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Published: Feb 12, 2016 License: MIT Imports: 19 Imported by: 0


The Influx Query Language Specification


This is a reference for the Influx Query Language ("InfluxQL").

InfluxQL is a SQL-like query language for interacting with InfluxDB. It has been lovingly crafted to feel familiar to those coming from other SQL or SQL-like environments while providing features specific to storing and analyzing time series data.


The syntax is specified using Extended Backus-Naur Form ("EBNF"). EBNF is the same notation used in the Go programming language specification, which can be found here. Not so coincidentally, InfluxDB is written in Go.

Production  = production_name "=" [ Expression ] "." .
Expression  = Alternative { "|" Alternative } .
Alternative = Term { Term } .
Term        = production_name | token [ "…" token ] | Group | Option | Repetition .
Group       = "(" Expression ")" .
Option      = "[" Expression "]" .
Repetition  = "{" Expression "}" .

Notation operators in order of increasing precedence:

|   alternation
()  grouping
[]  option (0 or 1 times)
{}  repetition (0 to n times)

Query representation


InfluxQL is Unicode text encoded in UTF-8.

newline             = /* the Unicode code point U+000A */ .
unicode_char        = /* an arbitrary Unicode code point except newline */ .

Letters and digits

Letters are the set of ASCII characters plus the underscore character _ (U+005F) is considered a letter.

Only decimal digits are supported.

letter              = ascii_letter | "_" .
ascii_letter        = "A" … "Z" | "a" … "z" .
digit               = "0" … "9" .


Identifiers are tokens which refer to database names, retention policy names, user names, measurement names, tag keys, and field keys.

The rules:

  • double quoted identifiers can contain any unicode character other than a new line
  • double quoted identifiers can contain escaped " characters (i.e., \")
  • unquoted identifiers must start with an upper or lowercase ASCII character or "_"
  • unquoted identifiers may contain only ASCII letters, decimal digits, and "_"
identifier          = unquoted_identifier | quoted_identifier .
unquoted_identifier = ( letter ) { letter | digit } .
quoted_identifier   = `"` unicode_char { unicode_char } `"` .
"anything really"


ALL           ALTER         ANY           AS            ASC           BEGIN
DURATION      END           EVERY         EXISTS        EXPLAIN       FIELD
FOR           FORCE         FROM          GRANT         GRANTS        GROUP
GROUPS        IF            IN            INF           INNER         INSERT
INTO          KEY           KEYS          LIMIT         SHOW          MEASUREMENT
MEASUREMENTS  NOT           OFFSET        ON            ORDER         PASSWORD
SERVER        SERVERS       SET           SHARD         SHARDS        SLIMIT
USER          USERS         VALUES        WHERE         WITH          WRITE



InfluxQL supports decimal integer literals. Hexadecimal and octal literals are not currently supported.

int_lit             = ( "1" … "9" ) { digit } .

InfluxQL supports floating-point literals. Exponents are not currently supported.

float_lit           = int_lit "." int_lit .

String literals must be surrounded by single quotes. Strings may contain ' characters as long as they are escaped (i.e., \').

string_lit          = `'` { unicode_char } `'` .

Duration literals specify a length of time. An integer literal followed immediately (with no spaces) by a duration unit listed below is interpreted as a duration literal.

Duration units
Units Meaning
u or µ microseconds (1 millionth of a second)
ms milliseconds (1 thousandth of a second)
s second
m minute
h hour
d day
w week
duration_lit        = int_lit duration_unit .
duration_unit       = "u" | "µ" | "s" | "h" | "d" | "w" | "ms" .
Dates & Times

The date and time literal format is not specified in EBNF like the rest of this document. It is specified using Go's date / time parsing format, which is a reference date written in the format required by InfluxQL. The reference date time is:

InfluxQL reference date time: January 2nd, 2006 at 3:04:05 PM

time_lit            = "2006-01-02 15:04:05.999999" | "2006-01-02" .
bool_lit            = TRUE | FALSE .
Regular Expressions
regex_lit           = "/" { unicode_char } "/" .


A query is composed of one or more statements separated by a semicolon.

query               = statement { ";" statement } .

statement           = alter_retention_policy_stmt |
                      create_continuous_query_stmt |
                      create_database_stmt |
                      create_retention_policy_stmt |
                      create_subscription_stmt |
                      create_user_stmt |
                      delete_stmt |
                      drop_continuous_query_stmt |
                      drop_database_stmt |
                      drop_measurement_stmt |
                      drop_retention_policy_stmt |
                      drop_series_stmt |
                      drop_subscription_stmt |
                      drop_user_stmt |
                      grant_stmt |
                      show_continuous_queries_stmt |
                      show_databases_stmt |
                      show_field_keys_stmt |
                      show_grants_stmt |
                      show_measurements_stmt |
                      show_retention_policies |
                      show_series_stmt |
                      show_shard_groups_stmt |
                      show_shards_stmt |
                      show_tag_keys_stmt |
                      show_tag_values_stmt |
                      show_users_stmt |
                      revoke_stmt |
                      select_stmt .


alter_retention_policy_stmt  = "ALTER RETENTION POLICY" policy_name on_clause
                               [ retention_policy_option ]
                               [ retention_policy_option ] .
-- Set default retention policy for mydb to 1h.cpu.

-- Change duration and replication factor.
create_continuous_query_stmt = "CREATE CONTINUOUS QUERY" query_name on_clause
                               [ "RESAMPLE" resample_opts ]
                               "BEGIN" select_stmt "END" .

query_name                   = identifier .

resample_opts                = (every_stmt for_stmt | every_stmt | for_stmt) .
every_stmt                   = "EVERY" duration_lit
for_stmt                     = "FOR" duration_lit
-- selects from default retention policy and writes into 6_months retention policy
ON db_name
  SELECT count(value)
  INTO "6_months".events
  FROM events
  GROUP BY time(10m)

-- this selects from the output of one continuous query in one retention policy and outputs to another series in another retention policy
ON db_name
  SELECT sum(count) as count
  INTO "2_years".events
  FROM "6_months".events
  GROUP BY time(1h)

-- this customizes the resample interval so the interval is queried every 10s and intervals are resampled until 2m after their start time
-- when resample is used, at least one of "EVERY" or "FOR" must be used
ON db_name
  SELECT mean(value)
  INTO "cpu_mean"
  FROM "cpu"
  GROUP BY time(1m)
create_database_stmt = "CREATE DATABASE" db_name .
create_retention_policy_stmt = "CREATE RETENTION POLICY" policy_name on_clause
                               [ "DEFAULT" ] .
-- Create a retention policy.

-- Create a retention policy and set it as the default.
create_subscription_stmt = "CREATE SUBSCRIPTION" subscription_name "ON" db_name "." retention_policy "DESTINATIONS" ("ANY"|"ALL") host { "," host} .
-- Create a SUBSCRIPTION on database 'mydb' and retention policy 'default' that send data to '' via UDP.
CREATE SUBSCRIPTION sub0 ON "mydb"."default" DESTINATIONS ALL 'udp://' ;

-- Create a SUBSCRIPTION on database 'mydb' and retention policy 'default' that round robins the data to '' and ''.
CREATE SUBSCRIPTION sub0 ON "mydb"."default" DESTINATIONS ANY 'udp://', 'udp://';
create_user_stmt = "CREATE USER" user_name "WITH PASSWORD" password
                   [ "WITH ALL PRIVILEGES" ] .
-- Create a normal database user.
CREATE USER jdoe WITH PASSWORD '1337password';

-- Create a cluster admin.
-- Note: Unlike the GRANT statement, the "PRIVILEGES" keyword is required here.
drop_continuous_query_stmt = "DROP CONTINUOUS QUERY" query_name on_clause .
drop_database_stmt = "DROP DATABASE" db_name .
drop_measurement_stmt = "DROP MEASUREMENT" measurement_name .
-- drop the cpu measurement
drop_retention_policy_stmt = "DROP RETENTION POLICY" policy_name on_clause .
-- drop the retention policy named 1h.cpu from mydb
drop_series_stmt = "DROP SERIES" ( from_clause | where_clause | from_clause where_clause ) .

drop_subscription_stmt = "DROP SUBSCRIPTION" subscription_name "ON" db_name "." retention_policy .
DROP SUBSCRIPTION sub0 ON "mydb"."default";

drop_user_stmt = "DROP USER" user_name .


NOTE: Users can be granted privileges on databases that do not exist.

grant_stmt = "GRANT" privilege [ on_clause ] to_clause .
-- grant cluster admin privileges

-- grant read access to a database
GRANT READ ON mydb TO jdoe;
show_continuous_queries_stmt = "SHOW CONTINUOUS QUERIES" .
-- show all continuous queries
show_databases_stmt = "SHOW DATABASES" .
-- show all databases
show_field_keys_stmt = "SHOW FIELD KEYS" [ from_clause ] .
-- show field keys from all measurements

-- show field keys from specified measurement
show_grants_stmt = "SHOW GRANTS FOR" user_name .
-- show grants for jdoe
show_measurements_stmt = "SHOW MEASUREMENTS" [ with_measurement_clause ] [ where_clause ] [ limit_clause ] [ offset_clause ] .
-- show all measurements

-- show measurements where region tag = 'uswest' AND host tag = 'serverA'
SHOW MEASUREMENTS WHERE region = 'uswest' AND host = 'serverA';
show_retention_policies = "SHOW RETENTION POLICIES" on_clause .
-- show all retention policies on a database
show_series_stmt = "SHOW SERIES" [ from_clause ] [ where_clause ] [ limit_clause ] [ offset_clause ] .

show_shard_groups_stmt = "SHOW SHARD GROUPS" .
show_shards_stmt = "SHOW SHARDS" .
show_subscriptions_stmt = "SHOW SUBSCRIPTIONS" .
show_tag_keys_stmt = "SHOW TAG KEYS" [ from_clause ] [ where_clause ] [ group_by_clause ]
                     [ limit_clause ] [ offset_clause ] .
-- show all tag keys

-- show all tag keys from the cpu measurement

-- show all tag keys from the cpu measurement where the region key = 'uswest'
SHOW TAG KEYS FROM cpu WHERE region = 'uswest';

-- show all tag keys where the host key = 'serverA'
SHOW TAG KEYS WHERE host = 'serverA';
show_tag_values_stmt = "SHOW TAG VALUES" [ from_clause ] with_tag_clause [ where_clause ]
                       [ group_by_clause ] [ limit_clause ] [ offset_clause ] .
-- show all tag values across all measurements for the region tag

-- show tag values from the cpu measurement for the region tag

-- show tag values from the cpu measurement for region & host tag keys where service = 'redis'
SHOW TAG VALUES FROM cpu WITH KEY IN (region, host) WHERE service = 'redis';
show_users_stmt = "SHOW USERS" .
-- show all users
revoke_stmt = "REVOKE" privilege [ on_clause ] "FROM" user_name .
-- revoke cluster admin from jdoe

-- revoke read privileges from jdoe on mydb
select_stmt = "SELECT" fields from_clause [ into_clause ] [ where_clause ]
              [ group_by_clause ] [ order_by_clause ] [ limit_clause ]
              [ offset_clause ] [ slimit_clause ] [ soffset_clause ] .
-- select mean value from the cpu measurement where region = 'uswest' grouped by 10 minute intervals
SELECT mean(value) FROM cpu WHERE region = 'uswest' GROUP BY time(10m) fill(0);

-- select from all measurements beginning with cpu into the same measurement name in the cpu_1h retention policy
SELECT mean(value) INTO cpu_1h.:MEASUREMENT FROM /cpu.*/


from_clause     = "FROM" measurements .

group_by_clause = "GROUP BY" dimensions fill(fill_option).

into_clause     = "INTO" ( measurement | back_ref ).

limit_clause    = "LIMIT" int_lit .

offset_clause   = "OFFSET" int_lit .

slimit_clause   = "SLIMIT" int_lit .

soffset_clause  = "SOFFSET" int_lit .

on_clause       = "ON" db_name .

order_by_clause = "ORDER BY" sort_fields .

to_clause       = "TO" user_name .

where_clause    = "WHERE" expr .

with_measurement_clause = "WITH MEASUREMENT" ( "=" measurement | "=~" regex_lit ) .

with_tag_clause = "WITH KEY" ( "=" tag_key | "IN (" tag_keys ")" ) .


binary_op        = "+" | "-" | "*" | "/" | "AND" | "OR" | "=" | "!=" | "<" |
                   "<=" | ">" | ">=" .

expr             = unary_expr { binary_op unary_expr } .

unary_expr       = "(" expr ")" | var_ref | time_lit | string_lit | int_lit |
                   float_lit | bool_lit | duration_lit | regex_lit .


alias            = "AS" identifier .

back_ref         = ( policy_name ".:MEASUREMENT" ) |
                   ( db_name "." [ policy_name ] ".:MEASUREMENT" ) .

db_name          = identifier .

dimension        = expr .

dimensions       = dimension { "," dimension } .

field_key        = identifier .

field            = expr [ alias ] .

fields           = field { "," field } .

fill_option      = "null" | "none" | "previous" | int_lit | float_lit .

host             = string_lit .

measurement      = measurement_name |
                   ( policy_name "." measurement_name ) |
                   ( db_name "." [ policy_name ] "." measurement_name ) .

measurements     = measurement { "," measurement } .

measurement_name = identifier .

password         = string_lit .

policy_name      = identifier .

privilege        = "ALL" [ "PRIVILEGES" ] | "READ" | "WRITE" .

query_name       = identifier .

retention_policy = identifier .

retention_policy_option      = retention_policy_duration |
                               retention_policy_replication |
                               "DEFAULT" .

retention_policy_duration    = "DURATION" duration_lit .
retention_policy_replication = "REPLICATION" int_lit

series_id        = int_lit .

sort_field       = field_key [ ASC | DESC ] .

sort_fields      = sort_field { "," sort_field } .

subscription_name = identifier .

tag_key          = identifier .

tag_keys         = tag_key { "," tag_key } .

user_name        = identifier .

var_ref          = measurement .

Query Engine Internals

Once you understand the language itself, it's important to know how these language constructs are implemented in the query engine. This gives you an intuitive sense for how results will be processed and how to create efficient queries.

The life cycle of a query looks like this:

  1. InfluxQL query string is tokenized and then parsed into an abstract syntax tree (AST). This is the code representation of the query itself.

  2. The AST is passed to the QueryExecutor which directs queries to the appropriate handlers. For example, queries related to meta data are executed by the meta service and SELECT statements are executed by the shards themselves.

  3. The query engine then determines the shards that match the SELECT statement's time range. From these shards, iterators are created for each field in the statement.

  4. Iterators are passed to the emitter which drains them and joins the resulting points. The emitter's job is to convert simple time/value points into the more complex result objects that are returned to the client.

Understanding Iterators

Iterators are at the heart of the query engine. They provide a simple interface for looping over a set of points. For example, this is an iterator over Float points:

type FloatIterator interface {
    Next() *FloatPoint

These iterators are created through the IteratorCreator interface:

type IteratorCreator interface {
    CreateIterator(opt *IteratorOptions) (Iterator, error)

The IteratorOptions provide arguments about field selection, time ranges, and dimensions that the iterator creator can use when planning an iterator. The IteratorCreator interface is used at many levels such as the Shards, Shard, and Engine. This allows optimizations to be performed when applicable such as returning a precomputed COUNT().

Iterators aren't just for reading raw data from storage though. Iterators can be composed so that they provided additional functionality around an input iterator. For example, a DistinctIterator can compute the distinct values for each time window for an input iterator. Or a FillIterator can generate additional points that are missing from an input iterator.

This composition also lends itself well to aggregation. For example, a statement such as this:

SELECT MEAN(value) FROM cpu GROUP BY time(10m)

In this case, MEAN(value) is a MeanIterator wrapping an iterator from the underlying shards. However, if we can add an additional iterator to determine the derivative of the mean:

SELECT DERIVATIVE(MEAN(value), 20m) FROM cpu GROUP BY time(10m)
Understanding Auxiliary Fields

Because InfluxQL allows users to use selector functions such as FIRST(), LAST(), MIN(), and MAX(), the engine must provide a way to return related data at the same time with the selected point.

For example, in this query:

SELECT FIRST(value), host FROM cpu GROUP BY time(1h)

We are selecting the first value that occurs every hour but we also want to retrieve the host associated with that point. Since the Point types only specify a single typed Value for efficiency, we push the host into the auxiliary fields of the point. These auxiliary fields are attached to the point until it is passed to the emitter where the fields get split off to their own iterator.

Built-in Iterators

There are many helper iterators that let us build queries:

  • Merge Iterator - This iterator combines one or more iterators into a single new iterator of the same type. This iterator guarantees that all points within a window will be output before starting the next window but does not provide ordering guarantees within the window. This allows for fast access for aggregate queries which do not need stronger sorting guarantees.

  • Sorted Merge Iterator - This iterator also combines one or more iterators into a new iterator of the same type. However, this iterator guarantees time ordering of every point. This makes it slower than the MergeIterator but this ordering guarantee is required for non-aggregate queries which return the raw data points.

  • Limit Iterator - This iterator limits the number of points per name/tag group. This is the implementation of the LIMIT & OFFSET syntax.

  • Fill Iterator - This iterator injects extra points if they are missing from the input iterator. It can provide null points, points with the previous value, or points with a specific value.

  • Buffered Iterator - This iterator provides the ability to "unread" a point back onto a buffer so it can be read again next time. This is used extensively to provide lookahead for windowing.

  • Reduce Iterator - This iterator calls a reduction function for each point in a window. When the window is complete then all points for that window are output. This is used for simple aggregate functions such as COUNT().

  • Reduce Slice Iterator - This iterator collects all points for a window first and then passes them all to a reduction function at once. The results are returned from the iterator. This is used for aggregate functions such as DERIVATIVE().

  • Transform Iterator - This iterator calls a transform function for each point from an input iterator. This is used for executing binary expressions.

  • Dedupe Iterator - This iterator only outputs unique points. It is resource intensive so it is only used for small queries such as meta query statements.

Call Iterators

Function calls in InfluxQL are implemented at two levels. Some calls can be wrapped at multiple layers to improve efficiency. For example, a COUNT() can be performed at the shard level and then multiple CountIterators can be wrapped with another CountIterator to compute the count of all shards. These iterators can be created using NewCallIterator().

Some iterators are more complex or need to be implemented at a higher level. For example, the DERIVATIVE() needs to retrieve all points for a window first before performing the calculation. This iterator is created by the engine itself and is never requested to be created by the lower levels.



Package influxql implements a parser for the InfluxDB query language.

InfluxQL is a DML and DDL language for the InfluxDB time series database. It provides the ability to query for aggregate statistics as well as create and configure the InfluxDB server.

Selecting data

The SELECT query is used for retrieving data from one or more series. It allows for a list of columns followed by a list of series to select from.

SELECT value FROM cpu_load

You can also add a a conditional expression to limit the results of the query:

SELECT value FROM cpu_load WHERE host = ''

Two or more series can be combined into a single query and executed together:

SELECT cpu0.value + cpu1.value
FROM cpu_load AS cpu0 INNER JOIN cpu_load cpu1 ON =

Limits and ordering can be set on selection queries as well:

SELECT value FROM cpu_load LIMIT 100 ORDER DESC;

Removing data

The DELETE query is available to remove time series data points from the database. This query will delete "cpu_load" values older than an hour:

DELETE FROM cpu_load WHERE time < now() - 1h

Continuous Queries

Queries can be run indefinitely on the server in order to generate new series. This is done by running a "SELECT INTO" query. For example, this query computes the hourly mean for cpu_load and stores it into a "cpu_load" series in the "daily" shard space.

SELECT mean(value) AS value FROM cpu_load GROUP BY 1h
INTO daily.cpu_load

If there is existing data on the source series then this query will be run for all historic data. To only execute the query on new incoming data you can append "NO BACKFILL" to the end of the query:

SELECT mean(value) AS value FROM cpu_load GROUP BY 1h
INTO daily.cpu_load NO BACKFILL

Continuous queries will return an id that can be used to remove them in the future. To remove a continous query, use the DROP CONTINUOUS QUERY statement:


You can also list all continuous queries by running:




View Source
const (
	// Unknown primitive data type.
	Unknown DataType = 0
	// Float means the data type is a float
	Float = 1
	// Integer means the data type is a integer
	Integer = 2
	// String means the data type is a string of text.
	String = 3
	// Boolean means the data type is a boolean.
	Boolean = 4
	// Time means the data type is a time.
	Time = 5
	// Duration means the data type is a duration of time.
	Duration = 6
View Source
const (
	// MinTime is used as the minimum time value when computing an unbounded range.
	MinTime = int64(0)

	// MaxTime is used as the maximum time value when computing an unbounded range.
	// This time is Jan 1, 2050 at midnight UTC.
	MaxTime = int64(2524608000000000000)
View Source
const (
	// DateFormat represents the format for date literals.
	DateFormat = "2006-01-02"

	// DateTimeFormat represents the format for date time literals.
	DateTimeFormat = "2006-01-02 15:04:05.999999"
View Source
const ZeroTime = int64(-6795364578871345152)

ZeroTime is the Unix nanosecond timestamp for time.Time{}.


View Source
var ErrInvalidDuration = errors.New("invalid duration")

ErrInvalidDuration is returned when parsing a malformatted duration.

View Source
var ErrUnknownCall = errors.New("unknown call")

ErrUnknownCall is returned when operating on an unknown function call.


func ContainsVarRef

func ContainsVarRef(expr Expr) bool

ContainsVarRef returns true if expr is a VarRef or contains one.

func Eval

func Eval(expr Expr, m map[string]interface{}) interface{}

Eval evaluates expr against a map.

func EvalBool

func EvalBool(expr Expr, m map[string]interface{}) bool

EvalBool evaluates expr and returns true if result is a boolean true. Otherwise returns false.

func ExprNames

func ExprNames(expr Expr) []string

ExprNames returns a list of non-"time" field names from an expression.

func FormatDuration

func FormatDuration(d time.Duration) string

FormatDuration formats a duration to a string.

func HasTimeExpr

func HasTimeExpr(expr Expr) bool

HasTimeExpr returns true if the expression has a time term.

func IdentNeedsQuotes

func IdentNeedsQuotes(ident string) bool

IdentNeedsQuotes returns true if the ident string given would require quotes.

func IsRegexOp

func IsRegexOp(t Token) bool

IsRegexOp returns true if the operator accepts a regex operand.

func IsSystemName

func IsSystemName(name string) bool

IsSystemName returns true if name is an internal system name. System names are prefixed with an underscore.

func MatchSource

func MatchSource(sources Sources, name string) string

MatchSource returns the source name that matches a field name. Returns a blank string if no sources match.

func OnlyTimeExpr

func OnlyTimeExpr(expr Expr) bool

OnlyTimeExpr returns true if the expression only has time constraints.

func ParseDuration

func ParseDuration(s string) (time.Duration, error)

ParseDuration parses a time duration from a string.

func QuoteIdent

func QuoteIdent(segments ...string) string

QuoteIdent returns a quoted identifier from multiple bare identifiers.

func QuoteString

func QuoteString(s string) string

QuoteString returns a quoted string.

func ScanBareIdent

func ScanBareIdent(r io.RuneScanner) string

ScanBareIdent reads bare identifier from a rune reader.

func ScanDelimited

func ScanDelimited(r io.RuneScanner, start, end rune, escapes map[rune]rune, escapesPassThru bool) ([]byte, error)

func ScanString

func ScanString(r io.RuneScanner) (string, error)

ScanString reads a quoted string from a rune reader.

func TimeRange

func TimeRange(expr Expr) (min, max time.Time)

TimeRange returns the minimum and maximum times specified by an expression. Returns zero times if there is no bound.

func TimeRangeAsEpochNano

func TimeRangeAsEpochNano(expr Expr) (min, max int64)

TimeRange returns the minimum and maximum times, as epoch nano, specified by and expression. If there is no lower bound, the start of the epoch is returned for minimum. If there is no higher bound, now is returned for maximum.

func Walk

func Walk(v Visitor, node Node)

Walk traverses a node hierarchy in depth-first order.

func WalkFunc

func WalkFunc(node Node, fn func(Node))

WalkFunc traverses a node hierarchy in depth-first order.


type AlterRetentionPolicyStatement

type AlterRetentionPolicyStatement struct {
	// Name of policy to alter.
	Name string

	// Name of the database this policy belongs to.
	Database string

	// Duration data written to this policy will be retained.
	Duration *time.Duration

	// Replication factor for data written to this policy.
	Replication *int

	// Should this policy be set as defalut for the database?
	Default bool

AlterRetentionPolicyStatement represents a command to alter an existing retention policy.

func (*AlterRetentionPolicyStatement) RequiredPrivileges

func (s *AlterRetentionPolicyStatement) RequiredPrivileges() ExecutionPrivileges

RequiredPrivileges returns the privilege required to execute an AlterRetentionPolicyStatement.

func (*AlterRetentionPolicyStatement) String

String returns a string representation of the alter retention policy statement.

type AuxIterator

type AuxIterator interface {

	// Auxilary iterator
	Iterator(name string) Iterator

	// Start starts writing to the created iterators.

AuxIterator represents an iterator that can split off separate auxilary iterators.

func NewAuxIterator

func NewAuxIterator(input Iterator, seriesKeys SeriesList, opt IteratorOptions) AuxIterator

NewAuxIterator returns a new instance of AuxIterator.

type BinaryExpr

type BinaryExpr struct {
	Op  Token
	LHS Expr
	RHS Expr

BinaryExpr represents an operation between two expressions.

func (*BinaryExpr) String

func (e *BinaryExpr) String() string

String returns a string representation of the binary expression.

type BooleanIterator

type BooleanIterator interface {
	Next() *BooleanPoint

BooleanIterator represents a stream of boolean points.

type BooleanLiteral

type BooleanLiteral struct {
	Val bool

BooleanLiteral represents a boolean literal.

func (*BooleanLiteral) String

func (l *BooleanLiteral) String() string

String returns a string representation of the literal.

type BooleanPoint

type BooleanPoint struct {
	Name string
	Tags Tags

	Time  int64
	Nil   bool
	Value bool
	Aux   []interface{}

BooleanPoint represents a point with a bool value.

func (*BooleanPoint) Clone

func (v *BooleanPoint) Clone() *BooleanPoint

Clone returns a copy of v.

type Call

type Call struct {
	Name string
	Args []Expr

Call represents a function call.

func (*Call) Fields

func (c *Call) Fields() []string

Fields will extract any field names from the call. Only specific calls support this.

func (*Call) String

func (c *Call) String() string

String returns a string representation of the call.

type CreateContinuousQueryStatement

type CreateContinuousQueryStatement struct {
	// Name of the continuous query to be created.
	Name string

	// Name of the database to create the continuous query on.
	Database string

	// Source of data (SELECT statement).
	Source *SelectStatement

	// Interval to resample previous queries
	ResampleEvery time.Duration

	// Maximum duration to resample previous queries
	ResampleFor time.Duration

CreateContinuousQueryStatement represents a command for creating a continuous query.

func (*CreateContinuousQueryStatement) DefaultDatabase

func (s *CreateContinuousQueryStatement) DefaultDatabase() string

DefaultDatabase returns the default database from the statement.

func (*CreateContinuousQueryStatement) RequiredPrivileges

func (s *CreateContinuousQueryStatement) RequiredPrivileges() ExecutionPrivileges

RequiredPrivileges returns the privilege required to execute a CreateContinuousQueryStatement.

func (*CreateContinuousQueryStatement) String

String returns a string representation of the statement.

type CreateDatabaseStatement

type CreateDatabaseStatement struct {
	// Name of the database to be created.
	Name string

	// IfNotExists indicates whether to return without error if the database
	// already exists.
	IfNotExists bool

	// RetentionPolicyCreate indicates whether the user explicitly wants to create a retention policy
	RetentionPolicyCreate bool

	// RetentionPolicyDuration indicates retention duration for the new database
	RetentionPolicyDuration time.Duration

	// RetentionPolicyReplication indicates retention replication for the new database
	RetentionPolicyReplication int

	// RetentionPolicyName indicates retention name for the new database
	RetentionPolicyName string

CreateDatabaseStatement represents a command for creating a new database.

func (*CreateDatabaseStatement) RequiredPrivileges

func (s *CreateDatabaseStatement) RequiredPrivileges() ExecutionPrivileges

RequiredPrivileges returns the privilege required to execute a CreateDatabaseStatement.

func (*CreateDatabaseStatement) String

func (s *CreateDatabaseStatement) String() string

String returns a string representation of the create database statement.

type CreateRetentionPolicyStatement

type CreateRetentionPolicyStatement struct {
	// Name of policy to create.
	Name string

	// Name of database this policy belongs to.
	Database string

	// Duration data written to this policy will be retained.
	Duration time.Duration

	// Replication factor for data written to this policy.
	Replication int

	// Should this policy be set as default for the database?
	Default bool

CreateRetentionPolicyStatement represents a command to create a retention policy.

func (*CreateRetentionPolicyStatement) RequiredPrivileges

func (s *CreateRetentionPolicyStatement) RequiredPrivileges() ExecutionPrivileges

RequiredPrivileges returns the privilege required to execute a CreateRetentionPolicyStatement.

func (*CreateRetentionPolicyStatement) String

String returns a string representation of the create retention policy.

type CreateSubscriptionStatement

type CreateSubscriptionStatement struct {
	Name            string
	Database        string
	RetentionPolicy string
	Destinations    []string
	Mode            string

CreateSubscriptionStatement represents a command to add a subscription to the incoming data stream

func (*CreateSubscriptionStatement) RequiredPrivileges

func (s *CreateSubscriptionStatement) RequiredPrivileges() ExecutionPrivileges

RequiredPrivileges returns the privilege required to execute a CreateSubscriptionStatement

func (*CreateSubscriptionStatement) String

func (s *CreateSubscriptionStatement) String() string

String returns a string representation of the CreateSubscriptionStatement.

type CreateUserStatement

type CreateUserStatement struct {
	// Name of the user to be created.
	Name string

	// User's password.
	Password string

	// User's admin privilege.
	Admin bool

CreateUserStatement represents a command for creating a new user.

func (*CreateUserStatement) RequiredPrivileges

func (s *CreateUserStatement) RequiredPrivileges() ExecutionPrivileges

RequiredPrivileges returns the privilege(s) required to execute a CreateUserStatement.

func (*CreateUserStatement) String

func (s *CreateUserStatement) String() string

String returns a string representation of the create user statement.

type DataType

type DataType int

DataType represents the primitive data types available in InfluxQL.

func InspectDataType

func InspectDataType(v interface{}) DataType

InspectDataType returns the data type of a given value.

func InspectDataTypes

func InspectDataTypes(a []interface{}) []DataType

func (DataType) String

func (d DataType) String() string

type DeleteStatement

type DeleteStatement struct {
	// Data source that values are removed from.
	Source Source

	// An expression evaluated on data point.
	Condition Expr

DeleteStatement represents a command for removing data from the database.

func (*DeleteStatement) RequiredPrivileges

func (s *DeleteStatement) RequiredPrivileges() ExecutionPrivileges

RequiredPrivileges returns the privilege required to execute a DeleteStatement.

func (*DeleteStatement) String

func (s *DeleteStatement) String() string

String returns a string representation of the delete statement.

type Dimension

type Dimension struct {
	Expr Expr

Dimension represents an expression that a select statement is grouped by.

func (*Dimension) String

func (d *Dimension) String() string

String returns a string representation of the dimension.

type Dimensions

type Dimensions []*Dimension

Dimensions represents a list of dimensions.

func (Dimensions) Normalize

func (a Dimensions) Normalize() (time.Duration, []string)

Normalize returns the interval and tag dimensions separately. Returns 0 if no time interval is specified.

func (Dimensions) String

func (a Dimensions) String() string

String returns a string representation of the dimensions.

type Distinct

type Distinct struct {
	// Identifier following DISTINCT
	Val string

Distinct represents a DISTINCT expression.

func (*Distinct) NewCall

func (d *Distinct) NewCall() *Call

NewCall returns a new call expression from this expressions.

func (*Distinct) String

func (d *Distinct) String() string

String returns a string representation of the expression.

type DropContinuousQueryStatement

type DropContinuousQueryStatement struct {
	Name     string
	Database string

DropContinuousQueryStatement represents a command for removing a continuous query.

func (*DropContinuousQueryStatement) RequiredPrivileges

func (s *DropContinuousQueryStatement) RequiredPrivileges() ExecutionPrivileges

RequiredPrivileges returns the privilege(s) required to execute a DropContinuousQueryStatement

func (*DropContinuousQueryStatement) String

String returns a string representation of the statement.

type DropDatabaseStatement

type DropDatabaseStatement struct {
	// Name of the database to be dropped.
	Name string

	// IfExists indicates whether to return without error if the database
	// does not exists.
	IfExists bool

DropDatabaseStatement represents a command to drop a database.

func (*DropDatabaseStatement) RequiredPrivileges

func (s *DropDatabaseStatement) RequiredPrivileges() ExecutionPrivileges

RequiredPrivileges returns the privilege required to execute a DropDatabaseStatement.

func (*DropDatabaseStatement) String

func (s *DropDatabaseStatement) String() string

String returns a string representation of the drop database statement.

type DropMeasurementStatement

type DropMeasurementStatement struct {
	// Name of the measurement to be dropped.
	Name string

DropMeasurementStatement represents a command to drop a measurement.

func (*DropMeasurementStatement) RequiredPrivileges

func (s *DropMeasurementStatement) RequiredPrivileges() ExecutionPrivileges

RequiredPrivileges returns the privilege(s) required to execute a DropMeasurementStatement

func (*DropMeasurementStatement) String

func (s *DropMeasurementStatement) String() string

String returns a string representation of the drop measurement statement.

type DropRetentionPolicyStatement

type DropRetentionPolicyStatement struct {
	// Name of the policy to drop.
	Name string

	// Name of the database to drop the policy from.
	Database string

DropRetentionPolicyStatement represents a command to drop a retention policy from a database.

func (*DropRetentionPolicyStatement) RequiredPrivileges

func (s *DropRetentionPolicyStatement) RequiredPrivileges() ExecutionPrivileges

RequiredPrivileges returns the privilege required to execute a DropRetentionPolicyStatement.

func (*DropRetentionPolicyStatement) String

String returns a string representation of the drop retention policy statement.

type DropSeriesStatement

type DropSeriesStatement struct {
	// Data source that fields are extracted from (optional)
	Sources Sources

	// An expression evaluated on data point (optional)
	Condition Expr

DropSeriesStatement represents a command for removing a series from the database.

func (DropSeriesStatement) RequiredPrivileges

func (s DropSeriesStatement) RequiredPrivileges() ExecutionPrivileges

RequiredPrivileges returns the privilege required to execute a DropSeriesStatement.

func (*DropSeriesStatement) String

func (s *DropSeriesStatement) String() string

String returns a string representation of the drop series statement.

type DropServerStatement

type DropServerStatement struct {
	// ID of the node to be dropped.
	NodeID uint64

	// Meta indicates if the server being dropped is a meta or data node
	Meta bool

DropServerStatement represents a command for removing a server from the cluster.

func (*DropServerStatement) RequiredPrivileges

func (s *DropServerStatement) RequiredPrivileges() ExecutionPrivileges

RequiredPrivileges returns the privilege required to execute a DropServerStatement.

func (*DropServerStatement) String

func (s *DropServerStatement) String() string

String returns a string representation of the drop series statement.

type DropSubscriptionStatement

type DropSubscriptionStatement struct {
	Name            string
	Database        string
	RetentionPolicy string

DropSubscriptionStatement represents a command to drop a subscription to the incoming data stream.

func (*DropSubscriptionStatement) RequiredPrivileges

func (s *DropSubscriptionStatement) RequiredPrivileges() ExecutionPrivileges

RequiredPrivileges returns the privilege required to execute a DropSubscriptionStatement

func (*DropSubscriptionStatement) String

func (s *DropSubscriptionStatement) String() string

String returns a string representation of the DropSubscriptionStatement.

type DropUserStatement

type DropUserStatement struct {
	// Name of the user to drop.
	Name string

DropUserStatement represents a command for dropping a user.

func (*DropUserStatement) RequiredPrivileges

func (s *DropUserStatement) RequiredPrivileges() ExecutionPrivileges

RequiredPrivileges returns the privilege(s) required to execute a DropUserStatement.

func (*DropUserStatement) String

func (s *DropUserStatement) String() string

String returns a string representation of the drop user statement.

type DurationLiteral

type DurationLiteral struct {
	Val time.Duration

DurationLiteral represents a duration literal.

func (*DurationLiteral) String

func (l *DurationLiteral) String() string

String returns a string representation of the literal.

type Emitter

type Emitter struct {

	// The columns to attach to each row.
	Columns []string

	// Removes the "time" column from output.
	// Used for meta queries where time does not apply.
	OmitTime bool
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Emitter groups values together by name,

func NewEmitter

func NewEmitter(itrs []Iterator, ascending bool) *Emitter

NewEmitter returns a new instance of Emitter that pulls from itrs.

func (*Emitter) Close

func (e *Emitter) Close() error

Close closes the underlying iterators.

func (*Emitter) Emit

func (e *Emitter) Emit() *models.Row

Emit returns the next row from the iterators.

type ExecutionPrivilege

type ExecutionPrivilege struct {
	// Admin privilege required.
	Admin bool

	// Name of the database.
	Name string

	// Database privilege required.
	Privilege Privilege

ExecutionPrivilege is a privilege required for a user to execute a statement on a database or resource.

type ExecutionPrivileges

type ExecutionPrivileges []ExecutionPrivilege

ExecutionPrivileges is a list of privileges required to execute a statement.

type Expr

type Expr interface {
	// contains filtered or unexported methods

Expr represents an expression that can be evaluated to a value.

func CloneExpr

func CloneExpr(expr Expr) Expr

CloneExpr returns a deep copy of the expression.

func MustParseExpr

func MustParseExpr(s string) Expr

MustParseExpr parses an expression string and returns its AST. Panic on error.

func ParseExpr

func ParseExpr(s string) (Expr, error)

ParseExpr parses an expression string and returns its AST representation.

func Reduce

func Reduce(expr Expr, valuer Valuer) Expr

Reduce evaluates expr using the available values in valuer. References that don't exist in valuer are ignored.

type Field

type Field struct {
	Expr  Expr
	Alias string

Field represents an expression retrieved from a select statement.

func (*Field) Name

func (f *Field) Name() string

Name returns the name of the field. Returns alias, if set. Otherwise uses the function name or variable name.

func (*Field) String

func (f *Field) String() string

String returns a string representation of the field.

type Fields

type Fields []*Field

Fields represents a list of fields.

func (Fields) AliasNames

func (a Fields) AliasNames() []string

AliasNames returns a list of calculated field names in order of alias, function name, then field.

func (Fields) Len

func (f Fields) Len() int

Sort Interface for Fields

func (Fields) Less

func (f Fields) Less(i, j int) bool

func (Fields) Names

func (a Fields) Names() []string

Names returns a list of field names.

func (Fields) String

func (a Fields) String() string

String returns a string representation of the fields.

func (Fields) Swap

func (f Fields) Swap(i, j int)

type FillOption

type FillOption int
const (
	// NullFill means that empty aggregate windows will just have null values.
	NullFill FillOption = iota
	// NoFill means that empty aggregate windows will be purged from the result.
	// NumberFill means that empty aggregate windows will be filled with the given number
	// PreviousFill means that empty aggregate windows will be filled with whatever the previous aggregate window had

type FloatIterator

type FloatIterator interface {
	Next() *FloatPoint

FloatIterator represents a stream of float points.

type FloatPoint

type FloatPoint struct {
	Name string
	Tags Tags

	Time  int64
	Nil   bool
	Value float64
	Aux   []interface{}

FloatPoint represents a point with a float64 value.

func (*FloatPoint) Clone

func (v *FloatPoint) Clone() *FloatPoint

Clone returns a copy of v.

type GrantAdminStatement

type GrantAdminStatement struct {
	// Who to grant the privilege to.
	User string

GrantAdminStatement represents a command for granting admin privilege.

func (*GrantAdminStatement) RequiredPrivileges

func (s *GrantAdminStatement) RequiredPrivileges() ExecutionPrivileges

RequiredPrivileges returns the privilege required to execute a GrantAdminStatement.

func (*GrantAdminStatement) String

func (s *GrantAdminStatement) String() string

String returns a string representation of the grant admin statement.

type GrantStatement

type GrantStatement struct {
	// The privilege to be granted.
	Privilege Privilege

	// Database to grant the privilege to.
	On string

	// Who to grant the privilege to.
	User string

GrantStatement represents a command for granting a privilege.

func (*GrantStatement) RequiredPrivileges

func (s *GrantStatement) RequiredPrivileges() ExecutionPrivileges

RequiredPrivileges returns the privilege required to execute a GrantStatement.

func (*GrantStatement) String

func (s *GrantStatement) String() string

String returns a string representation of the grant statement.

type HasDefaultDatabase

type HasDefaultDatabase interface {

	DefaultDatabase() string
	// contains filtered or unexported methods

HasDefaultDatabase provides an interface to get the default database from a Statement.

type IntegerIterator

type IntegerIterator interface {
	Next() *IntegerPoint

IntegerIterator represents a stream of integer points.

type IntegerPoint

type IntegerPoint struct {
	Name string
	Tags Tags

	Time  int64
	Nil   bool
	Value int64
	Aux   []interface{}

IntegerPoint represents a point with a int64 value.

func (*IntegerPoint) Clone

func (v *IntegerPoint) Clone() *IntegerPoint

Clone returns a copy of v.

type Interval

type Interval struct {
	Duration time.Duration
	Offset   time.Duration

Interval represents a repeating interval for a query.

func (Interval) IsZero

func (i Interval) IsZero() bool

IsZero returns true if the interval has no duration.

type Iterator

type Iterator interface {
	Close() error

Iterator represents a generic interface for all Iterators. Most iterator operations are done on the typed sub-interfaces.

func NewCallIterator

func NewCallIterator(input Iterator, opt IteratorOptions) Iterator

NewCallIterator returns a new iterator for a Call.

func NewDedupeIterator

func NewDedupeIterator(input Iterator) Iterator

NewDedupeIterator returns an iterator that only outputs unique points. This iterator maintains a serialized copy of each row so it is inefficient to use on large datasets. It is intended for small datasets such as meta queries.

func NewDistinctIterator

func NewDistinctIterator(input Iterator, opt IteratorOptions) Iterator

NewDistinctIterator returns an iterator for operating on a distinct() call.

func NewFillIterator

func NewFillIterator(input Iterator, expr Expr, opt IteratorOptions) Iterator

NewFillIterator returns an iterator that fills in missing points in an aggregate.

func NewLimitIterator

func NewLimitIterator(input Iterator, opt IteratorOptions) Iterator

NewLimitIterator returns an iterator that limits the number of points per grouping.

func NewMergeIterator

func NewMergeIterator(inputs []Iterator, opt IteratorOptions) Iterator

NewMergeIterator returns an iterator to merge itrs into one. Inputs must either be merge iterators or only contain a single name/tag in sorted order. The iterator will output all points by window, name/tag, then time. This iterator is useful when you need all of the points for an interval.

func NewSortedMergeIterator

func NewSortedMergeIterator(inputs []Iterator, opt IteratorOptions) Iterator

NewSortedMergeIterator returns an iterator to merge itrs into one. Inputs must either be sorted merge iterators or only contain a single name/tag in sorted order. The iterator will output all points by name/tag, then time. This iterator is useful when you need all points for a name/tag to be in order.

func Select

func Select(stmt *SelectStatement, ic IteratorCreator, sopt *SelectOptions) ([]Iterator, error)

Select executes stmt against ic and returns a list of iterators to stream from.

Statements should have all rewriting performed before calling select(). This includes wildcard and source expansion.

type IteratorCreator

type IteratorCreator interface {
	// Creates a simple iterator for use in an InfluxQL query.
	CreateIterator(opt IteratorOptions) (Iterator, error)

	// Returns the unique fields and dimensions across a list of sources.
	FieldDimensions(sources Sources) (fields, dimensions map[string]struct{}, err error)

	// Returns the series keys that will be returned by this iterator.
	SeriesKeys(opt IteratorOptions) (SeriesList, error)

IteratorCreator represents an interface for objects that can create Iterators.

type IteratorOptions

type IteratorOptions struct {
	// Expression to iterate for.
	// This can be VarRef or a Call.
	Expr Expr

	// Auxilary tags or values to also retrieve for the point.
	Aux []string

	// Data sources from which to retrieve data.
	Sources []Source

	// Group by interval and tags.
	Interval   Interval
	Dimensions []string

	// Fill options.
	Fill      FillOption
	FillValue interface{}

	// Condition to filter by.
	Condition Expr

	// Time range for the iterator.
	StartTime int64
	EndTime   int64

	// Sorted in time ascending order if true.
	Ascending bool

	// Limits the number of points per series.
	Limit, Offset int

	// Limits the number of series.
	SLimit, SOffset int

	// Removes duplicate rows from raw queries.
	Dedupe bool

IteratorOptions is an object passed to CreateIterator to specify creation options.

func (IteratorOptions) DerivativeInterval

func (opt IteratorOptions) DerivativeInterval() Interval

DerivativeInterval returns the time interval for the derivative function.

func (IteratorOptions) MergeSorted

func (opt IteratorOptions) MergeSorted() bool

MergeSorted returns true if the options require a sorted merge. This is only needed when the expression is a variable reference or there is no expr.

func (IteratorOptions) SeekTime

func (opt IteratorOptions) SeekTime() int64

SeekTime returns the time the iterator should start from. For ascending iterators this is the start time, for descending iterators it's the end time.

func (IteratorOptions) Window

func (opt IteratorOptions) Window(t int64) (start, end int64)

Window returns the time window [start,end) that t falls within.

type Iterators

type Iterators []Iterator

Iterators represents a list of iterators.

func (Iterators) Close

func (a Iterators) Close() error

Close closes all iterators.

type Literal

type Literal interface {
	// contains filtered or unexported methods

Literal represents a static literal.

type Measurement

type Measurement struct {
	Database        string
	RetentionPolicy string
	Name            string
	Regex           *RegexLiteral
	IsTarget        bool

Measurement represents a single measurement used as a datasource.

func (*Measurement) String

func (m *Measurement) String() string

String returns a string representation of the measurement.

type Measurements

type Measurements []*Measurement

Measurements represents a list of measurements.

func (Measurements) String

func (a Measurements) String() string

String returns a string representation of the measurements.

type Node

type Node interface {
	String() string
	// contains filtered or unexported methods

Node represents a node in the InfluxDB abstract syntax tree.

func Rewrite

func Rewrite(r Rewriter, node Node) Node

Rewrite recursively invokes the rewriter to replace each node. Nodes are traversed depth-first and rewritten from leaf to root.

func RewriteFunc

func RewriteFunc(node Node, fn func(Node) Node) Node

RewriteFunc rewrites a node hierarchy.

type NowValuer

type NowValuer struct {
	Now time.Time

nowValuer returns only the value for "now()".

func (*NowValuer) Value

func (v *NowValuer) Value(key string) (interface{}, bool)

type NumberLiteral

type NumberLiteral struct {
	Val float64

NumberLiteral represents a numeric literal.

func (*NumberLiteral) String

func (l *NumberLiteral) String() string

String returns a string representation of the literal.

type ParenExpr

type ParenExpr struct {
	Expr Expr

ParenExpr represents a parenthesized expression.

func (*ParenExpr) String

func (e *ParenExpr) String() string

String returns a string representation of the parenthesized expression.

type ParseError

type ParseError struct {
	Message  string
	Found    string
	Expected []string
	Pos      Pos

ParseError represents an error that occurred during parsing.

func (*ParseError) Error

func (e *ParseError) Error() string

Error returns the string representation of the error.

type Parser

type Parser struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Parser represents an InfluxQL parser.

func NewParser

func NewParser(r io.Reader) *Parser

NewParser returns a new instance of Parser.

func (*Parser) ParseExpr

func (p *Parser) ParseExpr() (Expr, error)

ParseExpr parses an expression.

func (*Parser) ParseQuery

func (p *Parser) ParseQuery() (*Query, error)

ParseQuery parses an InfluxQL string and returns a Query AST object.

func (*Parser) ParseStatement

func (p *Parser) ParseStatement() (Statement, error)

ParseStatement parses an InfluxQL string and returns a Statement AST object.

type Point

type Point interface {
	// contains filtered or unexported methods

Point represents a value in a series that occurred at a given time.

type Points

type Points []Point

Points represents a list of points.

type Pos

type Pos struct {
	Line int
	Char int

Pos specifies the line and character position of a token. The Char and Line are both zero-based indexes.

type Privilege

type Privilege int

Privilege is a type of action a user can be granted the right to use.

const (
	// NoPrivileges means no privileges required / granted / revoked.
	NoPrivileges Privilege = iota
	// ReadPrivilege means read privilege required / granted / revoked.
	// WritePrivilege means write privilege required / granted / revoked.
	// AllPrivileges means all privileges required / granted / revoked.

func NewPrivilege

func NewPrivilege(p Privilege) *Privilege

NewPrivilege returns an initialized *Privilege.

func (Privilege) String

func (p Privilege) String() string

String returns a string representation of a Privilege.

type Processor

type Processor func(values []interface{}) interface{}

func GetProcessor

func GetProcessor(expr Expr, startIndex int) (Processor, int)

type Query

type Query struct {
	Statements Statements

Query represents a collection of ordered statements.

func ParseQuery

func ParseQuery(s string) (*Query, error)

ParseQuery parses a query string and returns its AST representation.

func (*Query) String

func (q *Query) String() string

String returns a string representation of the query.

type RegexLiteral

type RegexLiteral struct {
	Val *regexp.Regexp

RegexLiteral represents a regular expression.

func CloneRegexLiteral

func CloneRegexLiteral(r *RegexLiteral) *RegexLiteral

CloneRegexLiteral returns a clone of the RegexLiteral.

func (*RegexLiteral) String

func (r *RegexLiteral) String() string

String returns a string representation of the literal.

type Result

type Result struct {
	// StatementID is just the statement's position in the query. It's used
	// to combine statement results if they're being buffered in memory.
	StatementID int `json:"-"`
	Series      models.Rows
	Err         error

Rows represents a list of rows that can be sorted consistently by name/tag. Result represents a resultset returned from a single statement.

func (*Result) MarshalJSON

func (r *Result) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON encodes the result into JSON.

func (*Result) UnmarshalJSON

func (r *Result) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON decodes the data into the Result struct

type RevokeAdminStatement

type RevokeAdminStatement struct {
	// Who to revoke admin privilege from.
	User string

RevokeAdminStatement represents a command to revoke admin privilege from a user.

func (*RevokeAdminStatement) RequiredPrivileges

func (s *RevokeAdminStatement) RequiredPrivileges() ExecutionPrivileges

RequiredPrivileges returns the privilege required to execute a RevokeAdminStatement.

func (*RevokeAdminStatement) String

func (s *RevokeAdminStatement) String() string

String returns a string representation of the revoke admin statement.

type RevokeStatement

type RevokeStatement struct {
	// The privilege to be revoked.
	Privilege Privilege

	// Database to revoke the privilege from.
	On string

	// Who to revoke privilege from.
	User string

RevokeStatement represents a command to revoke a privilege from a user.

func (*RevokeStatement) RequiredPrivileges

func (s *RevokeStatement) RequiredPrivileges() ExecutionPrivileges

RequiredPrivileges returns the privilege required to execute a RevokeStatement.

func (*RevokeStatement) String

func (s *RevokeStatement) String() string

String returns a string representation of the revoke statement.

type Rewriter

type Rewriter interface {
	Rewrite(Node) Node

Rewriter can be called by Rewrite to replace nodes in the AST hierarchy. The Rewrite() function is called once per node.

type Scanner

type Scanner struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Scanner represents a lexical scanner for InfluxQL.

func NewScanner

func NewScanner(r io.Reader) *Scanner

NewScanner returns a new instance of Scanner.

func (*Scanner) Scan

func (s *Scanner) Scan() (tok Token, pos Pos, lit string)

Scan returns the next token and position from the underlying reader. Also returns the literal text read for strings, numbers, and duration tokens since these token types can have different literal representations.

func (*Scanner) ScanRegex

func (s *Scanner) ScanRegex() (tok Token, pos Pos, lit string)

type SelectOptions

type SelectOptions struct {
	// The lower bound for a select call.
	MinTime time.Time

	// The upper bound for a select call.
	MaxTime time.Time

SelectOptions are options that customize the select call.

type SelectStatement

type SelectStatement struct {
	// Expressions returned from the selection.
	Fields Fields

	// Target (destination) for the result of the select.
	Target *Target

	// Expressions used for grouping the selection.
	Dimensions Dimensions

	// Data sources that fields are extracted from.
	Sources Sources

	// An expression evaluated on data point.
	Condition Expr

	// Fields to sort results by
	SortFields SortFields

	// Maximum number of rows to be returned. Unlimited if zero.
	Limit int

	// Returns rows starting at an offset from the first row.
	Offset int

	// Maxiumum number of series to be returned. Unlimited if zero.
	SLimit int

	// Returns series starting at an offset from the first one.
	SOffset int

	// if it's a query for raw data values (i.e. not an aggregate)
	IsRawQuery bool

	// What fill option the select statement uses, if any
	Fill FillOption

	// The value to fill empty aggregate buckets with, if any
	FillValue interface{}

	// Removes the "time" column from the output.
	OmitTime bool

	// Removes duplicate rows from raw queries.
	Dedupe bool
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

SelectStatement represents a command for extracting data from the database.

func (*SelectStatement) Clone

func (s *SelectStatement) Clone() *SelectStatement

Clone returns a deep copy of the statement.

func (*SelectStatement) ColumnNames

func (s *SelectStatement) ColumnNames() []string

ColumnNames will walk all fields and functions and return the appropriate field names for the select statement while maintaining order of the field names

func (*SelectStatement) FunctionCalls

func (s *SelectStatement) FunctionCalls() []*Call

FunctionCalls returns the Call objects from the query

func (*SelectStatement) FunctionCallsByPosition

func (s *SelectStatement) FunctionCallsByPosition() [][]*Call

FunctionCallsByPosition returns the Call objects from the query in the order they appear in the select statement

func (*SelectStatement) GroupByInterval

func (s *SelectStatement) GroupByInterval() (time.Duration, error)

GroupByIterval extracts the time interval, if specified.

func (*SelectStatement) HasCountDistinct

func (s *SelectStatement) HasCountDistinct() bool

func (*SelectStatement) HasDerivative

func (s *SelectStatement) HasDerivative() bool

HasDerivative returns true if one of the function calls in the statement is a derivative aggregate

func (*SelectStatement) HasDimensionWildcard

func (s *SelectStatement) HasDimensionWildcard() bool

HasDimensionWildcard returns whether or not the select statement has at least 1 wildcard in the dimensions aka `GROUP BY`

func (*SelectStatement) HasDistinct

func (s *SelectStatement) HasDistinct() bool

func (*SelectStatement) HasFieldWildcard

func (s *SelectStatement) HasFieldWildcard() bool

HasFieldWildcard returns whether or not the select statement has at least 1 wildcard in the fields

func (*SelectStatement) HasSimpleCount

func (s *SelectStatement) HasSimpleCount() bool

HasSimpleCount return true if one of the function calls is a count function with a variable ref as the first arg

func (*SelectStatement) HasTimeFieldSpecified

func (s *SelectStatement) HasTimeFieldSpecified() bool

HasTimeFieldSpecified will walk all fields and determine if the user explicitly asked for time This is needed to determine re-write behaviors for functions like TOP and BOTTOM

func (*SelectStatement) HasWildcard

func (s *SelectStatement) HasWildcard() bool

HasWildcard returns whether or not the select statement has at least 1 wildcard

func (*SelectStatement) IsSimpleDerivative

func (s *SelectStatement) IsSimpleDerivative() bool

IsSimpleDerivative return true if one of the function call is a derivative function with a variable ref as the first arg

func (*SelectStatement) NamesInDimension

func (s *SelectStatement) NamesInDimension() []string

NamesInDimension returns the field and tag names (idents) in the group by

func (*SelectStatement) NamesInSelect

func (s *SelectStatement) NamesInSelect() []string

NamesInSelect returns the field and tag names (idents) in the select clause

func (*SelectStatement) NamesInWhere

func (s *SelectStatement) NamesInWhere() []string

NamesInWhere returns the field and tag names (idents) referenced in the where clause

func (*SelectStatement) RequiredPrivileges

func (s *SelectStatement) RequiredPrivileges() ExecutionPrivileges

RequiredPrivileges returns the privilege required to execute the SelectStatement.

func (*SelectStatement) RewriteDistinct

func (s *SelectStatement) RewriteDistinct()

RewriteDistinct rewrites the expression to be a call for map/reduce to work correctly This method assumes all validation has passed

func (*SelectStatement) RewriteTimeFields

func (s *SelectStatement) RewriteTimeFields()

RewriteTimeFields removes any "time" field references.

func (*SelectStatement) RewriteWildcards

func (s *SelectStatement) RewriteWildcards(ic IteratorCreator) (*SelectStatement, error)

RewriteWildcards returns the re-written form of the select statement. Any wildcard query fields are replaced with the supplied fields, and any wildcard GROUP BY fields are replaced with the supplied dimensions.

func (*SelectStatement) SetTimeRange

func (s *SelectStatement) SetTimeRange(start, end time.Time) error

SetTimeRange sets the start and end time of the select statement to [start, end). i.e. start inclusive, end exclusive. This is used commonly for continuous queries so the start and end are in buckets.

func (*SelectStatement) String

func (s *SelectStatement) String() string

String returns a string representation of the select statement.

func (*SelectStatement) Substatement

func (s *SelectStatement) Substatement(ref *VarRef) (*SelectStatement, error)

Substatement returns a single-series statement for a given variable reference.

func (*SelectStatement) TimeAscending

func (s *SelectStatement) TimeAscending() bool

TimeAscending returns true if the time field is sorted in chronological order.

type Series

type Series struct {
	Name string
	Tags Tags
	Aux  []DataType

Series represents a series that will be returned by the iterator.

func (*Series) Combine

func (s *Series) Combine(other *Series)

Combine combines two series with the same name and tags. It will promote auxiliary iterator types to the highest type.

func (*Series) ID

func (s *Series) ID() string

ID is a single string that combines the name and tags id for the series.

type SeriesList

type SeriesList []Series

SeriesList is a list of series that will be returned by an iterator.

func (SeriesList) Len

func (a SeriesList) Len() int

func (SeriesList) Less

func (a SeriesList) Less(i, j int) bool

func (SeriesList) Swap

func (a SeriesList) Swap(i, j int)

type SetPasswordUserStatement

type SetPasswordUserStatement struct {
	// Plain Password
	Password string

	// Who to grant the privilege to.
	Name string

SetPasswordUserStatement represents a command for changing user password.

func (*SetPasswordUserStatement) RequiredPrivileges

func (s *SetPasswordUserStatement) RequiredPrivileges() ExecutionPrivileges

RequiredPrivileges returns the privilege required to execute a SetPasswordUserStatement.

func (*SetPasswordUserStatement) String

func (s *SetPasswordUserStatement) String() string

String returns a string representation of the set password statement.

type ShowContinuousQueriesStatement

type ShowContinuousQueriesStatement struct{}

ShowContinuousQueriesStatement represents a command for listing continuous queries.

func (*ShowContinuousQueriesStatement) RequiredPrivileges

func (s *ShowContinuousQueriesStatement) RequiredPrivileges() ExecutionPrivileges

RequiredPrivileges returns the privilege required to execute a ShowContinuousQueriesStatement.

func (*ShowContinuousQueriesStatement) String

String returns a string representation of the list continuous queries statement.

type ShowDatabasesStatement

type ShowDatabasesStatement struct{}

ShowDatabasesStatement represents a command for listing all databases in the cluster.

func (*ShowDatabasesStatement) RequiredPrivileges

func (s *ShowDatabasesStatement) RequiredPrivileges() ExecutionPrivileges

RequiredPrivileges returns the privilege required to execute a ShowDatabasesStatement

func (*ShowDatabasesStatement) String

func (s *ShowDatabasesStatement) String() string

String returns a string representation of the list databases command.

type ShowDiagnosticsStatement

type ShowDiagnosticsStatement struct {
	// Module
	Module string

ShowDiagnosticsStatement represents a command for show node diagnostics.

func (*ShowDiagnosticsStatement) RequiredPrivileges

func (s *ShowDiagnosticsStatement) RequiredPrivileges() ExecutionPrivileges

RequiredPrivileges returns the privilege required to execute a ShowDiagnosticsStatement

func (*ShowDiagnosticsStatement) String

func (s *ShowDiagnosticsStatement) String() string

String returns a string representation of the ShowDiagnosticsStatement.

type ShowFieldKeysStatement

type ShowFieldKeysStatement struct {
	// Data sources that fields are extracted from.
	Sources Sources

	// Fields to sort results by
	SortFields SortFields

	// Maximum number of rows to be returned.
	// Unlimited if zero.
	Limit int

	// Returns rows starting at an offset from the first row.
	Offset int

ShowFieldKeysStatement represents a command for listing field keys.

func (*ShowFieldKeysStatement) RequiredPrivileges

func (s *ShowFieldKeysStatement) RequiredPrivileges() ExecutionPrivileges

RequiredPrivileges returns the privilege(s) required to execute a ShowFieldKeysStatement

func (*ShowFieldKeysStatement) String

func (s *ShowFieldKeysStatement) String() string

String returns a string representation of the statement.

type ShowGrantsForUserStatement

type ShowGrantsForUserStatement struct {
	// Name of the user to display privileges.
	Name string

ShowGrantsForUserStatement represents a command for listing user privileges.

func (*ShowGrantsForUserStatement) RequiredPrivileges

func (s *ShowGrantsForUserStatement) RequiredPrivileges() ExecutionPrivileges

RequiredPrivileges returns the privilege required to execute a ShowGrantsForUserStatement

func (*ShowGrantsForUserStatement) String

func (s *ShowGrantsForUserStatement) String() string

String returns a string representation of the show grants for user.

type ShowMeasurementsStatement

type ShowMeasurementsStatement struct {
	// Measurement name or regex.
	Source Source

	// An expression evaluated on data point.
	Condition Expr

	// Fields to sort results by
	SortFields SortFields

	// Maximum number of rows to be returned.
	// Unlimited if zero.
	Limit int

	// Returns rows starting at an offset from the first row.
	Offset int

ShowMeasurementsStatement represents a command for listing measurements.

func (*ShowMeasurementsStatement) RequiredPrivileges

func (s *ShowMeasurementsStatement) RequiredPrivileges() ExecutionPrivileges

RequiredPrivileges returns the privilege(s) required to execute a ShowMeasurementsStatement

func (*ShowMeasurementsStatement) String

func (s *ShowMeasurementsStatement) String() string

String returns a string representation of the statement.

type ShowRetentionPoliciesStatement

type ShowRetentionPoliciesStatement struct {
	// Name of the database to list policies for.
	Database string

ShowRetentionPoliciesStatement represents a command for listing retention policies.

func (*ShowRetentionPoliciesStatement) RequiredPrivileges

func (s *ShowRetentionPoliciesStatement) RequiredPrivileges() ExecutionPrivileges

RequiredPrivileges returns the privilege(s) required to execute a ShowRetentionPoliciesStatement

func (*ShowRetentionPoliciesStatement) String

String returns a string representation of a ShowRetentionPoliciesStatement.

type ShowSeriesStatement

type ShowSeriesStatement struct {
	// Measurement(s) the series are listed for.
	Sources Sources

	// An expression evaluated on a series name or tag.
	Condition Expr

	// Fields to sort results by
	SortFields SortFields

	// Maximum number of rows to be returned.
	// Unlimited if zero.
	Limit int

	// Returns rows starting at an offset from the first row.
	Offset int

ShowSeriesStatement represents a command for listing series in the database.

func (*ShowSeriesStatement) RequiredPrivileges

func (s *ShowSeriesStatement) RequiredPrivileges() ExecutionPrivileges

RequiredPrivileges returns the privilege required to execute a ShowSeriesStatement.

func (*ShowSeriesStatement) String

func (s *ShowSeriesStatement) String() string

String returns a string representation of the list series statement.

type ShowServersStatement

type ShowServersStatement struct{}

ShowServersStatement represents a command for listing all servers.

func (*ShowServersStatement) RequiredPrivileges

func (s *ShowServersStatement) RequiredPrivileges() ExecutionPrivileges

RequiredPrivileges returns the privilege required to execute a ShowServersStatement

func (*ShowServersStatement) String

func (s *ShowServersStatement) String() string

String returns a string representation of the show servers command.

type ShowShardGroupsStatement

type ShowShardGroupsStatement struct{}

ShowShardGroupsStatement represents a command for displaying shard groups in the cluster.

func (*ShowShardGroupsStatement) RequiredPrivileges

func (s *ShowShardGroupsStatement) RequiredPrivileges() ExecutionPrivileges

RequiredPrivileges returns the privileges required to execute the statement.

func (*ShowShardGroupsStatement) String

func (s *ShowShardGroupsStatement) String() string

String returns a string representation of the SHOW SHARD GROUPS command.

type ShowShardsStatement

type ShowShardsStatement struct{}

ShowShardsStatement represents a command for displaying shards in the cluster.

func (*ShowShardsStatement) RequiredPrivileges

func (s *ShowShardsStatement) RequiredPrivileges() ExecutionPrivileges

RequiredPrivileges returns the privileges required to execute the statement.

func (*ShowShardsStatement) String

func (s *ShowShardsStatement) String() string

String returns a string representation.

type ShowStatsStatement

type ShowStatsStatement struct {
	// Module
	Module string

ShowStats statement displays statistics for a given module.

func (*ShowStatsStatement) RequiredPrivileges

func (s *ShowStatsStatement) RequiredPrivileges() ExecutionPrivileges

RequiredPrivileges returns the privilege(s) required to execute a ShowStatsStatement

func (*ShowStatsStatement) String

func (s *ShowStatsStatement) String() string

String returns a string representation of a ShowStatsStatement.

type ShowSubscriptionsStatement

type ShowSubscriptionsStatement struct {

ShowSubscriptionsStatement represents a command to show a list of subscriptions.

func (*ShowSubscriptionsStatement) RequiredPrivileges

func (s *ShowSubscriptionsStatement) RequiredPrivileges() ExecutionPrivileges

RequiredPrivileges returns the privilege required to execute a ShowSubscriptionStatement

func (*ShowSubscriptionsStatement) String

func (s *ShowSubscriptionsStatement) String() string

String returns a string representation of the ShowSubscriptionStatement.

type ShowTagKeysStatement

type ShowTagKeysStatement struct {
	// Data sources that fields are extracted from.
	Sources Sources

	// An expression evaluated on data point.
	Condition Expr

	// Fields to sort results by
	SortFields SortFields

	// Maximum number of tag keys per measurement. Unlimited if zero.
	Limit int

	// Returns tag keys starting at an offset from the first row.
	Offset int

	// Maxiumum number of series to be returned. Unlimited if zero.
	SLimit int

	// Returns series starting at an offset from the first one.
	SOffset int

ShowTagKeysStatement represents a command for listing tag keys.

func (*ShowTagKeysStatement) RequiredPrivileges

func (s *ShowTagKeysStatement) RequiredPrivileges() ExecutionPrivileges

RequiredPrivileges returns the privilege(s) required to execute a ShowTagKeysStatement

func (*ShowTagKeysStatement) String

func (s *ShowTagKeysStatement) String() string

String returns a string representation of the statement.

type ShowTagValuesStatement

type ShowTagValuesStatement struct {
	// Data source that fields are extracted from.
	Sources Sources

	// Tag key(s) to pull values from.
	TagKeys []string

	// An expression evaluated on data point.
	Condition Expr

	// Fields to sort results by
	SortFields SortFields

	// Maximum number of rows to be returned.
	// Unlimited if zero.
	Limit int

	// Returns rows starting at an offset from the first row.
	Offset int

ShowTagValuesStatement represents a command for listing tag values.

func (*ShowTagValuesStatement) RequiredPrivileges

func (s *ShowTagValuesStatement) RequiredPrivileges() ExecutionPrivileges

RequiredPrivileges returns the privilege(s) required to execute a ShowTagValuesStatement

func (*ShowTagValuesStatement) String

func (s *ShowTagValuesStatement) String() string

String returns a string representation of the statement.

type ShowUsersStatement

type ShowUsersStatement struct{}

ShowUsersStatement represents a command for listing users.

func (*ShowUsersStatement) RequiredPrivileges

func (s *ShowUsersStatement) RequiredPrivileges() ExecutionPrivileges

RequiredPrivileges returns the privilege(s) required to execute a ShowUsersStatement

func (*ShowUsersStatement) String

func (s *ShowUsersStatement) String() string

String returns a string representation of the ShowUsersStatement.

type SortField

type SortField struct {
	// Name of the field
	Name string

	// Sort order.
	Ascending bool

SortField represents a field to sort results by.

func (*SortField) String

func (field *SortField) String() string

String returns a string representation of a sort field

type SortFields

type SortFields []*SortField

SortFields represents an ordered list of ORDER BY fields

func (SortFields) String

func (a SortFields) String() string

String returns a string representation of sort fields

type Source

type Source interface {
	// contains filtered or unexported methods

Source represents a source of data for a statement.

type Sources

type Sources []Source

Sources represents a list of sources.

func (Sources) HasSystemSource

func (a Sources) HasSystemSource() bool

HasSystemSource returns true if any of the sources are internal, system sources.

func (Sources) Names

func (a Sources) Names() []string

Names returns a list of source names.

func (Sources) String

func (a Sources) String() string

String returns a string representation of a Sources array.

type Statement

type Statement interface {

	RequiredPrivileges() ExecutionPrivileges
	// contains filtered or unexported methods

Statement represents a single command in InfluxQL.

func MustParseStatement

func MustParseStatement(s string) Statement

MustParseStatement parses a statement string and returns its AST. Panic on error.

func ParseStatement

func ParseStatement(s string) (Statement, error)

ParseStatement parses a statement string and returns its AST representation.

type Statements

type Statements []Statement

Statements represents a list of statements.

func (Statements) String

func (a Statements) String() string

String returns a string representation of the statements.

type StringIterator

type StringIterator interface {
	Next() *StringPoint

StringIterator represents a stream of string points.

type StringLiteral

type StringLiteral struct {
	Val string

StringLiteral represents a string literal.

func (*StringLiteral) String

func (l *StringLiteral) String() string

String returns a string representation of the literal.

type StringPoint

type StringPoint struct {
	Name string
	Tags Tags

	Time  int64
	Nil   bool
	Value string
	Aux   []interface{}

StringPoint represents a point with a string value.

func (*StringPoint) Clone

func (v *StringPoint) Clone() *StringPoint

Clone returns a copy of v.

type TagSet

type TagSet struct {
	Tags       map[string]string
	Filters    []Expr
	SeriesKeys []string
	Key        []byte

TagSet is a fundamental concept within the query system. It represents a composite series, composed of multiple individual series that share a set of tag attributes.

func LimitTagSets

func LimitTagSets(a []*TagSet, slimit, soffset int) []*TagSet

LimitTagSets returns a tag set list with SLIMIT and SOFFSET applied.

func (*TagSet) AddFilter

func (t *TagSet) AddFilter(key string, filter Expr)

AddFilter adds a series-level filter to the Tagset.

type Tags

type Tags struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Tags represent a map of keys and values. It memoizes its key so it can be used efficiently during query execution.

func NewTags

func NewTags(m map[string]string) Tags

NewTags returns a new instance of Tags.

func (*Tags) Equals

func (t *Tags) Equals(other *Tags) bool

Equals returns true if t equals other.

func (Tags) ID

func (t Tags) ID() string

ID returns the string identifier for the tags.

func (Tags) KeyValues

func (t Tags) KeyValues() map[string]string

KeyValues returns the underlying map for the tags.

func (*Tags) Keys

func (t *Tags) Keys() []string

Keys returns a sorted list of all keys on the tag.

func (*Tags) Subset

func (t *Tags) Subset(keys []string) Tags

Subset returns a new tags object with a subset of the keys.

func (*Tags) Value

func (t *Tags) Value(k string) string

Value returns the value for a given key.

type Target

type Target struct {
	// Measurement to write into.
	Measurement *Measurement

Target represents a target (destination) policy, measurement, and DB.

func (*Target) String

func (t *Target) String() string

String returns a string representation of the Target.

type TimeLiteral

type TimeLiteral struct {
	Val time.Time

TimeLiteral represents a point-in-time literal.

func (*TimeLiteral) String

func (l *TimeLiteral) String() string

String returns a string representation of the literal.

type Token

type Token int

Token is a lexical token of the InfluxQL language.

const (
	// Special tokens
	ILLEGAL Token = iota

	// Literals
	IDENT        // main
	NUMBER       // 12345.67
	STRING       // "abc"
	BADSTRING    // "abc
	BADESCAPE    // \q
	TRUE         // true
	FALSE        // false
	REGEX        // Regular expressions
	BADREGEX     // `.*

	// Operators
	ADD // +
	SUB // -
	MUL // *
	DIV // /

	OR  // OR

	EQ       // =
	NEQ      // !=
	EQREGEX  // =~
	LT       // <
	LTE      // <=
	GT       // >
	GTE      // >=

	LPAREN    // (
	RPAREN    // )
	COMMA     // ,
	COLON     // :
	DOT       // .

	// Keywords

func Lookup

func Lookup(ident string) Token

Lookup returns the token associated with a given string.

func (Token) Precedence

func (tok Token) Precedence() int

Precedence returns the operator precedence of the binary operator token.

func (Token) String

func (tok Token) String() string

String returns the string representation of the token.

type Valuer

type Valuer interface {
	Value(key string) (interface{}, bool)

Valuer is the interface that wraps the Value() method.

Value returns the value and existence flag for a given key.

type VarRef

type VarRef struct {
	Val string

VarRef represents a reference to a variable.

func (*VarRef) String

func (r *VarRef) String() string

String returns a string representation of the variable reference.

type Visitor

type Visitor interface {
	Visit(Node) Visitor

Visitor can be called by Walk to traverse an AST hierarchy. The Visit() function is called once per node.

type Wildcard

type Wildcard struct{}

Wildcard represents a wild card expression.

func (*Wildcard) String

func (e *Wildcard) String() string

String returns a string representation of the wildcard.


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