in *Union, f Visit) error

func VisitRefOfUnlockTables

func VisitRefOfUnlockTables(in *UnlockTables, f Visit) error

func VisitRefOfUpdate

func VisitRefOfUpdate(in *Update, f Visit) error

func VisitRefOfUpdateExpr

func VisitRefOfUpdateExpr(in *UpdateExpr, f Visit) error

func VisitRefOfUse

func VisitRefOfUse(in *Use, f Visit) error

func VisitRefOfVStream

func VisitRefOfVStream(in *VStream, f Visit) error

func VisitRefOfValidation

func VisitRefOfValidation(in *Validation, f Visit) error

func VisitRefOfValuesFuncExpr

func VisitRefOfValuesFuncExpr(in *ValuesFuncExpr, f Visit) error

func VisitRefOfVindexParam

func VisitRefOfVindexParam(in *VindexParam, f Visit) error

func VisitRefOfVindexSpec

func VisitRefOfVindexSpec(in *VindexSpec, f Visit) error

func VisitRefOfWeightStringFuncExpr

func VisitRefOfWeightStringFuncExpr(in *WeightStringFuncExpr, f Visit) error

func VisitRefOfWhen

func VisitRefOfWhen(in *When, f Visit) error

func VisitRefOfWhere

func VisitRefOfWhere(in *Where, f Visit) error

func VisitRefOfWith

func VisitRefOfWith(in *With, f Visit) error

func VisitRefOfXorExpr

func VisitRefOfXorExpr(in *XorExpr, f Visit) error

func VisitReferenceAction

func VisitReferenceAction(in ReferenceAction, f Visit) error

func VisitRootNode

func VisitRootNode(in RootNode, f Visit) error

func VisitSQLNode

func VisitSQLNode(in SQLNode, f Visit) error

func VisitSelectExpr

func VisitSelectExpr(in SelectExpr, f Visit) error

func VisitSelectExprs

func VisitSelectExprs(in SelectExprs, f Visit) error

func VisitSelectStatement

func VisitSelectStatement(in SelectStatement, f Visit) error

func VisitSetExprs

func VisitSetExprs(in SetExprs, f Visit) error

func VisitShowInternal

func VisitShowInternal(in ShowInternal, f Visit) error

func VisitSimpleTableExpr

func VisitSimpleTableExpr(in SimpleTableExpr, f Visit) error

func VisitStatement

func VisitStatement(in Statement, f Visit) error

func VisitSubPartitionDefinitions

func VisitSubPartitionDefinitions(in SubPartitionDefinitions, f Visit) error

func VisitTableExpr

func VisitTableExpr(in TableExpr, f Visit) error

func VisitTableExprs

func VisitTableExprs(in TableExprs, f Visit) error

func VisitTableIdent

func VisitTableIdent(in TableIdent, f Visit) error

func VisitTableName

func VisitTableName(in TableName, f Visit) error

func VisitTableNames

func VisitTableNames(in TableNames, f Visit) error

func VisitTableOptions

func VisitTableOptions(in TableOptions, f Visit) error

func VisitUpdateExprs

func VisitUpdateExprs(in UpdateExprs, f Visit) error

func VisitValTuple

func VisitValTuple(in ValTuple, f Visit) error

func VisitValues

func VisitValues(in Values, f Visit) error

func VisitVindexParam

func VisitVindexParam(in VindexParam, f Visit) error

func Walk

func Walk(visit Visit, nodes ...SQLNode) error

Walk calls visit on every node. If visit returns true, the underlying nodes are also visited. If it returns an error, walking is interrupted, and the error is returned.


type AccessMode

type AccessMode int8

AccessMode is enum for the mode - ReadOnly or ReadWrite

const (
	ReadOnly AccessMode = iota

Constants for Enum type - AccessMode

func (AccessMode) Format

func (node AccessMode) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node.

type AddColumns

type AddColumns struct {
	Columns []*ColumnDefinition
	First   bool
	After   *ColName

AddColumns represents a ADD COLUMN alter option

func CloneRefOfAddColumns

func CloneRefOfAddColumns(n *AddColumns) *AddColumns

CloneRefOfAddColumns creates a deep clone of the input.

func (*AddColumns) CachedSize

func (cached *AddColumns) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64

func (*AddColumns) Format

func (node *AddColumns) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node.

type AddConstraintDefinition

type AddConstraintDefinition struct {
	ConstraintDefinition *ConstraintDefinition

AddConstraintDefinition represents a ADD CONSTRAINT alter option

func CloneRefOfAddConstraintDefinition

func CloneRefOfAddConstraintDefinition(n *AddConstraintDefinition) *AddConstraintDefinition

CloneRefOfAddConstraintDefinition creates a deep clone of the input.

func (*AddConstraintDefinition) CachedSize

func (cached *AddConstraintDefinition) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64

func (*AddConstraintDefinition) Format

func (node *AddConstraintDefinition) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node.

type AddIndexDefinition

type AddIndexDefinition struct {
	IndexDefinition *IndexDefinition

AddIndexDefinition represents a ADD INDEX alter option

func CloneRefOfAddIndexDefinition

func CloneRefOfAddIndexDefinition(n *AddIndexDefinition) *AddIndexDefinition

CloneRefOfAddIndexDefinition creates a deep clone of the input.

func (*AddIndexDefinition) CachedSize

func (cached *AddIndexDefinition) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64

func (*AddIndexDefinition) Format

func (node *AddIndexDefinition) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node.

type AlgorithmValue

type AlgorithmValue string

AlgorithmValue is the algorithm specified in the alter table command

func (AlgorithmValue) Format

func (node AlgorithmValue) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node.

type AliasedExpr

type AliasedExpr struct {
	Expr Expr
	As   ColIdent

AliasedExpr defines an aliased SELECT expression.

func CloneRefOfAliasedExpr

func CloneRefOfAliasedExpr(n *AliasedExpr) *AliasedExpr

CloneRefOfAliasedExpr creates a deep clone of the input.

func (*AliasedExpr) CachedSize

func (cached *AliasedExpr) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64

func (*AliasedExpr) ColumnName

func (ae *AliasedExpr) ColumnName() string

ColumnName returns the alias if one was provided, otherwise prints the AST

func (*AliasedExpr) Format

func (node *AliasedExpr) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node.

type AliasedTableExpr

type AliasedTableExpr struct {
	Expr       SimpleTableExpr
	Partitions Partitions
	As         TableIdent
	Hints      IndexHints
	Columns    Columns

AliasedTableExpr represents a table expression coupled with an optional alias or index hint. If As is empty, no alias was used.

func CloneRefOfAliasedTableExpr

func CloneRefOfAliasedTableExpr(n *AliasedTableExpr) *AliasedTableExpr

CloneRefOfAliasedTableExpr creates a deep clone of the input.

func (*AliasedTableExpr) CachedSize

func (cached *AliasedTableExpr) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64

func (*AliasedTableExpr) Format

func (node *AliasedTableExpr) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node.

func (*AliasedTableExpr) RemoveHints

func (node *AliasedTableExpr) RemoveHints() *AliasedTableExpr

RemoveHints returns a new AliasedTableExpr with the hints removed.

func (*AliasedTableExpr) TableName

func (node *AliasedTableExpr) TableName() (TableName, error)

TableName returns a TableName pointing to this table expr

type AlterCharset

type AlterCharset struct {
	CharacterSet string
	Collate      string

AlterCharset is used to set the default or change the character set and collation in alter table command

func CloneRefOfAlterCharset

func CloneRefOfAlterCharset(n *AlterCharset) *AlterCharset

CloneRefOfAlterCharset creates a deep clone of the input.

func (*AlterCharset) CachedSize

func (cached *AlterCharset) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64

func (*AlterCharset) Format

func (node *AlterCharset) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node

type AlterCheck

type AlterCheck struct {
	Name     ColIdent
	Enforced bool

AlterCheck represents the `ALTER CHECK` part in an `ALTER TABLE ALTER CHECK` command.

func CloneRefOfAlterCheck

func CloneRefOfAlterCheck(n *AlterCheck) *AlterCheck

CloneRefOfAlterCheck creates a deep clone of the input.

func (*AlterCheck) CachedSize

func (cached *AlterCheck) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64

func (*AlterCheck) Format

func (node *AlterCheck) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

type AlterColumn

type AlterColumn struct {
	Column      *ColName
	DropDefault bool
	DefaultVal  Expr
	Invisible   *bool

AlterColumn is used to add or drop defaults & visibility to columns in alter table command

func CloneRefOfAlterColumn

func CloneRefOfAlterColumn(n *AlterColumn) *AlterColumn

CloneRefOfAlterColumn creates a deep clone of the input.

func (*AlterColumn) CachedSize

func (cached *AlterColumn) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64

func (*AlterColumn) Format

func (node *AlterColumn) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node

type AlterDatabase

type AlterDatabase struct {
	DBName              TableIdent
	UpdateDataDirectory bool
	AlterOptions        []DatabaseOption
	FullyParsed         bool

AlterDatabase represents a ALTER database statement.

func CloneRefOfAlterDatabase

func CloneRefOfAlterDatabase(n *AlterDatabase) *AlterDatabase

CloneRefOfAlterDatabase creates a deep clone of the input.

func (*AlterDatabase) CachedSize

func (cached *AlterDatabase) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64

func (*AlterDatabase) Format

func (node *AlterDatabase) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node.

func (*AlterDatabase) GetDatabaseName

func (node *AlterDatabase) GetDatabaseName() string

GetDatabaseName implements the DBDDLStatement interface

func (*AlterDatabase) IsFullyParsed

func (node *AlterDatabase) IsFullyParsed() bool

IsFullyParsed implements the DBDDLStatement interface

func (*AlterDatabase) SetFullyParsed

func (node *AlterDatabase) SetFullyParsed(fullyParsed bool)

SetFullyParsed implements the DBDDLStatement interface

type AlterIndex

type AlterIndex struct {
	Name      ColIdent
	Invisible bool

AlterIndex represents the `ALTER INDEX` part in an `ALTER TABLE ALTER INDEX` command.

func CloneRefOfAlterIndex

func CloneRefOfAlterIndex(n *AlterIndex) *AlterIndex

CloneRefOfAlterIndex creates a deep clone of the input.

func (*AlterIndex) CachedSize

func (cached *AlterIndex) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64

func (*AlterIndex) Format

func (node *AlterIndex) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node

type AlterMigration

type AlterMigration struct {
	Type   AlterMigrationType
	UUID   string
	Expire string
	Ratio  *Literal

AlterMigration represents a ALTER VITESS_MIGRATION statement

func CloneRefOfAlterMigration

func CloneRefOfAlterMigration(n *AlterMigration) *AlterMigration

CloneRefOfAlterMigration creates a deep clone of the input.

func (*AlterMigration) CachedSize

func (cached *AlterMigration) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64

func (*AlterMigration) Format

func (node *AlterMigration) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node.

type AlterMigrationType

type AlterMigrationType int8

AlterMigrationType represents the type of operation in an ALTER VITESS_MIGRATION statement

const (
	RetryMigrationType AlterMigrationType = iota

AlterMigrationType constants

type AlterOption

type AlterOption interface {
	// contains filtered or unexported methods

AlterOption is an interface that represents the various options in ALTER TABLE statements

func CloneAlterOption

func CloneAlterOption(in AlterOption) AlterOption

CloneAlterOption creates a deep clone of the input.

func CloneSliceOfAlterOption

func CloneSliceOfAlterOption(n []AlterOption) []AlterOption

CloneSliceOfAlterOption creates a deep clone of the input.

type AlterTable

type AlterTable struct {
	Table           TableName
	AlterOptions    []AlterOption
	PartitionSpec   *PartitionSpec
	PartitionOption *PartitionOption
	Comments        *ParsedComments
	FullyParsed     bool

AlterTable represents a ALTER TABLE statement.

func CloneRefOfAlterTable

func CloneRefOfAlterTable(n *AlterTable) *AlterTable

CloneRefOfAlterTable creates a deep clone of the input.

func (*AlterTable) AffectedTables

func (node *AlterTable) AffectedTables() TableNames

AffectedTables returns the list table names affected by the DDLStatement.

func (*AlterTable) CachedSize

func (cached *AlterTable) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64

func (*AlterTable) Format

func (node *AlterTable) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the AlterTable node.

func (*AlterTable) GetAction

func (node *AlterTable) GetAction() DDLAction

GetAction implements the DDLStatement interface

func (*AlterTable) GetFromTables

func (node *AlterTable) GetFromTables() TableNames

GetFromTables implements the DDLStatement interface

func (*AlterTable) GetIfExists

func (node *AlterTable) GetIfExists() bool

GetIfExists implements the DDLStatement interface

func (*AlterTable) GetIfNotExists

func (node *AlterTable) GetIfNotExists() bool

GetIfNotExists implements the DDLStatement interface

func (*AlterTable) GetIsReplace

func (node *AlterTable) GetIsReplace() bool

GetIsReplace implements the DDLStatement interface

func (*AlterTable) GetOptLike

func (node *AlterTable) GetOptLike() *OptLike

GetOptLike implements the DDLStatement interface

func (*AlterTable) GetParsedComments

func (node *AlterTable) GetParsedComments() *ParsedComments

GetParsedComments implements DDLStatement.

func (*AlterTable) GetTable

func (node *AlterTable) GetTable() TableName

GetTable implements the DDLStatement interface

func (*AlterTable) GetTableSpec

func (node *AlterTable) GetTableSpec() *TableSpec

GetTableSpec implements the DDLStatement interface

func (*AlterTable) GetToTables

func (node *AlterTable) GetToTables() TableNames

GetToTables implements the DDLStatement interface

func (*AlterTable) IsFullyParsed

func (node *AlterTable) IsFullyParsed() bool

IsFullyParsed implements the DDLStatement interface

func (*AlterTable) IsTemporary

func (node *AlterTable) IsTemporary() bool

IsTemporary implements the DDLStatement interface

func (*AlterTable) SetComments

func (node *AlterTable) SetComments(comments Comments)

SetComments implements DDLStatement.

func (*AlterTable) SetFromTables

func (node *AlterTable) SetFromTables(tables TableNames)

SetFromTables implements DDLStatement.

func (*AlterTable) SetFullyParsed

func (node *AlterTable) SetFullyParsed(fullyParsed bool)

SetFullyParsed implements the DDLStatement interface

func (*AlterTable) SetTable

func (node *AlterTable) SetTable(qualifier string, name string)

SetTable implements DDLStatement.

type AlterView

type AlterView struct {
	ViewName    TableName
	Algorithm   string
	Definer     *Definer
	Security    string
	Columns     Columns
	Select      SelectStatement
	CheckOption string
	Comments    *ParsedComments

AlterView represents a ALTER VIEW query

func CloneRefOfAlterView

func CloneRefOfAlterView(n *AlterView) *AlterView

CloneRefOfAlterView creates a deep clone of the input.

func (*AlterView) AffectedTables

func (node *AlterView) AffectedTables() TableNames

AffectedTables implements DDLStatement.

func (*AlterView) CachedSize

func (cached *AlterView) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64

func (*AlterView) Format

func (node *AlterView) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node.

func (*AlterView) GetAction

func (node *AlterView) GetAction() DDLAction

GetAction implements the DDLStatement interface

func (*AlterView) GetFromTables

func (node *AlterView) GetFromTables() TableNames

GetFromTables implements the DDLStatement interface

func (*AlterView) GetIfExists

func (node *AlterView) GetIfExists() bool

GetIfExists implements the DDLStatement interface

func (*AlterView) GetIfNotExists

func (node *AlterView) GetIfNotExists() bool

GetIfNotExists implements the DDLStatement interface

func (*AlterView) GetIsReplace

func (node *AlterView) GetIsReplace() bool

GetIsReplace implements the DDLStatement interface

func (*AlterView) GetOptLike

func (node *AlterView) GetOptLike() *OptLike

GetOptLike implements the DDLStatement interface

func (*AlterView) GetParsedComments

func (node *AlterView) GetParsedComments() *ParsedComments

GetParsedComments implements DDLStatement.

func (*AlterView) GetTable

func (node *AlterView) GetTable() TableName

GetTable implements the DDLStatement interface

func (*AlterView) GetTableSpec

func (node *AlterView) GetTableSpec() *TableSpec

GetTableSpec implements the DDLStatement interface

func (*AlterView) GetToTables

func (node *AlterView) GetToTables() TableNames

GetToTables implements the DDLStatement interface

func (*AlterView) IsFullyParsed

func (node *AlterView) IsFullyParsed() bool

IsFullyParsed implements the DDLStatement interface

func (*AlterView) IsTemporary

func (node *AlterView) IsTemporary() bool

IsTemporary implements the DDLStatement interface

func (*AlterView) SetComments

func (node *AlterView) SetComments(comments Comments)

SetComments implements DDLStatement.

func (*AlterView) SetFromTables

func (node *AlterView) SetFromTables(tables TableNames)

SetFromTables implements DDLStatement.

func (*AlterView) SetFullyParsed

func (node *AlterView) SetFullyParsed(fullyParsed bool)

SetFullyParsed implements the DDLStatement interface

func (*AlterView) SetTable

func (node *AlterView) SetTable(qualifier string, name string)

SetTable implements DDLStatement.

type AlterVschema

type AlterVschema struct {
	Action DDLAction
	Table  TableName

	// VindexSpec is set for CreateVindexDDLAction, DropVindexDDLAction, AddColVindexDDLAction, DropColVindexDDLAction.
	VindexSpec *VindexSpec

	// VindexCols is set for AddColVindexDDLAction.
	VindexCols []ColIdent

	// AutoIncSpec is set for AddAutoIncDDLAction.
	AutoIncSpec *AutoIncSpec

AlterVschema represents a ALTER VSCHEMA statement.

func CloneRefOfAlterVschema

func CloneRefOfAlterVschema(n *AlterVschema) *AlterVschema

CloneRefOfAlterVschema creates a deep clone of the input.

func (*AlterVschema) CachedSize

func (cached *AlterVschema) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64

func (*AlterVschema) Format

func (node *AlterVschema) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node.

type AndExpr

type AndExpr struct {
	Left, Right Expr

AndExpr represents an AND expression.

func CloneRefOfAndExpr

func CloneRefOfAndExpr(n *AndExpr) *AndExpr

CloneRefOfAndExpr creates a deep clone of the input.

func (*AndExpr) CachedSize

func (cached *AndExpr) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64

func (*AndExpr) Format

func (node *AndExpr) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node.

type ApplyFunc

type ApplyFunc func(*Cursor) bool

An ApplyFunc is invoked by Rewrite for each node n, even if n is nil, before and/or after the node's children, using a Cursor describing the current node and providing operations on it.

The return value of ApplyFunc controls the syntax tree traversal. See Rewrite for details.

type Argument

type Argument string

Argument represents bindvariable expression

func NewArgument

func NewArgument(in string) Argument

NewArgument builds a new ValArg.

func (Argument) Format

func (node Argument) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node.

type AtCount

type AtCount int

AtCount represents the '@' count in ColIdent

const (
	// NoAt represents no @
	NoAt AtCount = iota
	// SingleAt represents @
	// DoubleAt represnts @@

type AutoIncSpec

type AutoIncSpec struct {
	Column   ColIdent
	Sequence TableName

AutoIncSpec defines and autoincrement value for a ADD AUTO_INCREMENT statement

func CloneRefOfAutoIncSpec

func CloneRefOfAutoIncSpec(n *AutoIncSpec) *AutoIncSpec

CloneRefOfAutoIncSpec creates a deep clone of the input.

func (*AutoIncSpec) CachedSize

func (cached *AutoIncSpec) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64

func (*AutoIncSpec) Format

func (node *AutoIncSpec) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node.

type Begin

type Begin struct{}

Begin represents a Begin statement.

func CloneRefOfBegin

func CloneRefOfBegin(n *Begin) *Begin

CloneRefOfBegin creates a deep clone of the input.

func (*Begin) Format

func (node *Begin) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node.

type BetweenExpr

type BetweenExpr struct {
	IsBetween bool
	Left      Expr
	From, To  Expr

BetweenExpr represents a BETWEEN or a NOT BETWEEN expression.

func CloneRefOfBetweenExpr

func CloneRefOfBetweenExpr(n *BetweenExpr) *BetweenExpr

CloneRefOfBetweenExpr creates a deep clone of the input.

func (*BetweenExpr) CachedSize

func (cached *BetweenExpr) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64

func (*BetweenExpr) Format

func (node *BetweenExpr) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node.

type BinaryExpr

type BinaryExpr struct {
	Operator    BinaryExprOperator
	Left, Right Expr

BinaryExpr represents a binary value expression.

func CloneRefOfBinaryExpr

func CloneRefOfBinaryExpr(n *BinaryExpr) *BinaryExpr

CloneRefOfBinaryExpr creates a deep clone of the input.

func (*BinaryExpr) CachedSize

func (cached *BinaryExpr) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64

func (*BinaryExpr) Format

func (node *BinaryExpr) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node.

type BinaryExprOperator

type BinaryExprOperator int8

BinaryExprOperator is an enum for BinaryExpr.Operator

const (
	BitAndOp BinaryExprOperator = iota

Constant for Enum Type - BinaryExprOperator

func (BinaryExprOperator) ToString

func (op BinaryExprOperator) ToString() string

ToString returns the operator as a string

type BindVars

type BindVars map[string]struct{}

BindVars is a set of reserved bind variables from a SQL statement

type BoolVal

type BoolVal bool

BoolVal is true or false.

func (BoolVal) Format

func (node BoolVal) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node.

type CallProc

type CallProc struct {
	Name   TableName
	Params Exprs

CallProc represents a CALL statement

func CloneRefOfCallProc

func CloneRefOfCallProc(n *CallProc) *CallProc

CloneRefOfCallProc creates a deep clone of the input.

func (*CallProc) CachedSize

func (cached *CallProc) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64

func (*CallProc) Format

func (node *CallProc) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node.

type Callable

type Callable interface {
	// contains filtered or unexported methods

*********** Expressions

func CloneCallable

func CloneCallable(in Callable) Callable

CloneCallable creates a deep clone of the input.

type CaseExpr

type CaseExpr struct {
	Expr  Expr
	Whens []*When
	Else  Expr

CaseExpr represents a CASE expression.

func CloneRefOfCaseExpr

func CloneRefOfCaseExpr(n *CaseExpr) *CaseExpr

CloneRefOfCaseExpr creates a deep clone of the input.

func (*CaseExpr) CachedSize

func (cached *CaseExpr) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64

func (*CaseExpr) Format

func (node *CaseExpr) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node.

type ChangeColumn

type ChangeColumn struct {
	OldColumn        *ColName
	NewColDefinition *ColumnDefinition
	First            bool
	After            *ColName

ChangeColumn is used to change the column definition, can also rename the column in alter table command

func CloneRefOfChangeColumn

func CloneRefOfChangeColumn(n *ChangeColumn) *ChangeColumn

CloneRefOfChangeColumn creates a deep clone of the input.

func (*ChangeColumn) CachedSize

func (cached *ChangeColumn) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64

func (*ChangeColumn) Format

func (node *ChangeColumn) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node

type Characteristic

type Characteristic interface {
	// contains filtered or unexported methods

Characteristic is a transaction related change

func CloneCharacteristic

func CloneCharacteristic(in Characteristic) Characteristic

CloneCharacteristic creates a deep clone of the input.

func CloneSliceOfCharacteristic

func CloneSliceOfCharacteristic(n []Characteristic) []Characteristic

CloneSliceOfCharacteristic creates a deep clone of the input.

type CheckConstraintDefinition

type CheckConstraintDefinition struct {
	Expr     Expr
	Enforced bool

CheckConstraintDefinition describes a check constraint in a CREATE TABLE statement

func CloneRefOfCheckConstraintDefinition

func CloneRefOfCheckConstraintDefinition(n *CheckConstraintDefinition) *CheckConstraintDefinition

CloneRefOfCheckConstraintDefinition creates a deep clone of the input.

func (*CheckConstraintDefinition) CachedSize

func (cached *CheckConstraintDefinition) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64

func (*CheckConstraintDefinition) Format

func (c *CheckConstraintDefinition) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node.

type ColIdent

type ColIdent struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

ColIdent is a case insensitive SQL identifier. It will be escaped with backquotes if necessary.

func CloneColIdent

func CloneColIdent(n ColIdent) ColIdent

CloneColIdent creates a deep clone of the input.

func CloneRefOfColIdent

func CloneRefOfColIdent(n *ColIdent) *ColIdent

CloneRefOfColIdent creates a deep clone of the input.

func CloneSliceOfColIdent

func CloneSliceOfColIdent(n []ColIdent) []ColIdent

CloneSliceOfColIdent creates a deep clone of the input.

func NewColIdent

func NewColIdent(str string) ColIdent

NewColIdent makes a new ColIdent.

func NewColIdentWithAt

func NewColIdentWithAt(str string, at AtCount) ColIdent

NewColIdentWithAt makes a new ColIdent.

func (ColIdent) AtCount

func (node ColIdent) AtCount() AtCount

AtCount return the '@' count present in ColIdent Name

func (*ColIdent) CachedSize

func (cached *ColIdent) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64

func (ColIdent) CompliantName

func (node ColIdent) CompliantName() string

CompliantName returns a compliant id name that can be used for a bind var.

func (ColIdent) Equal

func (node ColIdent) Equal(in ColIdent) bool

Equal performs a case-insensitive compare.

func (ColIdent) EqualString

func (node ColIdent) EqualString(str string) bool

EqualString performs a case-insensitive compare with str.

func (ColIdent) Format

func (node ColIdent) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node.

func (ColIdent) IsEmpty

func (node ColIdent) IsEmpty() bool

IsEmpty returns true if the name is empty.

func (ColIdent) Lowered

func (node ColIdent) Lowered() string

Lowered returns a lower-cased column name. This function should generally be used only for optimizing comparisons.

func (ColIdent) MarshalJSON

func (node ColIdent) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON marshals into JSON.

func (ColIdent) String

func (node ColIdent) String() string

String returns the unescaped column name. It must not be used for SQL generation. Use sqlparser.String instead. The Stringer conformance is for usage in templates.

func (*ColIdent) UnmarshalJSON

func (node *ColIdent) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON unmarshals from JSON.

type ColName

type ColName struct {
	// Metadata is not populated by the parser.
	// It's a placeholder for analyzers to store
	// additional data, typically info about which
	// table or column this node references.
	Metadata  any
	Name      ColIdent
	Qualifier TableName

ColName represents a column name.

func CloneRefOfColName

func CloneRefOfColName(n *ColName) *ColName

CloneRefOfColName creates a deep clone of the input.

func NewColName

func NewColName(str string) *ColName

NewColName makes a new ColName

func NewColNameWithQualifier

func NewColNameWithQualifier(identifier string, table TableName) *ColName

NewColNameWithQualifier makes a new ColName pointing to a specific table

func (*ColName) CachedSize

func (cached *ColName) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64

func (*ColName) CompliantName

func (node *ColName) CompliantName() string

CompliantName is used to get the name of the bind variable to use for this column name

func (*ColName) Equal

func (node *ColName) Equal(c *ColName) bool

Equal returns true if the column names match.

func (*ColName) Format

func (node *ColName) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node.

type ColTuple

type ColTuple interface {
	// contains filtered or unexported methods

ColTuple represents a list of column values. It can be ValTuple, Subquery, ListArg.

func CloneColTuple

func CloneColTuple(in ColTuple) ColTuple

CloneColTuple creates a deep clone of the input.

type CollateExpr

type CollateExpr struct {
	Expr      Expr
	Collation string

CollateExpr represents dynamic collate operator.

func CloneRefOfCollateExpr

func CloneRefOfCollateExpr(n *CollateExpr) *CollateExpr

CloneRefOfCollateExpr creates a deep clone of the input.

func (*CollateExpr) CachedSize

func (cached *CollateExpr) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64

func (*CollateExpr) Format

func (node *CollateExpr) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node.

type ColumnCharset

type ColumnCharset struct {
	Name   string
	Binary bool

ColumnCharset exists because in the type definition it's possible to add the binary marker for a character set, so we need to track when this happens. We can't at the point of where we parse things backfill this with an existing collation. Firstly because we don't have access to that during parsing, but more importantly because it would generate syntax that is invalid.

Not in all cases where a binary marker is allowed, a collation is allowed. See https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/cast-functions.html specifically under Character Set Conversions.

func CloneColumnCharset

func CloneColumnCharset(n ColumnCharset) ColumnCharset

CloneColumnCharset creates a deep clone of the input.

func CloneRefOfColumnCharset

func CloneRefOfColumnCharset(n *ColumnCharset) *ColumnCharset

CloneRefOfColumnCharset creates a deep clone of the input.

func (*ColumnCharset) CachedSize

func (cached *ColumnCharset) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64

type ColumnDefinition

type ColumnDefinition struct {
	Name ColIdent
	// TODO: Should this not be a reference?
	Type ColumnType

ColumnDefinition describes a column in a CREATE TABLE statement

func CloneRefOfColumnDefinition

func CloneRefOfColumnDefinition(n *ColumnDefinition) *ColumnDefinition

CloneRefOfColumnDefinition creates a deep clone of the input.

func CloneSliceOfRefOfColumnDefinition

func CloneSliceOfRefOfColumnDefinition(n []*ColumnDefinition) []*ColumnDefinition

CloneSliceOfRefOfColumnDefinition creates a deep clone of the input.

func (*ColumnDefinition) CachedSize

func (cached *ColumnDefinition) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64

func (*ColumnDefinition) Format

func (col *ColumnDefinition) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node.

type ColumnFormat

type ColumnFormat int

ColumnFormat is an enum that defines the type of storage.

const (
	UnspecifiedFormat ColumnFormat = iota

ColumnFormat constants

func (ColumnFormat) ToString

func (columnFormat ColumnFormat) ToString() string

ToString returns the string associated with JoinType

type ColumnKeyOption

type ColumnKeyOption int

ColumnKeyOption indicates whether or not the given column is defined as an index element and contains the type of the option

type ColumnStorage

type ColumnStorage int

ColumnStorage is an enum that defines the type of storage.

const (
	VirtualStorage ColumnStorage = iota

ColumnStorage constants

type ColumnType

type ColumnType struct {
	// The base type string
	Type string

	// Generic field options.
	Options *ColumnTypeOptions

	// Numeric field options
	Length   *Literal
	Unsigned bool
	Zerofill bool
	Scale    *Literal

	// Text field options
	Charset ColumnCharset

	// Enum values
	EnumValues []string

ColumnType represents a sql type in a CREATE TABLE statement All optional fields are nil if not specified

func CloneColumnType

func CloneColumnType(n ColumnType) ColumnType

CloneColumnType creates a deep clone of the input.

func CloneRefOfColumnType

func CloneRefOfColumnType(n *ColumnType) *ColumnType

CloneRefOfColumnType creates a deep clone of the input.

func (*ColumnType) CachedSize

func (cached *ColumnType) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64

func (*ColumnType) DescribeType

func (ct *ColumnType) DescribeType() string

DescribeType returns the abbreviated type information as required for describe table

func (*ColumnType) Format

func (ct *ColumnType) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format returns a canonical string representation of the type and all relevant options

func (*ColumnType) SQLType

func (ct *ColumnType) SQLType() sqltypes.Type

SQLType returns the sqltypes type code for the given column

type ColumnTypeOptions

type ColumnTypeOptions struct {
	/* We need Null to be *bool to distinguish 3 cases -
	1. When Not Null is specified (Null = false)
	2. When Null is specified (Null = true)
	3. When nothing is specified (Null = nil)
	The complexity arises from the fact that we do not know whether the column will be nullable or not if nothing is specified.
	Therefore we do not know whether the column is nullable or not in case 3.
	Null          *bool
	Autoincrement bool
	Default       Expr
	OnUpdate      Expr
	As            Expr
	Comment       *Literal
	Storage       ColumnStorage
	Collate       string
	// Reference stores a foreign key constraint for the given column
	Reference *ReferenceDefinition

	// Key specification
	KeyOpt ColumnKeyOption

	// Stores the tri state of having either VISIBLE, INVISIBLE or nothing specified
	// on the column. In case of nothing, this is nil, when VISIBLE is set it's false
	// and only when INVISIBLE is set does the pointer value return true.
	Invisible *bool

	// Storage format for this specific column. This is NDB specific, but the parser
	// still allows for it and ignores it for other storage engines. So we also should
	// parse it but it's then not used anywhere.
	Format ColumnFormat

	// EngineAttribute is a new attribute not used for anything yet, but accepted
	// since 8.0.23 in the MySQL parser.
	EngineAttribute *Literal

	// SecondaryEngineAttribute is a new attribute not used for anything yet, but accepted
	// since 8.0.23 in the MySQL parser.
	SecondaryEngineAttribute *Literal

	// SRID is an attribute that indiciates the spatial reference system.
	// https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/spatial-type-overview.html
	SRID *Literal

ColumnTypeOptions are generic field options for a column type

func CloneRefOfColumnTypeOptions

func CloneRefOfColumnTypeOptions(n *ColumnTypeOptions) *ColumnTypeOptions

CloneRefOfColumnTypeOptions creates a deep clone of the input.

func (*ColumnTypeOptions) CachedSize

func (cached *ColumnTypeOptions) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64

type Columns

type Columns []ColIdent

Columns represents an insert column list.

func CloneColumns

func CloneColumns(n Columns) Columns

CloneColumns creates a deep clone of the input.

func (Columns) FindColumn

func (node Columns) FindColumn(col ColIdent) int

FindColumn finds a column in the column list, returning the index if it exists or -1 otherwise

func (Columns) Format

func (node Columns) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node.

type CommentDirectives

type CommentDirectives map[string]string

CommentDirectives is the parsed representation for execution directives conveyed in query comments

func (CommentDirectives) GetString

func (d CommentDirectives) GetString(key string, defaultVal string) string

GetString gets a directive value as string, with default value if not found

func (CommentDirectives) IsSet

func (d CommentDirectives) IsSet(key string) bool

IsSet checks the directive map for the named directive and returns true if the directive is set and has a true/false or 0/1 value

type Commented

type Commented interface {
	SetComments(comments Comments)
	GetParsedComments() *ParsedComments


type Comments

type Comments []string

Comments represents a list of comments.

func CloneComments

func CloneComments(n Comments) Comments

CloneComments creates a deep clone of the input.

func CommentsForStatement

func CommentsForStatement(stmt Statement) Comments

func (Comments) Parsed

func (c Comments) Parsed() *ParsedComments

type Commit

type Commit struct{}

Commit represents a Commit statement.

func CloneRefOfCommit

func CloneRefOfCommit(n *Commit) *Commit

CloneRefOfCommit creates a deep clone of the input.

func (*Commit) Format

func (node *Commit) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node.

type CommonTableExpr

type CommonTableExpr struct {
	TableID  TableIdent
	Columns  Columns
	Subquery *Subquery

CommonTableExpr is the structure for supporting common table expressions

func CloneRefOfCommonTableExpr

func CloneRefOfCommonTableExpr(n *CommonTableExpr) *CommonTableExpr

CloneRefOfCommonTableExpr creates a deep clone of the input.

func CloneSliceOfRefOfCommonTableExpr

func CloneSliceOfRefOfCommonTableExpr(n []*CommonTableExpr) []*CommonTableExpr

CloneSliceOfRefOfCommonTableExpr creates a deep clone of the input.

func (*CommonTableExpr) CachedSize

func (cached *CommonTableExpr) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64

func (*CommonTableExpr) Format

func (node *CommonTableExpr) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node.

type ComparisonExpr

type ComparisonExpr struct {
	Operator    ComparisonExprOperator
	Left, Right Expr
	Escape      Expr

ComparisonExpr represents a two-value comparison expression.

func CloneRefOfComparisonExpr

func CloneRefOfComparisonExpr(n *ComparisonExpr) *ComparisonExpr

CloneRefOfComparisonExpr creates a deep clone of the input.

func (*ComparisonExpr) CachedSize

func (cached *ComparisonExpr) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64

func (*ComparisonExpr) Format

func (node *ComparisonExpr) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node.

func (*ComparisonExpr) IsImpossible

func (node *ComparisonExpr) IsImpossible() bool

IsImpossible returns true if the comparison in the expression can never evaluate to true. Note that this is not currently exhaustive to ALL impossible comparisons.

type ComparisonExprOperator

type ComparisonExprOperator int8

ComparisonExprOperator is an enum for ComparisonExpr.Operator

const (
	EqualOp ComparisonExprOperator = iota

Constants for Enum Type - ComparisonExprOperator

func (ComparisonExprOperator) ToString

func (op ComparisonExprOperator) ToString() string

ToString returns the operator as a string

type ConstraintDefinition

type ConstraintDefinition struct {
	Name    ColIdent
	Details ConstraintInfo

ConstraintDefinition describes a constraint in a CREATE TABLE statement

func CloneRefOfConstraintDefinition

func CloneRefOfConstraintDefinition(n *ConstraintDefinition) *ConstraintDefinition

CloneRefOfConstraintDefinition creates a deep clone of the input.

func CloneSliceOfRefOfConstraintDefinition

func CloneSliceOfRefOfConstraintDefinition(n []*ConstraintDefinition) []*ConstraintDefinition

CloneSliceOfRefOfConstraintDefinition creates a deep clone of the input.

func (*ConstraintDefinition) CachedSize

func (cached *ConstraintDefinition) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64

func (*ConstraintDefinition) Format

func (c *ConstraintDefinition) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node.

type ConstraintInfo

type ConstraintInfo interface {
	// contains filtered or unexported methods

ConstraintInfo details a constraint in a CREATE TABLE statement

func CloneConstraintInfo

func CloneConstraintInfo(in ConstraintInfo) ConstraintInfo

CloneConstraintInfo creates a deep clone of the input.

type ConvertExpr

type ConvertExpr struct {
	Expr Expr
	Type *ConvertType

ConvertExpr represents a call to CONVERT(expr, type) or it's equivalent CAST(expr AS type). Both are rewritten to the former.

func CloneRefOfConvertExpr

func CloneRefOfConvertExpr(n *ConvertExpr) *ConvertExpr

CloneRefOfConvertExpr creates a deep clone of the input.

func (*ConvertExpr) CachedSize

func (cached *ConvertExpr) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64

func (*ConvertExpr) Format

func (node *ConvertExpr) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node.

type ConvertType

type ConvertType struct {
	Type    string
	Length  *Literal
	Scale   *Literal
	Charset ColumnCharset

ConvertType represents the type in call to CONVERT(expr, type)

func CloneRefOfConvertType

func CloneRefOfConvertType(n *ConvertType) *ConvertType

CloneRefOfConvertType creates a deep clone of the input.

func (*ConvertType) CachedSize

func (cached *ConvertType) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64

func (*ConvertType) Format

func (node *ConvertType) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node.

type ConvertUsingExpr

type ConvertUsingExpr struct {
	Expr Expr
	Type string

ConvertUsingExpr represents a call to CONVERT(expr USING charset).

func CloneRefOfConvertUsingExpr

func CloneRefOfConvertUsingExpr(n *ConvertUsingExpr) *ConvertUsingExpr

CloneRefOfConvertUsingExpr creates a deep clone of the input.

func (*ConvertUsingExpr) CachedSize

func (cached *ConvertUsingExpr) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64

func (*ConvertUsingExpr) Format

func (node *ConvertUsingExpr) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node.

type CreateDatabase

type CreateDatabase struct {
	Comments      *ParsedComments
	DBName        TableIdent
	IfNotExists   bool
	CreateOptions []DatabaseOption
	FullyParsed   bool

CreateDatabase represents a CREATE database statement.

func CloneRefOfCreateDatabase

func CloneRefOfCreateDatabase(n *CreateDatabase) *CreateDatabase

CloneRefOfCreateDatabase creates a deep clone of the input.

func (*CreateDatabase) CachedSize

func (cached *CreateDatabase) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64

func (*CreateDatabase) Format

func (node *CreateDatabase) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node.

func (*CreateDatabase) GetDatabaseName

func (node *CreateDatabase) GetDatabaseName() string

GetDatabaseName implements the DBDDLStatement interface

func (*CreateDatabase) IsFullyParsed

func (node *CreateDatabase) IsFullyParsed() bool

IsFullyParsed implements the DBDDLStatement interface

func (*CreateDatabase) SetFullyParsed

func (node *CreateDatabase) SetFullyParsed(fullyParsed bool)

SetFullyParsed implements the DBDDLStatement interface

type CreateTable

type CreateTable struct {
	Temp        bool
	Table       TableName
	IfNotExists bool
	TableSpec   *TableSpec
	OptLike     *OptLike
	Comments    *ParsedComments
	FullyParsed bool

CreateTable represents a CREATE TABLE statement.

func CloneRefOfCreateTable

func CloneRefOfCreateTable(n *CreateTable) *CreateTable

CloneRefOfCreateTable creates a deep clone of the input.

func (*CreateTable) AffectedTables

func (node *CreateTable) AffectedTables() TableNames

AffectedTables implements DDLStatement.

func (*CreateTable) CachedSize

func (cached *CreateTable) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64

func (*CreateTable) Format

func (node *CreateTable) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node.

func (*CreateTable) GetAction

func (node *CreateTable) GetAction() DDLAction

GetAction implements the DDLStatement interface

func (*CreateTable) GetFromTables

func (node *CreateTable) GetFromTables() TableNames

GetFromTables implements the DDLStatement interface

func (*CreateTable) GetIfExists

func (node *CreateTable) GetIfExists() bool

GetIfExists implements the DDLStatement interface

func (*CreateTable) GetIfNotExists

func (node *CreateTable) GetIfNotExists() bool

GetIfNotExists implements the DDLStatement interface

func (*CreateTable) GetIsReplace

func (node *CreateTable) GetIsReplace() bool

GetIsReplace implements the DDLStatement interface

func (*CreateTable) GetOptLike

func (node *CreateTable) GetOptLike() *OptLike

GetOptLike implements the DDLStatement interface

func (*CreateTable) GetParsedComments

func (node *CreateTable) GetParsedComments() *ParsedComments

GetParsedComments implements DDLStatement.

func (*CreateTable) GetTable

func (node *CreateTable) GetTable() TableName

GetTable implements the DDLStatement interface

func (*CreateTable) GetTableSpec

func (node *CreateTable) GetTableSpec() *TableSpec

GetTableSpec implements the DDLStatement interface

func (*CreateTable) GetToTables

func (node *CreateTable) GetToTables() TableNames

GetToTables implements the DDLStatement interface

func (*CreateTable) IsFullyParsed

func (node *CreateTable) IsFullyParsed() bool

IsFullyParsed implements the DDLStatement interface

func (*CreateTable) IsTemporary

func (node *CreateTable) IsTemporary() bool

IsTemporary implements the DDLStatement interface

func (*CreateTable) SetComments

func (node *CreateTable) SetComments(comments Comments)

SetComments implements DDLStatement.

func (*CreateTable) SetFromTables

func (node *CreateTable) SetFromTables(tables TableNames)

SetFromTables implements DDLStatement.

func (*CreateTable) SetFullyParsed

func (node *CreateTable) SetFullyParsed(fullyParsed bool)

SetFullyParsed implements the DDLStatement interface

func (*CreateTable) SetTable

func (node *CreateTable) SetTable(qualifier string, name string)

SetTable implements DDLStatement.

type CreateView

type CreateView struct {
	ViewName    TableName
	Algorithm   string
	Definer     *Definer
	Security    string
	Columns     Columns
	Select      SelectStatement
	CheckOption string
	IsReplace   bool
	Comments    *ParsedComments

CreateView represents a CREATE VIEW query

func CloneRefOfCreateView

func CloneRefOfCreateView(n *CreateView) *CreateView

CloneRefOfCreateView creates a deep clone of the input.

func (*CreateView) AffectedTables

func (node *CreateView) AffectedTables() TableNames

AffectedTables implements DDLStatement.

func (*CreateView) CachedSize

func (cached *CreateView) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64

func (*CreateView) Format

func (node *CreateView) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node.

func (*CreateView) GetAction

func (node *CreateView) GetAction() DDLAction

GetAction implements the DDLStatement interface

func (*CreateView) GetFromTables

func (node *CreateView) GetFromTables() TableNames

GetFromTables implements the DDLStatement interface

func (*CreateView) GetIfExists

func (node *CreateView) GetIfExists() bool

GetIfExists implements the DDLStatement interface

func (*CreateView) GetIfNotExists

func (node *CreateView) GetIfNotExists() bool

GetIfNotExists implements the DDLStatement interface

func (*CreateView) GetIsReplace

func (node *CreateView) GetIsReplace() bool

GetIsReplace implements the DDLStatement interface

func (*CreateView) GetOptLike

func (node *CreateView) GetOptLike() *OptLike

GetOptLike implements the DDLStatement interface

func (*CreateView) GetParsedComments

func (node *CreateView) GetParsedComments() *ParsedComments

GetParsedComments implements DDLStatement.

func (*CreateView) GetTable

func (node *CreateView) GetTable() TableName

GetTable implements the DDLStatement interface

func (*CreateView) GetTableSpec

func (node *CreateView) GetTableSpec() *TableSpec

GetTableSpec implements the DDLStatement interface

func (*CreateView) GetToTables

func (node *CreateView) GetToTables() TableNames

GetToTables implements the DDLStatement interface

func (*CreateView) IsFullyParsed

func (node *CreateView) IsFullyParsed() bool

IsFullyParsed implements the DDLStatement interface

func (*CreateView) IsTemporary

func (node *CreateView) IsTemporary() bool

IsTemporary implements the DDLStatement interface

func (*CreateView) SetComments

func (node *CreateView) SetComments(comments Comments)

SetComments implements DDLStatement.

func (*CreateView) SetFromTables

func (node *CreateView) SetFromTables(tables TableNames)

SetFromTables implements DDLStatement.

func (*CreateView) SetFullyParsed

func (node *CreateView) SetFullyParsed(fullyParsed bool)

SetFullyParsed implements the DDLStatement interface

func (*CreateView) SetTable

func (node *CreateView) SetTable(qualifier string, name string)

SetTable implements DDLStatement.

type CurTimeFuncExpr

type CurTimeFuncExpr struct {
	Name ColIdent
	Fsp  Expr // fractional seconds precision, integer from 0 to 6 or an Argument

CurTimeFuncExpr represents the function and arguments for CURRENT DATE/TIME functions supported functions are documented in the grammar

func CloneRefOfCurTimeFuncExpr

func CloneRefOfCurTimeFuncExpr(n *CurTimeFuncExpr) *CurTimeFuncExpr

CloneRefOfCurTimeFuncExpr creates a deep clone of the input.

func (*CurTimeFuncExpr) CachedSize

func (cached *CurTimeFuncExpr) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64

func (*CurTimeFuncExpr) Format

func (node *CurTimeFuncExpr) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node.

type Cursor

type Cursor struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

A Cursor describes a node encountered during Apply. Information about the node and its parent is available from the Node and Parent methods.

func (*Cursor) Node

func (c *Cursor) Node() SQLNode

Node returns the current Node.

func (*Cursor) Parent

func (c *Cursor) Parent() SQLNode

Parent returns the parent of the current Node.

func (*Cursor) Replace

func (c *Cursor) Replace(newNode SQLNode)

Replace replaces the current node in the parent field with this new object. The use needs to make sure to not replace the object with something of the wrong type, or the visitor will panic.

func (*Cursor) ReplaceAndRevisit

func (c *Cursor) ReplaceAndRevisit(newNode SQLNode)

ReplaceAndRevisit replaces the current node in the parent field with this new object. When used, this will abort the visitation of the current node - no post or children visited, and the new node visited.

func (*Cursor) ReplacerF

func (c *Cursor) ReplacerF() func(newNode SQLNode)

ReplacerF returns a replace func that will work even when the cursor has moved to a different node.

type DBDDLStatement

type DBDDLStatement interface {
	IsFullyParsed() bool
	GetDatabaseName() string
	// contains filtered or unexported methods

DBDDLStatement represents any DBDDL Statement

func CloneDBDDLStatement

func CloneDBDDLStatement(in DBDDLStatement) DBDDLStatement

CloneDBDDLStatement creates a deep clone of the input.

type DDLAction

type DDLAction int8

DDLAction is an enum for DDL.Action

const (
	CreateDDLAction DDLAction = iota

Constants for Enum Type - DDL.Action

func (DDLAction) ToString

func (action DDLAction) ToString() string

ToString returns the string associated with the DDLAction Enum

type DDLStatement

type DDLStatement interface {
	IsFullyParsed() bool
	IsTemporary() bool
	GetTable() TableName
	GetAction() DDLAction
	GetOptLike() *OptLike
	GetIfExists() bool
	GetIfNotExists() bool
	GetIsReplace() bool
	GetTableSpec() *TableSpec
	GetFromTables() TableNames
	GetToTables() TableNames
	AffectedTables() TableNames
	SetTable(qualifier string, name string)
	SetFromTables(tables TableNames)
	SetFullyParsed(fullyParsed bool)
	// contains filtered or unexported methods

DDLStatement represents any DDL Statement

func CloneDDLStatement

func CloneDDLStatement(in DDLStatement) DDLStatement

CloneDDLStatement creates a deep clone of the input.

type DatabaseOption

type DatabaseOption struct {
	Type      DatabaseOptionType
	IsDefault bool
	Value     string

DatabaseOption is a struct that stores Collation or Character Set value

func CloneDatabaseOption

func CloneDatabaseOption(n DatabaseOption) DatabaseOption

CloneDatabaseOption creates a deep clone of the input.

func CloneRefOfDatabaseOption

func CloneRefOfDatabaseOption(n *DatabaseOption) *DatabaseOption

CloneRefOfDatabaseOption creates a deep clone of the input.

func CloneSliceOfDatabaseOption

func CloneSliceOfDatabaseOption(n []DatabaseOption) []DatabaseOption

CloneSliceOfDatabaseOption creates a deep clone of the input.

func (*DatabaseOption) CachedSize

func (cached *DatabaseOption) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64

type DatabaseOptionType

type DatabaseOptionType int8

DatabaseOptionType is an enum for create database options

const (
	CollateType DatabaseOptionType = iota

Constant for Enum Type - DatabaseOptionType

func (DatabaseOptionType) ToString

func (node DatabaseOptionType) ToString() string

ToString returns the type as a string

type DeallocateStmt

type DeallocateStmt struct {
	Type     DeallocateStmtType
	Comments *ParsedComments
	Name     ColIdent

DeallocateStmt represents a Deallocate Statement More info available on https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/deallocate-prepare.html

func CloneRefOfDeallocateStmt

func CloneRefOfDeallocateStmt(n *DeallocateStmt) *DeallocateStmt

CloneRefOfDeallocateStmt creates a deep clone of the input.

func (*DeallocateStmt) CachedSize

func (cached *DeallocateStmt) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64

func (*DeallocateStmt) Format

func (node *DeallocateStmt) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node.

type DeallocateStmtType

type DeallocateStmtType int8

DeallocateStmtType is an enum to get types of deallocate

const (
	DeallocateType DeallocateStmtType = iota

Constant for Enum Type - DeallocateStmtType

func (DeallocateStmtType) ToString

func (ty DeallocateStmtType) ToString() string

ToString returns the type as a string

type Default

type Default struct {
	ColName string

Default represents a DEFAULT expression.

func CloneRefOfDefault

func CloneRefOfDefault(n *Default) *Default

CloneRefOfDefault creates a deep clone of the input.

func (*Default) CachedSize

func (cached *Default) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64

func (*Default) Format

func (node *Default) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node.

type Definer

type Definer struct {
	Name    string
	Address string

Definer stores the user for AlterView and CreateView definers

func CloneRefOfDefiner

func CloneRefOfDefiner(n *Definer) *Definer

CloneRefOfDefiner creates a deep clone of the input.

func (*Definer) CachedSize

func (cached *Definer) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64

func (*Definer) Format

func (definer *Definer) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

type Delete

type Delete struct {
	With       *With
	Ignore     Ignore
	Comments   *ParsedComments
	Targets    TableNames
	TableExprs TableExprs
	Partitions Partitions
	Where      *Where
	OrderBy    OrderBy
	Limit      *Limit

Delete represents a DELETE statement. If you add fields here, consider adding them to calls to validateUnshardedRoute.

func CloneRefOfDelete

func CloneRefOfDelete(n *Delete) *Delete

CloneRefOfDelete creates a deep clone of the input.

func (*Delete) CachedSize

func (cached *Delete) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64

func (*Delete) Format

func (node *Delete) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node.

func (*Delete) GetParsedComments

func (node *Delete) GetParsedComments() *ParsedComments

GetParsedComments implements SupportOptimizerHint.

func (*Delete) SetComments

func (node *Delete) SetComments(comments Comments)

SetComments for Delete

type DerivedTable

type DerivedTable struct {
	Lateral bool
	Select  SelectStatement

DerivedTable represents a subquery used as a table expression.

func CloneRefOfDerivedTable

func CloneRefOfDerivedTable(n *DerivedTable) *DerivedTable

CloneRefOfDerivedTable creates a deep clone of the input.

func (*DerivedTable) CachedSize

func (cached *DerivedTable) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64

func (*DerivedTable) Format

func (node *DerivedTable) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node.

type DropColumn

type DropColumn struct {
	Name *ColName

DropColumn is used to drop a column in an alter table statement

func CloneRefOfDropColumn

func CloneRefOfDropColumn(n *DropColumn) *DropColumn

CloneRefOfDropColumn creates a deep clone of the input.

func (*DropColumn) CachedSize

func (cached *DropColumn) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64

func (*DropColumn) Format

func (node *DropColumn) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node

type DropDatabase

type DropDatabase struct {
	Comments *ParsedComments
	DBName   TableIdent
	IfExists bool

DropDatabase represents a DROP database statement.

func CloneRefOfDropDatabase

func CloneRefOfDropDatabase(n *DropDatabase) *DropDatabase

CloneRefOfDropDatabase creates a deep clone of the input.

func (*DropDatabase) CachedSize

func (cached *DropDatabase) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64

func (*DropDatabase) Format

func (node *DropDatabase) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node.

func (*DropDatabase) GetDatabaseName

func (node *DropDatabase) GetDatabaseName() string

GetDatabaseName implements the DBDDLStatement interface

func (*DropDatabase) IsFullyParsed

func (node *DropDatabase) IsFullyParsed() bool

IsFullyParsed implements the DBDDLStatement interface

func (*DropDatabase) SetFullyParsed

func (node *DropDatabase) SetFullyParsed(fullyParsed bool)

SetFullyParsed implements the DBDDLStatement interface

type DropKey

type DropKey struct {
	Type DropKeyType
	Name ColIdent

DropKey is used to drop a key in an alter table statement

func CloneRefOfDropKey

func CloneRefOfDropKey(n *DropKey) *DropKey

CloneRefOfDropKey creates a deep clone of the input.

func (*DropKey) CachedSize

func (cached *DropKey) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64

func (*DropKey) Format

func (node *DropKey) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node

type DropKeyType

type DropKeyType int8

DropKeyType is an enum that represents the type of key being dropped in an alter table statement

const (
	PrimaryKeyType DropKeyType = iota

DropKeyType constants

func (DropKeyType) ToString

func (key DropKeyType) ToString() string

ToString returns the DropKeyType as a string

type DropTable

type DropTable struct {
	Temp       bool
	FromTables TableNames
	// The following fields are set if a DDL was fully analyzed.
	IfExists bool
	Comments *ParsedComments

DropTable represents a DROP TABLE statement.

func CloneRefOfDropTable

func CloneRefOfDropTable(n *DropTable) *DropTable

CloneRefOfDropTable creates a deep clone of the input.

func (*DropTable) AffectedTables

func (node *DropTable) AffectedTables() TableNames

AffectedTables returns the list table names affected by the DDLStatement.

func (*DropTable) CachedSize

func (cached *DropTable) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64

func (*DropTable) Format

func (node *DropTable) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node.

func (*DropTable) GetAction

func (node *DropTable) GetAction() DDLAction

GetAction implements the DDLStatement interface

func (*DropTable) GetFromTables

func (node *DropTable) GetFromTables() TableNames

GetFromTables implements the DDLStatement interface

func (*DropTable) GetIfExists

func (node *DropTable) GetIfExists() bool

GetIfExists implements the DDLStatement interface

func (*DropTable) GetIfNotExists

func (node *DropTable) GetIfNotExists() bool

GetIfNotExists implements the DDLStatement interface

func (*DropTable) GetIsReplace

func (node *DropTable) GetIsReplace() bool

GetIsReplace implements the DDLStatement interface

func (*DropTable) GetOptLike

func (node *DropTable) GetOptLike() *OptLike

GetOptLike implements the DDLStatement interface

func (*DropTable) GetParsedComments

func (node *DropTable) GetParsedComments() *ParsedComments

GetParsedComments implements DDLStatement.

func (*DropTable) GetTable

func (node *DropTable) GetTable() TableName

GetTable implements the DDLStatement interface

func (*DropTable) GetTableSpec

func (node *DropTable) GetTableSpec() *TableSpec

GetTableSpec implements the DDLStatement interface

func (*DropTable) GetToTables

func (node *DropTable) GetToTables() TableNames

GetToTables implements the DDLStatement interface

func (*DropTable) IsFullyParsed

func (node *DropTable) IsFullyParsed() bool

IsFullyParsed implements the DDLStatement interface

func (*DropTable) IsTemporary

func (node *DropTable) IsTemporary() bool

IsTemporary implements the DDLStatement interface

func (*DropTable) SetComments

func (node *DropTable) SetComments(comments Comments)

SetComments implements DDLStatement.

func (*DropTable) SetFromTables

func (node *DropTable) SetFromTables(tables TableNames)

SetFromTables implements DDLStatement.

func (*DropTable) SetFullyParsed

func (node *DropTable) SetFullyParsed(fullyParsed bool)

SetFullyParsed implements the DDLStatement interface

func (*DropTable) SetTable

func (node *DropTable) SetTable(qualifier string, name string)

SetTable implements DDLStatement.

type DropView

type DropView struct {
	FromTables TableNames
	IfExists   bool
	Comments   *ParsedComments

DropView represents a DROP VIEW statement.

func CloneRefOfDropView

func CloneRefOfDropView(n *DropView) *DropView

CloneRefOfDropView creates a deep clone of the input.

func (*DropView) AffectedTables

func (node *DropView) AffectedTables() TableNames

AffectedTables returns the list table names affected by the DDLStatement.

func (*DropView) CachedSize

func (cached *DropView) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64

func (*DropView) Format

func (node *DropView) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node.

func (*DropView) GetAction

func (node *DropView) GetAction() DDLAction

GetAction implements the DDLStatement interface

func (*DropView) GetFromTables

func (node *DropView) GetFromTables() TableNames

GetFromTables implements the DDLStatement interface

func (*DropView) GetIfExists

func (node *DropView) GetIfExists() bool

GetIfExists implements the DDLStatement interface

func (*DropView) GetIfNotExists

func (node *DropView) GetIfNotExists() bool

GetIfNotExists implements the DDLStatement interface

func (*DropView) GetIsReplace

func (node *DropView) GetIsReplace() bool

GetIsReplace implements the DDLStatement interface

func (*DropView) GetOptLike

func (node *DropView) GetOptLike() *OptLike

GetOptLike implements the DDLStatement interface

func (*DropView) GetParsedComments

func (node *DropView) GetParsedComments() *ParsedComments

GetParsedComments implements DDLStatement.

func (*DropView) GetTable

func (node *DropView) GetTable() TableName

GetTable implements the DDLStatement interface

func (*DropView) GetTableSpec

func (node *DropView) GetTableSpec() *TableSpec

GetTableSpec implements the DDLStatement interface

func (*DropView) GetToTables

func (node *DropView) GetToTables() TableNames

GetToTables implements the DDLStatement interface

func (*DropView) IsFullyParsed

func (node *DropView) IsFullyParsed() bool

IsFullyParsed implements the DDLStatement interface

func (*DropView) IsTemporary

func (node *DropView) IsTemporary() bool

IsTemporary implements the DDLStatement interface

func (*DropView) SetComments

func (node *DropView) SetComments(comments Comments)

SetComments implements DDLStatement.

func (*DropView) SetFromTables

func (node *DropView) SetFromTables(tables TableNames)

SetFromTables implements DDLStatement.

func (*DropView) SetFullyParsed

func (node *DropView) SetFullyParsed(fullyParsed bool)

SetFullyParsed implements the DDLStatement interface

func (*DropView) SetTable

func (node *DropView) SetTable(qualifier string, name string)

SetTable implements DDLStatement.

type Encodable

type Encodable interface {
	EncodeSQL(buf *strings.Builder)

Encodable defines the interface for types that can be custom-encoded into SQL.

type ExecuteStmt

type ExecuteStmt struct {
	Name      ColIdent
	Comments  *ParsedComments
	Arguments Columns

ExecuteStmt represents an Execute Statement More info available on https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/execute.html

func CloneRefOfExecuteStmt

func CloneRefOfExecuteStmt(n *ExecuteStmt) *ExecuteStmt

CloneRefOfExecuteStmt creates a deep clone of the input.

func (*ExecuteStmt) CachedSize

func (cached *ExecuteStmt) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64

func (*ExecuteStmt) Format

func (node *ExecuteStmt) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node.

type ExistsExpr

type ExistsExpr struct {
	Subquery *Subquery

ExistsExpr represents an EXISTS expression.

func CloneRefOfExistsExpr

func CloneRefOfExistsExpr(n *ExistsExpr) *ExistsExpr

CloneRefOfExistsExpr creates a deep clone of the input.

func (*ExistsExpr) CachedSize

func (cached *ExistsExpr) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64

func (*ExistsExpr) Format

func (node *ExistsExpr) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node.

type Explain

type Explain interface {
	// contains filtered or unexported methods

Explain is an interface that represents the Explain statements

func CloneExplain

func CloneExplain(in Explain) Explain

CloneExplain creates a deep clone of the input.

type ExplainStmt

type ExplainStmt struct {
	Type      ExplainType
	Statement Statement

ExplainStmt represents an Explain statement

func CloneRefOfExplainStmt

func CloneRefOfExplainStmt(n *ExplainStmt) *ExplainStmt

CloneRefOfExplainStmt creates a deep clone of the input.

func (*ExplainStmt) CachedSize

func (cached *ExplainStmt) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64

func (*ExplainStmt) Format

func (node *ExplainStmt) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node.

type ExplainTab

type ExplainTab struct {
	Table TableName
	Wild  string

ExplainTab represents the Explain table

func CloneRefOfExplainTab

func CloneRefOfExplainTab(n *ExplainTab) *ExplainTab

CloneRefOfExplainTab creates a deep clone of the input.

func (*ExplainTab) CachedSize

func (cached *ExplainTab) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64

func (*ExplainTab) Format

func (node *ExplainTab) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node.

type ExplainType

type ExplainType int8

ExplainType is an enum for ExplainStmt.Type

const (
	EmptyType ExplainType = iota

Constant for Enum Type - ExplainType

func (ExplainType) ToString

func (ty ExplainType) ToString() string

ToString returns the type as a string

type Expr

type Expr interface {
	// contains filtered or unexported methods

Expr represents an expression.

func AndExpressions

func AndExpressions(exprs ...Expr) Expr

AndExpressions ands together two or more expressions, minimising the expr when possible

func CloneExpr

func CloneExpr(in Expr) Expr

CloneExpr creates a deep clone of the input.

func ParseExpr

func ParseExpr(sql string) (Expr, error)

ParseExpr parses an expression and transforms it to an AST

func RemoveKeyspaceFromColName

func RemoveKeyspaceFromColName(expr Expr) Expr

RemoveKeyspaceFromColName removes the Qualifier.Qualifier on all ColNames in the expression tree

func ReplaceExpr

func ReplaceExpr(root, from, to Expr) Expr

ReplaceExpr finds the from expression from root and replaces it with to. If from matches root, then to is returned.

func SplitAndExpression

func SplitAndExpression(filters []Expr, node Expr) []Expr

SplitAndExpression breaks up the Expr into AND-separated conditions and appends them to filters. Outer parenthesis are removed. Precedence should be taken into account if expressions are recombined.

type Exprs

type Exprs []Expr

Exprs represents a list of value expressions. It's not a valid expression because it's not parenthesized.

func CloneExprs

func CloneExprs(n Exprs) Exprs

CloneExprs creates a deep clone of the input.

func (Exprs) Format

func (node Exprs) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node.

type ExtractFuncExpr

type ExtractFuncExpr struct {
	IntervalTypes IntervalTypes
	Expr          Expr

ExtractFuncExpr represents the function and arguments for EXTRACT(YEAR FROM '2019-07-02') type functions.

func CloneRefOfExtractFuncExpr

func CloneRefOfExtractFuncExpr(n *ExtractFuncExpr) *ExtractFuncExpr

CloneRefOfExtractFuncExpr creates a deep clone of the input.

func (*ExtractFuncExpr) CachedSize

func (cached *ExtractFuncExpr) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64

func (*ExtractFuncExpr) Format

func (node *ExtractFuncExpr) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node.

type ExtractedSubquery

type ExtractedSubquery struct {
	Original     Expr // original expression that was replaced by this ExtractedSubquery
	OpCode       int  // this should really be engine.PulloutOpCode, but we cannot depend on engine :(
	Subquery     *Subquery
	OtherSide    Expr // represents the side of the comparison, this field will be nil if Original is not a comparison
	NeedsRewrite bool // tells whether we need to rewrite this subquery to Original or not
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

ExtractedSubquery is a subquery that has been extracted from the original AST This is a struct that the parser will never produce - it's written and read by the gen4 planner CAUTION: you should only change argName and hasValuesArg through the setter methods

func CloneRefOfExtractedSubquery

func CloneRefOfExtractedSubquery(n *ExtractedSubquery) *ExtractedSubquery

CloneRefOfExtractedSubquery creates a deep clone of the input.

func (*ExtractedSubquery) CachedSize

func (cached *ExtractedSubquery) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64

func (*ExtractedSubquery) Format

func (node *ExtractedSubquery) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node. If an extracted subquery is still in the AST when we print it, it will be formatted as if the subquery has been extracted, and instead show up like argument comparisons

func (*ExtractedSubquery) GetArgName

func (es *ExtractedSubquery) GetArgName() string

GetArgName returns argument name.

func (*ExtractedSubquery) GetHasValuesArg

func (es *ExtractedSubquery) GetHasValuesArg() string

GetHasValuesArg returns has values argument.

func (*ExtractedSubquery) SetArgName

func (es *ExtractedSubquery) SetArgName(n string)

SetArgName sets argument name.

func (*ExtractedSubquery) SetHasValuesArg

func (es *ExtractedSubquery) SetHasValuesArg(n string)

SetHasValuesArg sets has_values argument.

type Flush

type Flush struct {
	IsLocal      bool
	FlushOptions []string
	TableNames   TableNames
	WithLock     bool
	ForExport    bool

Flush represents a FLUSH statement.

func CloneRefOfFlush

func CloneRefOfFlush(n *Flush) *Flush

CloneRefOfFlush creates a deep clone of the input.

func (*Flush) CachedSize

func (cached *Flush) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64

func (*Flush) Format

func (node *Flush) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node.

type Force

type Force struct{}

Force is used to specify force alter option in an alter table statement

func CloneRefOfForce

func CloneRefOfForce(n *Force) *Force

CloneRefOfForce creates a deep clone of the input.

func (*Force) Format

func (node *Force) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node

type ForeignKeyDefinition

type ForeignKeyDefinition struct {
	Source              Columns
	IndexName           ColIdent
	ReferenceDefinition *ReferenceDefinition

ForeignKeyDefinition describes a foreign key in a CREATE TABLE statement

func CloneRefOfForeignKeyDefinition

func CloneRefOfForeignKeyDefinition(n *ForeignKeyDefinition) *ForeignKeyDefinition

CloneRefOfForeignKeyDefinition creates a deep clone of the input.

func (*ForeignKeyDefinition) CachedSize

func (cached *ForeignKeyDefinition) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64

func (*ForeignKeyDefinition) Format

func (f *ForeignKeyDefinition) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node.

type FuncExpr

type FuncExpr struct {
	Qualifier TableIdent
	Name      ColIdent
	Distinct  bool
	Exprs     SelectExprs

FuncExpr represents a function call.

func CloneRefOfFuncExpr

func CloneRefOfFuncExpr(n *FuncExpr) *FuncExpr

CloneRefOfFuncExpr creates a deep clone of the input.

func (*FuncExpr) CachedSize

func (cached *FuncExpr) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64

func (*FuncExpr) Format

func (node *FuncExpr) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node.

func (*FuncExpr) IsAggregate

func (node *FuncExpr) IsAggregate() bool

IsAggregate returns true if the function is an aggregate.

type GroupBy

type GroupBy []Expr

GroupBy represents a GROUP BY clause.

func CloneGroupBy

func CloneGroupBy(n GroupBy) GroupBy

CloneGroupBy creates a deep clone of the input.

func (GroupBy) Format

func (node GroupBy) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node.

type GroupConcatExpr

type GroupConcatExpr struct {
	Distinct  bool
	Exprs     SelectExprs
	OrderBy   OrderBy
	Separator string
	Limit     *Limit

GroupConcatExpr represents a call to GROUP_CONCAT

func CloneRefOfGroupConcatExpr

func CloneRefOfGroupConcatExpr(n *GroupConcatExpr) *GroupConcatExpr

CloneRefOfGroupConcatExpr creates a deep clone of the input.

func (*GroupConcatExpr) CachedSize

func (cached *GroupConcatExpr) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64

func (*GroupConcatExpr) Format

func (node *GroupConcatExpr) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node

type Ignore

type Ignore bool

Ignore represents whether ignore was specified or not

func (Ignore) ToString

func (ignore Ignore) ToString() string

ToString returns the IgnoreStr if ignore is true.

type IndexColumn

type IndexColumn struct {
	// Only one of Column or Expression can be specified
	// Length is an optional field which is only applicable when Column is used
	Column     ColIdent
	Length     *Literal
	Expression Expr
	Direction  OrderDirection

IndexColumn describes a column or expression in an index definition with optional length (for column)

func CloneRefOfIndexColumn

func CloneRefOfIndexColumn(n *IndexColumn) *IndexColumn

CloneRefOfIndexColumn creates a deep clone of the input.

func CloneSliceOfRefOfIndexColumn

func CloneSliceOfRefOfIndexColumn(n []*IndexColumn) []*IndexColumn

CloneSliceOfRefOfIndexColumn creates a deep clone of the input.

func (*IndexColumn) CachedSize

func (cached *IndexColumn) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64

type IndexDefinition

type IndexDefinition struct {
	Info    *IndexInfo
	Columns []*IndexColumn
	Options []*IndexOption

IndexDefinition describes an index in a CREATE TABLE statement

func CloneRefOfIndexDefinition

func CloneRefOfIndexDefinition(n *IndexDefinition) *IndexDefinition

CloneRefOfIndexDefinition creates a deep clone of the input.

func CloneSliceOfRefOfIndexDefinition

func CloneSliceOfRefOfIndexDefinition(n []*IndexDefinition) []*IndexDefinition

CloneSliceOfRefOfIndexDefinition creates a deep clone of the input.

func (*IndexDefinition) CachedSize

func (cached *IndexDefinition) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64

func (*IndexDefinition) Format

func (idx *IndexDefinition) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node.

type IndexHint

type IndexHint struct {
	Type    IndexHintType
	ForType IndexHintForType
	Indexes []ColIdent

IndexHint represents an index hint. More information available on https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/index-hints.html

func CloneRefOfIndexHint

func CloneRefOfIndexHint(n *IndexHint) *IndexHint

CloneRefOfIndexHint creates a deep clone of the input.

func (*IndexHint) CachedSize

func (cached *IndexHint) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64

func (*IndexHint) Format

func (node *IndexHint) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node.

type IndexHintForType

type IndexHintForType int8

IndexHintForType is an enum for FOR specified in an IndexHint

const (
	NoForType IndexHintForType = iota

Constant for Enum Type - IndexHintForType

func (IndexHintForType) ToString

func (ty IndexHintForType) ToString() string

ToString returns the type as a string

type IndexHintType

type IndexHintType int8

IndexHintType is an enum for IndexHint.Type

const (
	UseOp IndexHintType = iota

Constant for Enum Type - IndexHintType

func (IndexHintType) ToString

func (ty IndexHintType) ToString() string

ToString returns the type as a string

type IndexHints

type IndexHints []*IndexHint

IndexHints represents a list of index hints.

func CloneIndexHints

func CloneIndexHints(n IndexHints) IndexHints

CloneIndexHints creates a deep clone of the input.

func (IndexHints) Format

func (node IndexHints) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node.

type IndexInfo

type IndexInfo struct {
	Type           string
	Name           ColIdent
	ConstraintName ColIdent
	Primary        bool
	Spatial        bool
	Fulltext       bool
	Unique         bool

IndexInfo describes the name and type of an index in a CREATE TABLE statement

func CloneRefOfIndexInfo

func CloneRefOfIndexInfo(n *IndexInfo) *IndexInfo

CloneRefOfIndexInfo creates a deep clone of the input.

func (*IndexInfo) CachedSize

func (cached *IndexInfo) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64

func (*IndexInfo) Format

func (ii *IndexInfo) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node.

type IndexOption

type IndexOption struct {
	Name   string
	Value  *Literal
	String string

IndexOption is used for trailing options for indexes: COMMENT, KEY_BLOCK_SIZE, USING, WITH PARSER

func CloneRefOfIndexOption

func CloneRefOfIndexOption(n *IndexOption) *IndexOption

CloneRefOfIndexOption creates a deep clone of the input.

func CloneSliceOfRefOfIndexOption

func CloneSliceOfRefOfIndexOption(n []*IndexOption) []*IndexOption

CloneSliceOfRefOfIndexOption creates a deep clone of the input.

func (*IndexOption) CachedSize

func (cached *IndexOption) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64

type Insert

type Insert struct {
	Action     InsertAction
	Comments   *ParsedComments
	Ignore     Ignore
	Table      TableName
	Partitions Partitions
	Columns    Columns
	Rows       InsertRows
	OnDup      OnDup

Insert represents an INSERT or REPLACE statement. Per the MySQL docs, http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/replace.html Replace is the counterpart to `INSERT IGNORE`, and works exactly like a normal INSERT except if the row exists. In that case it first deletes the row and re-inserts with new values. For that reason we keep it as an Insert struct. Replaces are currently disallowed in sharded schemas because of the implications the deletion part may have on vindexes. If you add fields here, consider adding them to calls to validateUnshardedRoute.

func CloneRefOfInsert

func CloneRefOfInsert(n *Insert) *Insert

CloneRefOfInsert creates a deep clone of the input.

func (*Insert) CachedSize

func (cached *Insert) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64

func (*Insert) Format

func (node *Insert) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node.

func (*Insert) GetParsedComments

func (node *Insert) GetParsedComments() *ParsedComments

GetParsedComments implements Insert.

func (*Insert) SetComments

func (node *Insert) SetComments(comments Comments)

SetComments for Insert

type InsertAction

type InsertAction int8

InsertAction is the action for insert.

const (
	InsertAct InsertAction = iota

Constants for Enum Type - Insert.Action

type InsertRows

type InsertRows interface {
	// contains filtered or unexported methods

InsertRows represents the rows for an INSERT statement.

func CloneInsertRows

func CloneInsertRows(in InsertRows) InsertRows

CloneInsertRows creates a deep clone of the input.

type InsertValues

type InsertValues [][]sqltypes.Value

InsertValues is a custom SQL encoder for the values of an insert statement.

func (InsertValues) EncodeSQL

func (iv InsertValues) EncodeSQL(buf *strings.Builder)

EncodeSQL performs the SQL encoding for InsertValues.

type IntervalExpr

type IntervalExpr struct {
	Expr Expr
	Unit string

IntervalExpr represents a date-time INTERVAL expression.

func CloneRefOfIntervalExpr

func CloneRefOfIntervalExpr(n *IntervalExpr) *IntervalExpr

CloneRefOfIntervalExpr creates a deep clone of the input.

func (*IntervalExpr) CachedSize

func (cached *IntervalExpr) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64

func (*IntervalExpr) Format

func (node *IntervalExpr) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node.

type IntervalTypes

type IntervalTypes int8

IntervalTypes is an enum to get types of intervals

const (
	IntervalYear IntervalTypes = iota

IntervalTypes constants

func (IntervalTypes) ToString

func (ty IntervalTypes) ToString() string

ToString returns the type as a string

type IntroducerExpr

type IntroducerExpr struct {
	CharacterSet string
	Expr         Expr

IntroducerExpr represents a unary value expression.

func CloneRefOfIntroducerExpr

func CloneRefOfIntroducerExpr(n *IntroducerExpr) *IntroducerExpr

CloneRefOfIntroducerExpr creates a deep clone of the input.

func (*IntroducerExpr) CachedSize

func (cached *IntroducerExpr) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64

func (*IntroducerExpr) Format

func (node *IntroducerExpr) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node.

type IsExpr

type IsExpr struct {
	Left  Expr
	Right IsExprOperator

IsExpr represents an IS ... or an IS NOT ... expression.

func CloneRefOfIsExpr

func CloneRefOfIsExpr(n *IsExpr) *IsExpr

CloneRefOfIsExpr creates a deep clone of the input.

func (*IsExpr) CachedSize

func (cached *IsExpr) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64

func (*IsExpr) Format

func (node *IsExpr) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node.

type IsExprOperator

type IsExprOperator int8

IsExprOperator is an enum for IsExpr.Operator

const (
	IsNullOp IsExprOperator = iota

Constant for Enum Type - IsExprOperator

func (IsExprOperator) ToString

func (op IsExprOperator) ToString() string

ToString returns the operator as a string

type IsolationLevel

type IsolationLevel int8

IsolationLevel is an enum for isolation levels

const (
	ReadUncommitted IsolationLevel = iota

Constants for Enum type - IsolationLevel

func (IsolationLevel) Format

func (node IsolationLevel) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node.

type JSONArrayExpr

type JSONArrayExpr struct {
	Params Exprs

JSONArrayExpr represents JSON_ARRAY() More information on https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/json-creation-functions.html#function_json-array

func CloneRefOfJSONArrayExpr

func CloneRefOfJSONArrayExpr(n *JSONArrayExpr) *JSONArrayExpr

CloneRefOfJSONArrayExpr creates a deep clone of the input.

func (*JSONArrayExpr) CachedSize

func (cached *JSONArrayExpr) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64

func (*JSONArrayExpr) Format

func (node *JSONArrayExpr) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node.

type JSONAttributeType

type JSONAttributeType int8

JSONAttributeType is an enum to get types of TrimFunc. TrimFunc stand for one of the following: JSON_DEPTH JSON_TYPE JSON_VALID ENUM

const (
	DepthAttributeType JSONAttributeType = iota

Constants for Enum Type - JSONAttributeType

func (JSONAttributeType) ToString

func (ty JSONAttributeType) ToString() string

ToString returns the type as a string

type JSONAttributesExpr

type JSONAttributesExpr struct {
	Type    JSONAttributeType
	JSONDoc Expr
	Path    JSONPathParam

JSONAttributesExpr represents the argument and function for functions returning JSON value attributes More information available on https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/json-attribute-functions.html

func CloneRefOfJSONAttributesExpr

func CloneRefOfJSONAttributesExpr(n *JSONAttributesExpr) *JSONAttributesExpr

CloneRefOfJSONAttributesExpr creates a deep clone of the input.

func (*JSONAttributesExpr) CachedSize

func (cached *JSONAttributesExpr) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64

func (*JSONAttributesExpr) Format

func (node *JSONAttributesExpr) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node

type JSONContainsExpr

type JSONContainsExpr struct {
	Target    Expr
	Candidate Expr
	PathList  []JSONPathParam

JSONContainsExpr represents the function and arguments for JSON_CONTAINS() For more information, see https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/json-search-functions.html#function_json-contains

func CloneRefOfJSONContainsExpr

func CloneRefOfJSONContainsExpr(n *JSONContainsExpr) *JSONContainsExpr

CloneRefOfJSONContainsExpr creates a deep clone of the input.

func (*JSONContainsExpr) CachedSize

func (cached *JSONContainsExpr) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64

func (*JSONContainsExpr) Format

func (node *JSONContainsExpr) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node

type JSONContainsPathExpr

type JSONContainsPathExpr struct {
	JSONDoc  Expr
	OneOrAll Expr
	PathList []JSONPathParam

JSONContainsPathExpr represents the function and arguments for JSON_CONTAINS_PATH() For more information, see https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/json-search-functions.html#function_json-contains-path

func CloneRefOfJSONContainsPathExpr

func CloneRefOfJSONContainsPathExpr(n *JSONContainsPathExpr) *JSONContainsPathExpr

CloneRefOfJSONContainsPathExpr creates a deep clone of the input.

func (*JSONContainsPathExpr) CachedSize

func (cached *JSONContainsPathExpr) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64

func (*JSONContainsPathExpr) Format

func (node *JSONContainsPathExpr) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node

type JSONContainsPathType

type JSONContainsPathType int8

JSONContainsPathType is an enum to get types of Trim

type JSONExtractExpr

type JSONExtractExpr struct {
	JSONDoc  Expr
	PathList []JSONPathParam

JSONExtractExpr represents the function and arguments for JSON_EXTRACT() For more information, see https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/json-search-functions.html#function_json-extract

func CloneRefOfJSONExtractExpr

func CloneRefOfJSONExtractExpr(n *JSONExtractExpr) *JSONExtractExpr

CloneRefOfJSONExtractExpr creates a deep clone of the input.

func (*JSONExtractExpr) CachedSize

func (cached *JSONExtractExpr) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64

func (*JSONExtractExpr) Format

func (node *JSONExtractExpr) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node

type JSONKeysExpr

type JSONKeysExpr struct {
	JSONDoc  Expr
	PathList []JSONPathParam

JSONKeysExpr represents the function and arguments for JSON_KEYS() For more information, see https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/json-search-functions.html#function_json-keys

func CloneRefOfJSONKeysExpr

func CloneRefOfJSONKeysExpr(n *JSONKeysExpr) *JSONKeysExpr

CloneRefOfJSONKeysExpr creates a deep clone of the input.

func (*JSONKeysExpr) CachedSize

func (cached *JSONKeysExpr) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64

func (*JSONKeysExpr) Format

func (node *JSONKeysExpr) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node

type JSONObjectExpr

type JSONObjectExpr struct {
	Params []*JSONObjectParam

JSONObjectExpr represents JSON_OBJECT() More information on https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/json-creation-functions.html#function_json-object

func CloneRefOfJSONObjectExpr

func CloneRefOfJSONObjectExpr(n *JSONObjectExpr) *JSONObjectExpr

CloneRefOfJSONObjectExpr creates a deep clone of the input.

func (*JSONObjectExpr) CachedSize

func (cached *JSONObjectExpr) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64

func (*JSONObjectExpr) Format

func (node *JSONObjectExpr) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node.

type JSONObjectParam

type JSONObjectParam struct {
	Key   Expr
	Value Expr

JSONObjectParam defines a key/value parameter for a JSON_OBJECT expression

func CloneJSONObjectParam

func CloneJSONObjectParam(n JSONObjectParam) JSONObjectParam

CloneJSONObjectParam creates a deep clone of the input.

func CloneRefOfJSONObjectParam

func CloneRefOfJSONObjectParam(n *JSONObjectParam) *JSONObjectParam

CloneRefOfJSONObjectParam creates a deep clone of the input.

func CloneSliceOfRefOfJSONObjectParam

func CloneSliceOfRefOfJSONObjectParam(n []*JSONObjectParam) []*JSONObjectParam

CloneSliceOfRefOfJSONObjectParam creates a deep clone of the input.

func (*JSONObjectParam) CachedSize

func (cached *JSONObjectParam) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64

func (JSONObjectParam) Format

func (node JSONObjectParam) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node.

type JSONOverlapsExpr

type JSONOverlapsExpr struct {
	JSONDoc1 Expr
	JSONDoc2 Expr

JSONOverlapsExpr represents the function and arguments for JSON_OVERLAPS() For more information, see https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/json-search-functions.html#function_json-overlaps

func CloneRefOfJSONOverlapsExpr

func CloneRefOfJSONOverlapsExpr(n *JSONOverlapsExpr) *JSONOverlapsExpr

CloneRefOfJSONOverlapsExpr creates a deep clone of the input.

func (*JSONOverlapsExpr) CachedSize

func (cached *JSONOverlapsExpr) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64

func (*JSONOverlapsExpr) Format

func (node *JSONOverlapsExpr) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node

type JSONPathParam

type JSONPathParam Expr

JSONPathParam is used to store the path used as arguments in different JSON functions

func CloneJSONPathParam

func CloneJSONPathParam(in JSONPathParam) JSONPathParam

CloneJSONPathParam creates a deep clone of the input.

func CloneSliceOfJSONPathParam

func CloneSliceOfJSONPathParam(n []JSONPathParam) []JSONPathParam

CloneSliceOfJSONPathParam creates a deep clone of the input.

type JSONPrettyExpr

type JSONPrettyExpr struct {
	JSONVal Expr

JSONPrettyExpr represents the function and argument for JSON_PRETTY() https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/json-utility-functions.html#function_json-pretty

func CloneRefOfJSONPrettyExpr

func CloneRefOfJSONPrettyExpr(n *JSONPrettyExpr) *JSONPrettyExpr

CloneRefOfJSONPrettyExpr creates a deep clone of the input.

func (*JSONPrettyExpr) CachedSize

func (cached *JSONPrettyExpr) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64

func (*JSONPrettyExpr) Format

func (node *JSONPrettyExpr) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node

type JSONQuoteExpr

type JSONQuoteExpr struct {
	StringArg Expr

JSONQuoteExpr represents JSON_QUOTE() More information https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/json-creation-functions.html#function_json-quote

func CloneRefOfJSONQuoteExpr

func CloneRefOfJSONQuoteExpr(n *JSONQuoteExpr) *JSONQuoteExpr

CloneRefOfJSONQuoteExpr creates a deep clone of the input.

func (*JSONQuoteExpr) CachedSize

func (cached *JSONQuoteExpr) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64

func (*JSONQuoteExpr) Format

func (node *JSONQuoteExpr) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node.

type JSONRemoveExpr

type JSONRemoveExpr struct {
	JSONDoc  Expr
	PathList Exprs

JSONRemoveExpr represents the JSON_REMOVE() For more information, visit https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/json-modification-functions.html#function_json-remove

func CloneRefOfJSONRemoveExpr

func CloneRefOfJSONRemoveExpr(n *JSONRemoveExpr) *JSONRemoveExpr

CloneRefOfJSONRemoveExpr creates a deep clone of the input.

func (*JSONRemoveExpr) CachedSize

func (cached *JSONRemoveExpr) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64

func (*JSONRemoveExpr) Format

func (node *JSONRemoveExpr) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node.

type JSONSchemaValidFuncExpr

type JSONSchemaValidFuncExpr struct {
	Schema   Expr
	Document Expr

JSONSchemaValidFuncExpr represents the structure of JSON_SCHEMA_VALID() More information available on https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/json-validation-functions.html#function_json-schema-valid

func CloneRefOfJSONSchemaValidFuncExpr

func CloneRefOfJSONSchemaValidFuncExpr(n *JSONSchemaValidFuncExpr) *JSONSchemaValidFuncExpr

CloneRefOfJSONSchemaValidFuncExpr creates a deep clone of the input.

func (*JSONSchemaValidFuncExpr) CachedSize

func (cached *JSONSchemaValidFuncExpr) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64

func (*JSONSchemaValidFuncExpr) Format

func (node *JSONSchemaValidFuncExpr) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node.

type JSONSchemaValidationReportFuncExpr

type JSONSchemaValidationReportFuncExpr struct {
	Schema   Expr
	Document Expr

JSONSchemaValidationReportFuncExpr represents the structure of JSON_SCHEMA_VALIDATION_REPORT() More information available on https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/json-validation-functions.html#function_json-schema-validation-report

func CloneRefOfJSONSchemaValidationReportFuncExpr

func CloneRefOfJSONSchemaValidationReportFuncExpr(n *JSONSchemaValidationReportFuncExpr) *JSONSchemaValidationReportFuncExpr

CloneRefOfJSONSchemaValidationReportFuncExpr creates a deep clone of the input.

func (*JSONSchemaValidationReportFuncExpr) CachedSize

func (cached *JSONSchemaValidationReportFuncExpr) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64

func (*JSONSchemaValidationReportFuncExpr) Format

Format formats the node.

type JSONSearchExpr

type JSONSearchExpr struct {
	JSONDoc    Expr
	OneOrAll   Expr
	SearchStr  Expr
	EscapeChar Expr
	PathList   []JSONPathParam

JSONSearchExpr represents the function and arguments for JSON_SEARCH() For more information, see https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/json-search-functions.html#function_json-search

func CloneRefOfJSONSearchExpr

func CloneRefOfJSONSearchExpr(n *JSONSearchExpr) *JSONSearchExpr

CloneRefOfJSONSearchExpr creates a deep clone of the input.

func (*JSONSearchExpr) CachedSize

func (cached *JSONSearchExpr) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64

func (*JSONSearchExpr) Format

func (node *JSONSearchExpr) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node

type JSONStorageFreeExpr

type JSONStorageFreeExpr struct {
	JSONVal Expr

JSONStorageFreeExpr represents the function and argument for JSON_STORAGE_FREE() https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/json-utility-functions.html#function_json-storage-free

func CloneRefOfJSONStorageFreeExpr

func CloneRefOfJSONStorageFreeExpr(n *JSONStorageFreeExpr) *JSONStorageFreeExpr

CloneRefOfJSONStorageFreeExpr creates a deep clone of the input.

func (*JSONStorageFreeExpr) CachedSize

func (cached *JSONStorageFreeExpr) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64

func (*JSONStorageFreeExpr) Format

func (node *JSONStorageFreeExpr) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node

type JSONStorageSizeExpr

type JSONStorageSizeExpr struct {
	JSONVal Expr

JSONStorageSizeExpr represents the function and argument for JSON_STORAGE_SIZE() https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/json-utility-functions.html#function_json-storage-size

func CloneRefOfJSONStorageSizeExpr

func CloneRefOfJSONStorageSizeExpr(n *JSONStorageSizeExpr) *JSONStorageSizeExpr

CloneRefOfJSONStorageSizeExpr creates a deep clone of the input.

func (*JSONStorageSizeExpr) CachedSize

func (cached *JSONStorageSizeExpr) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64

func (*JSONStorageSizeExpr) Format

func (node *JSONStorageSizeExpr) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node

type JSONTableExpr

type JSONTableExpr struct {
	Expr    Expr
	Alias   TableIdent
	Filter  Expr
	Columns []*JtColumnDefinition

JSONTableExpr describes the components of JSON_TABLE() For more information, visit https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/json-table-functions.html#function_json-table

func CloneRefOfJSONTableExpr

func CloneRefOfJSONTableExpr(n *JSONTableExpr) *JSONTableExpr

CloneRefOfJSONTableExpr creates a deep clone of the input.

func (*JSONTableExpr) CachedSize

func (cached *JSONTableExpr) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64

func (*JSONTableExpr) Format

func (node *JSONTableExpr) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

type JSONUnquoteExpr

type JSONUnquoteExpr struct {
	JSONValue Expr

JSONRemoveExpr represents the JSON_UNQUOTE() For more information, visit https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/json-modification-functions.html#function_json-unquote

func CloneRefOfJSONUnquoteExpr

func CloneRefOfJSONUnquoteExpr(n *JSONUnquoteExpr) *JSONUnquoteExpr

CloneRefOfJSONUnquoteExpr creates a deep clone of the input.

func (*JSONUnquoteExpr) CachedSize

func (cached *JSONUnquoteExpr) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64

func (*JSONUnquoteExpr) Format

func (node *JSONUnquoteExpr) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node.

type JSONValueExpr

type JSONValueExpr struct {
	JSONDoc         Expr
	Path            JSONPathParam
	ReturningType   *ConvertType
	EmptyOnResponse *JtOnResponse
	ErrorOnResponse *JtOnResponse

JSONValueExpr represents the function and arguments for JSON_VALUE() For more information, see https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/json-search-functions.html#function_json-value

func CloneRefOfJSONValueExpr

func CloneRefOfJSONValueExpr(n *JSONValueExpr) *JSONValueExpr

CloneRefOfJSONValueExpr creates a deep clone of the input.

func (*JSONValueExpr) CachedSize

func (cached *JSONValueExpr) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64

func (*JSONValueExpr) Format

func (node *JSONValueExpr) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node

type JSONValueMergeExpr

type JSONValueMergeExpr struct {
	Type        JSONValueMergeType
	JSONDoc     Expr
	JSONDocList Exprs

JSONValueMergeExpr represents the json value modifier functions which merges documents. Functions falling under this class: JSON_MERGE, JSON_MERGE_PATCH, JSON_MERGE_PRESERVE

func CloneRefOfJSONValueMergeExpr

func CloneRefOfJSONValueMergeExpr(n *JSONValueMergeExpr) *JSONValueMergeExpr

CloneRefOfJSONValueMergeExpr creates a deep clone of the input.

func (*JSONValueMergeExpr) CachedSize

func (cached *JSONValueMergeExpr) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64

func (*JSONValueMergeExpr) Format

func (node *JSONValueMergeExpr) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node.

type JSONValueMergeType

type JSONValueMergeType int8

JSONValueModifierType is an enum to get types of TrimFunc. TrimFunc stand for one of the following: JSON_DEPTH JSON_TYPE JSON_VALID ENUM

const (
	JSONMergeType JSONValueMergeType = iota

Constants for Enum Type - JSONValueMergeType

func (JSONValueMergeType) ToString

func (ty JSONValueMergeType) ToString() string

ToString returns the type as a string

type JSONValueModifierExpr

type JSONValueModifierExpr struct {
	Type    JSONValueModifierType
	JSONDoc Expr
	Params  []*JSONObjectParam

*********** Expressions

func CloneRefOfJSONValueModifierExpr

func CloneRefOfJSONValueModifierExpr(n *JSONValueModifierExpr) *JSONValueModifierExpr

CloneRefOfJSONValueModifierExpr creates a deep clone of the input.

func (*JSONValueModifierExpr) CachedSize

func (cached *JSONValueModifierExpr) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64

func (*JSONValueModifierExpr) Format

func (node *JSONValueModifierExpr) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node.

type JSONValueModifierType

type JSONValueModifierType int8

JSONValueModifierType is an enum to get types of TrimFunc. TrimFunc stand for one of the following: JSON_DEPTH JSON_TYPE JSON_VALID ENUM

const (
	JSONArrayAppendType JSONValueModifierType = iota

Constants for Enum Type - JSONValueModifierType

func (JSONValueModifierType) ToString

func (ty JSONValueModifierType) ToString() string

ToString returns the type as a string

type JoinCondition

type JoinCondition struct {
	On    Expr
	Using Columns

JoinCondition represents the join conditions (either a ON or USING clause) of a JoinTableExpr.

func CloneRefOfJoinCondition

func CloneRefOfJoinCondition(n *JoinCondition) *JoinCondition

CloneRefOfJoinCondition creates a deep clone of the input.

func (*JoinCondition) CachedSize

func (cached *JoinCondition) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64

func (*JoinCondition) Format

func (node *JoinCondition) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node.

type JoinTableExpr

type JoinTableExpr struct {
	LeftExpr  TableExpr
	Join      JoinType
	RightExpr TableExpr
	Condition *JoinCondition

JoinTableExpr represents a TableExpr that's a JOIN operation.

func CloneRefOfJoinTableExpr

func CloneRefOfJoinTableExpr(n *JoinTableExpr) *JoinTableExpr

CloneRefOfJoinTableExpr creates a deep clone of the input.

func (*JoinTableExpr) CachedSize

func (cached *JoinTableExpr) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64

func (*JoinTableExpr) Format

func (node *JoinTableExpr) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node.

type JoinType

type JoinType int8

JoinType represents the type of Join for JoinTableExpr

const (
	NormalJoinType JoinType = iota

Constants for Enum Type - JoinType

func (JoinType) ToString

func (joinType JoinType) ToString() string

ToString returns the string associated with JoinType

type JtColumnDefinition

type JtColumnDefinition struct {
	JtOrdinal    *JtOrdinalColDef
	JtPath       *JtPathColDef
	JtNestedPath *JtNestedPathColDef

JtColumnDefinition represents the structure of column definition in JSON_TABLE

func CloneRefOfJtColumnDefinition

func CloneRefOfJtColumnDefinition(n *JtColumnDefinition) *JtColumnDefinition

CloneRefOfJtColumnDefinition creates a deep clone of the input.

func CloneSliceOfRefOfJtColumnDefinition

func CloneSliceOfRefOfJtColumnDefinition(n []*JtColumnDefinition) []*JtColumnDefinition

CloneSliceOfRefOfJtColumnDefinition creates a deep clone of the input.

func (*JtColumnDefinition) CachedSize

func (cached *JtColumnDefinition) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64

func (*JtColumnDefinition) Format

func (node *JtColumnDefinition) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

type JtNestedPathColDef

type JtNestedPathColDef struct {
	Path    Expr
	Columns []*JtColumnDefinition

JtNestedPathColDef is type of column definition with nested column definitions

func CloneRefOfJtNestedPathColDef

func CloneRefOfJtNestedPathColDef(n *JtNestedPathColDef) *JtNestedPathColDef

CloneRefOfJtNestedPathColDef creates a deep clone of the input.

func (*JtNestedPathColDef) CachedSize

func (cached *JtNestedPathColDef) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64

type JtOnResponse

type JtOnResponse struct {
	ResponseType JtOnResponseType
	Expr         Expr

JtOnResponse specifies for a column the JtOnResponseType along with the expression for default and error

func CloneRefOfJtOnResponse

func CloneRefOfJtOnResponse(n *JtOnResponse) *JtOnResponse

CloneRefOfJtOnResponse creates a deep clone of the input.

func (*JtOnResponse) CachedSize

func (cached *JtOnResponse) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64

func (*JtOnResponse) Format

func (node *JtOnResponse) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

type JtOnResponseType

type JtOnResponseType int

JtOnResponseType describes the type of column: default, error or null

const (
	ErrorJSONType JtOnResponseType = iota

Constant for Enum Type - JtOnResponseType

type JtOrdinalColDef

type JtOrdinalColDef struct {
	Name ColIdent

JtOrdinalColDef is a type of column definition similar to using AUTO_INCREMENT with a column

func CloneRefOfJtOrdinalColDef

func CloneRefOfJtOrdinalColDef(n *JtOrdinalColDef) *JtOrdinalColDef

CloneRefOfJtOrdinalColDef creates a deep clone of the input.

func (*JtOrdinalColDef) CachedSize

func (cached *JtOrdinalColDef) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64

type JtPathColDef

type JtPathColDef struct {
	Name            ColIdent
	Type            ColumnType
	JtColExists     bool
	Path            Expr
	EmptyOnResponse *JtOnResponse
	ErrorOnResponse *JtOnResponse

JtPathColDef is a type of column definition specifying the path in JSON structure to extract values

func CloneRefOfJtPathColDef

func CloneRefOfJtPathColDef(n *JtPathColDef) *JtPathColDef

CloneRefOfJtPathColDef creates a deep clone of the input.

func (*JtPathColDef) CachedSize

func (cached *JtPathColDef) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64

type KeyState

type KeyState struct {
	Enable bool

KeyState is used to disable or enable the keys in an alter table statement

func CloneRefOfKeyState

func CloneRefOfKeyState(n *KeyState) *KeyState

CloneRefOfKeyState creates a deep clone of the input.

func (*KeyState) CachedSize

func (cached *KeyState) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64

func (*KeyState) Format

func (node *KeyState) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node

type LengthScaleOption

type LengthScaleOption struct {
	Length *Literal
	Scale  *Literal

LengthScaleOption is used for types that have an optional length and scale

type Limit

type Limit struct {
	Offset, Rowcount Expr

Limit represents a LIMIT clause.

func CloneRefOfLimit

func CloneRefOfLimit(n *Limit) *Limit

CloneRefOfLimit creates a deep clone of the input.

func (*Limit) CachedSize

func (cached *Limit) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64

func (*Limit) Format

func (node *Limit) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node.

type ListArg

type ListArg string

ListArg represents a named list argument.

func NewListArg

func NewListArg(in string) ListArg

NewListArg builds a new ListArg.

func (ListArg) Format

func (node ListArg) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node.

func (ListArg) String

func (node ListArg) String() string

String returns ListArg as a string.

type Literal

type Literal struct {
	Type ValType
	Val  string

Literal represents a fixed value.

func CloneRefOfLiteral

func CloneRefOfLiteral(n *Literal) *Literal

CloneRefOfLiteral creates a deep clone of the input.

func NewBitLiteral

func NewBitLiteral(in string) *Literal

NewBitLiteral builds a new BitVal containing a bit literal.

func NewDecimalLiteral

func NewDecimalLiteral(in string) *Literal

func NewFloatLiteral

func NewFloatLiteral(in string) *Literal

NewFloatLiteral builds a new FloatVal.

func NewHexLiteral

func NewHexLiteral(in string) *Literal

NewHexLiteral builds a new HexVal.

func NewHexNumLiteral

func NewHexNumLiteral(in string) *Literal

NewHexNumLiteral builds a new HexNum.

func NewIntLiteral

func NewIntLiteral(in string) *Literal

NewIntLiteral builds a new IntVal.

func NewStrLiteral

func NewStrLiteral(in string) *Literal

NewStrLiteral builds a new StrVal.

func (*Literal) Bytes

func (node *Literal) Bytes() []byte

Bytes return the []byte

func (*Literal) CachedSize

func (cached *Literal) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64

func (*Literal) Format

func (node *Literal) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node.

func (*Literal) HexDecode

func (node *Literal) HexDecode() ([]byte, error)

HexDecode decodes the hexval into bytes.

type Load

type Load struct {

Load represents a LOAD statement

func CloneRefOfLoad

func CloneRefOfLoad(n *Load) *Load

CloneRefOfLoad creates a deep clone of the input.

func (*Load) Format

func (node *Load) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node.

type Lock

type Lock int8

Lock is an enum for the type of lock in the statement

const (
	NoLock Lock = iota

Constants for Enum Type - Lock

func (Lock) ToString

func (lock Lock) ToString() string

ToString returns the string associated with the type of lock

type LockOption

type LockOption struct {
	Type LockOptionType

LockOption is used to specify the type of lock to use in an alter table statement

func CloneRefOfLockOption

func CloneRefOfLockOption(n *LockOption) *LockOption

CloneRefOfLockOption creates a deep clone of the input.

func (*LockOption) CachedSize

func (cached *LockOption) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64

func (*LockOption) Format

func (node *LockOption) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node

type LockOptionType

type LockOptionType int8

LockOptionType is an enum for LockOption.Type

const (
	DefaultType LockOptionType = iota

LockOptionType constants

func (LockOptionType) ToString

func (lock LockOptionType) ToString() string

ToString returns the LockOptionType as a string

type LockTables

type LockTables struct {
	Tables TableAndLockTypes

LockTables represents the lock statement

func CloneRefOfLockTables

func CloneRefOfLockTables(n *LockTables) *LockTables

CloneRefOfLockTables creates a deep clone of the input.

func (*LockTables) CachedSize

func (cached *LockTables) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64

func (*LockTables) Format

func (node *LockTables) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the LockTables node.

type LockType

type LockType int8

LockType is an enum for Lock Types

const (
	UnknownLockType LockType = iota

LockType constants

func (LockType) ToString

func (ty LockType) ToString() string

ToString returns the type as a string

type MarginComments

type MarginComments struct {
	Leading  string
	Trailing string

MarginComments holds the leading and trailing comments that surround a query.

func SplitMarginComments

func SplitMarginComments(sql string) (query string, comments MarginComments)

SplitMarginComments pulls out any leading or trailing comments from a raw sql query. This function also trims leading (if there's a comment) and trailing whitespace.

type MatchAction

type MatchAction int

MatchAction indicates the type of match for a referential constraint, so a `MATCH FULL`, `MATCH SIMPLE` or `MATCH PARTIAL`.

const (
	// DefaultAction indicates no action was explicitly specified.
	DefaultMatch MatchAction = iota

func (MatchAction) Format

func (a MatchAction) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node.

type MatchExpr

type MatchExpr struct {
	Columns SelectExprs
	Expr    Expr
	Option  MatchExprOption

MatchExpr represents a call to the MATCH function

func CloneRefOfMatchExpr

func CloneRefOfMatchExpr(n *MatchExpr) *MatchExpr

CloneRefOfMatchExpr creates a deep clone of the input.

func (*MatchExpr) CachedSize

func (cached *MatchExpr) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64

func (*MatchExpr) Format

func (node *MatchExpr) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node

type MatchExprOption

type MatchExprOption int8

MatchExprOption is an enum for MatchExpr.Option

const (
	NoOption MatchExprOption = iota

Constant for Enum Type - MatchExprOption

func (MatchExprOption) ToString

func (option MatchExprOption) ToString() string

ToString returns the option as a string

type MemberOfExpr

type MemberOfExpr struct {
	Value   Expr
	JSONArr Expr

MemberOf represents the function and arguments for MEMBER OF() For more information, see https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/json-search-functions.html#operator_member-of

func CloneRefOfMemberOfExpr

func CloneRefOfMemberOfExpr(n *MemberOfExpr) *MemberOfExpr

CloneRefOfMemberOfExpr creates a deep clone of the input.

func (*MemberOfExpr) CachedSize

func (cached *MemberOfExpr) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64

func (*MemberOfExpr) Format

func (node *MemberOfExpr) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node

type ModifyColumn

type ModifyColumn struct {
	NewColDefinition *ColumnDefinition
	First            bool
	After            *ColName

ModifyColumn is used to change the column definition in alter table command

func CloneRefOfModifyColumn

func CloneRefOfModifyColumn(n *ModifyColumn) *ModifyColumn

CloneRefOfModifyColumn creates a deep clone of the input.

func (*ModifyColumn) CachedSize

func (cached *ModifyColumn) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64

func (*ModifyColumn) Format

func (node *ModifyColumn) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node

type Nextval

type Nextval struct {
	Expr Expr

Nextval defines the NEXT VALUE expression.

func CloneRefOfNextval

func CloneRefOfNextval(n *Nextval) *Nextval

CloneRefOfNextval creates a deep clone of the input.

func (*Nextval) CachedSize

func (cached *Nextval) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64

func (*Nextval) Format

func (node *Nextval) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node.

type NodeFormatter

type NodeFormatter func(buf *TrackedBuffer, node SQLNode)

NodeFormatter defines the signature of a custom node formatter function that can be given to TrackedBuffer for code generation.

type NotExpr

type NotExpr struct {
	Expr Expr

NotExpr represents a NOT expression.

func CloneRefOfNotExpr

func CloneRefOfNotExpr(n *NotExpr) *NotExpr

CloneRefOfNotExpr creates a deep clone of the input.

func (*NotExpr) CachedSize

func (cached *NotExpr) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64

func (*NotExpr) Format

func (node *NotExpr) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node.

type NullVal

type NullVal struct{}

NullVal represents a NULL value.

func CloneRefOfNullVal

func CloneRefOfNullVal(n *NullVal) *NullVal

CloneRefOfNullVal creates a deep clone of the input.

func (*NullVal) Format

func (node *NullVal) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node.

type Offset

type Offset int

Offset is another AST type that is used during planning and never produced by the parser

func (Offset) Format

func (node Offset) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node.

type OnDup

type OnDup UpdateExprs

OnDup represents an ON DUPLICATE KEY clause.

func CloneOnDup

func CloneOnDup(n OnDup) OnDup

CloneOnDup creates a deep clone of the input.

func (OnDup) Format

func (node OnDup) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node.

type OptLike

type OptLike struct {
	LikeTable TableName

OptLike works for create table xxx like xxx

func CloneRefOfOptLike

func CloneRefOfOptLike(n *OptLike) *OptLike

CloneRefOfOptLike creates a deep clone of the input.

func (*OptLike) CachedSize

func (cached *OptLike) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64

func (*OptLike) Format

func (node *OptLike) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node.

type OrExpr

type OrExpr struct {
	Left, Right Expr

OrExpr represents an OR expression.

func CloneRefOfOrExpr

func CloneRefOfOrExpr(n *OrExpr) *OrExpr

CloneRefOfOrExpr creates a deep clone of the input.

func (*OrExpr) CachedSize

func (cached *OrExpr) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64

func (*OrExpr) Format

func (node *OrExpr) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node.

type Order

type Order struct {
	Expr      Expr
	Direction OrderDirection

Order represents an ordering expression.

func CloneRefOfOrder

func CloneRefOfOrder(n *Order) *Order

CloneRefOfOrder creates a deep clone of the input.

func (*Order) CachedSize

func (cached *Order) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64

func (*Order) Format

func (node *Order) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node.

type OrderBy

type OrderBy []*Order

OrderBy represents an ORDER By clause.

func CloneOrderBy

func CloneOrderBy(n OrderBy) OrderBy

CloneOrderBy creates a deep clone of the input.

func (OrderBy) Format

func (node OrderBy) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node.

type OrderByOption

type OrderByOption struct {
	Cols Columns

OrderByOption clause is used to specify the order by in an alter table statement

func CloneRefOfOrderByOption

func CloneRefOfOrderByOption(n *OrderByOption) *OrderByOption

CloneRefOfOrderByOption creates a deep clone of the input.

func (*OrderByOption) CachedSize

func (cached *OrderByOption) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64

func (*OrderByOption) Format

func (node *OrderByOption) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node

type OrderDirection

type OrderDirection int8

OrderDirection is an enum for the direction in which to order - asc or desc.

const (
	AscOrder OrderDirection = iota

Constant for Enum Type - OrderDirection

func (OrderDirection) ToString

func (dir OrderDirection) ToString() string

ToString returns the direction as a string

type OtherAdmin

type OtherAdmin struct{}

OtherAdmin represents a misc statement that relies on ADMIN privileges, such as REPAIR, OPTIMIZE, or TRUNCATE statement. It should be used only as an indicator. It does not contain the full AST for the statement.

func CloneRefOfOtherAdmin

func CloneRefOfOtherAdmin(n *OtherAdmin) *OtherAdmin

CloneRefOfOtherAdmin creates a deep clone of the input.

func (*OtherAdmin) Format

func (node *OtherAdmin) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node.

type OtherRead

type OtherRead struct{}

OtherRead represents a DESCRIBE, or EXPLAIN statement. It should be used only as an indicator. It does not contain the full AST for the statement.

func CloneRefOfOtherRead

func CloneRefOfOtherRead(n *OtherRead) *OtherRead

CloneRefOfOtherRead creates a deep clone of the input.

func (*OtherRead) Format

func (node *OtherRead) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node.

type ParenTableExpr

type ParenTableExpr struct {
	Exprs TableExprs

ParenTableExpr represents a parenthesized list of TableExpr.

func CloneRefOfParenTableExpr

func CloneRefOfParenTableExpr(n *ParenTableExpr) *ParenTableExpr

CloneRefOfParenTableExpr creates a deep clone of the input.

func (*ParenTableExpr) CachedSize

func (cached *ParenTableExpr) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64

func (*ParenTableExpr) Format

func (node *ParenTableExpr) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node.

type ParsedComments

type ParsedComments struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func CloneRefOfParsedComments

func CloneRefOfParsedComments(n *ParsedComments) *ParsedComments

CloneRefOfParsedComments creates a deep clone of the input.

func (*ParsedComments) AddQueryHint

func (node *ParsedComments) AddQueryHint(queryHint string) (Comments, error)

AddQueryHint adds the given string to list of comment. If the list is empty, one will be created containing the query hint. If the list already contains a query hint, the given string will be merged with the existing one. This is done because only one query hint is allowed per query.

func (*ParsedComments) CachedSize

func (cached *ParsedComments) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64

func (*ParsedComments) Directives

func (c *ParsedComments) Directives() CommentDirectives

Directives parses the comment list for any execution directives of the form:


It returns the map of the directive values or nil if there aren't any.

func (*ParsedComments) Format

func (node *ParsedComments) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node.

func (*ParsedComments) Length

func (c *ParsedComments) Length() int

func (*ParsedComments) Prepend

func (c *ParsedComments) Prepend(comment string) Comments

type PartitionByType

type PartitionByType int8

PartitionByType is an enum storing how we are partitioning a table

const (
	HashType PartitionByType = iota

Constant for Enum Type - PartitionByType

func (PartitionByType) ToString

func (partitionType PartitionByType) ToString() string

ToString returns the partition type as a string

type PartitionDefinition

type PartitionDefinition struct {
	Name    ColIdent
	Options *PartitionDefinitionOptions

PartitionDefinition describes a very minimal partition definition

func CloneRefOfPartitionDefinition

func CloneRefOfPartitionDefinition(n *PartitionDefinition) *PartitionDefinition

CloneRefOfPartitionDefinition creates a deep clone of the input.

func CloneSliceOfRefOfPartitionDefinition

func CloneSliceOfRefOfPartitionDefinition(n []*PartitionDefinition) []*PartitionDefinition

CloneSliceOfRefOfPartitionDefinition creates a deep clone of the input.

func (*PartitionDefinition) CachedSize

func (cached *PartitionDefinition) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64

func (*PartitionDefinition) Format

func (node *PartitionDefinition) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node

type PartitionDefinitionOptions

type PartitionDefinitionOptions struct {
	ValueRange              *PartitionValueRange
	Comment                 *Literal
	Engine                  *PartitionEngine
	DataDirectory           *Literal
	IndexDirectory          *Literal
	MaxRows                 *int
	MinRows                 *int
	TableSpace              string
	SubPartitionDefinitions SubPartitionDefinitions

func CloneRefOfPartitionDefinitionOptions

func CloneRefOfPartitionDefinitionOptions(n *PartitionDefinitionOptions) *PartitionDefinitionOptions

CloneRefOfPartitionDefinitionOptions creates a deep clone of the input.

func (*PartitionDefinitionOptions) CachedSize

func (cached *PartitionDefinitionOptions) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64

func (*PartitionDefinitionOptions) Format

func (node *PartitionDefinitionOptions) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node

type PartitionEngine

type PartitionEngine struct {
	Storage bool
	Name    string

func CloneRefOfPartitionEngine

func CloneRefOfPartitionEngine(n *PartitionEngine) *PartitionEngine

CloneRefOfPartitionEngine creates a deep clone of the input.

func (*PartitionEngine) CachedSize

func (cached *PartitionEngine) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64

func (*PartitionEngine) Format

func (node *PartitionEngine) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node

type PartitionOption

type PartitionOption struct {
	Type         PartitionByType
	IsLinear     bool
	KeyAlgorithm int
	ColList      Columns
	Expr         Expr
	Partitions   int
	SubPartition *SubPartition
	Definitions  []*PartitionDefinition

PartitionOption describes partitioning control (for create table statements)

func CloneRefOfPartitionOption

func CloneRefOfPartitionOption(n *PartitionOption) *PartitionOption

CloneRefOfPartitionOption creates a deep clone of the input.

func (*PartitionOption) CachedSize

func (cached *PartitionOption) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64

func (*PartitionOption) Format

func (node *PartitionOption) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node.

type PartitionSpec

type PartitionSpec struct {
	Action            PartitionSpecAction
	Names             Partitions
	Number            *Literal
	IsAll             bool
	TableName         TableName
	WithoutValidation bool
	Definitions       []*PartitionDefinition

PartitionSpec describe partition actions (for alter statements)

func CloneRefOfPartitionSpec

func CloneRefOfPartitionSpec(n *PartitionSpec) *PartitionSpec

CloneRefOfPartitionSpec creates a deep clone of the input.

func (*PartitionSpec) CachedSize

func (cached *PartitionSpec) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64

func (*PartitionSpec) Format

func (node *PartitionSpec) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node.

type PartitionSpecAction

type PartitionSpecAction int8

PartitionSpecAction is an enum for PartitionSpec.Action

const (
	ReorganizeAction PartitionSpecAction = iota

Constant for Enum Type - PartitionSpecAction

type PartitionValueRange

type PartitionValueRange struct {
	Type     PartitionValueRangeType
	Range    ValTuple
	Maxvalue bool

func CloneRefOfPartitionValueRange

func CloneRefOfPartitionValueRange(n *PartitionValueRange) *PartitionValueRange

CloneRefOfPartitionValueRange creates a deep clone of the input.

func (*PartitionValueRange) CachedSize

func (cached *PartitionValueRange) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64

func (*PartitionValueRange) Format

func (node *PartitionValueRange) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node

type PartitionValueRangeType

type PartitionValueRangeType int8

PartitionValueRangeType is an enum for PartitionValueRange.Type

const (
	LessThanType PartitionValueRangeType = iota

Constant for Enum Type - PartitionValueRangeType

func (PartitionValueRangeType) ToString

func (t PartitionValueRangeType) ToString() string

ToString returns the partition value range type as a string

type Partitions

type Partitions Columns

Partitions is a type alias for Columns so we can handle printing efficiently

func ClonePartitions

func ClonePartitions(n Partitions) Partitions

ClonePartitions creates a deep clone of the input.

func (Partitions) Format

func (node Partitions) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node

type PositionedErr

type PositionedErr struct {
	Err  string
	Pos  int
	Near string

PositionedErr holds context related to parser errors

func (PositionedErr) Error

func (p PositionedErr) Error() string

type Precendence

type Precendence int

Precendence is used to know the precedence between operators, so we can introduce parens when needed in the String representation of the AST

const (
	Syntactic Precendence = iota

type PrepareStmt

type PrepareStmt struct {
	Name      ColIdent
	Statement Expr
	Comments  *ParsedComments

PrepareStmt represents a Prepare Statement More info available on https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/sql-prepared-statements.html

func CloneRefOfPrepareStmt

func CloneRefOfPrepareStmt(n *PrepareStmt) *PrepareStmt

CloneRefOfPrepareStmt creates a deep clone of the input.

func (*PrepareStmt) CachedSize

func (cached *PrepareStmt) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64

func (*PrepareStmt) Format

func (node *PrepareStmt) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node.

type RangeCondOperator

type RangeCondOperator int8

RangeCondOperator is an enum for RangeCond.Operator

type ReferenceAction

type ReferenceAction int

ReferenceAction indicates the action takes by a referential constraint e.g. the `CASCADE` in a `FOREIGN KEY .. ON DELETE CASCADE` table definition.

const (
	// DefaultAction indicates no action was explicitly specified.
	DefaultAction ReferenceAction = iota

These map to the SQL-defined reference actions. See https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/create-table-foreign-keys.html#foreign-keys-referential-actions

func (ReferenceAction) Format

func (a ReferenceAction) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node.

type ReferenceDefinition

type ReferenceDefinition struct {
	ReferencedTable   TableName
	ReferencedColumns Columns
	Match             MatchAction
	OnDelete          ReferenceAction
	OnUpdate          ReferenceAction

ReferenceDefinition describes the referenced tables and columns that the foreign key references

func CloneRefOfReferenceDefinition

func CloneRefOfReferenceDefinition(n *ReferenceDefinition) *ReferenceDefinition

CloneRefOfReferenceDefinition creates a deep clone of the input.

func (*ReferenceDefinition) CachedSize

func (cached *ReferenceDefinition) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64

func (*ReferenceDefinition) Format

func (ref *ReferenceDefinition) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node.

type Release

type Release struct {
	Name ColIdent

Release represents a release savepoint statement.

func CloneRefOfRelease

func CloneRefOfRelease(n *Release) *Release

CloneRefOfRelease creates a deep clone of the input.

func (*Release) CachedSize

func (cached *Release) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64

func (*Release) Format

func (node *Release) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node.

type RenameIndex

type RenameIndex struct {
	OldName ColIdent
	NewName ColIdent

RenameIndex clause is used to rename indexes in an alter table statement

func CloneRefOfRenameIndex

func CloneRefOfRenameIndex(n *RenameIndex) *RenameIndex

CloneRefOfRenameIndex creates a deep clone of the input.

func (*RenameIndex) CachedSize

func (cached *RenameIndex) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64

func (*RenameIndex) Format

func (node *RenameIndex) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node

type RenameTable

type RenameTable struct {
	TablePairs []*RenameTablePair

RenameTable represents a RENAME TABLE statement.

func CloneRefOfRenameTable

func CloneRefOfRenameTable(n *RenameTable) *RenameTable

CloneRefOfRenameTable creates a deep clone of the input.

func (*RenameTable) AffectedTables

func (node *RenameTable) AffectedTables() TableNames

AffectedTables returns the list table names affected by the DDLStatement.

func (*RenameTable) CachedSize

func (cached *RenameTable) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64

func (*RenameTable) Format

func (node *RenameTable) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node.

func (*RenameTable) GetAction

func (node *RenameTable) GetAction() DDLAction

GetAction implements the DDLStatement interface

func (*RenameTable) GetFromTables

func (node *RenameTable) GetFromTables() TableNames

GetFromTables implements the DDLStatement interface

func (*RenameTable) GetIfExists

func (node *RenameTable) GetIfExists() bool

GetIfExists implements the DDLStatement interface

func (*RenameTable) GetIfNotExists

func (node *RenameTable) GetIfNotExists() bool

GetIfNotExists implements the DDLStatement interface

func (*RenameTable) GetIsReplace

func (node *RenameTable) GetIsReplace() bool

GetIsReplace implements the DDLStatement interface

func (*RenameTable) GetOptLike

func (node *RenameTable) GetOptLike() *OptLike

GetOptLike implements the DDLStatement interface

func (*RenameTable) GetParsedComments

func (node *RenameTable) GetParsedComments() *ParsedComments

GetParsedComments implements DDLStatement.

func (*RenameTable) GetTable

func (node *RenameTable) GetTable() TableName

GetTable implements the DDLStatement interface

func (*RenameTable) GetTableSpec

func (node *RenameTable) GetTableSpec() *TableSpec

GetTableSpec implements the DDLStatement interface

func (*RenameTable) GetToTables

func (node *RenameTable) GetToTables() TableNames

GetToTables implements the DDLStatement interface

func (*RenameTable) IsFullyParsed

func (*RenameTable) IsFullyParsed() bool

IsFullyParsed implements the DDLStatement interface

func (*RenameTable) IsTemporary

func (*RenameTable) IsTemporary() bool

IsTemporary implements the DDLStatement interface

func (*RenameTable) SetComments

func (node *RenameTable) SetComments(comments Comments)

SetComments implements DDLStatement.

func (*RenameTable) SetFromTables

func (node *RenameTable) SetFromTables(tables TableNames)

SetFromTables implements DDLStatement.

func (*RenameTable) SetFullyParsed

func (node *RenameTable) SetFullyParsed(fullyParsed bool)

SetFullyParsed implements the DDLStatement interface

func (*RenameTable) SetTable

func (node *RenameTable) SetTable(qualifier string, name string)

SetTable implements DDLStatement.

type RenameTableName

type RenameTableName struct {
	Table TableName

RenameTableName clause is used to rename the table in an alter table statement

func CloneRefOfRenameTableName

func CloneRefOfRenameTableName(n *RenameTableName) *RenameTableName

CloneRefOfRenameTableName creates a deep clone of the input.

func (*RenameTableName) CachedSize

func (cached *RenameTableName) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64

func (*RenameTableName) Format

func (node *RenameTableName) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node

type RenameTablePair

type RenameTablePair struct {
	FromTable TableName
	ToTable   TableName

RenameTablePair represents the name of the original table and what it is going to be set in a RENAME TABLE statement.

func CloneRefOfRenameTablePair

func CloneRefOfRenameTablePair(n *RenameTablePair) *RenameTablePair

CloneRefOfRenameTablePair creates a deep clone of the input.

func CloneSliceOfRefOfRenameTablePair

func CloneSliceOfRefOfRenameTablePair(n []*RenameTablePair) []*RenameTablePair

CloneSliceOfRefOfRenameTablePair creates a deep clone of the input.

func (*RenameTablePair) CachedSize

func (cached *RenameTablePair) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64

type RevertMigration

type RevertMigration struct {
	UUID     string
	Comments *ParsedComments

RevertMigration represents a REVERT VITESS_MIGRATION statement

func CloneRefOfRevertMigration

func CloneRefOfRevertMigration(n *RevertMigration) *RevertMigration

CloneRefOfRevertMigration creates a deep clone of the input.

func (*RevertMigration) CachedSize

func (cached *RevertMigration) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64

func (*RevertMigration) Format

func (node *RevertMigration) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node.

func (*RevertMigration) SetComments

func (node *RevertMigration) SetComments(comments Comments)

SetComments for RevertMigration, does not implement DDLStatement

type Rollback

type Rollback struct{}

Rollback represents a Rollback statement.

func CloneRefOfRollback

func CloneRefOfRollback(n *Rollback) *Rollback

CloneRefOfRollback creates a deep clone of the input.

func (*Rollback) Format

func (node *Rollback) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node.

type RootNode

type RootNode struct {

RootNode is the root node of the AST when rewriting. It is the first element of the tree.

func CloneRefOfRootNode

func CloneRefOfRootNode(n *RootNode) *RootNode

CloneRefOfRootNode creates a deep clone of the input.

func CloneRootNode

func CloneRootNode(n RootNode) RootNode

CloneRootNode creates a deep clone of the input.

func (*RootNode) CachedSize

func (cached *RootNode) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64

type SQLNode

type SQLNode interface {
	Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
	// contains filtered or unexported methods

SQLNode defines the interface for all nodes generated by the parser.

func CloneSQLNode

func CloneSQLNode(in SQLNode) SQLNode

CloneSQLNode creates a deep clone of the input.

func RemoveKeyspace

func RemoveKeyspace(in SQLNode) SQLNode

RemoveKeyspace removes the Qualifier.Qualifier on all ColNames in the AST

func Rewrite

func Rewrite(node SQLNode, pre, post ApplyFunc) (result SQLNode)

Rewrite traverses a syntax tree recursively, starting with root, and calling pre and post for each node as described below. Rewrite returns the syntax tree, possibly modified.

If pre is not nil, it is called for each node before the node's children are traversed (pre-order). If pre returns false, no children are traversed, and post is not called for that node.

If post is not nil, and a prior call of pre didn't return false, post is called for each node after its children are traversed (post-order). If post returns false, traversal is terminated and Apply returns immediately.

Only fields that refer to AST nodes are considered children; i.e., fields of basic types (strings, []byte, etc.) are ignored.

type SRollback

type SRollback struct {
	Name ColIdent

SRollback represents a rollback to savepoint statement.

func CloneRefOfSRollback

func CloneRefOfSRollback(n *SRollback) *SRollback

CloneRefOfSRollback creates a deep clone of the input.

func (*SRollback) CachedSize

func (cached *SRollback) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64

func (*SRollback) Format

func (node *SRollback) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node.

type Savepoint

type Savepoint struct {
	Name ColIdent

Savepoint represents a savepoint statement.

func CloneRefOfSavepoint

func CloneRefOfSavepoint(n *Savepoint) *Savepoint

CloneRefOfSavepoint creates a deep clone of the input.

func (*Savepoint) CachedSize

func (cached *Savepoint) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64

func (*Savepoint) Format

func (node *Savepoint) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node.

type Scope

type Scope int8

Scope is an enum for scope of query

const (
	ImplicitScope Scope = iota

Constants for Enum Type - Scope

func (Scope) ToString

func (scope Scope) ToString() string

ToString returns the string associated with the Scope enum

type Select

type Select struct {
	Cache            *bool // a reference here so it can be nil
	Distinct         bool
	StraightJoinHint bool
	SQLCalcFoundRows bool
	// The From field must be the first AST element of this struct so the rewriter sees it first
	From        []TableExpr
	Comments    *ParsedComments
	SelectExprs SelectExprs
	Where       *Where
	With        *With
	GroupBy     GroupBy
	Having      *Where
	OrderBy     OrderBy
	Limit       *Limit
	Lock        Lock
	Into        *SelectInto

Select represents a SELECT statement.

func CloneRefOfSelect

func CloneRefOfSelect(n *Select) *Select

CloneRefOfSelect creates a deep clone of the input.

func GetAllSelects

func GetAllSelects(selStmt SelectStatement) []*Select

GetAllSelects gets all the select statement s

func GetFirstSelect

func GetFirstSelect(selStmt SelectStatement) *Select

GetFirstSelect gets the first select statement

func NewSelect

func NewSelect(comments Comments, exprs SelectExprs, selectOptions []string, into *SelectInto, from TableExprs, where *Where, groupBy GroupBy, having *Where) *Select

NewSelect is used to create a select statement

func (*Select) AddGroupBy

func (node *Select) AddGroupBy(expr Expr)

AddGroupBy adds a grouping expression, unless it's already present

func (*Select) AddHaving

func (node *Select) AddHaving(expr Expr)

AddHaving adds the boolean expression to the HAVING clause as an AND condition.

func (*Select) AddOrder

func (node *Select) AddOrder(order *Order)

AddOrder adds an order by element

func (*Select) AddWhere

func (node *Select) AddWhere(expr Expr)

AddWhere adds the boolean expression to the WHERE clause as an AND condition.

func (*Select) CachedSize

func (cached *Select) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64

func (*Select) Format

func (node *Select) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node.

func (*Select) GetColumnCount

func (node *Select) GetColumnCount() int

GetColumnCount return SelectExprs count.

func (*Select) GetOrderBy

func (node *Select) GetOrderBy() OrderBy

GetOrderBy gets the order by clause

func (*Select) GetParsedComments

func (node *Select) GetParsedComments() *ParsedComments

GetComments implements the SelectStatement interface

func (*Select) MakeDistinct

func (node *Select) MakeDistinct()

MakeDistinct makes the statement distinct

func (*Select) SetComments

func (node *Select) SetComments(comments Comments)

SetComments implements the SelectStatement interface

func (*Select) SetInto

func (node *Select) SetInto(into *SelectInto)

SetInto sets the into clause

func (*Select) SetLimit

func (node *Select) SetLimit(limit *Limit)

SetLimit sets the limit clause

func (*Select) SetLock

func (node *Select) SetLock(lock Lock)

SetLock sets the lock clause

func (*Select) SetOrderBy

func (node *Select) SetOrderBy(orderBy OrderBy)

SetOrderBy sets the order by clause

func (*Select) SetWith

func (node *Select) SetWith(with *With)

SetWith sets the with clause to a select statement

type SelectExpr

type SelectExpr interface {
	// contains filtered or unexported methods

SelectExpr represents a SELECT expression.

func CloneSelectExpr

func CloneSelectExpr(in SelectExpr) SelectExpr

CloneSelectExpr creates a deep clone of the input.

type SelectExprs

type SelectExprs []SelectExpr

SelectExprs represents SELECT expressions.

func CloneSelectExprs

func CloneSelectExprs(n SelectExprs) SelectExprs

CloneSelectExprs creates a deep clone of the input.

func (SelectExprs) Format

func (node SelectExprs) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node.

type SelectInto

type SelectInto struct {
	Type         SelectIntoType
	FileName     string
	Charset      ColumnCharset
	FormatOption string
	ExportOption string
	Manifest     string
	Overwrite    string

SelectInto is a struct that represent the INTO part of a select query

func CloneRefOfSelectInto

func CloneRefOfSelectInto(n *SelectInto) *SelectInto

CloneRefOfSelectInto creates a deep clone of the input.

func (*SelectInto) CachedSize

func (cached *SelectInto) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64

func (*SelectInto) Format

func (node *SelectInto) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node.

type SelectIntoType

type SelectIntoType int8

SelectIntoType is an enum for SelectInto.Type

const (
	IntoOutfile SelectIntoType = iota

Constant for Enum Type - SelectIntoType

func (SelectIntoType) ToString

func (sel SelectIntoType) ToString() string

ToString returns the type as a string

type SelectStatement

type SelectStatement interface {

	GetOrderBy() OrderBy
	SetLock(lock Lock)
	SetInto(into *SelectInto)
	SetWith(with *With)
	GetColumnCount() int
	// contains filtered or unexported methods

SelectStatement any SELECT statement.

func CloneSelectStatement

func CloneSelectStatement(in SelectStatement) SelectStatement

CloneSelectStatement creates a deep clone of the input.

type Set

type Set struct {
	Comments *ParsedComments
	Exprs    SetExprs

Set represents a SET statement.

func CloneRefOfSet

func CloneRefOfSet(n *Set) *Set

CloneRefOfSet creates a deep clone of the input.

func (*Set) CachedSize

func (cached *Set) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64

func (*Set) Format

func (node *Set) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node.

type SetExpr

type SetExpr struct {
	Scope Scope
	Name  ColIdent
	Expr  Expr

SetExpr represents a set expression.

func CloneRefOfSetExpr

func CloneRefOfSetExpr(n *SetExpr) *SetExpr

CloneRefOfSetExpr creates a deep clone of the input.

func (*SetExpr) CachedSize

func (cached *SetExpr) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64

func (*SetExpr) Format

func (node *SetExpr) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node.

type SetExprs

type SetExprs []*SetExpr

SetExprs represents a list of set expressions.

func CloneSetExprs

func CloneSetExprs(n SetExprs) SetExprs

CloneSetExprs creates a deep clone of the input.

func (SetExprs) Format

func (node SetExprs) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node.

type SetTransaction

type SetTransaction struct {
	Comments        *ParsedComments
	Scope           Scope
	Characteristics []Characteristic

SetTransaction represents a SET TRANSACTION statement.

func CloneRefOfSetTransaction

func CloneRefOfSetTransaction(n *SetTransaction) *SetTransaction

CloneRefOfSetTransaction creates a deep clone of the input.

func (*SetTransaction) CachedSize

func (cached *SetTransaction) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64

func (*SetTransaction) Format

func (node *SetTransaction) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node.

type Show

type Show struct {
	Internal ShowInternal

Show represents a show statement.

func CloneRefOfShow

func CloneRefOfShow(n *Show) *Show

CloneRefOfShow creates a deep clone of the input.

func (*Show) CachedSize

func (cached *Show) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64

func (*Show) Format

func (node *Show) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node.

type ShowBasic

type ShowBasic struct {
	Command ShowCommandType
	Full    bool
	Tbl     TableName
	DbName  TableIdent
	Filter  *ShowFilter

ShowBasic is of ShowInternal type, holds Simple SHOW queries with a filter.

func CloneRefOfShowBasic

func CloneRefOfShowBasic(n *ShowBasic) *ShowBasic

CloneRefOfShowBasic creates a deep clone of the input.

func (*ShowBasic) CachedSize

func (cached *ShowBasic) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64

func (*ShowBasic) Format

func (node *ShowBasic) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node.

type ShowCommandType

type ShowCommandType int8

ShowCommandType represents the show statement type.

const (
	UnknownCommandType ShowCommandType = iota

ShowCommandType constants

func (ShowCommandType) ToString

func (ty ShowCommandType) ToString() string

ToString returns ShowCommandType as a string

type ShowCreate

type ShowCreate struct {
	Command ShowCommandType
	Op      TableName

ShowCreate is of ShowInternal type, holds SHOW CREATE queries.

func CloneRefOfShowCreate

func CloneRefOfShowCreate(n *ShowCreate) *ShowCreate

CloneRefOfShowCreate creates a deep clone of the input.

func (*ShowCreate) CachedSize

func (cached *ShowCreate) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64

func (*ShowCreate) Format

func (node *ShowCreate) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node.

type ShowFilter

type ShowFilter struct {
	Like   string
	Filter Expr

ShowFilter is show tables filter

func CloneRefOfShowFilter

func CloneRefOfShowFilter(n *ShowFilter) *ShowFilter

CloneRefOfShowFilter creates a deep clone of the input.

func (*ShowFilter) CachedSize

func (cached *ShowFilter) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64

func (*ShowFilter) Format

func (node *ShowFilter) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node.

type ShowInternal

type ShowInternal interface {
	// contains filtered or unexported methods

ShowInternal will represent all the show statement types.

func CloneShowInternal

func CloneShowInternal(in ShowInternal) ShowInternal

CloneShowInternal creates a deep clone of the input.

type ShowMigrationLogs

type ShowMigrationLogs struct {
	UUID     string
	Comments *ParsedComments

ShowMigrationLogs represents a SHOW VITESS_MIGRATION '<uuid>' LOGS statement

func CloneRefOfShowMigrationLogs

func CloneRefOfShowMigrationLogs(n *ShowMigrationLogs) *ShowMigrationLogs

CloneRefOfShowMigrationLogs creates a deep clone of the input.

func (*ShowMigrationLogs) CachedSize

func (cached *ShowMigrationLogs) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64

func (*ShowMigrationLogs) Format

func (node *ShowMigrationLogs) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node.

type ShowOther

type ShowOther struct {
	Command string

ShowOther is of ShowInternal type, holds show queries that is not handled specially.

func CloneRefOfShowOther

func CloneRefOfShowOther(n *ShowOther) *ShowOther

CloneRefOfShowOther creates a deep clone of the input.

func (*ShowOther) CachedSize

func (cached *ShowOther) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64

func (*ShowOther) Format

func (node *ShowOther) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node.

type ShowTablesOpt

type ShowTablesOpt struct {
	Full   string
	DbName string
	Filter *ShowFilter

ShowTablesOpt is show tables option

type ShowThrottledApps

type ShowThrottledApps struct {
	Comments Comments

ShowThrottledApps represents a SHOW VITESS_THROTTLED_APPS statement

func CloneRefOfShowThrottledApps

func CloneRefOfShowThrottledApps(n *ShowThrottledApps) *ShowThrottledApps

CloneRefOfShowThrottledApps creates a deep clone of the input.

func (*ShowThrottledApps) CachedSize

func (cached *ShowThrottledApps) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64

func (*ShowThrottledApps) Format

func (node *ShowThrottledApps) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node.

type SimpleTableExpr

type SimpleTableExpr interface {
	// contains filtered or unexported methods

SimpleTableExpr represents a simple table expression.

func CloneSimpleTableExpr

func CloneSimpleTableExpr(in SimpleTableExpr) SimpleTableExpr

CloneSimpleTableExpr creates a deep clone of the input.

type StarExpr

type StarExpr struct {
	TableName TableName

StarExpr defines a '*' or 'table.*' expression.

func CloneRefOfStarExpr

func CloneRefOfStarExpr(n *StarExpr) *StarExpr

CloneRefOfStarExpr creates a deep clone of the input.

func (*StarExpr) CachedSize

func (cached *StarExpr) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64

func (*StarExpr) Format

func (node *StarExpr) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node.

type Statement

type Statement interface {
	// contains filtered or unexported methods

Statement represents a statement.

func CloneStatement

func CloneStatement(in Statement) Statement

CloneStatement creates a deep clone of the input.

func Parse

func Parse(sql string) (Statement, error)

Parse behaves like Parse2 but does not return a set of bind variables

func ParseNext

func ParseNext(tokenizer *Tokenizer) (Statement, error)

ParseNext parses a single SQL statement from the tokenizer returning a Statement which is the AST representation of the query. The tokenizer will always read up to the end of the statement, allowing for the next call to ParseNext to parse any subsequent SQL statements. When there are no more statements to parse, a error of io.EOF is returned.

func ParseNextStrictDDL

func ParseNextStrictDDL(tokenizer *Tokenizer) (Statement, error)

ParseNextStrictDDL is the same as ParseNext except it errors on partially parsed DDL statements.

func ParseStrictDDL

func ParseStrictDDL(sql string) (Statement, error)

ParseStrictDDL is the same as Parse except it errors on partially parsed DDL statements.

type StatementType

type StatementType int

StatementType encodes the type of a SQL statement

const (
	StmtSelect StatementType = iota

These constants are used to identify the SQL statement type. Changing this list will require reviewing all calls to Preview.

func ASTToStatementType

func ASTToStatementType(stmt Statement) StatementType

ASTToStatementType returns a StatementType from an AST stmt

func Preview

func Preview(sql string) StatementType

Preview analyzes the beginning of the query using a simpler and faster textual comparison to identify the statement type.

func (StatementType) String

func (s StatementType) String() string

type Stream

type Stream struct {
	Comments   *ParsedComments
	SelectExpr SelectExpr
	Table      TableName

Stream represents a SELECT statement.

func CloneRefOfStream

func CloneRefOfStream(n *Stream) *Stream

CloneRefOfStream creates a deep clone of the input.

func (*Stream) CachedSize

func (cached *Stream) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64

func (*Stream) Format

func (node *Stream) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node.

func (*Stream) GetParsedComments

func (node *Stream) GetParsedComments() *ParsedComments

GetParsedComments implements Stream.

func (*Stream) SetComments

func (node *Stream) SetComments(comments Comments)

SetComments for Stream

type SubPartition

type SubPartition struct {
	Type          PartitionByType
	IsLinear      bool
	KeyAlgorithm  int
	ColList       Columns
	Expr          Expr
	SubPartitions int

SubPartition describes subpartitions control

func CloneRefOfSubPartition

func CloneRefOfSubPartition(n *SubPartition) *SubPartition

CloneRefOfSubPartition creates a deep clone of the input.

func (*SubPartition) CachedSize

func (cached *SubPartition) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64

func (*SubPartition) Format

func (node *SubPartition) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node.

type SubPartitionDefinition

type SubPartitionDefinition struct {
	Name    ColIdent
	Options *SubPartitionDefinitionOptions

Subpartition Definition Corresponds to the subpartition_definition option of partition_definition

func CloneRefOfSubPartitionDefinition

func CloneRefOfSubPartitionDefinition(n *SubPartitionDefinition) *SubPartitionDefinition

CloneRefOfSubPartitionDefinition creates a deep clone of the input.

func (*SubPartitionDefinition) CachedSize

func (cached *SubPartitionDefinition) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64

func (*SubPartitionDefinition) Format

func (node *SubPartitionDefinition) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node

type SubPartitionDefinitionOptions

type SubPartitionDefinitionOptions struct {
	Comment        *Literal
	Engine         *PartitionEngine
	DataDirectory  *Literal
	IndexDirectory *Literal
	MaxRows        *int
	MinRows        *int
	TableSpace     string

Different options/attributes that can be provided to a subpartition_definition.

func CloneRefOfSubPartitionDefinitionOptions

func CloneRefOfSubPartitionDefinitionOptions(n *SubPartitionDefinitionOptions) *SubPartitionDefinitionOptions

CloneRefOfSubPartitionDefinitionOptions creates a deep clone of the input.

func (*SubPartitionDefinitionOptions) CachedSize

func (cached *SubPartitionDefinitionOptions) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64

func (*SubPartitionDefinitionOptions) Format

func (node *SubPartitionDefinitionOptions) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node

type SubPartitionDefinitions

type SubPartitionDefinitions []*SubPartitionDefinition

This is a list of SubPartitionDefinition

func CloneSubPartitionDefinitions

func CloneSubPartitionDefinitions(n SubPartitionDefinitions) SubPartitionDefinitions

CloneSubPartitionDefinitions creates a deep clone of the input.

func (SubPartitionDefinitions) Format

func (node SubPartitionDefinitions) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node

type Subquery

type Subquery struct {
	Select SelectStatement

Subquery represents a subquery used as an value expression.

func CloneRefOfSubquery

func CloneRefOfSubquery(n *Subquery) *Subquery

CloneRefOfSubquery creates a deep clone of the input.

func (*Subquery) CachedSize

func (cached *Subquery) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64

func (*Subquery) Format

func (node *Subquery) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node.

type SubstrExpr

type SubstrExpr struct {
	Name Expr
	From Expr
	To   Expr

SubstrExpr represents a calls to - SubstrExpr(expression, expression, expression) - SubstrExpr(expression, expression) - SubstrExpr(expression FROM expression) - SubstrExpr(expression FROM expression FOR expression)

func CloneRefOfSubstrExpr

func CloneRefOfSubstrExpr(n *SubstrExpr) *SubstrExpr

CloneRefOfSubstrExpr creates a deep clone of the input.

func (*SubstrExpr) CachedSize

func (cached *SubstrExpr) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64

func (*SubstrExpr) Format

func (node *SubstrExpr) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node.

type SupportOptimizerHint

type SupportOptimizerHint interface {
	// contains filtered or unexported methods

SupportOptimizerHint represents a statement that accepts optimizer hints.

type TableAndLockType

type TableAndLockType struct {
	Table TableExpr
	Lock  LockType

TableAndLockType contains table and lock association

func CloneRefOfTableAndLockType

func CloneRefOfTableAndLockType(n *TableAndLockType) *TableAndLockType

CloneRefOfTableAndLockType creates a deep clone of the input.

func (*TableAndLockType) CachedSize

func (cached *TableAndLockType) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64

type TableAndLockTypes

type TableAndLockTypes []*TableAndLockType

TableAndLockTypes is a slice of TableAndLockType

func CloneTableAndLockTypes

func CloneTableAndLockTypes(n TableAndLockTypes) TableAndLockTypes

CloneTableAndLockTypes creates a deep clone of the input.

type TableExpr

type TableExpr interface {
	// contains filtered or unexported methods

TableExpr represents a table expression.

func CloneSliceOfTableExpr

func CloneSliceOfTableExpr(n []TableExpr) []TableExpr

CloneSliceOfTableExpr creates a deep clone of the input.

func CloneTableExpr

func CloneTableExpr(in TableExpr) TableExpr

CloneTableExpr creates a deep clone of the input.

type TableExprs

type TableExprs []TableExpr

TableExprs represents a list of table expressions.

func CloneTableExprs

func CloneTableExprs(n TableExprs) TableExprs

CloneTableExprs creates a deep clone of the input.

func (TableExprs) Format

func (node TableExprs) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node.

type TableIdent

type TableIdent struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

TableIdent is a case sensitive SQL identifier. It will be escaped with backquotes if necessary.

func CloneRefOfTableIdent

func CloneRefOfTableIdent(n *TableIdent) *TableIdent

CloneRefOfTableIdent creates a deep clone of the input.

func CloneTableIdent

func CloneTableIdent(n TableIdent) TableIdent

CloneTableIdent creates a deep clone of the input.

func GetTableName

func GetTableName(node SimpleTableExpr) TableIdent

GetTableName returns the table name from the SimpleTableExpr only if it's a simple expression. Otherwise, it returns "".

func NewTableIdent

func NewTableIdent(str string) TableIdent

NewTableIdent creates a new TableIdent.

func (*TableIdent) CachedSize

func (cached *TableIdent) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64

func (TableIdent) CompliantName

func (node TableIdent) CompliantName() string

CompliantName returns a compliant id name that can be used for a bind var.

func (TableIdent) Format

func (node TableIdent) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node.

func (TableIdent) IsEmpty

func (node TableIdent) IsEmpty() bool

IsEmpty returns true if TabIdent is empty.

func (TableIdent) MarshalJSON

func (node TableIdent) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON marshals into JSON.

func (TableIdent) String

func (node TableIdent) String() string

String returns the unescaped table name. It must not be used for SQL generation. Use sqlparser.String instead. The Stringer conformance is for usage in templates.

func (*TableIdent) UnmarshalJSON

func (node *TableIdent) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON unmarshals from JSON.

type TableName

type TableName struct {
	Name, Qualifier TableIdent

TableName represents a table name. Qualifier, if specified, represents a database or keyspace. TableName is a value struct whose fields are case sensitive. This means two TableName vars can be compared for equality and a TableName can also be used as key in a map.

func CloneRefOfTableName

func CloneRefOfTableName(n *TableName) *TableName

CloneRefOfTableName creates a deep clone of the input.

func CloneTableName

func CloneTableName(n TableName) TableName

CloneTableName creates a deep clone of the input.

func TableFromStatement

func TableFromStatement(sql string) (TableName, error)

TableFromStatement returns the qualified table name for the query. This works only for select statements.

func (*TableName) CachedSize

func (cached *TableName) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64

func (TableName) Format

func (node TableName) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node.

func (TableName) IsEmpty

func (node TableName) IsEmpty() bool

IsEmpty returns true if TableName is nil or empty.

func (TableName) ToViewName

func (node TableName) ToViewName() TableName

ToViewName returns a TableName acceptable for use as a VIEW. VIEW names are always lowercase, so ToViewName lowercasese the name. Databases are case-sensitive so Qualifier is left untouched.

type TableNames

type TableNames []TableName

TableNames is a list of TableName.

func CloneTableNames

func CloneTableNames(n TableNames) TableNames

CloneTableNames creates a deep clone of the input.

func (TableNames) Format

func (node TableNames) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node.

type TableOption

type TableOption struct {
	Name          string
	Value         *Literal
	String        string
	Tables        TableNames
	CaseSensitive bool

TableOption is used for create table options like AUTO_INCREMENT, INSERT_METHOD, etc

func CloneRefOfTableOption

func CloneRefOfTableOption(n *TableOption) *TableOption

CloneRefOfTableOption creates a deep clone of the input.

func (*TableOption) CachedSize

func (cached *TableOption) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64

type TableOptions

type TableOptions []*TableOption

TableOptions specifies a list of table options

func CloneTableOptions

func CloneTableOptions(n TableOptions) TableOptions

CloneTableOptions creates a deep clone of the input.

func (TableOptions) Format

func (node TableOptions) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node

type TableSpec

type TableSpec struct {
	Columns         []*ColumnDefinition
	Indexes         []*IndexDefinition
	Constraints     []*ConstraintDefinition
	Options         TableOptions
	PartitionOption *PartitionOption

TableSpec describes the structure of a table from a CREATE TABLE statement

func CloneRefOfTableSpec

func CloneRefOfTableSpec(n *TableSpec) *TableSpec

CloneRefOfTableSpec creates a deep clone of the input.

func (*TableSpec) AddColumn

func (ts *TableSpec) AddColumn(cd *ColumnDefinition)

AddColumn appends the given column to the list in the spec

func (*TableSpec) AddConstraint

func (ts *TableSpec) AddConstraint(cd *ConstraintDefinition)

AddConstraint appends the given index to the list in the spec

func (*TableSpec) AddIndex

func (ts *TableSpec) AddIndex(id *IndexDefinition)

AddIndex appends the given index to the list in the spec

func (*TableSpec) CachedSize

func (cached *TableSpec) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64

func (*TableSpec) Format

func (ts *TableSpec) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node.

type TablespaceOperation

type TablespaceOperation struct {
	Import bool

TablespaceOperation is used to discard or import the tablespace in an alter table statement

func CloneRefOfTablespaceOperation

func CloneRefOfTablespaceOperation(n *TablespaceOperation) *TablespaceOperation

CloneRefOfTablespaceOperation creates a deep clone of the input.

func (*TablespaceOperation) CachedSize

func (cached *TablespaceOperation) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64

func (*TablespaceOperation) Format

func (node *TablespaceOperation) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node

type TimestampFuncExpr

type TimestampFuncExpr struct {
	Name  string
	Expr1 Expr
	Expr2 Expr
	Unit  string

TimestampFuncExpr represents the function and arguments for TIMESTAMP{ADD,DIFF} functions.

func CloneRefOfTimestampFuncExpr

func CloneRefOfTimestampFuncExpr(n *TimestampFuncExpr) *TimestampFuncExpr

CloneRefOfTimestampFuncExpr creates a deep clone of the input.

func (*TimestampFuncExpr) CachedSize

func (cached *TimestampFuncExpr) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64

func (*TimestampFuncExpr) Format

func (node *TimestampFuncExpr) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node.

type Tokenizer

type Tokenizer struct {
	AllowComments       bool
	SkipSpecialComments bool
	SkipToEnd           bool
	LastError           error
	ParseTree           Statement
	BindVars            map[string]struct{}

	Pos int
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Tokenizer is the struct used to generate SQL tokens for the parser.

func NewStringTokenizer

func NewStringTokenizer(sql string) *Tokenizer

NewStringTokenizer creates a new Tokenizer for the sql string.

func (*Tokenizer) Error

func (tkn *Tokenizer) Error(err string)

Error is called by go yacc if there's a parsing error.

func (*Tokenizer) Lex

func (tkn *Tokenizer) Lex(lval *yySymType) int

Lex returns the next token form the Tokenizer. This function is used by go yacc.

func (*Tokenizer) Scan

func (tkn *Tokenizer) Scan() (int, string)

Scan scans the tokenizer for the next token and returns the token type and an optional value.

type TrackedBuffer

type TrackedBuffer struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

TrackedBuffer is used to rebuild a query from the ast. bindLocations keeps track of locations in the buffer that use bind variables for efficient future substitutions. nodeFormatter is the formatting function the buffer will use to format a node. By default(nil), it's FormatNode. But you can supply a different formatting function if you want to generate a query that's different from the default.

func NewTrackedBuffer

func NewTrackedBuffer(nodeFormatter NodeFormatter) *TrackedBuffer

NewTrackedBuffer creates a new TrackedBuffer.

func (*TrackedBuffer) HasBindVars

func (buf *TrackedBuffer) HasBindVars() bool

HasBindVars returns true if the parsed query uses bind vars.

func (*TrackedBuffer) Myprintf

func (buf *TrackedBuffer) Myprintf(format string, values ...any)

Myprintf mimics fmt.Fprintf(buf, ...), but limited to Node(%v), Node.Value(%s) and string(%s). It also allows a %a for a value argument, in which case it adds tracking info for future substitutions. It adds parens as needed to follow precedence rules when printing expressions. To handle parens correctly for left associative binary operators, use %l and %r to tell the TrackedBuffer which value is on the LHS and RHS

The name must be something other than the usual Printf() to avoid "go vet" warnings due to our custom format specifiers. *** THIS METHOD SHOULD NOT BE USED FROM ast.go. USE astPrintf INSTEAD ***

func (*TrackedBuffer) SetEscapeAllIdentifiers

func (buf *TrackedBuffer) SetEscapeAllIdentifiers(enable bool)

SetEscapeAllIdentifiers sets whether ALL identifiers in the serialized SQL query should be quoted and escaped. By default, identifiers are only escaped if they match the name of a SQL keyword or they contain characters that must be escaped. Enabling this option will prevent the optimized fastFormat routines from running.

func (*TrackedBuffer) SetUpperCase

func (buf *TrackedBuffer) SetUpperCase(enable bool)

SetUpperCase sets whether all SQL statements formatted by this TrackedBuffer will be normalized into uppercase. By default, formatted statements are normalized into lowercase. Enabling this option will prevent the optimized fastFormat routines from running.

func (*TrackedBuffer) WriteArg

func (buf *TrackedBuffer) WriteArg(prefix, arg string)

WriteArg writes a value argument into the buffer along with tracking information for future substitutions.

func (*TrackedBuffer) WriteNode

func (buf *TrackedBuffer) WriteNode(node SQLNode) *TrackedBuffer

WriteNode function, initiates the writing of a single SQLNode tree by passing through to Myprintf with a default format string

type TrimFuncExpr

type TrimFuncExpr struct {
	TrimFuncType TrimFuncType
	Type         TrimType
	TrimArg      Expr
	StringArg    Expr

TrimFuncExpr represents a TRIM function More information available on https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/string-functions.html#function_trim

func CloneRefOfTrimFuncExpr

func CloneRefOfTrimFuncExpr(n *TrimFuncExpr) *TrimFuncExpr

CloneRefOfTrimFuncExpr creates a deep clone of the input.

func (*TrimFuncExpr) CachedSize

func (cached *TrimFuncExpr) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64

func (*TrimFuncExpr) Format

func (node *TrimFuncExpr) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node.

type TrimFuncType

type TrimFuncType int8

TrimFuncType is an enum to get types of TrimFunc. TrimFunc stand for one of the following: LTRIM, RTRIM, TRIM

const (
	NormalTrimType TrimFuncType = iota

Constants for Enum Type - TrimFuncType

func (TrimFuncType) ToString

func (ty TrimFuncType) ToString() string

ToString returns the type as a string

type TrimType

type TrimType int8

TrimType is an enum to get types of Trim

const (
	NoTrimType TrimType = iota

Constants for Enum Type - TrimType

func (TrimType) ToString

func (ty TrimType) ToString() string

ToString returns the type as a string

type TruncateTable

type TruncateTable struct {
	Table TableName

TruncateTable represents a TRUNCATE TABLE statement.

func CloneRefOfTruncateTable

func CloneRefOfTruncateTable(n *TruncateTable) *TruncateTable

CloneRefOfTruncateTable creates a deep clone of the input.

func (*TruncateTable) AffectedTables

func (node *TruncateTable) AffectedTables() TableNames

AffectedTables implements DDLStatement.

func (*TruncateTable) CachedSize

func (cached *TruncateTable) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64

func (*TruncateTable) Format

func (node *TruncateTable) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node

func (*TruncateTable) GetAction

func (node *TruncateTable) GetAction() DDLAction

GetAction implements the DDLStatement interface

func (*TruncateTable) GetFromTables

func (node *TruncateTable) GetFromTables() TableNames

GetFromTables implements the DDLStatement interface

func (*TruncateTable) GetIfExists

func (node *TruncateTable) GetIfExists() bool

GetIfExists implements the DDLStatement interface

func (*TruncateTable) GetIfNotExists

func (node *TruncateTable) GetIfNotExists() bool

GetIfNotExists implements the DDLStatement interface

func (*TruncateTable) GetIsReplace

func (node *TruncateTable) GetIsReplace() bool

GetIsReplace implements the DDLStatement interface

func (*TruncateTable) GetOptLike

func (node *TruncateTable) GetOptLike() *OptLike

GetOptLike implements the DDLStatement interface

func (*TruncateTable) GetParsedComments

func (node *TruncateTable) GetParsedComments() *ParsedComments

GetParsedComments implements DDLStatement.

func (*TruncateTable) GetTable

func (node *TruncateTable) GetTable() TableName

GetTable implements the DDLStatement interface

func (*TruncateTable) GetTableSpec

func (node *TruncateTable) GetTableSpec() *TableSpec

GetTableSpec implements the DDLStatement interface

func (*TruncateTable) GetToTables

func (node *TruncateTable) GetToTables() TableNames

GetToTables implements the DDLStatement interface

func (*TruncateTable) IsFullyParsed

func (*TruncateTable) IsFullyParsed() bool

IsFullyParsed implements the DDLStatement interface

func (*TruncateTable) IsTemporary

func (*TruncateTable) IsTemporary() bool

IsTemporary implements the DDLStatement interface

func (*TruncateTable) SetComments

func (node *TruncateTable) SetComments(comments Comments)

SetComments implements DDLStatement.

func (*TruncateTable) SetFromTables

func (node *TruncateTable) SetFromTables(tables TableNames)

SetFromTables implements DDLStatement.

func (*TruncateTable) SetFullyParsed

func (*TruncateTable) SetFullyParsed(bool)

SetFullyParsed implements the DDLStatement interface

func (*TruncateTable) SetTable

func (node *TruncateTable) SetTable(qualifier string, name string)

SetTable implements DDLStatement.

type TupleEqualityList

type TupleEqualityList struct {
	Columns []ColIdent
	Rows    [][]sqltypes.Value

TupleEqualityList is for generating equality constraints for tables that have composite primary keys.

func (*TupleEqualityList) EncodeSQL

func (tpl *TupleEqualityList) EncodeSQL(buf *strings.Builder)

EncodeSQL generates the where clause constraints for the tuple equality.

type UnaryExpr

type UnaryExpr struct {
	Operator UnaryExprOperator
	Expr     Expr

UnaryExpr represents a unary value expression.

func CloneRefOfUnaryExpr

func CloneRefOfUnaryExpr(n *UnaryExpr) *UnaryExpr

CloneRefOfUnaryExpr creates a deep clone of the input.

func (*UnaryExpr) CachedSize

func (cached *UnaryExpr) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64

func (*UnaryExpr) Format

func (node *UnaryExpr) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node.

type UnaryExprOperator

type UnaryExprOperator int8

UnaryExprOperator is an enum for UnaryExpr.Operator

const (
	UPlusOp UnaryExprOperator = iota

Constant for Enum Type - UnaryExprOperator

func (UnaryExprOperator) ToString

func (op UnaryExprOperator) ToString() string

ToString returns the operator as a string

type Union

type Union struct {
	Left     SelectStatement
	Right    SelectStatement
	Distinct bool
	OrderBy  OrderBy
	With     *With
	Limit    *Limit
	Lock     Lock
	Into     *SelectInto

Union represents a UNION statement.

func CloneRefOfUnion

func CloneRefOfUnion(n *Union) *Union

CloneRefOfUnion creates a deep clone of the input.

func (*Union) AddOrder

func (node *Union) AddOrder(order *Order)

AddOrder adds an order by element

func (*Union) CachedSize

func (cached *Union) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64

func (*Union) Format

func (node *Union) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node.

func (*Union) GetColumnCount

func (node *Union) GetColumnCount() int

GetColumnCount implements the SelectStatement interface

func (*Union) GetOrderBy

func (node *Union) GetOrderBy() OrderBy

GetOrderBy gets the order by clause

func (*Union) GetParsedComments

func (node *Union) GetParsedComments() *ParsedComments

GetComments implements the SelectStatement interface

func (*Union) MakeDistinct

func (node *Union) MakeDistinct()

MakeDistinct implements the SelectStatement interface

func (*Union) SetComments

func (node *Union) SetComments(comments Comments)

SetComments implements the SelectStatement interface

func (*Union) SetInto

func (node *Union) SetInto(into *SelectInto)

SetInto sets the into clause

func (*Union) SetLimit

func (node *Union) SetLimit(limit *Limit)

SetLimit sets the limit clause

func (*Union) SetLock

func (node *Union) SetLock(lock Lock)

SetLock sets the lock clause

func (*Union) SetOrderBy

func (node *Union) SetOrderBy(orderBy OrderBy)

SetOrderBy sets the order by clause

func (*Union) SetWith

func (node *Union) SetWith(with *With)

SetWith sets the with clause to a union statement

type UnlockTables

type UnlockTables struct{}

UnlockTables represents the unlock statement

func CloneRefOfUnlockTables

func CloneRefOfUnlockTables(n *UnlockTables) *UnlockTables

CloneRefOfUnlockTables creates a deep clone of the input.

func (*UnlockTables) Format

func (node *UnlockTables) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the UnlockTables node.

type Update

type Update struct {
	With       *With
	Comments   *ParsedComments
	Ignore     Ignore
	TableExprs TableExprs
	Exprs      UpdateExprs
	Where      *Where
	OrderBy    OrderBy
	Limit      *Limit

Update represents an UPDATE statement. If you add fields here, consider adding them to calls to validateUnshardedRoute.

func CloneRefOfUpdate

func CloneRefOfUpdate(n *Update) *Update

CloneRefOfUpdate creates a deep clone of the input.

func (*Update) AddWhere

func (node *Update) AddWhere(expr Expr)

AddWhere adds the boolean expression to the WHERE clause as an AND condition.

func (*Update) CachedSize

func (cached *Update) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64

func (*Update) Format

func (node *Update) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node.

func (*Update) GetParsedComments

func (node *Update) GetParsedComments() *ParsedComments

GetParsedComments implements Update.

func (*Update) SetComments

func (node *Update) SetComments(comments Comments)

SetComments for Update

type UpdateExpr

type UpdateExpr struct {
	Name *ColName
	Expr Expr

UpdateExpr represents an update expression.

func CloneRefOfUpdateExpr

func CloneRefOfUpdateExpr(n *UpdateExpr) *UpdateExpr

CloneRefOfUpdateExpr creates a deep clone of the input.

func (*UpdateExpr) CachedSize

func (cached *UpdateExpr) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64

func (*UpdateExpr) Format

func (node *UpdateExpr) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node.

type UpdateExprs

type UpdateExprs []*UpdateExpr

UpdateExprs represents a list of update expressions.

func CloneUpdateExprs

func CloneUpdateExprs(n UpdateExprs) UpdateExprs

CloneUpdateExprs creates a deep clone of the input.

func (UpdateExprs) Format

func (node UpdateExprs) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node.

type Use

type Use struct {
	DBName TableIdent

Use represents a use statement.

func CloneRefOfUse

func CloneRefOfUse(n *Use) *Use

CloneRefOfUse creates a deep clone of the input.

func (*Use) CachedSize

func (cached *Use) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64

func (*Use) Format

func (node *Use) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node.

type VStream

type VStream struct {
	Comments   *ParsedComments
	SelectExpr SelectExpr
	Table      TableName
	Where      *Where
	Limit      *Limit

VStream represents a VSTREAM statement.

func CloneRefOfVStream

func CloneRefOfVStream(n *VStream) *VStream

CloneRefOfVStream creates a deep clone of the input.

func (*VStream) CachedSize

func (cached *VStream) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64

func (*VStream) Format

func (node *VStream) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node.

func (*VStream) GetParsedComments

func (node *VStream) GetParsedComments() *ParsedComments

GetParsedComments implements VStream.

func (*VStream) SetComments

func (node *VStream) SetComments(comments Comments)

SetComments for VStream

type ValTuple

type ValTuple Exprs

ValTuple represents a tuple of actual values.

func CloneValTuple

func CloneValTuple(n ValTuple) ValTuple

CloneValTuple creates a deep clone of the input.

func (ValTuple) Format

func (node ValTuple) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node.

type ValType

type ValType int

ValType specifies the type for Literal.

type Validation

type Validation struct {
	With bool

Validation clause is used to specify whether to use validation or not

func CloneRefOfValidation

func CloneRefOfValidation(n *Validation) *Validation

CloneRefOfValidation creates a deep clone of the input.

func (*Validation) CachedSize

func (cached *Validation) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64

func (*Validation) Format

func (node *Validation) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node

type Values

type Values []ValTuple

Values represents a VALUES clause.

func CloneValues

func CloneValues(n Values) Values

CloneValues creates a deep clone of the input.

func (Values) Format

func (node Values) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node.

type ValuesFuncExpr

type ValuesFuncExpr struct {
	Name *ColName

ValuesFuncExpr represents a function call.

func CloneRefOfValuesFuncExpr

func CloneRefOfValuesFuncExpr(n *ValuesFuncExpr) *ValuesFuncExpr

CloneRefOfValuesFuncExpr creates a deep clone of the input.

func (*ValuesFuncExpr) CachedSize

func (cached *ValuesFuncExpr) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64

func (*ValuesFuncExpr) Format

func (node *ValuesFuncExpr) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node.

type VindexParam

type VindexParam struct {
	Key ColIdent
	Val string

VindexParam defines a key/value parameter for a CREATE VINDEX statement

func CloneRefOfVindexParam

func CloneRefOfVindexParam(n *VindexParam) *VindexParam

CloneRefOfVindexParam creates a deep clone of the input.

func CloneSliceOfVindexParam

func CloneSliceOfVindexParam(n []VindexParam) []VindexParam

CloneSliceOfVindexParam creates a deep clone of the input.

func CloneVindexParam

func CloneVindexParam(n VindexParam) VindexParam

CloneVindexParam creates a deep clone of the input.

func (*VindexParam) CachedSize

func (cached *VindexParam) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64

func (VindexParam) Format

func (node VindexParam) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node.

type VindexSpec

type VindexSpec struct {
	Name   ColIdent
	Type   ColIdent
	Params []VindexParam

VindexSpec defines a vindex for a CREATE VINDEX or DROP VINDEX statement

func CloneRefOfVindexSpec

func CloneRefOfVindexSpec(n *VindexSpec) *VindexSpec

CloneRefOfVindexSpec creates a deep clone of the input.

func (*VindexSpec) CachedSize

func (cached *VindexSpec) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64

func (*VindexSpec) Format

func (node *VindexSpec) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node. The "CREATE VINDEX" preamble was formatted in the containing DDL node Format, so this just prints the type, any parameters, and optionally the owner

func (*VindexSpec) ParseParams

func (node *VindexSpec) ParseParams() (string, map[string]string)

ParseParams parses the vindex parameter list, pulling out the special-case "owner" parameter

type Visit

type Visit func(node SQLNode) (kontinue bool, err error)

Visit defines the signature of a function that can be used to visit all nodes of a parse tree. returning false on kontinue means that children will not be visited returning an error will abort the visitation and return the error

type WeightStringFuncExpr

type WeightStringFuncExpr struct {
	Expr Expr
	As   *ConvertType

WeightStringFuncExpr represents the function and arguments for WEIGHT_STRING('string' AS [CHAR|BINARY](n))

func CloneRefOfWeightStringFuncExpr

func CloneRefOfWeightStringFuncExpr(n *WeightStringFuncExpr) *WeightStringFuncExpr

CloneRefOfWeightStringFuncExpr creates a deep clone of the input.

func (*WeightStringFuncExpr) CachedSize

func (cached *WeightStringFuncExpr) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64

func (*WeightStringFuncExpr) Format

func (node *WeightStringFuncExpr) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node.

type When

type When struct {
	Cond Expr
	Val  Expr

When represents a WHEN sub-expression.

func CloneRefOfWhen

func CloneRefOfWhen(n *When) *When

CloneRefOfWhen creates a deep clone of the input.

func CloneSliceOfRefOfWhen

func CloneSliceOfRefOfWhen(n []*When) []*When

CloneSliceOfRefOfWhen creates a deep clone of the input.

func (*When) CachedSize

func (cached *When) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64

func (*When) Format

func (node *When) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node.

type Where

type Where struct {
	Type WhereType
	Expr Expr

Where represents a WHERE or HAVING clause.

func CloneRefOfWhere

func CloneRefOfWhere(n *Where) *Where

CloneRefOfWhere creates a deep clone of the input.

func NewWhere

func NewWhere(typ WhereType, expr Expr) *Where

NewWhere creates a WHERE or HAVING clause out of a Expr. If the expression is nil, it returns nil.

func (*Where) CachedSize

func (cached *Where) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64

func (*Where) Format

func (node *Where) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node.

type WhereType

type WhereType int8

WhereType is an enum for Where.Type

const (
	WhereClause WhereType = iota

Constants for Enum Type - WhereType

func (WhereType) ToString

func (whereType WhereType) ToString() string

ToString returns the string associated with WhereType

type With

type With struct {
	Recursive bool
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

With contains the lists of common table expression and specifies if it is recursive or not

func CloneRefOfWith

func CloneRefOfWith(n *With) *With

CloneRefOfWith creates a deep clone of the input.

func (*With) CachedSize

func (cached *With) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64

func (*With) Format

func (node *With) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node.

type XorExpr

type XorExpr struct {
	Left, Right Expr

XorExpr represents an XOR expression.

func CloneRefOfXorExpr

func CloneRefOfXorExpr(n *XorExpr) *XorExpr

CloneRefOfXorExpr creates a deep clone of the input.

func (*XorExpr) CachedSize

func (cached *XorExpr) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64

func (*XorExpr) Format

func (node *XorExpr) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)

Format formats the node.


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